How to automatically dispose objects inside List? - c#

I have a class with resources which I need to dispose:
class Desert: IDisposable
private object resource; // handle to a resource
public Desert(string n)
// Create resource here
public void Dispose()
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing)
if (resource != null) resource.Dispose();
I wonder if there is any way to automatically ask framework to call Dispose on each element, whenever the List object is going to be destroyed, just like I would have destructor. Currently I am looping through the list and calling Dispose:
// On form open
List<Desert> desertList = new List<Desert>();
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
desertList.Add(new Desert("Desert" + i));
// On form closing
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
Is it the only way to dispose objects inside List?

You could extend the List type itself:
public class AutoDisposeList<T> : List<T>, IDisposable where T : IDisposable
public void Dispose()
foreach (var obj in this)
using (var myList = new AutoDisposeList<Desert>())
If you need more than that, you could look at Finalizers. These aren't quite destructors - they are methods that run JUST before an object is Garbage Collected. It's very easy to go wrong with these though, my vote is for a using statement.


Implementing IDisposable (the Disposable Pattern) as a service (class member)

The Disposable pattern is one that is re-implemented on a per class basis. So, I was looking for a way to generalize it. The problem I ran into a few years ago is that, even if you implement it as class itself, you can't have an object derive from both your Disposable implementation and from another class (C# doesn't support multi-inheritance).
The question is, how do you make a generic way to have the Disposable pattern implemented so you don't need to write it explicitly per class that implements IDisposable?
Here is the standard Disposable pattern that is generated for you by Visual Studio (VS 2015).
public class TestClass : IDisposable {
#region IDisposable Support
private bool disposedValue = false; // To detect redundant calls
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) {
if (!disposedValue) {
if (disposing) {
// TODO: dispose managed state (managed objects).
// TODO: free unmanaged resources (unmanaged objects) and override a finalizer below.
// TODO: set large fields to null.
disposedValue = true;
// TODO: override a finalizer only if Dispose(bool disposing) above has code to free unmanaged resources.
// ~DisposeTest() {
// // Do not change this code. Put cleanup code in Dispose(bool disposing) above.
// Dispose(false);
// }
// This code added to correctly implement the disposable pattern.
public void Dispose() {
// Do not change this code. Put cleanup code in Dispose(bool disposing) above.
// TODO: uncomment the following line if the finalizer is overridden above.
// GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
My implementation
So, here is the solution I came up with.
public class DisposeService<T> where T : IDisposable {
private readonly T _disposee;
public Action<T> ManagedAction { get; set; }
public Action<T> UnmanagedAction { get; set; }
public DisposeService(T disposee, Action<T> managedAction = null, Action<T> unmanagedAction = null) {
_disposee = disposee;
ManagedAction = managedAction;
UnmanagedAction = unmanagedAction;
private bool _isDisposed;
public void Dispose(bool isDisposing) {
if (_isDisposed) return;
if (isDisposing && ManagedAction != null) {
var hasUnmanagedAction = UnmanagedAction != null;
if (hasUnmanagedAction) {
_isDisposed = true;
if (isDisposing && hasUnmanagedAction) {
This class allows you to create a DisposableService<> member for your class that implements IDisposable. Here is an example on how to use it when you only have managed resources.
public class TestClass : IDisposable {
protected readonly DisposeService<TestClass> DisposeService;
private readonly SafeHandle _handle;
public TestClass() {
DisposeService = new DisposeService<TestClass>(this, ps => { if (_handle != null) _handle.Dispose(); });
_handle = new SafeFileHandle(IntPtr.Zero, true);
public void Dispose() {
How it works
The DisposeService will run it's Dispose on your object's Dispose.
The DisposeService's dispose will run your Managed and Unmanaged Action that you provide on initialization (or update in derived classes).
The GC.SuppressFinalize will run automatically if an UnmanagedAction is provided.
Always make sure to create the DisposableService<> as the first action of your constructor.
So, here is an example of using this service with unmanaged resources.
public class TestClass : IDisposable {
protected readonly DisposeService<TestClass> DisposeService;
private readonly SafeHandle _handle;
public TestClass() {
DisposeService = new DisposeService<TestClass>(this,
ps => { if (_handle != null) _handle.Dispose(); },
ps => { /* Free unmanaged resources here */ });
_handle = new SafeFileHandle(IntPtr.Zero, true);
public void Dispose() {
~TestClass() {
And, an example of making a derived class from the class above.
public class TestClassDerived : TestClass, IDisposable {
private readonly SafeHandle _derivedHandle;
public TestClassDerived() {
// Copy the delegate for the base's managed dispose action.
var baseAction = DisposeService.ManagedAction;
// Update the managed action with new disposes, while still calling the base's disposes.
DisposeService.ManagedAction = ps => {
if (_derivedHandle != null) {
_derivedHandle = new SafeFileHandle(IntPtr.Zero, true);
Easy peasy lemon squeezy. You keep the reference to the base's delegate and call it as part of the derived class's delegate.
Overall, should be cleaner then managing that procedural region of blarg that Microsoft has been providing since 2005...
Edit: I thought the 'this' being passed in the constructor might be a concern. But, it doesn't seem to be: Is it a bad practice to pass "this" as an argument? Just remember to put the null checks in your actions so you don't try to Dispose something that is null. :-)

C# WeakReference object is NULL in finalizer although still strongly referenced

Hi I have code here where I don't understand why I hit the breakpoint (see comment).
Is this a Microsoft bug of something I don't know or I don't understand properly ?
The code was tested in Debug but I think it should not changes anything.
Note: You can test the code directly in a console app.
JUST FOR INFORMATION... following supercat answer, I fixed my code with proposed solution and it works nicely :-) !!! The bad thing is the usage of a static dict and the performance the goes with it but it works.
... After few minutes, I realized that SuperCat give me all hints to do it better, to workaround the static dictionary and I did it. Code samples are:
Code with the bug
Code corrected but with a static ConditionalWeakTable
Code with ConditioalWeakTable that include the SuperCat tricks (thanks so much to him !)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace WeakrefBug
// **********************************************************************
class B : IDisposable
public static List<B> AllBs = new List<B>();
public B()
private bool disposed = false;
public void Dispose()
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (!disposed)
disposed = true;
~B() { Dispose(false); }
// **********************************************************************
class A
WeakReference _weakB = new WeakReference(new B());
B b = _weakB.Target as B;
if (b == null)
if (B.AllBs.Count == 1)
Debugger.Break(); // b Is still referenced but my weak reference can't find it, why ?
else { b.Dispose(); }
// **********************************************************************
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
A a = new A();
a = null;
// **********************************************************************
Version corrected:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
namespace WeakrefBug // Working fine with ConditionalWeakTable
// **********************************************************************
class B : IDisposable
public static List<B> AllBs = new List<B>();
public B()
private bool disposed = false;
public void Dispose()
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (!disposed)
disposed = true;
~B() { Dispose(false); }
// **********************************************************************
class A
private static readonly System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConditionalWeakTable<A, B> WeakBs = new ConditionalWeakTable<A, B>();
public A()
WeakBs.Add(this, new B());
public B CreateNewB()
B b = new B();
WeakBs.Add(this, b);
return b;
B b;
WeakBs.TryGetValue(this, out b);
if (b == null)
if (B.AllBs.Count == 1)
Debugger.Break(); // B Is still referenced but my weak reference can't find it, why ?
else { b.Dispose(); }
// **********************************************************************
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
A a = new A();
WeakReference weakB = new WeakReference(a.CreateNewB()); // Usually don't need the internal value, but only to ensure proper functionnality
a = null;
// **********************************************************************
Code with ConditioalWeakTable that include the SuperCat tricks (thanks so much to him !)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
namespace WeakrefBug // Working fine with non static ConditionalWeakTable - auto cleanup
// **********************************************************************
class B : IDisposable
public static List<B> AllBs = new List<B>();
public B()
private bool disposed = false;
public void Dispose()
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (!disposed)
disposed = true;
~B() { Dispose(false); }
// **********************************************************************
class A
private ConditionalWeakTable<object, object> _weakBs = null;
public A()
public B CreateNewB()
B b = new B();
if (_weakBs == null)
_weakBs = new ConditionalWeakTable<object, object>();
_weakBs.Add(b, _weakBs);
_weakBs.Add(this, b);
return b;
internal ConditionalWeakTable<object, object> ConditionalWeakTable // TestOnly
get { return _weakBs; }
object objB;
_weakBs.TryGetValue(this, out objB);
if (objB == null)
if (B.AllBs.Count == 1)
Debugger.Break(); // B Is still referenced but my weak reference can't find it, why ?
// **********************************************************************
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
A a = new A();
WeakReference weakB = new WeakReference(a.CreateNewB()); // Usually don't need the internal value, but only to ensure proper functionnality
WeakReference weakConditionalWeakTable = new WeakReference(a.ConditionalWeakTable);
a = null;
// **********************************************************************
Following question of CitizenInsane...
I don't remember exactly why I did what I did... I found my sample but wasn't sure about my intention at that time. I tried to figure it out and came with the following code which I thing is more clear but still don't remember my original need. Sorry ???
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
namespace WeakrefBug // Working fine with ConditionalWeakTable
// **********************************************************************
class B : IDisposable
public static List<B> AllBs = new List<B>();
public B()
private bool disposed = false;
public void Dispose()
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (!disposed)
disposed = true;
~B() { Dispose(false); }
// **********************************************************************
class A
private ConditionalWeakTable<object, object> _weakBs = null;
private WeakReference _weakB = null;
public A()
_weakBs = new ConditionalWeakTable<object, object>();
B b = new B();
_weakB = new WeakReference(b);
_weakBs.Add(b, _weakB);
public B B
return _weakB.Target as B;
set { _weakB.Target = value; }
internal ConditionalWeakTable<object, object> ConditionalWeakTable // TestOnly
get { return _weakBs; }
B objB = B;
if (objB == null)
if (B.AllBs.Count == 1)
Debugger.Break(); // B Is still referenced but my weak reference can't find it, why ?
// **********************************************************************
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
private static void Test1()
A a = new A();
WeakReference weakB = new WeakReference(a.B); // Usually don't need the internal value, but only to ensure proper functionnality
WeakReference weakConditionalWeakTable = new WeakReference(a.ConditionalWeakTable);
a = null;
Debug.Assert(B.AllBs.Count == 0);
Debug.Assert(!weakB.IsAlive); // Need second pass of Collection to be collected
private static void Test2()
A a = new A();
WeakReference weakB = new WeakReference(a.B);
a.B = null;
Debug.Assert(!weakB.IsAlive); // Need second pass of Collection to be collected
// **********************************************************************
A sometimes-irksome limitation of WeakReference is that a WeakReference may be invalidated if no strongly-rooted reference exists to the WeakReference itself, and this may occur even if the trackResurrection constructor parameter was true, and even if the target of the WeakReference is strongly rooted. This behavior stems from the fact that a WeakReference has an unmanaged resource (a GC handle) and if the finalizer for the WeakReference didn't clean up the GC handle, it would never get cleaned up and would constitute a memory leak.
If it will be necessary for an object's finalizers to make use of WeakReference objects, the object must make some provision to ensure that those objects remain strongly referenced. I'm not sure what the best pattern is to accomplish this, but the ConditionalWeakTable<TKey,TValue> that was added in .net 4.0 may be useful. It's a little bit like Dictionary<TKey,TValue> except that as long as a table itself is strongly referenced and a given key is strongly referenced, its corresponding value will be regarded as strongly referenced. Note that if a ConditionalWeakTable holds an entry linking X to Y, and Y to the table, then as long as X or Y remains, the table will remain as well.
There are two aspects of garbage collection that you didn't count on:
The exact time at which the WeakReference.IsAlive becomes false. Your code implicitly assumes that will happen when the finalizer runs. This is not the case, it happens when the object gets garbage collected. After which the object is placed on the finalizer queue, because it has a finalizer and GC.SuppressFinalize() wasn't called, waiting for the finalizer thread to do its job. So there's a period of time where IsAlive is false but ~B() hasn't run yet.
The order in which objects get finalized is not predictable. You implicitly assume that B is finalized before A. You cannot make this assumption.
There's also a bug in the B.Dispose() method, it won't correctly count B instances when the client code explicitly disposed the object. You haven't hit that bug yet.
There is no reasonable way to fix this code. Moreover, it tests something that is already backed by hard guarantees provided by the CLR. Just remove it.
The WeakReference _weakB is available for garbage collection at the same time as the object a is. You don't have a guarantee of order here, so it could very well be that _weakB is finalized before object a.
Accessing _weakB in the finalizer of A is dangerous, since you don't know the state of _weakB. I'm guessing that in your case it has been finalized, and that that is causing it to return null for .Target.

IDisposable Error in Page_Init()

Well this is really frustrating:
I had earlier posted this question in reference to Entity Framework
Using IDisposable in EF and that error is gone now, but I am unable to get this clear:
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
String testCondition = Request.QueryString["Type"];
switch (testCondition)
case "A":
using (var rpt = new Report())
List<Class> lst= new ActionDBOClass.ActionMethod();
// other code for crstal report view
//setting datasource of the same report
But then also I am getting warning that I must implement dispose on ActionMethod( In fact I have done the Idisposable implementation in the same class like:
public class ActionDBOClass:IDisposable
private bool _disposed = true;
public void Dispose()
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (!_disposed)
if (disposing)
// Dispose other managed resources.
//release unmanaged resources.
_disposed = true;
What else I need to do?
I have similar switch case and this is the first one I am showing.
If you don't use lst outside of the Page_Init method, call lst.Dispose() before returning. Something like:
case "A":
using (var rpt = new Report())
List<Class> lst= new ActionDBOClass.ActionMethod();
// other code for crstal report view
//setting datasource of the same report
A safer method would be to do something like using(List lst= new ActionDBOClass.ActionMethod()){... as this will ensure the Dispose is called if an exception is thrown, or to declare lst outside your try block and call Dispose in the finally block if lst != null.

Can I reference / use COM objects in my finalizer?

I have a COM type (created using tlbimp.exe) and a C# class that wraps this object. I want to perform some clean up in the finalizer for my C# wrapper. Following the guidelines here I might write something like this:
public class MyClass : IDisposable
private IMyComObject comObject;
public MyClass()
comObject = new MyComObject();
public void Dispose()
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
// Be tollerant of partially constructed instances
if (comObject != null)
// Account for object being disposed twice
comObject = null;
// Other bits go here...
I know that finalizers can run in any order and so I should not attempt to use any object that implements a finalizer, however as far as I can tell tlbimp generated COM types don't implement a finalizer and so the above should be OK.
I haven't been able to find any official documentation on this however, so my question is is it safe to reference and use COM objects in a finalizer?
I created a abstract com wrapper class, from which I derive all my com wrapper classes. It works very well. My original code is VB, since I need late binding (this was before C# introduced the dynamic type). The rest of my app is written in c#.
public abstract class ComWrapper : IDisposable
protected internal object _comObject;
protected ComWrapper(object comObject)
_comObject = comObject;
#region " IDisposable Support "
private bool _disposed = false;
protected virtual void FreeManagedObjects()
protected virtual void FreeUnmanagedObjects()
private void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (!_disposed) {
if (disposing) {
_disposed = true;
public void Dispose()
protected override void Finalize()
public static class Helpers
public static void ReleaseComObject(ref object o)
if ((o != null)) {
try {
} catch {
} finally {
o = null;
public static string ToDotNetString(object comString)
if (comString == null) {
return string.Empty;
string s = comString.ToString();
ReleaseComObject(ref comString);
return s;

Getting COM exception when using Interop in a .net app

I've a C# class which uses a COM component using interop.
Here is the sample code:
public class MyClass
MyCOMClass myObj=null;
myObj = new MyCOMClass();
for (int num = 0; num < myArr.Length; num++)
//Call a method on myObj and do some processing
catch(Exception ex)
//log exception
if (myObj != null)
Here, the for loop runs for about 150 times.
n executing this code, in the catch block, am getting an exception :
"COM object that has been separated from its underlying RCW cannot be used."
I tried implementing IDisposable interface and then writing Dispose method:
public class MyClass: IDisposable
public void Dispose()
protected virtual void Dispose(bool diposeMgdResources)
if (!this.disposed)
if (diposeMgdResources)
if (myObj != null)
this.disposed = true;
From the client, I then call dispose on this class like:
But, still am getting the same exception here.What am I missing?
Thanks for reading.
Take a look at this article:
Marshal.ReleaseComObject considered dangerous
You probably don't want to call Marshal.ReleaseComObject().

