TPL Dataflow Block with permanent Task/Thread - c#

Stepen Toub mentions in this Channel 9 Video that a *Block creates a task if an item was pushed to its incoming queue. If all items in queue are computed the task gets destroyed.
If I use a lot of blocks to build up a mesh to number of actually running tasks is not clear (and if the TaskScheduler is the default one the number of active ThreadPool threads is also not clear).
Does TPL Dataflow offers a way where I can say: "Ok I want this kind of block with a permanent running task (thread)?

TL;DR: there is no way to dedicate a thread to a block, as it's clearly conflicting with purpose of TPL Dataflow, except by implementing your own TaskScheduler. Do measure before trying to improve your application performance.
I just watched the video and can't find such phrase in there:
creates a task if an item was pushed to its incoming queue. If all items in queue are computed the task gets destroyed.
Maybe I'm missing something, but all that Stephen said is: [at the beginning] We have a common Producer-Consumer problem, which can be easily implemented with .Net 4.0 stack, but the problem is that if the data runs out, the consumer goes away from loop, and never return.
[After that] Stephen explains, how such problem can be solved with TPL Dataflow, and he said that the ActionBlock starts a Task if it wasn't started. Inside that task there is code which waits (in async fashion) for a new message, freeing up the thread, but not destroying the task.
Also Stephen mentioned task while explaining the sending messages across the linked blocks, and there he says that posting task will fade away if there is no data to send. It doesn't mean that a task corresponding to the block fades away, it's only about some child task being used to send data, and that's it.
In the TPL Dataflow the only way to say to the block that there wouldn't be any more data: by calling it's Complete method or completing any of linked blocks. After that consuming task will be stopped, and, after all buffered data being processed, the block will end it's task.
According the official github for TPL Dataflow, all tasks for message handling inside blocks are created as DenyChildAttach, and, sometimes, with PreferFairness flag. So, there is no reason for me to provide a mechanism to fit one thread directly to the block, as it will stuck and waste CPU resources if there is no data for the block. You may introduce some custom TaskScheduler for blocks, but right now it's not obvious why do you need that.
If you're worried that some block may get more CPU time than others, there is a way to leverage that effect. According official docs, you can try to set the MaxMessagesPerTask property, forcing the task restart after some amount of data being sent. Still, this should be done only after measuring actual execution time.
Now, back to your words:
number of actually running tasks is not clear
the number of active ThreadPool threads is also not clear
How did you profile your application? During debug you can easily find all active tasks and all active threads. If it's not enough, you can profile your application, either with native Microsoft tools or a specialized profiler, like dotTrace, for example. Such toolkit can easily provide you information about what's going on in your app.

The talk is about the internal machinery of the TPL Dataflow library. As a mechanism it is a quite efficient, and you shouldn't really worry about any overhead unless your intended throughput is in the order of 100,000 messages per second or more (in which case you should search for ways to chunkify your workload). Even with workloads with very small granularity, the difference between processing the messages using a single task for all messages, or a dedicated task for each one, should be hardly noticeable. A Task is an object that "weighs" normally a couple hundred bytes, and the .NET platform is able to create and recycle millions of objects of this size per second.
It would be a problem if each Task required its own dedicated 1MB thread in order to run, but this is not the case. Typically the tasks are executed using ThreadPool threads, and a single ThreadPool thread can potentially execute millions of short-lived tasks per second.
I should also mention that the TPL Dataflow supports asynchronous lambdas too (lambdas with Task return types), in which case the blocks essentially don't have to execute any code at all. They just await the generated promise-style tasks to complete, and for asynchronous waiting no thread is needed.


Type of threading to use in c# for heavy IO operations

I am tasked with updating a c# application (non-gui) that is very single-threaded in it's operation and add multi-threading to it to get it to turn queues of work over quicker.
Each thread will need to perform a very minimal amount of calculations, but most of the work will be calling on and wait on SQL Server requests. So, lots of waiting as compared to CPU time.
A couple of requirements will be:
Running on some limited hardware (that is, just a couple of cores). The current system, when it's being "pushed" only takes about 25% CPU. But, since it's mostly doing waits for the SQL Server to respond (different server), we would like to the capability to have more threads than cores.
Be able to limit the number of threads. I also can't just have an unlimited number of threads going either. I don't mind doing the limiting myself via an Array, List, etc.
Be able to keep track of when these threads complete so that I can do some post-processing.
It just seems to me that the .NET Framework has so many different ways of doing threads, I'm not sure if one is better than the other for this task. I'm not sure if I should be using Task, Thread, ThreadPool, something else... It appers to me that async \ await model would not be a good fit in this case though as it waits on one specific task to complete.
I'm not sure if I should be using Task, Thread, ThreadPool, something else...
In your case it matters less than you would think. You can focus on what fits your (existing) code style and dataflow the best.
since it's mostly doing waits for the SQL Server to respond
Your main goal would be to get as many of those SQL queries going in parallel as possible.
Be able to limit the number of threads.
Don't worry about that too much. On 4 cores, with 25% CPU, you can easily have 100 threads going. More on 64bit. But you don't want 1000s of threads. A .net Thread uses 1MB minimum, estimate how much RAM you can spare.
So it depends on your application, how many queries can you get running at the same time. Worry about thread-safety first.
When the number of parallel queries is > 1000, you will need async/await to run on fewer threads.
As long as it is < 100, just let threads block on I/O. Parallel.ForEach() , Parallel.Invoke() etc look like good tools.
The 100 - 1000 range is the grey area.
add multi-threading to it to get it to turn queues of work over quicker.
Each thread will need to perform a very minimal amount of calculations, but most of the work will be calling on and wait on SQL Server requests. So, lots of waiting as compared to CPU time.
With that kind of processing, it's not clear how multithreading will benefit you. Multithreading is one form of concurrency, and since your workload is primarily I/O-bound, asynchrony (and not multithreading) would be the first thing to consider.
It just seems to me that the .NET Framework has so many different ways of doing threads, I'm not sure if one is better than the other for this task.
Indeed. For reference, Thread and ThreadPool are pretty much legacy these days; there are much better higher-level APIs. Task should also be rare if used as a delegate task (e.g., Task.Factory.StartNew).
It appers to me that async \ await model would not be a good fit in this case though as it waits on one specific task to complete.
await will wait on one task at a time, yes. Task.WhenAll can be used to combine
multiple tasks and then you can await on the combined task.
get it to turn queues of work over quicker.
Be able to limit the number of threads.
Be able to keep track of when these threads complete so that I can do some post-processing.
It sounds to me that TPL Dataflow would be the best approach for your system. Dataflow allows you to define a "pipeline" through which data flows, with some steps being asynchronous (e.g., querying SQL Server) and other steps being parallel (e.g., data processing).
I was asking a high-level question to try and get back a high-level answer.
You may be interested in my book.
The TPL Dataflow library is probably one of the best options for this job. Here is how you could construct a simple dataflow pipeline consisting of two blocks. The first block accepts a filepath and produces some intermediate data, that can be later inserted to the database. The second block consumes the data coming from the first block, by sending them to the database.
var inputBlock = new TransformBlock<string, IntermediateData>(filePath =>
return GetIntermediateDataFromFilePath(filePath);
}, new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions()
MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Environment.ProcessorCount // What the local machine can handle
var databaseBlock = new ActionBlock<IntermediateData>(item =>
}, new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions()
MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 20 // What the database server can handle
Now every time a user uploads a file, you just save the file in a temp path, and post the path to the first block:
And that's it. The data will flow from the first to the last block of the pipeline automatically, transformed and processed along the way, according to the configuration of each block.
This is an intentionally simplified example to demonstrate the basic functionality. A production-ready implementation will probably have more options defined, like the CancellationToken and BoundedCapacity, will watch the return value of inputBlock.Post to react in case the block can't accept the job, may have completion propagation, watch the databaseBlock.Completion property for errors etc.
If you are interested at following this route, it would be a good idea to study the library a bit, in order to become familiar with the options available. For example there is a TransformManyBlock available, suitable for producing multiple outputs from a single input. The BatchBlock may also be useful in some cases.
The TPL Dataflow is built-in the .NET Core, and available as a package for .NET Framework. It has some learning curve, and some gotchas to be aware of, but it's nothing terrible.
It appers to me that async \ await model would not be a good fit in this case though as it waits on one specific task to complete.
That is wrong. Async/await is just a syntax to simplify a state-machine mechanism for asynchronous code. It waits without consuming any thread. in other words async keyword does not create thread and await does not hold up any thread.
Be able to limit the number of threads
see How to limit the amount of concurrent async I/O operations?
Be able to keep track of when these threads complete so that I can do some post-processing.
If you don't use "fire and forget" pattern then you can keep track of the task and its exceptions just by writing await task
var task = MethodAsync();
await task;
async Task MethodAsync(){ ... }
Or for a similar approach you can use ContinueWith:
var task = MethodAsync();
await task.ContinueWith(() => PostProcessing());
async Task MethodAsync(){ ... }
read more:
Releasing threads during async tasks

Fire and Forget not getting scheduled

I am using Task.Run(() => this.someMethod()) to schedule a back ground job. I am not interested in the operation result and need to move on with flow of application.
But, sometimes my background task is not getting scheduled for a long time.This has started to happen since we moved from .Net 4.7 from 4.5. Even while debugging the break points are either not hit or hit after considerable delay( > 10 minutes).
Has anyone noticed this behavior or know whats causing it?
I am running on i7 core, 16 GB RAM.
Having your Task taking 10 minutes to even start sounds fishy. My guess is your system is under heavy load, or you have a lot of tasks running.
I'm going to attack the later (for a specific situation).
LongRunning Specifies that a task will be a long-running,
coarse-grained operation involving fewer, larger components than
fine-grained systems. It provides a hint to the TaskScheduler that
oversubscription may be warranted. Oversubscription lets you create
more threads than the available number of hardware threads. It also
provides a hint to the task scheduler that an additional thread might
be required for the task so that it does not block the forward
progress of other threads or work items on the local thread-pool
var task = new Task(() => MyLongRunningMethod(),TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning);
This is a quote from Stephen Toub - MSFT on this post
Under the covers, it's going to result in a higher number of threads
being used, because its purpose is to allow the ThreadPool to continue
to process work items even though one task is running for an extended
period of time; if that task were running in a thread from the pool,
that thread wouldn't be able to service other tasks. You'd typically
only use LongRunning if you found through performance testing that not
using it was causing long delays in the processing of other work.
Its hard to know what is your problem with out looking at all your code, however i posted this as a sugestion.
I don't know how many tasks you start this way, but unless the number is really high I would focus the debugging on the method being called, not the caller. A delay of 10 minutes is more likely caused by a deadlock or network issue than the task scheduling.
Some ideas:
For a start, I would add something to the beginning and the end of the method being called that lets you know when it starts to execute and when it finishes. Like a Debug.WriteLine() with a timestamp and task ID.
Make sure the method being called releases all resources, even if it crashes. Crashing threads/tasks may go unnoticed, because they don't cause the application to crash.
Double check that the method being called is thread-safe. You may have been lucky in the past and some new framework optimization is now causing havoc.

Asynchronous operation and thread in C#

Asynchronous programming is a technique that calls a long running method in the background so that the UI thread remains responsive. It should be used while calling a web service or database query or any I/O bound operation. when the asynchronous method completes, it returns the result to the main thread. In this way, the program's main thread does not have to wait for the result of an I/O bound operation and continues to execute further without blocking/freezing the UI. This is ok.
As far as I know the asynchronous method executes on a background worker thread. The runtime makes availabe the thread either from the threadpool or it may create a brand new thread for its execution.
But I have read in many posts that an asynchronous operation may execute on a separate thread or without using any thread. Now I am very confused.
1) Could you please help clarifying in what situation an asynchronous operation will not use a thread?
2) What is the role of processor core in asynchronous operation?
3) How it is different from multithreading? I know one thing that multithreading is usefult with compute-bound operation.
Please help.
IO (let's say a database-operation over the network) is a good example for all three:
you basically just register a callback the OS will finally call (maybe on a then newly created thread) when the IO-Operation finished. There is no thread sitting around and waiting - the resurrection will be triggered by hardware-events (or at least by a OS process usually outside user-space)
it might have none (see 1)
in Multithreading you use more than one thread (your background-thread) and there one might idle sit there doing nothing (but using up system-resources) - this is of course different if you have something to compute (so the thread is not idle waiting for external results) - there it makes sense to use a background-worker-thread
Asynchronous operations don't actually imply much of anything about how they are processed, only that they would like the option to get back to you later with your results. By way of example:
They may (as you've mentioned) split off a compute-bound task onto an independent thread, but this is not the only use case.
They may sometimes complete synchronously within the call that launches them, in which case no additional thread is used. This may happen with an I/O request if there is already enough buffer content (input) or free buffer space (output) to service the request.
They may simply drop off a long-running I/O request to the system; in this case the callback is likely to occur on a background thread after receiving notification from an I/O completion port.
On completion, a callback may be delivered later on the same thread; this is especially common with events within a UI framework, such as navigation in a WebBrowser.
Asynchronity doesn't say anything about thread. Its about having some kind of callbacks which will be handled inside a "statemachine" (not really correct but you can think of it like events ). Asynchronity does not raise threads nor significantly allocate system ressources. You can run as many asynchronous methods as you want to.
Threads do have a real imply on your system and you have a hughe but limited number you can have at once.
Io operations are mostly related to others controllers (HDD, NIC,...) What now happens if you create a thread is that a thread of your application which has nothing to do waits for the controllers to finish. In async as Carsten and Jeffrey already mentioned you just get some kind of callback mechanism so your thread continues to do other work, methods and so on.
Also keep in mind that each thread costs ressources (RAM, Performance,handles Garbage Collection got worse,...) and may even and up in exceptions (OutOfMemoryException...)
So when to use Threads? Absolutly only if you really need it. If there is a async api use it unless you have really important reasons to not use it.
In past days the async api was really painfull, thats why many people used threads when ever they need just asynchronity.
For example node.js refuses the use of mulptile thread at all!
This is specially important if you handle multiple requests for example in services / websites where there is always work to do. There is also a this short webcast with Jeffrey Richter about this which helped me to understand
Also have a look at this MSDN article
PS: As a side effect sourcecode with async and await tend to be more readable

CPU usage not maximized and high synchronization in server app relying on async/await

I am currently performing some benchmarks of a server application I have developed, heavily relying on C#5 async/await constructs.
This is a Console app so there is no synchronization context and no threads are explicitly being created in the code.
The application is dequeuing requests from an MSMQ queue as fast as it can (asynchronous dequeuing loop ), and treat each requests before sending the processed requests via an HttpClient.
I/Os relying on async/await are dequeuing from MSMSQ, reading data / writing data to an SQL server DB and finally HttpClient request sending in the end of the chain.
Currently, for my benchmarks, the DB is completely faked (results are directly returned via Task.FromResult) and the HttpClient is faked as well (await a random Task.Delay between 0-50 ms and return a response), so the real only I/O is the dequeuing from MSMQ.
I already have improved the throughput of the application a lot by seeing that a lot of time was spent in GC, so I used CLR Profiler and found out where I could optimize things.
I am now trying to see if I can still improve throughput, and I think it may be possible.
There are two things I don't understand and maybe there is some througput improvement possibility behind this :
1) I have 4 CPU cores (well in fact just 2 real ones ... i7 CPU), and when the application runs, it only uses 3 CPU cores at most (in VS2012 concurrency visualizer I can clearly see that only 3 cores are being used, and in windows perfmon I can see CPU usage peeking at ~75/80%). Any idea why ? I have no control over the threads as I am not explicitely creating them, only relying on Tasks, so why does the Task scheduler doesn't maximize CPU usage in my case ? Anyone experienced this ?
2) Using VS2012 concurency visualizer I can see a very high synchronization time (approx 20% execution and 80% synchronization). F.Y.I Approx 15 threads are being created.
Approx 60% of the synchronization is coming from the following call stack :
And approx 30% of the synchronization is coming from :
..... blablabla
I don't know if this is normal to experience such high synchronization or not.
EDIT : Based on Stephen answer, I am adding more details about my implementation :
Indeed my server is completely asynchronous. However some CPU work is done to process each message (not that much I admit, but still some). After a message is received from MSMQ queue, it is first deserialized (most of the CPU/memory cost seems to happen at this point), then it passes through various stages of processing / validation which cost some CPU, before finally reaching the "end of the pipe" where the processed message is sent to the outside world via an HttpClient.
My implementation is not waiting on a message to be fully processed before dequeuing the next one from the queue. Indeed, my message pump, dequeuing messages from the queue, is very simple and immediately "forwards" the message to be able to dequeue the next one. The simplified code looks like this (ommiting exception management, cancellation ...) :
while (true)
var message = await this.queue.ReceiveNextMessageAsync();
private async void DeserializeDispatchMessageAsync()
// Immediately yield to avoid blocking the asynchronous messaging pump
// while deserializing the body which would otherwise impact the throughput.
await Task.Yield();
The ReceiveNextMessageAsync is a custom method using a TaskCompletionSource as .NET MessageQueue was not offerred any async method in .NET Framework 4.5. So I am just using BeginReceive / EndReceive couple with a TaskCompletionSource.
This is one of the only places in my code where I don't await on an async method. The loop dequeues as fast as it can do. It does not even wait on the message deserialization (message deserialization is lazily done by .NET FCL implementation of Message, when accessing the Body property explicitely). I do a Task.Yield() immediately to fork the deserialization/message proccessing to another task and immediately free the loop.
Right now, in the context of my benches, as I was saying previsouly, all I/Os (DB access only) are faked. All calls to async methods to get data from the DB just return a Task.FromResult with fake data. There is something arround 20 DB calls during the processing of a message and they are all faked right now / synchronous. The only asynchrony point is at the end of the processing of a message, where it gets send via HttpClient. HttpClient sending is faked as well, but I am doing a random (0-50ms) "await Task.Delay" at this point. Anyway, due to the faking of the DB, each message processing can be seen as a single Task.
For my benchs I am storing approx 300K messages in the queue then I launch the server app. It dequeues quite fast, flooding the server app and all messages are processed concurrently. That's why I don't understand why I do not reach 100% CPU and 4 cores, but only 75% and 3 cores used (synchronization concerns aside).
When I only dequeue without doing any deserialization nor processing on messages (commenting out the call to DeserializeDispatchMessageAsync I reach a throughput of approx 20K messages / sec.
When I do the whole processing, I reach a throuhgput of approx 10K messages / sec.
The fact that messages are dequeued fast from the queue and that message deserialization + processing is done in a separate task makes me visualize in my head a lot of Tasks (one per message) being queued on the Task Scheduler (Thread Pool here ... no synchronization context), so I would expect that the thread pool would dispatch all these messages to the max number of cores and all 4 cores fully busy for processing of all tasks, but I doesn't seem to be this way.
Anyway, any answer is welcome, I am looking for any idea/tips.
It sounds like your server is almost completely asynchronous (async MSMQ, async DB, async HttpClient). So in that case I don't find your results surprising.
First, there is very little CPU work to do. I'd fully expect each of the thread pool threads to sit around most of the time waiting for work to do. Remember that no CPU is used during a naturally-asynchronous operation.
The Task returned by an asynchronous MSMQ/DB/HttpClient operation does not execute on a thread pool thread; it just represents the completion of an I/O operation. The only thread pool work you're seeing are the brief amounts of synchronous work inside the asynchronous methods, which usually just arrange the buffers for I/O.
As far as throughput goes, you do have some room to scale (assuming that your test was flooding your existing service). It may be that your code is just (asynchronously) retrieving a single value from MSMQ and then (asynchronously) processing it before retrieving another value; in that case, you'd definitely see improvement from continuously reading from the MSMQ. Remember that async code is asynchronous but it is still serialized; your async method may pause at any await.
If that's the case, you may benefit from setting up a TPL Dataflow pipeline (with MaxDegreeOfParallelism set to Unbounded) and running a tight loop that async reads from MSMQ and shoves the data in the pipeline. That would be easier than doing your own overlapping processing.
Update for edit:
I have a handful of suggestions:
Use Task.Run instead of await Task.Yield. Task.Run has clearer intent.
Begin/End wrappers can use Task.Factory.FromAsync instead of TCS, which gives you cleaner code.
But I don't see any reason why the last core wouldn't be used - barring the obvious reasons like the profiler or another app keeping it busy. What you should end up with is an async equivalent of dynamic parallelism, which is one of the situations the .NET thread pool was specifically designed to handle.

Difference between Task (System.Threading.Task) and Thread

From what I understand about the difference between Task & Thread is that task happened in the thread-pool while the thread is something that I need to managed by myself .. ( and that task can be cancel and return to the thread-pool in the end of his mission )
But in some blog I read that if the operating system need to create task and create thread => it will be easier to create ( and destroy ) task.
Someone can explain please why creating task is simple that thread ?
( or maybe I missing something here ... )
I think that what you are talking about when you say Task is a System.Threading.Task. If that's the case then you can think about it this way:
A program can have many threads, but a processor core can only run one Thread at a time.
Threads are very expensive, and switching between the threads that are running is also very expensive.
So... Having thousands of threads doing stuff is inefficient. Imagine if your teacher gave you 10,000 tasks to do. You'd spend so much time cycling between them that you'd never get anything done. The same thing can happen to the CPU if you start too many threads.
To get around this, the .NET framework allows you to create Tasks. Tasks are a bit of work bundled up into an object, and they allow you to do interesting things like capture the output of that work and chain pieces of work together (first go to the store, then buy a magazine).
Tasks are scheduled on a pool of threads. The specific number of threads depends on the scheduler used, but the default scheduler tries to pick a number of threads that is optimal for the number of CPU cores that you have and how much time your tasks are spending actually using CPU time. If you want to, you can even write your own scheduler that does something specific like making sure that all Tasks for that scheduler always operate on a single thread.
So think of Tasks as items in your to-do list. You might be able to do 5 things at once, but if your boss gives you 10000, they will pile up in your inbox until the first 5 that you are doing get done. The difference between Tasks and the ThreadPool is that Tasks (as I mentioned earlier) give you better control over the relationship between different items of work (imagine to-do items with multiple instructions stapled together), whereas the ThreadPool just allows you to queue up a bunch of individual, single-stage items (Functions).
You are hearing two different notions of task. The first is the notion of a job, and the second is the notion of a process.
A long time ago (in computer terms), there were no threads. Each running instance of a program was called a process, since it simply performed one step after another after another until it exited. This matches the intuitive idea of a process as a series of steps, like that of a factory assembly line. The operating system manages the process abstraction.
Then, developers began to add multiple assembly lines to the factories. Now a program could do more than one thing at once, and either a library or (more commonly today) the operating system would manage the scheduling of the steps within each thread. A thread is kind of a lightweight process, but a thread belongs to a process, and all the threads in a process share memory. On the other hand, multiple processes can't mess with each others' memory. So, the multiple threads in your web server can each access the same information about the connection, but Word can't access Excel's in-memory data structures because Word and Excel are running as separate processes. The idea of a process as a series of steps doesn't really match the model of a process with threads, so some people took to calling the "abstraction formerly known as a process" a task. This is the second definition of task that you saw in the blog post. Note that plenty of people still use the word process to mean this thing.
Well, as threads became more commmon, developers added even more abstractions over top of them to make them easier to use. This led to the rise of the thread pool, which is a library-managed "pool" of threads. You pass the library a job, and the library picks a thread and runs the job on that thread. The .NET framework has a thread pool implementation, and the first time you heard about a "task" the documentation really meant a job that you pass to the thread pool.
So in a sense, both the documentation and the blog post are right. The overloading of the term task is the unfortunate source of confusion.
Threads have been a part of .Net from v1.0, Tasks were introduced in the Task Parallel Library TPL which was released in .Net 4.0.
You can consider a Task as a more sophisticated version of a Thread. They are very easy to use and have a lot of advantages over Threads as follows:
You can create return types to Tasks as if they are functions.
You can the "ContinueWith" method, which will wait for the previous task and then start the execution. (Abstracting wait)
Abstracts Locks which should be avoided as per guidlines of my company.
You can use Task.WaitAll and pass an array of tasks so you can wait till all tasks are complete.
You can attach task to the parent task, thus you can decide whether the parent or the child will exist first.
You can achieve data parallelism with LINQ queries.
You can create parallel for and foreach loops
Very easy to handle exceptions with tasks.
*Most important thing is if the same code is run on single core machine it will just act as a single process without any overhead of threads.
Disadvantage of tasks over threads:
You need .Net 4.0
Newcomers who have learned operating systems can understand threads better.
New to the framework so not much assistance available.
Some tips:-
Always use Task.Factory.StartNew method which is semantically perfect and standard.
Take a look at Task Parallel Libray for more information
Expanding on the comment by Eric Lippert:
Threads are a way that allows your application to do several things in parallel. For example, your application might have one thread that processes the events from the user, like button clicks, and another thread that performs some long computation. This way, you can do two different things “at the same time”. If you didn't do that, the user wouldn't be to click buttons until the computation finished. So, Thread is something that can execute some code you wrote.
Task, on the other hand represents an abstract notion of some job. That job can have a result, and you can wait until the job finishes (by calling Wait()) or say that you want to do something after the job finishes (by calling ContinueWith()).
The most common job that you want to represent is to perform some computation in parallel with the current code. And Task offers you a simple way to do that. How and when the code actually runs is defined by TaskScheduler. The default one uses a ThreadPool: a set of threads that can run any code. This is done because creating and switching threads in inefficient.
But Task doesn't have to be directly associated with some code. You can use TaskCompletionSource to create a Task and then set its result whenever you want. For example, you could create a Task and mark it as completed when the user clicks a button. Some other code could wait on that Task and while it's waiting, there is no code executing for that Task.
If you want to know when to use Task and when to use Thread: Task is simpler to use and more efficient that creating your own Threads. But sometimes, you need more control than what is offered by Task. In those cases, it makese sense to use Thread directly.
Tasks really are just a wrapper for the boilerplate code of spinning up threads manually. At the root, there is no difference. Tasks just make the management of threads easier, as well as they are generally more expressive due to the lessening of the boilerplate noise.

