getting value from elements created dynamically - c#

im working on a project(UWP C sharp) from college..
i need to build library program that manege books and magazines
i have a problem with the edit item page...
iv created method that create elements (text box, datepicker , etc..) dynamically by the type of the item that selected (if the user select book, he'll get the elements for book same for magazines..)
the problem is when im trying to write the event button that take the values from all those elements i cant reach them... cuz they in a method..
(like book.title = textbox.text;)
sorry for my English and Ty for the help:)
private void CreateBtnsByTheTypeOfTheItem(AbstractItem item)
TextBox editTitleTB = new TextBox();
editTitleTB.Text = LibManager.Instance.CurrentItem.Title;
Grid.SetRow(editTitleTB, 0);
CheckBox editIsAvaibleCB = new CheckBox();
editIsAvaibleCB.Content = "Is Avaible";
editIsAvaibleCB.IsChecked = item.isAvaible;
Grid.SetRow(editIsAvaibleCB, 1);
DatePicker editDatePicler = new DatePicker();
editDatePicler.Date = item.PublishDate;
Grid.SetRow(editDatePicler, 3);
if (item is Book)
Book itemAsBook = item as Book;
TextBox editAuthor = new TextBox();
editAuthor.Text = itemAsBook.Author;
Grid.SetRow(editAuthor, 2);
var _enumval = Enum.GetValues(typeof(BookCategory)).Cast<BookCategory>();
ComboBox editCategpryCB = new ComboBox();
editCategpryCB.ItemsSource = _enumval.ToList();
editCategpryCB.SelectedItem = itemAsBook.Category;
Grid.SetRow(editCategpryCB, 4);
Magazine itemAsMagazine = item as Magazine;
TextBox editEditors = new TextBox();
editEditors.Text = itemAsMagazine.Editors;
Grid.SetRow(editEditors, 2);
var _enumval = Enum.GetValues(typeof(MagazineCategory)).Cast<MagazineCategory>();
ComboBox editMagazineCategory = new ComboBox();
editMagazineCategory.ItemsSource = _enumval.ToList();
editMagazineCategory.SelectedItem = itemAsMagazine.Category;
Grid.SetRow(editMagazineCategory, 4);

If you have named each of the dynamically created field you can access them by using the FindName method.
TextBox editTitleTB = new TextBox();
editTitleTB.Name = "TheHobbitTB";
editTitleTB.Text = LibManager.Instance.CurrentItem.Title;
TextBox theHobbitTB = (TextBox)this.FindName("TheHobbitTB");
Then you could essentially edit what ever you want about this specific textbox.


How can I store the values chosen by the user into n DropDown rendered by a SharePoint Web Part?

I am pretty new in .NET* and **SharePoint and I have the following problem.
I am developing a Web Part (into Share Point 2013) that retrieve n SharePoint list (the number of these lists is variable, it is not a fixed number) and use the content of these lists to render n DropDown (the content of these drop down is the content of the related SharePoint list).
So basically into the Page_Load() method of my Web Part I have something like this (it works):
else if (mode != null && mode.Equals("scelta_campi_facoltativi_etichetta"))
SPList listaCampiOpzionaliEtichetta = contextWeb.Lists["ListaCampiOpzionaliEtichetta"];
String tipoDocumentiInternalName = listaCampiOpzionaliEtichetta.Fields["TipoDocumento"].InternalName;
Clausola c = null;
if (tipoDoc.Equals("docEntrata"))
c = new Clausola(Clausola.condizione.Eq, Clausola.tipoCampo.Choice,, "Entrata", tipoDocumentiInternalName);
else if(tipoDoc.Equals("docUscita"))
c = new Clausola(Clausola.condizione.Eq, Clausola.tipoCampo.Choice,, "Uscita", tipoDocumentiInternalName);
string q = Query.creaQueryWhere(c.query);
SPQuery queryQ = new SPQuery();
queryQ.Query = q;
SPListItemCollection etichetteCollection = listaCampiOpzionaliEtichetta.GetItems(queryQ);
Table table = new Table();
table.CellPadding = 2;
table.CellSpacing = 2;
table.Width = Unit.Percentage(100);
foreach (SPListItem item in etichetteCollection)
Debug.WriteLine("etichetta: " + item["NomeLista"] + " URL sito: " + item["UrlSito"]);
SPSite sitoEtichettaCorrente = new SPSite(item["UrlSito"].ToString()); // Top level website of the site collection
SPWeb currentWebSite = sitoEtichettaCorrente.OpenWeb();
//SPList eitchettaCorrenteList = currentWebSite.GetList(item["NomeLista"].ToString());
SPList eitchettaCorrenteList = currentWebSite.Lists[item["NomeLista"].ToString()];
String nomeColonna = item["NomeColonna"].ToString();
String codice = item["Codice"].ToString();
TableRow rigaCorrente = new TableRow();
TableCell cell1Corrente = new TableCell();
TableCell cell2Corrente = new TableCell();
cell1Corrente.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl((String)item["NomeLista"]));
DropDownList dropDownnEtichetta = new DropDownList();
for (int i = 0; i < eitchettaCorrenteList.Items.Count; i++)
dropDownnEtichetta.CssClass = "chosen-select";
dropDownnEtichetta.ClientIDMode = ClientIDMode.Static;
dropDownnEtichetta.ID = (String)item["NomeLista"];
string valoreDaMostrareInternalName = eitchettaCorrenteList.Fields[nomeColonna].InternalName;
string valoreDaStampareInternalName = eitchettaCorrenteList.Fields[codice].InternalName;
string valoreDaMostrare = eitchettaCorrenteList.Items[i].GetFormattedValue(valoreDaMostrareInternalName);
string valoreDaStampare = eitchettaCorrenteList.Items[i].GetFormattedValue(valoreDaStampareInternalName);
dropDownnEtichetta.Items.Add(new ListItem(valoreDaMostrare, valoreDaStampare));
HtmlGenericControl buttondiv = new HtmlGenericControl("div");
Button bottoneConfermaCampiFacoltativiEtichetta = new Button();
bottoneConfermaCampiFacoltativiEtichetta.Text = "Conferma";
bottoneConfermaCampiFacoltativiEtichetta.CssClass = "shiny-blue";
//bottoneConfermaCampiFacoltativiEtichetta.OnClientClick = "return validatePwd();";
//bottoneConfermaCampiFacoltativiEtichetta.Click += ButtonSalva_Click;
buttondiv.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br/>"));
As you can see I am retrieving a list of SharePoint lists. I iterate on each list and I populate the contend of the rendered DropDown with the content of the related current list.
Now my problem is: the user can select a value from these DropDown. I want to store (probably at class level) the values chosen by the user into these dropdown.
What could be a smart strategy to implement this task?

how to add multiple comboboxes to the listbox dynamically in C#

I am trying to add the comboboxes + some text to the list box dynamically in C#
it has to display 2 comboboxes + text, but it is showing only text if i written
and it is showing only one combobox if i written
suggest me how to get back from this problem
foreach(var video in videos)
var subvideos = video.Descendants("subvideos");
if (subvideos.Count() >= 1)
ComboBox subvideo = new ComboBox();
subvideo.Name = "subvideo" + i;
foreach(var videoname in subvideos)
you can add them like this:
var cb = new ComboBox();
var t1 = new TextBlock(){Text = "111"};
var t2 = new TextBlock(){Text = "222"};
var t3 = new TextBlock(){Text = "333"};

Loading data dynamically into the Repeater from code behind file

The question may be a bit long :
I am making an Online Evaluation Portal and there different type of questions in database which needs to be loaded in the web- form. The questions can be Single Answer(radio button) or multi-answer(check box button). So depending upon the type I create the radio button or check box as per requirement and load it in the Repeater during Runtime. The code is as below :
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from tbl_QuestionAnswer", con);
SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (dr.Read())
if ((string)dr["type"] == "SingleAnswer")
RadioButton rAnswer1 = new RadioButton();
rAnswer1.ID = "rbl_Answer1";
rAnswer1.GroupName = "QAnswer1";
rAnswer1.Text = dr["Answer1"].ToString();
Panel PAnswer1 = e.Item.FindControl("PAnswer1") as Panel;
RadioButton rAnswer2 = new RadioButton();
rAnswer2.ID = "rbl_Answer2";
rAnswer2.GroupName = "QAnswer1";
rAnswer2.Text = dr["Answer2"].ToString();
Panel PAnswer2 = e.Item.FindControl("PAnswer2") as Panel;
RadioButton rAnswer3 = new RadioButton();
rAnswer3.ID = "rbl_Answer3";
rAnswer3.GroupName = "QAnswer1";
rAnswer3.Text = dr["Answer3"].ToString();
Panel PAnswer3 = e.Item.FindControl("PAnswer3") as Panel;
RadioButton rAnswer4 = new RadioButton();
rAnswer4.ID = "rbl_Answer4";
rAnswer4.GroupName = "QAnswer1";
rAnswer4.Text = dr["Answer4"].ToString();
Panel PAnswer4 = e.Item.FindControl("PAnswer4") as Panel;
CheckBox cAnswer1 = new CheckBox();
cAnswer1.ID = "chk_Answer1";
cAnswer1.Text = dr["Answer1"].ToString();
Panel PAnswer1 = e.Item.FindControl("PAnswer1") as Panel;
CheckBox cAnswer2 = new CheckBox();
cAnswer2.ID = "chk_Answer2";
cAnswer2.Text = dr["Answer2"].ToString();
Panel PAnswer2 = e.Item.FindControl("PAnswer2") as Panel;
CheckBox cAnswer3 = new CheckBox();
cAnswer3.ID = "chk_Answer3";
cAnswer3.Text = dr["Answer3"].ToString();
Panel PAnswer3 = e.Item.FindControl("PAnswer3") as Panel;
CheckBox cAnswer4 = new CheckBox();
cAnswer4.ID = "chk_Answer4";
cAnswer4.Text = dr["Answer4"].ToString();
Panel PAnswer4 = e.Item.FindControl("PAnswer4") as Panel;
But the problem here is all the answers get loaded in all questions. i.e. from that dr["Answer1"] it takes all the data in the "Answer1" column and then makes a check-box or radio-button. I don't know why that is happening as it should take only onr row at a time and data from that row only.
Also this runs good till 2 questions. After that if I add 3rd question and try to load it, it gives error saying "Multiple controls with the same ID 'rbl_Answer1' were found. FindControl requires that controls have unique IDs.". And this is correct too. So I need a approach to load questions into the web-form dynamically depending on Single answer or multi -asnwer
It's very clear that you may create control with the same id if you have more than one row in your query.
Try to make dynamic field/control and set dynamic ID for those control
while (dr.Read())
if ((string)dr["type"] == "SingleAnswer")
RadioButton rAnswer1 = new RadioButton();
rAnswer1.ID = "rbl_Answer" + dr["AnswerID1"].ToString();
or something like that...

Some error in radio button list in c#

RadioButtonList rad = new RadioButtonList();
rad.ID = "rad" + i.ToString();
lbl.Attributes.Add("runat", "Server");
rad.Style.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.Position, "absolute");
rad.Style[HtmlTextWriterStyle.Top] = top + 20 + "px";
rad.Style[HtmlTextWriterStyle.Left] = "200px";
rad.Attributes.Add("runat", "Server");
For example, I'm creating 10 RadioButtonLists by using code, named rad1 to rad10
I wan get rad(1) to rad(10).selectedItems from users...
rad(i).selectItems gives me an error. I want to get the selected item from rad1 to rad10. Example:
answer1 = rad1.selectItems.tostring();
answer2 = rad2.selectItems.tostring();
answer3 = rad3.selectItems.tostring();
answer4 = rad4.selectItems.tostring();
answer5 = rad5.selectItems.tostring();
answer6 = rad6.selectItems.tostring();
answer7 = rad7.selectItems.tostring();
answer8 = rad8.selectItems.tostring();
answer9 = rad9.selectItems.tostring();
answer10 = rad10.selectItems.tostring();
But I can't even specify rad1.selecteditems, it's giving me an error. it keep saying that rad(i) is not exist in the context
RadioButtonList rad = new RadioButtonList();
You are naming all of your RadioButtonList objects with the same name;
You should create an array or List of RadioButtonLists
You should use following expression to find a dynamic generated control:
RadioButtonList rbl = (RadioButtonList)FindControl("rad1");

Create a Details Form from a GridView c#

Possibly a complex question - but here's hoping
I have a generic data grid on a single form (displays whatever table I want from a dataset) simply by swapping tables in the dataset.
I want to double-click on a given record and display a single-record view of the table data with the currently selected record displayed as default, but with the option to page through and edit/view/delete other records i.e.
I want to automatically create a details view form from a datagrid for a given table at runtime. The form should be dynamically created - displaying the dataset in details view with the option to page through single records using the binding source/binding source navigator.
My goal is to improve efficiency/maintainability of the application - rather than create and manage 10+ forms, I simply want to create and manage I generic details form in the same way as I manage I generic gridview form.
So far I have come up with:
public void CreateDetailsForm(BindingSource bs, int rowClicked)
Form detailsForm = new Form();
BindingSource newFormBS = new BindingSource();
//assign binding source for use on new detailsForm
newFormBS = bs;
//assign binding source to datatable
DataTable dt = (DataTable)bs.DataSource;
//create the form fields
CreateFormFields(dt); //not yet implemented
//assign form fields to form
//display form
Any help on the following appreciated
Generating and assigning the form fields to the form.
Thanks in advance.
it likes:
Form f=new Form();
TextBox t=new TextBox();//generate the controls u need
t.Text = "test";//set the actual value
t.Location=new Point(10,10);
DialogResult dr=f.ShowDialog();
So far I have got the col names generated on the form as follows
List colNames = GetColumnNames(dt);
int offset=25;
int xPos=50;
int yPos = 10;
foreach (string name in colNames)
Label l = new Label();
l.Name = name;
l.Width = 200;
l.Text = name;
TextBox t = new TextBox();
t.Name = name;
l.Location = new Point(xPos, yPos );
t.Location = new Point(xPos+250, yPos);
yPos = yPos + offset;
//TextBox t = new TextBox();//generate the controls u need
//t.Text = "test";//set the actual value
f.Width = 800;
f.Height = 600;
private List<string> GetColumnNames(DataTable table)
List<string> lstColNames=new List<string>();
if (table != null)
(from DataColumn col in table.Columns
select col.ColumnName).ToList();
return lstColNames;
Now trying to work on getting the controls to bind to the binding source!
OK - got it working now - had to take a different approach
Created a single detailsView Form
Created a static class called PassBindingSource with a static property bst for passing binding source from gridview to details form
static class PassBindingSource
public static BindingSource bst { get; set; }
On the detailsView form added the following code
try{ bs.DataSource = PassBindingSource.bst;
DataTable dt = (DataTable)PassBindingSource.bst.DataSource;
List<string> colNames = GetColumnNames(dt);
int offset = 25;
int xPos = 50;
int yPos = 50;
foreach (string name in colNames)
Label l = new Label();
l.Name = name;
l.Width = 200;
l.Text = name;
TextBox t = new TextBox();
t.Name = name;
t.Width = 200;
// BindingOperations.SetBinding(t, t.TextProperty, bs);
//binding operation
t.DataBindings.Add(new Binding("Text", bs, t.Name, true));
l.Location = new Point(xPos, yPos);
t.Location = new Point(xPos + 250, yPos);
yPos = yPos + offset;
// dgDetailsView.DataSource = bs;
//move to correct record in binding source
bs.Position = PassBindingSource.currentRecord;
catch (Exception ex)
private List<string> GetColumnNames(DataTable table)
List<string> lstColNames=new List<string>();
if (table != null)
(from DataColumn col in table.Columns
select col.ColumnName).ToList();
return lstColNames;
Now it all works - the detailsView controls generated at run-time wired up correctly to the binding source and the datagrid can call this detailsView any time using any table from the dataset by wiring the double-click event of the gridview with the following code
PassBindingSource.bst= bs;
frmDetailsView nf = new frmDetailsView();
Hope this helps others. Many thanks to User2354374 for the initial steer.

