How to Send sellect all command by ui automation c# - c#

We are working on UI Automation for the third party software. And we are firing button by the invoke method.
AutomationElement appElement = rootElement.FindFirst(TreeScope.Children, condition);
AutomationElement Addbutton = GetElementByNameProperty(appElement, "Add");
if (Addbutton != null)
Now i want to fire select all or (ctrl+A) command for selecting the element of the third party software. How to possible by UI automation?
Can I fire command of some menu? for example (Edit> Select All). Can I fire select all command by the UI automation?
Please help me.

If you are just trying to automate sending the command Ctrl+A, you may want to check out the question below. One of the suggestions is to use SendKeys and it works for me.
How to send keys Control + A + B? (keep Control modifier "pressed")


How to set Word Application.Selection focused

I am building a Word VSTO Add-in. There I have a side drawer with some buttons on it. Now when I click on a button it inserts a predefined text in a document selection position. When it inserts the text I would like to bring back focus to the document itself.
How to do that?
My best try so far:
Word.Selection currentSelection = Application.Selection;
currentSelection.Text = ((Button)sender).Tag.ToString();
It makes sense to call the Activate method prior calling the SetFocus one:
Word.Selection currentSelection = Application.Selection;
currentSelection.Text = ((Button)sender).Tag.ToString();
Also you may find Windows API functions helpful for such scenarios. For example, the SetForegroundWindow function which brings the thread that created the specified window into the foreground and activates the window. Keyboard input is directed to the window, and various visual cues are changed for the user. You may find the Win32: Bring a window to top thread helpful.
Try Application.ActiveDocument.Activate.

How to simulate keystroke in WPF, but outside the application?

Currently I used this snip code as a result from googling.
var eventArgs = new TextCompositionEventArgs(Keyboard.PrimaryDevice,
new TextComposition(InputManager.Current, Keyboard.FocusedElement, "A"));
eventArgs.RoutedEvent = TextInputEvent;
var flag = InputManager.Current.ProcessInput(eventArgs);
It was working if I used Keyboard.Focus(TxtBox); and the TxtBox will be filled with the Keystroke.
But what I want really achieved is:
1.Drawing a box (for example, I draw box on one of the excel cell)
2.Click on the box coordinate (to change Keyboard Focus)
3.Send Keystroke to clicked excel cell
I have done step 1 and 2.
But I can't find a way to do the third step.
Somehow, the click event (using mouse event) maybe not changing Keyboard Focus automatically.
So, how do I change Keyboard focus, if possible using coordinate ?
Or maybe can I get IInputElement from a coordinate ? and then set keyboard focus to it.
Of course, all of it outside from the main application window of the WPF.
Found it !
Installed InputSimulator via NuGet, no members accessible
It is working in most cases.
I said in most cases, because it is able to type in other window like excel application, but on other custom app window. There might be a case it won't work.
Hope it help for other people, looking for the same thing.

Click WPF button from another application

Was thinking it would be an easy task, but it proved to be far from that.
Spy++ doesn't generate control ID's (Only shows main window), each control has a name. Example(Button->"AddButton")
I've tried using invoked methods such as SendMessage, and i get the main window handle just fine, but always get a 0 when trying to get control handles.
I heard about UI Automation library, but didn't find any clear examples of usage for my specific task.
My Goal:Being able to retrieve data (Such as data grid cells texts), and click buttons on a WPF application, remotely from another application (I'll be using C#)
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: I've tried Ranorex Spy and was able to click the control just fine:
Press button from Ranorex
How can i simulate it?
I managed to do it after further reading some documentations, hopefully it will help other people:
string mainTitle = "";
string controlName = "";
AutomationElement prog = AutomationElement.RootElement.FindFirst(TreeScope.Children,
new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.NameProperty, mainTitle));
AutomationElement btn = prog.FindFirst(TreeScope.Descendants,
new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.AutomationIdProperty, controlName));
InvokePattern clickBtn = (InvokePattern) btn.GetCurrentPattern(InvokePattern.Pattern);
You can indeed use UI Automation which was (kinda) designed to do this kind of stuff. There is also a NuGet-Package which does some work for you already, called TestStack.White. Originally it is designed for automated UI testing, but I don't see why you couldn't use it for doing stuff like that. You can find out more about the Package here, and more about UI Automation here.

C# Gecko Browser Drop Event Simulation

I want to simulate drop event in my code on an outside control.
I am using a Gecko browser which connects to outside web application, which code I don't have access to.
I was thinking about two solutions to this, the first would be to simulate drop event providing a filepath, however what I did below is not working:
GeckoNode dropbox = ContentFrame.GetContentDocument().GetElementsByClassName("filepicker dropzone dz-clickable").FirstOrDefault();
if (NodeType.Element == dropbox.NodeType)
DependencyObject fakeobject = Application.Current.Windows[0] as DependencyObject;
GeckoHtmlElement drop2 = dropbox as GeckoHtmlElement;
DragDrop.DoDragDrop(fakeobject, path, DragDropEffects.Copy);
The element which I can drop files into, on mouse click opens the "open file dialog".
The second, probably harder solution would be to somehow capture the dialog box and paste my path into it.
Or maybe there is a way to make my code still running independently of dialog box that appears and use SendKeys or something like that?
Thank you in advance for your help! (Two days of googling didn't bring me any useful results..)
As there were no answers, maybe anyone could answer a simpler question:
How to simulate the drop event just in WPF/WinForms? What are the steps and declarations prior to use DoDragDrop (or similar) interface? I am trying to drop a file on a droppable control (simulated in C# code) on an external Website.
Thank you!

Possible to simulate click event on Dialog window of Browser?

I know that the dialog(showMessage) is a closed API and that you can not force a click event on Dialog with any web-based technologies such as jQuery or Javascript. The instance of the window within the browser is single threaded and locks the thread until the dialog receives an event. This I understand.
What I am trying to do is simulate a click event pragmatically for Test Case purposes. I am using the Telerik testing framework to run these Test Cases in C# .NET 4.5 environment.
So is it possible to simulate this click event? It is testing the behavior of one our buttons that when clicked the user must confirm they are leaving the page without saving changes.
Thanks to all in advance!
I am not familiar with Telerik's testing tools, but as far as i know the only way to "issue" such a click would be with a ui macro that automated mouse motions and actually clicked the screen at a particular location.
That said, you may be able to solve your problem by using a mocked method. Rather than directly calling window.prompt, instead define your own prompt function along the lines of:
debug = true; //remove or set to false when not testing
var myPrompt = function(){
return "Greetings, Program";
} else {
return prompt("Please enter your greeting:","Greeting");
You can naturally set this up for other types of message box, so long as you keep the type they return in mind.

