AForge, memory stacking up - c#

Im trying to grab a frame with C# and AForge libraries:
using AForge.Video
using AForge.Video.DirectShow
namespace Example
class Program
private static Bitmap mySnap = null;
static void Main(string[] args)
private static void snapByte()
int Counter = 0;
FilterInfoCollection videoDevices = new FilterInfoCollection(FilterCategory.VideoInputDevice);
VideoCaptureDevice videoSource = new VideoCaptureDevice(videoDevices[0].MonikerString);
videoSource.NewFrame += new NewFrameEventHandler(videoNewFrame);
while (mySnap == null && Counter < 4);
if (videoSource.IsRunning)
videoSource = null;
MemoryStream myStream = new MemoryStream();
mySnap.Save(myStream, ImageFormat.Png);
byte[] snapByteLength = MyStream.ToArray();
int snapLength = snapByteLength.Length;
mySnap = null;
private static void videoNewFrame(object sender, NewFrameEventArgs eventArgs)
mySnap = (Bitmap)eventArgs.Frame.Clone();
this is the exact code im using, i just changed the image byte processing to display the byte length to simplify things..
the problem im having is that the memory will keep staking up anywhere between 1-2 mb each time a snapshot is taken..
i am disposing of all my bitmaps except for the mySnap that im returning to null.. i cant dispose of mySnap because its used again, and i have to declare it global because i use this in snapByte() and newVideoFrame()
but since im reusing mySnap i dont see why would it be stacking up.. it should be overwriting everytime..
i have seen other answers but all have to do with a picturebox, and the answer is to clear the picturebox before loading a new image..
i believe im doing the equivalent here by calling mySnap=null again..
but memory still stacking up...
Thank You..

You are creating an infinite recursion by your unconditional call to snapByte() at the end of the snapByte() method. This creates a loop that will eventually crash once your stack runs out of space; every time your method calls itself, you are setting up a new stack frame that will never be cleared because the method never returns. This may take a while to manifest because of the Thread.Sleep() call that will keep your recursive calls throttled.
Also, any reference that was not nulled before you recursively call snapByte() will be held indefinitely in memory, since those references are alive in a scope that will never exit (because of the infinite recursion) and will never be reclaimed by the GC.
This is the case for your videoDevices collection but more importantly for the snapByteLength array instance, that is holding a copy of the bitmap you just captured. I bet this is the primary cause for your memory leak
Avoiding recursion and converting it to a simple loop should fix your issues.


C# Usercontrol's memory leak

I have some heavy memory leak in my application.
This is the form that loads a lot of stuff in memory, it is a form with 3 FlowLayoutPanel. Every panel has a lot of a UserControl I've created, they're just a picturebox with a label. Let's call the form ColorViewer:
Whenever I open this form it takes close to 300-400 MB of memory and it doesn't seems to release it.
This a graph of the memory usage:
As you can the first time I open ColorViewer it loads everything in memory (close to 400mb) and then it never dispose. After that, every time I open ColorViewer it is disposed correctly.
This is the code I use to load my form, I guess the memory leak is in the loading of the img. As of right now I use the default Dispose():
//Loading of one of the three panel in the form,called 3 time when the form is opened:
colorsViewerPanel.AddColorRange(colours.ConvertAll(x => new ColorBox(x.path_img,,true)));
//Function that loads my UserControl into the panel
public void AddColorRange(List<ColorBox> cBoxList)
foreach (var cBox in cBoxList)
//This is the ColorBox usercontrol's class
public string pathImg{ get; set; }
public int id{ get; set; }
public bool selected{ get; set; }
//This is the constructor for the UserControl
public ColorBox(string pathImage,int idImage,bool sel = true)
pathImg = pathImage;
id = idImage;
selected = sel;
//Load img
if (File.Exists(pathImg))
Image img;
using (var bmpTemp = new Bitmap(pathImg))
img = new Bitmap(pathImg);
panelColor.BackgroundImage = img;
panelColor.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch;
labelColor.Text = id;
Is this normal ?
I think you are not disposing anything useful here:
Image img;
using (var bmpTemp = new Bitmap(pathImg))
img = new Bitmap(pathImg);
you are just creating an instance (bmpTemp) of the Bitmap class (that is later going to be disposed because of the using statement) and then assigning a new istance of the same class to another variable (img, the one you are effectively using). Anyway, even if you correct this, it will not work for your purposes, because there's no meaning in disposing the Image you are actually showing in a PictureBox (and this will also lead to an exception later on).
As you can read here, it is necessary to call Dispose on an Image object to effectively get rid of its presence in memory, keeping in mind that Bitmap is a wrapper around an unmanaged GDI+ bitmap (and probably requires special needs to get disposed even when wrapped):
That said, given the code you provided and to cut the problem at the root, I guess I would probably implement the IDisposable interface on the ColorBox control to make sure the Dispose method of the Image instance is always called when the control is disposed:
Implement IDisposable correctly
In your specific case, I would consider the Image/Bitmap object as a fully unmanaged object and I would free it in the "free native resources if there are any" section of the Dispose method so that, if someone is using your control without disposing it, the call to the finalizer is going to happen anyway if the object is eligible for finalization. Something like this:
// The bulk of the clean-up code is implemented in Dispose(bool)
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (isDisposed) return;
if (disposing)
// free managed resources
// free native resources if there are any.
if (!(img is null))
// Our Image.
isDisposed = true;

Kill my application while it's using a threaded dll call

I have a structural problem resulting in an System.ObjectDisposedException with a dll.
More specifically it's a µEye Camera driver that is advised to capture data from a camera. I got two events from this camera that are fired asynchronously:
The latter tells me that my capture is beeing completed and I can continue in saving my images.
This is the code that does the work:
private void onSequenceEvent(object sender, EventArgs e)
uEye.Camera Camera = sender as uEye.Camera;
int s32SeqID;
statusRet = Camera.Memory.Sequence.GetLast(out s32SeqID);
Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate ()
lblStatus.Text = "Save Images...";
this.pbCapture.Value = 0;
Rectangle src = new Rectangle();
Rectangle dst = new Rectangle();
src.X = AOI_Size.X;
src.Y = AOI_Size.Y;
src.Width = AOI_Size.Width;
src.Height = AOI_Size.Height;
dst.X = 0; dst.Y = 0; dst.Width = AOI_Size.Width; dst.Height = AOI_Size.Height;
Bitmap bitmap_source = new Bitmap(MySensorInfo.MaxSize.Width, MySensorInfo.MaxSize.Height);;
Bitmap bitmap_destination = new Bitmap(dst.Width, dst.Height);;
Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap_destination);
for (int i = 1; i < s32SeqID; i++)
Camera.Memory.ToBitmap(i, out bitmap_source);
g.DrawImage(bitmap_source, dst, src, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
bitmap_destination.Save(PathToSave + i.ToString() + ".bmp");
this?.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate ()
However - as you may expect the Invoke call will cause the ObjectDisposedException as the "Cancel"-Button is beeing pressed:
this?.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate ()
Here's the code of the Cancel-Button:
private void btn_Exit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (MessageBox.Show("Do you really want to cancel?", "Abort", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes)
private void UEye_Dialog_Form_CloseForm(int exitCode)
this?.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate ()
if (Camera != null)
Camera.EventFrame -= onFrameEvent;
Camera.EventSequence -= onSequenceEvent;
Camera = null;
ReturnCode = exitCode;
UEye_Dialog_Form_CloseForm(int exitCode) is a event where CloseForm is it's delegate.
I hope this was not too much information :)
This exception only occure if the image is beeing saved, not if I'm waiting for the sequence to be captured.
Sure I could pack the UI Update code within a try-catch-block or check if the forms state is Disposed/Disposing. But for my little programming skills it looks like a structural problem.
Thank you for your help :)
The tricky part is that you're doing multi-threading without synchronization.
Invoke presents one such synchronization point, which is fine. However, as you've found out, it doesn't work after the handle is disposed - this makes perfect sense; Invoke simply sends a window message to the given handle, and when the handle no longer exists there's noöne to deal with the message (not to mention what would Close (which just sends WM_CLOSE etc.) do when the window no longer exists).
Solving this is quite tricky, actually. Even if you check if the form is disposed before trying the Invoke, it might still be disposed between the check and the Invoke itself. locking would allow you to handle the synchronization, but you'd need to lock in DestroyHandle or perhaps an event like Closing - the key is to make sure that whatever signal you send is safely tied to whether Invoke is safe right now. Of course, you don't really want to use Invoke - you need BeginInvoke, otherwise you're guaranteed to have a deadlock when Invoke needs to wait for the UI thread which is currently waiting for the lock to be released. Not good :)
Being prepared for an ObjectDisposedException might be the best solution. But looking through the reference source code, it doesn't look like it's 100% correct either - it's consistent on a single thread, but you're not calling Invoke on the UI thread (obviously).

Dynamic WPF Image Loading Issue

I have an issue that I think has not been covered in the multitude of other WPF image loading issues. I am scanning in several images and passing them to a "Preview Page". The preview page takes the image thumbnails and displays what a printout would look like via a generated bitmap.
The weird thing to me is, it will work fine if I run the program the first time. Upon reaching the end of the process and hitting "start over", the preview will return blank. I am creating the BitmapImage in a method that saves the bitmap as a random file name so I do not believe theres a lock on the file the second time around. Also, if I go to look at the temporary file created through explorer, it is drawn correctly so I know the appropriate data is getting to it.
Finally, when I navigate away from this page, I am clearing necessary data. I'm really perplexed and any help would be appreciated.
public Receipt_Form() {
printData = new List<Object>();
this.Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(MainWindow_Loaded);
void MainWindow_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {
// populates global variable fileName
var task = System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Factory.StartNew(() => outputToBitmap()); task.ContinueWith(t => setImage(fileName),
// I started the image creation in a separate thread because I
// thought it may be blocking the UI thread, but it didn't matter
private void setImage(string imageURI) {
BitmapImage image;
using (FileStream stream = File.OpenRead(imageURI)) {
image = new BitmapImage();
image.StreamSource = stream;
image.CacheOption = BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad;
receiptPreview.Source = image;
//this works the first iteration but not the second, though the temp file is created successfully
Found the issue - the Modern UI container was getting cleared when transitioning off the page.

Monotouch ipad memory / animation problem

All, I'm working on what I thought was a fairly simple app. I'm using multiple view controllers with a view - under which there are buttons and a single image view. the buttonpress event triggers the other viewcontroller's view to display. That works perfectly. However, I'm also wanting to animate the transition to simulate a page turn. I use the code below to do that. It works well, however, every time I use this method the memory used increases. The memory used appears to be disconnected from the actual size of the image array. Also, I changed from png to jpeg ( much smaller images ) and it doesn't make a bit of difference. I thought about using .mov but the load time is very noticeable.
Please help. I've tried a ton of different way to force garbage collection. I've dug through the limited texts, and searched this website to no avail.
Here's a sample of the code.
public partial class AppDelegate : UIApplicationDelegate
// This method is invoked when the application has loaded its UI and its ready to run
public override bool FinishedLaunching (UIApplication app, NSDictionary options)
UIApplication.SharedApplication.SetStatusBarHidden( true, true);
// If you have defined a view, add it here:
// window.AddSubview (navigationController.View);
window.MakeKeyAndVisible ();
coverOpenbtn.TouchUpInside += HandleCoverOpenbtnTouchUpInside;
backBtn1.TouchUpInside += HandleBackBtn1TouchUpInside;
return true;
void HandleBackBtn1TouchUpInside (object sender, EventArgs e)
List<UIImage> myImages = new List<UIImage>();
var myAnimatedView = new UIImageView(window.Bounds);
myAnimatedView.AnimationImages = myImages.ToArray();
myAnimatedView.AnimationDuration = 1; // Seconds
myAnimatedView.AnimationRepeatCount = 1;
void HandleCoverOpenbtnTouchUpInside (object sender, EventArgs e)
List<UIImage> myImages = new List<UIImage>();
var myAnimatedView = new UIImageView(window.Bounds);
myAnimatedView.AnimationImages = myImages.ToArray();
myAnimatedView.AnimationDuration = 1; // Seconds
myAnimatedView.AnimationRepeatCount = 1;
Here's a few hints (just by reading the code):
There no difference between JPEG and PNG once the images are loaded in memory. The format only matters when the image is stored, not displayed. Once loaded (and decompressed) they will take a bit over (Width * Height * BitCount) of memory.
Consider caching your images and load them only they are not available. The GC will decide when to collect them (so many copies could exists at the same time). Right now you're loading each image twice when you could do it once (and use separate array for ordering them).
Even if you cache them also be ready to clear them on demand, e.g. if iOS warns you memory is low. Override ReceiveMemoryWarning to clear your list (or better arrays).
Don't call ToArray if you can avoid it (like your sample code). If you know how many images you have them simply create the array with the right size (and cache both array too ;-). It will cut down (a bit) the allocations;
Even consider caching the 'myAnimatedView' UIImageView (if the above did not help enough)
Be helpful to others, try them one-by-one and tell us what help you the most :-)
The images are to "animate" a page this to navigate through the app?
E.g. you start at the "home" page, press a button then it animates a page turn to the next screen in your app?
I think you would be better off looking at using CoreGraphics to try and achieve this effect, it'll both be a lot more efficient memory wise, and it will probably look a lot better as well. There are a few projects in Objective-C to get you started, such as Tom Brow's excellent Leaves project.
Okay, here is the best solution I found, doesn't crash the hardware, and is generally useful for other tasks.
This is the code that goes in the handler for the button press, each NavImage is a UIImage I built under the same view in interface builder. I just turned the alpha to 0 initially, and light them up one by one...
NSTimer.CreateScheduledTimer(.1,delegate { navImage1.Alpha = 1; NSTimer.CreateScheduledTimer(.1,delegate { navImage2.Alpha = 1;
NSTimer.CreateScheduledTimer(.05,delegate { navImage3.Alpha = 1;
NSTimer.CreateScheduledTimer(.05,delegate { navImage4.Alpha = 1;
NSTimer.CreateScheduledTimer(.05,delegate { navImage5.Alpha = 1;
NSTimer.CreateScheduledTimer(.05,delegate { navImage6.Alpha = 1;
NSTimer.CreateScheduledTimer(.05,delegate { navImage7.Alpha = 1;
NSTimer.CreateScheduledTimer(.05,delegate { navImage8.Alpha = 1;
NSTimer.CreateScheduledTimer(.05,delegate { navImage9.Alpha = 1;
NSTimer.CreateScheduledTimer(.05,delegate { navImage.Alpha = 1; });});});});});});});});});});

GC contains lots of pinned objects after a while

I have a strange phenomenon while continuously instantiating a com-wrapper and then letting the GC collect it (not forced).
I'm testing this on .net cf on WinCE x86. Monitoring the performance with .net Compact framework remote monitor. Native memory is tracked with Windows CE Remote performance monitor from the platform builder toolkit.
During the first 1000 created instances every counter in perfmon seems ok:
GC heap goes up and down but the average remains the same
Pinned objects is 0
native memory keeps the same average
However, after those 1000 (approximately) the Pinned object counter goes up and never goes down in count ever again. The memory usage stays the same however.
I don't know what conclusion to pull from this information... Is this a bug in the counters, is this a bug in my software?
I do notice that the Pinned objects counter starts to go up as soon the total bytes in use after GC stabilises as does the Objects not moved by compactor counter.
The graphic of the counters
Here's the involved code:
private void pButton6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
if (_running) {
_running = false;
_loopcount = 0;
_running = true;
Thread d = new Thread(new ThreadStart(LoopRun));
private void LoopRun() {
while (_running) {
void CreateInstances() {
List<Ppb.Drawing.Image> list = new List<Ppb.Drawing.Image>();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
Ppb.Drawing.Image g = resourcesObj.someBitmap;
The Image object contains an AlphaImage:
public sealed class AlphaImage : IDisposable {
IImage _image;
Size _size;
IntPtr _bufferPtr;
public static AlphaImage CreateFromBuffer(byte[] buffer, long size) {
AlphaImage instance = new AlphaImage();
IImage img;
instance._bufferPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int)size);
Marshal.Copy(buffer, 0, instance._bufferPtr, (int)size);
GetIImagingFactory().CreateImageFromBuffer(instance._bufferPtr, (uint)size, BufferDisposalFlag.BufferDisposalFlagGlobalFree, out img);
return instance;
void SetImage(IImage image) {
_image = image;
ImageInfo imgInfo;
_image.GetImageInfo(out imgInfo);
_size = new Size((int)imgInfo.Width, (int)imgInfo.Height);
~AlphaImage() {
#region IDisposable Members
public void Dispose() {
Well, there's a bug in your code in that you're creating a lot of IDisposable instances and never calling Dispose on them. I'd hope that the finalizers would eventually kick in, but they shouldn't really be necessary. In your production code, do you dispose of everything appropriately - and if not, is there some reason why you can't?
If you put some logging in the AlphaImage finalizer (detecting AppDomain unloading and application shutdown and not logging in those cases!) does it show the finalizer being called?
EDIT: One potential problem which probably isn't biting you, but may be worth fixing anyway - if the call to CreateImageFromBuffer fails for whatever reason, you still own the memory created by AllocHGlobal, and that will currently be leaked. I suspect that's not the problem or it would be blowing up more spectacularly, but it's worth thinking about.
I doubt it's a bug in RPM. What we don't have here is any insight into the Ppb.Drawing stuff. The place I see for a potential problem is the GetIImagingFactory call. What does it do? It's probably just a singleton getter, but it's something I'd chase.
I also see an AllochHGlobal, but nowhere do I see that allocation getting freed. For now that's where I'd focus.

