I am using a network API which works with callbacks. So basically, I have a bunch of method calls that I need to use in this 3rd party library which look like this:
void SendNetworkRequest(string requestType, Action<Response> callback)
I find the code getting a little bit wacky because all of my methods which depend on network resources from this 3rd party API also need to implement callbacks themselves. For example, in my main scene I may want to get the players information and my code would look something like this:
void InitMainScene()
void OnPlayerInfoResponse(Response response)
_playerInfo = response.Info;
I have recently gotten into RX and am using it abundently in my code. I have read read some about async/await. I have experimented quite a bit, especially with RX, and tried working with Observable.FromAsync() but could not get it to work..
What am I missing here? How can I write code which is cleaner and doesn't require the callback using RX or async/await? The following is the psuedocode which I'm looking for:
void InitMainScene()
_playerInfo = Overservable.DoMagicThing<Response>( () => {
_networkHelper.SendNetworkRequest("GetPlayersInfo",(r) =>{return r;}); });
Here's how to do it with Rx. I swapped out Response for string just so I could compile and test, but trivial to swap back.:
public IObservable<string> SendNetworkRequestObservable(string requestType)
return Observable.Create<string>(observer =>
SendNetworkRequest(requestType, s => observer.OnNext(s));
return Disposable.Empty;
// Define other methods and classes here
public void SendNetworkRequest(string requestType, Action<string> callback)
callback(requestType); // implementation for testing purposes
I am not sure about RX. However, you can convert callback-based SendNetworkRequest to an awaitable task like this:
void SendNetworkRequest(string requestType, Action<Response> callback)
// This code by third party, this is here just for testing
if (callback != null)
var result = new Response();
Task<Response> SendNetworkRequestAsync(string requestType)
return Task.Run(() =>
var t = new TaskCompletionSource<Response>();
SendNetworkRequest(requestType, s => t.TrySetResult(s));
return t.Task;
Now you can consume SendNetworkRequestAsync with async/await more naturally
Here's my take on doing this with Rx.
Inside the NetworkHelper class add this method:
public IObservable<Response> SendNetworkRequestObservable(string requestType)
.Create<Response>(observer =>
Action<Response> callback = null;
var callbackQuery =
.FromEvent<Response>(h => callback += h, h => callback -= h)
var subscription = callbackQuery.Subscribe(observer);
this.SendNetworkRequest(requestType, callback);
return subscription;
This creates an observable that internally uses Observable.FromEvent(...).Take(1) to create an observable based on expecting a single call to the Action<Response> callback passed to the SendNetworkRequest method.
The only issue with this is that the call occurs on the current thread right to completion. If you want this code to run on a background thread, but return the result to the current thread, then you can do this:
public IObservable<Response> SendNetworkRequestObservable(string requestType)
.Start(() =>
.Create<Response>(observer =>
Action<Response> callback = null;
var callbackQuery =
.FromEvent<Response>(h => callback += h, h => callback -= h)
var subscription = callbackQuery.Subscribe(observer);
this.SendNetworkRequest(requestType, callback);
return subscription;
Either way you'd call it like this:
var _playerInfo =
Just a side-note: your DoMagicThing is a synchronous call. In Rx that's a .Wait() call, but it's better to just use a normal .Subscribe when you can.
As per the comment, you could do this with async:
async void InitMainScene()
_playerInfo = await _networkHelper.SendNetworkRequestObservable("GetPlayersInfo");
I'm calling a third-party API which has a method that looks like this:
myServiceClient.Discover(key, OnCompletionCallback);
public bool OnCompletionCallback(string response)
// my code
My challenge is, I have to call Discover because it does some work under-the-covers that I need. At the same time, I have to wait for Discover to complete before running my custom code. To further complicate matters, I can't just put my code in the OnCompletionCallback handler because I need to call the code above from a Func delegate. In short, I want to do this:
Func<SystemTask> myFunction = async () =>
await myServiceClient.Discover(key);
// my code
However, I can't do this because the third-party API uses a callback approach instead of an async/await approach.
Is there some way to make the callback approach work in an async / await world?
If I understand you correctly you can do something like this
public Task<bool> MyAsyncFunction()
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
myServiceClient.Discover("somekey", s => {
var res = true;
return res;
return tcs.Task;
Now you can await MyAsyncFunction
This is an observable sequence that retrieves paginated data from a web service. Each web service response contains a nextRecordsUrl that indicates where to get the next set of records. What is the best way to convert this Observable to something more reusable?
Web services setup:
var auth = new AuthenticationClient ();
await auth.UsernamePasswordAsync (consumerKey, consumerSecret, userName, password + passwordSecurityToken);
var forceClient = new ForceClient (auth.InstanceUrl, auth.AccessToken, auth.ApiVersion);
The Observable:
var observable = Observable.Create<QueryResult<Account>> (async (IObserver<QueryResult<Account>> o) =>
var queryResult = await forceClient.QueryAsync<Account> ("SELECT Id, Name from Account");
if (queryResult != null)
o.OnNext (queryResult);
while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (queryResult.nextRecordsUrl))
queryResult = await forceClient.QueryContinuationAsync<Account> (queryResult.nextRecordsUrl);
if (queryResult != null)
o.OnNext (queryResult);
o.OnCompleted ();
catch (Exception ex)
o.OnError (ex);
return () => {};
Subscribing to the observable and collecting the results:
var accounts = new List<Account> ();
observable.Subscribe (
observer => accounts.AddRange (observer.records),
ex => Console.WriteLine (ex.Message),
() => {});
EDIT: Using Brandon's solution I can now generate the list of results with Aggregate
List<Account> accounts = await forceClient.QueryPages<Account> ("SELECT Id, Name from Account")
.Aggregate (new List<Account> (), (list, value) =>
list.AddRange (value.records);
return list;
Believe it or not, the Rx-Expiremental library (also maintained by MS) has an operator for this called Expand. Expand is used to take each element from an observable and run it through a function which produces another observable of the same type. That observable is then flattened in to the original, and each item from that goes through the same process.
Imagine being given a tree node with an observable of child nodes. You could use expand to easily traverse this tree. Since a linked-list is just a constrained version of a tree, and since what you have is effectively a linked list where each node is an observable, you can use expand.
public static IObservable<QueryResult<TResult>> QueryPages<TResult>(this ForceClient forceClient, string query)
return Observable.FromAsync(() => forceClient.QueryAsync<TResult>(query))
.Expand(result =>
Observable.FromAsync(() => forceClient.QueryContinuationAsync<TResult>(queryResult.nextRecordsUrl))
public static bool QueryResultIsValid(QueryResult<TResult> result)
return result != null;
Is something like this what you are looking for?
public static IObservable<QueryResult<TResult>> QueryPages<TResult>(this ForceClient forceClient, string query)
return Observable.Create<QueryResult<T>> (async (observer, token) =>
// No need for try/catch. Create() will call OnError if your task fails.
// Also no need for OnCompleted(). Create() calls it when your task completes
var queryResult = await forceClient.QueryAsync<TResult> (query);
while (queryResult != null)
observer.OnNext (queryResult);
// check the token *after* we call OnNext
// because if an observer unsubscribes
// it typically occurs during the notification
// e.g. they are using .Take(..) or
// something.
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(queryResult.nextRecordsUrl) ||
queryResult = await forceClient.QueryContinuationAsync<TResult> (queryResult.nextRecordsUrl);
// No need to return anything. Just the Task itself is all that Create() wants.
// Usage:
var forceClient = // ...
var foos = forceClient.QueryPages<Foo>("SELECT A, B, C FROM Foo");
Notice I switched it to the overload that provides a cancellation token so that you can stop fetching pages if the observer unsubscribes (Your original version would have continued fetching pages even though the observer had stopped listening). Also note that the async Create awaits your Task and calls OnError or OnCompleted for you so you do not need to worry about that most of the time.
I've got a caching class that uses cold (unstarted) tasks to avoid running the expensive thing multiple times.
public class AsyncConcurrentDictionary<TKey, TValue> : System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary<TKey, Task<TValue>>
internal Task<TValue> GetOrAddAsync(TKey key, Task<TValue> newTask)
var cachedTask = base.GetOrAdd(key, newTask);
if (cachedTask == newTask && cachedTask.Status == TaskStatus.Created) // We won! our task is now the cached task, so run it
return cachedTask;
This works great right up until your task is actually implemented using C#5's await, ala
cache.GetOrAddAsync("key", new Task(async () => {
var r = await AsyncOperation();
return r.FastSynchronousTransform();
Now it looks like TaskExtensions.Unwrap() does exactly what I need by turning Task<Task<T>> into a Task<T>, but it seems that wrapper it returns doesn't actually support Start() - it throws an exception.
TaskCompletionSource (my go to for slightly special Task needs) doesn't seem to have any facilities for this sort of thing either.
Is there an alternative to TaskExtensions.Unwrap() that supports "cold tasks"?
All you need to do is to keep the Task before unwrapping it around and start that:
public Task<TValue> GetOrAddAsync(TKey key, Func<Task<TValue>> taskFunc)
Task<Task<TValue>> wrappedTask = new Task<Task<TValue>>(taskFunc);
Task<TValue> unwrappedTask = wrappedTask.Unwrap();
Task<TValue> cachedTask = base.GetOrAdd(key, unwrappedTask);
if (cachedTask == unwrappedTask)
return cachedTask;
"key", async () =>
var r = await AsyncOperation();
return r.FastSynchronousTransform();
Ok, Trying to understand Rx, kinda of lost here.
FromAsyncPattern is now deprecated so I took the example from here (section Light up Task with Rx), and it works, I just made a few changes, not using await just wait the observable and subscribing.....
What I don't understand is Why is called Twice the function SumSquareRoots?
var res = Observable.FromAsync(ct => SumSquareRoots(x, ct))
res.Subscribe(y => Console.WriteLine(y));
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
static void Samples()
var x = 100000000;
var res = Observable.FromAsync(ct => SumSquareRoots(x, ct))
res.Subscribe(y => Console.WriteLine(y));
catch (TimeoutException)
Console.WriteLine("Timed out :-(");
static Task<double> SumSquareRoots(long count, CancellationToken ct)
return Task.Run(() =>
var res = 0.0;
Console.WriteLine("Why I'm called twice");
for (long i = 0; i < count; i++)
res += Math.Sqrt(i);
if (i % 10000 == 0 && ct.IsCancellationRequested)
Console.WriteLine("Noticed cancellation!");
return res;
The reason that this is calling SumSquareRoots twice is because you're Subscribing twice:
// Subscribes to res
res.Subscribe(y => Console.WriteLine(y));
// Also Subscribes to res, since it *must* produce a result, even
// if that result is then discarded (i.e. Wait doesn't return IObservable)
Subscribe is the foreach of Rx - just like if you foreach an IEnumerable twice, you could end up doing 2x the work, multiple Subscribes means multiple the work. To undo this, you could use a blocking call that doesn't discard the result:
Or, you could use Publish to "freeze" the result and play it back to > 1 subscriber (kind of like how you'd use ToArray in LINQ):
res = res.Publish();
// Both subscriptions get the same result, SumSquareRoots is only called once
The general rule you can follow is, that any Rx method that doesn't return IObservable<T> or Task<T> will result in a Subscription(*)
* - Not technically correct. But your brain will feel better if you think of it this way.
I'm learning Reactive Extensions, and I've been trying to find out if it's a match for a task like this.
I have a Process() method that processes a batch of requests as a unit of work, and invoking a callback when all requests have completed.
The important thing here is that each request will call the callback either synchronous or asynchronous depending on it's implementation, and the batch processor must be able to handle both.
But no threads are started from the batch processor, any new threads (or other async execution) will be initiated from inside the request handlers if necessary. I don't know if this match the use cases of rx.
My current working code looks (almost) like this:
public void Process(ICollection<IRequest> requests, Action<List<IResponse>> onCompleted)
IUnitOfWork uow = null;
uow = unitOfWorkFactory.Create();
var responses = new List<IResponse>();
var outstandingRequests = requests.Count;
foreach (var request in requests)
var correlationId = request.CorrelationId;
Action<IResponse> requestCallback = response =>
response.CorrelationId = correlationId;
if (outstandingRequests != 0)
requestProcessor.Process(request, requestCallback);
if (uow != null)
if (uow != null)
How would you implement this using rx? Is it reasonable?
Note, that the unit of work is to be committed synchronously even if there are async requests that have not yet returned.
My approach to this is two-step.
First create a general-purpose operator that turns Action<T, Action<R>> into Func<T, IObservable<R>>:
public static class ObservableEx
public static Func<T, IObservable<R>> FromAsyncCallbackPattern<T, R>(
this Action<T, Action<R>> call)
if (call == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("call");
return t =>
var subject = new AsyncSubject<R>();
Action<R> callback = r =>
call(t, callback);
catch (Exception ex)
return Observable.Throw<R>(ex, Scheduler.ThreadPool);
return subject.AsObservable<R>();
Next, turn the call void Process(ICollection<IRequest> requests, Action<List<IResponse>> onCompleted) into IObservable<IResponse> Process(IObservable<IRequest> requests):
public IObservable<IResponse> Process(IObservable<IRequest> requests)
Func<IRequest, IObservable<IResponse>> rq2rp =
<IRequest, IResponse>(requestProcessor.Process);
var query = (
from rq in requests
select rq2rp(rq)).Concat();
var uow = unitOfWorkFactory.Create();
var subject = new ReplaySubject<IResponse>();
r => subject.OnNext(r),
ex =>
() =>
return subject.AsObservable();
Now, not only does this run the processing async, but it also ensures the correct order of the results.
In fact, since you are starting with a collection, you could even do this:
var rqs = requests.ToObservable();
var rqrps = rqs.Zip(Process(rqs),
(rq, rp) => new
Request = rq,
Response = rp,
Then you would have an observable that pairs up each request/response without the need for a CorrelationId property.
I hope this helps.
This is part of the genius of Rx, as you're free to return results either synchronously or asynchronously:
public IObservable<int> AddNumbers(int a, int b) {
return Observable.Return(a + b);
public IObservable<int> AddNumbersAsync(int a, int b) {
return Observable.Start(() => a + b, Scheduler.NewThread);
They both have the IObservable type, so they work identically. If you want to find out when all IObservables complete, Aggregate will do this, as it will turn 'n' items in an Observable into 1 item that is returned at the end:
IObservable<int> listOfObservables[];
.Aggregate(0, (acc, x) => acc+1)
.Subscribe(x => Console.WriteLine("{0} items were run", x));