C# MagnetLink to torrent file - c#

I am going crazy right now. Since all other questions are several years old and the MonoTorrent developers have gone MIA I really need your help.
What I am really stuck with is parsing the magnet link and downloading it.
This is my code:
public static void DownloadTorrent(string magnetLink)
MagnetLink link = new MagnetLink(magnetLink);
//URL stores the magnetlink
EngineSettings settings = new EngineSettings();
settings.AllowedEncryption = EncryptionTypes.All;
settings.SavePath = destination;
string torrentFilePath = torrentDestination;
if (!Directory.Exists(settings.SavePath))
if (!Directory.Exists(torrentFilePath))
//Create a new engine, give it some settings and use it.
ClientEngine engine = new ClientEngine(settings);
engine.ChangeListenEndpoint(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 6969));
TorrentManager manager = new TorrentManager(link, engine.Settings.SavePath, new TorrentSettings(), torrentFilePath);
And my magnet link is: "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:c6df2f47d033d54b054cafe7ef683ba167222d92&dn=Windows+XP+Professional+SP3+-+Activated&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.leechers-paradise.org%3A6969&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fzer0day.ch%3A1337&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fopen.demonii.com%3A1337&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.coppersurfer.tk%3A6969&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fexodus.desync.com%3A6969"
Now an error throws on the magnet link saying "No such host is known and referring to udp://exodus.desync.com:6969/"(Visual Studio is on swedish so that might not be a literal translation).
Visual Studio is marking tracker = new UdpClient(announceUrl.Host, announceUrl.Port); as the error source and it's located inside one of MonoTorrent's code files; UdpTracker.cs
I am trying to make a simple application and I am just stuck on this part.
Any help is greatly appreciated. It's one of my first times posting here so if I missed to mention anything just tell me and I will add it.
Thanks on forehand! Also pardon my english, I am not a native speaker.
Update: If you know another way of solving this even without MonoTorrnet - I will take any help I can.


Play audio from a stream in UWP

I'm basically asking the same thing that was asked here, however, that question was asked 8 years ago and the answer is no longer applicable to UWP.
I have a audio stream with http://someurl.com/stream that streams in audio/ogg format. I would like to be able to play that from an UWP app.
I see the NAudio library recommended a lot (after all, it's used in the above example), however it's very larger and has fairly lackluster documentation and very few up-to-date examples (they used to have a streaming example, but from what I'm able to download off Codeplex, it was replaced with a regular local-file player example). I'm not experience enough to make sense of the little documentation and example code they do have.
I'm honestly not even sure where to begin. I've never handled a stream like this (or any stream). Maybe the NAudio library isn't the way to go?
Code would be appreciated, but even pointers to sources where I could read up on playing such stream would be very helpful as my google-fu has failed me.
Thank you.
private void PlayMedia() {
System.Uri manifestUri = new Uri("http://amssamples.streaming.mediaservices.windows.net/49b57c87-f5f3-48b3-ba22-c55cfdffa9cb/Sintel.ism/manifest(format=m3u8-aapl)");
var mediaPlayer = new Windows.Media.Playback.MediaPlayer();
~~~~~~~~~~~~ -> "'Media Player' does not contain a constructor that takes 0 arguments."
mediaPlayer.Source = MediaSource.CreateFromUri(manifestUri);
but I can't get the MediaPlayer class to work. It says for example the x.Play() doesn't exist.
You have not posted your code segment. So I could not locate the problem of Visual Studio alerting "doesn't exist" accurately. If you want to use "MediaPlayer" class please add Windows.Media.Core and Windows.Media.Playback namespace at first. And you could reference the following code implementing a basic mediaplayer.
using Windows.Media.Core;
using Windows.Media.Playback;
private void PlayMedia()
System.Uri manifestUri = new Uri("http://amssamples.streaming.mediaservices.windows.net/49b57c87-f5f3-48b3-ba22-c55cfdffa9cb/Sintel.ism/manifest(format=m3u8-aapl)");
var mediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer();
mediaPlayer.Source = MediaSource.CreateFromUri(manifestUri);
The error message of Media Player does not contain a constructor that takes 0 arguments is means that there is no constructor with no arguments in the MediaPlayer class. Please try use the full name of constructor with namespace.
var mediaPlayer = new Windows.Media.Playback.MediaPlayer();

C# code completion with NRefactory 5

I just found out about NRefactory 5 and I would guess, that it is the most suitable solution for my current problem. At the moment I'm developing a little C# scripting application for which I would like to provide code completion. Until recently I've done this using the "Roslyn" project from Microsoft. But as the latest update of this project requires .Net Framework 4.5 I can't use this any more as I would like the app to run under Win XP as well. So I have to switch to another technology here.
My problem is not the compilation stuff. This can be done, with some more effort, by .Net CodeDomProvider as well. The problem ist the code completion stuff. As far as I know, NRefactory 5 provides everything that is required to provide code completion (parser, type system etc.) but I just can't figure out how to use it. I took a look at SharpDevelop source code but they don't use NRefactory 5 for code completion there, they only use it as decompiler. As I couldn't find an example on how to use it for code completion in the net as well I thought that I might find some help here.
The situation is as follows. I have one single file containing the script code. Actually it is not even a file but a string which I get from the editor control (by the way: I'm using AvalonEdit for this. Great editor!) and some assemblies that needs to get referenced. So, no solution files, no project files etc. just one string of source code and the assemblies.
I've taken a look at the Demo that comes with NRefactory 5 and the article on code project and got up with something like this:
var unresolvedTypeSystem = syntaxTree.ToTypeSystem();
IProjectContent pc = new CSharpProjectContent();
// Add parsed files to the type system
pc = pc.AddOrUpdateFiles(unresolvedTypeSystem);
// Add referenced assemblies:
pc = pc.AddAssemblyReferences(new CecilLoader().LoadAssemblyFile(
My problem is that I have no clue on how to go on. I'm not even sure if it is the right approach to accomplish my goal. How to use the CSharpCompletionEngine? What else is required? etc. You see there are many things that are very unclear at the moment and I hope you can bring some light into this.
Thank you all very much in advance!
I've just compiled and example project that does C# code completion with AvalonEdit and NRefactory.
It can be found on Github here.
Take a look at method ICSharpCode.NRefactory.CSharp.CodeCompletion.CreateEngine. You need to create an instance of CSharpCompletionEngine and pass in the correct document and the resolvers. I managed to get it working for CTRL+Space compltition scenario. However I am having troubles with references to types that are in other namespaces. It looks like CSharpTypeResolveContext does not take into account the using namespace statements - If I resolve the references with CSharpAstResolver, they are resolved OK, but I am unable to correctly use this resolver in code completition scenario...
I've just managed to get the working by obtaining resolver from unresolved fail.
Here is the snippet:
var mb = new DefaultCompletionContextProvider(doc, unresolvedFile);
var resolver3 = unresolvedFile.GetResolver(cmp, loc); // get the resolver from unresolvedFile
var engine = new CSharpCompletionEngine(doc, mb, new CodeCompletionBugTests.TestFactory(resolver3), pctx, resolver3.CurrentTypeResolveContext );
Update #2:
Here is the complete method. It references classes from unit test projects, sou you would need to reference/copy them into your project:
public static IEnumerable<ICompletionData> DoCodeComplete(string editorText, int offset) // not the best way to put in the whole string every time
var doc = new ReadOnlyDocument(editorText);
var location = doc.GetLocation(offset);
string parsedText = editorText; // TODO: Why there are different values in test cases?
var syntaxTree = new CSharpParser().Parse(parsedText, "program.cs");
var unresolvedFile = syntaxTree.ToTypeSystem();
var mb = new DefaultCompletionContextProvider(doc, unresolvedFile);
IProjectContent pctx = new CSharpProjectContent();
var refs = new List<IUnresolvedAssembly> { mscorlib.Value, systemCore.Value, systemAssembly.Value};
pctx = pctx.AddAssemblyReferences(refs);
pctx = pctx.AddOrUpdateFiles(unresolvedFile);
var cmp = pctx.CreateCompilation();
var resolver3 = unresolvedFile.GetResolver(cmp, location);
var engine = new CSharpCompletionEngine(doc, mb, new CodeCompletionBugTests.TestFactory(resolver3), pctx, resolver3.CurrentTypeResolveContext );
engine.EolMarker = Environment.NewLine;
engine.FormattingPolicy = FormattingOptionsFactory.CreateMono();
var data = engine.GetCompletionData(offset, controlSpace: false);
return data;
Hope it helps,
NRefactory 5 is being used in SharpDevelop 5. The source code for SharpDevelop 5 is currently available in the newNR branch on github. I would take a look at the CSharpCompletionBinding class which has code to display a completion list window using information from NRefactory's CSharpCompletionEngine.

HASP HL working demo needed for C#

Okay. Well, I know this question has a good chance of being closed within the first 10 minutes, but I am going to ask it anyways for I have spent almost day and an half trying to find a solution. Still, I can't figure this one out. There is not much info on this on the Internet not even on the HASP (safenet) website although they have demos.
I have a HASP HL USB dongle. I try to convert their demo and test run it but for the life of me I simply can't get it to login even. It keeps raising Aladdin.HASP.HaspStatus.HaspDotNetDllBroken exception.
However, if I run the C version of their demo, it works perfectly.
Here is the Csharp version of my code:
HASP myHasp = new HASP();
var thestatus = myHasp.Login(vender_code);
I would like to login to USB HASP and get its HaspID and the settings in its memory.
Thanks in advance,
It might be that you aren't having all dependencies for the HASP runtime. I'm packing with the app:
hasp_windows_NNNNN.dll (NNNNN = your number)
MSVCR71.DLL (added manually)
msvc runtime 80
One runtime library is required by HASP and it doesn't tell you which one unless you put it in the DEPENDS.EXE utility (you probably have you on your Visual Studio installation).
To log in (and read some bytes):
byte[] key = new byte[16];
HaspFeature feature = HaspFeature.FromFeature(4);
string vendorCode = "your vendor string, get it from your tools";
Hasp hasp = new Hasp(feature);
HaspStatus status = hasp.Login(vendorCode);
if (HaspStatus.StatusOk != status)
// no license to run
return false;
// read some memory here
HaspFile mem = hasp.GetFile(HaspFileId.ReadOnly);
mem.Read(key, 0, 16);
status = hasp.Logout();
if (HaspStatus.StatusOk != status)
//handle error
Hope it helps. My HASPed software works like a charm. BTW, wasn't able to put envelope around .NET app under no combination of settings.

verbot 5 sdk - loading KnowledgeBases

I'm looking for help from anyone who's worked with the verbot sdk.
I'm making a program that I want to use the LearnedKnowledge.vkb, Teacher.vkb, and any standard bot (julia, for example). Those who've used this before will know that with the rules in Teacher, you can essentially write responses to things that the bot doesn't understand, and train it on the fly.
I'm planning on using speech recognition and text-to-speech, but my problem right now is that after I load the knowledgebases, I can't seem to get any response from the bot.
Here's what I have: The Verbot5Library.dll, from verbots.sourceforge.net (I got the editor and player too, to make sure the files were working). In my program, I set up the variables as such:
Verbot5Engine verbot = new Verbot5Engine();
KnowledgeBase kb = new KnowledgeBase();
KnowledgeBaseItem kbi = new KnowledgeBaseItem();
State state = new State();
XMLToolbox xmlToolboxKB = new XMLToolbox(typeof(KnowledgeBase));
Then I initialize the verbot engine and load the kbs:
// using the xmlToolboxKB method I saw in this forum: http://www.verbots.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=2984
kbi.Fullpath = #"C:\\[full path to kb...]\\";
kbi.Filename = "LearnedKnowledge.vkb";
kb = (KnowledgeBase)xmlToolboxKB.LoadXML(kbi.Fullpath + kbi.Filename);
verbot.AddKnowledgeBase(kb, kbi);
kbi.Filename = "julia.vkb";
kb = (KnowledgeBase)xmlToolboxKB.LoadXML(kbi.Fullpath + kbi.Filename);
verbot.AddKnowledgeBase(kb, kbi);
//trying to use LoadKnowledgeBase and LoadCompiledKnowledgeBase methods: verbot.LoadKnowledgeBase("C:\\[full path to kb...]\\LearnedKnowledge.vkb");
//verbot.LoadCompiledKnowledgeBase("C:\\[full path...]\\julia.ckb");
//verbot.LoadCompiledKnowledgeBase("C:\\[full path...]\\Teacher.ckb");
// set up state
state.CurrentKBs.Add("C:\\[full path...]\\LearnedKnowledge.vkb");
state.CurrentKBs.Add("C:\\[full path...]\\Teacher.vkb");
state.CurrentKBs.Add("C:\\[full path...]\\julia.ckb");
Finally, I attempt to get a response from the verbot engine:
Reply reply = verbot.GetReply("hello", state);
if (reply != null)
Console.WriteLine("No reply found.");
I know julia has a response for "hello", as I've tested it with the editor. But all it ever returns is "No reply found". This code has been taken from the example console program in the SDK download (as very little documentation is available). That's why I need some pointers from someone who's familiar with the SDK.
Am I not loading the KBs correctly? Do they all need to be compiled (.ckb) instead of the XML files (.vkb)? I've used the verbot.OnKnowledgeBaseLoadError event handler and I get no errors. I even removed the resource file Default.vsn needed to load the Teacher, and it throws an error when trying to load it so I'm pretty sure it's all loading correctly. So why do I always get "No reply found"?
resolved: see http://www.verbots.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=13021#13021

IronPython and Nodebox in C#

My plan:
I'm trying to setup my C# project to communicate with Nodebox to call a certain function which populates a graph and draws it in a new window.
Current situation: [fixed... see Update2]
I have already included all python-modules needed, but im still getting a
Library 'GL' not found
it seems that the pyglet module needs a reference to GL/gl.h, but can't find it due to IronPython behaviour.
The project needs to stay as small as possible without installing new packages. Thats why i have copied all my modules into the project-folder and would like to keep it that or a similar way.
My question:
Is there a certain workaround for my problem or a fix for the library-folder missmatch.
Have read some articles about Tao-Opengl and OpenTK but can't find a good solution.
Updated my sourcecode with a small pyglet window-rendering example. Problem is in pyglet and referenced c-Objects. How do i include them in my c# project to be called? No idea so far... experimenting alittle now. Keeping you updated.
SampleCode C#:
ScriptRuntimeSetup setup = Python.CreateRuntimeSetup(null);
ScriptRuntime runtime = new ScriptRuntime(setup);
ScriptEngine engine = Python.GetEngine(runtime);
ScriptSource source = engine.CreateScriptSourceFromFile("test.py");
ScriptScope scope = engine.CreateScope();
SampleCode Python (test.py):
from nodebox.graphics import *
from nodebox.graphics.physics import Vector, Boid, Flock, Obstacle
flock = Flock(50, x=-50, y=-50, width=700, height=400)
def draw(canvas):
flock.update(separation=0.4, cohesion=0.6, alignment=0.1, teleport=True)
for boid in flock:
translate(boid.x, boid.y)
scale(0.5 + boid.depth)
arrow(0, 0, 15)
canvas.size = 600, 300
def main(canvas):
Line 139 [pyglet/lib.py] sys.platform is not win32... there was the error. Fixed it by just using the line:
from pyglet.gl.lib_wgl import link_GL, link_GLU, link_WGL
Now the following Error:
'module' object has no attribute '_getframe'
Kind of a pain to fix it. Updating with results...
Fixed by adding following line right after first line in C#-Code:
setup.Options["Frames"] = true;
Current Problem:
No module named unicodedata, but in Python26/DLLs is only a *.pyd file`. So.. how do i implement it now?!
Fixed by surfing: link text and adding unicodedata.py and '.pyd to C# Projectfolder.
Current Problem:
'libGL.so not found'... guys.. im almost giving up on nodebox for C#.. to be continued
i gave up :/ workaround: c# communicating with nodebox over xml and filesystemwatchers. Not optimal, but case solved.
-X:Frames enables the frames option as runtime (it slows code down a little to have access to the Python frames all the time).
To enable frames when hosting you just need to do:
ScriptRuntimeSetup setup = Python.CreateRuntimeSetup(new Dictionary<string, object>() {
{ "Frames", true }
Instead of the null that you're passing now. That's just creating a new dictionary for the options dictionary w/ the contents "Frames" set to true. You can set other options in there as well and in general the -X:Name option is the same here as it is for the command line.

