Automatically apply C# 7 getter and setter style [closed] - c#

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Is there any way to automatically apply C# 7 getter and setter styles (or maybe other new language features)?
It would be nice if there would be any way to automatically change properties like these:
public string MyProperty1
return this.myProperty1;
public string MyProperty2
return this.GetSomething();
public string MyProperty3
return this.myProperty3;
this.myProperty3 = value;
to this:
public string MyProperty1 => this.myProperty1;
public string MyProperty2
get => this.GetSomething();
set => this.SetSomething(value);
public string MyProperty3
get => this.myProperty3;
this.myProperty3 = value;
Maybe there is an extension which can handle this task =)
Thanks everybody in advance!

Use Resharper for this. Resharper


Why nested foreach in linq works after all operations? [closed]

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Closed 2 days ago.
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Please tell me why in this case the last instruction from the Combine (Where) method will work before the logic in foreach (Bar method). The example is completely artificial.
public class TestLinq
public static class Foo
public static IEnumerable<FooObject> Bar(ICollection<FooObject> forrObjects)
return forrObjects
.Where(fooObject => AnyConditions(fooObject))
.GroupBy(fooObject => fooObject.AnyProp)
.SelectMany(foofData =>
foreach (var foo in foofData)
foo.Flags |= TestFlag;
return new[]
new BarObject(foofData.First()),
new BarObject(foofData.First()),
public FooObject[] Combine(ICollection<FooObject> fooObjects)
return fooObjects
.Where(foo => !foo.Flags.HasFlag(TestFlag))
I used debug and found out the order of execution, I want to understand why it works this way

C# how does this code work? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Public class form1
List<Data> dataInfo = new List<Data>();
private void UpdateBinding()
supplierBox.DataSource = dataInfo;
supplierBox.DisplayMember = "Supplier";
I have another class called Data:
public class Data
public string Supplier { get; set; }
This is able to update my textBox named supplier on Visual Studio with data from my SQL Server that I have grabbed. How would I access the data from my SQL Server if I just wanted to put it in a variable like var?
supplier.Text = dataInfo.FirstOrDefault().Supplier;
would place the first element from your list of suppliers into your text box named "suppliers". If you don't have any items in your list of dataInfo then you would get a NullReferenceException.

List that contains list that contains list and so on in c# [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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This is code:
public class Comment
public DateTime CreateAt { get; set; }
public Comment ParentComment { get; set;}
public List<Comment> SubComments { get; set; }
public string Text { get; set; }
I'am trying to do something like on facebook. You can comment every single comment, so there will be like a tree of comments.. I'am having trouble with trying to display all the comments, precisely text. I can't figure out how to do that. If anyone could help I'll appreciate it!
You can use recursion for process each comment and their sub comments for example:
public void checkComment(Comment comment)
//Check if the comment is valid
if (comment != null)
//Do whatever you want to do with your comment for example print to console
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Comment: {0}", comment.Text));
//Check if i have any sub comments
if (comment.SubComments.Count > 0)
//Process each sub comment (recursive)
comment.SubComments.ForEach(x => checkComment(x));

Have Required Attribute apply to property in one view and not another? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Say I have a class called Test and I have a Create and Edit view. Say this class is incredibly simple
public class Test
public string str { get; set; }
Is it possible to remove the required attribute when a user is editing this object?
ViewModels are there for this. One for Create and one for Edit.
You should use a ViewModel for this, as you need View Specific Models here :
public class CreateTestViewModel
public string str { get; set; }
public class EditTestViewModel
public string str { get; set; }
You might want to read about What is ViewModel in MVC and How to use ViewModel in MVC

Filter Object List & Bind to Datagrid [closed]

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Questions asking for code must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. Include attempted solutions, why they didn't work, and the expected results. See also: Stack Overflow question checklist
Closed 9 years ago.
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I have an object (please see code below) which contains a list. This list is currently binded to a datagrid in my WPF application.
What I would like to do is to have two datagrids bounded to my object List. I want the top grid to show all the items that have a Status of true. The bottom datagrid would show all the items that have a Status of false. I want both datagrids to be bound to the same object List. Can someone please send me some example code of how to do this?
C# Code
class OrderBlocks
public string setting;
public List<Order> Orders;
class Order
public double Amount;
public int Name;
public bool Status;
<DataGrid DataContext="{Binding OrderBlock}"
ItemsSource="{Binding Orders}"/>
You could create 2 properties in your OrderBlocks class
public List<Order> OrdersWithStatusTrue
get { return Orders.Where(x => x.Status); }
public List<Order> OrdersWithStatusFalse
get { return Orders.Where(x => !x.Status); }
and bind the first grid to the first property the second one to other.

