How can I search Notes by sequence number - c#

I use Evernote C# API. I understand how filters working.
ENNoteStoreClient store = ENSessionAdvanced.SharedSession.PrimaryNoteStore;
SyncState currentState = store.GetSyncState();
int currentUpdateCount = currentState.UpdateCount;
if (currentUpdateCount > latestUpdateCount)
latestUpdateCount = currentUpdateCount;
// Here synchronization code
I have latestUpdateCount and how I can get notes with sequence number >= this number?

You'll want to use GetFilteredSyncChunk using code something like the following:
List<SyncChunk> syncBlocks = new List<SyncChunk>();
int maxEntries = 250;
// These are sample filter settings; you should use what's appropriate for you based on
// what data you want returned in your note objects.
SyncChunkFilter filter = new SyncChunkFilter();
filter.IncludeNotes = true;
filter.IncludeNoteAttributes = true;
filter.IncludeNotebooks = true;
filter.IncludeTags = false;
filter.IncludeSearches = false;
filter.IncludeResources = false;
filter.IncludeLinkedNotebooks = false;
filter.IncludeExpunged = false;
filter.IncludeNoteApplicationDataFullMap = false;
filter.IncludeResourceApplicationDataFullMap = false;
filter.IncludeNoteResourceApplicationDataFullMap = false;
SyncChunk chunk = store.getFilteredSyncChunk(currentUpdateCount, maxEntries, filter);
if (chunk == null)
return null; // This can happen if there is a "503 - Service unavailable" error accessing this person's Evernote info
currentUpdateCount = chunk.ChunkHighUSN;
} while (currentUpdateCount < serverSyncState.UpdateCount);
foreach (SyncChunk chunk in syncBlocks)
if (chunk != null && chunk.Notes != null)
foreach (Note chunkNote in chunk.Notes)
// do something with the retrieved chunkNote object


Stripe API - C#/.NET List All Customers problems with pagination

this might be a simple answer due to my inexperience with C# and .NET. I have two Stripe Test Accounts. TL:DR; is I am essentially looking for a Customers.all solution.
The source account has all the customer, card, and charge data.
The destination account has the copied card and customer data done by Stripe Support.
I have code that loops through the pulls all the data from the source account. It then finds the customer data from the destination account using the collection of customer/card data from the source. After that it then recreates the charges from the source account into the destination account.
I am able to successfully copy the first 100 charges into the destination account using information from the source account but I am having the hardest time getting the rest of the customers.
This is what I have so far:
public static void GenerateDestinationChargeData()
// code to get collection of customer data from destination account
var customerService = new StripeCustomerService();
IEnumerable<StripeCustomer> customerItems = customerService.List(
new StripeCustomerListOptions()
Limit = 100,
//this is what I cannot figure out, eventually to get all of the customers from the destination account
StartingAfter = customerItems.LastOrDefault().Id
// loop through collection of customers from destination acct to fetch customer charge data from source account
foreach (var i in customerItems)
bool isError = false;
var liveChargeService = new StripeChargeService();
StripeList<StripeCharge> chargeItems = new StripeList<StripeCharge>();
chargeItems = liveChargeService.List(
new StripeChargeListOptions()
Limit = 100,
CustomerId = i.Id
// loop through customer charge data from source and re-create charge data on destination Acct
foreach (var c in chargeItems.Data)
var emailReceipt = "";
Dictionary<string, string> chargeMetaData = new Dictionary<string, string>();
var onBehalfOf = "";
var transferGroup = "";
var chargeDescription = "";
var chargeCaptured = "";
var chargeCurrency = "";
var chargeStatementDescriptor = "";
if (c.ReceiptEmail != null)
emailReceipt = c.ReceiptEmail;
if (c.Metadata != null)
chargeMetaData = c.Metadata;
if (c.OnBehalfOf != null)
onBehalfOf = c.OnBehalfOf.ToString();
if (c.TransferGroup != null)
transferGroup = c.TransferGroup;
if (c.Description != null)
chargeDescription = c.Description;
if (c.Captured != null)
chargeCaptured = c.Captured.ToString();
if (c.Currency != null)
chargeCurrency = c.Currency;
if (c.StatementDescriptor != null)
chargeStatementDescriptor = c.StatementDescriptor;
var chargeOptions = new StripeChargeCreateOptions();
chargeOptions.CustomerId = i.Id;
chargeOptions.ReceiptEmail = emailReceipt;
chargeOptions.Metadata = chargeMetaData;
chargeOptions.Description = chargeDescription;
chargeOptions.Capture = c.Captured;
chargeOptions.Currency = chargeCurrency;
chargeOptions.Amount = c.Amount;
chargeOptions.StatementDescriptor = chargeStatementDescriptor;
StripeChargeService chargeService = new StripeChargeService(destinationTestKey);
StripeCharge stripeCharge = chargeService.Create(chargeOptions);
catch (Exception ex)
Utility.NotifyDevAdminException("test", ex);
isError = true;
if (isError) continue;
Thank you so much :)
Since we cannot do a Customers.all with this current Stripe API, the solution is to set an empty variable and assign it the last Customer ID in the first set of 100 that we get and continue the query from that last assigned value
var lastId = String.Empty;
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(lastId))
customerItems = customerService.List(
new StripeCustomerListOptions(){ Limit = 100 });
customerItems = customerService.List(
new StripeCustomerListOptions() {
Limit = 100,
StartingAfter = lastId });
lastId = customerItems.LastOrDefault().Id;

How to insert ContentContol in footnote with specific range word.interop

How to go add content control in specific start and end range of footnote? I can add content control in document.range, but I am unable to add in footnote, please help to do this. If anyone reply quickly, I will be proved of you.
public void FindItalicFootnote(String FindText)
foreach (Word.Footnote footNote in Word.Document.Footnotes)
Word.Range RngFind = footNote.Range;
RngFind.Find.Forward = true;
if (RngFind.Find.Execute(FindText))
while (RngFind.Find.Found)
object strtRange = Word.Selection.Range.Start;
object endRange = Word.Selection.Range.End;
string placeHolder = "";
bool findCase = false;
if (Word.Selection.Range.ParentContentControl == null && Word.Selection.Range.ContentControls.Count == 0)
while (Word.Selection.Previous(Unit: Word.WdUnits.wdWord, Count: 1).Font.Italic == -1)
Word.Selection.Previous(Unit: Word.WdUnits.wdWord, Count: 1).Select();
strtRange = Word.Selection.Range.Start;
placeHolder = "{VerifiedBy='Italic'}";
findCase = true;
Word.ContentControl CC = RngFind.ContentControls.Add(Word.WdContentControlType.wdContentControlRichText,
footNote.range(strtRange, endRange));
//my query is, how to say footNote.range(start, end), in main part I wrote as Word.Document.range(startRange, endRange)
CC.Title = "Case Reference";
CC.Tag = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
CC.SetPlaceholderText(Text: placeHolder);

Why ExpenseLineRetList return null

I saw this link and I notice we have the same problem, and his question still didn't answer yet.
Here is the question.
public class ServiceSel
public void GetCheqe()
bool sessionBegun = false;
bool connectionOpen = false;
QBSessionManager rp = null;
rp = new QBSessionManager();
IMsgSetRequest requestMsgSet = rp.CreateMsgSetRequest("US", 8, 0);
requestMsgSet.Attributes.OnError = ENRqOnError.roeContinue;
rp.OpenConnection("Database Path File QuickBooks", "QuickBooks Integration Demo");
connectionOpen = true;
rp.BeginSession("", ENOpenMode.omDontCare);
sessionBegun = true;
ICheckQuery checkQuery = requestMsgSet.AppendCheckQueryRq();
IMsgSetResponse msgSetRs = rp.DoRequests(requestMsgSet);
IResponse response = msgSetRs.ResponseList.GetAt(0);
ICheckRetList checkRetList = (ICheckRetList)response.Detail;
if (checkRetList != null)
for (int i = 0; i < checkRetList.Count; i++)
ICheckRet checkRet = checkRetList.GetAt(i);
//Bank Account On top
string TxnID = checkRet.TxnID.GetValue().ToString(); //Data correct
string TxnNumber = checkRet.TxnNumber.GetValue().ToString(); //Data correct
string Account = checkRet.AccountRef.FullName.GetValue(); //Data correct
string Amount = checkRet.Amount.GetValue().ToString(); //Data correct
if (checkRet.ExpenseLineRetList != null)
Error checkRet.Expense Show null Data But in quickbooks have many data expense in calendar
catch (Exception ex)
//MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error");
if (sessionBegun)
if (connectionOpen)
Why ExpenseLineRetList is null?
A check request will not include the detail lines of the check unless you include it in your query. By adding the IncludeLineItems setting, you'll get access to the Expense or Item lists of the check (a check could have Expense lines, Item lines, or both). You'll want to change to include the following:
ICheckQuery checkQuery = requestMsgSet.AppendCheckQueryRq();
IMsgSetResponse msgSetRs = rp.DoRequests(requestMsgSet);
I would also suggest that you check the response code before trying to get the response detail so you can better handle errors:
IResponse response = msgSetRs.ResponseList.GetAt(0);
if(response.StatusCode != 0)
// There was an error. response.StatusCode has the error number
// response.StatusMessage has the error description.
ICheckRetList checkRetList = (ICheckRetList)response.Detail;

How to properly dispose objects created for Ldap search using ADODB ADsDSObject provider

I am looking for the best way how to lookup LDAP directory for users by given criteria. At the moment the best performance seems to offer usage of ADsDSObject provider. The code will run in ASP.NET web site.
I would like to confirm how to properly dispose the resources. Here is the code used at the moment. Is the code releasing resources correctly or need to be improved?
public static List<LookupValues> FindBy(LdapSearchCriteria criteria)
List<LookupValues> usersMatchingCriteria = new List<LookupValues>();
ADODB.Command adoCommand = new ADODB.Command();
ADODB.Connection adoConnection = new ADODB.Connection();
ADODB.Recordset adoResultSet = new ADODB.Recordset();
adoConnection.ConnectionString = connectionString;
adoCommand.ActiveConnection = adoConnection;
adoCommand.CommandText = BuildSelectStatmentFrom(criteria);
object dummy = Type.Missing;
adoResultSet = adoCommand.Execute(out dummy, ref dummy, 0);
if (adoResultSet != null)
while (adoResultSet.EOF == false)
LookupValues value = new LookupValues();
for (int i = 0; i < adoResultSet.Fields.Count; i++)
switch (adoResultSet.Fields[i].Name)
case "a-foreignGivenName":
value.FirstName = (adoResultSet.Fields[i].Value).ToString();
case "a-foreignSn":
value.LastName = (adoResultSet.Fields[i].Value).ToString();
if (adoResultSet != null)
adoResultSet = null;
if (adoConnection != null)
adoConnection = null;
return usersMatchingCriteria;
I found equivalent and even a bit faster to use classes from System.DirectoryServices.Protocols namespace. Equivalent code using .NET classes
public List<LookupValues> FindBy(LdapSearchCriteria criteria)
List<LookupValues> usersMatchingCriteria = new List<LookupValues>();
NetworkCredential credentials = new NetworkCredential(connectionDetails.UserName, connectionDetails.Password, connectionDetails.Domain);
LdapDirectoryIdentifier directoryIdentifier = new LdapDirectoryIdentifier(connectionDetails.Server, connectionDetails.Port, false, false);
using (LdapConnection connection = CreateConnection(directoryIdentifier))
SearchRequest search = CreateSearchRequest(criteria);
SearchResponse response = connection.SendRequest(search) as SearchResponse;
foreach (SearchResultEntry entry in response.Entries)
LookupValues foundUser = GetUserDetailsFrom(entry);
return usersMatchingCriteria;

ApplicationData.LocalSettings not storing data?

I'm making an app where a use enters values for two times (starthour, startminute, endhour, endminute). I wrote a function that saves the values and then checks for value and puts the values inside the text boxes. However, it isn't working and I'm not sure why. I'm assuming its a mistake on my part, but I'm not exactly sure. Here's the code:
public async Task savedata()
while (true)
var localSettings = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings;
localSettings.Values["starthour1"] = starthour1.Text;
localSettings.Values["starthour2"] = starthour2.Text;
localSettings.Values["starthour3"] = starthour3.Text;
localSettings.Values["starthour4"] = starthour4.Text;
localSettings.Values["starthour5"] = starthour5.Text;
localSettings.Values["starthour6"] = starthour6.Text;
localSettings.Values["starthour7"] = starthour7.Text;
localSettings.Values["startminute1"] = startminute1.Text;
localSettings.Values["startminute2"] = startminute2.Text;
localSettings.Values["startminute3"] = startminute3.Text;
localSettings.Values["startminute4"] = startminute4.Text;
localSettings.Values["startminute5"] = startminute5.Text;
localSettings.Values["startminute6"] = startminute6.Text;
localSettings.Values["startminute7"] = startminute7.Text;
localSettings.Values["endhour1"] = endhour1.Text;
localSettings.Values["endhour2"] = endhour2.Text;
localSettings.Values["endhour3"] = endhour3.Text;
localSettings.Values["endhour4"] = endhour4.Text;
localSettings.Values["endhour5"] = endhour5.Text;
localSettings.Values["endhour6"] = endhour6.Text;
localSettings.Values["endhour7"] = endhour7.Text;
localSettings.Values["endminute1"] = endminute1.Text;
localSettings.Values["endminute2"] = endminute2.Text;
localSettings.Values["endminute3"] = endminute3.Text;
localSettings.Values["endminute4"] = endminute4.Text;
localSettings.Values["endminute5"] = endminute5.Text;
localSettings.Values["endminute6"] = endminute6.Text;
localSettings.Values["endminute7"] = endminute7.Text;
//get data
Object starthour1o = localSettings.Values["starthour1"];
if (starthour1o == null)
// No data
starthour1.Text = starthour1o.ToString();
Object starthour2o = localSettings.Values["starthour2"];
if (starthour2o == null)
// No data
starthour2.Text = starthour2o.ToString();
Object starthour3o = localSettings.Values["starthour3"];
if (starthour3o == null)
// No data
starthour3.Text = starthour3o.ToString();
Object starthour4o = localSettings.Values["starthour4"];
if (starthour4o == null)
// No data
starthour4.Text = starthour4o.ToString();
Object starthour5o = localSettings.Values["starthour5"];
if (starthour5o == null)
// No data
starthour5.Text = starthour5o.ToString();
Object starthour6o = localSettings.Values["starthour6"];
if (starthour6o == null)
// No data
starthour6.Text = starthour6o.ToString();
Object starthour7o = localSettings.Values["starthour7"];
if (starthour7o == null)
// No data
starthour7.Text = starthour7o.ToString();
await Task.Delay(10);
Two things you need to do, first you need to explicitly save your settings for them to be persisted by calling Save(). Somewhere in your code you need to do localSettings.Save() and it should work.
2nd, if you have saved settings the first thing your code does is overwrite them with the current values of the text boxes, the whole top section where it is localSettings.Values["Foo"] = Foo.Text needs to be moved to the bottom.
As a side comment, do you really need to be updating your code every 10 miliseconds? That is going to eat up a TON of resources in your program. A much more normal approach is load the values at start-up then save them at shutdown.

