How to Extract ZIP file from specific path inside ZIP C# Ionic - c#

I have one ZIP file named abc.ZIP
Inside ZIP folder structure is as below:
I want to extract this ZIP at D:/folder_name
But i want to extract only folder and its content named a,b,c. Also folder names are not fixed. I dont want to extract root folder abc and its child folder pqr.
I used following code but its not working:
using (ZipFile zipFile = ZipFile.Read(#""))
foreach (ZipEntry entry in zipFile.Entries)

The following should work, but I'm not sure, if it's the best option.
string rootPath = "abc/pqr/";
using (ZipFile zipFile = ZipFile.Read(#""))
foreach (ZipEntry entry in zipFile.Entries)
if (entry.FileName.StartsWith(rootPath) && entry.FileName.Length > rootPath.Length)
string path = Path.Combine(#"D:/folder_name", entry.FileName.Substring(rootPath.Length));
if (entry.IsDirectory)
using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create))
Other option would be to extract the complete file in a temporary directory and move the sub directories to your target directory.


Copying some files to a zip file sub directory without extracting it using C#

I have a zip file which contains sub directories and files. I want to copy a file to this zip sub directory. I'm able to copy this directly to zip but I want to copy to the zip sub directory.
This is my code snippet.
public void CopyToZip(string zipFile, string folderToZip)
using (ZipArchive zipArchive = ZipFile.Open(zipFile, ZipArchiveMode.Update))
string[] di = Directory.GetFiles(folderToZip,"*.config",SearchOption.AllDirectories);
if (di != null && di.Length > 0)
foreach (string fileToArchive in di)
zipArchive.CreateEntryFromFile(fileToArchive, "*.config", CompressionLevel.Optimal);

Directory.CreateDirectory() does not create folder within ZipFile

I am trying to zip together all folders and their contents into a zip file. From what I have researched (through StackOverflow and Microsoft), Directory.CreateDirectory(Path) should create the given directory. However, my ZipFile is showing up empty.
For example, I have a folder (C:\Users\smelmo\Desktop\test) with the subfolders (0001, 0002) in it. Within 0001 and 0002 are other documents. I am wanting to zip 0001 and 0002 together within the test folder. This is what I have so far:
// Open the directory of the target folder
using (ZipArchive archive = ZipFile.Open(strZipPath, ZipArchiveMode.Create))
// Grab each directory within the target folder
foreach (var directoryName in Directory.GetDirectories(strStartPath))
// Add each directory to the ZipFile
This does not produce anything. HOWEVER, I also have code that will grab ALL files within the subfolders and place them in the ZipFile.
// Open the directory of the target folder
using (ZipArchive archive = ZipFile.Open(strZipPath, ZipArchiveMode.Create))
// Grab each directory within the target folder
foreach (var directoryName in Directory.GetDirectories(strStartPath))
//Grab all files in each directory
foreach (var filePath in Directory.GetFiles(directoryName))
var fileName = Path.GetFileName(#filePath);
// Place each directory and its repsective files in the zip file
var entry = archive.CreateEntryFromFile(filePath, fileName);
But this does not place subfolders 0001 and 0002 in it, just the CONTENTS of 0001 and 0002. I am wanting 0001 and 0002 and their respective contents.
If you are looking for more control, you can just create a function that adds files to a zip archive. You can then use recursion to add any subfolders and files.
First you can define a function that accepts a zip archive to add files to:
public void AddFolderToZip(ZipArchive archive, string rootPath, string path, bool recursive)
foreach (var filePath in Directory.GetFiles(path))
//Remove root path portion from file path, so entry is relative to root
string entryName = filePath.Replace(rootPath, "");
entryName = entryName.StartsWith("\\") ? entryName.Substring(1) : entryName;
var entry = archive.CreateEntryFromFile(filePath, entryName);
if (recursive)
foreach (var subPath in Directory.GetDirectories(path))
AddFolderToZip(archive, rootPath, subPath, recursive);
Then you can call it using the following code:
string strStartPath = #"C:\Test\zip";
string strZipPath = #"C:\Test\";
ZipArchive archive = ZipFile.Open(strZipPath, ZipArchiveMode.Create);
bool recursive = true;
foreach (var directoryPath in Directory.GetDirectories(strStartPath))
AddFolderToZip(archive, strStartPath, directoryPath, recursive);
This code adds each directory it finds in a top level directory. And for each directory it finds, it will use recursion to add any subdirectories or files found within those.

Ionic Zip cannot zip folder inside folder C#

I am trying to zip a folder using IonicZip library in C#. It is able to zip .txt, .exe, .pdf etc. in the folder, but not able to zip folder in folder.
It is able to zip MusicLogs.txt and Video.exe but cannot Music folder.Music folder contains some folder also. It doesnt see Music folder even while debugging. My code is :
string zipPath = #"C:\" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm") + ".zip"; // zipped file extracts here
string filename = #"E:\"; // the fodler which should be zipped. File must be exist
using (ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile())
zipFile.Password = "asd";
zipFile.Encryption = EncryptionAlgorithm.PkzipWeak;
foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(filename)) // this foreach is for getting all files in a folder.
zipFile.AddFile(file, "YESMusic"); // set file
Where is the problem ? Need a change in AddFile function ? Thanks
This will work:
using (ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile())
zipFile.Password = "asd";
zipFile.Encryption = EncryptionAlgorithm.PkzipWeak;
// Adding folders in the base directory
foreach (var item in Directory.GetDirectories(filename))
string folderName = new DirectoryInfo(item).Name;
zipFile.AddDirectory(item, folderName);
// Adding files in the base directory
foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(filename))

How to recursively copy file an folder in .Net?

I have the following script, which take a source folder and copy using FileStream files to another folder.
I need to change it in a way to recursively get any sub-folders and copy their files too.
How to modifythe method?
- source folder
- file
- file
- folder
- file
- file
- folder
- file
- folder
- file
- file
- folder
- file
public static void SynchFolders()
DirectoryInfo StartDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(SourceUNC);
DirectoryInfo EndDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(TargetUNC);
foreach (FileInfo file in StartDirectory.EnumerateFiles())
using (FileStream SourceStream = file.OpenRead())
string dirPath = StartDirectory.FullName;
string outputPath = dirPath.Replace(StartDirectory.FullName, EndDirectory.FullName);
using (FileStream DestinationStream = File.Create(outputPath + "\\" + file.Name))
Basically what you need to do is to expand your function slightly such that after copying all files found in a particular directory, it will then search for subfolders within the current folder and recurse into that folder so that the same procedure is carried out on each subfolder.
An example function, based on your original code :
public static void SynchFolders(string SourceUNC, string TargetUNC)
DirectoryInfo StartDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(SourceUNC);
DirectoryInfo EndDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(TargetUNC);
// Copy Files
foreach (FileInfo file in StartDirectory.EnumerateFiles())
using (FileStream SourceStream = file.OpenRead())
string dirPath = StartDirectory.FullName;
string outputPath = dirPath.Replace(StartDirectory.FullName, EndDirectory.FullName);
using (FileStream DestinationStream = File.Create(outputPath + "\\" + file.Name))
// Copy subfolders
var folders = StartDirectory.EnumerateDirectories();
foreach (var folder in folders)
// Create subfolder target path by concatenating folder name to original target UNC
string target = Path.Combine(TargetUNC, folder.Name);
// Recurse into the subfolder
SynchFolders(folder.FullName, target);
Hope this helps
How to: Copy Directories is an article from MSDN showing how to do exactly what you need.
Read this MSDN Tutorial (exacly what you need):
Note: if you'd like to use SourceStream.CopyToAsync instead of file.CopyTo, just replace it with your original snippet

DotNetZip: How to extract files, but ignoring the path in the zipfile?

Trying to extract files to a given folder ignoring the path in the zipfile but there doesn't seem to be a way.
This seems a fairly basic requirement given all the other good stuff implemented in there.
What am i missing ?
code is -
using (Ionic.Zip.ZipFile zf = Ionic.Zip.ZipFile.Read(zipPath))
While you can't specify it for a specific call to Extract() or ExtractAll(), the ZipFile class has a FlattenFoldersOnExtract field. When set to true, it flattens all the extracted files into one folder:
var flattenFoldersOnExtract = zip.FlattenFoldersOnExtract;
zip.FlattenFoldersOnExtract = true;
zip.FlattenFoldersOnExtract = flattenFoldersOnExtract;
You'll need to remove the directory part of the filename just prior to unzipping...
using (var zf = Ionic.Zip.ZipFile.Read(zipPath))
zf.ToList().ForEach(entry =>
entry.FileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(entry.FileName);
You can use the overload that takes a stream as a parameter. In this way you have full control of path where the files will be extracted to.
using (ZipFile zip = new ZipFile(ZipPath))
foreach (ZipEntry e in zip)
string newPath = Path.Combine(FolderToExtractTo, e.FileName);
if (e.IsDirectory)
using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(newPath, FileMode.Create))
That will fail if there are 2 files with equal filenames. For example
First file will be renamed to file1.txt in the zip file and when the second file is trying to be renamed an exception is thrown saying that an item with the same key already exists

