I've posted this before, but the thread became pretty extensive and confusing and a resolution was never met. I'm reposting with a clear and concise block of code and my desired outcome.
I'm looking to use client-flow authentication for an Azure App Services backend.
I'd like to use MSAL, to support both Microsoft Accounts (MSA) and AAD accounts. Been stuck on this for weeks with no resolution in sight.
PublicClientApplication myApp = new PublicClientApplication("registered-app-id-in-apps.dev-portal");
string[] scopes = new string[] { "User.Read" };
AuthenticationResult authenticationResult = await myApp.AcquireTokenAsync(scopes);
JObject payload = new JObject();
payload["access_token"] = authenticationResult.AccessToken;
payload["id_token"] = authenticationResult.IdToken;
user = await MobileService.LoginAsync(MobileServiceAuthenticationProvider.WindowsAzureActiveDirectory, payload);
Why doesn't this work?
What do I have to do to get it to work?
Getting a 401 exception, tried with MobileServiceAuthenticationProvider.WindowsAzureActiveDirectory as well as MobileServiceAuthenticationProvider.Microsoftaccount
--App Service Auth Config for Microsoft Account:
ClientID and ClientSecret as it appears in apps.dev.microsoft.com
--App Service Auth Config for AAD:
ClientID as it appears in apps.dev.microsoft.com
Issuer URL: https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/v2.0/.well-known/openid-configuration
Client Secret: (Blank)
Been having the same issue, having set up Azure Active Directory authentication on the App Service & attempting to authenticate from a WinForms client using MSAL. Turns out that, as of the time of this writing, Azure App Service does not support AAD V2 (including MSAL). Found the below note here:
At this time, AAD V2 (including MSAL) is not supported for Azure App Services and Azure Functions. Please check back for updates.
So ADAL seems to be the only viable option at the moment, unless you handle the authentication inside your backend code yourself.
I have been trying to implement a solution for this for days. It's my first experiment with Microsoft Graph. I had our network admin register the app and went through the quick start code in console-app-quickstart.
I looked at active-directory-dotnetcore-daemon-v2 and active-directory-dotnet-iwa-v2.
var App = PublicClientApplicationBuilder
The PublicClientApplication has the AcquireTokenByIntegratedWindowsAuth function. This sounds good because we can launch the console app as whatever user we want to use with a scheduled task. But it errors out with WS-Trust endpoint not found. Where's WS-Trust endpoint defined?
The sample also includes the line var accounts = await App.GetAccountsAsync() but that always returns zero accounts. Some responses to searches for this say that we have to use the global tenant admin. The company doesn't like that idea at all. How can that be safe? Do we create a new user as an admin tenant just for that?
The other option is this
var App = ConfidentialClientApplicationBuilder.Create("xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx")
.WithAuthority(new Uri("https://login.microsoftonline.com/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"))
The ConfidentialClientApplication doesn't have the integrated windows auth version. I can get connected and get MailFolders and Messages and process those, but it seems to work only when we use App.AcquireTokenForClient(scopes) and API permissions that allow the app to read everyone's email. Security doesn't like that much either.
I also looked at impersonation-and-ews-in-exchange. I read in some places that ExchangeWebService is deprecated and use MS Graph instead. Is the MS Graph API permissions in the EWS category mean that it's going to be around?
Can anyone out there show me the right combination of pieces needed to do this? (api permissions, client application type, scopes, authority, etc). It needs to be unattended (launched by scheduled task), needs to have permissions to read only one email box, and save the attachments.
(sorry so long)
Thanks, Mike
WS-Trust endpoint not found
The WS-Trust endpoint is your ADFS endpoint, if you have ADFS 2019 then MSAL does support that using WithAdfsAuthority see https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/blob/main/articles/active-directory/develop/msal-net-initializing-client-applications.md
There are some other restriction around using WIA that are listed at the top of https://github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-dotnet/wiki/Integrated-Windows-Authentication-in-MSAL-2.x . If the constraints don't affect you it should work okay.
With the Client Credentials flow which is what your using above you can restrict the scope of the mailboxes it can access see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/auth-limit-mailbox-access
I would stick with the Graph rather then EWS as the later is being phased out and requires more permissions as its a legacy API.
The tutorial you shared in the question is an asp.net core console app. Since you want to have a console app and use it to read exchange mails.
Therefore, what we can confirm is that: We need to use MS Graph API to read the exchange mails. Graph API required an Azure AD application with correct API permissions to generate Access token to call the API. API permissions have 2 types, Delegated for Web app because it required users to sign in to obtain the token, Application for daemon app like console application which don't require an user-sign-in.
Since you are using the asp.net core console application, you can only using Application API permission. Using Application permission means the console app has the permission to query messages of any email address in your tenant. You can't control the Graph API itself to query some specific users only. But you can write your own business logic to set authorization.
Then we can make the console application authorized to access the API, we can generate an Access token and use it in the HTTP request header to call the API, we can also use the Graph SDK. Using SDK will help to troubleshoot when met error.
using Microsoft.Graph;
using Azure.Identity;
var scopes = new[] { "https://graph.microsoft.com/.default" };
var tenantId = "tenant_id";
var clientId = "Azure_AD_app_id";
var clientSecret = "Azure_AD_client_secret";
var clientSecretCredential = new ClientSecretCredential(
tenantId, clientId, clientSecret);
var graphClient = new GraphServiceClient(clientSecretCredential, scopes);
var messages = await graphClient.Users["{email_address/user_account/user_id}"].Messages.Request().Select("sender,subject").GetAsync();
I have a Dynamics 365 v9 organisation hosted online. I have a set of Azure Functions hosted in an Azure Function App on a different tenant to my Dynamics organisation.
I've created web hooks using the Dynamics Plugin Registration Tool, which at certain events (such as when a Contact is created in Dynamics), POST data to my Azure Functions via their endpoint URLs.
Authentication between Dynamics 365 and my Azure Functions is achieved by passing an x-functions-key value in the HTTP request's authentication HttpHeader.
The Azure Functions receive data from the event in Dynamics in the form of a RemoteExecutionContext which I can read using the following code:
using System.Net;
public static async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Run(HttpRequestMessage req, TraceWriter log)
var jsonContent = await req.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
return req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK);
How can the Azure Function then authenticate back with the calling Dynamics 365 organisation to read and write data?
What I've tried
Xrm Tooling
The simplest way to authenticate would be to use the CrmServiceClient from Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.dll. However, I don't necessarily have a username and password to provide the CrmServiceClient's constructor. Perhaps credentials could be passed securely via the HTTP POST request?
Application User
I've tried registering an Application User in Dynamics. I supply the client id and client secret to my Azure Functions, but authentication fails because the user is in a different tenant to my Azure Functions.
Considered Solutions
One object of the received jsonContent string is called ParentContext . Perhaps this can be reused to authenticate back with the calling Dynamics organisation.
Marc Schweigert has recommended using S2S and has provided a sample to his AzureFunctionApp repository. If I can get this approach to work I'll post the solution here.
I wouldn't have thought you can sensibly use the 'real' users credentials to connect to CRM.
I would use a service account to connect back into CRM. Create a new CRM
user especially for this purpose, if you make the user non-interactive you shouldn't consume a license. You can then use the credentials of that service account to connect to CRM using CrmServiceClient. Alternatively have a look at Server to Server authentication.
If you are able to deliver a user id to your Function App, you use the service account to impersonate 'real' users via the CRM web services.
To impersonate a user, set the CallerId property on an instance of
OrganizationServiceProxy before calling the service’s Web methods.
I have done something similar recently, but without relying on the Azure subscription authentication functionality for connecting back into D365. In my case calls were coming to Azure functions from other places, but the connection back is no different. Authentication does NOT pass through in any of these cases. If an AAD user authenticates to your Function application, you still need to connect to D365 using an application user, and then impersonate the user that called you.
First, make sure that the application you registered in Azure AD under App Registrations is of the type "Web app / API" and not "Native". Edit the settings of the registered app and ensure the following:
Take not of the Application ID, which I'll refer to later as appId.
Under "API Access - Required Permissions", add Dynamics CRM Online (Microsoft.CRM) and NOT Dynamics 365.
Under "API Access - Keys", create a key with an appropriate expiry. You can create multiple keys if you have multiple functions/applications connecting back as this "App". I'll refer to this key as "clientSecret" later.
If the "Keys" option isn't available, you've registered a Native app.
I stored the appId and clientSecret in the application configuration section of the Function App, and accessed them using the usual System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings collection.
The below examples use a call to AuthenticationParameters to find the authority and resource URLs, but you could just as easily build those URLs manually using the countless examples online. I find this will just update itself if they ever change, so less work later.
These are simple examples and I'm glossing over the need to refresh tokens and all those things.
Then to access D365 using OData:
string odataUrl = "https://org.crm6.dynamics.com/api/data/v8.2/"; // trailing slash actually matters
string appId = "some-guid";
string clientSecret = "some key";
AuthenticationParameters authArg = AuthenticationParameters.CreateFromResourceUrlAsync(new Uri(odataUrl)).Result;
AuthenticationContext authCtx = new AuthenticationContext(authArg.Authority);
AuthenticationResult authRes = authCtx.AcquireTokenAsync(authArg.Resource, new ClientCredential(appId, clientSecret)).Result;
using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient()) {
client.TimeOut = TimeSpan.FromMinutes (2);
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", authRes.CreateAuthorizationHeader ());
using (HttpRequestMessage req = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, $"{odataUrl}accounts?$select=name&$top=10")) {
using (HttpResponseMessage res = client.SendAsync(req).Result) {
if (res.IsSuccessStatusCode) {
else {
// cry
If you want to access D365 using the Organization service, and LINQ, use the following. The two main parts that took me a while to find out are the format of that odd looking organization.svc URL, and using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.WebServiceClient.OrganizationWebProxyClient instead of Tooling:
string odataUrl = "https://org.crm6.dynamics.com/xrmservices/2011/organization.svc/web?SdkClientVersion=8.2"; // don't question the url, just accept it.
string appId = "some-guid";
string clientSecret = "some key";
AuthenticationParameters authArg = AuthenticationParameters.CreateFromResourceUrlAsync(new Uri(odataUrl)).Result;
AuthenticationContext authCtx = new AuthenticationContext(authArg.Authority);
AuthenticationResult authRes = authCtx.AcquireTokenAsync(authArg.Resource, new ClientCredential(appId, clientSecret)).Result;
using (OrganizationWebProxyClient webProxyClient = new OrganizationWebProxyClient(new Uri(orgSvcUrl), false)) {
webProxyClient.HeaderToken = authRes.AccessToken;
using (OrganizationServiceContext ctx = new OrganizationServiceContext((IOrganizationService)webProxyClient)) {
var accounts = (from i in ctx.CreateQuery("account") orderby i["name"] select i).Take(10);
foreach (var account in accounts)
Not sure what context you get back in your Webhook registration, not tried that yet, but just making sure that there's a bearer token in the Authorization header generally does it, and the two examples above inject it in different ways so you should be able to splice together what's needed from here.
This is something I'm curious about as well but I have not had the opportunity to experiment on this.
For your second option have you registered the application and granted consent in the target AAD?
When they grant consent, your registered application will be added to the Azure AD Enterprise applications list and it is available to the users of the Azure AD tenant.
Only after an administrator has granted consent, you must then create the application user in the subscriber’s Dynamics 365 tenant.
I believe the root of the access issue is related to the Application's Service Principal Object (the Object local to the target Tenant)
Service Principal Object
In order to access resources that are secured by an Azure AD tenant, the entity that requires access must be represented by a security principal. This is true for both users (user principal) and applications (service principal). The security principal defines the access policy and permissions for the user/application in that tenant. This enables core features such as authentication of the user/application during sign-in, and authorization during resource access.
Consider the application object as the global representation of your application for use across all tenants, and the service principal as the local representation for use in a specific tenant.
Using S2S you can use AcquireToken to retrieve the Bearer
var clientcred = new ClientCredential(clientId, clientSecret);
AuthenticationContext authContext = new AuthenticationContext(aadInstance, false);
AuthenticationResult result = authContext.AcquireToken(organizationUrl, clientcred);
token = result.AccessToken;
ExpireDate = result.ExpiresOn.DateTime;
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new System.Net.Http.Headers.AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", token);
I am using MSAL to connect my Xamarin.Forms-Windows 8.1-App to Azure AD B2C with a custom SignInSignUp-policy (to login the user by using a custom E-Mail address and a password). The "normal" authentication against Azure AD (without custom policy) works fine, but when I use the policy, the message "We can't connect to the service you need right now. Check your network connection or try this again later." appears everytime after providing the credentials (directly within the dialog). Since the dialog does not finish correctly, I am not retrieving any exception or AuthenticationResult and so I am not able to determine the concrete issue (the internet connection itself is not the problem).
Note: I also tried this in a Xamarin.Forms-UWP-App which leads me to the same issue. Under iOS, it is working fine and the dialog finishes and closes correctly.
NuGet Versions:
MSAL (Microsoft.Identity.Client): 1.0.304142201-alpha
Thats my code (simplified):
var clientId = "{My application's ClientId}";
var redirectUri = "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob";
var authority = "https://login.microsoftonline.com/{My Azure AD B2C}";
string[] scopes = { clientId };
var policy = "{My SignUpSignIn policy}";
var clientApplication = new PublicClientApplication (authority, clientId);
clientApplication.RedirectUri = redirectUri;
var result = await this.clientApplication.AcquireTokenAsync(scopes, string.Empty, UiOptions.SelectAccount, string.Empty, null, authority, policy);
Any ideas on this?
Thanks in advance!
I had the same issue. Turns out I forgot to properly set up my mobile app to allow loggin in via Active Directory
The steps I took that solved my problem were:
In Azure B2C Blade select Application and set the Reply URL to the address of the Azure Mobile Apps instance (e.g. https://myapp.azurewebsites.net), followed by /.auth/login/aad/callback
Make sure the policies used in the Azure Active Directory B2C tenant should be configured so that the Reply URL is set to the same as above
In the Azure Mobile or Services App go to settings-->authentication/autorization and make sure that a non authenticated request is set up to log in with AAD
in the same blade select the AAD provider, go to advanced and set up Client ID and Issuer URL, with the Client ID being the Application ID of the Azure Active Directory B2C tenant, and the Issuer Url being the Metadata Endpoint for the Azure Active Directory B2C policy
Once I did the above all worked flawlessly.
More detailed instructions can be found at https://developer.xamarin.com/guides/xamarin-forms/web-services/authentication/azure-ad-b2c-mobile-app/
Let me know if this helped...
I've been at this whole day and it's driving me NUTS. I've got a web API published on Azure which is secured with Azure AD authentication. I've been using this API in combination with a mobile app for quite a while now. On the mobile app, I use the library for client authentication (Microsoft account which is in AD) and this works perfectly. Within the app, API requests are authenticated with the X-ZUMO-AUTH header.
Now for a new part of the application, I've got a C# console app which also needs to be able to call the app. This needs to run stand-alone, so without asking for user credentials. So I created an application in Azure AD, gave it permissions to the Web API instance and got me some code to get an authentication token. That token is then passed into the HttpClient object:
AuthenticationContext ac = new AuthenticationContext(authority);
ClientCredential clientCred = new ClientCredential(clientID, clientSecret);
AuthenticationResult authenticationResult = await ac.AcquireTokenAsync(resource, clientCred);
string authToken = authenticationResult.AccessToken;
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
HttpRequestMessage request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, endpoint);
request.Headers.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", authToken);
HttpResponseMessage response = await client.SendAsync(request);
Server auth is set-up like this:
string aadTenant = configProvider.GetConfigurationSettingValue("ida.Tenant");
string aadAudience = configProvider.GetConfigurationSettingValue("ida.Audience");
new WindowsAzureActiveDirectoryBearerAuthenticationOptions
Tenant = aadTenant,
TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters
ValidAudience = aadAudience
I have triple checked all the variables. I also verified that the Bearer token is correctly passed to the service (Fiddler shows it). Everything seems absolutely fine, but still, the server keeps responding with Unauthorized.
My hunch is that this has something to do with the Web API. It's been set up as mobile services back-end. I'm suspecting that this is somehow interfering with 'normal' authentication schemes and the 401 is coming from mobile services not understanding this authentication request, even though the bearer authentication has been setup. But this is just a hunch and I'm not sure whether it actually makes sense or not.
I've seen the related questions on this topic, and all of the samples (used this one as the primary source of inspiration). I've tried all of the variations out there, to no avail. So what I'm looking for is ways to find out where the actual problem is. "Unauthorized" is a bit vague to say the least, so I'm trying to find out why the calls are returned with this response. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Additional endpoint info
As requested, here's some info on the endpoints I'm using:
authority = https://login.microsoftonline.com/{aad-tenant-name}
Also tried the OAuth2 token endpoints listed on the management page:
authority = https://login.microsoftonline.com/{aad-guid}/oauth2/token
authority = https://login.microsoftonline.com/{aad-guid}/oauth2/authorize
For the client, information I'm passing in the ClientID and generated secret I got from the AAD Application page for the application I created. I have granted the application permissions to access the App Service instance for my web API endpoint. Those calls are going to:
https://{app service url}.azurewebsites.net/api/controller
Whilst trying to get this going I noticed more weird behavior. I thought for now I'd just set this particular controller to [AllowAnonymous] so that I could call it without any authentication. But when I do so and omit passing in the Bearer token, I still get Unauthorized as response. That kind of enforces my idea that there's something wrong on the server side and that this might have something to do with how the mobile app stuff is strapped to the webapi controllers.
Never mind, the controller being forced to authorize was caused by Web App level authentication settings, documented here
I created an Azure API App and set the [Authorize] attribute on my controller and published it to Azure. Then I registered an Auth0 app, providing the data from my AD app, following Auth0's documentation. When I test the connection on their site it works just fine. I can also log in fine in my app and retrieve the access token with:
var auth0 = new Auth0Client("myUrl", "myTenant");
var user = await auth0.LoginAsync();
var accessToken = user.IdToken;
However, when I make a request to my API, passing the access token in the Authorization header, it just throws an error 401 (Unauthorized). From what the documentation says, I was under the impression this is all that should be needed, and I've not found any information to suggest otherwise. Is there an additional step to linking these?
The Solution is to configure ur API to accept tokens by that issuer, like for example by using owin middleware app.UseJwtBearerAuthentication(). Glad I could help!