How to attach an event handler to an EnvDTE.Window - c#

I can open a new browser window in Visual Studio and open an url in it with the following snippet of code. The last line sets the title of this window to "newTitle". However, once the window is finished loading, the caption is updated to reflect the content of the URL. I like to attach an event handler to the window or to the embedded object, but I do not know how to do that.
var dte2 = Package.GetGlobalService(typeof(SDTE)) as DTE2;
var window = dte2.ItemOperations.Navigate(url, EnvDTE.vsNavigateOptions.vsNavigateOptionsNewWindow);
window.Caption = "newTitle";
What have I tried:
Check if the object inside the window is of type vsWindowKindWebBrowser and cast that object to WebBrowser. But window.Object cannot be cast to WebBrowser; wb1 is null.
var wb1 = window.Object as System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser;
wb1.DocumentCompleted += (o, e) => { window.Caption = "newTitle"; };
Used the approach listed here: How to Get List of Open Web Pages in Visual Studio Using EnvDTE. wb2 is not null but the object inside is disposed, thus also of no use.
var wb2 = new VisualStudioWebBrowser(window.Object);
wb2.DocumentCompleted += (o, e) => { window.Caption = "newTitle"; };
Asked this question on MSDN, see here, but no useful answer.
Question: How to attach an event handler to an EnvDTE.Window such that I can listen for the event that the page is finished loading?


Tracking changes in C# interactive window

VS now comes with an interactive window, but unlike running the raw CSI.EXE Roslyn process, Visual Studio adds IntelliSense and a few other features such as being able to load in the current project.
I want to write a VS plug-in that tracks all text editor changes in this window. Is this possible? What I'm looking for is something akin to PreviewKeyDown/PreviewTextInput WPF events. Can I get those on the C# interactive window and, if so, how?
Here's how far I got so far:
var dte = Shell.Instance.GetComponent<DTE>();
foreach (Window window in dte.MainWindow.Collection)
if (window.Kind.ToUpper().Contains("TOOL"))
if (window.Caption == "C# Interactive")
WpfWindow wpfWindow = (WpfWindow)HwndSource.FromHwnd((IntPtr) window.HWnd).RootVisual;
for (int i = 0; i < VTH.GetChildrenCount(wpfWindow); ++i)
// now what?
Here is some code that will get an IWpfTextViewHost reference on the C# interactive Window. From there, you can have access to all text services from Visual Studio: Text lines, Text buffer, etc. (or you can hook directly on WPF's controls, which I don't recommend)
// get global UI shell service from a service provider
var shell = (IVsUIShell)ServiceProvider.GetService(typeof(SVsUIShell));
// try to find the C# interactive Window frame from it's package Id
// with different Guids, it could also work for other interactive Windows (F#, VB, etc.)
var CSharpVsInteractiveWindowPackageId = new Guid("{ca8cc5c7-0231-406a-95cd-aa5ed6ac0190}");
// you can use a flag here to force open it
var flags = __VSFINDTOOLWIN.FTW_fFindFirst;
shell.FindToolWindow((uint)flags, ref CSharpVsInteractiveWindowPackageId, out IVsWindowFrame frame);
// available?
if (frame != null)
// get its view (it's a WindowPane)
frame.GetProperty((int)__VSFPROPID.VSFPROPID_DocView, out object dv);
// this pane implements IVsInteractiveWindow (you need to add the Microsoft.VisualStudio.VsInteractiveWindow nuget package)
var iw = (IVsInteractiveWindow)dv;
// now get the wpf view host
// using an extension method from Microsoft.VisualStudio.VsInteractiveWindowExtensions class
IWpfTextViewHost host = iw.InteractiveWindow.GetTextViewHost();
// you can get lines with this
var lines = host.TextView.TextViewLines;
// and subscribe to events in text with this
host.TextView.TextBuffer.Changed += TextBuffer_Changed;
private void TextBuffer_Changed(object sender, TextContentChangedEventArgs e)
// text has changed
Note "Microsoft.VisualStudio.VsInteractiveWindow" assembly is not specifically documented but the source is open:

How to handle JavaScript popus with controls using Selenium webdriver C# [duplicate]

So I'm working with selenium firefox webdrivers in c# winform and I have this code below to get the handle of the popup that shows when you click on the "webtraffic_popup_start_button" and it should get the handle of the popup but the popup handle is same as current one.
string current = driver.CurrentWindowHandle;
popup = driver.CurrentWindowHandle;
Any help with this would be much appreciated thank you
This is what pop up looks like.
WebDriver does absolutely no tracking whatsoever to detect which window is actually in the foreground in the OS, and does no automatic switching when new browser windows are opened. That means the proper way to get the handle of a newly-opened popup window is a multi-step process. To do so, you would:
Save the currently-focused window handle into a variable so that you
can switch back to it later.
Get the list of currently opened window handles.
Perform the action that would cause the new window to appear.
Wait for the number of window handles to increase by 1.
Get the new list of window handles.
Find the new handle in the list of handles.
Switch to that new window.
In code using the .NET language bindings, that would look something like this:
string currentHandle = driver.CurrentWindowHandle;
ReadOnlyCollection<string> originalHandles = driver.WindowHandles;
// Cause the popup to appear
// WebDriverWait.Until<T> waits until the delegate returns
// a non-null value for object types. We can leverage this
// behavior to return the popup window handle.
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
string popupWindowHandle = wait.Until<string>((d) =>
string foundHandle = null;
// Subtract out the list of known handles. In the case of a single
// popup, the newHandles list will only have one value.
List<string> newHandles = driver.WindowHandles.Except(originalHandles).ToList();
if (newHandles.Count > 0)
foundHandle = newHandles[0];
return foundHandle;
// Do whatever you need to on the popup browser, then...
Alternatively, if you're using the .NET bindings, there's a PopupWindowFinder class in the WebDriver.Support assembly that is specifically designed to do these operations for you. Using that class is much simpler.
// Get the current window handle so you can switch back later.
string currentHandle = driver.CurrentWindowHandle;
// Find the element that triggers the popup when clicked on.
IWebElement element = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[#id='webtraffic_popup_start_button']"));
// The Click method of the PopupWindowFinder class will click
// the desired element, wait for the popup to appear, and return
// the window handle to the popped-up browser window. Note that
// you still need to switch to the window to manipulate the page
// displayed by the popup window.
PopupWindowFinder finder = new PopupWindowFinder(driver);
string popupWindowHandle = finder.Click(element);
// Do whatever you need to on the popup browser, then...
// Switch back to parent window
If the lastly opened window is your target then simply do the following after the click
//You may need to go back to parent window to perform additional actions;
// to the new window
// to the new window
I've got some code you might like. The quickest solution is to use Popup Finder, but I've made my own method as well. I would never rely on the order the Window Handles are in to select the appropriate window. Popup Window Finder:
PopupWindowFinder finder = new PopupWindowFinder(driver);
My Custom method. Basically you pass it the element you want to click, your webdriver, and optionally the time to wait before searching after you click the element.
It takes all of your current handles and makes a list. It uses that list to eliminate the previously existing windows from accidentally getting switched to. Then it clicks the element that launches the new window. There should always be some sort of a delay after the click, as nothing happens instantly. And then it makes a new list and compares that against the old one until it finds a new window or the loop expires. If it fails to find a new window it returns null, so if you have an iffy webelement that doesn't always work, you can do a null check to see if the switch worked.
public static string ClickAndSwitchWindow(IWebElement elementToBeClicked,
IWebDriver driver, int timer = 2000)
System.Collections.Generic.List<string> previousHandles = new
System.Collections.Generic.List<string> currentHandles = new
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
foreach (string s in previousHandles)
currentHandles.RemoveAll(p => p == s);
if (currentHandles.Count == 1)
return currentHandles[0];
return null;

How to Capture 'Send' button event for Outlook using UI Automation in C#?

I want to capture 'Send' button event of outlook using UI Automation.
Right now i am able to get 'Focus Change Event' like whenever iam minimizing or maximizing the WINWORD window the the event is raised instead of that i want to get the event on Send button click.
private void SendButtonInvoke()
Process[] processes = Process.GetProcessesByName("WINWORD");
AutomationElement aeOutLook = null;
foreach (var item in processes)
aeOutLook = AutomationElement.FromHandle(item.MainWindowHandle);
//AutomationElement outlookelm = AutomationElement.FromHandle(processName.MainWindowHandle);
AutomationElement buttonAddInstance = aeOutLook.FindFirst(TreeScope.Descendants,
new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.NameProperty, "Send"));
if (buttonAddInstance == null)
MessageBox.Show("Add button instance not found");
AutomationPropertyChangedEventHandler ButtonEvent =
new AutomationPropertyChangedEventHandler(ButtonChecked_EventHandler);
//Attaching the EventHandler
Automation.AddAutomationPropertyChangedEventHandler(buttonAddInstance, TreeScope.Children,
ButtonEvent, AutomationElement.NameProperty);
private void ButtonChecked_EventHandler(object sender, AutomationEventArgs e)
AutomationElement ar = sender as AutomationElement;
MessageBox.Show("Button Clicked Sucessfully.");
You have to specifiy the EventHandler for the involved UIA Pattern. (For your case it's likely to be the InvokePattern):
Automation.AddAutomationEventHandler(InvokePattern.InvokedEvent, AutomationElement buttonAddInstance ,TreeScope.Element, new AutomationEventHandler(OnStartInvoke));
private static void OnStartInvoke(object src, AutomationEventArgs e)
I wrote and tested the code below and it seems to work for me.
private void AddEmailSendEvent()
// Find the new email window
PropertyCondition newEmailWindowCondition = new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.NameProperty, "Untitled - Message (HTML) ");
AutomationElement NewEmailWindow = AutomationElement.RootElement.FindFirst(TreeScope.Children, newEmailWindowCondition);
// Find the Send Button
PropertyCondition sendEmailButtonCondition = new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.NameProperty, "Send");
AutomationElement sendButton = NewEmailWindow.FindFirst(TreeScope.Descendants, sendEmailButtonCondition);
// If supported, add the invoke event
if (sendButton.GetSupportedPatterns().Any(p => p.Equals(InvokePattern.Pattern)))
Automation.AddAutomationEventHandler(InvokePattern.InvokedEvent, sendButton, TreeScope.Element, handler);
private void handler(object sender, AutomationEventArgs e)
// Do whatever is needed, for testing this just adds a message to my forms Main UI
AddMessage("Invoke event occured");
I should note that I'm using the .Net 4.0 automation libs. I've found the older ones don't always work the way I want them. I also tested this with Outlook 2013, and both outlook and the new email message were already open when I tested this. It doesn't handle waiting for them to appear.
Just so your aware, these events don't always work for all controls. Some custom controls are made in such a way the invoke events are not reported to the UI in a way the event can register. With that said, from my testing you should be able to use this method on the send button.
Invoking vs mouse clicks: Just to add a little more detail, the standard control causes the invoke event to fire when a user clicks it. "Invoke" is just the standard event fired on clickable controls. The only time a click wouldn't fire the same invoke is if the developer decided to intercept the click somehow and redirect it elsewhere. I've seen this a lot when people build there own custom controls.
If your not sure about whether a control using/firing the invoke event or not you can get use the Accessible Event Watcher to watch a control as you click it. You can get more information on the tool here:

InvalidCastException when trying to automate WebBrowser C#

Basically I'm automating a site that has an iframe and doesn't fire DocumentComplete. I'm running a Form in an independant thread, which contains a WebBrowser. I'm trying to click search within the WebBrowser, it works normally but I'm trying to separate the Browser from the form thread-wise so I can make my code overall more procedural and implement an AutoResetEvent.
Here's the method for Clicking search:
public void ClickSearch()
if (search == null)
HtmlElementCollection links = Document.Window.Frames[0].Frames[1].Document.Links;
search = links.Cast<HtmlElement>()
.Where(x => x != null)
.FirstOrDefault(x => x.InnerText == "Search");
Doc.InvokeScript("htmlbSL", new object[]{search, 2, search.Id+":SEARCH", '0'});
Here's the code that calls it:
var evt = new AutoResetEvent(false);
HtmlElementEventHandler handler = null;
handler = new HtmlElementEventHandler(
delegate(object sender, HtmlElementEventArgs ev)
ev.BubbleEvent = false;
smsBrowser.Doc.Focusing -= handler;
worklist = new Worklist();
smsBrowser.Doc.Focusing += handler;
Task.Factory.StartNew(() => smsBrowser.ClickSearch());
The line:
HtmlElementCollection links = Document.Window.Frames[0].Frames[1].Document.Links;
is giving me an InvalidCastException. Also, any advice as to how to best do this would be much appreciated, I want to avoid Application.DoEvents(), I also want it to be more procedure (I have many events attaching and detaching). The calling method is also running within an event handler, I'd like to put them within the same method with implemented waits to clean up my code.
I followed this guide earlier:
Here are the exception details, though they don't provide much help.
An exception of type 'System.InvalidCastException' occurred in System.Windows.Forms.dll but was not handled in user code
Additional information: Specified cast is not valid.

AlertControl doesn't show

I have a strange problem with devexpress AlertControl. I create an alertu using this code
AlertInfo alertInfo = new AlertInfo(caption, text);
AlertControl control = new AlertControl();
control.FormLocation = AlertFormLocation.BottomRight;
this code is placed in backgroundWorker_DoWork function and it is supposed to display alerts from time to time. The problem is that alerts are not shown. I can see that show method is invoked however alerts are not shown.
Acording to documentation is I pass null as a parametr of Show function , notification should be shown on main monitor.
What can I do to make it work ?
Considering you're using a worker, I guess it's a thread problem. Try wrapping your code inside an Action object:
Action action = () =>
AlertControl control = new AlertControl();
control.FormLocation = AlertFormLocation.BottomRight;
control.Show(this, alertInfo); // "this" being a Form
I use a similar code inside a form with good results and once did a similar code using an AlertControl too.
Your AlertControl need a Parent Control.
AlertControl control = new AlertControl();
control.FormLocation = AlertFormLocation.BottomRight;
control.Show(MyForm,alertInfo); //replace null with a Form/Control instance
You call the Show method with a null paramater - where you should have use an instance of a Form/Control
Don't know anything about the devexpress controls, but maybe you have to show the alert from the main thread via invoke methode?
using DevExpress.XtraBars.Alerter;
// Create a regular custom button.
AlertButton btn1 = new AlertButton(Image.FromFile(#"c:\folder-16x16.png"));
btn1.Hint = "Open file";
btn1.Name = "buttonOpen";
// Create a check custom button.
AlertButton btn2 = new AlertButton(Image.FromFile(#"c:\clock-16x16.png"));
btn2.Style = AlertButtonStyle.CheckButton;
btn2.Down = true;
btn2.Hint = "Alert On";
btn2.Name = "buttonAlert";
// Add buttons to the AlertControl and subscribe to the events to process button clicks
alertControl1.ButtonClick += new AlertButtonClickEventHandler(alertControl1_ButtonClick);
alertControl1.ButtonDownChanged +=
new AlertButtonDownChangedEventHandler(alertControl1_ButtonDownChanged);
// Show a sample alert window.
AlertInfo info = new AlertInfo("New Window", "Text");
alertControl1.Show(this, info);
void alertControl1_ButtonDownChanged(object sender,
AlertButtonDownChangedEventArgs e) {
if (e.ButtonName == "buttonOpen") {
void alertControl1_ButtonClick(object sender, AlertButtonClickEventArgs e) {
if (e.ButtonName == "buttonAlert") {

