I use fluent API and Ef Core.
This is my linq:
var data = (from candidateHP in _cempContexto.CandidateHiringProcessSummary
join jobsHP in _cempContexto.JobHiringProcessSummary on candidateHP.JobCode equals jobsHP.JobCode
join job in _cempContexto.Vaga on jobsHP.JobCode equals job.Codigo
join candidateJob in _cempContexto.TrCandidatoVaga on new { X = job.Codigo, Y = candidateCode } equals new { X = candidateJob.VagaCodigo, Y = candidateJob.CandidatoCodigo }
candidateHP.CandidateCode == candidateCode
JobCode = jobsHP.JobCode,
CompanyCode = job.EmpresaCodigo,
Title = job.Titulo,
HasImage = true,
CompanyName = job.NomeEmpresa,
QuantityJobs = job.QuantidadeVaga,
Location = job.CidadeCodigo,
QuantityResumeSent = jobsHP.QuantityResumeSent,
JobStatusCode = jobsHP.StatusCode,
CandidateStatusCode = candidateHP.StatusCode,
StatusCode = job.StatusCodigo,
ResumeSentDate = candidateJob.Data,
InsertDate = job.DataDeCadastro,
EndDate = job.DataDeSaida,
city= _cempContexto.TrVagaCidade.SelectMany(p => _cempContexto.TrVagaCidade.Where(q => q.VagaCodigo == candidateHP.JobCode).Select(q => new { q })).ToList()
I need to Fill city with that subquery. I need a better way to do that, How could I proceed?
Split code into two queries :
var query = (from candidateHP in _cempContexto.CandidateHiringProcessSummary
join jobsHP in _cempContexto.JobHiringProcessSummary on candidateHP.JobCode equals jobsHP.JobCode
join job in _cempContexto.Vaga on jobsHP.JobCode equals job.Codigo
join candidateJob in _cempContexto.TrCandidatoVaga on new { X = job.Codigo, Y = candidateCode } equals new { X = candidateJob.VagaCodigo, Y = candidateJob.CandidatoCodigo }
candidateHP.CandidateCode == candidateCode
{ jobsHP = jobsHP, job = job, candidateJob = candidateJob}).ToList();
var data = query.Select(x => new {
JobCode = x.jobsHP.JobCode,
CompanyCode = x.job.EmpresaCodigo,
Title = x.job.Titulo,
HasImage = true,
CompanyName = x.job.NomeEmpresa,
QuantityJobs = x.job.QuantidadeVaga,
Location = x.job.CidadeCodigo,
QuantityResumeSent = x.jobsHP.QuantityResumeSent,
JobStatusCode = x.jobsHP.StatusCode,
CandidateStatusCode = x.candidateHP.StatusCode,
StatusCode = x.job.StatusCodigo,
ResumeSentDate = x.candidateJob.Data,
InsertDate = x.job.DataDeCadastro,
EndDate = x.job.DataDeSaida,
city= query.Select(y => y.candidateHP.JobCode).Select(q => new { q })).ToList()
public ActionResult EditArticle(int id)
if (id == null)
return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
var typeId = 0;
var catId = 0;
var subCatId = 0;
var viewModel = (from sa in ems.SupportArticles
join ssc in ems.SupportSubCategories on sa.SubCatID equals ssc.SubCatID
join sc in ems.SupportCategories on ssc.CatID equals sc.CatID
join st in ems.SupportTypes on sc.TypeID equals st.TypeID
where sa.ArcticleId == id
select new SupportArticleViewModel { supportArticle = sa, supportSubCat = ssc, supportCat = sc, supportType = st });
foreach (var vm in viewModel)
typeId = vm.supportType.TypeID;
catId = vm.supportCat.CatID;
subCatId = vm.supportSubCat.SubCatID;
I want to convert it into Lambda Notation.But, I am unable to do it.Please help.I am using SupportViewModel which contains property of SupportType,SupportCategory ,SupportSubCategoryand SupportArticle.
Following is functional way do query , you have to make use of join function and than you get data
var filteredArtciles = SupportArticles.Where(sa=> sa.ArcticleId == id);
var query =
Join(SupportSubCategories,sa => sa.SubCatID ,ssc => ssc.SubCatID,(sa, ssc) => new {sa,ssc}).
Join(SupportCategories,sassc => sassc.ssc.CatID ,sc=>sc.CatID ,(sassc, sc) => new {sassc,sc}).;
Join(SupportTypes,sasscsc => sasscsc.sc.TypeID ,st=>st.TypeID ,(sc, st) => new {sasscsc,st}).
new SupportArticleViewModel
supportArticle = j.sasscsc.sassc.sa,
supportSubCat = j.sasscsc.sassc.ssc,
supportCat = j.sasscsc.sc,
supportType = j.st
I want to order my list by idEtatD but this attribute isn't my table primarykey or id it's a normal attribute migrated from another table,nut OrderBy or OrderByDescending didn't give me a result my list still not ordered by idEtatD.
public ActionResult ListeDemande( int? page)
traçabilitérepository=new TraçabilitéDemandeRepository(db);
var listdemandes = (from d in db.Demande_Gabarit
join t in db.Traçabilité_Demande_Gabarit
on d.id_demande equals t.iddemande into ThisList
from t in ThisList.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new
NumDemande = d.NumDemande,
Emetteur = d.Emetteur,
Date = d.Date,
Ligne = d.Ligne.designation,
Etat = t.Etat_Demande_Gabarit.EtatDemande
}).ToList().Select(x => new DemandeViewModel()
NumDemande = x.NumDemande,
Emetteur = x.Emetteur,
Date = x.Date,
designation = x.Ligne,
EtatDemande = x.Etat,
id_demande = x.id_demande
int pageSize = 10;
int pageNumber = (page ?? 1);
return View(listdemandes.OrderByDescending(x => x.idEtatD).ToList().ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize));
Please I need your help and thank you.
You can order the items at the beginning, but you need to include it in the list:
traçabilitérepository = new TraçabilitéDemandeRepository(db);
var listdemandes = (from d in db.Demande_Gabarit
join t in db.Traçabilité_Demande_Gabarit
on d.id_demande equals t.iddemande into ThisList
from t in ThisList.DefaultIfEmpty()
orderby t.idEtatD descending
select new
id_demande = d.id_demande,
NumDemande = d.NumDemande,
Emetteur = d.Emetteur,
Date = d.Date,
Ligne = d.Ligne.designation,
Etat = t.Etat_Demande_Gabarit.EtatDemande,
idEtatD = XXXX
}).ToList().Select(x => new DemandeViewModel()
NumDemande = x.NumDemande,
Emetteur = x.Emetteur,
Date = x.Date,
designation = x.Ligne,
EtatDemande = x.Etat,
id_demande = x.id_demande
So I had an issue yesterday that I worked through and increased the speed of my program, but I'm having an issue where I never hit the return breakpoint nor an exception. This query can run multiple times at once depending on the schedualed times it needs to run, but does work if I run it solo with one company. Any idea why?
//work on query further , need to get client ID correctly
if (vehicleses.Count == 0)
return null;
string siteId = QueryExportSiteWithId(exportSiteId).SiteId;
string clientId = vehicleses[0].ClientID;
var inventoryyReturn = from i in db.Inventory_Vehicles
where dealerIdList.Any(c => c == i.ClientID) && i.Archived != "1" && i.Holding != "1" &&
i.Status == "A"
select i;
var inventoryDescription = from i in db.Inventory_Descriptions
c => new {client = c.ClientID, inv = c.ID} == new {client = i.ClientID, inv = i.InventoryID})
select i;
var settingsExports = from i in db.Settings_Exports
where inventoryyReturn.Any(c => c.ClientID == i.ClientID)
select i;
var settingLots = from i in db.Settings_Lots
c => new {client = c.ClientID, lot = c.LotID} == new {client = i.ClientID, lot = i.ID})
select i;
var inventoryFeatures = from i in db.Inventory_Features
c => new {client = c.ClientID, inv = c.ID} == new {client = i.ClientID, inv = i.InventoryID})
select i;
var inventoryPhotos = from i in db.Inventory_Photos
inventoryyReturn.Any(c => c.ID == i.InventoryID)
select i;
var longReturnListt = await (from i in inventoryyReturn
join l in inventoryDescription on new {inv = i.ID, cli = i.ClientID} equals
new {inv = l.InventoryID, cli = l.ClientID} into descGroup
from m in descGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
join s in settingsExports on i.ClientID equals s.ClientID into settingGroup
from sg in settingGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
join sl in settingLots on new {client = sg.ClientID, lot = sg.LotID} equals
new {client = sl.ClientID, lot = sl.ID} into lotsGroup
from lg in lotsGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
join se in db.Settings_ExportSites on new {client = lg.ClientID, lotId = i.LotID, site = siteId}
equals new {client = se.ClientID, lotId = se.LotID, site = se.Site} into exportGroup
from eg in exportGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
join f in inventoryFeatures on new {inv = i.ID, cli = i.ClientID} equals
new {inv = f.InventoryID, cli = f.ClientID} into invFeatGroup
from ifg in invFeatGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
join p in inventoryPhotos on i.ID equals p.InventoryID into photo
from photos in photo.DefaultIfEmpty()
orderby i.ID
select new {i, m, sg, photoo = photo.ToList(), lg, ifg, eg}
into grouped
// group grouped by new {grouped.i.ClientID } into groupedDone
// select groupedDone
select new NewType
InventoryVehicles = grouped.i,
InventoryDescriptions = grouped.m,
SettingsExports = grouped.sg,
InventoryPhotos = grouped.photoo,
SettingsLots = grouped.lg,
InventoryFeatures = grouped.ifg,
SettingsExportSites = grouped.eg
if (longReturnListt != null) returnList.AddRange(longReturnListt);
catch (Exception exception)
return returnList;
I have the following query in controller and I want to store a column value in a variable but I am not being able to iterate it. Here is my code:
var srmas = (
from SRMAs in db.SRMAs
join SRMAStatus in db.SRMAStatus on SRMAs.Status equals SRMAStatus.Id
join PurchaseOrders in db.PurchaseOrders on SRMAs.PONumber equals PurchaseOrders.PONumber
join Suppliers in db.Suppliers on PurchaseOrders.SupplierID equals Suppliers.SupplierID
join SRMADetails in db.SRMADetails on SRMAs.Id equals SRMADetails.SRMAId
where(SRMAs.Id == srmaid)
group SRMADetails by new
} into grp
select new
Sum = grp.Sum(SRMADetails => SRMADetails.Cost * SRMADetails.QtyReturned)
System.Collections.IEnumerable et = (System.Collections.IEnumerable)srmas;
IEnumerator it = et.GetEnumerator();
while (it.MoveNext())
SRMA current = (SRMA)it.Current;
ViewBag.SRMAs = srmas.Select(srma => new IndexViewModel
Id = srma.SRMAId,
SupplierRMANum = srma.SupplierRMANumber,
SRMADetailsID = srma.Id,
PONumber = srma.PONumber,
CreatedOn = srma.CreatedOn,
SupplierName = srma.SupplierName,
SRMAStatus = srma.StatusName,
Status = srma.Status,
suppliersOrderNumber = srma.suppliersOrderNumber,
PODate = srma.PODate,
Sum = srma.Sum,
TrackingNumber = srma.TrackingNumber,
ActualAmount = srma.ActualAmount
I just want to get Status value of first record. How do I do it?
After getting my join to work I seem to have gotten stuck on the count bit.
What I am attempting below is get a count of documents printed based on the join below.
What would the code be to get the count per 'guardiandocsrequired'?
var guardianEntityType = new {EntityTypeFK = "GUARDIAN"};
return (from d in dbContext.GuardianDocsRequireds
join p in dbContext.DocumentPrintingLogs on
new { docTypeFK = d.DocTypeFK, entityFK = d.GuardianFK } equals
new { docTypeFK = p.DocTypeFK, entityFK = p.EntityFK }
where d.GuardianFK == entityPK && p.ItemGroupFK == itemGroupID && p.EntityTypeFK == "GUARDIAN"
group d by new
into res
select new DocumentsRequired
EntityPK = res.Key.GuardianFK,
EntityType = entityType,
DocTypeFK = res.Key.DocTypeFK,
DocTypeDescription = res.Key.DocTypeDescription,
RequiredStatus = res.Key.RequiredStatus,
PrintCount = ???
If it helps, I have written the sql to produce exactly what I require as follows:
SELECT gdr.DocRequiredID,gdr.RequiredDate,gdr.GuardianFK,gdr.DocTypeFK,gdr.RequiredStatus,
COUNT(dpl.DocPrintedID) AS documentsPrinted
FROM dbo.GuardianDocsRequired gdr
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.DocumentPrintingLog dpl ON gdr.DocTypeFK = dpl.DocTypeFK
AND gdr.GuardianFK = dpl.EntityFK
AND dpl.EntityTypeFK = 'GUARDIAN'
WHERE gdr.GuardianFK = #entityPK
GROUP BY gdr.DocRequiredID,gdr.RequiredDate,gdr.GuardianFK,gdr.DocTypeFK,gdr.RequiredStatus
Do you mean sth like this?
var guardiandocsrequired = (from d in dbContext.GuardianDocsRequireds
join p in dbContext.DocumentPrintingLogs on
new { docTypeFK = d.DocTypeFK, entityFK = d.GuardianFK } equals
new { docTypeFK = p.DocTypeFK, entityFK = p.EntityFK }
where d.GuardianFK == entityPK && p.ItemGroupFK == itemGroupID && p.EntityTypeFK == "GUARDIAN"
group d by new
into res
select new DocumentsRequired
EntityPK = res.Key.GuardianFK,
EntityType = entityType,
DocTypeFK = res.Key.DocTypeFK,
DocTypeDescription = res.Key.DocTypeDescription,
RequiredStatus = res.Key.RequiredStatus,
PrintCount = ???
int cnt = guardiandocsrequired.Count;
return guardiandocsrequired;