I have created project where I have repository and query repository. Query() method in every repository return IQueryBuilder to do things.
I have method as below in User class:
public class User
public async Task<State> GetCurrentState(IEventRepository entRepository)
var lastWorkdayWeekEvents = await eventRepository.Query()
//return ...
I would like to test this method. I was thining to use Moq. I would like to mock ToListAsync() method.
public async void GetCurrentState()
var lastEvents = new Task<List<Event>>(() => new List<Event>
new Event{ActivityId = ActivityId.BoxesIn, Address = new Address{Id = 99}}
var eventRepository = new Mock<IEventRepository>().Object;
var eventQueryBuilder = new Mock<IEventQueryBuilder>().Setup(x => x.ToListAsync()).Returns(() => lastEvents);
var user = new User();
var result = await user.GetCurrentState(eventRepository);
I am getting null reference because eventRepository.Query() returns null. Do I have to mock all return methods from QueryRepository to make it works? How do I make it works without so much work?
I guess methods (ByUserId, ByDateTimeRange, FilterAutomatic, ToListAsync)
are extension methods e.g.
IQuerable ByUserId(this IQuerable events); If it is true you can mock only .Query() method returning something like this:
new List {... you data... }.AsQuerable();
I found solution. Moq provide method SetReturnsDefault(). So the solution is
I am trying to write some unit tests. The application has a number of external API calls that I would like to mock using NSubstitute. The issue is these calls use service objects that need to be instantiated in the function and can't be passed in the constructor after substitution.
For example, in the code below I am adding an account to Quickbooks:
public async Task AddQuickbooksAsync(int accountId)
var qbChannel = await GetQuickbooksChannel();
var account = await GetAsync(accountId);
var quickbooksBO = new QuickbooksBO(qbChannel);
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
I want to mock the following function call using NSubstitute, but couldn't figure out how:
var quickbooksBO = new QuickbooksBO(qbChannel);
How can I do this?
You cannot mock a local variable. You can create a virtual method which will return QuickbooksBO and substitute it.
public async Task AddQuickbooksAsync(int accountId)
var qbChannel = await GetQuickbooksChannel();
var account = await GetAsync(accountId);
var quickbooksBO = GetQbBO(qbChannel);
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
public virtual QuickbooksBO GetQbBO(Channel qbChannel)
return new QuickBooks(qbChannel);
After that you can substitute it in your service:
var s = Substitute.ForPartsOf<Service>();
You will need to figure out what parts of QuickBooksBO you want to mock. Usually such dependencies should be interfaces, without interfaces unit-testing is quite limited.
If QuickbooksBO methods are virtual you can do something like this to get your substituteForQbBO:
var substituteForQbBO = Substitute.ForPartsOf<QuickbooksBO>();
substituteForQbBO.WhenForAnyArgs(x => x.AddAccount(default)).DoNotCallBase();
substituteForQbBO.WhenForAnyArgs(x => x.UpdateRefreshedTokens(default)).DoNotCallBase();
My WEB API project is using a Generic Repository that implements an interface like this:
public interface IGenericEFRepository<TEntity> where TEntity : class
Task<IEnumerable<TEntity>> Get();
Task<TEntity> Get(int id);
public class GenericEFRepository<TEntity> : IGenericEFRepository<TEntity>
where TEntity : class
private SqlDbContext _db;
public GenericEFRepository(SqlDbContext db)
_db = db;
public async Task<IEnumerable<TEntity>> Get()
return await Task.FromResult(_db.Set<TEntity>());
public async Task<TEntity> Get(int id)
var entity = await Task.FromResult(_db.Set<TEntity>().Find(new object[] { id }));
if (entity != null && includeRelatedEntities)
//Some Code
return entity;
Well now I want to test this service. for this I have used the following code:
public class CustomerControllerTest
CustomerController _controller;
ICustomerProvider _provider;
ICustomerInquiryMockRepository _repo;
public CustomerControllerTest()
_repo = new CustomerInquiryMockRepository();
_provider = new CustomerProvider(_repo);
_controller = new CustomerController(_provider);
public async Task Get_WhenCalled_ReturnsOkResult()
// Act
var okResult = await _controller.Get();
// Assert
public async Task GetById_UnknownCustomerIdPassed_ReturnsNotFoundResult()
// Act
var notFoundResult = await _controller.Get(4);
// Assert
Which my tests are working fine by creating a fake non-generic service manually with mock data (In-Memory) like below, instead of using my real generic interface and it's implementation that uses my database as data-source:
public interface ICustomerInquiryMockRepository
Task<IEnumerable<CustomerDTO>> GetCustomers();
Task<CustomerDTO> GetCustomer(int customerId);
And it's implementation:
public class CustomerInquiryMockRepository : ICustomerInquiryMockRepository
public async Task<IEnumerable<CustomerDTO>> GetCustomers()
return await Task.FromResult(MockData.Current.Customers);
public async Task<CustomerDTO> GetCustomer(int CustomerId)
var Customer = await Task.FromResult(MockData.Current.Customers.FirstOrDefault(p => p.CustomerID.Equals(CustomerId)));
if (includeTransactions && Customer != null)
Customer.Transactions = MockData.Current.Transactions.Where(b => b.CustomerId.Equals(CustomerId)).ToList();
return Customer;
And the MockData.Current.Customers is just a simple fake (In-Memory) List of Customers. Long story short, the above tests are working fine, however I am feeling I have repeated my self a lot and so I have decided to use Moq library instead of creating fake service manually. For this purpose I have used Moq like this:
public class CustomerControllerTest
CustomerController _controller;
ICustomerProvider _provider;
//ICustomerInquiryMockRepository _repo;
Mock<ICustomerInquiryMockRepository> mockUserRepo;
public CustomerControllerTest()
mockUserRepo = new Mock<ICustomerInquiryMockRepository>();
//_repo = new CustomerInquiryMockRepository();
_provider = new CustomerProvider(mockUserRepo.Object);
_controller = new CustomerController(_provider);
public async Task Get_WhenCalled_ReturnsOkResult()
mockUserRepo.Setup(m => m.GetCustomers())
// Act
var okResult = await _controller.Get();
// Assert
public async Task GetById_UnknownCustomerIdPassed_ReturnsNotFoundResult()
I don't know how can I use Moq here and in the other parts of my tests
// Act
var notFoundResult = await _controller.Get(4);
// Assert
Now my question is the Mock is working fine when I use it for Mocking the GetCustomers method because I simply paste the code from GetCustomers method in the CustomerInquiryMockRepository in the Returns method of the Mock object. However I don't really have any idea how can I use Mock for my other methods inside this Repository. Should I replace anything that I have in the Return method?
You can mock out your repository like so:
var mockUserRepo = new Mock<ICustomerInquiryMockRepository>();
mockUserRepo.Setup(x => x.GetCustomers())
mockUserRepo.Setup(x => x.GetCustomer(It.IsAny<int>()))
.Returns(res => Task.FromResult(MockData.Current.Customers.ElementAt(res));
If you want to mock out specific values for GetCustomer, you can do:
mockUserRepo.Setup(x => x.GetCustomer(It.Is<int>(y => y == 4)))
.Returns(res => Task.FromResult(/* error value here */));
I think the key here is to use It.Is or It.IsAny based on how you want to mock out the object. Generally, you also want to mock out interfaces that are used in production code, instead of having production code depend on something with Mock or Test in the name. I would recommend against taking a production code dependency on something named ICustomerInquiryMockRepository, if that is indeed what you're doing and not just part of the MCVE you've provided.
Tests usually use mocking to test the workflow of an application at a high level, so you would usually want to mock out your services level, call a controller, and verify that the services were called as expected. For example:
// Production class sample
class ProductionController
public ProductionController(IService1 service1, IService2 service2) { }
public void ControllerMethod()
var service1Result = service1.Method();
// Test sample
// arrange
var expectedResult = new Service1Result();
var service1 = Mock.Of<IService1>(x => x.Method() == expectedResult);
var service2 = Mock.Of<IService2>(x => x.Method(It.Is<Service1Result>(y => y == expectedResult)));
var controller = new ProductionController(service1, service2);
// act
// assert
Mock.Get(service1).Verify(x => x.Method(), Times.Once);
Mock.Get(service2).Verify(x => x.Method(expectedResult), Times.Once);
As you can see from the example, you aren't checking the business logic of either of the services, you're just validating that the methods were called with the expected data. The test is built around verification of methods being called, not any particular branching logic.
Also, unrelated to your question, Moq also has a cool syntax you can use for simple mock setups:
var repo = Mock.Of<ICustomerInquiryMockRepository>(x =>
x.GetCustomers() == Task.FromResult(MockData.Current.Customers.AsEnumerable()));
You can use Mock.Get(repo) if you need to do additional setup on the repository. It's definitely worth checking out, I find it much nicer to read.
I'm trying to create a set of test methods using Moq to cover the external dependencies. These dependencies are async in nature and I have come across a set of them that when awaited they never return, so I'm not sure what I'm missing.
The test itself is very simple.
public async Task UpdateItemAsync()
var repository = GetRepository();
var result = await repository.UpdateItemAsync("", new object());
The GetRepository method above is what sets up the various mock objects including called Setup on them.
private static DocumentDbRepository<object> GetRepository()
var client = new Mock<IDocumentClient>();
var configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder().AddJsonFile("appsettings.json").Build();
client.Setup(m => m.ReplaceDocumentAsync(It.IsAny<Uri>(), It.IsAny<object>(), It.IsAny<RequestOptions>()))
.Returns(() =>
return new Task<ResourceResponse<Document>>(() => new ResourceResponse<Document>());
var repository = new DocumentDbRepository<object>(configuration, client.Object);
return repository;
The code that is under test is listed below and when the line with the await is executed it never returns.
public async Task<T> UpdateItemAsync(string id, T item)
var result = await Client.ReplaceDocumentAsync(UriFactory.CreateDocumentUri(DatabaseId, CollectionId, id), item);
return result.Resource as T;
I'm sure that the error is in the Setup method on the Moq object in the GetRepository method, but I'm not sure what the problem is.
You need to fix the set up on the async calls
Moq has a ReturnsAsync that would allow the mocked async method calls to flow to completion.
.Setup(_ => _.ReplaceDocumentAsync(It.IsAny<Uri>(), It.IsAny<object>(), It.IsAny<RequestOptions>()))
.ReturnsAsync(new ResourceResponse<Document>());
You typically want to avoid newing up Tasks manually
I want mock lazy interface but I got object reference not set to an instance of an object exception.
Here is class under test:
public class ProductServiceService : IProductServiceService
private readonly Lazy<IProductServiceRepository> _repository;
private readonly Lazy<IProductPackageRepository> _productPackageRepository;
public ProductServiceService(
Lazy<IProductServiceRepository> repository,
Lazy<IProductPackageRepository> productPackageRepository)
_repository = repository;
_productPackageRepository = productPackageRepository;
public async Task<OperationResult> ValidateServiceAsync(ProductServiceEntity service)
var errors = new List<ValidationResult>();
if (!await _productPackageRepository.Value.AnyAsync(p => p.Id == service.PackageId))
errors.Add(new ValidationResult(string.Format(NameMessageResource.NotFoundError, NameMessageResource.ProductPackage)));
return errors.Any()
? OperationResult.Failed(errors.ToArray())
: OperationResult.Success();
and here is test class
[Fact, Trait("Category", "Product")]
public async Task Create_Service_With_Null_Financial_ContactPerson_Should_Fail()
// Arrange
var entity = ObjectFactory.Service.CreateService(packageId: 1);
var fakeProductServiceRepository = new Mock<Lazy<IProductServiceRepository>>();
var repo= new Mock<IProductPackageRepository>();
repo.Setup(repository => repository.AnyAsync(It.IsAny<Expression<Func<ProductPackageEntity, bool>>>()));
var fakeProductPackageRepository = new Lazy<IProductPackageRepository>(() => repo.Object);
var sut = new ProductServiceService(fakeProductServiceRepository.Object, fakeProductPackageRepository);
// Act
var result = await sut.AddServiceAsync(service);
// Assert
Assert.Contains(result.ErrorMessages, error => error.Contains(string.Format(NameMessageResource.NotFoundError, NameMessageResource.ProductPackage)));
fakeProductPackageRepository always is null. I followed this blog post but still I'm getting null reference exception.
How to mock lazy initialization of objects in C# unit tests using Moq
here is a screen that indicates fakeProductPackageRepository is null.
Here is a refactored version of your example:
[Fact, Trait("Category", "Product")]
public async Task Create_Service_With_Null_Financial_ContactPerson_Should_Fail() {
// Arrange
var entity = ObjectFactory.Service.CreateService(packageId = 1);
var productServiceRepositoryMock = new Mock<IProductServiceRepository>();
var productPackageRepositoryMock = new Mock<IProductPackageRepository>();
.Setup(repository => repository.AnyAsync(It.IsAny<Expression<Func<ProductPackageEntity, bool>>>()))
//Make use of the Lazy<T>(Func<T>()) constructor to return the mock instances
var lazyProductPackageRepository = new Lazy<IProductPackageRepository>(() => productPackageRepositoryMock.Object);
var lazyProductServiceRepository = new Lazy<IProductServiceRepository>(() => productServiceRepositoryMock.Object);
var sut = new ProductServiceService(lazyProductServiceRepository, lazyProductPackageRepository);
// Act
var result = await sut.AddServiceAsync(service);
// Assert
Assert.Contains(result.ErrorMessages, error => error.Contains(string.Format(NameMessageResource.NotFoundError, NameMessageResource.ProductPackage)));
The following Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example of your stated issue passes when tested.
public class MockLazyOfTWithMoqTest {
public async Task Method_Under_Test_Should_Return_True() {
// Arrange
var productServiceRepositoryMock = new Mock<IProductServiceRepository>();
var productPackageRepositoryMock = new Mock<IProductPackageRepository>();
.Setup(repository => repository.AnyAsync())
//Make use of the Lazy<T>(Func<T>()) constructor to return the mock instances
var lazyProductPackageRepository = new Lazy<IProductPackageRepository>(() => productPackageRepositoryMock.Object);
var lazyProductServiceRepository = new Lazy<IProductServiceRepository>(() => productServiceRepositoryMock.Object);
var sut = new ProductServiceService(lazyProductServiceRepository, lazyProductPackageRepository);
// Act
var result = await sut.MethodUnderTest();
// Assert
public interface IProductServiceService { }
public interface IProductServiceRepository { }
public interface IProductPackageRepository { Task<bool> AnyAsync();}
public class ProductServiceService : IProductServiceService {
private readonly Lazy<IProductServiceRepository> _repository;
private readonly Lazy<IProductPackageRepository> _productPackageRepository;
public ProductServiceService(
Lazy<IProductServiceRepository> repository,
Lazy<IProductPackageRepository> productPackageRepository) {
_repository = repository;
_productPackageRepository = productPackageRepository;
public async Task<bool> MethodUnderTest() {
var errors = new List<ValidationResult>();
if (!await _productPackageRepository.Value.AnyAsync())
errors.Add(new ValidationResult("error"));
return errors.Any();
A Lazy<> as a parameter is somewhat unexpected, though not illegal (obviously). Remember that a Lazy<> wrapped around a service is really just deferred execution of a Factory method. Why not just pass the factories to the constructor? You could still wrap the call to the factory in a Lazy<> inside your implementation class, but then you can just fake / mock your factory in your tests and pass that to your sut.
Or, perhaps the reason that you're passing around a Lazy<> is because you're really dealing with a singleton. In that case, I'd still create a factory and take dependencies on the IFactory<>. Then, the factory implementation can include the Lazy<> inside of it.
Often, I solve the singleton requirement (without the lazy loading) via setting a custom object scope for the dependency in my IoC container. For instance, StructureMap makes it easy to set certain dependencies as singleton or per-request-scope in a web application.
I rarely need to assert that I've done a lazy initialization on some service inside of a system-under-test. I might need to verify that I've only initialized a service once per some scope, but that's still easily tested by faking the factory interface.
The thing is that you are creating a Mock of Lazy as fakeProductServiceRepository and later on are returning that instance where just a Mock is needed.
You should change
var fakeProductServiceRepository = new Mock<Lazy<IProductServiceRepository>>();
var fakeProductServiceRepository = new Mock<IProductServiceRepository>();
I have a unit test I am checking whether a method is called once or not so I attempted this way:-
This is my Mock of ILicenseManagerService and I am passing its object through constructor.
public Mock<ILicenseManagerService> LicenseManagerService { get { return SetLicenseManagerServiceMock(); } }
private Mock<ILicenseManagerService> SetLicenseManagerServiceMock()
var licencemangerservicemock = new Mock<ILicenseManagerService>();
licencemangerservicemock.Setup(m => m.LoadProductLicenses()).Returns(ListOfProductLicense).Verifiable();
return licencemangerservicemock;
public static async Task<IEnumerable<IProductLicense>> ListOfProductLicense()
var datetimeoffset = new DateTimeOffset(DateTime.Now);
var lst = new List<IProductLicense>
GetProductLicense(true, datetimeoffset, false, "1"),
GetProductLicense(true, datetimeoffset, false, "2"),
GetProductLicense(true, datetimeoffset, true, "3")
return lst;
I am using this mock object to set _licenseManagerService and calling the LoadProductLicenses() in method under test. like this. licences are coming fine.
var licenses = (await _licenseManagerService.LoadProductLicenses()).ToList();
My attempt for verify the call to this method -
LicenseManagerService.Verify(m => m.LoadProductLicenses(),Times.Once);
But when I run my unit test, an exception coming that say method is not invoked at all.
Where I am doing wrong ?
EDIT #dacastro I am invoking the same mock here is my unit test.
public async Task return_products_from_web_when_cache_is_empty()
// this class basically for setting up external dependencies
// Like - LicenceManagerService in context, i am using this mock only no new mock.
var inAppMock = new InAppMock ();
// object of Class under test- I used static method for passing external
//services for easy to change
var inAppStore = StaticMethods.GetInAppStore(inAppMock);
// method is called in this method
var result = await inAppStore.LoadProductsFromCacheOrWeb();
// like you can see using the same inAppMock object and same LicenseManagerService
inAppMock.LicenseManagerService.Verify(m => m.LoadProductLicenses(),Times.Once);
LicenseManagerService.Verify(m => m.LoadProductLicenses(),Times.Once);
By calling the LicenseManagerService property, you're creating a new mock object. Naturally, no invocations have ever been performed on this instance.
You should change this property's implementation to return the same instance every time it is called.