First of all Thanks for your Time! I hope you can help me =/
I have a MenuStrip where i want to add items dynamically.
What i want to do :
If a Partent with exactly the same name already exists the Childs should be add to this parent instead creating a new Parent(MenuStripItem) with the same name.
My Code does currently checks if the parent already exists (which works fine) but the problem is i cant get the reference to this parent -> firstItem=var doesnt work -> cant convert ToolStripItem to ToolStripMenuItem... and changing the "firstItem" to ToolStripItem gives me an Error because i cant use "firstItem.DropDownItems.Add(withChild);" anymore to add a Child later on...
private void AddNewMenuStrips(string [,] NewMenuStripInfo)
ToolStripMenuItem firstItem;
bool alreadyexists = false;
string someItem = "Settings"; // the parent im looking for
var items = menuStrip2.Items.Find(someItem+"ToolStripMenuItem",false); //here it checks if parent already exists. Which Works but i cant get the reference of the parent to "firstItem"
foreach (var item in items)
firstItem = var; // ERROR cant convert ToolStripItem to ToolStripMenuItem
if (alreadyexists == false) { firstItem = new ToolStripMenuItem(someItem); }
THANKS in advance!
ToolStripMenuItem is a class which represents top level menu items and derives (not directly) from ToolStripItem.
Therefore to retrieve the parent menu item you can use a cast:
foreach (var item in parents)
MessageBox.Show("FOUND" + item.Name);
firstItem = item as ToolStripMenuItem;
alreadyexists = true;
// break;
I have a menu structure as seen in picture below:
I want to add images to all submenu-items under the controllerToolStripMenuItem, ie openToolStripMenuItem, openInNewWindowToolStripMenuItem... ImageList contains my images to use and menuStrip1 gets a reference to the list of images :
menuStrip1.ImageList = ImageList;
Test code:
private void LoadSubMenuIcons()
menuStrip1.ImageList = ImageList;
//Just for test:
controllerToolStripMenuItem.ImageIndex = 2;
ToolStrip firstLevelParent = controllerToolStripMenuItem.GetCurrentParent();
//firstLevelParent.ImageList is of type MenuStrip
//firstLevelParent.ImageList equals ImageList set above
foreach (ToolStripItem subMenuItem in controllerToolStripMenuItem.DropDownItems)
if (subMenuItem is ToolStripMenuItem)
subMenuItem.ImageIndex = 2;
ToolStrip secondLevelParent = subMenuItem.GetCurrentParent();
//secondLevelParent is of type ToolStripDropDownMenu
//secondLevelParent.ImageList is null
In the example code above I try to add the image with index 2 to all submenu-items. This doesn't work! It might have to do with the fact that their parent is of type ToolStripDropDownMenu and its ImageList-property is null? The middle level item, controllerToolStripMenuItem, on the other hand shows the image correctly. Its parent is menuStrip1 which has a valid refrence to my imagelist. How do I solve the problem with the submenu-items?
I need to find all TextBox(es) that are on a UWP Page but having no luck. I thought it would be a simple foreach on Page.Controls but this does not exist.
Using DEBUG I am able to see, for example, a Grid. But I have to first cast the Page.Content to Grid before I can see the Children collection. I do not want to do this as it may not be a Grid at the root of the page.
Thank you in advance.
UPDATE: This is not the same as 'Find all controls in WPF Window by type'. That is WPF. This is UWP. They are different.
You're almost there! Cast the Page.Content to UIElementCollection, that way you can get the Children collection and be generic.
You'll have to make your method recurse and look either for Content property if element is a UIElement or Children if element is UIElementCollection.
Here's an example:
void FindTextBoxex(object uiElement, IList<TextBox> foundOnes)
if (uiElement is TextBox)
else if (uiElement is Panel)
var uiElementAsCollection = (Panel)uiElement;
foreach (var element in uiElementAsCollection.Children)
FindTextBoxex(element, foundOnes);
else if (uiElement is UserControl)
var uiElementAsUserControl = (UserControl)uiElement;
FindTextBoxex(uiElementAsUserControl.Content, foundOnes);
else if (uiElement is ContentControl)
var uiElementAsContentControl = (ContentControl)uiElement;
FindTextBoxex(uiElementAsContentControl.Content, foundOnes);
else if (uiElement is Decorator)
var uiElementAsBorder = (Decorator)uiElement;
FindTextBoxex(uiElementAsBorder.Child, foundOnes);
Then you call that method with:
var tb = new List<TextBox>();
FindTextBoxex(this, tb);
// now you got your textboxes in tb!
You can also use the following generic method from the VisualTreeHelper documentation to get all your child controls of a given type:
internal static void FindChildren<T>(List<T> results, DependencyObject startNode)
where T : DependencyObject
int count = VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(startNode);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
DependencyObject current = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(startNode, i);
if ((current.GetType()).Equals(typeof(T)) || (current.GetType().GetTypeInfo().IsSubclassOf(typeof(T))))
T asType = (T)current;
FindChildren<T>(results, current);
It basically recursively get the children for the current item and add any item matching the requested type to the provided list.
Then, you just have to do the following somewhere to get your elements:
var allTextBoxes = new List<TextBox>();
FindChildren(allTextBoxes, this);
To my mind, you could do it in the same way as in WPF. Because UWP uses mostly the same XAML that WPF.
So, please check out answer for the same question about WPF
Please forgive me for such a stupid question. I am sure many of you will find this easy, where I have sent almost half the day reading trying to figure this out.
Here is the problem:
I have a FORM (Form1.cs) made. In that form I created a listview, and named it "ListView1".
Within the Form1.cs, I call a function called FileManager(this), where I pass in the THIS object.
In FileManager.cs I was able to listviewArray= originalForm.Controls.Find("listView1", true) and find that 'listview'.
When I do a listviewArray[0]<-- I can't seem to add a list to it.
FileManager(object sender)
if (sender != null)
originalForm = (Form)sender;
public void getFiles()
filePaths = Directory.GetFiles(hsocDir);
if(filePaths != null)
listviewArray= originalForm.Controls.Find("listView1", true);
if(listviewArray != null)
ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem("text");
// My Array is listViewArray
// How to add things to Lvi to it.
== Form1.cs
public Form1()
InitializeComponent(`enter code here`);
mysql = new MySQLCheck(this);
fileManager = new FileManager(this);
You can't access element 0 of the collection because the collection is empty. To add an item, use:
You need to modify the Items collection instead of the ListView itself for this to work, as ListView is not a collection (its a control).
Also in your listview,setting this properties will help :
// Set the view to show details.
listViewArray.View = View.Details;
// Select the item and subitems when selection is made.
listViewArray.FullRowSelect = true;
// Display grid lines.
listViewArray.GridLines = true;
I tried to manage on how to prevent double entries in ListView Item in C#. All of them didn't work for me.
I try to based the source code of Ahmad Mageed and I was confused of his trappings.
I based his source code to my project
ListViewItem item = ListView1.FindItemWithText(txtPLU.Text);
if (item != null)
MessageBox.Show("Item is already been exist!"); //Result if the item has exist in the listview item.
addToList(); //Its a method to add the product items in the ListViewItem.
The Behaviour of the runtime is that it only add an item.
Sorry if this is kinda confusing for all of you. I just to trap if the item is already exist in the listview item.
The ListView.ListViewItemCollection has 2 methods that can be used to find if an item is contained in the collection.
The Contains and ContainsKey method.
ListViewItem _item = new ListViewItem();
if (!listView1.Items.Contains(_item))
// TODO: Add to list.
// Already exists.
I've a common ContextMenuStrip for every workspace control of my application.
This ContextMenuStrip contains 4 Items ("Move front", "Move back", and "Delete control").
Now I want to extend it for one control.
There's a DataGridView on this control and I want an additional item to delete the selected DataGridViewRow.
This is the code I tried:
private void extendContextMenuOfDataGridViewRow (DataGridViewRow row) {
ContextMenuStrip ctx = new ContextMenuStrip();
foreach (ToolStripMenuItem item in this.ContextMenuStrip.Items) {
ctx.Items.Add(new ToolStripSeparator());
ToolStripMenuItem ctxDeleteRow = new ToolStripMenuItem("Delete row");
ctxDeleteRow.Name = "ctxDeleteRow";
ctxDeleteRow.Click += new EventHandler(ctxDeleteRow_Click);
row.ContextMenuStrip = ctx;
After the first item of the foreach loop was added to ctx.Items the debugger leaves the whole method and the first item is missing at the common ContextMenuStrip.
How do I do that right?
If you want to extend functionally of some control, you can either
a) create an extension method
public void DoSomething(this MyExtendedControl mec, DataGridViewRow row)
b) create a new class inheriting from your unsatisfactory control (or even create a completely new control), when you can override/add things as needed
Depends on your specific needs, couldn't understand from your description...
I haven't worked with WinForms for ages, but are you sure that you can keep the same Row object assigned to two different Strips at once?
foreach (ToolStripMenuItem item in this.ContextMenuStrip.Items) {
I seriously doubt this should work by design because a row has to “talk” to its parent, and by adding it to another strip I'm afraid you're re-assigning the parent.
Instead, I would have added an item to the common menu but with its Visible property to false.
Then I would catch the menu opening event and make item visible if target is a DataGridViewRow.