How to inject SignalR hub to a regular class using SimpleInjector - c#

In a console app I'm using
I have an Engine class which needs NotificationHub and NotificationHub needs ClientWriter to work. I managed to setup dependencies but it seems that the Engine cannot directly use the hub. Later I found out that the hub engine is using is different than the one clients are being connected to. Here are my files:
public class Engine
private readonly NotificationHub _hub;
private readonly Timer _timer;
public Engine(NotificationHub hub)
_hub = hub;
_timer = new System.Timers.Timer(1000);
_timer.Elapsed += (o, arg) =>
_timer.Enabled = false;
_timer.Enabled = true;
public void Inform(string str)
var ctx = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext("notification");
ctx.Clients.All.Notify($"{str} ====="); //works why?
_hub.Inform(str); // does not work why?
catch(Exception ex)
public class NotificationHub : Hub
ClientWriter _writer;
public NotificationHub(ClientWriter writer)
_writer = writer;
public override Task OnConnected()
Console.WriteLine($"connected {Context.ConnectionId}");
Clients.All.Notify($"{Context.ConnectionId} has joined");
return base.OnConnected();
public DateTime Inform(string msg)
return DateTime.Now;
public class ClientWriter
public void Received(string arg)
class SimpleInjectorSignalRHubActivator : IHubActivator
Container _container;
public SimpleInjectorSignalRHubActivator(Container container)
_container = container;
public IHub Create(HubDescriptor descriptor)
return _container.GetInstance(descriptor.HubType) as IHub;
static void Main(string[] args)
var _container = new Container();
var options = new StartOptions();
using (var server = WebApp.Start(options, (app) =>
var activator = new SimpleInjectorSignalRHubActivator(_container);
GlobalHost.DependencyResolver.Register(typeof(IHubActivator), () => activator);
GlobalHost.DependencyResolver.Register(typeof(NotificationHub), () => _container.GetInstance<NotificationHub>());
app.RunSignalR(new HubConfiguration { EnableDetailedErrors = true });
var ctx = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext("notification");
var engine = _container.GetInstance<Engine>();
engine.Inform("Engine has started");
What am I doing wrong. Why the Engine is not able to send to the clients


Trigger Async Function on Other Pages by Calling it in Non-Async Constructor in C#

In my App, there is an Async Function ProcessOffer(). When I called it in Constructor as ProcessOffer, it works but synchronously. I want to call this Function in constructor asynchronously.
The ProcessOffer() is a function implemented in CredentialViewModel, but I want that, It should be triggered asynchronously everywhere on the App (IndexViewModel e.t.c).
If I'm on the IndexPage, and Web Application sends a request to Mobile Application, ProcessOffer(), should be triggered.. actually what ProcessOffer does is, that it asks the user to enter a PIN, if it's correct, it sends back a response to the Web Application.
I've tried answers from other Posts, but they returned the Error Autofac.Core.DependencyResolutionException: 'An exception was thrown while activating App.Name, when I sends a request to Mobile App from Web Application.
The Solutions I tried.
2- Task.Run(() => ProcessOffer()).Wait();
3- ProcessOffer().GetAwatier().GetResult();
namespace Osma.Mobile.App.ViewModels.Credentials
public class CredentialViewModel : ABaseViewModel
private readonly CredentialRecord _credential;
private readonly ICredentialService _credentialService;
private readonly IAgentProvider _agentContextProvider;
private readonly IConnectionService _connectionService;
private readonly IMessageService _messageService;
private readonly IPoolConfigurator _poolConfigurator;
public CredentialViewModel(
IUserDialogs userDialogs,
INavigationService navigationService,
ICredentialService credentialService,
IAgentProvider agentContextProvider,
IConnectionService connectionService,
IMessageService messageService,
IPoolConfigurator poolConfigurator,
CredentialRecord credential
) : base(
_credential = credential;
_credentialService = credentialService;
_agentContextProvider = agentContextProvider;
_connectionService = connectionService;
_messageService = messageService;
_poolConfigurator = poolConfigurator;
_credentialState = _credential.State.ToString();
if (_credentialState == "Offered")
public async Task ProcessOffer()
foreach (var item in _credential.CredentialAttributesValues)
await SecureStorage.SetAsync(item.Name.ToString(), item.Value.ToString());
var RegisteredPIN = await SecureStorage.GetAsync("RegisteredPIN");
string PIN = await App.Current.MainPage.DisplayPromptAsync("Enter PIN", null, "Ok", "Cancel", null, 6, Keyboard.Numeric);
if (PIN == RegisteredPIN)
//await _poolConfigurator.ConfigurePoolsAsync();
var agentContext = await _agentContextProvider.GetContextAsync();
var credentialRecord = await _credentialService.GetAsync(agentContext, _credential.Id);
var connectionId = credentialRecord.ConnectionId;
var connectionRecord = await _connectionService.GetAsync(agentContext, connectionId);
(var request, _) = await _credentialService.CreateRequestAsync(agentContext, _credential.Id);
await _messageService.SendAsync(agentContext.Wallet, request, connectionRecord);
await DialogService.AlertAsync("Request has been sent to the issuer.", "Success", "Ok");
catch (Exception e)
await DialogService.AlertAsync(e.Message, "Error", "Ok");
else if (PIN != RegisteredPIN && PIN != null)
DialogService.Alert("Provided PIN is not correct");
#region Bindable Command
public ICommand ProcessOfferCommand => new Command(async () => await ProcessOffer());
public ICommand NavigateBackCommand => new Command(async () =>
await NavigationService.PopModalAsync();
#region Bindable Properties
private string _credentialState;
public string CredentialState
get => _credentialState;
set => this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(ref _credentialState, value);
namespace Osma.Mobile.App.ViewModels.Index
public class IndexViewModel : ABaseViewModel
private readonly IConnectionService _connectionService;
private readonly IMessageService _messageService;
private readonly IAgentProvider _agentContextProvider;
private readonly IEventAggregator _eventAggregator;
private readonly ILifetimeScope _scope;
public IndexViewModel(
IUserDialogs userDialogs,
INavigationService navigationService,
IConnectionService connectionService,
IMessageService messageService,
IAgentProvider agentContextProvider,
IEventAggregator eventAggregator,
ILifetimeScope scope
) : base(
_connectionService = connectionService;
_messageService = messageService;
_agentContextProvider = agentContextProvider;
_eventAggregator = eventAggregator;
_scope = scope;
public override async Task InitializeAsync(object navigationData)
await base.InitializeAsync(navigationData);
public class Post
public string Success { get; set; }
public string firstname { get; set; }
public async Task ScanVerification(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Code
public async Task SettingsPage(SettingsViewModel settings) => await NavigationService.NavigateToAsync(settings, null, NavigationType.Modal);
#region Bindable Command
public ICommand SettingsPageCommand => new Command<SettingsViewModel>(async (settings) =>
await SettingsPage(settings);
public ICommand ScanVerificationCommand => new Command(async () => await ScanVerification(default, default));
[assembly: XamlCompilation(XamlCompilationOptions.Compile)]
namespace Osma.Mobile.App
public partial class App : Application
public new static App Current => Application.Current as App;
public static IContainer Container { get; set; }
// Timer to check new messages in the configured mediator agent every 10sec
private readonly Timer timer;
private static IHost Host { get; set; }
public App()
timer = new Timer
Enabled = false,
AutoReset = true,
Interval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10).TotalMilliseconds
timer.Elapsed += Timer_Elapsed;
public App(IHost host) : this() => Host = host;
public static IHostBuilder BuildHost(Assembly platformSpecific = null) =>
.ConfigureServices((_, services) =>
services.AddAriesFramework(builder => builder.RegisterEdgeAgent(
options: options =>
options.AgentName = "Mobile Holder";
options.EndpointUri = "http://11.222.333.44:5000";
options.WalletConfiguration.StorageConfiguration =
new WalletConfiguration.WalletStorageConfiguration
Path = Path.Combine(
path1: FileSystem.AppDataDirectory,
path2: ".indy_client",
path3: "wallets")
options.WalletConfiguration.Id = "MobileWallet";
options.WalletCredentials.Key = "SecretWalletKey";
options.RevocationRegistryDirectory = Path.Combine(
path1: FileSystem.AppDataDirectory,
path2: ".indy_client",
path3: "tails");
// Available network configurations (see PoolConfigurator.cs):
options.PoolName = "sovrin-test";
delayProvisioning: true));
services.AddSingleton<IPoolConfigurator, PoolConfigurator>();
var containerBuilder = new ContainerBuilder();
if (platformSpecific != null)
Container = containerBuilder.Build();
protected override async void OnStart()
await Host.StartAsync();
// View models and pages mappings
var _navigationService = Container.Resolve<INavigationService>();
_navigationService.AddPageViewModelBinding<MainViewModel, MainPage>();
_navigationService.AddPageViewModelBinding<RegisterViewModel, RegisterPage>();
_navigationService.AddPageViewModelBinding<IndexViewModel, IndexPage>();
_navigationService.AddPageViewModelBinding<SettingsViewModel, SettingsPage>();
_navigationService.AddPageViewModelBinding<CredentialsViewModel, CredentialsPage>();
_navigationService.AddPageViewModelBinding<CredentialViewModel, CredentialPage>();
if (Preferences.Get(AppConstant.LocalWalletProvisioned, false))
await _navigationService.NavigateToAsync<MainViewModel>();
await _navigationService.NavigateToAsync<ProviderViewModel>();
timer.Enabled = true;
private void Timer_Elapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
// Check for new messages with the mediator agent if successfully provisioned
if (Preferences.Get(AppConstant.LocalWalletProvisioned, false))
Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async () =>
var context = await Container.Resolve<IAgentProvider>().GetContextAsync();
await Container.Resolve<IEdgeClientService>().FetchInboxAsync(context);
catch (Exception ex)
protected override void OnSleep() =>
// Stop timer when application goes to background
timer.Enabled = false;
protected override void OnResume() =>
// Resume timer when application comes in foreground
timer.Enabled = true;
Look, you have public override async Task InitializeAsync(object navigationData) method in the IndexViewModel class. I suppose the framework invoke it to initialize the view model. So, thus CredentialViewModel inherits same ABaseViewModel anyway, why wouldn't you just override InitializeAsync in your CredentialViewModel and call ProcessOffer from it?
public CredentialViewModel(
IUserDialogs userDialogs,
INavigationService navigationService,
ICredentialService credentialService,
IAgentProvider agentContextProvider,
IConnectionService connectionService,
IMessageService messageService,
IPoolConfigurator poolConfigurator,
CredentialRecord credential
) : base(
_credential = credential;
_credentialService = credentialService;
_agentContextProvider = agentContextProvider;
_connectionService = connectionService;
_messageService = messageService;
_poolConfigurator = poolConfigurator;
_credentialState = _credential.State.ToString();
public override async Task InitializeAsync(object navigationData)
if (_credentialState != "Offered") return;
await ProcessOffer();
Anyway, you have to avoid calling asynchronous operations in constructors.
So in my View Models, if i need to initialize asynchronously I usually pass OnAppearing() to the view model instead of the constructor. Someone can tell me if this is unwise but it solved my needs.
Code Behind View:
public partial class CredentialView : ContentPage
public CredentialView()
BindingContext = new CredentialViewModel();
protected override void OnAppearing()
View Model:
public class CredentialViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
public CredentialViewModel ()
public async void OnAppearing()
await ProcessOffer();
Also just FYI, the biggest gotcha i've experienced with asynchronous code on xamarin is to use BeginInvokeOnMainThread. It's my understanding that touched UI should be executed on main thread! (probably why they call it the UI thread. haha)
Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
As you've already asked before, kicking off async code in the constructor of a class can be a can of worms. You should instead consider doing either:
Starting ProcessOffer in a lifecycle method instead. For instance when the View is showing call ProcessOfferCommand.
Using fire and forget to not block the constructor: Task.Run(ProcessOffer) you should probably avoid this though.
Use something like NotifyTask Stephen Cleary describes here: you can find the complete code for it here:
Use a CreateAsync pattern with a private constructor. However, this doesn't work well with Dependency Injection usually. Doing IO intensive work during resolution isn't really the correct place to do it.
In my opinion using either 1. or 3. would be the best solutions, perhaps leaning towards a combination of 1. using NotifyTask that can notify you when it is done loading.

Property injection

I'm trying make a telegram bot with reminder. I'm using Telegram.Bot 14.10.0, Quartz 3.0.7, .net core 2.0. The first version should : get message "reminder" from telegram, create job (using Quartz) and send meaasage back in 5 seconds.
My console app with DI looks like:
static IBot _botClient;
public static void Main(string[] args)
// it doesn't matter
var servicesProvider = BuildDi(connecionString, section);
_botClient = servicesProvider.GetRequiredService<IBot>();
_botClient.Start(appModel.BotConfiguration.BotToken, httpProxy);
var reminderJob = servicesProvider.GetRequiredService<IReminderJob>();
reminderJob.Bot = _botClient;
// it doesn't matter
private static ServiceProvider BuildDi(string connectionString, IConfigurationSection section)
var rJob = new ReminderJob();
var sCollection = new ServiceCollection()
.AddSingleton<IBot, Bot>()
.AddSingleton<ISchedulerBot>(s =>
var schedBor = new SchedulerBot();
return schedBor;
return sCollection.BuildServiceProvider();
public class Bot : IBot
static TelegramBotClient _botClient;
public void Start(string botToken, WebProxy httpProxy)
_botClient = new TelegramBotClient(botToken, httpProxy);
_botClient.OnReceiveError += BotOnReceiveError;
_botClient.OnMessage += Bot_OnMessage;
private static async void Bot_OnMessage(object sender, MessageEventArgs e)
var me = wait _botClient.GetMeAsync();
if (e.Message.Text == "reminder")
var map= new Dictionary<string, object> { { ReminderJobConst.ChatId, e.Message.Chat.Id.ToString() }, { ReminderJobConst.HomeWordId, 1} };
var job = JobBuilder.Create<ReminderJob>().WithIdentity($"{prefix}{rnd.Next()}").UsingJobData(new JobDataMap(map)).Build();
var trigger = TriggerBuilder.Create().WithIdentity($"{prefix}{rnd.Next()}").StartAt(DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(5).ToUniversalTime())
await bot.Scheduler.ScheduleJob(job, trigger);
} not allow use constructor with DI. That's why I'm trying to create property with DI.
public class ReminderJob : IJob
static IBot _bot;
public IBot Bot { get; set; }
public async Task Execute(IJobExecutionContext context)
var parameters = context.JobDetail.JobDataMap;
var userId = parameters.GetLongValue(ReminderJobConst.ChatId);
var homeWorkId = parameters.GetLongValue(ReminderJobConst.HomeWordId);
await System.Console.Out.WriteLineAsync("HelloJob is executing.");
How can I pass _botClient to reminderJob in Program.cs?
If somebody looks for answer, I have one:
Program.cs (in Main)
var schedBor = servicesProvider.GetRequiredService<ISchedulerBot>();
var logger = servicesProvider.GetRequiredService<ILogger<DIJobFactory>>();
schedBor.Scheduler.JobFactory = new DIJobFactory(logger, servicesProvider);
public class DIJobFactory : IJobFactory
static ILogger<DIJobFactory> _logger;
static IServiceProvider _serviceProvider;
public DIJobFactory(ILogger<DIJobFactory> logger, IServiceProvider sp)
_logger = logger;
_serviceProvider = sp;
public IJob NewJob(TriggerFiredBundle bundle, IScheduler scheduler)
IJobDetail jobDetail = bundle.JobDetail;
Type jobType = jobDetail.JobType;
_logger.LogDebug($"Producing instance of Job '{jobDetail.Key}', class={jobType.FullName}");
if (jobType == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(jobType), "Cannot instantiate null");
return (IJob)_serviceProvider.GetRequiredService(jobType);
catch (Exception e)
SchedulerException se = new SchedulerException($"Problem instantiating class '{jobDetail.JobType.FullName}'", e);
throw se;
// get from
public void ReturnJob(IJob job)
var disposable = job as IDisposable;
public interface IReminderJob : IJob
public class ReminderJob : IReminderJob
ILogger<ReminderJob> _logger;
IBot _bot;
public ReminderJob(ILogger<ReminderJob> logger, IBot bot)
_logger = logger;
_bot = bot;
public async Task Execute(IJobExecutionContext context)
var parameters = context.JobDetail.JobDataMap;
var userId = parameters.GetLongValue(ReminderJobConst.ChatId);
var homeWorkId = parameters.GetLongValue(ReminderJobConst.HomeWordId);
await _bot.Send(userId.ToString(), "test");

SemaphoreSlim to protect the connection pool from exhaustion

I have a microservice (Web API) within an eventdriven architecture receiving messages from RabbitMQ and it is supposed to save them into a PostgreSQL DB using ADO.NET.
Unfortunately, my connection pool (currently set to 50) gets exhausted quite fast, giving me this error message:
The connection pool has been exhausted, either raise MaxPoolSize
My RabbitMQ Consumer is set up like this (Singleton):
public class Listener : RabbitMqConnection
public AsyncEventingBasicConsumer _asyncConsumer;
private static readonly SemaphoreSlim AsyncLock = new SemaphoreSlim(1, 1);
public Listener()
_asyncConsumer = new AsyncEventingBasicConsumer(_channel);
_asyncConsumer.Received += ConsumerReceived;
public async Task ConsumerReceived(object sender, BasicDeliverEventArgs message)
await AsyncLock.WaitAsync();
//Performing logic and saving into database
using (var ctx = ContextFactory.GetContext<PostgreSqlDatabaseContext>(_connectionString))
//Creating query with StringBuilder...
await ctx.Database.ExecuteSqlCommandAsync(query.ToString(), parameters);
_channel.BasicAck(message.DeliveryTag, false);
catch (DecoderFallbackException decoderFallbackException)
_channel.BasicNack(message.DeliveryTag, false, false);
finally {
internal class ContextFactory
public static T GetContext<T>(string sqlConnection) where T : DbContext
var optionsBuilder = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<PostgreSqlDatabaseContext>();
return new PostgreSqlDatabaseContext(optionsBuilder.Options) as T;
public abstract class RabbitMQConnection
public IModel _channel;
public IBasicProperties _properties;
public AsyncEventingBasicConsumer _asyncConsumer;
public ConnectionFactory _factory;
public ConnectConfiguration _connectConfiguration;
bool isConnected = false;
public void Connect(ConnectConfiguration connectConfiguration)
if (!isConnected)
_connectConfiguration = connectConfiguration;
private void CreateFactory(ConnectConfiguration config)
_factory = new ConnectionFactory
AutomaticRecoveryEnabled = true,
DispatchConsumersAsync = true,
UseBackgroundThreadsForIO = true,
RequestedHeartbeat = 15,
HostName = config.Server,
UserName = config.UserName,
Password = config.Password
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(config.Vhost))
_factory.VirtualHost = config.Vhost;
private void SetupConfiguration(string exchange)
var connection = _factory.CreateConnection();
_channel = connection.CreateModel();
_properties = _channel.CreateBasicProperties();
_properties.Persistent = true;
_channel.BasicQos(0, 10, false);
_channel.ExchangeDeclare(exchange, "topic", true);
isConnected = true;
I can´t not understand why I keep getting this error. Isn´t the SemaphoreSlim with WaitAsync() and Release() suppose to prevent the ConsumerReceived method from running the logic?

NInject and problems

I have been reading a lot for DI and using ninject and I can't make it run. I'm trying to follow this link. This is my code:
This is the job:
public class ClientsImportJob : IJob
private readonly IUserClientImportService _userClientImportService;
public ClientsImportJob(IUserClientImportService userClientImportService)
_userClientImportService = userClientImportService;
public void Execute(IJobExecutionContext context)
This is the Factory:
public class NInjectJobFactory : SimpleJobFactory
readonly IKernel _kernel;
public NInjectJobFactory(IKernel kernel)
this._kernel = kernel;
public override IJob NewJob(TriggerFiredBundle bundle, IScheduler scheduler)
return (IJob) this._kernel.Get(bundle.JobDetail.JobType); // will inject dependencies that the job requires
catch (Exception e)
throw new SchedulerException(string.Format("Problem while instantiating job '{0}' from the NinjectJobFactory.", bundle.JobDetail.Key), e);
And this is where I call the scheduller:
public class QuartzService
public static void ScheduleImportTask()
var kernel = InitializeNinjectKernel();
var scheduler = kernel.Get<IScheduler>();
TriggerBuilder.Create().WithSimpleSchedule(s => s.WithIntervalInSeconds(10).RepeatForever()).Build());
private static IKernel InitializeNinjectKernel()
var kernel = new StandardKernel();
kernel.Bind<IScheduler>().ToMethod(x =>
var sched = new StdSchedulerFactory().GetScheduler();
sched.JobFactory = new NInjectJobFactory(kernel);
return sched;
return kernel;
What am I doing wrong?

Dashboard Authorization (self-hosted as a Windows service)

I have a Hangfire instance hosted in a windows service using Topshelf:
static void Main()
HostFactory.Run(x =>
x.Service<Application>(s =>
s.ConstructUsing(name => new Application());
s.WhenStarted(tc => tc.Start());
s.WhenStopped(tc => tc.Stop());
x.SetDescription("Hangfire Windows Service Sample");
x.SetDisplayName("Hangfire Windows Service Sample");
private class Application
private IDisposable host;
public void Start()
host = WebApp.Start<Startup>("http://localhost:12345");
Console.WriteLine("Hangfire Server started.");
Console.WriteLine("Dashboard is available at {0}/hangfire", configSettings.Jobs.EndPoint);
public void Stop()
My StartUp class is pretty basic:
public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
new SqlServerStorageOptions {QueuePollInterval = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1)});
app.UseHangfireDashboard("/hangfire", new DashboardOptions
AuthorizationFilters = new[] { new AuthorizationFilter() }
I'm trying to use a custom authorization filter:
public class AuthorizationFilter : IAuthorizationFilter
public bool Authorize(IDictionary<string, object> owinEnvironment)
var context = new OwinContext(owinEnvironment);
return context.Authentication.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated;
I was hoping to use context.Authentication.User to authenticate but it always returns null.
Is there any way to make this work for a self-hosted hangfire service?

