Can anyone help me to find out how to add custom attributes/classes to Active Directory schema using C#? I can add manually by using MMC /a. But now I want to do it using C# code. Can anyone provide me the sample for this?
Thanks in advance!
This is a very big HOW TO:
Target Specific Domain Controllers or Credentials
Everywhere in the code that you see: LDAP:// you can replace with LDAP://MyDomainControllerNameOrIpAddress as well as everywhere you see a DirectoryEntry class being constructed you can send in specific credentials as well. This is especially helpful if you need to work on an Active Directory for which your machine is not a member of it's forest or domain or you want to target a DC to make the changes to.
//Rename an object and specify the domain controller and credentials directly
public static void Rename(string server,
string userName, string password, string objectDn, string newName)
DirectoryEntry child = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://" + server + "/" +
objectDn, userName, password);
child.Rename("CN=" + newName);
Managing local accounts with DirectoryEntry
It is important to note that you can execute some of these methods against a local machine as opposed to an Active Directory if needed by simply replacing the LDAP:// string with WinNT:// as demonstrated below
//create new local account
DirectoryEntry localMachine = new DirectoryEntry("WinNT://" +
DirectoryEntry newUser = localMachine.Children.Add("localuser", "user");
newUser.Invoke("SetPassword", new object[] { "3l!teP#$$w0RDz" });
Managing local groups with DirectoryEntry
A few configuration changes need to be made to the code but it's pretty straightforward. Below you can see an example of using DirectoryEntry to enumerate the members of the local "administrator" group.
DirectoryEntry localMachine = new DirectoryEntry
("WinNT://" + Environment.MachineName + ",Computer");
DirectoryEntry admGroup = localMachine.Children.Find
("administrators", "group");
object members = admGroup.Invoke("members", null);
foreach (object groupMember in (IEnumerable)members)
DirectoryEntry member = new DirectoryEntry(groupMember);
Managing IIS with DirectoryEntry
In addition to managing local & directory services accounts, the versatile DirectoryEntry object can manage other network providers as well, such as IIS. Below is an example of how you can use DirectoryEntry to provision a new virtual directory in IIS.
//Create New Virtual Directory in IIS with DirectoryEntry()
string wwwroot = "c:\\Inetpub\\wwwroot";
string virtualDirectoryName = "myNewApp";
string sitepath = "IIS://localhost/W3SVC/1/ROOT";
DirectoryEntry vRoot = new DirectoryEntry(sitepath);
DirectoryWntry vDir = vRoot.Children.Add(virtualDirectoryName,
vDir.Properties["Path"].Value = wwwroot + "\\" + virtualDirectoryName;
vDir.Properties["DefaultDoc"].Value = "Default.aspx";
vDir.Properties["DirBrowseFlags"].Value = 2147483648;
NOW Active Directory Objects:
Enumerate Multi-String Attribute Values of an Object
This method includes a recursive flag in case you want to recursively dig up properties of properties such as enumerating all the member values of a group and then getting each member group's groups all the way up the tree.
public ArrayList AttributeValuesMultiString(string attributeName,
string objectDn, ArrayList valuesCollection, bool recursive)
DirectoryEntry ent = new DirectoryEntry(objectDn);
PropertyValueCollection ValueCollection = ent.Properties[attributeName];
IEnumerator en = ValueCollection.GetEnumerator();
while (en.MoveNext())
if (en.Current != null)
if (!valuesCollection.Contains(en.Current.ToString()))
if (recursive)
AttributeValuesMultiString(attributeName, "LDAP://" +
en.Current.ToString(), valuesCollection, true);
return valuesCollection;
Enumerate Single String Attribute Values of an Object
public string AttributeValuesSingleString
(string attributeName, string objectDn)
string strValue;
DirectoryEntry ent = new DirectoryEntry(objectDn);
strValue = ent.Properties[attributeName].Value.ToString();
return strValue;
Enumerate an Object's Properties: The Ones with Values
public static ArrayList GetUsedAttributes(string objectDn)
DirectoryEntry objRootDSE = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://" + objectDn);
ArrayList props = new ArrayList();
foreach (string strAttrName in objRootDSE.Properties.PropertyNames)
return props;
Interesting that neither the proposed answer nor the example there by the question author really answer the original question:
How to add custom attributes/classes to Active Directory schema in C#?
By this question, I understand, adding an attribute which is NOT YET present in the AD Schema. I doubt it is supported via C# code when you see that adding an attributes actually means updating the AD schema:
Question first, explanation later: How can I get the GC server for any given LDAP server?
To understand my needs, let me explain:
I had to extend Henning Krause's ExchangeAddressListService (I am not sure whether I should/may c'n'p all of Henning's code into this post?) to get useful debug output:
private DirectoryEntry GetDirectoryEntry(string path, string protocol)
var ldapPath = string.IsNullOrEmpty(path) ? string.Format("{0}:", protocol) : string.Format("{0}://{1}", protocol, path);
dbg.Add("Getting DirectoryEntry for path " + ldapPath);
return new DirectoryEntry(ldapPath);
public ActiveDirectoryConnection(Debug dbg)
this.dbg = dbg;
and to allow for selection of a certain domain:
internal AddressList(string path, ActiveDirectoryConnection connection, string domain)
_Path = path;
_Connection = connection;
_Domain = domain;
private IEnumerable<AddressList> GetAddressLists(string containerName)
string exchangeRootPath;
using (var root = _Connection.GetLdapDirectoryEntry(_Domain+"/RootDSE"))
foreach (SearchResult addressBook in searchResultCollection)
yield return
new AddressList((string)addressBook.Properties["distinguishedName"][0], _Connection, _Domain);
Now I have a problem with the domain because it seems as if for some domains SOMEDOMAIN the Global Catalog cannot be accessed via GC://SOMEDOMAIN. This is my code I use:
var domain = User.Identity.Name.Split('\\')[0]; // SOMEDOMAIN\SomeUser -> Domain is SOMEDOMAIN
dbg.Add("User NETBIOS domain is "+domain);
AddressListService addressListService = new ExchangeAddressListService(connection,domain);
IEnumerable<AddressList> addressLists = addressListService.GetGlobalAddressLists();
AddressList addressList = addressLists.First()
try {
IEnumerable<SearchResult> searchResults = addressList.GetMembers("displayName", "distinguishedname", "mail")
} catch(Exception e) {
dbg.Add("Error in GetMembers: "+e.Message);
return new AjaxAnswer(dbg.Flush());
It produces the error log:
Getting DirectoryEntry for path LDAP://SOMEDOMAIN/RootDSE
Getting DirectoryEntry for path LDAP://CN=Microsoft Exchange, CN=Services, CN=Configuration,DC=somedomain,DC=net
Getting DirectoryEntry for path LDAP://CN=All Global Address Lists,CN=Address Lists Container, CN=MYMAIL,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=somedomain,DC=net
Getting DirectoryEntry for path LDAP://CN=Default Global Address List,CN=All Global Address Lists,CN=Address Lists Container,CN=MYMAIL,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=somedomain,DC=net
Getting DirectoryEntry for path GC://SOMEDOMAIN
Error in GetMembers: The server is not operational.
Not all DC are GC. So GC://SOMEDOMAIN may fail if SOMEDOMAIN is not a GC.
In my project, I use the DsGetDcName Win32 function to discover the GC.
Details of DsGetDcName function:
See below for how to pinvoke the call:
As I know System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory also provide classes to handle GC.
e.g. Forest.GlobalCatalogs
I already use the DsGetDcName function, so never tried this before.
I am trying to programmatically find who last logged onto a given computer and when with C#. Given the name of a computer as a string, I have learned about Getting last Logon Time on Computers in Active Directory. However, there doesn't seem to be a property for which user was the one that actually logged in. Do I have to take a different approach for this? Anything I found online that was remotely related to this was in VBScript, but this must be done in C#.
Simply query the necessary information from the System Registry. The following method will set the Registry View based on whether the machine is 64-bit or 32-bit - although if you're doing this remotely - then the approach to obtain this information may need to be altered, but the general approach should be the same.
The Base Key is selected using the name of the machine that you pass an argument along with the Registry View and of course the Registy Hive as Local Machine. Then you open up the Base Key and finally the necessary Sub Key where the information you desire resides.
The location where that information is contained is:
And from there grab the value from LastLoggedOnUser.
Here is the code in C#:
private static string GetLastUserLoggedOn(string machineName)
string location = #"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\LogonUI";
var registryView = Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem ? RegistryView.Registry64 : RegistryView.Registry32;
using (var hive = RegistryKey.OpenRemoteBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, machineName, registryView))
using (var key = hive.OpenSubKey(location))
var item = key.GetValue("LastLoggedOnUser");
string itemValue = item == null ? "No Logon Found" : item.ToString();
return itemValue;
Here is some code I found:
using System;
// has DateTime class
using System.Collections.Generic;
// has the Dictionary class
using System.DirectoryServices;
// has all the LDAP classes such as DirectoryEntry
using ActiveDs;
// has the IADsLargeInteger class
// Get the root entry
DirectoryEntry rootDSE = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://RootDSE");
string configurationNamingContext =
string defaultNamingContext =
// Get all the domain controllers
// Get all the domain controllers
DirectoryEntry deConfig =
new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://" + configurationNamingContext);
DirectorySearcher dsConfig = new DirectorySearcher(deConfig);
dsConfig.Filter = "(objectClass=nTDSDSA)";
foreach (SearchResult srDomains in dsConfig.FindAll())
DirectoryEntry deDomain = srDomains.GetDirectoryEntry();
if (deDomain != null)
string dnsHostName =
// Get all the users for that domain
// Get all the users for that domain
DirectoryEntry deUsers =
new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://" + dnsHostName + "/" + defaultNamingContext);
DirectorySearcher dsUsers = new DirectorySearcher(deUsers);
dsUsers.Filter = "(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user))";
foreach (SearchResult srUsers in dsUsers.FindAll())
DirectoryEntry deUser = srUsers.GetDirectoryEntry();
if (deUser != null)
// Get the distinguishedName and lastLogon for each user
// Save the most recent logon for each user in a Dictionary object
//Create Dictionary
Dictionary<string, Int64> lastLogons = new Dictionary<string, Int64>();
// Get the distinguishedName and lastLogon for each user
string distinguishedName =
Int64 lastLogonThisServer = new Int64();
if (deUser.Properties["lastLogon"].Value != null)
IADsLargeInteger lgInt =
lastLogonThisServer = ((long)lgInt.HighPart << 32) + lgInt.LowPart;
// Save the most recent logon for each user in a Dictionary object
if (lastLogons.ContainsKey(distinguishedName))
if (lastLogons[distinguishedName] < lastLogonThisServer)
lastLogons[distinguishedName] = lastLogonThisServer;
lastLogons.Add(distinguishedName, lastLogonThisServer);
//Get the time
// Convert the long integer to a DateTime value
string readableLastLogon =
Here is the website where all of this code came from. The developer explained the code in detail.
When I retrieve members of a local WinNT group, someway somehow not all members are returned. I do add:
Active Directory users
Active Directory groups
Both successful (see picture), but only the users show up afterwards.
Question is:
What happens to added groups?
See last method in code sample 'GetMembers()'
Is this a known issue?
Any workaround available?
Many thanks!!
string _domainName = #"MYDOMAIN";
string _basePath = #"WinNT://MYDOMAIN/myserver";
string _userName = #"MYDOMAIN\SvcAccount";
string _password = #"********";
void Main()
AddMember("lg_TestGroup", #"m.y.username");
AddMember("lg_TestGroup", #"Test_DomainGroup");
// Method added for reference.
void CreateGroup(string accountName)
using (DirectoryEntry rootEntry = new DirectoryEntry(_basePath, _userName, _password))
DirectoryEntry newEntry = rootEntry.Children.Add(accountName, "group");
// Add Active Directory member to the local group.
void AddMember(string groupAccountName, string userName)
string path = string.Format(#"{0}/{1}", _basePath, groupAccountName);
using (DirectoryEntry entry = new DirectoryEntry(path, _userName, _password))
userName = string.Format("WinNT://{0}/{1}", _domainName, userName);
entry.Invoke("Add", new object[] { userName });
// Get all members of the local group.
void GetMembers(string groupAccountName)
string path = string.Format(#"{0}/{1}", _basePath, groupAccountName);
using (DirectoryEntry entry = new DirectoryEntry(path, _userName, _password))
foreach (object member in (IEnumerable) entry.Invoke("Members"))
using (DirectoryEntry memberEntry = new DirectoryEntry(member))
string accountName = memberEntry.Path.Replace(string.Format("WinNT://{0}/", _domainName), string.Format(#"{0}\", _domainName));
Console.WriteLine("- " + accountName); // No groups displayed...
Update #1
The sequence of the group members seems to be essential. As soon as the enumerator in GetMembers() stumbles on an Active Directory group, the remaining items are not displayed either. So if 'Test_DomainGroup' is listed first in this example, GetMembers() does not display anything at all.
I know it's an old question and you've likely found the answers you need, but just in case someone else stumbles accross this...
The WinNT ADSI provider you're using in your DirectoryEntry [ie. WinNT://MYDOMAIN/myserver] has pretty limited capabilities for working with Windows Domains that are not stuck in the old Windows 2000/NT functional level (
In this case the problem is that the WinNT provider doesn't know how to handle Global or Universal security groups (which didn't exist in Windows NT and are activated as soon as you raise your domain level above Windows 2000 mixed mode). So, if any groups of those types are nested under a local group you'll generally have problems like the one you described.
The only solution/workaround I've found is to determine if the group you're enumerating is from a domain and if so, then switch to the LDAP provider which will display all members properly when invoking "Members".
Unfortunately I don't know of an "easy" way to just switch from using the WinNT provider to using the LDAP provider using the DirectoryEntry you already have bound to the WinNT provider. So, in the projects I've worked on, I generally prefer to get the SID of the current WinNT object and then use LDAP to search for domain objects with that same SID.
For Windows 2003+ domains you can convert your SID byte array to the usual SDDL format (S-1-5-21...) and then bind to an object with a matching SID using something like:
Byte[] SIDBytes = (Byte[])memberEntry.Properties["objectSID"].Value;
System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier SID = new System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier(SIDBytes, 0);
memberEntry = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://" + _domainName + "/<SID=" + SID.ToString() + ">");
For Windows 2000 domains you can't bind directly to an object by SID. So, you have to convert your SID byte array to an array of the hex values with a "\" prefix (\01\06\05\16\EF\A2..) and then use the DirectorySearcher to find an object with a matching SID. A method to do this would look something like:
public DirectoryEntry FindMatchingSID(Byte[] SIDBytes, String Win2KDNSDomainName)
using (DirectorySearcher Searcher = new DirectorySearcher("LDAP://" + Win2KDNSDomainName))
System.Text.StringBuilder SIDByteString = new System.Text.StringBuilder(SIDBytes.Length * 3);
for (Int32 sidByteIndex = 0; sidByteIndex < SIDBytes.Length; sidByteIndex++)
SIDByteString.AppendFormat("\\{0:x2}", SIDBytes[sidByteIndex]);
Searcher.Filter = "(objectSid=" + SIDByteString.ToString() + ")";
SearchResult result = Searcher.FindOne();
if (result == null)
throw new Exception("Unable to find an object using \"" + Searcher.Filter + "\".");
return result.GetDirectoryEntry();
I access the AD properties thru the below method. It works fine in my Local VHD (where I'm the domain/local/enterprise Admin) - but the same doesn't work when I access from a Domain user(who has only local admin access).
But the same Domain user(only with local admin access) access all the AD property details using the ADExplorer(SysInternal) tools.
Is it because that is unmanaged code and have Windows APIs to access and in .Net I need domain admin or some privilege ?
Or is there another way - which I'm missing in .Net to access the AD Properties without having an extra domain-level-privilege ??
public void getCurrentUserADDetails(string UserName)
string ladpQueryStr = "LDAP://";
DirectoryEntry dirEntry = new DirectoryEntry(ladpQueryStr);
DirectorySearcher srch = new DirectorySearcher(dirEntry);
srch.Filter = "(cn=" + UserName.ToLowerInvariant().Trim() + ")";
SearchResult searcResult = srch.FindOne();
if (searcResult != null)
ResultPropertyCollection propertiesCollection = searcResult.Properties;
List<DisplayClass> grdDataList = new List<DisplayClass>();
foreach (string strKey in propertiesCollection.PropertyNames)
DisplayClass dispC = new DisplayClass();
dispC.pName = strKey;
dispC.pValue = Convert.ToString(propertiesCollection[strKey][0]);
dataGridView1.DataSource = grdDataList;
This is going to run in ASP.Net
thanks in advance :)
I assume you're using integrated authentification - in order for this to work you have to setup account delegation, unless you're running your application on a domain controller. This is a pretty tricky process, but there are a ton of info in Google.
By using Explicit authentication and changing the Search filter, i got the results.
DirectoryEntry dirEntry = new DirectoryEntry(path, username, password, AuthenticationType);
Is there a way to get the local path of the Default FTP site (in IIS) programmatically?
Like C:\program files\ftproot, shown below:
I'd imagine it would be something like:
DirectoryEntry ftproot = new DirectoryEntry("IIS://localhost/MSFTPSVC/1/Root");
string directory; // = ftproot.something
Any ideas?
Edit: This would be for IIS 6.0. Surely this has got to be stored somewhere - maybe in the registry?
From what I know, there are two Active Directory attributes: msIIS-FTPRoot, msIIS-FTPDir.
From Technet
Basically, the user's home folder is determined upon authentication by querying the msIIS-FTPRoot and msIIS-FTPDir attributes of the user object in Active Directory. The concatenation of the msIIS-FTPRoot and msIIS-FTPDir values results in the path to the user's home folder.
An example may look like this:
msIIS-FTPRoot = D:\FTP Users
msIIS-FTPDir = \JohnSmith
This will result in "D:\FTP Users\JohnSmith" as the home folder for the user.
Code to traverse all the users and there default directories:
static void Main(string[] args)
string domain = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("USERDNSDOMAIN");
string dc = GetDC(domain);
string ldap = String.Format("LDAP://{0}/{1}", domain, dc);
DirectoryEntry e = new DirectoryEntry(ldap);
DirectorySearcher src = new DirectorySearcher(e, "(objectClass=user)");
SearchResultCollection res = src.FindAll();
foreach (SearchResult r in res)
DirectoryEntry f = r.GetDirectoryEntry();
Console.WriteLine(f.Name + "\t" + f.Properties["msIIS-FTPRoot"].Value + f.Properties["msIIS-FTPDir"].Value);
private static string GetDC(string domain)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(domain);
sb.Replace(".", ",DC=");
sb.Insert(0, "DC=");
return sb.ToString();
For IIS 6 at least, I found it in the registry here:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\MSFtpsvc\Parameters\Virtual Roots\
Format of the data is a little strange - for instance, D:\ftproot,,1