What does Override application root URL really do? - c#

The only place on the entire internet I could find an explanation is on MSDN:
Specifies an alternative path for the application root URL. Use this
option if the Web application root is not the root of your project.
From here I understood that "application root" is the path that retrieves when using tilde in ASP.NET. So I would expect that if I go to project's properties - Web - "Override application root" and specify another url then the tilde would map to that url.
But it doesn't. For example my web is on a virtual directory - http://localhost/WebApplication1
and on "Override application root" I try to specify http://localhost/WebApplication2 or http://localhost or http://WebApplication2 (which all exist on my local IIS). Now when I write
I expect it to redirect me to http://localhost/WebApplication2/test2/login.
But instead it redirects me to http://localhost/WebApplication1/test2/login as if I didn't override the "application root".
So what does this feature really suppose to do? Or maybe it's not working because I'm missing something and didn't define it properly?

Override application root URL doesn't change where the Application root is within your application. It changes the URL used to reach the application root. Because IIS does some hostname verification it's used to specify if you want to reach your application by a means other than localhost:[PORT].
For instance, if you override it to www.myapp.com you can then reach your application by adding this to your hosts file: www.myapp.com
This might be especially useful if you're making your application available to a remote device (a virtual machine on your computer, or a mobile device on your network) because they would be unable to navigate to localhost as the application address.


How do I setup reverse proxy in local IIS

I have to implement reverse proxy setup in my local system. I have two website and in first website i have content and second website have empty forlder, I have one website example - www.nawaz-data.com and it has main content. and I have another website example - www.nawaz-proxy.com which is empty folder .
Requirement :
Need how do i setup for reverse proxy. When i request to www.nawaz-proxy.com than it should be redirect to www.nawaz-data.com where i have actual website content. I have tried to setup inbound and outbound rule but unable to get result it shows : HTTP Error 403.14 - Forbidden as this domain has no content, i want to redirect this url to another url where content has stored.
I have installed IIS windows 10
I have installed URL Rewrite
I have installed Application Request Routing Cache - in that I have enable proxy setting
According to your description, I suggest you could try to use below steps to add the reverse proxy rules.
1.Open the IIS mangement console, locate the right web site and click the url rewrite
2.Click the Add rule and select reverse proxy.
3.Add the servername op IP in below window, for example: www.nawaz-data.com. Notice: you should make sure your server could access the "www.nawaz-data.com" directly by using brower. If you couldn't access it ,you should use server's ip address directly.

How to setup local to set and get token for OAuth [duplicate]

Just wanted to know if there is any way I could develop Facebook applications in localhost.
Edit: 2-15-2012 This is how to use FB authentication for a localhost website.
I find it more scalable and convenient to set up a second Facebook app. If I'm building MyApp, then I'll make a second one called MyApp-dev.
Create a new app at https://developers.facebook.com/apps
(New 2/15/2012) Click the Website checkbox under 'Select how your application integrates with Facebook'
(In the recent Facebook version you can find this under Settings > Basic > Add Platform - Then select website)
Set the Site URL field (NOT the App Domains field) to http://www.localhost:3000 (this address is for Ruby on Rails, change as needed)
In your application initializer, put in code to detect the environment
Sample Rails 3 code
if Rails.env == 'development' || Rails.env == 'test'
Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
provider :facebook, 'DEV_APP_ID', 'DEV_APP_SECRET'
# Production
Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
I prefer this method because once it's set up, coworkers and other machines don't have additional setup.
Of course you can, just add the url localhost (without "http") in your app_domain and then add in your site_url http://localhost (with http)
Facebook change the things a little now, just go to the app settings and in the site url just add http: //localhost and leave the App Domain empty
Here is my config and it works fine for PHP API:
app domain
Site URL
NOTE: As of 2012 Facebook allows registration of "localhost" as return Url. You still may need similar workaround for other providers (i.e. Microsoft one).
If you need real domain name registered with Facebook (like my.really.own.domain.com) you can locally redirect requests to this domain to your machine. Easiest out of box approach on any OS is to change "hosts" file to map the domain to (see http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb727005.aspx#EDAA and https://serverfault.com/questions/118290/cname-record-alias-in-windows-hosts-file).
I usually use Fiddler to do it for me (on Windows with local IIS) - see samples on http://www.fiddler2.com/Fiddler/Dev/ScriptSamples.asp.
if (oSession.HostnameIs("my.really.own.domain.com")) {
Hosts file approach of approaches does not work with Visual Studio Development Server as it requires incoming Urls to be localhost/ If you need to work with it (or possibly with IIS express) to override host - Using Fiddler with IIS7 Express
Facebook no longer allowed a 'localhost' callback URL for FBML Facebook applications
With the new development center it is now easier:
1) Leave app domains blank.
2) Click Add Platform
3) Site URL should equal the full path of your local host.
4) Save Changes
I just discovered a workaround: You can make your local machine accessible by using http://localtunnel.com . You'll need to (temporarily) change some URLs used in your app code / html so links point to the temporary domain, but at least facebook can reach your machine.
In your app's basic settings (https://developers.facebook.com/apps)
under Settings->Basic->Select how your app integrates with Facebook...
Use "Site URL:" and "Mobile Site URL:" to hold your production and development URLs respectively. Both sites will be allowed to authenticate. I'm just using Facebook for authentication so I don't need any of the mobile site redirection features. I usually change the "Mobile Site URL:" to my "localhost:12345" site while I'm testing the authentication, and then set it back to normal when I'm done.
You have to choose Facebook product 'facebook login' and enable
Client OAuth Login , 'Web OAuth Login' and 'Embedded Browser OAuth Login'
then even if you give localhost url It will work
There is ! My solution works when you create an app, but you want to use facebook authentification on your website. This solution below is NOT needed when you want to create an app integrated to FB page.
The thing is that you can't put "localhost" as a domain in the facebook configuration page of your app. Security reasons ?
You need to go to your host file, in OSX / Linux etc/hosts and add the following line : dev.yourdomain.com
The domain you put whatever you want. One mistake is to add this line :
localhost dev.yourdomain.com (at least on osx snow leopard in doesnt work).
Then you have to clear your dns cache. On OSX : type dscacheutil -flushcache in the terminal.
Finally, go back to the online facebook developer website, and in the configuration page of your app, you can add the domain "dev.yourdomain.com".
If you use a program such as Mamp, Easyphp or whatever, make sure the port for Apache is 80.
This solution should work for Windows because it also has a hosts file. Nevertheless, as far as I remember Windows 7 doesnt use this file anymore, but this trick should work if you find a way to force windows to use a hosts file.
this works June 2018, even after the HTTPS requirement. It appears a test app does not require https:
create a test app:
then within the test app, follow the simple steps in this video:
I think you should be able to develop applications using the visual studio development web server: Start a new FaceBook application on: http://www.facebook.com/developers/. Then set the settings for the site Url and the canvas url to the running instance of your website for example:http://localhost:1062/
Here are a couple of links that should help you out on starting with FaceBook:
Hope this helps.
Try this ---
1 - Click Apps and then select your app.
2 - Click the Settings button on the left side of the screen.
3 - In the Basic settings, click the Add Platform button below the
settings configuration.
4 - Select Website in the platform dialog.
5 - Enter your URL (localhost works here).
6 - In the App Domains text input, add your domain that matches the one in the URL.
7 - Save your settings.
Suppose that you have registered your app as:
You just need to modify the /etc/hosts file by adding dev01.app.domain.com
Then, modify your apache configuration
ServerName dev01.app.domain.com
and restart apache.
You'll need to put your URL in a variable in order to use it as XML parameter on some calls:
<fb:login-button registration-url="http://<?=$URL?>/register" />
Don't have enough cred to comment on the top voted answer, but at least in my rails environment (running 4), rails s is at http://localhost:3000, not http://www.localhost:3000. When I changed it to http://localhost:3000, it worked just fine. No need to edit any hosts file.
app domain : localhost
site URL : http://localhost:4440/
worked for me with the new UI.
Latest update:
You don't have to give any urls if you are testing it in development. You can leave the fields empty. Make sure your app is in development mode. If not turn off status from live.
No need to provide site url, app domains or valid redirect oauth uri.
My Solution works fine in localhost.....
For Site URLS use http://localhost/
and for App domains use localhost/folder_name
Rest everything is same .......it works fine
(though its shows redflag in App Domain..App is working fine)
It's easy go to the app dashboard under the facebook login tab click settings
then select Enforce HTTPs No, save settings
The application will run just fine in localhost: 3000, you just need to specify the https address on which the application will be live when it be in production mode.
Option 2 is provide the url or you heroku website which lets you have sample application in production mode.

401 Unauthorized error web api mvc windows authentication

I am getting 401 unauthorized error . My web service is written in mvc . in IIS configured to use windows authentication.
Below is screen shot of fiddler
When I hit URL from browser it gives me popup window to enter user name and password.
How can I avoid popup window?
I am calling this web api from another window service.
I suspect that the two web services may be hosted on the same server. In this case, the problem may be caused by the loopback check. In order to test, try referencing the service without using the fully qualified domain name and see if it works. If it does, use the following steps to specify which host names are on the local computer.
Method 1: Specify host names (Preferred method if NTLM authentication is desired) (https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/926642/)
To specify the host names that are mapped to the loopback address and can connect to Web sites on your computer, follow these steps:
Set the DisableStrictNameChecking registry entry to 1. For more information about how to do this, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: 281308 Connecting to SMB share on a Windows 2000-based computer or a Windows Server 2003-based computer may not work with an alias name
Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then click OK.
In Registry Editor, locate and then click the following registry key:
Right-click MSV1_0, point to New, and then click Multi-String Value.
Type BackConnectionHostNames, and then press ENTER.
Right-click BackConnectionHostNames, and then click Modify.
In the Value data box, type the host name or the host names for the sites that are on the local computer, and then click OK.
Quit Registry Editor, and then restart the IISAdmin service.
**Edited to be in the form of an answer and include detailed steps from referenced links
If you are using WebClient you need to set the Credientials. How are you calling the web api from the windows service?
My 2 cents: I faced a scenario where we were baffled by an HTTP 401 when requesting an image when the web application was deployed. We use WiX as our packaging and install solution.
In this specific case, the image wasn't being packaged by the installer and hence the path did nor exist on the deployed instance.
One may wonder why this threw a 401 when a 404 (not found) would have been expected - my understanding is that since our path was not directly under the root but something like root/content/images/image.png, and I made an anonymous request, I got a 401 (unauthorized) as I did not have the access to browse the directory. I confirmed this by adding an Authorization header to my request and then as expected I got a 404.
You can specify the username and password as part of the URL:
Note: Just because you can doesn't mean you should. While this can be a temporary solution to test things, I would not suggest doing this in production. And in the old days, this is how we did it. But as #DiskJunky points out, "URLs are easily visible to pretty much anything/anyone" which includes your browser history, server logs, and perhaps worse.
I added below lines in web config to fix the issue and it worked.
<add accessType="Allow" users="*" />

ResolveUrl not returning the site root after exception

After an exception, the ResolveUrl method does not return the website root anymore, loading imagens with an incorrect path.
for example: the website root at IIS is www.mysite.com/portal . The ResolveUrl method returns www.mysite.com
The portal subdirectory is an application on IIS. The www.mysite.com is also an application on IIS.
The application is correct configured on IIS (it's not a virtual path) and it has a stand alone application pool.
The exceptions are random and they have nothing to do with the ResolveURL method.
Any clue of what it could be? It seems that the ResolveUrl "loses" the application path after an exception, which makes no sense at all.
In order to solve the issue, I must either recycle the application pool or rename the web.config file to something else and then return to its official name.
I'm using C# and asp.net 4.0.

use of tilde (~) in asp.net path

i'm working on an asp.net app, the following link works in IE but not in FF.
<a href="~/BusinessOrderInfo/page.aspx" >
Isn't the tilde something that can only be used in asp.net server controls. Where it will be replaced by an actual path?
Is it possible to use the tilde in an anchor tag? If so what does it mean?
When I'm at the root, the link works
www.myserver.com/default.aspx, click the link, ok!
www.myserver.com/otherpart/default.aspx, click the link, not ok!
The link generated by ASP.NET is:
Is this by design?
You are correct, it only works in server controls. You've got these basic options:
Change to HyperLink to run as a Web Control:
<asp:HyperLink NavigateUrl="~/BusinessOrderInfo/page.aspx" Text="Whatever" runat="server" />
Or, run the anchor on the server side as an HTML Control:
<a href="~/BusinessOrderInfo/page.aspx" runat="server" >
Or, use Page.ResolveUrl:
HTML controls can be turned into server controls by adding the runat="server" attribute.
<a href="~/BusinessOrderInfo/page.aspx" runat="server">
The tilde refers to the application root directory, and will be translated correctly in control properties such as NavigateUrl.
My understanding is that if you use it in plain-HTML tags, it will not be translated by ASP.Net.
This function can also be used to resolve paths for non server elements
If you remove tilde and use forward slash only you will achieve the same result, i.e. pointing to the root folder on the current domain:
<a href="/BusinessOrderInfo/page.aspx" >
Using Web Paths and Tilde "~" in ASP.NET
~/ is not part of HTML, CSS, or JavaScript path systems.
~/ is an artificial path resolution character only ASP.NET or 3rd party products use.
~/ is a Web Server only path that gets translated to a new path by the code running on the server.
~/ is a character that tells ASP.NET on the IIs Windows
Server to find the "application root" of your website.
~/ resolves as a "Virtual Path" as it tells the server to find virtual or application root of a ASP.NET Web Application controlled by a given AppDomain on the server and resolve it from that new virtual root.
~/ in most cases resolves to the web root of any website right right after the domain, no matter what page or subfolder you are in when the path is called. In almost all cases this resolves to /. So the two are the same in MOST cases unless you set up a Virtual Application on the server.
~/ is really only useful when your website uses one or more Virtual Applications in a web server like IIs. These are artificial sub-applications under your web domain that add a new folder or path under a web root that do not truly exist but represent separate applications and processes managed by the server. This often creates one or more virtual application folders under your domain in IIs which ASP.NET and IIs manage when running separate instances of your ASP.NET website under one domain. See below...
Microsoft .NET is now using ~/ in Routing Attribute paths. When used they start the path back at the web root as an absolute path, but also override all controller or other attribute paths.
In the old days, we used to create Virtual Applications in IIs Web Server to create two more web paths in order to isolate one or more web 'experiences' using the same domain. Each Virtual Path might be a "ghost" path that points back to the web root but creates an additional ghost folder under the web root. In many cases, that new virtual path pointed to a physical folder separate from the normal web path or even to computer hard drive path or mapping. ASP.NET with the right permission then ran web site code from there. The new virtual path shown to visitors of your web domain would then appear as part of the main site but run a second instance of your web application using a separate process run by ASP.NET (a separate AppPool or worker process).
~/ was then very useful in those cases. It was used in path resolution and easily mapped to the root of these new virtual application roots or paths created by the server, allowing you run multiple application under one website with no change to your paths in your ASP.NET code. The server-side code would then resolve the paths for you inside each virtual application with no changes to the code base.
~/ in those situations was extremely valuable as you no longer needed to manage multiple paths in your web app for each application if it ran in multiple virtual web applications under one website with different web roots. It could always find the new root in each application using ~/ rather than the true web root which was always http://example.com/
Most paths in ASP.NET using ~/ resolve to / in a normal website without virtual applications, and point all paths to the web root of the URL below. In most cases that is why ASP.NET ~/ is redundant. Just use /. Both point to the web root:
However, if you added virtual directories to your domain, as this example below shows, ~/ inside each separate web application would resolve to two different web roots:
In the early days of ASP.NET, I always grabbed the application path using this code below stored in a global variable. This allowed me to fully control all paths from a relative application web root off the domain root or a virtual root no matter where my web application was moved to. But this path is what the ~/ replaced long ago. However, it still might be better as you can build paths from it dynamically on the server:
var myWebRoot = HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath;
My opinion is virtual applications like this are rarely used today as domains are cheap and subdomains are often used instead, like so:
All web paths should use absolute paths in every case possible /. The exception is CSS paths which are relative to the page source page or code calling them internally. Many say that means those absolute web paths break if you move them. But I argue, why would you need to reference the root for your website then suddenly change that? If you do, that should be managed on the server side and injected into your HTML and JavaScript, not the other way around.
Second of all, many Open Source, UNIX-based vendors are creating JavaScript API libraries that stumble around with dot paths which HTML and CSS do not support, like ./ or .
These are UNIX conventions that just mean to point to the local folder or the same folder the calling code is in. It's the same as NO PATH, so why use it? There are cases for their use, but the end result has zero affect on Web Paths. So I would avoid their use. The ONLY place they work in JavaScript reliably is in the new JavaScript Module in ECMAScript. But in proprietary API's like Google Angular, they are required.
For example these two image paths using UNIX local path conventions using ./ or . both fail in HTML and create missing image errors:
// These return broken image icons in browsers when using
// these unconventional UNIX local dot path conventions on the Web:
<img id="image1" src="./images/image1.png" />
<img id="image2" src="/images/.image2.png" />
So avoid all these deviant path system and stick with / absolute HTML paths and your code will always work for decades to come!

