How to give custom size to PdfSharp generated Pdf - c#

I was trying to generate a pdf from HTML which containing a table using PdfSharp and HTMLRenderer. The following shows the code.
pdf = PdfGenerator.GeneratePdf(html, PageSize.A3);
byte[] fileContents = null;
using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())
pdf.Save(stream, true);
fileContents = stream.ToArray();
return new FileStreamResult(new MemoryStream(fileContents.ToArray()), "application/pdf");
Is there any possibility for me to provide a custom size to the PDF and change the orientation of the page. I am using a memory stream to show the PDF directly on the browser display.

You can use the PdfGenerateConfig parameter of the GeneratePdf method to specify a custom page size using the ManualPageSize property.
Use the PageOrientation to get standard page sizes in landscape.
Code from comment:
var config = new PdfGenerateConfig();
config.PageOrientation = PageOrientation.Landscape;
config.ManualPageSize = new PdfSharp.Drawing.XSize(1080, 828);
pdf = PdfGenerator.GeneratePdf(html, config);

I just put this way:
var config = new PdfGenerateConfig()
MarginBottom = 100,
MarginLeft = 20,
MarginRight = 20,
MarginTop = 100,
PageSize = PageSize.A4
PdfDocument pdf = PdfGenerator.GeneratePdf(html, config);

If I'm not mistaken, PageSize.A3 is not an enum but Rectangle value. So instead of passing predefined Rectangle you can provide your own, for example:
new Rectangle(1191, 842) // for album A3
new Rectangle(842, 595) // for album A4
and so on...


Convert image byte array to PDF

I'm looking to convert an Image (PNG, JPEG, GIF), in the form of a byte[] to a PDF.
I'm currently using this function, which works, but cuts off the bottom of images that over a certain height or specific proportions; for example 500x2000.
Where am I going wrong here?
public byte[] ConvertImageToPDF(byte[] bytes)
byte[] pdfArray;
using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
using (var pdfWriter = new PdfWriter(memoryStream))
var pdf = new PdfDocument(pdfWriter);
var document = new Document(pdf);
ImageData imageData = ImageDataFactory.Create(bytes);
document.Add(new Image(imageData));
pdfArray = memoryStream.ToArray();
return pdfArray;
I suppose what you want is the PdfWriter to auto-scale the Image inside the Document.
Optionally, position the Image in the center of the Page.
You can change your code setting [Image].SetAutoScale(true) and [Image].SetHorizontalAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.CENTER):
Note: I've defined aliases for iText.Layout.Properties (alias: PdfProperties) and iText.Layout.Element.Image (alias: PdfImage), to avoid conflict with other .Net assemblies that have classes and enumerators with the same exact names. Just remove them in case you don't need them at all.
using iText.IO.Image;
using iText.Kernel.Pdf;
using iText.Layout;
using PdfProperties = iText.Layout.Properties;
using PdfImage = iText.Layout.Element.Image;
public byte[] ConvertImageToPDF(byte[] imageBytes)
using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) {
using (var pdfWriter = new PdfWriter(ms)) {
var pdf = new PdfDocument(pdfWriter);
var document = new Document(pdf);
var img = new PdfImage(ImageDataFactory.Create(imageBytes))
return ms.ToArray();
You can also specify the size, in floating point units, of the Image and use the [Image].ScaleToFit() method, to scale the Image within those bounds.
Here, using a PageSize set to PageSize.A4. You can of course set different measures.
using iText.Kernel.Geom;
// [...]
var document = new Document(pdf);
var page = document.GetPageEffectiveArea(PageSize.A4);
var img = new PdfImage(ImageDataFactory.Create(imageBytes))
.ScaleToFit(page.GetWidth(), page.GetHeight())
// [...]

Watermark a pdf document with itext 7 instead of iTextSharp

This was my code for itextsharp which worked ok. It displayed "Quote Only" in the middle of each page in a pdf file.
iTextSharp.text.Image img = iTextSharp.text.Image.GetInstance(Server.MapPath(#"~\Content\WaterMarkQuoteOnly.png"));
PdfReader readerOriginalDoc = new PdfReader(File(all, "application/pdf").FileContents);
int n = readerOriginalDoc.NumberOfPages;
img.SetAbsolutePosition(0, 300);
PdfGState _state = new PdfGState()
FillOpacity = 0.1F,
StrokeOpacity = 0.1F
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
using (PdfStamper stamper = new PdfStamper(readerOriginalDoc, ms, '\0', true))
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
PdfContentByte content = stamper.GetOverContent(i);
//return ms.ToArray();
all = ms.GetBuffer();
This is my new itext 7 code, this also displays the watermark but the position is wrong. I was dismayed to see that you cant add an image to the canvas but you have to add ImageData when the position is being set on the image. The image is also way smaller and back to front.
var imagePath = Server.MapPath(#"~\Content\WaterMarkQuoteOnly.png");
var tranState = new iText.Kernel.Pdf.Extgstate.PdfExtGState();
ImageData myImageData = ImageDataFactory.Create(imagePath, false);
Image img = new Image(myImageData);
img.SetFixedPosition(0, 300);
var reader = new PdfReader(new MemoryStream(all));
var doc = new PdfDocument(reader);
int pages = doc.GetNumberOfPages();
using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
var writer = new PdfWriter(ms);
var newdoc = new PdfDocument(writer);
for (int i = 1; i <= pages; i++)
//get existing page
PdfPage page = doc.GetPage(i);
//copy page to new document
newdoc.AddPage(page.CopyTo(newdoc)); ;
//get our new page
PdfPage newpage = newdoc.GetPage(i);
Rectangle pageSize = newpage.GetPageSize();
//get canvas based on new page
var canvas = new PdfCanvas(newpage);
//write image data to new page
canvas.AddImage(myImageData, pageSize, true);
all = ms.GetBuffer();
You are doing something strange with the PdfDocument objects, and you are also using the wrong AddImage() method.
I am not a C# developer, so I rewrote your example in Java. I took this PDF file:
And I took this image:
Then I added the image to the PDF file using transparency with the following result:
The code to do this, was really simple:
public void createPdf(String src, String dest) throws IOException {
PdfExtGState tranState = new PdfExtGState();
ImageData img = ImageDataFactory.create(IMG);
PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(src);
PdfWriter writer = new PdfWriter(dest);
PdfDocument pdf = new PdfDocument(reader, writer);
for (int i = 1; i <= pdf.getNumberOfPages(); i++) {
PdfPage page = pdf.getPage(i);
PdfCanvas canvas = new PdfCanvas(page);
canvas.addImage(img, 36, 600, false);
For some reason, you created two PdfDocument instances. This isn't necessary. You also used the AddImage() method passing a Rectangle which resizes the image. Also make sure that you don't add the image as an inline image, because that bloats the file size.
I don't know which programming language you are using. For instance: I am not used to variables that are created using var such as var tranState. It should be very easy for you to adapt my Java code though. It's just a matter of changing lowercases into uppercases.

itext sharp generated pdf should open in new tab in mvc c#

$(document).off("click", "#btnPreviewAndDownload").on("click", "#btnPreviewAndDownload", function (e) {
var QuestionPaperID = 1;
var SubjectCode = '#Model.Model.SubjectPapperCode';
window.location = "#Url.Action("PreviewAndDownloadQuestionPaper", "TeamCreation")?QuestionPaperID=" + QuestionPaperID + "&SubjectPapperCode=" + SubjectCode;
private FileResult CreateQuestionPaperPDF(List<CustomMainQuestionDTO> questionDTOList, byte[] byteDoc, MemoryStream memStream)
Document doc = new Document(iTextSharp.text.PageSize.A4, 70, 40, 70, 40);
PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc, memStream);
Font fontH1 = new Font(Font.FontFamily.HELVETICA, 11, Font.BOLD);
Paragraph Heading = new Paragraph(questionDTOList[0].SubjectName, fontH4);
Heading.Alignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER;
foreach (var questionDTO in questionDTOList)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(questionDTO.QuestionParentQuestionMappingID.ToString()))
MainQuestion(questionDTO, fontH2, doc, fontH1Bold);
SubQuestion(questionDTO, fontH2, fontH1, doc);
byteDoc = memStream.GetBuffer();
string fileName = "QuestionPaper - " + questionDTOList[0].SubjectName + ".pdf";
return File(byteDoc, System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames.Application.Octet, fileName);
i have created and aligned the question paper format using Itextsharp and downloaded it.
it is downloading in window but unable to open in new tab? How i can open the generated PDF in new tab?
You can try using following code to generate your pdf it will display on your browser.
string filenm = "test";
Document doc = new Document(iTextSharp.text.PageSize.A4, 70, 40, 70, 40);
var fpath = Server.MapPath("~/PDFFiles/FunctionProspectus/");
PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc, new FileStream(fpath + filenm, FileMode.Create));
Font fontH1 = new Font(Font.FontFamily.HELVETICA, 11, Font.BOLD);
Paragraph Heading = new Paragraph("Test");
Heading.Alignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER;
string contentType = "application/pdf";
return File(Server.MapPath("~/PDFFiles/FunctionProspectus/") + filenm, contentType);
In one of my project i have used this and is working well.
If I'm reading the question correctly, you are able to create and return the PDF just fine, but it is causing the browser to navigate to the document instead of opening separately. The reason for this would be because you're changing window.location to the address of the action producing the PDF. One way to avoid this and simplify the code would be to use a hyperlink with the "target" attribute set to "_blank" instead of using JavaScript to open it. You could also use instead of setting the location if you wanted to keep using the JavaScript solution. Both of these will either open in a new tab or new browser window depending on browser and user preference settings.

Convert Base64 from PDF to Bitmap [duplicate]

Is there any way, I can convert HTML Document (file not URL) to Image, or PDF to image?
I am able to do the above using Ghostscript DLL , Is there any other way , I can do it, without using the Ghostscript DLL?
I am developing a C# Windows Application.
the best and free nuget package that you can save every page of your Pdf to png and with custom resilution Docnet.core this can be use in the .net core project.
they have github and nice examples but here i want to add my code for reading en pdf with more that one page
string webRootPath = _hostingEnvironment.WebRootPath;
string fullPath = webRootPath + "/uploads/user-manual/file.pdf";
string fullPaths = webRootPath + "/uploads/user-manual";
using (var library = DocLib.Instance)
using (var docReader = library.GetDocReader(fullPath, 1080, 1920))
for (int i = 1; i < docReader.GetPageCount(); i++)
using (var pageReader = docReader.GetPageReader(i))
var bytes = EmailTemplates.GetModifiedImage(pageReader);
System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(fullPaths+"/page_image_" +i+".png", bytes);
Other functions you can find in thier github repo.
Use LibPdf, for PDF to Image conversion
LibPdf library converts converts PDF file to an image. Supported image formats are PNG and BMP, but you can easily add more.
Usage example:
using (FileStream file = File.OpenRead(#"..\path\to\pdf\file.pdf")) // in file
var bytes = new byte[file.Length];
file.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
using (var pdf = new LibPdf(bytes))
byte[] pngBytes = pdf.GetImage(0,ImageType.PNG); // image type
using (var outFile = File.Create(#"..\path\to\pdf\file.png")) // out file
outFile.Write(pngBytes, 0, pngBytes.Length);
ImageMagick, you should also look at this freely available and powerful tool. It's capable of doing what you want and also provides some .NET bindings (as well as bindings to several other languages).
In its simplest form, it's just like writing a command
convert file.pdf imagefile.png
Try Freeware.Pdf2Png, check below url:
PDF to PNG converter.
byte[] png = Freeware.Pdf2Png.Convert(pdf, 1);
In the about info, It said MIT license, I check it on March 22, 2022.
But as said Mitya, please double check.
You can use below any one library for PDF to Image conversion
Use Aspose.pdf link below:
code sample:
Aspose.Pdf.Document pdfDocument = new Aspose.Pdf.Document(MyPdfPath));
using (FileStream imageStream = new FileStream(MyOutputImage.png, FileMode.Create))
Resolution resolution = new Resolution(300);
PngDevice pngDevice = new PngDevice(resolution);
pngDevice.Process(pdfDocument.Pages[PageNo], MyOutputImage);
Use Bytescout PDF Renderer link below:
code sample :
MemoryStream ImageStream = new MemoryStream();
RasterRenderer renderer = new RasterRenderer();
renderer.RegistrationName = "demo";
renderer.RegistrationKey = "demo";
// Load PDF document.
for (int i = 0; i < renderer.GetPageCount(); i++)
// Render first page of the document to PNG image file.
renderer.RenderPageToStream(i, RasterOutputFormat.PNG, ImageStream);
Image im = Image.FromStream(ImageStream);
Using docnet, based in this example on github, I did this, very simple and functional :
pdf used in this example.
using Docnet.Core;
using System.IO;
using Docnet.Core.Models;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
string pathPdf = #"C:\pathToPdfFile\lorem-ipsum.pdf";
string finalPathWithFileName = #"C:\pathToFinalImageFile\finalFile.png";
//using docnet
using (var docReader = DocLib.Instance.GetDocReader(pathPdf, new PageDimensions(1080, 1920)))
//open pdf file
using (var pageReader = docReader.GetPageReader(0))
var rawBytes = pageReader.GetImage();
var width = pageReader.GetPageWidth();
var height = pageReader.GetPageHeight();
var characters = pageReader.GetCharacters();
//using bitmap to create a png image
using (var bmp = new Bitmap(width, height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb))
AddBytes(bmp, rawBytes);
using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
//saving and exporting
bmp.Save(stream, ImageFormat.Png);
File.WriteAllBytes(finalPathWithFileName, stream.ToArray());
//extra methods
private static void AddBytes(Bitmap bmp, byte[] rawBytes)
var rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height);
var bmpData = bmp.LockBits(rect, ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, bmp.PixelFormat);
var pNative = bmpData.Scan0;
Marshal.Copy(rawBytes, 0, pNative, rawBytes.Length);
Spire.PDF library can be used for PDF to Image conversion, such as PDF to PNG, JPG, EMF and TIFF etc.
The following is the code example shows how to convert PDF to PNG:
//Load a PDF
PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument();
//Save to PNG images
for (int i = 0; i < doc.Pages.Count; i++)
String fileName = String.Format("ToImage-img-{0}.png", i);
using (Image image = doc.SaveAsImage(i,300,300))
image.Save(fileName, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
More conversion examples can be found in the library's documentation. It also provides a free community edition but with some limitations.
While using Ghostscript with ImageMagick is a potential option, it is incredibly slow, every page would take around 5 or more seconds. DocNet is a much better option to convert pdf to images. The following code would convert all pages in a pdf file into Images, and do that fast.
public void SavePDFtoJPGDocnet(string fileName)
string FilePath = #"C:\SampleFileFolder\doc.pdf";
string DestinationFolder = #"C:\SampleFileFolder\";
IDocLib DocNet = DocLib.Instance;
//you are specifying the max resolution of image on any side, actual resolution will be limited by longer side,
//preserving the aspect ratio
var docReader = DocNet.GetDocReader(
new PageDimensions(1440, 2560));
for (int i = 0; i < docReader.GetPageCount(); i++)
using (var pageReader = docReader.GetPageReader(i))
var rawBytes = pageReader.GetImage();
var width = pageReader.GetPageWidth();
var height = pageReader.GetPageHeight();
var characters = pageReader.GetCharacters();
var bmp = new Bitmap(width, height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
DocnetClass.AddBytes(bmp, rawBytes);
//DocnetClass.DrawRectangles(bmp, characters);
var stream = new MemoryStream();
bmp.Save(stream, ImageFormat.Png);
File.WriteAllBytes(DestinationFolder + "/page_image_" + i + ".png", stream.ToArray());
Freeware.Pdf2Png worked great for my needs.
It does not only convert to Png, you can save to the image format of your choice.
In MS Visual Studio run this in your Package Manager console
PM> NuGet\Install-Package Freeware.Pdf2Png -Version 1.0.1,
or just add via the NuGet Package Manager GUI, search for Freeware.Pdf2Png and it should come up.
Once the reference is added to your project, code similar to this should do what you need to convert a PDF to an Image.
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(FullFilePath, FileMode.Open))
byte[] buff = Freeware.Pdf2Png.Convert(fs, 1);
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(buff);
Image img = Image.FromStream(ms);
img.Save(TiffFilePath, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Tiff);
FullFilePath - a string that is the Full File Path to the PDF to be converted.
TiffFilePath - a string that is the Full File Path of the newly created Image that you would like to save.
Unfortunately I was not able to find any c# code or proper algorithm to do this conversion without a 3rd party DLL. If any of you have good information for that please do share it!
In case someone wants to use Ghostscript.NET.
Ghostscript.NET - (written in C#) is the most completed managed wrapper library around the Ghostscript library (32-bit & 64-bit), an interpreter for the PostScript language, PDF.
It is dependent on executable file you have to install on your machine. Here is a link from where you can see and download the latest version of the exe.
P.S. I had some troubles with the latest version 9.50 not being able to count the pages.
I prefer using the 9.26 version.
Next step is to find and install Ghostscript.NET from Nuget.
I download the PDF from CDN url and use the MemoryStream to open and process the PDF file. Here is a sample code:
using (WebClient myWebClient = new WebClient())
using (GhostscriptRasterizer rasterizer = new GhostscriptRasterizer())
/* custom switches can be added before the file is opened
byte[] buffer = myWebClient.DownloadData(pdfUrl);
using (var ms = new MemoryStream(buffer))
var image = rasterizer.GetPage(0, 0, 1);
var imageURL = "MyCDNpath/Images/" + filename + ".png";
_ = UploadFileToS3(image, imageURL);
You can also use it with temporary FileStream. Here is another example. Note that the File is temporary and has DeleteOnClose mark.
using (WebClient myWebClient = new WebClient())
using (GhostscriptRasterizer rasterizer = new GhostscriptRasterizer())
/* custom switches can be added before the file is opened
byte[] buffer = myWebClient.DownloadData(pdfUrl);
int bufferSize = 4096;
using (var fileStream = System.IO.File.Create("TempPDFolder/" + pdfName, bufferSize, System.IO.FileOptions.DeleteOnClose))
// now use that fileStream to save the pdf stream
fileStream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
var image = rasterizer.GetPage(0, 0, 1);
var imageURL = "MyCDNpath/Images/" + filename + ".png";
_ = UploadFileToS3(image, imageURL);
Hope it will help someone struggling to get high quality images from pdf for free.

Create a PDF Envelope

I was in need of the ability to create a PDF Envelope, and hadn't found a good solution for doing so, so I thought that this might be of some interest.
We use PDFSharp, a free PDF document tool. It worked out pretty well. Here's the method for doing so. It will create a new pdf document, envelope sized, and center the address. GetAddress() is just a method used to retrieve the address from a DB. Just use
\n to newline the different lines in the address.
protected void DisplayPDFEnvelope()
PdfDocument document = new PdfDocument();
PdfPage pdfpage = new PdfPage();
XUnit pdfWidth = new XUnit(4.125, XGraphicsUnit.Inch);
XUnit pdfHeight = new XUnit(9.5, XGraphicsUnit.Inch);
pdfpage.Height = pdfHeight;
pdfpage.Width = pdfWidth;
pdfpage.Orientation = PageOrientation.Landscape;
XPdfFontOptions options = new XPdfFontOptions(PdfFontEncoding.Unicode, PdfFontEmbedding.Always);
// Create a font
XFont font = new XFont("ARIAL", 1, XFontStyle.Regular, options);
// Get an XGraphics object for drawing
XGraphics gfx = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(pdfpage, XGraphicsPdfPageOptions.Append);
string address = GetAddress();
// Get the size (in point) of the text
XSize size = gfx.MeasureString(address, font);
// Create a graphical path
XGraphicsPath path = new XGraphicsPath();
path.AddString(address, font.FontFamily, XFontStyle.Regular, 10,
new XPoint(345, 160), XStringFormats.Default);
// Create a dimmed pen and brush
XPen pen = new XPen(XColor.FromGrayScale(0), 0);
XBrush brush = new XSolidBrush();
// Stroke the outline of the path
gfx.DrawPath(pen, brush, path);
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
document.Save(stream, false);
Page.Response.ContentType = "application/pdf";
Page.Response.AppendHeader("Content-Length", stream.Length.ToString());
Page.Response.AppendHeader("Content-Type", "application/pdf");
Page.Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline;filename=envelope.pdf");
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
PDFSharp is good, so is iTextSharp, the Java port of iText, one of the first PDF libraries around.

