Tracking method "bloat" over time with nDepend - c#

We are looking at using nDepend to start tracking some of our technical debt, particularly around hard to maintain methods and cyclomatic complexity.
I believe this is possibly by taking a baseline report and then running a new analysis to provide the delta. Below is a very basic Powershell I've put together that does this.
$nDepend = "C:\_DEVELOPMENT\nDepend\NDepend.Console.exe"
$targetFile = "C:\_DEVELOPMENT\AssemblyToTest\CodeChallenge.Domain.ndproj"
$projectFolder = Split-Path -Path $targetFile
$outputFolder = "nDepend.Reports"
$previous = ""
# See if we already have a .ndar file in the output folder, if we do back it up so we can do a comparison
if (Test-Path $projectFolder\$outputFolder\*.ndar)
Write-Output "Backing up previous NDAR report"
Copy-Item $projectFolder\$outputFolder\*.ndar $projectFolder\previous.ndar
$previous = ".\previous.ndar"
#The output path appears to be relative to the .ndproj file
& $nDepend $targetFile /Silent /OutDir .\$outputFolder /AnalysisResultToCompareWith .\previous.ndar
Here is the rule I've configured in nDepend: -
failif count > 1 bobs
from m in Methods
where m.NbLinesOfCode > 10
where m.WasChanged()
select new { m, m.NbLinesOfCode }
The goal of this is not to break the build if we have methods over 10 lines, but rather to break the build if somebody edits an existing method that is too big and does not improve it (or make it worse). However the where m.WasChanged() part of the rule isn't being triggered regardless of how much code I add. If I comment it out it will alert me that there are plenty of methods that exceed 10 lines, but I only want to know about recently changed ones.
Am I using the rule wrong? Or perhaps my powershell is incorrectly using the /AnalysisResultToCompareWith parameter?

There are default rules like Avoid making complex methods even more complex in the rule group Code Smells Regression that are close to what you want to achieve. You can get inspired by their source code.
The key is to retrieve the methods changed with...
m.IsPresentInBothBuilds() &&
m.CodeWasChanged() &&
and then compare metric evolution since baseline by accessing m.OlderVersion().
A ICompareContext reference two code bases snapshots the newer version and the older version. In this context the OlderVersion() extension method returns actually calls the ICompareContext.OlderVersion(codeElement), from the doc:
Returns the older version of the codeElement object.
If codeElement is already the older version, returns the codeElement object.
If codeElement has been added and has no corresponding older version, returns null.
This method has a constant time complexity.


NetTopology 'found non-noded intersection' Exception when determining the difference between two specific geometries

Using the NetTopology in C# I'm getting a 'found non-noded intersection' Exception when determining the difference between two specific geometries.
These geometries are the result of using several routines like CascadedPolygonUnion.Union, Intersection, and Difference.
At some point, we have a MultiPolygon from which we want to cut out another geometry (Polygon):
We use this code to try and cut off the 'red' polygon:
Geometry difference = multiPolygon.Difference(geometryToRemove);
But then we get a NetTopologySuite.Geometries.TopologyException with the message:
found non-noded intersection between LINESTRING (240173.28029999882 493556.2806000002, 240173.28177031482 493556.28131837514) and LINESTRING (240173.28176154062 493556.2813140882, 240173.28176153247 493556.2813140842) [ (240173.28176153894, 493556.2813140874) ]
I asked this question also in the NetTopologySuite Discussuion forum because we are close to a release date and I was hoping someone could give some extra insight (of ideas for a workaround) as this looks like a bug in de library because the polygons themselves seem valid.
The data regarding the polygons can be found here - we use the 'RDNew' data to perform the Difference action, but I also added the WGS84 versions of these polygons to be able to view them in tools like
Thanks to one of the maintainers of the library I got the answer.
Basically, I needed to upgrade to version 2.2 (which I already did at first to see if this would resolve the problem).
But second, I needed to configure the application to use the - in version 2.2 introduced - 'NextGen' overlay generator, which is not turned on by default.
To use the 'Next Gen' overlay generator, add the following code at some starup point in your application:
var curInstance = NetTopologySuite.NtsGeometryServices.Instance;
NetTopologySuite.NtsGeometryServices.Instance = new NetTopologySuite.NtsGeometryServices(
GeometryOverlay.NG, // RH: use 'Next Gen' overlay generator
I use the current instance of NtsGeometryServices to get and reuse the current default instances of the other configurable parts.
But your free to create new instances of the required parts (like mentioned in the original post at )
There are also possibilities to use both overlay generators next to each other (also mentioned in the original post), but I never tried this as we will be using the 'NextGen' version for the entire application.

A logger statement: String interpolation on a variable [duplicate]

I have been following Logging in ASP.NET Core Which is working just fine.
I have a question about this line
_logger.LogWarning(LoggingEvents.GetItemNotFound, "GetById({ID}) NOT FOUND", id);
I am wondering why they are not using $ - string interpolation?
_logger.LogWarning(LoggingEvents.GetItemNotFound, $"GetById({ID}) NOT FOUND");
Why would the LogWarning extension have a params object[] args paramater?
Whats the point when you can just send everything in string message.
I assume there is a reason for this but i haven't been able to find an explanation anywhere. I am wondering which method i should be using in order to log properly in .net core.
I suspect the question can be rephrased to :
Why didn't they provide overloads that accept a FormattableString to pass message templates and parameters using string interpolation syntax, like EF Core does for parameterized queries?
I'd say they got it right. At this point in time using FormattableString offers minimal benefits but creates a lot of confusion.
I just found that Serilog's author explains why this isn't such a good idea even though a semantic logging library looks like a natural fit for this scenario
Semantic Logging
One can argue that FormattableString would be a great addition to semantic logging libraries like Serilog. In this case an interpolated string does lose important information.
The call
Log.Information("Logged in {UserId}", loggedInUserId);
Won't just log a string based on the template, it will keep the names and values of the parameters and provide them to filters and targets. Wouldn't it be great to get the same result with :
Log.Information($"Logged in {loggedInUserId}");
Serilog's author doesn't think so and explains that :
A good variable name is not necessarily a good property name
Holes don’t always have obvious names, eg Log.Information($"Enabling categories {new[]{1, 2, 3}}");
and concludes that
String interpolation is a great feature, one I’ve looked forward to in C# for a long time. The idea of providing direct support for Serilog is a very interesting one and worth exploring, but I’m increasingly convinced it’s unnecessary.
Interpolation is nice when it keeps code DRY, cutting out the redundant clutter of {0} and {1} and preventing parameter mismatches.
In the case of Serilog, I think it’s incorrect to consider the property names like {UserId} as redundant; in a well-implemented logging strategy they’re an incredibly important part of the picture that deserve their own consideration. You wouldn’t let variable names determine the table and column names in a relational database – it’s exactly the same trade-off being considered here.
Original explanation
That's one of the most controversial features of EF Core actually, and can easily result in the very SQL injection and conversion problems one wants to avoid by using parameters.
This call :
string city = "London";
var londonCustomers = context.Customers
.FromSql($"SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE City = {city}");
calls FromSql(FormattableString) and will create a parameterized query :
SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE City = #p0
And pass London as a parameter value.
On the other hand this :
string city = "London";
var query=$"SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE City = {city}";
var londonCustomers = context.Customers.FromSql(query);
calls FromSql(string) and will generate :
SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE City = London
Which is invalid. It's far too common to fall in this trap even when you do know about the risk.
It doesn't help at all when you already have predefined queries or messages. This usage is far more common in logging, where you (should) use specific message templates defined in well known locations, instead of sprinkling similar looking strings in every log location.
One could argue that this addition made EF Core 2.0 somewhat safer because people had already started using string interpolation in EF Core 1.0, resulting in invalid queries. Adding the FormattableString overload the EF Core team was able to mitigate that scenario while making it easier to accidentally cause a different problem.
At this point in time the logging designers decided to avoid this confusion. Logging a raw string doesn't have such catastrophic consequences.
At least two reasons.
First, logging pre-dates string interpolation, and Microsoft have not yet invented a time machine. String interpolation was only introduced in C# 6 in July 2015, but the logging methods follow the same pattern used in Microsoft.Build.Utilities since dotnet framework 2.0.
Second, Performance. If string interpolation is used and a string is passed as a parameter, then the interpolation is done before the call to Log. However not every call to Log results in something being logged - it depends on the configuration.
If you log something at DEBUG level and your current configuration is for INFORMATION level, the it is a waste of time to do string interpolation, you can just say "Thanks, but no thanks", and return immediately after doing nothing with the arguments.
Expanding on Second, Performance
Internally, the most logger look basically like this:
void LogDebug(string Message, params object[] args){
// 1 with parameters
LogDebug("GetById({ID}) NOT FOUND", id);
// 2 interpolated
LogDebug($"GetById({id}) NOT FOUND");
So if Debug is not enabled, one less interpolation operation is done.
I know this is 4 years old but I don't feel any of the answers provided are really correct.
The reason is structured logging, if you use string interpolation you are just logging a single string, with structured logging you log the variables seperatly so you can access them more easily.
Imagine you have a website and you want to alert or provide a report on how long a page takes to load. You log it like this logger.LogDebug($"{PageName} took {ms}ms to load."); All your log can contain is "Index took 53ms to load."
If you log it like this instead logger.LogDebug("{PageName} took {ms}ms to laod.", PageName, sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); Then depending on your logging provider you can access all the properties seperatly and group by the PageName easily and filter all load times over 50ms. Without having to revert to Regular Expressions. E.g. SELECT PageName, Count(*) FROM Logs WHERE LogText = '{PageName} took {ms}ms to laod.' and ms > 50 GROUP BY PageName
The reason in my opinion is that .NET is using multiple levels of logging.
Trace = 0, Debug = 1, Information = 2, Warning = 3, Error = 4, Critical = 5 and None = 6.
There are differences between below codes although they look similar.
Structural logging
Logger.LogInformation("Hello {Name}", myName);
String Interpolation
Logger.LogInformation($"Hello {myName}");
String interpolation under the hood is identical to the use of string.Format(). Which means string.Format will always be executed
disregarding the log level and pass the formatted string to the logger.
On the other hand, when structural logging is used, the string will only be formatted as per the log level is met.

Math equation as a string [duplicate]

I need to locate a fast, lightweight expression parser.
Ideally I want to pass it a list of name/value pairs (e.g. variables) and a string containing the expression to evaluate. All I need back from it is a true/false value.
The types of expressions should be along the lines of:
varA == "xyz" and varB==123
Basically, just a simple logic engine whose expression is provided at runtime.
At minimum it needs to support ==, !=, >, >=, <, <=
Regarding speed, I expect roughly 5 expressions to be executed per request. We'll see somewhere in the vicinity of 100/requests a second. Our current pages tend to execute in under 50ms. Usually there will only be 2 or 3 variables involved in any expression. However, I'll need to load approximately 30 into the parser prior to execution.
UPDATE 2012/11/5
Update about performance. We implemented nCalc nearly 2 years ago. Since then we've expanded it's use such that we average 40+ expressions covering 300+ variables on post backs. There are now thousands of post backs occurring per second with absolutely zero performance degradation.
We've also extended it to include a handful of additional functions, again with no performance loss. In short, nCalc met all of our needs and exceeded our expectations.
Have you seen and ?
It's extensible, fast (e.g. has its own cache) enables you to provide custom functions and varaibles at run time by handling EvaluateFunction/EvaluateParameter events. Example expressions it can parse:
Expression e = new Expression("Round(Pow(Pi, 2) + Pow([Pi2], 2) + X, 2)");
e.Parameters["Pi2"] = new Expression("Pi * Pi");
e.Parameters["X"] = 10;
e.EvaluateParameter += delegate(string name, ParameterArgs args)
if (name == "Pi")
args.Result = 3.14;
Debug.Assert(117.07 == e.Evaluate());
It also handles unicode & many data type natively. It comes with an antler file if you want to change the grammer. There is also a fork which supports MEF to load new functions.
It also supports logical operators, date/time's strings and if statements.
How about the Fast Lightweight Expression Evaluator? It lets you set variables and supports logical operators.
If you need something beefier and have the time, you could also design your own expression language with Irony.
Hisystems' Interpreter supports custom functions, operators and literals, is lightweight pure c# portable code. Currently runs on iOS via MonoTouch and should run on any other Mono environment as well as windows. Free for commercial use. Available on GitHub at
I fully appreciate how late this answer is however I would like to throw in my solution because I believe it can add more above the accepted answer of using NCalc should someone wish to use the expressions across multiple platforms.
-- Update --
I have created a parser for C# with plans to also implement it for Java and Swift over the next few months. This would mean that you can evaluate the expressions on multi-platforms without the need for tweaking per platform.
While Java and Swift was planned it never made it in to a fully fledge release. Instead there is now support for .NET Standard enabling support for Xamarin apps.
-- End update --
Expressive is the tool and it is available at:
GitHub or Nuget.
The site has a fair amount of documentation on it but to prevent link rot here is an example on how to use it:
Variable support
var expression = new Expression("1 * [variable]");
var result = expression.Evaluate(new Dictionary<string, object> { ["variable"] = 2);
var expression = new Expression("sum(1,2,3,4)");
var result = expression.Evaluate();
It was designed to match NCalc as best as possible however it has added support for things like a 'null' keyword.
self promotion here
i wrote aa generic parser generator for c#
you can find an expression parseras example on my github. you may need to customize it to fit your needs

Accord Decision Tree null output on node

I am using .net framework in my project and I run into the problem.
I am using 7 DecisionVariables to create a decision tree. 5 of them are Continuous, 2 of them are Discrete and I am using C45Learning.
Way I am creating Decision Varibale:
new DecisionVariable(SupportedValueType.ToString(), DecisionVariableKind.Continuous)
Discrete (in my case i created Discrete variable representing Day of month)
int PossibleValues = 30;
new DecisionVariable(SupportedValueType.ToString(), PossibleValues)
Now when I create a tree, its leaf nodes are nodes with Discrete decision variable and the output on this node is NULL, so when i run
and it ends in this leaf node, it returns NULL.
Can anybody tell me what the problem is ?
When I was creating an input to create this Decision tree, I did not "use" every of this 30 possible values, only 2-3 of them. Could it be the problem ?
For example: (x variables are values of other decision variables and of course i provide more input data, not only 3 rows, but i only changed x values and only used this 3 days)
input: label:
x,x,x,x,x,1 -> Small
x,x,x,x,x,2 -> Medium
x,x,x,x,x,3 -> Big
Yes, my guess is that your tree is simply incomplete.
When using that algorithm, if I do not provide it with a comprehensive training set containing every possible combination of the input columns, then my chance of getting null leaves is much higher. However, this algorithm is known for having null paths anyway as a byproduct of its pruning process.
Check to see if other samples also return null. If they all do, then you might have an issue. If only a couple are returning NULL/unknown then it is probably simply a result of the way the tree built itself. In that case you will need to handle it with a default decision value.
I have read that there are default values you can provide for the algorithm to apply on its own, however I have never used those.

Advice for C# programmer writing Python [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 9 years ago.
I've mainly been doing C# development for the past few years but recently started to do a bit of Python (not Iron Python). But I'm not sure if I've made the mental leap to Python...I kind of feel I'm trying to do things as I would in C#.
Any advice on how I can fully take advantage of Python?
Or any tips\tricks, things to learn more about, things to watch out for?
First, check tgray's and Lundström's advice.
Then, some things you may want to know:
Python is dynamically typed, so unlike C#, you will not
check type, but behavior. You may want to google about duck
typing. It implies you do not have to deal with boxing and
Python is fully object oriented, but the syntax does not
enforce this paradigm. You can write Python without using
the word "class".
The GUI library featured with Python can't compare with
C#'s. Check PyQt, GTK or wxPython libraries.
Python has a lot of concepts you may not be familiar with:
list comprehensions, generators ("yield" does exist in C#,
but it is not used much), decorators, metaclasses, etc. Don't
be afraid; you can program in Python without them. They
are just smart tools, not mandatory.
Like in C#, the Python standard library is huge. Always
look at it when you encounter any problem. It is most
likely that someone solved it already.
Python use LATE binding and variable labels. It's far too
early for somebody starting with the language to worry
about it, but remember that one day you will encounter a
behavior with variables that SEEMS illogical, and you'll
have to check that. For the moment:
Just remember to never do the following:
def myfunc(my_list=[]) :
# bla
def myfunc(my_list=()) :
my_list = list(my_list)
And you'll be good. There is a good reason for that, but
that's not the point :-)
Python is cross platform, enjoy writing on Mac, and
run on Linux, if you wish.
Python is not provided with a complex IDE (you got IDLE :-)).
If you are a Visual Studio addict, check Glade. This is
not as advanced as Visual Studio, but it's still a good RAD.
If you want to develop some web application in Python,
remember that Python is not .NET. You must add a web
framework to it if you want to compare. I like Django.
Python does not need a huge IDE to work with. SciTE,
Notepad++, IDLE, Kate, gedit...
Lightweight editors are really sufficient.
Python enforces indentation using spaces and line break,
you can't change that. You should avoid using tabs for
indenting and choose spaces instead. The equivalent of
empty bracelets {} is the keyword "pass".
Python does not enforce private variables. You can define a
private var using "__" (two underscores) at the beginning of
the variable name, but it's still bypassable in some tricky
ways. Python usually assume programmers are grown adults
that know what they do and communicate.
Python uses iteration. A lot. A lot of a lot. And so the
itertools module is you best friend.
Python has no built in delegates. The delegate module is
not what you think. For event-driven programming, use a
GUI lib (or code the pattern yourself, it's not that
Python has an interpreter: you can test almost anything,
live. It should always be running next to your text
editor. Python basic interpreter is not much, try IPython
for something tasty.
Python is autodocumented: use docstrings in your own code
and consult other's using "help()" in the python interpreter
Module basics:
sys: manipulate system features
os: set credential, manipulate file paths, rename, recursive file walk, etc
shutil: batch file processing (such as recursive delete)
re: regexp
urllib and urllib2: HTTP¨scripting like downloading, post / get resquests, etc.
datetime: manipulate date, time AND DURATION
thread: you guess it
zlib: compression
pickle: serialization
xml: parsing / Writing XML with SAX or DOM
There are hundreds of modules. Enjoy.
Some typical ways to do things in Python:
Python coders use massively the equivalent of the foreach C#
loop, and prefer it to any others:
Basic iterations:
for item in collection:
print str(item)
"collection" can be a string, a list, a tuple... Any
iterable: any object defining the .next() method. There are
a lot of iterables in Python. E.g: a typical Python idiom
to read files:
for line in open("/path/to/file") :
print line
A shortcut to the for loop is called "list comprehension".
It's a way to create an new iterable in one line:
Creating a filtered list with list comprehension:
my_list = [item for item in collection if condition]
Creating a new list with a list comprehension:
my_list = [int(item) * 3 for item in collection]
Creating a new generator with a list comprehension:
my_list = (int(item) * 3 for item in collection)
Same as above, but the values will be generated on the fly
at the first iteration then lost. More information about it here.
Ordinary for loop
If you want to express a usual for loop, you can use the
xrange() function. for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) becomes:
for i in xrange(0,5) :
do while equivalent
There is no "Do While" in Python. I never missed it, but if
you have to use this logic, do the following:
while True : # Yes, this is an infinite loop. Crazy, hu?
# Do your stuff
if condition :
Swapping variables:
a, b = b, a
Multiple assignations:
The above is just a result of what we call "unpacking" (here
applied to a tuple). A simple way to explain it is that you
can assign each value of any sequence directly to an equal
number a variables, in one row:
animal1, animal2, animal3, animal4 = ["cow", "dog", "bird", "fish"]
This has a lot of implications. While iterating on a
multidimensional array, you normally get each sub sequence
one by one then use it, for example:
agenda = [("steve", "jobs"), ("linus", "torvald"), ("bill", "gates"),("jon", "skeet")]
for person in agenda:
print person[0], person[1]
But with unpacking, you can assign the values directly to
variables as well:
agenda = [("steve", "jobs"), ("linus", "torvald"), ("bill", "gates"),("jon", "skeet")]
for name, lastname in agenda:
print name, lastname
And that's why if you want to get an index while iterating,
Python coders use the following idioms (enumerate() is a
standard function):
for index, value in enumerate(sequence) :
print index, value
Unpacking in functions calls
This is advanced use, and you can skip it if it bothers you.
You can unpack values using the sign "*" to use a sequence
directly in a function call. E.g:
>>> foo(var1, var1, var3) :
print var1, var2
print var3
>>> seq = (3.14, 42, "yeah")
>>> foo(*seq)
3.14 42
There is even more than that. You can unpack a dictionary as
named variables, and write function prototypes with *,
** to accept an arbitrary number of arguments. But it not
used enough to deserve to make this post even longer :-).
String formatting:
print "This is a %s on %s about %s" % ("post", "stackoverflow", "python")
print "This is a %(subject)s on %(place)s about %(about)s" % {"subject" : "post", "place" : "stackoverflow", "about" : "python"}
Slicing an iterable:
You can get any part of an iterable using a very concise syntax:
print "blebla"[2:4] # Print "eb"
last = string[:-1] # Getting last element
even = (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)[::2] # Getting evens only (third argument is a step)
reversed = string[::-1] # Reversing a string
Logical checks:
You can check the way you do in C#, but there are "Pythonic"
ways (shorter, clearer :-)):
if 1 in (1, 2, 3, 4) : # Check en element is in a sequence
if var : # check is var is true. Var == false if it's False, 0, (), [], {} or None
if not var : # Contrary of above
if thing is var: # Check if "thing" and "var" label the same content.
if thing is None : # We use that one because None means nothing in Python (almost null)
Combo (print on one line all the words containing an "o" in uppercase ):
sentence = "It's a good day to write some code"
print " ".join([word.upper() for word in sentence.split() if "o" in word])
Easier to ask for forgiveness than permission
Python coders usually don't check if something is possible. They are a bit like Chuck Norris. They do it. Then catch the exception. Typically, you don't check if a file exists, you try to open it, and roll back if it fails:
try :
f = open(file)
except IOerror :
print "no file here !"
Of course Chuck Norris never uses excepts since he never fails.
The else clause
"Else" is a world of many uses in Python. You will find
"else" after "if", but after "except" and "for" as well.
for stuff in bunch :
# Do things
else :
# This always happens unless you hit "break" in the loop
This works for "while" loop too, even if we do not use this
loop as much.
try :
# A crazy stuff
except ToCrazyError :
# This happens if the crazy stuff raises a ToCrazyError Exception
else :
# This will happen if there is no error so you can put only one line after the "try" clause
finally :
# The same as in C#
If you are curious, here is a bunch of advanced quick and
dirty (but nice) Python snippets.
Refrain from using classes. Use dictionaries, sets, list and tuples.
Setters and getters are forbidden.
Don't have exception handlers unless you really need to - let it crash in style.
Pylint can be your friend for more pythonish coding style.
When you're ready - check out list comprehensions, generators and lambda functions.
If you are not new to programming, I would recommend the book "Dive into Python" by Mark Pilgrim. It explains Python in a way that makes it easy to understand how Python techniques and idioms can be applied to build practical applications.
Start by reading The Zen of Python
You can read it at the link above, or just type import this at the Python prompt. =)
Take advantage of Python features not offered* by C#
Such as duck-typing, metaclasses, list comprehension, etc.*
Write simple programs just to test these features. You'll get used (if not addicted) to them in no time.
Look at the Python Standard Library
So you don't reinvent the wheel. Don't try to read the whole thing, even a quick look at the TOC could save you a lot of time.
* I know C# already has some of these features, but from what I can see they're either pretty new or not commonly used by C# developers. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
In case you haven't heard about it yet, Dive Into Python is a great place to start for anyone learning Python. It also has a bunch of Tips & Tricks.
If you are someone who is better learning a new language by taking small incremental steps then I would recommend using IronPython. Otherwise use regular CPython and don't do any more C# coding until you feel like you have a grasp of Python.
I would suggest getting a good editor so that you don't get bitten by whitespace. For simplicity, I just use ActivePython's packages Link, which include an editor and all of the win32api libraries. They are pretty fun to get into if you have been using C#. The win32api in Python can be a little bit simpler. You don't need to do the whole DDLImport thing. Download ActivePython (which comes with CPython), open it up, and start entering some stuff at the console. You will pick it up fairly easy after using C#. For some more interesting Python tidbits, try ActiveState code, which has all sorts of recipes, which can allow you to very simply see different things that you can do with Python.
I'm pretty much in your shoes too, still using C# for most of my work, but using Python more and more for other projects.
#e-satis probably knows Python inside-out and all his advice is top-notch. From my point of view what made the biggest difference to me was the following:
Get back into functional. not necessarily spaghetti code, but learning that not everything has to be in an object, nor should it be.
The interpreter. It's like the immediate window except 10^10 better. Because of how Python works you don't need all the baggage and crap C# makes you put in before you can run things; you can just whack in a few lines and see how things work.
I've normally got an IDLE instance up where I just throw around snippets as I'm working out how the various bits in the language works while I'm editing my files... e.g. busy working out how to do a map call on a list, but I'm not 100% on the lambda I should use... whack in a few lines into IDLE, see how it works and what it does.
And finally, loving into the verbosity of Python, and I don't mean that in the long winded meaning of verbosity, but as e-satis pointed out, using verbs like "in", "is", "for", etc.
If you did a lot of reflection work in C# you'll feel like crying when you see how simple the same stuff is in Python.
Good luck with it.
If you have programming experience and don't feel like spending money I'd recommend How to Think Like a Computer Scientist in Python.
And then something you can benefit from:
IPython shell: Auto completion in the shell. It does batch operations, adds a ton of features, logging and such. >>> Play with the shell - always!
easy_install / pip: So nice and an easy way to install a 3rd party Python application.

