Minitab Automation and Skipping Columns - c#

My main code is below:
Mtb.Application MtbApp = new Mtb.Application();
MtbApp.UserInterface.Visible = true;
MtbApp.UserInterface.DisplayAlerts = false;
Mtb.Project MtbProj = MtbApp.ActiveProject;
Mtb.Columns MtbColumns;
Mtb.Column MtbColumn1;
Double[] data1;
Hashtable htSingleColumn;
List<double> listSingleColumn;
int i = 1 ;
foreach (DictionaryEntry de in htDataTable)
htSingleColumn = (Hashtable)de.Value;
listSingleColumn = (List<double>)htSingleColumn["listSingleData"];
data1 = listSingleColumn.ToArray();
MtbColumns = MtbProj.ActiveWorksheet.Columns;
MtbColumn1 = MtbColumns.Add(null, null, i);
// strLowlim and strUpplim have no influence on this issue here
strCommand = "Capa C" + i+" 1;" + ((strLowlim == "NA") ? "" : (" Lspec " + strLowlim + ";")) +((strUpplim == "NA") ? "" : (" Uspec " + strUpplim + ";"))+ " Pooled; AMR; UnBiased; OBiased; Toler 6; Within; Percent; CStat.";
// The program is crashing here as a result of the columns not being created sequentially
Mtb.Graph MtbGraph = MtbProj.Commands.Item(i).Outputs.Item(1).Graph;
MtbGraph.SaveAs("C:\\MyGraph" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HHmmss"), true, Mtb.MtbGraphFileTypes.GFPNGHighColor);
When running this code (with the crashing section commented out), I get the following output:
It should look like this:
I am really puzzled about this result. The variable i is right, but what is affecting the column number?
I can't find much information on the Web about Minitab. I just read the start guide here.

This line is the problem.
MtbColumn1 = MtbColumns.Add(null, null, i);
The third parameter Quantity specifies the number of columns to add. On the first iteration of the loop, you add i = 1 column, but on the second iteration of the loop you add i = 2 columns. Each iteration of the loop will add an additional i columns, when what you really want is to add one column each time.
Change the line to:
MtbColumn1 = MtbColumns.Add();


Simplest way to populate matrix with differing values in x and y?

I have a 3x3 matrix that I want to populate (may grow to 3x4 or 3x5 but not larger). Very simple with a dual for loop except that each row has a unique formula and each column has a unique column within the formula.
I started trying to create for loops, case statements, but ended up just brute force updating each cell.
Then I thought maybe some master crafter has some ideas. Is there any way to make this simpler:
myWorksheet.Cells[1, 1].Formula = "=ROUND(AVERAGE(B$2:B$" + counter + "), 3)";
myWorksheet.Cells[1, 2].Formula = "=ROUND(AVERAGE(C$2:C$" + counter + "), 3)";
myWorksheet.Cells[1, 3].Formula = "=ROUND(AVERAGE(D$2:D$" + counter + "), 3)";
myWorksheet.Cells[2, 1].Formula = "=MAX(B$2:B$" + counter + ")";
myWorksheet.Cells[2, 2].Formula = "=MAX(C$2:C$" + counter + ")";
myWorksheet.Cells[2, 3].Formula = "=MAX(D$2:D$" + counter + ")";
myWorksheet.Cells[3, 1].Formula = "=STDEV(B$2:B$" + counter + ")";
myWorksheet.Cells[3, 2].Formula = "=STDEV(C$2:C$" + counter + ")";
myWorksheet.Cells[3, 3].Formula = "=STDEV(D$2:D$" + counter + ")";
Your formula has three portions, the function name, the argument, and the closing. You can make a method that will create the formula to insert based on the cell's row and column coordinates.
public static string RenderFormula(int row, int column, int counter)
var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
// part 1 - the function name
var methodName = row switch
2 => "MAX(",
3 => "STDEV(",
_ => throw new ArgumentException(nameof(row))
// part 2 - the argument
char rangeColumnLetter = (char)('A' + column);
var range = $"{rangeColumnLetter}$2:{rangeColumnLetter}${counter}";
// part 3 - the closing
var methodEnding = row switch
1 => "), 3)",
2 or 3 => ")",
_ => throw new ArgumentException(nameof(row))
return stringBuilder.ToString();
In part one, you know which excel function to use based on the row number.
In part two, you add the column number to a capital "A" to get the new range column letter. This means that (column 1 + "A" = "B"). Add the value of counter into it.
In part three, you need to close the function's parentheses. Row 1 formulas have two closing parentheses with another argument in the middle, so account for it.
This uses StringBuilder to avoid a lot of wasteful concatenations.
Then just call the method to find out what the formula to insert is.
Console.WriteLine(RenderFormula(1, 1, 50));
Console.WriteLine(RenderFormula(2, 2, 50));
Console.WriteLine(RenderFormula(3, 3, 50));
// =ROUND(AVERAGE(B$2:B$50), 3)
// =MAX(C$2:C$50)
// =STDEV(D$2:D$50)

Splitting String from Settings

I'm trying to read out the contents off a Setting inside my Application. Below is the code i'm having troubles with:
private bool checkGrid()
string playlists = Spotify_Extender.Properties.Settings.Default.Playlists;
string[] split1;
if (playlists.Contains(";"))
MessageBox.Show("Multiple Links");
split1 = playlists.Split(';');
MessageBox.Show("One Link");
split1 = new string[1];
split1[0] = playlists;
MessageBox.Show("Array Length: " + split1.Length);
int lines = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < split1.Length; i++)
MessageBox.Show("Check #" + i + " - " + split1[i] + " - Length: " + split1[i].Length);
if (split1[i].Length >= 22)
MessageBox.Show(i + " - " + split1[1]);
int rows = this.playlistGrid.Rows.Count;
MessageBox.Show(lines + "");
if (rows == lines)
return true;
return false;
The code should be easy to understand and it should work as far as i am aware, but it doesn't. I entered this in my Setting:
If i run the program now, my first MessageBox prints out exactly what i entered, the second one prints out "One Link" and the third prints "Array Length: 1". Now we get to the part i'm having troubles with. The next Message is this:
So the length of the text is 22 as displayed in the MessageBox, but down below this statement isn't true:
if (split1[i].Length >= 22)
I'm really confused by this and it also does this when i check this:
if (split1[i] != "")
Any help is appreciated, because i don't know what to do, since my code should be fine. Thanks for your time!
You should have split[i] and not split[1]

Split and combine two different strings

I am trying to create a string and below is the thing which i am trying to achieve:
String first = "Previous.value1 | Previous.value2";
String second = "New.value1| New.value2";
I am trying to create final string like this:
string final ="generate Previous.value1 cross New.value1 ? Previous.value1 cross New.value2";
But problem is when i will have mismatch like below:
String first = "Previous.value1 | Previous.value2";
String second = "New.value1";
Then i want to have like this because i dont have matching value for Previous.Value2 in second variable:
string final ="generate Previous.value1 cross New.value1";
So far i am successfully in generating final string when i have same count of value in both the string.
string final = "generate";
if (first.Split('|').Count() - second.Split('|').Count() == 0)
int i = 0;
foreach (var item in first.Split('|').Count())
if (i == 0)
final = final + item + " cross " + second.Split('|')[i];
final = final + " ? " + item + " cross " + second.Split('|')[index];
Try this LINQ query (using the Zip extension method):
var zippedQry = first.Split('|').Zip(second.Split('|'),
(f, s) => f.Trim() + " cross " + s.Trim());
string final = "generate " + String.Join(" ? ", zippedQry.ToArray());
To remain in the style that you use, I would suggest to first split both strings
String first = "Previous.value1 | Previous.value2";
String second = "New.value1 | New.value2";
string final = "generate ";
string[] first_values = first.Split('|');
string[] second_values = second.Split('|');
Then you can just orient yourself on the shortest array. If you have in the second_values not enough corresponding values for the first_values you collect only the corresponding ones. Using a normal for-loop:
// run until the length of the shortest one
for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(first_values.Length, second_values.Length); i++)
// bild the normal cross-version for the first position
string sentence = first_values[i] + " cross " + second_values[i];
// if on first position use normal version otherwise put a ? infront of it
final += i == 0 ? sentence : " ? " + sentence;
This loop should handle also string like this:
String first = "Previous.value1 | Previous.value2 | Previous.value3 | Previous.value4";
String second = "New.value1 | New.value2 | New.value3";

Count of text in RichtextBox (Line and Column)

I'm working on a code editor and I just want to know how to do codes in counting Lines and Columns in richtextbox. Particularly something like this one in actual code editor:
Let's just say count will transfer in a ListBox.
Is there a fast way I can do it?
You can do this :
//This to get lines number.
int index = richTextBox.SelectionStart;
int li = richTextBox.GetLineFromCharIndex(index);
// This to get columns number.
int firstChar = richTextBox.GetFirstCharIndexFromLine(li);
int col = index - firstChar;
Good luck!
This will do it, you just have to call the code inside a timer:
int line = 1 + richTextBox1.GetLineFromCharIndex(richTextBox1.GetFirstCharIndexOfCurrentLine());
int column = 1 + richTextBox1.SelectionStart - richTextBox1.GetFirstCharIndexOfCurrentLine();
label1.Text = "line: " + line.ToString() + ", column: " + column.ToString();

Data lost while adding string to listbox

I am cycling through the contents of a two-dimensional array containing the result of a Punnett Square calculation for gene crosses. I need to summarize the result so that the user can readily see the unique instances. I can accomplish this by putting the result into a text box, but when I try and use a ListBox to display the data, part of the information is getting lost, namely a translation of the AaBBCc type data to something that directly relates to the traits that the user initially selected.
This is the main block of code for the operation:
foreach (string strCombination in arrUniqueCombinations)
int intUniqueCount = 0;
decimal decPercentage;
foreach (string strCrossResult in arrPunnettSQ)
if (strCrossResult == strCombination)
decPercentage = Convert.ToDecimal((intUniqueCount*100)) / Convert.ToDecimal(intPossibleCombinations);
txtReport.AppendText(strCombination + " appears " + intUniqueCount.ToString() + " times or " + decPercentage.ToString() + "%."+ Environment.NewLine);
lstCrossResult.Items.Add(DecodeGenome(strCombination) + " appears " + intUniqueCount.ToString() + " times or " + decPercentage.ToString() + "%.");
For appending the data to the textbox I use this code and it works perfectly:
txtReport.AppendText(DecodeGenome(strCombination) + " appears " + intUniqueCount.ToString() + " times or " + decPercentage.ToString() + "%."+ Environment.NewLine);
Giving the result:
Trait 1 Het.,Trait 3 appears 16 times or 25%.
For adding the result to a list box, this works:
lstCrossResult.Items.Add(strCombination + " appears " + intUniqueCount.ToString() + " times or " + decPercentage.ToString() + "%.");
Giving the result:
AaBBCc appears 16 times or 25%.
But the contents of strCombination is AaBBCc and I need it translated to "Trait 1 Het.,Trait 3", which I accomplish with this bit of code:
private string DecodeGenome(string strGenome)
string strTranslation = "";
int intLength = strGenome.Length;
int intCounter = intLength / 2;
string[] arrPairs = new string[intLength / 2];
//Break out trait pairs and load into array
for (int i = 1; i <= intLength; i++)
arrPairs[i / 2] = strGenome.Substring((i-1),2);
foreach (string strPair in arrPairs)
char chFirstLetter = strPair[0];
char chSecondLetter = strPair[1];
intCounter = intCounter - 1;
if (Char.IsUpper(chFirstLetter))
if (!Char.IsUpper(chSecondLetter))
if (intCounter > 0)
txtReport.AppendText(GetDescription(strPair.Substring(0, 1)) + " Het.,");
txtReport.AppendText(GetDescription(strPair.Substring(0, 1)));
if (!Char.IsUpper(chSecondLetter))
if (intCounter > 0)
txtReport.AppendText(GetDescription(strPair.Substring(0, 1)) + ",");
txtReport.AppendText(GetDescription(strPair.Substring(0, 1)));
return strTranslation;
That has no problem displaying in a text box, but when I try and put it as an item into a list box it turns it into null. Instead of:
"Trait 1 Het.,Trait 3 appears 16 times or 25%."
I get:
" appears 16 times or 25%."
I have tried adding the results to an ArrayList, then populating the listbox after everything is processed, but the result is the same.
Any clues as to why the list box is not accepting the translated AaBBCc information would be greatly appreciated.
strTranslation is never set. Everything is pushed to txtReport.AppendText

