a list of all users: Ldap referral error (LDAPReferralException) - c#

I am using active directory and want a list of all users, basically in dotnet core. But I am receiving an exception:
Search result reference received, and referral following is off
Below is my code.
LdapSearchResults lsc = lc.Search("DC = xyz, DC = local", LdapConnection.SCOPE_ONE , "(|(objectClass = person)(objectClass = user))", null, false);

Necromancing - just in case the links go dark.
To fix it in your application, set ReferralFollowing to true.
if you get the message
Search result reference received, and referral following is off
, add
Novell.Directory.Ldap.LdapSearchConstraints cons = lc.SearchConstraints;
cons.ReferralFollowing = true;
lc.Constraints = cons;
to your code.
public static void GetUsers()
System.Collections.Generic.List<ARSoft.Tools.Net.Dns.SrvRecord> lsLdap = GetLdap();
ARSoft.Tools.Net.Dns.SrvRecord ldap = lsLdap[0];
string[] attrs = new string[] { "cn", "distinguishedName", "sAMAccountName", "userPrincipalName", "displayName", "givenName", "sn", "mail", "mailNickname", "memberOf", "homeDirectory", "msExchUserCulture" };
// CN = Common Name
// OU = Organizational Unit
// DC = Domain Component
string searchBase = "DC=cor,DC=local";
string searchFilter = "(&(objectClass=user)(objectCategory=person))";
string ldapHost = MySamples.TestSettings.ldapHost;
int ldapPort = MySamples.TestSettings.ldapPort;//System.Convert.ToInt32(args[1]);
string loginDN = MySamples.TestSettings.loginDN; // args[2];
string password = MySamples.TestSettings.password; // args[3];
Novell.Directory.Ldap.LdapConnection lc = new Novell.Directory.Ldap.LdapConnection();
int ldapVersion = Novell.Directory.Ldap.LdapConnection.Ldap_V3;
// connect to the server
lc.Connect(ldap.Target.ToString(), ldap.Port);
// bind to the server
lc.Bind(ldapVersion, loginDN, password);
Novell.Directory.Ldap.LdapSearchConstraints cons = lc.SearchConstraints;
cons.ReferralFollowing = true;
lc.Constraints = cons;
// To enable referral following, use LDAPConstraints.setReferralFollowing passing TRUE to enable referrals, or FALSE(default) to disable referrals.
Novell.Directory.Ldap.LdapSearchResults lsc = lc.Search(searchBase,
while (lsc.HasMore())
Novell.Directory.Ldap.LdapEntry nextEntry = null;
nextEntry = lsc.Next();
catch (Novell.Directory.Ldap.LdapReferralException eR)
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46052873/ldap-referal-error
// The response you received means that the directory you are requesting does not contain the data you look for,
// but they are in another directory, and in the response there is the information about the "referral" directory
// on which you need to rebind to "redo" the search.This principle in LDAP are the referral.
// https://www.novell.com/documentation/developer/ldapcsharp/?page=/documentation/developer/ldapcsharp/cnet/data/bp31k5d.html
// To enable referral following, use LDAPConstraints.setReferralFollowing passing TRUE to enable referrals, or FALSE (default) to disable referrals.
// are you sure your bind user meaning
// auth.impl.ldap.userid=CN=DotCMSUser,OU=Service Accounts,DC=mycompany,DC=intranet
// auth.impl.ldap.password = mypassword123
// has permissions to the user that is logging in and its groups?
catch (Novell.Directory.Ldap.LdapException e)
// WARNING: Here catches only LDAP-Exception, no other types...
System.Console.WriteLine("Error: " + e.LdapErrorMessage);
// Exception is thrown, go for next entry
var atCN = nextEntry.getAttribute("cn");
var atUN = nextEntry.getAttribute("sAMAccountName");
var atDN = nextEntry.getAttribute("distinguishedName");
var atDIN = nextEntry.getAttribute("displayName");
if (atCN != null)
if (atUN != null)
if (atDN != null)
if (atDIN != null)
System.Console.WriteLine("\n" + nextEntry.DN);
Novell.Directory.Ldap.LdapAttributeSet attributeSet = nextEntry.getAttributeSet();
System.Collections.IEnumerator ienum = attributeSet.GetEnumerator();
while (ienum.MoveNext())
Novell.Directory.Ldap.LdapAttribute attribute = (Novell.Directory.Ldap.LdapAttribute)ienum.Current;
string attributeName = attribute.Name;
string attributeVal = attribute.StringValue;
System.Console.WriteLine(attributeName + "value:" + attributeVal);
catch (System.Exception ex)
// disconnect with the server

You have to activate the behaviour which will follow the referral returned by the directory.
The response you received means that the directory you are requesting does not contain the data you look for, but they are in another directory, and in the response there is the information about the "referral" directory on which you need to rebind to "redo" the search. This principle in LDAP are the referral.
I don't know how to do it in C#, but maybe have a look at :


Get email addresses from distribution list using c#

For me, LDAP way only worked for finding email addresses inside AD groups, for eg: named ITSolutionDeliveryDevelopers group. NOT inside Exchange Distribution Lists, for eg: named abc#domainname.com.
// I was able to figure out entry as suggested by #Gabriel Luci and
// all of the following possible formats worked for me:
// ngroupnet.com is my company domain name.
var entry = new DirectoryEntry();
var entry = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://ngroupnet.com");
var entry = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://ngroupnet.com", "MyAccountUsername", "MyAccountPassword");
var entry = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://ngroupnet.com", "MyName#mycompany.com", "MyEmailAccountPassword");
For my complete answer, take a look below: https://stackoverflow.com/a/71518937/8644294
Original Question:
What is the best way to get all the individual email addresses comprising an exchange distribution list?
For eg: I have this distribution list called abc#domainname.com that has email addresses:
Now I need to get these addresses using C# code.
I found solution using LDAP but I felt it'd be a hassle to figure out LDAP path to my Active Directory.
// How do I get this LDAP Path, username and password?
// Is the username and password service account credentials of the app?
// And do they need to be registered in AD?
var entry = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP Path");//, username, password);
public static List<string> GetDistributionListMembers(string dlName = "abc#domainname.com")
var result = new List<string>();
// How do I get this LDAP Path?
var entry = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP Path");//, username, password);
var search = new DirectorySearcher(entry);
search.Filter = $"CN={dlName}";
int i = search.Filter.Length;
string str = "", str1 = "";
foreach (SearchResult AdObj in search.FindAll())
foreach (String objName in AdObj.GetDirectoryEntry().Properties["member"])
str += Convert.ToString(objName) + "<Br>";
int selIndex = objName.IndexOf("CN=") + 3;
int selEnd = objName.IndexOf(",OU") - 3;
str1 += objName.Substring(selIndex, selEnd).Replace("\\", "");
DirectorySearcher dsSearch = new DirectorySearcher(entry);
dsSearch.Filter = "CN=" + objName.Substring(selIndex, selEnd).Replace("\\", "");
foreach (SearchResult rs in dsSearch.FindAll())
//str1 += "<p align='right'><font face='calibri' color='#2266aa' size=2>" + Convert.ToString(rs.GetDirectoryEntry().Properties["mail"].Value) + "|" + Convert.ToString(rs.GetDirectoryEntry().Properties["displayName"].Value) + "|" + Convert.ToString(rs.GetDirectoryEntry().Properties["sAMAccountName"].Value) + "|" + Convert.ToString(rs.GetDirectoryEntry().Properties["department"].Value) + "|" + Convert.ToString(rs.GetDirectoryEntry().Properties["memberOf"].Value) + "</font></p>";
str1 = Convert.ToString(rs.GetDirectoryEntry().Properties["mail"].Value);
return result;
catch (Exception ex)
//Do some logging or what have you.
So I just went with the EWS route.
EWS Way:
public static static List<string> GetDistributionListMembers(string dlName = "abc#domainname.com")
var service = new ExchangeService();
var cred = new WebCredentials("sharedmailbox#domain.com", "some_password");
service.Credentials = cred;
service.Url = new Uri("https://outlook.office365.com/ews/exchange.asmx");
service.TraceEnabled = true;
service.TraceFlags = TraceFlags.All;
var expandedEmailAddresses = new List<string>();
ExpandGroupResults myGroupMembers = service.ExpandGroup(dlName);
foreach (EmailAddress address in myGroupMembers.Members)
return expandedEmailAddresses;
catch (Exception ex)
// The DL doesn't have any members. Handle it how you want.
// Handle/ Log other errors.
Is EWS approach a good way?
If Yes, then I'm good. If not, I'll have to figure out that LDAP path.
Or if there's even a better way, please let me know.
If the computer you run this from is joined to the same domain as the group you're looking for, then you don't need to figure out the LDAP path. You can just do:
var search = new DirectorySearcher();
If your computer is not joined to the same domain, then you just use the domain name:
var entry = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://domainname.com");
This requires that there is no firewall blocking port 389 between your computer and the domain controller(s). If you need to pass credentials, then do that:
var entry = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://domainname.com", username, password);
The credentials can be any user on the domain.
That said, there are a lot of inefficiencies in your code that will make it run much slower than needed. I wrote an article about this that can help you update your code: Active Directory: Better Performance
Is EWS approach a good way?
If it works, it works. I'm not an expert on EWS (although I have used it), but I'm fairly certain that's using Basic Authentication, which is going to be disabled in October.
If all the Mailboxes are on Office365 then i would suggest you use the Graph API instead eg https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/group-list-members?view=graph-rest-1.0&tabs=http . There are several advantage in terms of security eg you could use Application permissions and all you need is access to the directory while if you did the same thing in EWS it would require full access to at least one mailbox.
LDAP will be best performing of the 3 if ultimate speed in the only thing that is important.
My complete solution for future reference. :)
EWS Way - For expanding Exchange Distribution Lists
public class SomeHelper
private static ExchangeService _exchangeService = null;
public static async Task<HashSet<string>> GetExchangeDistributionListMembersAsync(IEnumerable<string> dlNames)
var allEmailAddresses = new HashSet<string>();
foreach (var dlName in dlNames)
if (!SomeCache.TryGetCachedItem(dlName, out var dlMembers))
var groupEmailAddresses = new List<string>();
var exchangeService = await GetExchangeServiceAsync();
var myGroupMembers = exchangeService.ExpandGroup(dlName);
// Add the group members.
foreach (var address in myGroupMembers.Members)
catch (Exception ex)
//If it can't expand the dlName, just return it.
//groupEmailAddresses.Add($"Attempting to expand '{dlName}' resulted in error message: '{ex.Message}'.");
// Cache the groupEmailAddresses for 7 days.
// Because Distribution Lists rarely change and expanding DL is an expensive operation.- AshishK Notes
SomeCache.AddItemToCache(dlName, groupEmailAddresses, 10080);
return allEmailAddresses;
private static async Task<ExchangeService> GetExchangeServiceAsync()
if (_exchangeService == null)
_exchangeService = new ExchangeService();
var exchangeUrl = "https://outlook.office365.com/ews/exchange.asmx";
var cred = new WebCredentials("sharedmailbox#domain.com", "some_password");
_exchangeService.Credentials = cred;
_exchangeService.Url = new Uri(exchangeUrl);
_exchangeService.TraceEnabled = true;
_exchangeService.TraceFlags = TraceFlags.All;
return _exchangeService;
return _exchangeService;
public class SomeCache
private static readonly ObjectCache _cache = MemoryCache.Default;
public static void AddItemToCache(string key, object itemToAdd, int cacheDurationMinutes)
var _policy = new CacheItemPolicy
Priority = CacheItemPriority.Default,
AbsoluteExpiration = DateTimeOffset.Now.AddMinutes(cacheDurationMinutes)
_cache.Set(key, itemToAdd, _policy);
public static bool TryGetCachedItem(string key, out object cachedObject)
cachedObject = _cache[key] as object;
catch (Exception ex)
cachedObject = null;
return !(cachedObject == null);
LDAP Way - For expanding Active Directory Groups
public static List<string> GetADGroupDistributionListMembers(string adGroupName)
var returnResult = new List<string>();
var entry = GetDirectoryEntry();
DirectorySearcher groupSearch = new DirectorySearcher(entry)
Filter = "(SAMAccountName=" + adGroupName + ")"
SearchResult groupResult = groupSearch.FindOne(); // getting members who belong to the adGroupName
if (groupResult != null)
for (int iSearchLoop = 0; iSearchLoop < groupResult.Properties["member"].Count; iSearchLoop++)
string userName = groupResult.Properties["member"][iSearchLoop].ToString();
int index = userName.IndexOf(',');
userName = userName.Substring(0, index).Replace("CN=", "").ToString(); // the name of the user will be fetched.
DirectorySearcher search = new DirectorySearcher(entry)
Filter = "(name=" + userName + ")"
SearchResult result = search.FindOne(); //finding the mail id
if (result != null)
return returnResult;
public static DirectoryEntry GetDirectoryEntry()
DirectoryEntry entryRoot = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://RootDSE");
string Domain = (string)entryRoot.Properties["defaultNamingContext"][0];
DirectoryEntry de = new DirectoryEntry
Path = "LDAP://" + Domain,
AuthenticationType = AuthenticationTypes.Secure
return de;

SharePoint CSOM not throwing expected exceptions on ExecuteQuery

Essentially what the title says, for whatever reason when I call clientContext.ExecuteQuery(); and for example the list the data is going into has a missing column, I don't get an exception, it actually just runs as expected and I have to go and investigate what might have caused the data to not appear.
The NuGet package i'm using is Microsoft.SharePoint2016.CSOM version 16.0.4690.1000
Any hints, or suggestions to point me in the right direction appreciated. It's entirely possible I'm being a bit dim here.
Here's the full code block I'm using for updating list items:
public override object UpdateEntity(object entity)
if (entity == null)
// if the definition is null throw argument null exception.
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(SharePointDefinition));
// check for incorrect type being passed in that we can still handle
if (entity is List<SharePointDefinition> definitions)
return UpdateEntities(definitions);
ExceptionHandlingScope exceptionScopeFetch = new ExceptionHandlingScope(clientContext);
ExceptionHandlingScope exceptionScopeSubmit = new ExceptionHandlingScope(clientContext);
// run single definition submit to SP.
if (entity is SharePointDefinition definition)
// variables.
IntegrationEventLog log = new IntegrationEventLog();
EventInformation ei = new EventInformation();
List list = null;
ListItemCollection listItemCol = null;
using (exceptionScopeFetch.StartScope())
using (exceptionScopeFetch.StartTry())
// get the required list
list = clientContext.Web.Lists.GetByTitle(definition.ListName);
// create query
listItemCol = list.GetItems(CamlQuery.CreateAllItemsQuery());
// set these items for retrieval.
using (exceptionScopeFetch.StartCatch())
// Assume that if there's an exception, it can only be
// because there is no list with the specified title, so report this back.
if (exceptionScopeFetch.HasException)
ei = new EventInformation()
LoggingEventType = LoggingEventType.DataSentFailure,
LoggingSeverity = LoggingSeverity.HighSeverity,
SerialisedMessage = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(definition),
ServiceMessage = $"Hit SharePoint exception handler during list and data pull: Message: {exceptionScopeFetch.ErrorMessage}",
StackTrace = exceptionScopeFetch.ServerStackTrace,
TimeGenerated = DateTime.Now,
TimeWritten = DateTime.Now,
log.EventLogEntryType = EventLogEntryType.Error;
log.EventID = LoggingSeverity.HighSeverity;
log.Message = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ei);
using (exceptionScopeFetch.StartFinally())
// get item instances first
catch (Exception genEx)
// return failure log.
ei = new EventInformation()
LoggingEventType = LoggingEventType.DataSentFailure,
LoggingSeverity = LoggingSeverity.HighSeverity,
SerialisedMessage = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(definition),
ServiceMessage = "Errored trying to get data from SharePoint list ready for update operation; see stacktrace for more information.",
StackTrace = genEx.StackTrace,
TimeGenerated = DateTime.Now,
TimeWritten = DateTime.Now,
log.EventLogEntryType = EventLogEntryType.Error;
log.EventID = LoggingSeverity.HighSeverity;
log.Message = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ei);
return false;
// this is the column we want to overwrite.
var comparisonColumn = definition.UpdateIdentifier ?? "";
//List col to dict
var listItems = listItemCol.Cast<ListItem>().ToList();
// Now we know if we were able to retrieve existing data, perform submit.
using (exceptionScopeSubmit.StartScope())
using (exceptionScopeSubmit.StartTry())
// loop through our rows
foreach (var row in definition.RowData)
int existingItemIndex = -1;
// see if the row exists already
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(comparisonColumn) && listItems.Count != 0)
existingItemIndex = listItems.FindIndex(x => x[comparisonColumn].ToString() == row[comparisonColumn]);
if (existingItemIndex != -1 && listItems.Count != 0)
// item exists - loop through our row columns
foreach (var keyValuePair in row)
// they key relates to a column, the Value to the rows colum Value.
listItems[existingItemIndex].ParseAndSetFieldValue(keyValuePair.Key, keyValuePair.Value);
// update this item
ListItemCreationInformation itemCreateInfo = new ListItemCreationInformation();
ListItem newItem = list.AddItem(itemCreateInfo);
// loop through our row columns
foreach (var keyValuePair in row)
// they key relates to a column, the Value to the rows colum Value.
newItem[keyValuePair.Key] = keyValuePair.Value;
using (exceptionScopeSubmit.StartCatch())
// Assume that if there's an exception, it can only be
// because there is no list with the specified title, so report this back.
if (exceptionScopeFetch.HasException)
ei = new EventInformation()
LoggingEventType = LoggingEventType.DataSentFailure,
LoggingSeverity = LoggingSeverity.HighSeverity,
SerialisedMessage = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(definition),
ServiceMessage = $"Error at SharePoint exception handler during submit to list: Message: {exceptionScopeFetch.ErrorMessage}",
StackTrace = exceptionScopeFetch.ServerStackTrace,
TimeGenerated = DateTime.Now,
TimeWritten = DateTime.Now,
log.EventLogEntryType = EventLogEntryType.Error;
log.EventID = LoggingSeverity.HighSeverity;
log.Message = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ei);
using (exceptionScopeSubmit.StartFinally())
// try to execute submit.
ei = new EventInformation()
LoggingEventType = LoggingEventType.DataSentSuccess,
LoggingSeverity = LoggingSeverity.Information,
SerialisedMessage = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(definition),
ServiceMessage = "No exceptions were thrown from the Execution process.",
StackTrace = "",
TimeGenerated = DateTime.Now,
TimeWritten = DateTime.Now,
log.EventLogEntryType = EventLogEntryType.Information;
log.EventID = LoggingSeverity.Information;
log.Message = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ei);
catch (Exception genEx)
ei = new EventInformation()
LoggingEventType = LoggingEventType.DataSentFailure,
LoggingSeverity = LoggingSeverity.HighSeverity,
SerialisedMessage = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(definition),
ServiceMessage = $"Data failed to be updated within SharePoint - {genEx.Message} - see stacktrace for more information.",
StackTrace = genEx.StackTrace,
TimeGenerated = DateTime.Now,
TimeWritten = DateTime.Now,
log.EventLogEntryType = EventLogEntryType.Error;
log.EventID = LoggingSeverity.HighSeverity;
log.Message = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ei);
return false;
return true;
// If a different definition type is passed in throw an appropriate exception.
// This should be caught at runtime only.
throw new TypeLoadException(nameof(SharePointDefinition));
I checked the code you posted and I see that you are updating the list of objects, in your case listItems, instead of a ListItem in ListItemCollection, in your case listItemCol.
To be more clear, I believe you can try to replace listItems with listItemCol.
For instance, instead of:
listItems[existingItemIndex].ParseAndSetFieldValue(keyValuePair.Key, keyValuePair.Value);
listItemCol[existingItemIndex][keyValuePair.Key] = keyValuePair.Value;
So I went away and re-read a lot of documentation and looked over some examples, and I wondered why the exception handler never returned errors even though it's obvious there were issues with the query being executed. If you look at the Microsoft documentation and their example here you'll see that they don't show you how to use exceptionScopeSubmit.HasException component of the exception scope object. Which lead to a really stupid assumption on my part. It turns out that the exception block runs on the SharePoint server and should be used to fix issues you might have caused during an expected exception in your query.
Not only that but wrapping the ExecuteQuery in the try catch is redundant when using an exception scope as it means that method will no longer throw an exception. You actually have to assess exceptionScopeSubmit.HasException after the execution to pull back some more detailing information on errors reported by the SharePoint server side execution of your query.
So now I'm using it as below, and I can get detailed error information without having to do some stupid manual debugging which would easily take me hours to track down silly issues. So in case anyone stumbles across this having the same issues, I hope it helps.
ExceptionHandlingScope exceptionScopeFetch = new ExceptionHandlingScope(clientContext);
// variables.
IntegrationEventLog log = new IntegrationEventLog();
EventInformation ei = new EventInformation();
List list = null;
ListItemCollection listItemCol = null;
using (exceptionScopeFetch.StartScope())
using (exceptionScopeFetch.StartTry())
// get the required list
list = clientContext.Web.Lists.GetByTitle(definition.ListName);
// create query
listItemCol = list.GetItems(CamlQuery.CreateAllItemsQuery());
// set these items for retrieval.
using (exceptionScopeFetch.StartCatch())
using (exceptionScopeFetch.StartFinally())
// get item instances first
if (exceptionScopeSubmit.HasException)
ei = new EventInformation()
LoggingEventType = LoggingEventType.DataSentFailure,
LoggingSeverity = LoggingSeverity.HighSeverity,
SerialisedMessage = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(definition),
ServiceMessage = $"Error at SharePoint exception handler during submit to list: Message: {exceptionScopeFetch.ErrorMessage}",
StackTrace = exceptionScopeFetch.ServerStackTrace,
TimeGenerated = DateTime.Now,
TimeWritten = DateTime.Now,
log.EventLogEntryType = EventLogEntryType.Error;
log.EventID = LoggingSeverity.HighSeverity;
log.Message = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ei);

using IRequiresSessionState, IReadOnlySessionState breaks oauth2 but is required to set cookie

I have a generic handler written in C# - this is called as part of an OAuth2 process to validate users via Google.
Once the correct user is identified I need to set a cookie so the rest of the site can then identify the user.
The trouble is in order to set session variables the handler needs to implement IRequiresSessionState - when I do that - then the OAuth 2 process fails with the following error.
Unexpected OAuth authorization response received with callback and client state that does not match an expected value
So I can implement OAuth or write a session variable but cannot do both. I could get OAuth to call the first page but then the code can be seen in the URL (which I would rather not do - as it gives clues for any nefarious person to break security ). I could get a page to call the handler, return JSON to identify the user and have the page itself set the session variable, then go to the first page - but this page would have no content, as well as requiring two hops - so how can you have an HTML page which is essentially empty, or set the session without IRequiresSessionState breaking the session.
The code for the OAuth handler is shown below.
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
NetworkParameters networkParameters = null;
NetworkParameter networkParameter = null;
WebServerClient consumer = null;
AuthorizationServerDescription server = null;
IAuthorizationState grantedAccess = null;
LoginResult loginResult = null;
String code = String.Empty;
String result = String.Empty;
String consumerSecret = String.Empty;
String consumerKey = String.Empty;
String securityCookieVal = String.Empty;
Uri tokenEndpoint = null;
Uri authorizationEndpoint = null;
Profile profile = null;
Profile profile2 = null;
Profiles profiles = null;
NetworkAuthorizations authorizations = null;
NetworkAuthorization na = null;
loginResult = new LoginResult();
tokenEndpoint = new Uri("https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token");
authorizationEndpoint = new Uri("https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?access_type=offline&approval_prompt=auto");
// retrieve network parameters
networkParameters = new NetworkParameters(Properties.Settings.Default.DatabaseConnection);
authorizations = new NetworkAuthorizations(Properties.Settings.Default.DatabaseConnection);
networkParameter = networkParameters.Select("GOOGLE");
code = context.Request["code"];
consumerKey = networkParameter.ClientId;
consumerSecret = networkParameter.ClientSecret;
// set up request
server = new AuthorizationServerDescription();
server.AuthorizationEndpoint = authorizationEndpoint;
server.TokenEndpoint = tokenEndpoint;
server.ProtocolVersion = ProtocolVersion.V20;
// initialise webserver client
consumer = new WebServerClient(server, consumerKey, consumerSecret);
consumer.ClientCredentialApplicator = ClientCredentialApplicator.PostParameter(consumerSecret);
// retrieve access
grantedAccess = consumer.ProcessUserAuthorization();
profile = GoogleServices.GetProfile(grantedAccess.AccessToken);
profiles = new Profiles(Properties.Settings.Default.DatabaseConnection);
profile2 = profiles.SelectByNetworkId(profile.Network, profile.NetworkId);
if (profile2 == null)
na = new NetworkAuthorization()
Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
AccessToken = grantedAccess.AccessToken,
ExpirationDate = (DateTime)grantedAccess.AccessTokenExpirationUtc,
IssueDate = (DateTime)grantedAccess.AccessTokenIssueDateUtc,
RefreshToken = grantedAccess.RefreshToken,
Network = profile.Network,
NetworkId = profile.NetworkId
loginResult.UserId = profile.NetworkId;
catch (System.Exception e)
loginResult.Status.Status = "ERROR";
loginResult.Status.Message = e.Message;
context.Response.ContentType = "application/json";
Not really an answer - but I got around this by passing a randomly generated id to the first page of the website, and storing it against the user - cookie was set when the first page was called.
Not really secure sending such information in the query string but will suffice in what is a prototype - eventual plan is to use Node.js where this will not be an issue.

Searching for lastLogon attribute of user in multiple domain servers

First of all, please forgive me if I'm not using the correct terminologies. Correct me wherever I'm using the wrong terminology.
The objective is to programmatically retrieve the lastLogon date of a given username.
We have what I believe is a forest; two AD servers like - adserver01.aa.mycompany.com and adserver02.aa.mycompany.com
I connected to these servers from a third machine using Microsoft's ADExplorer to inspect the objects. There I see some users having lastLogon date available in adserver01, but not in adserver02. For example, the value for lastLogon is 0x0 in adserver02 whereas it is a valid date in adserver01 for some users.
The code I've developed so far as a Windows Forms application, works fine if only one AD Server is involved. How do I check both servers and return the non-zero value if available, in either for lastLogon date attribute?
private static string GetLastActivityDate(string UserName)
string domainAndUserName = String.Format(#"LDAP://aa.mycompany.com/CN={0},OU=CLIENT_PROD,OU=clients.mycompany.com,DC=aa,DC=mycompany,DC=com", UserName);
string OUAdminUserName = "abc";
string OUAdminPassword = "xyz";
AuthenticationTypes at = AuthenticationTypes.Secure;
DateTime lastActivityDate;
string returnvalue;
long lastLogonDateAsLong;
using (DirectoryEntry entryUser = new DirectoryEntry(domainAndUserName, OUAdminUserName, OUAdminPassword, at))
using (DirectorySearcher mysearcher = new DirectorySearcher(entryUser))
using (SearchResultCollection results = mysearcher.FindAll())
if (results.Count >= 1)
DirectoryEntry de = results[0].GetDirectoryEntry();
lastLogonDateAsLong = GetInt64(de, "lastLogon");
if (lastLogonDateAsLong != -1)
lastActivityDate = DateTime.FromFileTime(lastLogonDateAsLong);
returnvalue = lastActivityDate.ToString();
returnvalue = "-Not available-";
catch (System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException aore)
returnvalue = "Not available";
returnvalue = string.Empty;
catch (System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryServicesCOMException dsce)
returnvalue = "- Not available -";
return returnvalue;
Thank you.
private static Int64 GetInt64(DirectoryEntry entry, string attr)
DirectorySearcher ds = new DirectorySearcher(
String.Format("({0}=*)", attr),
new string[] { attr },
SearchResult sr = ds.FindOne();
if (sr != null)
if (sr.Properties.Contains(attr))
return (Int64)sr.Properties[attr][0];
return -1;
Forgot to mention, the AD schema, structure etc, looks exactly alike in the two servers.
Check this post
I had the same issue but but only for one domain,
I solved it by using the following code however i'm checking the lastLogin of all users
public static Dictionary<string, DateTime> UsersLastLogOnDate()
var lastLogins = new Dictionary<string, DateTime>();
DomainControllerCollection domains = Domain.GetCurrentDomain().DomainControllers;
foreach (DomainController controller in domains)
using (var directoryEntry = new DirectoryEntry(string.Format("LDAP://{0}", controller.Name)))
using (var searcher = new DirectorySearcher(directoryEntry))
searcher.PageSize = 1000;
searcher.Filter = "(&(objectClass=user)(!objectClass=computer))";
searcher.PropertiesToLoad.AddRange(new[] { "distinguishedName", "lastLogon" });
foreach (SearchResult searchResult in searcher.FindAll())
if (searchResult.Properties.Contains("lastLogon"))
var lastLogOn = DateTime.FromFileTime((long)searchResult.Properties["lastLogon"][0]);
var username = Parser.ParseLdapAttrValue(searchResult.Properties["distinguishedName"][0].ToString());
if (lastLogins.ContainsKey(username))
if (DateTime.Compare(lastLogOn, lastLogins[username]) > 0)
lastLogins[username] = lastLogOn;
lastLogins.Add(username, lastLogOn);
catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException comException)
// Domain controller is down or not responding
Log.DebugFormat("Domain controller {0} is not responding.",controller.Name);
Log.Error("Error in one of the domain controllers.", comException);
return lastLogins;
On top of the code you can use the following to get all domains in a forest.
Forest currentForest = Forest.GetCurrentForest();
DomainCollection domains = currentForest.Domains;
foreach(Domain domain in domains)
// check code above
There may be a simpler approach? There is actually another attribute lastLogonTimestamp, added with 2003 domain level I think, that tries to keep a single, consistent value across the domain for the last login. Alas, it has a bizarre replication time pattern, and could be up to two weeks out of date.

C# Google drive sdk. How to get a list of google drive folders?

I'm writing a program to allow a user to upload files to their Google Drive account. I have the upload part working and am using OAuth2. The issue I'm currently having is getting a list of folders from the users Drive account.
I found some code that is supposed to do this using the .setUserCredentials method, but it doesn't work:
DocumentsService service1 = new DocumentsService("project");
FolderQuery query1 = new FolderQuery();
// Make a request to the API and get all documents.
DocumentsFeed feed = service1.Query(query1);
// Iterate through all of the documents returned
foreach (DocumentEntry entry in feed.Entries)
var blech = entry.Title.Text;
Nothing is returned. Ideally, I want to use OAuth2 to do this. I've been trying with the following code, trying to set the authentication token, but I always get denied access:
String CLIENT_ID = "clientid";
String CLIENT_SECRET = "secretid";
var docprovider = new NativeApplicationClient(GoogleAuthenticationServer.Description, CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET);
var docstate = GetDocAuthentication(docprovider);
DocumentsService service1 = new DocumentsService("project");
FolderQuery query1 = new FolderQuery();
DocumentsFeed feed = service1.Query(query1); //get error here
// Iterate through all of the documents returned
foreach (DocumentEntry entry in feed.Entries)
// Print the title of this document to the screen
var blech = entry.Title.Text;
private static IAuthorizationState GetDocAuthentication(NativeApplicationClient client)
const string STORAGE = "storagestring";
const string KEY = "keystring";
string scope = "https://docs.google.com/feeds/default/private/full/-/folder";
// Check if there is a cached refresh token available.
IAuthorizationState state = AuthorizationMgr.GetCachedRefreshToken(STORAGE, KEY);
if (state != null)
return state; // Yes - we are done.
catch (DotNetOpenAuth.Messaging.ProtocolException ex)
// Retrieve the authorization from the user.
state = AuthorizationMgr.RequestNativeAuthorization(client, scope);
AuthorizationMgr.SetCachedRefreshToken(STORAGE, KEY, state);
return state;
Specifically, I get "Execution of request failed: https://docs.google.com/feeds/default/private/full/-/folder - The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized".
I've also tried:
var docauth = new OAuth2Authenticator<NativeApplicationClient>(docprovider, GetDocAuthentication);
DocumentsService service1 = new DocumentsService("project");
but "State" is always null, so I get a null object error. What am I doing wrong and how is this done?
You should use the Drive SDK, not the Documents List API, which allows you to list folders. You can use "root" as a folderId if you want to list the root directory.
I actually implemented the v3 version of the GDrive SDK for .NET and needed to search for folders as well.
I prefer requesting uniquely all folders instead of getting all files and then performing a LinQ query to keep just the folders.
This is my implementation:
private async Task<bool> FolderExistsAsync(string folderName)
var response = await GetAllFoldersAsync();
return response.Files
.Where(x => x.Name.ToLower() == folderName.ToLower())
private async Task<Google.Apis.Drive.v3.Data.FileList> GetAllFoldersAsync()
var request = _service.Files.List();
request.Q = "mimeType = 'application/vnd.google-apps.folder'";
var response = await request.ExecuteAsync();
return response;
You could request the name on the Q this way as well:
request.Q = $"mimeType = 'application/vnd.google-apps.folder' and name = '{folderName}'";
Which would lead and simplify things to (obviating null checking):
private async Task<bool> FolderExistsAsync(string folderName)
var response = await GetDesiredFolder(folderName);
return response.Files.Any();
private async Task<FileList> GetDesiredFolder(string folderName)
var request = _service.Files.List();
request.Q = $"mimeType = 'application/vnd.google-apps.folder' and name = '{folderName}'";
var response = await request.ExecuteAsync();
return response;
private IEnumerable<DocumentEntry> GetFolders(string id) {
if (IsLogged) {
var query = new FolderQuery(id)
ShowFolders = true
var feed = GoogleDocumentsService.Query(query);
return feed.Entries.Cast<DocumentEntry>().Where(x => x.IsFolder).OrderBy(x => x.Title.Text);
return null;
var rootFolders = GetFolders("root");
if (rootFolders != null){
foreach(var folder in rootFolders){
var subFolders = GetFolders(folder.ResourceId);
where GoogleDocumentsService is a instance of DocumentsService and IsLogged is a success logged flag.
I got this way to get list of folders from google drive
FilesResource.ListRequest filelist= service.Files.List();
filelist.Execute().Items.ToList().Where(x => x.MimeType == "application/vnd.google-apps.folder").ToList()

