I wanted to click on the highlighted record on result set window. I used the xpath as
""//div[contains(#class, 'email-icon icon')]/label[contains(#class, 'text')]";"
But,script is not able identify the record.
Note:Div id is dynamic.
Element: Record marked with blue color in screen shot.
Xpath used: "//div[contains(#class, 'email-icon icon')]/label[contains(#class, 'text')]";
HTML code:
It seems Webdriver was not able to reach to the required label using xpath you had used. Try following:
//div[starts-with(#id, 'sc')]//div[#class='sc-view sc-table-row-view sc-collection-item even hover sc-regular-size']/div/img[#class='email-icon icon']/following-sibling::label[normalize-space(text())='Dhanaprabhu0106']
Let me know, whether it works for you.
Update 1:
Try to click using IJavaScriptExecutor, as shown below:
IJavaScriptExecutor e = (IJavaScriptExecutor)driver;
e.ExecuteScript("arguments[0].click();", driver.FindElement(By.xpath("//div[starts-with(#id, 'sc')]//div[#class='sc-view sc-table-row-view sc-collection-item even hover sc-regular-size']/div/img[#class='email-icon icon']/following-sibling::label[normalize-space(text())='Dhanaprabhu0106']"));
Let me know, whether it works for you.
Your XPath is incorrect. See my examples below.
//div[contains(#class, 'has-icon')]/label[contains(#class, 'text')]"
//img[contains(#class, 'email-icon')]/../label[contains(#class, 'text')]"
enter image description here
I need to click the 'Practice Form' tag highlighted in the attached image using C# Selenium here.
The url of form is https://demoqa.com/forms
and the upon clicking 'Practice Form' it will be redirected to https://demoqa.com/automation-practice-form.
I need to achieve this through clicking, not by navigating.
This XPATH should perfectly work:
//span[contains(.,'Practice Form')]//ancestor::li[#class='btn btn-light ']
Short explanation:
You find span containing specified text
You go to ancestor to get button's xpath.
You need to find it with selenium and use Selenium's click()
This is one of xpaths you can use.
Another option is just going a level up:
//span[contains(.,'Practice Form')]/..
I like both.
Option 3:
//span[contains(.,'Practice Form')]//parent::li[contains(#class,'btn btn-light')]
I am not sure why yours isn't working, but this works fine for me:
IWebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//span[contains(.,'Practice Form')]//parent::li[#id='item-0']")).Click();
It takes me to:
With the Student Registration form shown in the middle
BTW in your original comments you said you had to use XPath for this because that field is "dynamic". It is not dynamic. The element has more than one ID: item-0, maybe that is what you meant by couldn't use ID. But the element itself is not "dynamic"
This simple XPath works for me
//span[text()='Practice Form']
You may use the below xpath
//li[#class[contains(.,'btn-light')]][contains(.,'Practice Form')]
I am very new to Selenium. On our webpage developers have used jQuery chosen select to fill dropdown. What I want to do is pass specific text and select matching text I entered.
So I tried this:
[FindsBy(How = How.XPath, Using = "//div[#id=MyDrpdown_chosen]//div[#class='chosen-drop']//div[contains(#class,'chosen-search')]/input"), CacheLookup]
private HtmlElement _selectItem;
Update 1
Here is screenshot of source inspection in debugger tool
But I get error that it couldn't find matching element. Can someone guide me?
has to be
(you are missing the single quote)
UPDATE 1: Just change your dropdown id
like this : MyDrpdown_chosen
[FindsBy(How = How.XPath, Using = "//div[#id=MyDrpdown_chosen]//div[#class='chosen-drop']//div[contains(#class,'chosen-search')]/input"), CacheLookup]
private HtmlElement _selectItem;
If your code is faster than the results are updating you can have a problem finding or interacting with your element. You should make sure you wait enough time for the list to update.
Also note the typo and the missing quotes around MyDrpdown_chosen.
I know there are existing questions on this topic, but none of them seems to help me with this:
I've got a lightbox with several elements.
I can find and access all of these elements, except ONE, using the XPath.
These are the items:
Text header: No problem
Text: No problem
Input field: No problem
Text: No problem
Text: No problem
Button (cancel): No problem
Button (send): No problem
The XPaths for all the elements:
.//*[#id='overlays']/overlay--master/div/div/overlay-lightbox/div/div[1] /content-placeholder/h1
The problematic element is this:
As far as I can see, there's no reason why it should be different from the other elements (textfield, button, text)?
I'm accessing all these elements with an implicit wait, to check that they've all loaded before continuing.
From the GCDriver (Selenium Driver) class:
public static void WaitForVisible (string xpath) {
var wait = new WebDriverWait(GCDriver.Instance,
wait.Until(driver =>
Now, as mentioned, this works for all the other elements, as well as accessing them directly. For this, the wait times out with WebDriverTimeoutEsception:
Result Message:
Test method Tests.Regression_tests.VerifyOverlays.Verify_Update_Ticket_OverlayContent threw exception:
OpenQA.Selenium.WebDriverTimeoutException: Timed out after 10 seconds
Also, of course, trying to ACCESS the button with .Click() also fails:
Result Message:
Test method Tests.Regression_tests.VerifyOverlays.Verify_Update_Ticket_OverlayContent threw exception:
System.InvalidOperationException: unknown error: Element is not clickable at point (-208, 307)
Here's the html code for the element:
<a class="btn btn-grey file-input-container btn-small" data-bind="enable: !uploading() "
style="margin-top: 10px; padding: 7px 12px; "data-tooltipped=""
data-original-title="Add Attachment">
<i class="fa fa-cloud-upload"/>
<span class="mq-for-small-hide">
<span localize-me="">Add Attachment</span>
<input data-bind="upload: addAttachments,
enable: !uploading()" type="file"/>
I've tried some other ways of getting the element, but since this is quite (imo) "messy" html, with no unique ID's or good class names, I've been unable to figure out how.
And it REALLY bugs me that I cannot find it by the XPath. There are 8 elements on the page, all visible and accessible, but this ONE element is impossible to find with Selenium.
The element is there; I can manually click the button on the page while Selenium runs it.
I also tried using .Enabled instead of .Displayed. Same result.
There are two answers below, and I have to select one as the "winner".
Shubham Jain gives an answer that, while not the exact thing I was trying to to, is a very good work-around. By using JavaScriptExecutor to try clicking the button, it also checks if the button is visible. However, the answer given doesn't do what it tries to do; Clicking doesn't work quite that way. See Solution below to see the correct/working code to click a button using JavaScriptExectutor.
smit9234's answer is exactly what I'm trying to do, although clicking doesn't work that way. To click the button, JS is necessary in this case. However, the question was how to check .Displayed, and that works with the modified XPath he gave me from the code excerpt.
The XPath of the element (button) is, according to FirePath:
This, however, doesn't work. Selenium simply cannot find it, even though it's clearly there.
THIS XPath, however, does work:
However, it works with reagards to the .Displayed check. It does NOT work with Click(). To be able to click the button, I began with Shubham Jain's code example and created this method in the Driver class, to be able to use JavaScript (with Selenium's JavaScriptExecutor) to click the button:
using OpenQA.Selenium.Interactions;
public static void JSClick (string xpath) {
IWebElement icon = Instance.FindElement(By.XPath(xpath));
Actions ob = new Actions(Instance);
IAction action = ob.Build();
Looking at the html snippet you posted, it seems like this is a file attachment function. Based on the html structure of the snippet, try using the following xpath:
You should then be able to use the click(); method to click the "Add Attachments"
I assume that clicking on the input doesn't do anything, however you should be able to use the sendKeys(); method for sending the "file path" to the input element.
Use below XPath :-
//input[#type='file' and contains(#data-bind,'upload: addAttachments')]
You can use javascriptexecutorof selenium to click on button. It operated directly on JS of page.
In java :-
WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.id("gbqfd"));
JavascriptExecutor executor = (JavascriptExecutor)driver;
executor.executeScript("arguments[0].click();", element);
I don't know more about c# but I believe it something like
IWebElement clicks = driver.FindElement(By.Id("gbqfq"));
IJavaScriptExecutor js = (IJavaScriptExecutor)driver;
js.ExecuteScript("arguments[0].click();", clicks);
Change the locator in above elements as per your convenience.
Below you will find more details of javascriptexecutor
Hope it will help you :)
May be input element is not visible on the page. you may not use displayed function for that element and try with enabled as given below.
public static void WaitForEnabled (string xpath) {
var wait = new WebDriverWait(GCDriver.Instance,
wait.Until(driver =>
if the above is not working, you try to click on anchor tag instead of input.
It seems like it's not clickable. It looks like there's some javascript on the page with a function called "uploading()".
since you're button has this on it
enable: !uploading()
just a test to verify if this is actually the cause, put a breakpoint before your click. on the browser dev tools stick a breakpoint in the uploading() function on the javascript file and see what it's returning.
If this is the case you'll have to use the javascript executor to bypass this.
I am supposed to click the link (highlighted blue, refer to image above), but LinkText does not work. I also tried using CSSSelector and XPath, but both:
doesn't work. Help?
Your tried locator looks incorrect, you should try using xpath with text to locate desire element as below :-
Try _driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//div[contains(text()='HH3')]")).Click();
I have a WebElement in which cannot be found in IE 10 but works in FF 47.1 and Chrome 51.
[FindsBy(How = How.XPath, Using = "Foo's XPath")]
IWebElement Foo = null;
At runtime I have also called
wait.Until(ExpectedConditions.ElementToBeClickable(By.XPath("Foo's XPath")));
But am receiving a NullReferenceException for IE10 Only. I have even tried a sleep as well. Can someone please advise me what else I can do b/c my program has to run IE.
As of the time this question was asked we have upgraded to IE 11 but am still seeing the exact same issue. I can't provide specific html code but I want to elaborate a little on the webelement foo.
The radio button which I have called "foo" is wrapped in the following
input id = "foo"
When I call the xpath (I have tried id and css selector as well)
the application itself defaults to the 1st value of the radio buttons and I can't seem to get it to select the 4th value which I need. Can anyone offer advice or suggestions of something else I can try?
Depending of what elements are siblings you can have selectors like:
//tr[4]//*[contains(#id, 'foo')]
//td[4]/*[contains(#id, 'foo')]
//*[contains(#id, 'foo')][4]
You can also use the entire id if is not changing by replacing [contains(#id, 'foo')] with [#id='foo']
If none of this are working then please provide the structure for all 4 inputs.
Try identifying element by id.
[FindsBy(How = How.Id, Using = "foo")]
IWebElement Foo = null;
Also make sure that the element is not hidden. Also try increasing the size of the element as sometimes web-driver is not able to locate element.
If you still have issues performing any operations on radio button, try using JavaScriptExecutor.