How to write a simple testing case using XUnit? - c#

Totally new to testing, I have a controller like this:
public class CheckRegController : Controller
private readonly ApplicationDbContext _context;
private readonly AppSettings _appSettings;
public CheckRegController(ApplicationDbContext context, IOptions<AppSettings> appSettings)
_context = context;
_appSettings = appSettings.Value;
public IActionResult Get(string var1, int numberusers)
Now I have added a test project in which I am trying to use XUnit and Moq. I just wanted to create an object of controller like I have done in a very simple project, but it doesn't work in this.When I tried:
CheckRegController cr = new CheckRegController();
It says:
There is no argument given that corresponds to the required formal
parameter 'context' of
IOptions)' XUnitTestProjectOA
Then I tried:
var moqHome = new Mock<ApplicationDbContext>();
but I don't know is it right or not OR what I need to do ahead?
How to pass _context and _appsettings ??

You were on the right track. Mock the dependencies and inject them into the subject under test.
var dbmock = new Mock<ApplicationDbContext>();
//...setup dbmock as needed to exercise test
var options = new Mock<IOption<AppSetting>();
var appSetting = new AppSetting {
//...populate appSetting as needed to exercise test
options.Setup(_ => _.Value).Returns(appSetting);
var sut = new CheckRegController(dbMock.Object, options.Object);
var var1 = "testing";
var numberusers = 2;
var actual = sut.Get(var1,numberusers)
//...assert expected behavior to actual.
I would also suggest abstracting away the context to also make the controller more maintainable.


Mock IHttpContextAccessor for local testing [duplicate]

I have a method to get header value using IHttpContextAccessor
public class HeaderConfiguration : IHeaderConfiguration
public HeaderConfiguration()
public string GetTenantId(IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor)
return httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Request.Headers["Tenant-ID"].ToString();
I am testing GetBookByBookId method
Let's say the method looks like this:
public class Book
private readonly IHttpContextAccessor _httpContextAccessor;
private IHeaderConfiguration _headerConfiguration;
private string _tenantID;
public Book(IHeaderConfiguration headerConfiguration, IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor){
var headerConfig = new HeaderConfiguration();
_httpContextAccessor = httpContextAccessor;
_tenantID = headerConfig.GetTenantId(_httpContextAccessor);
public Task<List<BookModel>> GetBookByBookId(string id){
//do something with the _tenantId
Here's my unit test for GetBookByBookId method
public void test_GetBookByBookId()
//Mock IHttpContextAccessor
var mockHttpContextAccessor = new Mock<IHttpContextAccessor>();
mockHttpContextAccessor.Setup(req => req.HttpContext.Request.Headers["Tenant-ID"].ToString()).Returns(It.IsAny<string>());
//Mock HeaderConfiguration
var mockHeaderConfiguration = new Mock<IHeaderConfiguration>();
mockHeaderConfiguration.Setup(x => x.GetTenantId(mockHttpContextAccessor.Object)).Returns(It.IsAny<string>());
var book = new Book( mockHttpContextAccessor.Object, mockHeaderConfiguration.Object);
var bookId = "100";
var result = book.GetBookByBookId(bookId);
But for this line:
mockHttpContextAccessor.Setup(req => req.HttpContext.Request.Headers["Tenant-ID"].ToString()).Returns(It.IsAny<string>());
It says
System.NotSupportedException: 'Type to mock must be an interface or an abstract or non-sealed class. '
I was wondering what's the proper way to mock IHttpContextAccessor with header value?
You can use the DefaultHttpContext as a backing for the IHttpContextAccessor.HttpContext. Saves you having to set-up too many things
Next you cannot use It.IsAny<string>() as a Returns result. They were meant to be used in the set up expressions alone.
Check the refactor
public async Task test_GetBookByBookId() {
//Mock IHttpContextAccessor
var mockHttpContextAccessor = new Mock<IHttpContextAccessor>();
var context = new DefaultHttpContext();
var fakeTenantId = "abcd";
context.Request.Headers["Tenant-ID"] = fakeTenantId;
mockHttpContextAccessor.Setup(_ => _.HttpContext).Returns(context);
//Mock HeaderConfiguration
var mockHeaderConfiguration = new Mock<IHeaderConfiguration>();
.Setup(_ => _.GetTenantId(It.IsAny<IHttpContextAccessor>()))
var book = new Book(mockHttpContextAccessor.Object, mockHeaderConfiguration.Object);
var bookId = "100";
var result = await book.GetBookByBookId(bookId);
There may also be an issue with the Class Under Test as it is manually initializing the HeaderConfiguration when it should actually be explicitly injected.
public Book(IHeaderConfiguration headerConfiguration, IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor) {
_httpContextAccessor = httpContextAccessor;
_tenantID = headerConfiguration.GetTenantId(_httpContextAccessor);
In my scenario I had to mock IHttpContextAccessor and access the inner request url bits.
I'm sharing it here because I spent a decent amount of time figuring this out and hopefully it'll help someone.
readonly Mock<IHttpContextAccessor> _HttpContextAccessor =
new Mock<IHttpContextAccessor>(MockBehavior.Strict);
void SetupHttpContextAccessorWithUrl(string currentUrl)
var httpContext = new DefaultHttpContext();
setRequestUrl(httpContext.Request, currentUrl);
.SetupGet(accessor => accessor.HttpContext)
static void setRequestUrl(HttpRequest httpRequest, string url)
.FromAbsolute(url, out var scheme, out var host, out var path, out var query,
fragment: out var _);
httpRequest.Scheme = scheme;
httpRequest.Host = host;
httpRequest.Path = path;
httpRequest.QueryString = query;
If you are making use of the wonderful NSubstitute package for NUnit, you can do this...
var mockHttpAccessor = Substitute.For<IHttpContextAccessor>();
var context = new DefaultHttpContext
Connection =
Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
// usage...

Mock IHttpContextAccessor in Unit Tests

I have a method to get header value using IHttpContextAccessor
public class HeaderConfiguration : IHeaderConfiguration
public HeaderConfiguration()
public string GetTenantId(IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor)
return httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Request.Headers["Tenant-ID"].ToString();
I am testing GetBookByBookId method
Let's say the method looks like this:
public class Book
private readonly IHttpContextAccessor _httpContextAccessor;
private IHeaderConfiguration _headerConfiguration;
private string _tenantID;
public Book(IHeaderConfiguration headerConfiguration, IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor){
var headerConfig = new HeaderConfiguration();
_httpContextAccessor = httpContextAccessor;
_tenantID = headerConfig.GetTenantId(_httpContextAccessor);
public Task<List<BookModel>> GetBookByBookId(string id){
//do something with the _tenantId
Here's my unit test for GetBookByBookId method
public void test_GetBookByBookId()
//Mock IHttpContextAccessor
var mockHttpContextAccessor = new Mock<IHttpContextAccessor>();
mockHttpContextAccessor.Setup(req => req.HttpContext.Request.Headers["Tenant-ID"].ToString()).Returns(It.IsAny<string>());
//Mock HeaderConfiguration
var mockHeaderConfiguration = new Mock<IHeaderConfiguration>();
mockHeaderConfiguration.Setup(x => x.GetTenantId(mockHttpContextAccessor.Object)).Returns(It.IsAny<string>());
var book = new Book( mockHttpContextAccessor.Object, mockHeaderConfiguration.Object);
var bookId = "100";
var result = book.GetBookByBookId(bookId);
But for this line:
mockHttpContextAccessor.Setup(req => req.HttpContext.Request.Headers["Tenant-ID"].ToString()).Returns(It.IsAny<string>());
It says
System.NotSupportedException: 'Type to mock must be an interface or an abstract or non-sealed class. '
I was wondering what's the proper way to mock IHttpContextAccessor with header value?
You can use the DefaultHttpContext as a backing for the IHttpContextAccessor.HttpContext. Saves you having to set-up too many things
Next you cannot use It.IsAny<string>() as a Returns result. They were meant to be used in the set up expressions alone.
Check the refactor
public async Task test_GetBookByBookId() {
//Mock IHttpContextAccessor
var mockHttpContextAccessor = new Mock<IHttpContextAccessor>();
var context = new DefaultHttpContext();
var fakeTenantId = "abcd";
context.Request.Headers["Tenant-ID"] = fakeTenantId;
mockHttpContextAccessor.Setup(_ => _.HttpContext).Returns(context);
//Mock HeaderConfiguration
var mockHeaderConfiguration = new Mock<IHeaderConfiguration>();
.Setup(_ => _.GetTenantId(It.IsAny<IHttpContextAccessor>()))
var book = new Book(mockHttpContextAccessor.Object, mockHeaderConfiguration.Object);
var bookId = "100";
var result = await book.GetBookByBookId(bookId);
There may also be an issue with the Class Under Test as it is manually initializing the HeaderConfiguration when it should actually be explicitly injected.
public Book(IHeaderConfiguration headerConfiguration, IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor) {
_httpContextAccessor = httpContextAccessor;
_tenantID = headerConfiguration.GetTenantId(_httpContextAccessor);
In my scenario I had to mock IHttpContextAccessor and access the inner request url bits.
I'm sharing it here because I spent a decent amount of time figuring this out and hopefully it'll help someone.
readonly Mock<IHttpContextAccessor> _HttpContextAccessor =
new Mock<IHttpContextAccessor>(MockBehavior.Strict);
void SetupHttpContextAccessorWithUrl(string currentUrl)
var httpContext = new DefaultHttpContext();
setRequestUrl(httpContext.Request, currentUrl);
.SetupGet(accessor => accessor.HttpContext)
static void setRequestUrl(HttpRequest httpRequest, string url)
.FromAbsolute(url, out var scheme, out var host, out var path, out var query,
fragment: out var _);
httpRequest.Scheme = scheme;
httpRequest.Host = host;
httpRequest.Path = path;
httpRequest.QueryString = query;
If you are making use of the wonderful NSubstitute package for NUnit, you can do this...
var mockHttpAccessor = Substitute.For<IHttpContextAccessor>();
var context = new DefaultHttpContext
Connection =
Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
// usage...

How to mock UserManager in .Net Core testing?

I have following code. Im trying to running a test case for create user.Following is what i have tried so far.
public class CreateUserCommandHandlerTest
private Mock<UserManager<ApplicationUser>> _userManager;
private CreateUserCommandHandler _systemUnderTest;
public CreateUserCommandHandlerTest()
_userManager = MockUserManager.GetUserManager<ApplicationUser>();
var user = new ApplicationUser() { UserName = "ancon1", Email = "", RoleType = RoleTypes.Anonymous };
.Setup(u => u.CreateAsync(user, "ancon2")).ReturnsAsync(IdentityResult.Success);
_systemUnderTest = new CreateUserCommandHandler(_userManager.Object);
public async void Handle_GivenValidInput_ReturnsCreatedResponse()
var command = new CreateUserCommand { Username = "ancon1", Email = "", Password = "ancon2", RoleType = RoleTypes.Anonymous };
var result = await _systemUnderTest.Handle(command, default(CancellationToken));
My User manager is here:
public static class MockUserManager
public static Mock<UserManager<TUser>> GetUserManager<TUser>()
where TUser : class
var store = new Mock<IUserStore<TUser>>();
var passwordHasher = new Mock<IPasswordHasher<TUser>>();
IList<IUserValidator<TUser>> userValidators = new List<IUserValidator<TUser>>
new UserValidator<TUser>()
IList<IPasswordValidator<TUser>> passwordValidators = new List<IPasswordValidator<TUser>>
new PasswordValidator<TUser>()
userValidators.Add(new UserValidator<TUser>());
passwordValidators.Add(new PasswordValidator<TUser>());
var userManager = new Mock<UserManager<TUser>>(store.Object, null, passwordHasher.Object, userValidators, passwordValidators, null, null, null, null);
return userManager;
and my Command handler is this:
public class CreateUserCommandHandler : IRequestHandler<CreateUserCommand, BaseCommandResponse>
private readonly UserManager<ApplicationUser> _userManager;
public CreateUserCommandHandler(UserManager<ApplicationUser> userManager)
_userManager = userManager;
public async Task<BaseCommandResponse> Handle(CreateUserCommand createUserCommand, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var user = new ApplicationUser { UserName = createUserCommand.Username, Email = createUserCommand.Email, RoleType = createUserCommand.RoleType };
var result = await _userManager.CreateAsync(user, createUserCommand.Password);
if (result.Succeeded)
return new CreatedResponse();
ErrorResponse errorResponse = new ErrorResponse(result.Errors.Select(e => e.Description).First());
return errorResponse;
when i'm running my test it fails and saying Object reference not set to an instant of an object.
What am i doing wrong here??
I know this is months old but I keep getting back to this thread. I will extend my own answer on this topic because just pointing to Haok's GitHub example is like saying: "Read a book" as it is huge. It does not pinpoint the issue and what you need to do. You need to isolate a Mock object, but not only that but also you need to 'Setup' the method for 'CreateAsync'. So let's put this in three parts:
You need to MOCK if you are using MOQ or a similar framework to make a mocked up creation of the UserManager.
You need to Setup the methods of UserManager you expect to get results back from.
Optionally you would want to inject some generic list from a mocked Entity Framework Core 2.1 or similar so that you can actually see that a list of IDentity Users actually increases or decreases. Not just that UserManager succeeded and nothing else
So say I have a helper method for returning a Mocked UserManager. Which is just slightly altered from the Haok code:
public static Mock<UserManager<TUser>> MockUserManager<TUser>(List<TUser> ls) where TUser : class
var store = new Mock<IUserStore<TUser>>();
var mgr = new Mock<UserManager<TUser>>(store.Object, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
mgr.Object.UserValidators.Add(new UserValidator<TUser>());
mgr.Object.PasswordValidators.Add(new PasswordValidator<TUser>());
mgr.Setup(x => x.DeleteAsync(It.IsAny<TUser>())).ReturnsAsync(IdentityResult.Success);
mgr.Setup(x => x.CreateAsync(It.IsAny<TUser>(), It.IsAny<string>())).ReturnsAsync(IdentityResult.Success).Callback<TUser, string>((x, y) => ls.Add(x));
mgr.Setup(x => x.UpdateAsync(It.IsAny<TUser>())).ReturnsAsync(IdentityResult.Success);
return mgr;
What is key to this is I am injecting a generic 'TUser' that is what I will be testing as well injecting a list of this. Similar to my example of:
private List<ApplicationUser> _users = new List<ApplicationUser>
new ApplicationUser("User1", "") { Id = 1 },
new ApplicationUser("User2", "") { Id = 2 }
private _userManager = MockUserManager<ApplicationUser>(_users).Object;
Then finally I am testing a pattern with a repository similar to this implementation I want to test:
public async Task<int> CreateUser(ApplicationUser user, string password) => (await _userManager.CreateAsync(user, password)).Succeeded ? user.Id : -1;
I test it like this:
public async Task CreateAUser()
var newUser = new ApplicationUser("NewUser", "");
var password = "P#ssw0rd!";
var result = await CreateUser(newUser, password);
Assert.Equal(3, _users.Count);
The key to what I did is that not only did I 'Setup' the CreateAsync but I provided a callback so I can actually see my list I inject get incremented. Hope this helps someone.
aspnet/Identity is opensource so what you can do is see how they mock it themselves.
Here's how they do it: MockHelpers.cs
public static UserManager<TUser> TestUserManager<TUser>(IUserStore<TUser> store = null) where TUser : class
store = store ?? new Mock<IUserStore<TUser>>().Object;
var options = new Mock<IOptions<IdentityOptions>>();
var idOptions = new IdentityOptions();
idOptions.Lockout.AllowedForNewUsers = false;
options.Setup(o => o.Value).Returns(idOptions);
var userValidators = new List<IUserValidator<TUser>>();
var validator = new Mock<IUserValidator<TUser>>();
var pwdValidators = new List<PasswordValidator<TUser>>();
pwdValidators.Add(new PasswordValidator<TUser>());
var userManager = new UserManager<TUser>(store, options.Object, new PasswordHasher<TUser>(),
userValidators, pwdValidators, new UpperInvariantLookupNormalizer(),
new IdentityErrorDescriber(), null,
new Mock<ILogger<UserManager<TUser>>>().Object);
validator.Setup(v => v.ValidateAsync(userManager, It.IsAny<TUser>()))
return userManager;
In .NetCore 2.2 you have to do it slightly different. Treat it like an update to #Nick Chapsas answer.
First of all, you have to use IUserPasswordStore instead of IUserStore. IUserPasswordStore inherits IUserStore, but UserManager would like to get IUserPasswordStore. In other way, some things won't work.
If you want to test real behaviour of UserManager (for example CreateUserAsync), you can use real implementations of UserValidator and PasswordValidator. You may want to just to be sure that your method reacts how it supposed to for CreateUser errors.
This is my updated example:
UserManager<TUser> CreateUserManager() where TUser : class
Mock<IUserPasswordStore<TUser>> userPasswordStore = new Mock<IUserPasswordStore<TUser>>();
userPasswordStore.Setup(s => s.CreateAsync(It.IsAny<TUser>(), It.IsAny<CancellationToken>()))
var options = new Mock<IOptions<IdentityOptions>>();
var idOptions = new IdentityOptions();
//this should be keep in sync with settings in ConfigureIdentity in WebApi -> Startup.cs
idOptions.Lockout.AllowedForNewUsers = false;
idOptions.Password.RequireDigit = true;
idOptions.Password.RequireLowercase = true;
idOptions.Password.RequireNonAlphanumeric = true;
idOptions.Password.RequireUppercase = true;
idOptions.Password.RequiredLength = 8;
idOptions.Password.RequiredUniqueChars = 1;
idOptions.SignIn.RequireConfirmedEmail = false;
// Lockout settings.
idOptions.Lockout.DefaultLockoutTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5);
idOptions.Lockout.MaxFailedAccessAttempts = 5;
idOptions.Lockout.AllowedForNewUsers = true;
options.Setup(o => o.Value).Returns(idOptions);
var userValidators = new List<IUserValidator<TUser>>();
UserValidator<TUser> validator = new UserValidator<TUser>();
var passValidator = new PasswordValidator<TUser>();
var pwdValidators = new List<IPasswordValidator<TUser>>();
var userManager = new UserManager<TUser>(userPasswordStore.Object, options.Object, new PasswordHasher<TUser>(),
userValidators, pwdValidators, new UpperInvariantLookupNormalizer(),
new IdentityErrorDescriber(), null,
new Mock<ILogger<UserManager<TUser>>>().Object);
return userManager;
Notice that UserPasswordStore has a method (CreateAsync) that should be mocked if you want to test CreateAsync from UserManager.
Password and Lockout settings are taken from my project. They should be kept in sync with your settings, so that you can test the real thing.
Of course you don't test for example PasswordValidator, but you can test your methods, for example:
//Part of user service
public async Task<IdentityResult> Register(UserDto data)
SystemUser user = ConvertDtoToUser(data);
IdentityResult result = userManager.CreateAsync(user, data.Password);
//some more code that is dependent on the result

Owin hosted webapi 2.2. testing controller with mocked service

I have webapi which for testing purposes I am hosting in owin. I have set it up using autofac. now when I am testing I want to inject moq dependencies. which I am not able to so far. I have read the documentation and did bit of research but I am missing something.
here is the testing code.
public void Request_all_airports()
const int port = 8086;
AirportCollection moqAirportCollection = new AirportCollection();
moqAirportCollection.Airports = new List<Airport>{new Airport{IATA = "moq",Name = "moqName"}};
using (WebApp.Start<Startup>("http://localhost:" + port))
using (var mock = AutoMock.GetLoose())
var moqObj = mock.Mock<IAirportService>().Setup(x => x.GetAirports()).Returns(moqAirportCollection);
var client = new HttpClient {BaseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:" + port)};
var response = client.GetAsync("/api/airport/get").Result;
var body = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
var airportCollection = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<AirportCollection>(body);
Please have a look. let me know what I am missing. if you want to look at controller code or any other piece do let me know .
here is code for startup
public class Startup
public static IContainer container { get; set; }
public void Configuration(IAppBuilder appBuilder)
var httpConfig = new HttpConfiguration();
container = AutofacSetup.Register(httpConfig);
I think so I have solved it with help from people. here is my code.
var moq = new Mock<IAirportService>();
moq.Setup(x => x.GetAirports()).Returns(moqAirportCollection);
I havnt rebuild the contrain i just updated it. autofac have behavior to use latest registration so it will use mocked on here.
You are almost there.
In your test you need to register your mock service with your autofac container so that dependencies on IAirportService are resolved with the mock in the application.
One way to achieve this is override the Startup class' Configuration method for each test and put your test DI in there. I've put some comments below to show changes that can be made:
public class Startup
public static IContainer container { get; set; }
// make this virtual
public virtual void Configuration(IAppBuilder appBuilder)
var httpConfig = new HttpConfiguration();
// have this return the ContainerBuilder instead of the container
var builder = AutofacSetup.Register(httpConfig)
container = builder.Build();
Then in your test class, derive from the Startup class and put your test logic in. Something like this:
public class MyTestCase {
public static Mock<IAirportService> MockObj { get; set; }
private class TestStartup : Startup {
public override void Configuration(IAppBuilder app) {
var httpConfig = new HttpConfiguration();
// this now returns ContainerBuilder instead of the container
var builder = AutofacSetup.Register(httpConfig)
// register your mock, change this to whatever lifetime scope you need
var moqAirportCollection = new AirportCollection();
moqAirportCollection.Airports = new List<Airport>{new Airport{IATA = "moq",Name = "moqName"}};
var mock = AutoMock.GetLoose()
MockObj = mock.Mock<IAirportService>()
.Setup(x => x.GetAirports())
var moqObj = MockObj.Object;
container = builder.Build();
public void Request_all_airports()
using (var server = WebApp.Start<Startup>())
var response =
var body = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<AirportCollection>(body);
// assert something
A unit test should test a single component. In your case, you are trying to test the AirportController through a HTTP query, not the AirportController as a standalone component.
The AirportController class depends on a IAirportService component. In order to test the component without any dependency you created a moq on IAirportService. Now you can instantiate a new AirportController with this moq and run your test using this instance.
If you have a AirportController like this
public class AirportController
public AirportController(IAirportService airportService) { /* ... */}
The AirportController test should be like this :
public void Request_all_airports()
AirportCollection moqAirportCollection = new AirportCollection();
var moqAirPort = new Airport{ IATA = "moq",Name = "moqName" };
moqAirportCollection.Airports = new List<Airport>{ moqAirPort };
using (var mock = AutoMock.GetLoose())
var moqAirportService = mock.Mock<IAirportService>()
.Setup(x => x.GetAirports())
var testedAirportController = new AirportController(moqAirportService);
AirportCollection airportCollection = testedAirportController.Get();
Assert.AreEquals(1, airportCollection.Length, "Invalid number of airport");
Assert.AreEquals(moqAirPort.Name, airportCollection[0].Name, "Invalid name");

AutoFixture with AutoMoq and concrete object injection

I'm facing a strange problem related to AutoFixture and AutoMoqCustomization and how it deals with automocking of concrete classes. I suspect that I'm not using it very well but would like to know what's the problem. First of all her's some context. Let's say I have a class that I want to test :
public class IdentityApplicationService
public IdentityApplicationService(
TenantProvisioningService tenantProvisioningService)
// guard clause etc.
_tenantProvisioningService = tenantProvisioningService;
and its dependency class TenantProvisioningService (TenantProvisioningService's dependencies are not relevant here because they will be auto mocked and I don't care about in my test):
public class TenantProvisioningService
readonly IRoleRepository _roleRepository;
readonly ITenantRepository _tenantRepository;
readonly IUserRepository _userRepository;
public TenantProvisioningService(
ITenantRepository tenantRepository,
IUserRepository userRepository,
IRoleRepository roleRepository)
this._roleRepository = roleRepository;
this._tenantRepository = tenantRepository;
this._userRepository = userRepository;
and here's my simple test :
public void ShouldReturnTenantWhenCallingProvisionTenant()
var fixture = new Fixture().Customize(new AutoMoqCustomization());
var mockTenantProvisioningService =
var sut = fixture.Create<IdentityApplicationService>();
var command = new ProvisionTenantCommand(
"bla SaaS platform",
var tenant = sut.ProvisionTenant(command);
// some asserts
This doesn't work because when I call fixture.Create<IdentityApplicationService>() then in it's constructor a concrete TenantProvisioningService is injected instead of a proxied one that you can find in mockTenantProvisioningService.Object.
If I rewrite the test like this (note the fixture inject line) everything works as expected (by me at least :))
public void ShouldReturnTenantWhenCallingProvisionTenant()
var fixture = new Fixture().Customize(new AutoMoqCustomization());
var mockTenantProvisioningService =
var sut = fixture.Create<IdentityApplicationService>();
var command = new ProvisionTenantCommand(
"bla SaaS platform",
var tenant = sut.ProvisionTenant(command);
// some asserts
So my question is : Am I doing it wrong or is it the way it should be? If not please give me the explanation why AutoFixture is behaving like this.
As Mark Seemann points out, this is the expected behaviour.
Below is the code from the original post updated to work with the current version of AutoFixture:
Func<ISpecimenBuilder, bool> concreteFilter =
sb => !(sb is MethodInvoker);
var relays = new FilteringRelays(concreteFilter);
var fixture = new Fixture(relays).Customize(
new AutoMoqCustomization(
new MockRelay(
new TrueRequestSpecification())));
The FilteringRelays class remains the same.

