LSPDFR Spawn Point Error - c#

I am an LSPDFR developer and I am building a callout. I am trying to get my spawn point to spawn at a certain coordinate.
I currently have:
SpawnPoint = World.GetNextPositionOnStreet(new Vector3(-2051.99463, 3237.05835, 1456.97021));
This is in C#. I get the error Argument 1: cannot convert from 'double' to 'float'. Does anyone know what to do? And I am also writing this in Visual Studio
I have tried removing:
private Vector3 SpawnPoint;

You need to add 'J' to the end of each coordinate.

This is a very old topic, but there are no answer ..
I searched for LSPDFR -An addon for GTAV. I had hoped for a lot of activity
There was not..
Someone may browse for this so i will add the way to do this in LSPDFR
Firstly To get a point inside the game-world:
Press F4
In console write:
Press Enter
Now you have 3 values that represent a 3Dvector
Z is UP!
Lets say we got
x:111, y:222 z:10
In your variables define a spawnpoint
public Vector3 SpawnPoint;
You can now say
SpawnPoint = new Vector3(111.0f, 222.0f, 10.0f);
and use that as a position for a object.
You can also use an object, Ped, or your player, and set a spawnpoint close by:
SpawnPoint = World.GetNextPositionOnStreet(
That will make a spawn around 300 world meters from current pos your player is in.
So that is two different ways to make a spawn-position in LSPDFR.
//will spawn a car 10 tiks from player if key J is pressed
using LSPD_First_Response;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Rage;
using Rage.Native;
using LSPD_First_Response.Mod.API;
using LSPD_First_Response.Mod.Callouts;
using LSPD_First_Response.Engine.Scripting.Entities;
using Rage.Attributes;
[assembly: Plugin("spawn car", Description = "spawns a car", Author = "mb")]
namespace Example
public static class SpawnCar
private static void Main()
public Vector3 SpawnPoint;
while (true)
if (Game.IsKeyDown(System.Windows.Forms.Keys.J))
SpawnPoint = World.GetNextPositionOnStreet(
aaVehicle = new Vehicle("BALLER", SpawnPoint);//100 of cars are available


Having trouble creating a duplicate of a game object with input.getkeydown(KeyCode.Space) in C# and Unity

kinda new to coding so help would be appreciated. I'm trying to duplicate this GameObject "cube" in unity and I'm having trouble with it. what im trying to do is duplicate the cube and get it to stack on top of each other over and over.
I know if i got this to work it would duplicte it in the same postion so you would only see it duplicate in the higharchy.
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
public class cube : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject cube1;
public void update()
instantiate cube1;
I assume you know the height of the cube, you are working with. In unity the default height is 1.0f(For the primitive cube).
Btw if your code is a pseudo code then its okey but if not, you need more training before writing such scripts, even tho this type of script is extremely easy to write.
(ps: i wrote this script in notepad++ hope it compiles :/)
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
// We start classes with capital letters in c# its a convention :)
public class Cube : MonoBehaviour
// Same applies to public class fields & Properties
// Marking a MonoBehaviour field as public will allow you to directly assign values to it
// inside the editor
public GameObject OriginalCube;
// Same can be achieved with private fields using the serializefield attribute
private float cubeHeight = 1.0f;
// In case you would like to store the duplicated cubes
public List<GameObject> Cubes = new List<GameObject>();
private void Awake()
// Adding the first cube to the list, i assume your cube is already in the scene
private void Update()
// We instantiate a new cube and add it to the list
Cubes.Add(Instantiate(Cubes[Cubes.Count - 1]);
// We ask the previous cube position (the one we copied)
Vector3 previousCubePosition = Cubes[Cubes.Count - 2].transform.position;
// then we assign a new position to our cube raised by "1 unit" on the y axis which is the up axis in unity
Cubes[Cubes.Count - 1].transform.position =
new Vector3(previousCubePosition.x, previousCubePosition.y + cubeHeight, previousCubePosition.z);
One way you can have your goal achieved, is to add to your newly instantiated object's y position a constant amount. This constant amount will be increased each time you create a new duplicate of your object.
public GameObject cube1;
private int instantiateCounter = 0;
public float PULL_UP_AMOUNT = 30f;
public void Update()
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
GameObject newCube = Instantiate(cube1);
newCube.transform.position = new Vector3(cube1.transform.position.x, cube1.transform.position.y + instantiateCounter * PULL_UP_AMOUNT, cube1.transform.position.z);
The constant amount we're talking about is PULL_UP_AMOUNT.
Keep in mind, you can access your new duplicate's properties by saving the result of Instantiate method inside a new GameObject, just like I did.

Variables in other scripts in Unity

I am trying to create a game in Unity 2d. I have finished most of what I want to do and have moved on to the enemies. The enemies (dragons) come in from different points of screen. To do this I have placed sprite game objects where I want the dragon to spawn. I have made all of these objects a child of another object called DragonAncores. I attached a script to DragonAncores which says this...
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class DragonTracker : MonoBehaviour {
// is gold dragon in play?
public bool GoldDragonInit = false;
// curently active dragons
public int DragonCount = 0;
// defalts to 5
public int Difficulty = 5;
I am then attaching a script to each sprite which will eventually summon in a dragon Prefab (containing 2 colliders and an animator) biased of If statment logic derived from the other variables.
Below is the code I am using.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Dragons : MonoBehaviour {
// same as GoldDragonInit
bool GoldDragonSpawn = false;
// same number as DragonCount in DragonTrackeer
int LiveDragons;
// same as Difficulty
int DifLev;
//get cariables from other script
DragonAncors.cs.GetComponent.<DragonTracker>() GoldDragonInit = GoldDragonSpawn;
System.Random RNG= new System.Random();
void update()
if (RSpawn = 1) ;
if (LiveDragons > DifLev) ;
if (DragonType > 99) ;
// summon regular dragon
if (DragonType = 100) ;
if (GoldDragonSpawn = true) ;
// summon gold dragon
This is throwing up this error list.
This shows my hierarchy in unity and the anchor points (the Squair crosshair looking things)
I have looked for other threads that adress this topic and they all try different methods, none work.
I am using Unity 2018.2.18f1
There are a few errors in your code here. The following is incorrect.
//get cariables from other script
DragonAncors.cs.GetComponent.<DragonTracker>() GoldDragonInit = GoldDragonSpawn;
The correct way to access this, seeing as you said DragonAncors is the parent would be:
GetComponentInParent<DragonTracker>().GoldDragonInit = GoldDragonSpawn;
This sets the GoldDragonInit Boolean to the value of GoldDragonSpawn. This has to be inside a function, as you have it outside of a function I presume you needed this set on start. Therefore I have placed it in the void Start() function. This is called at the start of the game(loaded scene).
You also do not need semi-colons ; after an if statement, however it does need to appear after every line of difinitive code. The code you have provided should instead look like this.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Dragons : MonoBehaviour {
// same as GoldDragonInit
bool GoldDragonSpawn = false;
// same number as DragonCount in DragonTrackeer
int LiveDragons;
// same as Difficulty
int DifLev;
void Start()
// variables from other script
GetComponentInParent<DragonTracker>().GoldDragonInit = GoldDragonSpawn;
System.Random RNG= new System.Random();
void update()
if (RSpawn = 1)
if (LiveDragons > DifLev)
if (DragonType > 99)
// summon regular dragon
if (DragonType = 100)
if (GoldDragonSpawn = true)
// summon gold dragon
This works because DragonTracker is a script in the objects parent. If this was not the case then GetComponentInParent().GoldDragonInit = GoldDragonSpawn; would be replaced like so:
private GameObject DragonAncors;
void Start()
DragonAncors.GetComponent<DragonTracker>().GoldDragonInit = GoldDragonSpawn;
This is not valid c# code:
//get cariables from other script
DragonAncors.cs.GetComponent.<DragonTracker>() GoldDragonInit = GoldDragonSpawn;
Why? Because it isn't inside a method.
Also, the comment is wrong. It isn't getting a variable (typo, too), its setting a variable in another script!
The reason for the first...16 problems Visual Studio is complaining about are because of this line.
At this location you are only allowed to declare methods, fields, and properties and you're currently trying to access another class and change one of its members (something you can only do inside a method).
Additionally, you have .cs which I assume is because "DragonAnchors.cs is the file name!" which you don't need to do. I'm not sure how to go about rewriting this line (inside Start()) as I'm not sure what you're trying to actually do. That is, I don't know where an instance of DragonAnchors actually resides. You're calling GetComponent(), which is typically reserved for accessing components attached to game objects, but as you've attempted to do so on a static class reference, I'm not sure if you meant to call it on this or on something else.
This is how you can get to DragonTracker:
DragonTracker dt = GameObject.Find("DragonAncores").GetComponent<DragonTracker>()
There are a lot of errors there and they may take some steps to go through, but first things first you should clear up the issue with the code you're trying to use being unsupported. Go into the project settings and change the compiler language version as it notes on the 5th error down. This should allow you to use the newer functionality.

I'm trying to declare a null on an array that at one point in the game no longer exists

I'm trying to apply a null on an array. The arrays are points where game prefabs are being instantiated. At some point in the game, these spawn points may be destroyed. When this happens, the code is still trying to access that spawn point even though it no longer exists, so I'm trying to make it null. So far I have been unsuccessful. This is the last thing in the game I need to fix. Help is appreciated.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
public class podControl : MonoBehaviour {
public Transform [] spawns;
public float spawnTime = 6f;
public float secondSpawnTime = 3f;
public GameObject podPrefab;
void Start ()
InvokeRepeating ("landingPod", spawnTime, secondSpawnTime);
void landingPod ()
int spawnIndex = Random.Range (0, spawns.Length);
if (spawns != null) {
Instantiate (podPrefab, spawns [spawnIndex].position, spawns [spawnIndex].rotation);
shouldn't it be
if(spawns[spawnIndex] != null)
Otherwise it's checking to see if the array is not null rather than the entry

Saving Data to Variable With Different Script File Unity C#

Iam confused saving data to variable with different script file.
For Example :
File player.cs
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class player : MonoBehaviour {
public int coin = 1000;
File levelupstorage1raw.cs
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Linq;
public class levelUpStorage1Raw : MonoBehaviour {
public player Player;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
public void OnClickWood () {
Player.coin = Player.coin + 1000;
In this script player.cs :
public class player : MonoBehaviour {
public int coin = 1000;
I have inisial the coin = 1000, this mean int coin have 1000.
In Other script file levelupstorage1raw.cs :
public player Player;
// Use this for initialization
public void OnClickWood () {
Player.coin = Player.coin + 1000;
I have add more coin 1000 to Player.coin.
Now my question is : where the Player.coin 1000 is save ? is it save to it own file variable Player.coin or
is it save to player.cs file variable coin ?
If it save to player.cs file variable coin then variable coin now should have 2000.
You clearly have to learn a bit more about programming. Try looking for tutorials online.
Regarding your question, if I simplify things a bit to give you an idea:
A variable is something that can change. What is written in your Player.cs file is the default value, the one it will have when starting the program. When you write Player.coin = Player.coin + 1000;, the variable value changes, so Player.coin is now 2000.
At this point the first value (1000) is lost because the variable in your program has been set to 2000. But this has nothing to do with the file.
When you run your program, your file has already been transformed to a program. The file with the code is just there to tell the computer how to create the program, but it won't be modified when you run the program.
I hope this helps you understand what happens in your example. I still thing you should look for tutorials. Even basic stuff will be really difficult to achieve if you don't know the basics

simple score system in unity5

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class score : MonoBehaviour {
public int ballValue;
public Text scoretext;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
ballValue = 0;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
scoretext.text = ballValue.ToString();
void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other)
if(other.gameObject.tag == "bucket")
ballValue = ballValue + 1;
ok guys what am i doing wrong over here ,i am a beginner.what i am trying to achieve here is i want my ball to fall down to the bucket and get 1 point or score ,my ball has a actual circle collider and a rigidbody and my bucket has box collider which is a trigger and both of these are prefabs which is being used multiple times in the games just in case if anyone want to can anyone tell me what i am doing wrong hereor can someone guide me to the right tutorial .thank you
(after playing with it for a whilei am able to get 1 point it does not increase and i am getting this error)
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
and it refers to this line.
void Update () {
scoretext.text = ballValue.ToString();
ok guys i just found the real problem,as i said the bucket is a prefab which randomly generating like the pipes in flappy bird, so after creating my core system i drag and drop the text ui into the given place ,and i apply the changes and delete that prefab and when i go back to asset and check that prefab the given place for text says how can i link the text ui directly to the script so it wont dlete it self.
A way to get around this, is having a static class that holds the score and then have your buckets invoke a method in the static class to increase the score.
All you have to do then, is have an empty game object with the static class attached.

