C# How to rename a file without using File.Move - c#

I have a c# application that connects to a server, gets the datagrid, manipulates each row and then according to each updated row the new row gets uploaded to the server and one file per row gets renamed on the hdd.
The application works totally fine but i analyzed it with the profiler and realised that this line of code:
File.Move(symbolsOldPath, symbolsPath);
takes 80% of the time my application needs to complete its task.
I went through all the questions on StackOverflow and other questions out there if there is a different way for a better performance but i wasnt succesful. The only other way i found was implementing VB to use the Rename method, but as it calls the File.Move method it is no improvement. Do you guys know an alternative way with better performance?
Here is my code of the class that changes the data.
public DataTable ChangeData(DataTable unchangedData, string searchPathSymbols, string searchPathImages, ProgressBar pbForm)
pbtemp = pbForm;
int rowCount = unchangedData.Rows.Count;
foreach (DataRow row in unchangedData.Rows)
if (counter == 10)
pbtemp.Value += counter;
counter = 0;
number = row[1].ToString();
symbolsPath = row[2].ToString();
symbolsPathCopy = symbolsPath;
imagesPath = row[3].ToString();
imagesPathCopy = imagesPath;
aliasSymbols = symbolsPath.Substring(0, symbolsPath.IndexOf('>') + 1);
if (symbolsPath == imagesPath)
if (aliasSymbols.Contains("Symbole"))
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(symbolsPath))
SymbolsChanger(searchPathSymbols, row);
row[3] = row[2];
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imagesPath))
ImagesChanger(searchPathImages, row);
row[2] = row[3];
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(symbolsPath))
SymbolsChanger(searchPathSymbols, row);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imagesPath))
ImagesChanger(searchPathImages, row);
pbtemp.Value += (rowCount - pbtemp.Value);
return unchangedData;
private void SymbolsChanger(string searchPathSymbols, DataRow row)
string symbolsOldPath;
//Get and delete Alias and get filepath
int countAliasSymbolsIndex = symbolsPath.LastIndexOf('>') + 1;
symbolsPath = symbolsPath.Remove(0, countAliasSymbolsIndex);
symbolsOldPath = searchPathSymbols + "\\" + symbolsPath;
//Remove and replace numbers
int startSymbolsIndex = 0;
int endSymbolsIndex = symbolsPath.IndexOf('_') == -1 ? symbolsPath.LastIndexOf('.') : symbolsPath.IndexOf('_');
int countSymbolsIndex = endSymbolsIndex - startSymbolsIndex;
symbolsPath = symbolsPath.Remove(startSymbolsIndex, countSymbolsIndex);
string nameSymbols = number + symbolsPath;
symbolsPath = searchPathSymbols + "\\" + nameSymbols;
//Rename file
File.Move(symbolsOldPath, symbolsPath);
File.Move(symbolsPath, symbolsPath);
catch (FileNotFoundException)
row[2] = aliasSymbols + nameSymbols;
private void ImagesChanger(string searchPathImages, DataRow row)
string imagesOldPath;
//Get and delete Alias and get filepath
string aliasImage = imagesPath.Substring(0, imagesPath.IndexOf('>') + 1);
int countAliasImagesIndex = imagesPath.LastIndexOf('>') + 1;
imagesPath = imagesPath.Remove(0, countAliasImagesIndex);
imagesOldPath = imagesPath.StartsWith("\\") == true ? searchPathImages + imagesPath : searchPathImages + "\\" + imagesPath;
//Remove and replace numbers
int startImagesIndex = imagesPath.LastIndexOf("\\") == -1 ? 0 : imagesPath.LastIndexOf("\\");
int endImagesIndex = imagesPath.IndexOf('_') == -1 ? imagesPath.LastIndexOf('.') : imagesPath.IndexOf('_');
int countImagesIndex = endImagesIndex - startImagesIndex;
imagesPath = imagesPath.Remove(startImagesIndex + 1, countImagesIndex - 1);
int insertIndex = imagesPath.LastIndexOf("\\") == -1 ? 0 : imagesPath.LastIndexOf("\\");
string nameImages = imagesPath.Insert(insertIndex + 1, number);
imagesPath = searchPathImages + "\\" + nameImages;
//Rename file
File.Move(imagesOldPath, imagesPath);
catch (FileNotFoundException)
File.Move(imagesPath, imagesPath);
catch (FileNotFoundException)
row[3] = aliasImage + nameImages;

I would keep File.Move to do the job. Besides a little overhead (checks), File.Move uses only the native MoveFile Windows call to move the file:
[DllImport(KERNEL32, SetLastError=true, CharSet=CharSet.Auto, BestFitMapping=false)]
internal static extern bool MoveFile(String src, String dst);
You can call that method yourself, but I doubt it will get any faster than that.
From the documentation it seems that move is already built to rename efficiently:
The MoveFile function will move (rename) either a file or a directory ...


C#: Add a new check without affecting existing checks

I hope I can explain my scenario the best I can.
I have code that when the "Load" button is clicked, all file names (if any) located in a predefined network directory path, are loaded to a text-area.
Currently there can be .txt, .xml files.
Contents could look like:
Also, in the code there is another function "isCoValid" that performs an additional validation of the contents of these files, based on return value (true/false) of this function, the "Process" button is enabled:
if (IsFlatFile(fileName) || IsXMLFile(fileName))
if (isCoValid(fileName))
btnProcess.Enabled = true;
btnProcess.Enabled = false;
Now I have to add a .csv file type, but this file does not required to perform the isCoValid function.
The text-area contents now look like:
My request for help is to ask how can the check to find out if there is a CSV file can be done, and also controlling the enabling of the "Process" button, but still respect the existing check for .txt, and .xml and the validation of contents?
I might have xml and text files, that aren't valid, but I still need to be able to process the .csv. file.
I did change it like this:
if (IsFlatFile(fileName) || IsXMLFile(fileName))
if (isCoValid(fileName))
btnProcess.Enabled = true;
btnProcess.Enabled = false;
if (IsCSVFile(fileName))
btnProcess.Enabled = true;
But I am sure this is not correct and I would like to ask for some help if possible.
I hope I explained my problem with some clarity and straightforwardness, if not, please let me know and I can try to provide more information.
Thank you,
Additional Code Requested
public bool IsFlatFile(string FileName)
bool ReturnValue = false;
if (FileName.ToUpper().Right(4) == ".TXT")
if ((FileName.Substring(0, 2).ToUpper() == "MN") ||
(FileName.Substring(0, 2).ToUpper() == "CH"))
ReturnValue = true;
return ReturnValue;
public bool IsXMLFile(string FileName)
bool ReturnValue = false;
if (FileName.ToUpper().Right(4) == ".XML")
if ((FileName.Substring(0, 2).ToUpper() == "TR") ||
(FileName.Substring(0, 2).ToUpper() == "SK"))
ReturnValue = true;
return ReturnValue;
protected bool isCoValid(string fName)
bool retCode = false;
Parameters parms;
var reader = new AppSettingsReader();
Application app = new Application();
Package package = null;
package = app.LoadPackage(packagePath + "ValidateContents.dtsx", null);
parms = package.Parameters;
parms["ID"].Value = "";
parms["ImportFileName"].Value = fName;
parms["UserID"].Value = userName;
DTSExecResult results = package.Execute();
if (results == Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DTSExecResult.Failure)
foreach (Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DtsError local_DtsError in package.Errors)
retCode = false;
resultText = resultText + "DTSX Package Execution results: " + local_DtsError.Description.ToString() + Environment.NewLine;
resultText = resultText + "Successful Process Completion." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;
string sqlStr = "SELECT TOP 1 * FROM Validation WHERE Type = 'VALCO' AND CAST(CreatedDate AS DATE) = CAST(GETDATE() AS DATE)";
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
dt = GetDataSet(sqlStr);
if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
if (row["Status"].ToString() == "Valid")
retCode = true;
resultText = "Output: Valid" + Environment.NewLine + "Press the 'Process' button to proceed.";
retCode = false;
resultText = "Output: " + row["Status"].ToString() + Environment.NewLine + "Validation Fail: " + row["Error"].ToString();
resultText = "Unable to read Validation Table for this file.";
retCode = false;
catch (Exception)
return retCode;
Your code will look like so:
if (IsFlatFile(fileName) || IsXMLFile(fileName) || IsCSVFile(fileName))
btnProcess.Enabled = isCoValid(fileName);
if (!btnProcess.Enabled) break;
public static bool IsCSVFile(string FileName) =>
Path.GetExtension(FileName).Equals(".csv", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
when you write your own IsCSVFile() method and update isCoValid() method to fit your needs.
Sorry, but I can't guess what happens inside classes that are used in isCoValid() method.

c# - How to make excel auto calculate formula type cells

I have an excel file that has around 40 to 50 sheets of size 8mb and will be increasing may be 15 to 20mb and many are inter-linked with multiple formulas.
So basically if one cell values changes then it will affect multiple sheets because of function and vlookup's etc.
Now I am trying to manipulate the excel sheet dynamically using c#. But I see that the are not calculating instantly.
I tried using ExcelLibrary's Calculate function to do this.
Problems with ExcelLibrary are:
a. It is very very slow with Calculate, ExcelPackage(Open) and Save functions**(Makes it unusable)**.
b. Need to know all the dependent cell to trigger calculate on them(not preferring workbook or worksheet calculate(the debugger never comes to next line)) which is not efficient way to manage code in feature.
I believe the problem is because it works with ooxml and actually not directly with excel(not sure we can work with excel directly so that it will be like inserting data manually using code).
Note: Trying to test with Excel interop(hoping it will do the job because it opens excel file in background while manipulating.)
private void TestExcelWithSimultaneousReadOfTwoSheetsFromFile(string fileName)
int count = 0;
int rowIndex = 1702;
for (int rowCount = 0; rowCount < 3; rowCount++)
count = ReadCountFromProdReport(fileName);
WriteRowToProd(fileName, rowIndex + rowCount);
count = ReadCountFromProdReport(fileName);
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
private void WriteRowToProd(string fileName, int rowIndex)
string logDirectory = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LogDirectory"].ToString().Trim();
string filePath = logDirectory + fileName + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ExcelSaveFileExtension"].ToString().Trim();
using (ExcelPackage excelPackage = new ExcelPackage(new FileInfo(filePath)))
foreach (ExcelWorksheet workSheet in excelPackage.Workbook.Worksheets)
if (workSheet.Name.Trim() == "Sample")
workSheet.Cells["C" + rowIndex].Value = "15.05.2017";
workSheet.Cells["D" + rowIndex].Value = 21701503;
workSheet.Cells["E" + rowIndex].Value = "21701503109W";
workSheet.Cells["F" + rowIndex].Value = 304;
workSheet.Cells["G" + rowIndex].Value = 200;
workSheet.Cells["H" + rowIndex].Value = 1520;
workSheet.Cells["I" + rowIndex].Value = 11350;
workSheet.Cells["J" + rowIndex].Formula = "=7.85*G1701*H1701*I1701/1000000000";
workSheet.Cells["K" + rowIndex].Value = 27.080;
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
private int ReadCountFromProdReport(string fileName)
string logDirectory = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LogDirectory"].ToString().Trim();
string filePath = logDirectory + fileName + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ExcelSaveFileExtension"].ToString().Trim();
using (ExcelPackage excelPackage = new ExcelPackage(new FileInfo(filePath)))
object count = null;
foreach (ExcelWorksheet workSheet in excelPackage.Workbook.Worksheets)
if (workSheet.Name.Trim() == "Report")
count = workSheet.Cells["E23"].Value;
return Convert.ToInt32(count);
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;

Asp.Net Mvc Delete file issue

I have an issue with Files.
I am doing an image importer so clients put their files on an FTP server and then they can import it in the application.
During the import process I copy the file in the FTP Folder to another folder with File.copy
public List<Visuel> ImportVisuel(int galerieId, string[] images)
Galerie targetGalerie = MemoryCache.GetGaleriById(galerieId);
List<FormatImage> listeFormats = MemoryCache.FormatImageToList();
int i = 0;
List<Visuel> visuelAddList = new List<Visuel>();
List<Visuel> visuelUpdateList = new List<Visuel>();
List<Visuel> returnList = new List<Visuel>();
foreach (string item in images)
Progress.ImportProgress[Progress.Guid] = "Image " + i + " sur " + images.Count() + " importées";
string extension = Path.GetExtension(item);
string fileName = Path.GetFileName(item);
string originalPath = HttpContext.Current.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + "Uploads\\";
string destinationPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Images/Catalogue") + "\\";
Visuel importImage = MemoryCache.GetVisuelByFilName(fileName);
bool update = true;
if (importImage == null) { importImage = new Visuel(); update = false; }
Size imageSize = importImage.GetJpegImageSize(originalPath + fileName);
FormatImage format = listeFormats.Where(f => f.width == imageSize.Width && f.height == imageSize.Height).FirstOrDefault();
string saveFileName = Guid.NewGuid() + extension;
File.Copy(originalPath + fileName, destinationPath + saveFileName);
if (format != null)
importImage.format = format;
switch (format.key)
case "Catalogue":
importImage.fileName = saveFileName;
importImage.originalFileName = fileName;
importImage.dossier = targetGalerie;
importImage.dossier_id = targetGalerie.id;
importImage.filePath = "Images/Catalogue/";
importImage.largeur = imageSize.Width;
importImage.hauteur = imageSize.Height;
importImage.isRoot = true;
if (update == false) { MemoryCache.Add(ref importImage); returnList.Add(importImage); }
if (update == true) visuelUpdateList.Add(importImage);
foreach (FormatImage f in listeFormats)
if (f.key.StartsWith("Catalogue_"))
string[] keys = f.key.Split('_');
string destinationFileName = saveFileName.Insert(saveFileName.IndexOf('.'), "-" + keys[1].ToString());
string destinationFileNameDeclinaison = destinationPath + destinationFileName;
VisuelResizer declinaison = new VisuelResizer();
declinaison.Save(originalPath + fileName, f.width, f.height, 1000, destinationFileNameDeclinaison);
Visuel visuel = MemoryCache.GetVisuelByFilName(fileName.Insert(fileName.IndexOf('.'), "-" + keys[1].ToString()));
update = true;
if (visuel == null) { visuel = new Visuel(); update = false; }
visuel.parent = importImage;
visuel.filePath = "Images/Catalogue/";
visuel.fileName = destinationFileName;
visuel.originalFileName = string.Empty;
visuel.format = f;
//visuel.dossier = targetGalerie; On s'en fout pour les déclinaisons
visuel.largeur = f.width;
visuel.hauteur = f.height;
if (update == false)
MemoryCache.Add(ref visuelAddList);
// FONCTION à implémenter
MemoryCache.Update(ref visuelUpdateList);
return returnList;
After some processes on the copy (the original file is no more used)
the client have a pop-up asking him if he wants to delete the original files in the ftp folder.
If he clicks on Ok another method is called on the same controller
and this method use
public void DeleteImageFile(string[] files)
for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++)
File.Delete(HttpContext.Current.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + files[i].Replace(#"/", #"\"));
This method works fine and really delete the good files when I use it in other context.
But here I have an error message:
Process can't acces to file ... because it's used by another process.
Someone have an idea?
Thank you.
Here's the screenshot of Process Explorer
There are couple of thing you can do here.
1) If you can repro it, you can use Process Explorer at that moment and see which process is locking the file and if the process is ur process then making sure that you close the file handle after your work is done.
2) Use try/catch around the delete statement and retry after few seconds to see if the file handle was released.
3) If you can do it offline you can put in some queue and do the deletion on it later on.
You solve this by using c# locks. Just embed your code inside a lock statement and your threads will be safe and wait each other to complete processing.
I found the solution:
in my import method, there a call to that method
public void Save(string originalFile, int maxWidth, int maxHeight, int quality, string filePath)
Bitmap image = new Bitmap(originalFile);
Save(ref image, maxWidth, maxHeight, quality, filePath);
The bitmap maintains the file opened blocking delete.
just added
in the methos and it work fine.
Thank you for your help, and thank you for process explorer. Very useful tool

Uploading a file to folder

With the code below I am able to save files to folder.
My problem is only two upload fields are mandatory and the remaining three are not. The code works if all the upload fields have a files selected otherswise its throws a NullReferenceException.
if (AnnualReport != null || ProjectReports != null || Publications != null || Other != null || RegistDoc != null) {
int filesize = AnnualReport.PostedFile.ContentLength;
int filesizeP = ProjectReports.PostedFile.ContentLength;
int filesizePub = Publications.PostedFile.ContentLength;
int filesizeOther = Other.PostedFile.ContentLength;
int filesizeReg = RegistDoc.PostedFile.ContentLength;
if (filesize > 2097152 && filesizeP > 2097152 && filesizePub > 1048576 && filesizeOther > 1048576 && filesizeReg > 1048576) {
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "popup", "alert('Maximum File size For Annual/Project reports is 1.5MB and for the Publications/Other Attachemnets is 1MB');", true);
} else {
const string ReportDirectory = "REPORTS/";
//Other Document
string OtherPath = ReportDirectory + Other.FileName;
string fileNameWithoutExtensionOther = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Other.FileName);
int iterationOther = 1;
while (System.IO.File.Exists(Server.MapPath(OtherPath))) {
OtherPath = string.Concat(ReportDirectory, fileNameWithoutExtensionOther, "-", iterationOther, ".pdf");
//Registration Document
string RigisDocPath = ReportDirectory + RegistDoc.FileName;
string fileNameWithoutExtensionRegis = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(RegistDoc.FileName);
int iterationRE = 1;
while (System.IO.File.Exists(Server.MapPath(RigisDocPath))) {
RigisDocPath = string.Concat(ReportDirectory, fileNameWithoutExtensionRegis, "-", iterationRE, ".pdf");
//Annual Reports
string ReportPath = ReportDirectory + AnnualReport.FileName;
string fileNameWithoutExtension = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(AnnualReport.FileName);
int iteration = 1;
while (System.IO.File.Exists(Server.MapPath(ReportPath))) {
ReportPath = string.Concat(ReportDirectory, fileNameWithoutExtension, "-", iteration, ".pdf");
//Project Report
string ProjecttPath = ReportDirectory + ProjectReports.FileName;
string fileNameWithoutExtensionP = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ProjectReports.FileName);
int iterationP = 1;
while (System.IO.File.Exists(Server.MapPath(ProjecttPath))) {
ProjecttPath = string.Concat(ReportDirectory, fileNameWithoutExtensionP, "-", iterationP, ".pdf");
string publicationPath = ReportDirectory + Publications.FileName;
string fileNameWithoutExtensionPub = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Publications.FileName);
int iterationPub = 1;
while (System.IO.File.Exists(Server.MapPath(publicationPath))) {
publicationPath = string.Concat(ReportDirectory, fileNameWithoutExtensionPub, "-", iterationPub, ".pdf");
The code you posted is very poorly formated. However, the solution to your immediate problem is to move the null checks down to each individual document.
Instead of doing a huge if line (which has questionable logic, as it only checks if ANY of the documents were uploaded)
You can just check if the required documents are present. (looking at your exising code, present means document name object is not null)
If not, throw an error.
If they are, then proceed with the rest of the code, but wrap the individual processing of optional documents in their own null check if-s.
if (AnnualReport != null) {
//the block that does stuff with the anual report object
I did beak down the code into diferent methods like #irreal suggested, like below;
public void PublicationReporting() {
//connection for the datareader
string csoWConn = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["RegisterCon"].ToString();
SqlConnection csoW_connection = new SqlConnection(csoWConn);
string database = csoW_connection.DataSource.ToString();
if (Publications == null)
String MyString = #"UPDATE tb_Quadrennial_Report SET PublicationsPath='' WHERE Org_ID = '" + Accrediated_Orgs.SelectedValue + "'";
SqlCommand MyCmd = new SqlCommand(MyString, csoW_connection);
int LastInsertedRecordID;
LastInsertedRecordID = Convert.ToInt32(MyCmd.ExecuteScalar());
int filesizeP = Publications.PostedFile.ContentLength;
if (filesizeP > 2097152)
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "popup", "alert('Maximum File size For Publication is 2.0 MB');", true);
const string ReportDirectory = "REPORTS/";
string publicationPath = ReportDirectory + Publications.FileName;
string fileNameWithoutExtensionPub = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Publications.FileName);
int iteration = 1; while (System.IO.File.Exists(Server.MapPath(publicationPath)))
publicationPath = string.Concat(ReportDirectory, fileNameWithoutExtensionPub, "-", iteration, ".pdf");
String MyString = #"UPDATE tb_Quadrennial_Report SET PublicationsPath='" + publicationPath + "' WHERE Org_ID = '" + Accrediated_Orgs.SelectedValue + "'";
SqlCommand MyCmd = new SqlCommand(MyString, csoW_connection);
int LastInsertedRecordID;
LastInsertedRecordID = Convert.ToInt32(MyCmd.ExecuteScalar());
I then called it o the click event
catch (Exception ex)
pgError.Text = "Publication Exception Message: " + ex.Message;
From here it was pretty easy to figure out the problem.
I just needed to dispose the content in the upload field if no file was selected like this
public void PublicationReporting() {
//connection for the datareader
string csoWConn = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["RegisterCon"].ToString();
SqlConnection csoW_connection = new SqlConnection(csoWConn);
string database = csoW_connection.DataSource.ToString();
if (Publications == null)
String MyString = #"UPDATE tb_Quadrennial_Report SET PublicationsPath='' WHERE Org_ID = '" + Accrediated_Orgs.SelectedValue + "'";
SqlCommand MyCmd = new SqlCommand(MyString, csoW_connection);
int LastInsertedRecordID;
LastInsertedRecordID = Convert.ToInt32(MyCmd.ExecuteScalar());
//program continues}

c# application becomes unresponsive when loading an image

I'm creating a tool that reads information from a file and also displays an image extracted from said file as well. it reads the info just fine and everything but when it comes to displaying the image it freezes the program without an error. the program just becomes unresponsive. the debugger doesn't say anything either except after some time it will say the thread has exited with still no response from the program.
i need to rename some stuff as i don't want to get in trouble
Here's the code I'm using to extract and display the image:
global.meta.filetype = STFSRead.readString_C(0, 4);
textBox2.Text = global.meta.filetype;
textBox3.Text = STFSRead.detectType(global.meta.contype.ToString("X4"));
textBox4.Text = global.meta.metaversion.ToString();
textBox5.Text = global.meta.id1;
textBox6.Text = global.meta.version.ToString("X");
textBox7.Text = global.meta.version2.ToString("X");
textBox8.Text = global.meta.id2;
textBox9.Text = global.meta.id3;
textBox10.Text = global.meta.id4;
textBox11.Text = global.meta.id5;
textBox12.Text = global.meta.displayname;
textBox13.Text = global.meta.titlename;
textBox14.Text = STFSRead.detectSomeInfo(global.meta.aflag.ToString("X2"));
pictureBox1.Image = STFSRead.loadImage();
throw new Exception("What did you do?\n All this is suppose to do is read a file, how did you screw that up?");
public static Image loadImage()
Exception failed = new Exception("LoadImage failed. Contact a developer");
string path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData) + "/appname/cache/";
string imgname = global.meta.id.Replace(" ", "") + ".png";
if (Directory.Exists(#path))
if (File.Exists(#path + imgname))
using (Image img = Image.FromFile(#path + imgname))
return img;
throw failed;
else if (!File.Exists(#path + imgname))
if (extractData(imgname, 0x171A, 0x4000))
using (Image img = Image.FromFile(#path + imgname))
return img;
throw failed;
throw failed;
throw failed;
else if(!Directory.Exists(#path)){
if (File.Exists(#path + imgname))
using (Image img = Image.FromFile(#path + imgname))
return img;
throw failed;
else if (!File.Exists(#path+imgname))
if (extractData(imgname, 0x171A, 0x4000))
using (Image img = Image.FromFile(#path + imgname))
return img;
throw failed;
throw failed;
throw failed;
throw failed;
public static bool extractData(string filename, long startpos, long length)
string data = STFSRead.readString_A(startpos, length);
string path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData)+"/appname/cache/";
if (Directory.Exists(#path))
using (StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter(#path + filename))
else if (!Directory.Exists(#path))
using (StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter(#path + filename))
if (File.Exists(#path + filename))
return true;
throw new Exception("Couldn't extract file "+filename+" at location "+startpos+" with a length of "+length);
public static string readString_A(long startpos, long length)
string s = "";
for (long i = startpos; i < startpos + length; i = i++)
global.fs.Position = i;
byte[] buf = new byte[1];
global.fs.Read(buf, 0, 1);
if (buf[0] == 0x00) // Null symbol
char c = Convert.ToChar(buf[0]);
s += c;
if (s == "" || s == " ")
s = "";
return s;
I have checked my appdata folder and while the directory gets created, the image does not get created so i'm thinking its failing during extraction. and none of my exceptions get triggered either
Edit: about the exceptions.... i added all of them when the program started screwing up to see if it will trigger them and narrow down where the error might be. i don't want it to handle those exceptions. might not be the best way to do that but i am still learning c# so i don't expect it to be the best way. if there is a better way to do this then let me know.
I think your problem is here:
for (long i = startpos; i < startpos + length; i = i++)
It should be:
for (long i = startpos; i < startpos + length; i++)
i=i++ is not actually incremeting the variable
You can find why here: i = i++ doesn't increment i. Why?. Thanks to #RenniePet for the link.

