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Return one of two possible objects of different types sharing a method
(6 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I am trying to create a Proxy Scraper. For each website I have, I try to scrape the proxies. The scrape code for each website is in a class with the name of the website.
For example:
I have the websites " and"
I have 2 classes: Proxy and MoreProxy with the functions "scrape" that varies for both (since they are different websites).
To get the lists, I do something like this:
//The below code doesn't exist, but just to get my point across
//Each datagrid.Add is in a separate thread
datagrid.Add(new Proxy().scrape());
datagrid.Add(new MoreProxy().scrape());
//And so on for all the other websites I might add...
Now is there a way to loop this? I was trying something like this, but it does not work:
List<object> objects = new List<object>();
objects.Add(new Proxy(), new MoreProxy(), ..., ...); //I can update this each time I add a new website
foreach(object o in objects)
The scrape function looks something like this:
public List<string[]> scrape()
HtmlDocument PageContent = new HtmlWeb().Load("");
HtmlNode[] nodes = PageContent.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//td").ToArray();
List<string[]> proxies = new List<string[]>();
for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i += 8)
string[] proxy = { nodes[i].InnerHtml, nodes[i + 1].InnerHtml };
return proxies;
Does something like this exist? Basically I have several classes with a common function scrape. I want to create a list of all these classes as objects, and execute the function scrape. How would I do that (solution needs to be thread safe)
Setup an interface:
public interface IScrape()
object Scrape();
Have your proxy classes implement the interface:
// repeat for Proxy
public class MyProxy : IScrape{
object Scrape()
return something;
List<IScrape> objects = new List<IScrape>();
objects.Add(new Proxy(), new MoreProxy(), ..., ...); //I can update this each time I add a new website
foreach(IScrape o in objects)
Interfaces are the problems solution.
Like this:
public interface IScrapable {
void Scrape();
public class Proxy : IScrapeable {
public void Scrape() { ...}
Now you can Loop and scrape your objects.
List<IScrapable> objects = new List<IScrapable>();
objects.Add(new Proxy(), new MoreProxy(), ..., ...); //I can update this each time I add a new website
foreach(IScrapable o in objects)
This should do what you want.
I have a problem with passing a list of objects from a WebService to my WinForms app.
I've created a class Osoba in the WebService with a method returning the list of class objects.
The code of this method looks like this by now:
public List<Osoba> ListaOsoba()
Osoba nr1 = new Osoba(1,"Name1","Surname1",Uprawnienia.Administrator);
Osoba nr2 = new Osoba(2,"Name2","Surname2",Uprawnienia.Uzytkownik);
Osoba nr3 = new Osoba(3,"Name3","Surname3",Uprawnienia.Uzytkownik);
return listaOsób;
In the app, I've added a reference to the WebService, that contains the Osoba class.
My app code looks like this (localhost is my WebService object):
public void SprawdzUprawnienie()
foreach (var item in webServiceComarch.ListaOsoba())
localhost.Osoba nowaOsoba = new localhost.Osoba();
nowaOsoba(item.indentyfikator, item.imie, item.nazwisko, item.Uprawnienia);
I get an error
nowaOsoba is a "variable" but is used like a "method".
at the line
nowaOsoba(item.indentyfikator, item.imie, item.nazwisko, item.Uprawnienia);
I've searched through a lot of information on the Web about this kind of problem, but nothing really helped me.
Can anyone help me with this problem? Any tips will be very helpful.
try like this
foreach (var item in webServiceComarch.ListaOsoba())
nowaOsoba.indentyfikator = item.indentyfikator;
nowaOsoba.imie = item.imie;
try this one
var data= nowaOsoba.nowaOsoba(item.indentyfikator, item.imie, item.nazwisko, item.Uprawnienia);
You need to create a ServiceClient for your WebService and use that client to call the ListaOsoba() method. This should lokk something like that:
var client = new YourWebServiceClient();
var list = client.ListaOsoba();
YourWebServiceClient is a placeholder and will differ acording to the name you have choosen for your actual WebService.
I have a list called OrderProductAttributes and I initialzed it like the following:
OrderProductAttributes = new List<OrderProductAttribute>
{orderProductAttribute }
I have to two other nested classes in the OrderProductAttribute and I am trying to instantiate them like the following:
static OrderProductAttribute orderProductAttribute = new OrderProductAttribute()
productAttribute = new ProductAttribute()
attributeType=new AttributeType()
I want to see them as a json file and once I open the output json file I see the following:
I was wondering why the attributeType was not created in the productAttribute since I have initiated it already?
I was expecting to see
On my form I have a button click
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
do something
How on the click would I load my do something from a text file, for example my text file looks like this:
label1.Text = "Hello";
on click it does everything in my text file, if possible.
Here is a very simple example, just to prove this is possible. Basically, you use CodeDomProvider to compile source at runtime, then execute using reflection.
var provider = CodeDomProvider.CreateProvider("C#");
string src=#"
namespace x
using System;
public class y
public void z()
Console.WriteLine(""hello world"");
var result = provider.CompileAssemblyFromSource(new CompilerParameters(), src);
if (result.Errors.Count == 0)
var type = result.CompiledAssembly.GetType("x.y");
var instance = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
type.GetMethod("z").Invoke(instance, null);
As #Agat points out, the OP seems to require a sort of scripting framework (it makes use of label1, a property of the current object), whereas my answer above obviously does not provide that. The best I can think of is a limited solution, which would be to require dependencies to be specified explicitly as parameters in the "script". Eg, write the scripted code like this:
string src = #"
namespace x
using System.Windows;
public class y
public void z(Label label1)
label1.Text = ""Hello"";
Now you can have the caller examine the parameters, and pass them in from the current context, again using reflection:
var result = provider.CompileAssemblyFromSource(new CompilerParameters(), src);
if (result.Errors.Count == 0)
var type = result.CompiledAssembly.GetType("x.y");
var instance = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
var method = type.GetMethod("z");
var args = new List<object>();
// assume any parameters are properties/fields of the current object
foreach (var p in method.GetParameters())
var prop = this.GetType().GetProperty(p.Name);
var field = this.GetType().GetField(p.Name);
if (prop != null)
args.Add(prop.GetValue(this, null));
else if (field != null);
throw new InvalidOperationException("Parameter " + p.Name + " is not found");
method.Invoke(instance, args.ToArray());
Like the other answers have stated, it isn't an easy thing to implement and can possibly be done through reflection depending on how advanced your scripts are.
But no one #BrankoDimitrijevic mentioned Roslyn and it is a great tool.
It hasn't been updated in quite awhile (Sept.2012) and doesn't have all of the features of C# implemented, however, it did have a lot of it implemented when I played around with this release.
By adding your assembly as a reference to the scripting session, you're able to gain access to all of your assembly's types and script against them. It also supports return values so you can return any data that a scripted method generates.
You can find what isn't implemented here.
Below is a quick and dirty example of Roslyn that I just wrote and tested. Should work right out of box after installing Roslyn from NuGet. The small bloat at the initialization of the script engine can easily be wrapped up in a helper class or method.
The key is passing in a HostObject. It can be anything. Once you do, your script will have full access to the properties. Notice that you just call the properties and not the host object in the script.
Basically, your host object will contain properties of the data you need for your script. Don't necessarily think of your host object as just a single data object, but rather a configuration.
public class MyHostObject
public string Value1 { get; set; }
public string Value2 { get; set; }
public class RoslynTest
public void Test()
var myHostObject = new MyHostObject
Value1 = "Testing Value 1",
Value2 = "This is Value 2"
var engine = new ScriptEngine();
var session = engine.CreateSession(myHostObject);
// "Execute" our method so we can call it.
session.Execute("public string UpdateHostObject() { Value1 = \"V1\"; Value2 = \"V2\"; return Value1 + Value2;}");
var s = session.Execute<string>("UpdateHostObject()");
//s will return "V1V2" and your instance of myHostObject was also changed.
No. You can not.
At least in any simple way.
The thing you want is something like eval('do something') from javascript.
That's not possible to do with C#. C# is a language which needs compilation before execution unlike javascript (for instance).
The only way to implement that is to build your own (pretty complicated as for beginner) parser and execute it in such way.
Actually, as JDB fairly noticed, that's really not the only way. I love programming! There are so many ways to make a freakky (or even sometimes that really can be necessary for some custom interesting tasks (or even learning)!) code. he he
Another approach I've got in my mind is building some .cs file, then compiling it on-the-fly and working with it as some assembly or some other module. Right.
I would like to create a functionality that works similar to SqlDataReader.Read()
I'm reading a flat-file from .txt/.csv and returning it as a datatable to my class handling business logic. This iterates through the rows of the datatable, and transforms the data, writing into a structured database. I use this structure for multiple import sources.
Large files though, work really, really slowly. It is taking me 2h to go through 30 MB of data, and I would like to get this down to 30 min. One step in this direction is to not read the entire file into a DataTable, but handle it line by line, and keep memory from getting klogged.
Something like this would be ideal: PSEUDOCODE.
FlatFileReader ffr = new FlatFileReader(); //Set FlatFileParameters
while(ffr.ReadRow(out DataTable parsedFlatFileRow))
//...Business Logic for handling the parsedFlatFileRow
How can I implement a method that works like .ReadRow(out DataTable parsedFlatFileRow) ?
Is this the right direction?
foreach(obj in ff.lazyreading()){
//Business Logic
class FlatFileWrapper{
public IEnumerable<obj> lazyreading(){
yield return parsedFileLine;
As Tim already mentioned, File.ReadLines is what you need:
"When you use ReadLines, you can start enumerating the collection of
strings before the whole collection is returned"
You can create a parser that uses that method, something like this:
// object you want to create from the file lines.
public class Foo
// add properties here....
// Parser only responsibility is create the objects.
public class FooParser
public IEnumerable<Foo> ParseFile(string filename)
throw new FileNotFoundException("Could not find file to parse", filename);
foreach(string line in File.ReadLines(filename))
Foo foo = CreateFoo(line);
yield return foo;
private Foo CreateFoo(string line)
// parse line/create instance of Foo here
return new Foo {
// ......
Using the code:
var parser = new FooParser();
foreach (Foo foo in parser.ParseFile(filename))
//...Business Logic for handling the parsedFlatFileRow
You can use File.ReadLines which works similar to a StreamReader:
foreach(string line in File.ReadLines(path))
//...Business Logic for handling the parsedFlatFileRow
I added a "console" in my game, in which I can type commands, and receive a response (it's based on this). I need to be able to access objects that I instantiate in my Game.cs in my console class. I can't pass them to the constructor, since I don't know how much there will be once the "engine" is done.
I tried using a method to add the objects to a Dictionnary<string, object> but I can't access the properties.
What I'd like to be able to do:
TileMap tileMap = new TileMap();
BakuConsole console;
console = new BakuConsole(this, Content.Load<SpriteFont>("ConsoleFont"));
console.AddRef("tileMap", tileMap);
public void AddRef(/* some args */) {
// halp!
public void Execute(string input) {
switch (input)
case "some --command":
// execute stuff, with an object that was added via AddRef()
console.Prompt(prompt, Execute);
console.WriteLine("> " + input + " is not a valid command.");
console.Prompt(prompt, Execute);
I hope I am clear enough. Thanks!
I just don't want my constructor to grow too big in case I add more types:
TileMap tileMap = new TileMap();
OtherType1 ot1 = new OtherType1();
OtherType2 ot2 = new OtherType2();
OtherType3 ot3 = new OtherType3();
OtherType4 ot4 = new OtherType4();
OtherType5 ot5 = new OtherType5();
IronPython does exactly what I want to do, and does it via Globals.Add("string", object"). However, I can't seem to find it in the source (of IronPython).
From what you described, you don't actually need a dictionary, you need several properties on some object, probably directly on BakuConsole;
class BakuConsole
… // your current code here
public TileMap TileMap { get; set; }
public OtherType1 OtherType1 { get; set; }
Then, you can set it like this:
console.TileMap = tileMap;
console.OtherType1 = otherType1;
And then when you use it, you won't have any problems with accessing properties.
I can see that you are passing a reference of Game to the Console class. Why don't you use that reference to access what you need from the Game class?
You neeed to specify the class name in dictionary of which object you are going to add in dictionary.
Suppose, I had to add "Game1" objects,then we should initialize dictionary in following way...
Dictionary<string, Game1> dicDemo = new Dictionary<string, Game1>();
Game1 objgame1 = new Game1();