Null exception when creating new event for calendar with Microsoft Graph - c#

I am getting myself really confused here and going around in circles.
I have this basic code:
public async Task<bool> CreateEventData(OutlookCalendarData.OutlookCalendarData oData)
await oData.CreateEvent(oData.Weeks[0], _graphClient);
catch (Exception ex)
return true;
The code is calling is here:
public async Task<bool> CreateEvent(Week oWeek, GraphServiceClient graphClient)
// Event Body
// TODO: Build proper body text
ItemBody body = new ItemBody
Content = oWeek.WeeklyBibleReading,
ContentType = BodyType.Text
// Start Time
string strStartDateTime = oWeek.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "T" + oWeek.StartTime + ":00";
DateTime dateStartDateTime = DateTime.Parse(strStartDateTime);
DateTimeTimeZone startTime = new DateTimeTimeZone
DateTime = dateStartDateTime.ToString("o"),
TimeZone = TimeZoneInfo.Local.Id
// End Time
DateTimeTimeZone endTime = new DateTimeTimeZone
DateTime = dateStartDateTime.AddMinutes(oWeek.EventDuration).ToString("o"),
TimeZone = TimeZoneInfo.Local.Id
// Add the event
Event createdEvent = await graphClient.Me.Calendars[_CalendarID]
.AddAsync(new Event
Subject = oWeek.Title,
Body = body,
Start = startTime,
End = endTime,
IsReminderOn = true,
ReminderMinutesBeforeStart = 1024,
// Extended Properties
if (createdEvent != null)
new SingleValueLegacyExtendedProperty
Id = "String " + Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + " Name TruckleSoft1",
Value = "CLM_MidweekMeeting"
return true;
return false;
But I am getting an exception raised on this bit:
Event createdEvent = await graphClient.Me.Calendars[_CalendarID]
.AddAsync(new Event
Subject = oWeek.Title,
Body = body,
Start = startTime,
End = endTime,
IsReminderOn = true,
ReminderMinutesBeforeStart = 1024,
The exception:
<LogEntry Date="2017-09-01 18:38:08" Severity="Exception" Source="OutlookCalIFConsole.Outlook+<CreateEventData>d__17.MoveNext" ThreadId="10">
<Exception Type="System.NullReferenceException" Source="OutlookCalIFConsole.OutlookCalendarData.OutlookCalendarData+<CreateEvent>d__10.MoveNext">
<Message>Object reference not set to an instance of an object.</Message>
<StackTrace> at OutlookCalIFConsole.OutlookCalendarData.OutlookCalendarData.<CreateEvent>d__10.MoveNext() in D:\My Programs\2017\OutlookCalIFConsole\OutlookCalIFConsole\OutlookCalendarData\OutlookCalendarData.cs:line 97
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at OutlookCalIFConsole.Outlook.<CreateEventData>d__17.MoveNext() in D:\My Programs\2017\OutlookCalIFConsole\OutlookCalIFConsole\Outlook.cs:line 186</StackTrace>
I am confused. I have verified that all the bits I am using are not null.
I moved my code around a little bit and can now confirm that it does create the event in the calendar. The exception is on the extended properties:
// Extended Properties
if (createdEvent != null)
new SingleValueLegacyExtendedProperty
Id = "String " + Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + " Name TruckleSoft1",
Value = "CLM_MidweekMeeting"
return true;
Ah, in debug mode, on closer inspection, SingleValueExtendedProperties in the Event object is null. I can't work out how to build a new set of properties.
I have tried this but it does not like it:
List<SingleValueLegacyExtendedProperty> extendedProperties =
new List<SingleValueLegacyExtendedProperty>();
extendedProperties.Add(new SingleValueLegacyExtendedProperty
Id = "String " + Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + " Name TruckleSoft1",
Value = "CLM_MidweekMeeting"
// Add the event
Event createdEvent = await _graphClient.Me.Calendars[oData.CalendarID]
.AddAsync(new Event
Subject = oWeek.Title,
Body = body,
Start = startTime,
End = endTime,
IsReminderOn = true,
ReminderMinutesBeforeStart = 1024,
SingleValueExtendedProperties = extendedProperties
I have read this:
Yet I can't see why my approach fails really.

You're on the right track, you need to init the extendedProperties property. It isn't however a List<T> that you want, it is a EventSingleValueExtendedPropertiesCollectionPage.
Try this instead:
var extendedProperties = new EventSingleValueExtendedPropertiesCollectionPage();
extendedProperties.Add(new SingleValueLegacyExtendedProperty
Id = "String " + Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + " Name TruckleSoft1",
Value = "CLM_MidweekMeeting"


Cosmos Insert works only once

I'm hoping someone can help me with this issue. I have two methods that insert a document into a Cosmos DB. One works each and every time I run it. The other gets as far as CreateDatabaseIfNotExistsAsync and kicks out of the method and returns to the calling method. The ItemReponse objects Status property says "WaitingForActivation".
I will say that this logic did work once and now (with no changes) it does not. Below is the code that dies. First the Unit test:
public void AddPerson()
var logger = Mock.Of<ILogger<Person>>();
var appset = Mock.Of<IAppSettings>();
appset.DatabaseName = "PersonsDB";
appset.ContainerName = "PersonsContainer";
appset.EndpointUrl = "https://localhost:8081";
appset.AuthorizationKey = "somesecretkey";
Person person = new Person()
id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
Address_line_1 = "1932 Alakea St",
Address_line_2 = "",
Birth_Date = "2020-01-01",
Gender = "m",
Patient_First_Name = "John",
Patient_Last_Name = "Ridley",
Hospital_Code = "Queens Med",
Rec_ID = "1111111111",
VER_CRM_ID = "22222222",
PersonCosmos personCosmos = new PersonCosmos(logger, appset);
var myresult = personCosmos.PutPersonData(person);
Assert.True(myresult.Exception == null, "Row added");
Let me add that I am running the Cosmos Emulator hence the localhost url. Now for the code that dies.
public async Task<ItemResponse<Person>> PutPersonData(Person persondata)
this.cosmosClient = new CosmosClient(EndpointUri, PrimaryKey);
this.database = await this.cosmosClient.CreateDatabaseIfNotExistsAsync(DatabaseName);
this.container = await this.database.CreateContainerIfNotExistsAsync(ContainerName, "/Hospital_Code");
ItemResponse<Person> PutResponse = null;
// Read the item to see if it exists.
PutResponse = await this.container.ReadItemAsync<Person>(, new PartitionKey(persondata.Hospital_Code ));
return PutResponse;
catch (CosmosException ex) when (ex.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound)
// Create an item in the container representing the Appointment. Note we provide the value of the partition key for this item, which is "Hospital_Code"
PutResponse = await this.container.CreateItemAsync<Person>(persondata, new PartitionKey(persondata.Hospital_Code));
return PutResponse;
catch (Exception ex)
// Create an item in the container representing the object. Note we provide the value of the partition key for this item, which is "Hospital_Code"
_logger.LogError($"Error in {0} at {1} " + ex.Message, System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, DateTime.UtcNow.ToLongTimeString());
return PutResponse;
You are mixing sync and async in your code here.
Use await on this line.
var myresult = **await** personCosmos.PutPersonData(person);
and also this calling function should be async as well
public void AddPerson()

How to stop and re-excute methods in C#/XamarinForms?

I have a Display alert that ask if the user wants to retry syncing the data. My problem is when the user chose "Yes" my method overlaps it causes my application to crash. I there a way to for example when the user chooses yes the method execution stops and re-execute the method?
Here is my full code:
public async void FirstTimeSyncTown(string host, string database, string contact, string ipaddress)
syncStatus.Text = "Checking internet connection";
string apifile = "first-time-sync-town-api.php";
if (CrossConnectivity.Current.IsConnected)
syncStatus.Text = "Initializing first-time town sync";
var db = DependencyService.Get<ISQLiteDB>();
var conn = db.GetConnection();
var getData = conn.QueryAsync<TownTable>("SELECT * FROM tblTown WHERE Deleted != '1'");
var resultCount = getData.Result.Count;
var current_datetime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
int count = 1;
var settings = new JsonSerializerSettings
NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore,
MissingMemberHandling = MissingMemberHandling.Ignore
if (resultCount == 0)
syncStatus.Text = "Getting data from the server";
var link = "http://" + ipaddress + ":" + Constants.port + "/" + Constants.apifolder + "/api/" + apifile;
string contentType = "application/json";
JObject json = new JObject
{ "Host", host },
{ "Database", database }
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
var response = await client.PostAsync(link, new StringContent(json.ToString(), Encoding.UTF8, contentType));
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
var content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(content))
var dataresult = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<TownData>>(content, settings);
var datacount = dataresult.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < datacount; i++)
syncStatus.Text = "Syncing town " + count + " out of " + datacount;
var item = dataresult[i];
var townID = item.TownID;
var provinceID = item.ProvinceID;
var town = item.Town;
var lastsync = DateTime.Parse(current_datetime);
var lastupdated = item.LastUpdated;
var deleted = item.Deleted;
var insertdata = new TownTable
TownID = townID,
ProvinceID = provinceID,
Town = town,
LastSync = lastsync,
LastUpdated = lastupdated,
Deleted = deleted
await conn.InsertOrReplaceAsync(insertdata);
synccount += "Total synced town: " + count + "\n";
var logType = "App Log";
var log = "Initialized first-time sync (<b>Town</b>) <br/>" + "App Version: <b>" + Constants.appversion + "</b><br/> Device ID: <b>" + Constants.deviceID + "</b>";
int logdeleted = 0;
Save_Logs(contact, logType, log, database, logdeleted);
var retry = await DisplayAlert("Application Error", "Syncing failed. Failed to send the data.\n\n Error:\n\n" + content + "\n\n Do you want to retry?", "Yes", "No");
if (retry.Equals(true))
FirstTimeSyncTown(host, database, contact, ipaddress);
Preferences.Set("townchangelastcheck", current_datetime, "private_prefs");
SyncUserLogsClientUpdate(host, database, contact, ipaddress);
var retry = await DisplayAlert("Application Error", "Syncing failed. Please connect to the internet to sync your data. Do you want to retry?", "Yes", "No");
if (retry.Equals(true))
FirstTimeSyncTown(host, database, contact, ipaddress);
SyncTownServerUpdate(host, database, contact, ipaddress);
var retry = await DisplayAlert("Application Error", "Syncing failed. Please connect to the internet to sync your data. Do you want to retry?", "Yes", "No");
if (retry.Equals(true))
FirstTimeSyncTown(host, database, contact, ipaddress);
catch (Exception ex)
var retry = await DisplayAlert("Application Error", "Syncing failed. Failed to send the data.\n\n Error:\n\n" + ex.Message.ToString() + "\n\n Do you want to retry?", "Yes", "No");
if (retry.Equals(true))
FirstTimeSyncTown(host, database, contact, ipaddress);
In my case, I've used Task.Factory for executing methods in background, and also CancellationToken for cancelling executing.
Firstly, you need to create a Token parameter like so:
public CancellationTokenSource Ts { get; set; } = new CancellationTokenSource();
(I did it as public global param of the class for accessing from outside).
And when I execute the background methods, I use this lines of code:
// Get Token for Task.Factory
var ct = Ts.Token;
Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
// your code for background task
// This is for defining whether user cancelled
// and in that place your code stops
if (ct.IsCancellationRequested)
// do the staff and return
}, ct);
catch (AggregateException ex)
When user click on "Cancel", I handle this event and call this:
// Call it to stop thread
After that you can re-execute your method. Hope it helps!

Unable to store filesize data in Azure Media Service Assets

Currently building a web api for the existing web-based media services to encode uploaded videos.
The goal of my solution is to create a api call where i'll be sending the mp4 link and do the processing (encoding and streaming of the given mp4 link). I was able to fetch the mp4 and download to the server and reupload to its own blob storage. However if I check the AMS explorer, every parameters I passed exists except for the filesize. Here's my WEB API call I created (a total replicate of the existing media service form method. (
public JsonResult UploadApi(String video_url)
var id = 1;
WebClient client = new WebClient();
var videoStream = new MemoryStream(client.DownloadData(video_url));
var container = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(mediaServiceStorageConnectionString).CreateCloudBlobClient().GetContainerReference(mediaServiceStorageContainerReference);
var fileName = Path.GetFileName(video_url);
var fileToUpload = new CloudFile()
BlockCount = 1,
FileName = fileName,
Size = videoStream.Length,
BlockBlob = container.GetBlockBlobReference(fileName),
StartTime = DateTime.Now,
IsUploadCompleted = false,
UploadStatusMessage = string.Empty
Session.Add("CurrentFile", fileToUpload);
byte[] chunk = new byte[videoStream.Length];
//request.InputStream.Read(chunk, 0, Convert.ToInt32(request.Length));
//JsonResult returnData = null;
string fileSession = "CurrentFile";
CloudFile model = (CloudFile)Session[fileSession];
var blockId = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(
string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0:D4}", id)));
videoStream, null, null,
new BlobRequestOptions()
RetryPolicy = new LinearRetry(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), 3)
catch (StorageException e)
model.IsUploadCompleted = true;
model.UploadStatusMessage = "Failed to Upload file. Exception - " + e.Message;
return Json(new { error = true, isLastBlock = false, message = model.UploadStatusMessage });
var blockList = Enumerable.Range(1, (int)model.BlockCount).ToList<int>().ConvertAll(rangeElement => Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0:D4}", rangeElement))));
var duration = DateTime.Now - model.StartTime;
float fileSizeInKb = model.Size / 1024;
string fileSizeMessage = fileSizeInKb > 1024 ? string.Concat((fileSizeInKb / 1024).ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), " MB") : string.Concat(fileSizeInKb.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), " KB");
model.UploadStatusMessage = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "File of size {0} took {1} seconds to upload.", fileSizeMessage, duration.TotalSeconds);
IAsset mediaServiceAsset = CreateMediaAsset(model);
model.AssetId = mediaServiceAsset.Id;
//if (id == model.BlockCount){CommitAllChunks(model);}
return Json(new { error = false, isLastBlock = false, message = string.Empty, filename = fileName,filesize = videoStream.Length });
Functions used on the form-method solution.
public ActionResult SetMetadata(int blocksCount, string fileName, long fileSize)
var container = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(mediaServiceStorageConnectionString).CreateCloudBlobClient().GetContainerReference(mediaServiceStorageContainerReference);
var fileToUpload = new CloudFile()
BlockCount = blocksCount,
FileName = fileName,
Size = fileSize,
BlockBlob = container.GetBlockBlobReference(fileName),
StartTime = DateTime.Now,
IsUploadCompleted = false,
UploadStatusMessage = string.Empty
Session.Add("CurrentFile", fileToUpload);
return Json(true);
public ActionResult UploadChunk(int id)
HttpPostedFileBase request = Request.Files["Slice"];
byte[] chunk = new byte[request.ContentLength];
request.InputStream.Read(chunk, 0, Convert.ToInt32(request.ContentLength));
JsonResult returnData = null;
string fileSession = "CurrentFile";
if (Session[fileSession] != null)
CloudFile model = (CloudFile)Session[fileSession];
returnData = UploadCurrentChunk(model, chunk, id);
if (returnData != null)
return returnData;
if (id == model.BlockCount)
return CommitAllChunks(model);
returnData = Json(new
error = true,
isLastBlock = false,
message = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Failed to Upload file.", "Session Timed out")
return returnData;
return Json(new { error = false, isLastBlock = false, message = string.Empty });
private JsonResult UploadCurrentChunk(CloudFile model, byte[] chunk, int id)
using (var chunkStream = new MemoryStream(chunk))
var blockId = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(
string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0:D4}", id)));
chunkStream, null, null,
new BlobRequestOptions()
RetryPolicy = new LinearRetry(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), 3)
return null;
catch (StorageException e)
model.IsUploadCompleted = true;
model.UploadStatusMessage = "Failed to Upload file. Exception - " + e.Message;
return Json(new { error = true, isLastBlock = false, message = model.UploadStatusMessage });
private ActionResult CommitAllChunks(CloudFile model)
model.IsUploadCompleted = true;
bool errorInOperation = false;
var blockList = Enumerable.Range(1, (int)model.BlockCount).ToList<int>().ConvertAll(rangeElement => Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0:D4}", rangeElement))));
var duration = DateTime.Now - model.StartTime;
float fileSizeInKb = model.Size / 1024;
string fileSizeMessage = fileSizeInKb > 1024 ? string.Concat((fileSizeInKb / 1024).ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), " MB") : string.Concat(fileSizeInKb.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), " KB");
model.UploadStatusMessage = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "File of size {0} took {1} seconds to upload.", fileSizeMessage, duration.TotalSeconds);
IAsset mediaServiceAsset = CreateMediaAsset(model);
model.AssetId = mediaServiceAsset.Id;
catch (StorageException e)
model.UploadStatusMessage = "Failed to upload file. Exception - " + e.Message;
errorInOperation = true;
return Json(new
error = errorInOperation,
isLastBlock = model.IsUploadCompleted,
message = model.UploadStatusMessage,
assetId = model.AssetId
private IAsset CreateMediaAsset(CloudFile model)
CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(mediaServiceStorageConnectionString);
CloudBlobClient cloudBlobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
CloudBlobContainer mediaBlobContainer = cloudBlobClient.GetContainerReference(mediaServiceStorageContainerReference);
// Create a new asset.
IAsset asset = context.Assets.Create("UploadedVideo-" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString().ToLower(), AssetCreationOptions.None);
IAccessPolicy writePolicy = context.AccessPolicies.Create("writePolicy", TimeSpan.FromMinutes(120), AccessPermissions.Write);
ILocator destinationLocator = context.Locators.CreateLocator(LocatorType.Sas, asset, writePolicy);
// Get the asset container URI and copy blobs from mediaContainer to assetContainer.
Uri uploadUri = new Uri(destinationLocator.Path);
string assetContainerName = uploadUri.Segments[1];
CloudBlobContainer assetContainer = cloudBlobClient.GetContainerReference(assetContainerName);
string fileName = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Path.GetFileName(model.BlockBlob.Uri.AbsoluteUri));
var sourceCloudBlob = mediaBlobContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(fileName);
if (sourceCloudBlob.Properties.Length > 0)
IAssetFile assetFile = asset.AssetFiles.Create(fileName);
var destinationBlob = assetContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(fileName);
if (sourceCloudBlob.Properties.Length != destinationBlob.Properties.Length)
model.UploadStatusMessage += "Failed to copy as Media Asset!";
sourceCloudBlob.Delete(); //delete temp blob
// Refresh the asset.
asset = context.Assets.Where(a => a.Id == asset.Id).FirstOrDefault();
var ismAssetFiles = asset.AssetFiles.FirstOrDefault();
ismAssetFiles.IsPrimary = true;
model.UploadStatusMessage += " Media file uploaded successfully by id: " + asset.Id;
model.AssetId = asset.Id;
return asset;
public ActionResult EncodeToAdaptiveBitrateMP4s(string assetId)
// Note: You need atleast 1 reserve streaming unit for dynamic packaging of encoded media. If you don't have that, you can't see video file playing.
IAsset inputAsset = GetAssetById(assetId);
string token = string.Empty;
string uploadFileOriginalName = string.Empty;
////// Without preset (say default preset), works very well
//IJob job = context.Jobs.CreateWithSingleTask(MediaProcessorNames.AzureMediaEncoder,
// MediaEncoderTaskPresetStrings.H264AdaptiveBitrateMP4Set720p,
// inputAsset,
// "UploadedVideo-" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString().ToLower() + "-Adaptive-Bitrate-MP4",
// AssetCreationOptions.None);
//IAsset encodedOutputAsset = job.OutputMediaAssets[0];
//// XML Preset
IJob job = context.Jobs.Create(inputAsset.Name);
IMediaProcessor processor = GetLatestMediaProcessorByName("Media Encoder Standard");
string configuration = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(HttpContext.Server.MapPath("~/MediaServicesCustomPreset.xml"));
ITask task = job.Tasks.AddNew(inputAsset.Name + "- encoding task", processor, configuration, TaskOptions.None);
task.OutputAssets.AddNew(inputAsset.Name + "-Adaptive-Bitrate-MP4", AssetCreationOptions.None);
IAsset encodedAsset = job.OutputMediaAssets[0];
// process policy & encryption
// Get file name
string fileSession = "CurrentFile";
if (Session[fileSession] != null)
CloudFile model = (CloudFile)Session[fileSession];
uploadFileOriginalName = model.FileName;
// Generate Streaming URL
string smoothStreamingUri = GetStreamingOriginLocator(encodedAsset, uploadFileOriginalName);
// add jobid and output asset id in database
AzureMediaServicesContext db = new AzureMediaServicesContext();
var video = new Video();
video.RowAssetId = assetId;
video.EncodingJobId = job.Id;
video.EncodedAssetId = encodedAsset.Id;
video.LocatorUri = smoothStreamingUri;
video.IsEncrypted = useAESRestriction;
if (useAESRestriction)
token = AzureMediaAsset.GetTestToken(encodedAsset.Id, encodedAsset);
// Remove session
// return success response
return Json(new
error = false,
message = "Congratulations! Video is uploaded and pipelined for encoding, check console log for after encoding playback details.",
assetId = assetId,
jobId = job.Id,
locator = smoothStreamingUri,
encrypted = useAESRestriction,
token = token
The actual challenge that I encounter was, I'm not sure why the filesize of the downloaded remote mp4 file doesn't store in the media services asset file yet I was able to return the value via the json response of the my api call. Please check attached Screenshot of the API response.
Was able to figure out my own problem. All I need to do is to copy the function of my encoding function that was bind to an ActionResult data type. I think ActionResult is part of the form-method solution and I am building a WebAPI call solution of the working form-method.
From the original call function
[HttpPost] public ActionResult EncodeToAdaptiveBitrateMP4s(string assetId)
I copy the entire function into my WebApi Call function, like this:
public JsonResult UploadApi(String video_url)
var id = 1;
WebClient client = new WebClient();
var videoStream = new MemoryStream(client.DownloadData(video_url));
var container = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(mediaServiceStorageConnectionString).CreateCloudBlobClient().GetContainerReference(mediaServiceStorageContainerReference);
var fileName = Path.GetFileName(video_url);
var fileToUpload = new CloudFile()
BlockCount = 1,
FileName = fileName,
Size = videoStream.Length,
BlockBlob = container.GetBlockBlobReference(fileName),
StartTime = DateTime.Now,
IsUploadCompleted = false,
UploadStatusMessage = string.Empty
Session.Add("CurrentFile", fileToUpload);
byte[] chunk = new byte[videoStream.Length];
//request.InputStream.Read(chunk, 0, Convert.ToInt32(request.Length));
//JsonResult returnData = null;
string fileSession = "CurrentFile";
CloudFile model = (CloudFile)Session[fileSession];
var blockId = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(
string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0:D4}", id)));
videoStream, null, null,
new BlobRequestOptions()
RetryPolicy = new LinearRetry(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), 3)
catch (StorageException e)
model.IsUploadCompleted = true;
model.UploadStatusMessage = "Failed to Upload file. Exception - " + e.Message;
return Json(new { error = true, isLastBlock = false, message = model.UploadStatusMessage });
var blockList = Enumerable.Range(1, (int)model.BlockCount).ToList<int>().ConvertAll(rangeElement => Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0:D4}", rangeElement))));
var duration = DateTime.Now - model.StartTime;
float fileSizeInKb = model.Size / 1024;
string fileSizeMessage = fileSizeInKb > 1024 ? string.Concat((fileSizeInKb / 1024).ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), " MB") : string.Concat(fileSizeInKb.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), " KB");
model.UploadStatusMessage = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "File of size {0} took {1} seconds to upload.", fileSizeMessage, duration.TotalSeconds);
IAsset mediaServiceAsset = CreateMediaAsset(model);
model.AssetId = mediaServiceAsset.Id;
// Note: You need atleast 1 reserve streaming unit for dynamic packaging of encoded media. If you don't have that, you can't see video file playing.
var assetId = model.AssetId;
IAsset inputAsset = GetAssetById(assetId);
string token = string.Empty;
string uploadFileOriginalName = string.Empty;
////// Without preset (say default preset), works very well
//IJob job = context.Jobs.CreateWithSingleTask(MediaProcessorNames.AzureMediaEncoder,
// MediaEncoderTaskPresetStrings.H264AdaptiveBitrateMP4Set720p,
// inputAsset,
// "UploadedVideo-" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString().ToLower() + "-Adaptive-Bitrate-MP4",
// AssetCreationOptions.None);
//IAsset encodedOutputAsset = job.OutputMediaAssets[0];
//// XML Preset
IJob job = context.Jobs.Create(inputAsset.Name);
IMediaProcessor processor = GetLatestMediaProcessorByName("Media Encoder Standard");
string configuration = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(HttpContext.Server.MapPath("~/MediaServicesCustomPreset.xml"));
ITask task = job.Tasks.AddNew(inputAsset.Name + "- encoding task", processor, configuration, TaskOptions.None);
task.OutputAssets.AddNew(inputAsset.Name + "-Adaptive-Bitrate-MP4", AssetCreationOptions.None);
IAsset encodedAsset = job.OutputMediaAssets[0];
// process policy & encryption
// Get file name
uploadFileOriginalName = model.FileName;
// Generate Streaming URL
string smoothStreamingUri = GetStreamingOriginLocator(encodedAsset, uploadFileOriginalName);
// add jobid and output asset id in database
AzureMediaServicesContext db = new AzureMediaServicesContext();
var video = new Video();
video.RowAssetId = assetId;
video.EncodingJobId = job.Id;
video.EncodedAssetId = encodedAsset.Id;
video.LocatorUri = smoothStreamingUri;
video.IsEncrypted = useAESRestriction;
if (useAESRestriction)
token = AzureMediaAsset.GetTestToken(encodedAsset.Id, encodedAsset);
// Remove session
// return success response
return Json(new
error = false,
message = "Congratulations! Video is uploaded and pipelined for encoding, check console log for after encoding playback details.",
assetId = assetId,
jobId = job.Id,
locator = smoothStreamingUri,
encrypted = useAESRestriction,
token = token
//if (id == model.BlockCount){CommitAllChunks(model);}
//return Json(new { error = false, isLastBlock = false, message = string.Empty, filename = fileName,filesize = videoStream.Length });
However this kind of solution is to rigid and not for a long term solution but the concept was there and able to meet my goal. I will just redo my code and re-create a more flexible solution.
NOTE: I am not a C# developer. Respect for the beginner like me.

.NET Core 2.0 Is the below code thread safe

Here's my code and I have doubt on thread safe implementation. My questions are below
The return value from GetHtmlPageAsync is object. Is it thread safe? I will use this object and add into the collection and finally upload into database.
The main method logic is below (implementation in-progress). I have set of domains, I have list of 10000 domains in the collection, the idea is, I will put it in the queue and call the GetHtmlPageAsync to get the HTML of the page. Based on the HTML, I will get the necessary hyperlinks. Once I get the hyper links, I will check certain word is available in the link. If the word is available in the link, I will call the same method GetHTMLPageAsync to get the HTML of that page. So the same thread may call the GetHtmlPageAsync to process another link. I am trying to reuse the same method for multiple calls in thread safe way. Please help.
#edit1 . I have added the main method. Instead of Queue. I have used ForEach
public static async Task<int> ProcessDomainAsync(List<string> domains)
Parallel.ForEach(domains, async (currentDomain) =>
var domainBody = await GetHtmlPageAsync(currentDomain);
var language = string.Empty;
var country = string.Empty;
var createdOn = DateTime.SpecifyKind(DateTime.Now, DateTimeKind.Local);
var updatedOn = DateTime.SpecifyKind(DateTime.Now, DateTimeKind.Local);
var machine = Environment.MachineName;
var message = "[" + domainBody.ErrorCode + "] - " + domainBody.ErrorMessage;
var active = false;
var stage = "End";
var url = currentDomain;
if (domainBody.ErrorCode == 0)
var html = domainBody.Body;
language = Common.GetLanguageIdentification(html);
country = Common.GetCountryIdentification(currentDomain);
message = string.Empty;
active = true;
stage = "Stage1";
var hyperLinks = Common.GetAllAHrefTags(html);
//Process Hyper Links
_domainList.Add(new Domain
Url = url,
Language = language,
Country = country,
MachineName = machine,
Message = message,
Active = active,
Stage = stage,
CreatedOn = createdOn,
UpdatedOn = updatedOn
return domainCount;
public class DomainBody
public string Body;
public string ErrorMessage;
public int ErrorCode;
public static class DomainProcessing {
static async Task<DomainBody> GetHtmlPageAsync(string url)
#region Initialize Proxy
var sessionId = new Random().Next().ToString();
var proxy = new WebProxy(Constant.ProxyUrl, Constant.ProxyPort);
var login = Constant.ProxyUserName + "-session-" + sessionId;
proxy.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(login,Constant.ProxyPassword);
#region Initialize Variables
var user_agent = Common.GenerateRandomUserAgent();
var body = string.Empty;
var errorCode = 0;
var errorMessage = string.Empty;
#region Format URL with Http Protocol
var domainSB = new StringBuilder();
#region Process Domain
var request = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create(new Uri(url));
request.Proxy = proxy;
request.UserAgent = user_agent;
request.Timeout = Constant.TimeOut;
using (var response = await request.GetResponseAsync().ConfigureAwait(true))
using (var content = new MemoryStream())
using (var responseStream = response.GetResponseStream())
await responseStream.CopyToAsync(content);
var bodyArray = content.ToArray();
body = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bodyArray, 0, bodyArray.Length);
errorCode = 0;
errorMessage = string.Empty;
catch (HttpRequestException ex)
body = string.Empty;
errorCode = ex.InnerException.HResult;
errorMessage = ex.InnerException.Message;
catch (Exception ex)
body = string.Empty;
errorCode = ex.HResult;
errorMessage = ex.Message;
var domainBody = new DomainBody
Body = body,
ErrorCode = errorCode,
ErrorMessage = errorMessage
return domainBody;
}enter code here
Generally speaking, local variables should be thread safe (simply because they have no idea there even is another thread and other threads have no way to access them).
Anything that can be accessed by multiple threads should be looked at. _domainList for example. Make sure the Add method is thread-safe because you are calling it potentially in parallel.

Google.GoogleApiException: Google.Apis.Requests.RequestErrorInvalid Value [400] Errors Message[Invalid Value] Location Reason[invalid] Domain[global]

using this library (Google.Apis.Customsearch.v1, ver., in .Net VS2017 c# framework 4.7.1, from nuget),
occasionally, I get the following error:
...the service xxxxxx has thrown an exception:
Google.Apis.Requests.RequestErrorInvalid Value [400]
Errors [ Message[Invalid Value] Location[ - ] Reason[invalid] Domain[global]]
in Google.Apis.Requests.ClientServiceRequest 1.d__34.MoveNext()
--- End the stack trace from the previous position where the exception was generated ---
in System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw() in
Google.Apis.Requests.ClientServiceRequest 1.Execute() in...
In most cases, everything works correctly, without any changes in the code.
Below the procedure used:
public DataTable RunSearch(string querySearch, string dateRestrict, string excludeTerms, string orTerms)
string apiKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["gsApiKey"];
string searchEngineIdCX = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["gsCX"];
DataTable dtRes = getDt(); // create a custom table
var customSearchService = new CustomsearchService(new BaseClientService.Initializer { ApiKey = apiKey });
var listRequest = customSearchService.Cse.List(querySearch);
listRequest.Cx = searchEngineIdCX;
listRequest.Googlehost = "";
listRequest.DateRestrict = dateRestrict; // "d1"
listRequest.ExcludeTerms = excludeTerms;
listRequest.OrTerms = orTerms;
IList<Result> paging = new List<Result>();
int count = 0;
while (paging != null && dtRes.Rows.Count < 100) // max 100 free
listRequest.Start = count * 10 + 1; // every query gets 10 Results
paging = listRequest.Execute().Items; // Each lap is a query that scales from 100 available
if (paging != null)
foreach (var item in paging)
DataRow dr = dtRes.NewRow();
dr["Count"] = dtRes.Rows.Count + 1;
dr["Title"] = item.Title;
dr["Link"] = item.Link;
dr["Snippet"] = item.Snippet;
catch (Google.GoogleApiException gex)
string msgErr = "Error in " + this.GetType().ToString();
logger.Fatal(msgErr, gex);
catch (Exception ex)
string msgErr = "Error in " + this.GetType().ToString();
logger.Fatal(msgErr, ex);
return dtRes;
What may be the error that occurs?
Thank you in advance.

