I have a DataTable with the Column name "Part Number" and various other columns. I want to grab all of the elements that are in the column "Part Number". This column can sometimes be in a different position so I can't just assign a particular Item Array index. I want to use LINQ to do it.
Right now, I just grab everything in the first column. However, I want to set this to grab the data according to the column heading.
var parts = from row in dataTable.AsEnumerable()
where true != string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace((row.ItemArray[0] == DBNull.Value)
? string.Empty
: row.ItemArray[0].ToString())
select row.ItemArray[0];
You can index a DataColumnCollection by a DataColumn, like this:
// Find the DataColumn by column name
string columnName = "Part Number";
DataColumn partNumber = dataTable.Columns[columnName];
var parts = from row in dataTable.AsEnumerable()
where !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(row[partNumber].ToString())
select row[partNumber];
Let the DataTable worry about finding the index inside the ItemArray. All you have to know is the column name.
For more information, see the documentation.
I have a Datatable that consists of more than 1000 record and a gridview that contains multiple records.I want to check if values present in grid view column for ex:- "AID" exists in datatable's AID column values. If any value of the gridview AID exists in Datatable AID i want to set a bool flag to true if no value exists in Datatable then to false.I want to check all values at a time, not one by one using for loop etc.I have tried the folowing code
List<string> lstInvdiscItem = (from row in dtinv.AsEnumerable()
select Convert.ToString(row["AID"])).ToList();
foreach (DataGridViewRow row in GrdItDetail.Rows)
string invdiscitem = row.Cells["AID"].Value.ToString();
int result = dtinv.Rows.IndexOf(dtinv.AsEnumerable().Where(g => g.Field<String>(0) == invdiscitem).FirstOrDefault());
if (result >= 0)
DiscFlag = true;
But above code checks one value at a time.My requirement is to check all values at a time just as we do using "IN" clause in sqlserver.
How can I achieve this task using c#.Any ideas? Any suggestions?
Its kind of subjective question to ask but still i hope i will find help.
I was learning about merging two tables from database to a singe DataTable.Then i came accross the following block of code.
DataTable mdt = new DataTable();
for (int i = 0; i < A.Rows.Count; i++)
DataRow dr = mdt.NewRow();
dr["product"] = A.Rows[i]["product"].ToString();
dr["price"] = A.Rows[i]["price"].ToString();
//A is a DataTable
I can understand that the datas are being added to the row of a Datatable.
This is what i understood:
The column product of DataTable is assigned a value by dr["product"].Correct me if i am wrong.But how is this A.Rows[i]["product"].ToString(); working.
This should help:
A = DataTable
A.Rows = Collection of DataRows in A
A.Rows[i] = i-th row from collection
A.Rows[i]["product"] = Column "product" in row (return type of expression is object)
So when you do dr["product"] = A.Rows[i]["product"].ToString();, you are assigning the value of the product column of the current row from datatable A to the product column in your new data row. Similarly for the price column.
Rows[i] represents the index to which the value is assigned.I mean for the first loop the value is 0,for second loop the value is 1.So for the firs loop the values of product and price are added to first row with index 0.Similarly for the second loop the values of product and price are added to the second row with index 1.
And for the second part ie ["product"].ToString(),its simply converting the value of product to string.
Since A is a Datatable which is already filled.What we are doing with that statement is,we are taking the DataTables's i-th row from the collection,converting it to string and assigning it to the column "product" in the datarow.
The ["product"].ToString() Is taking the value of the cell with the column name product, and converting it to a string to be assigned to your new row.
I have a labels that need values retreieved from a Database.
I am able to query the database but how can I extract values from a DataTable and place them in the appropiate labels
In DataTable you have rows and columns. To select a particular cell you need to do this:
label1.Text = dataTable[0][0];
This will set the label1 text to Row 0, Column 0 value.
To iterate through each row use:
foreach(DataRow row in dataTable.Rows)
This will print values for columns against each row. In this code you need to replace string for columnname (e.g. ColumnName1) with your column names
Example of how you retrieve a value from the first row and the column named "MyFirstColumn":
label1.Text = myDataTable.Rows[0]["MyFirstColumn"]
I have DataTable object and am binding it to a gridview in C#.
I have 3 columns in the datatable, say "Flag", "Name", and "Value".
What I want to accomplish is that I want to only show the rows where "flag" fields are set to 0.
So say if I have two rows in the table,
Flag Name Value
0 tom 100
1 Jane 200
And, I only want to show "tom" and "100" on the gridview.
Is there any way I could do this without creating a new datatable?
Here is an example :
DataTable table = DataSet1.Tables["Orders"];
// Presuming the DataTable has a column named Date.
string expression;
expression = "Date > #1/1/00#";
DataRow[] foundRows;
// Use the Select method to find all rows matching the filter.
foundRows = table.Select(expression);
// Print column 0 of each returned row.
for(int i = 0; i < foundRows.Length; i ++)
You can see example Here
Probably you can take the same Datatable like : table = table.Select(...);
try creating a DataView for your DataTable and send it to your GridView instead of the DataTable. see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.data.dataview.aspx
I have two DataTables.
First is
DataTable NameAddressPhones = new DataTable();
with Three columns Name, Address and PhoneNo.But I only want two columns Name and Address data so I want to copy those columns (with data) to the new DataTable.
DataTable NameAddress = new DataTable();
For that I do
foreach (DataRow sourcerow in NameAddressPhones.Rows)
DataRow destRow = NameAddress.NewRow();
foreach (string colname in columns)
destRow[colname] = sourcerow[colname];
I clear the NameAddressPhones(first) DataTable every time there are new records inserted in the table. And every time there will be the same number of columns but the column names will be different like Nm instead of Name, Add instead of Address.Now the problem is the second DataTable already has column names Name and Address and now I want to copy the columns data of Nm and Add to the second DataTable but the column names are different than the column names of the second DataTable. So even if there are different column names I want to copy Nm column data of first DataTable to the column Name of second DataTable and column Add data of first DataTable to column Address of second DataTable.
In short how can we copy column data from one DataTable to another even if there are different column names of both DataTables like Nm is the column name of first DataTable and Name is the column name of second DataTable then the data of the column Nm should be copied to the column Name.
Here's the simplest way:
foreach (DataRow sourcerow in NameAdressPhones.Rows)
DataRow destRow = NameAdress.NewRow();
destRow["Name"] = sourcerow["Nm"];
destRow["Address"] = sourcerow["Add"];
Automation is great when it's available. When it's not, you have to map source columns to destination columns in some manner.
If the columns are in the same order in both tables, you could just reference the values by ordinal instead of column name, but that's such a bad idea I'm not even going to post any code for it.
Use column index number rather than names:
destRow[0] = sourcerow[0]; // for column 0 = "Name" or "NM"
If I've understood your question right, then the way this is usually done is by using stored procedures. You have the same stored procedures in both databases, but the implementation is specific to the table schema of each database. This allows you the abstraction you need.