Local DB in Visual Studio 2015 - c#

After a few years, I have returned to writing in C# and I am really struggling here - I would like to have my app to have a local SQL database. I have added Service-based database and "Database1.mdf" was added to my project. I created a table and added some data just to see if it is working but I cannot connect to it. I tried numerous connection strings with no success (Server not accessible).
Do I need to run something else in the background? I thought that I might have a local database and with .NET client I can access it, and I hoped it would work whenever I bring my application (also not requiring any SQL server running). Is that wrong?

If you don't require any SQL server, take a look at SQLite. This is lite SQL database engine. Database is just one file. C# has a great library to SQLite on NuGet: https://www.nuget.org/profiles/mistachkin
SQLite is widely used, event in Android (as a native db engine).

here is what i use to connect. it appears as a Data Connection in Server Explorer.
string con2 = #"Data Source=(LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB;AttachDbFilename=" + Application.StartupPath + "\\jobfile_2017.mdf;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30";
when i first started working with these, i used this source 1
it works on PC's that i have nothing installed (not even office) but as i said i'd be interested to know of any shortcomings of this method

I experiencing same problem and decided to move mdf file to static c:\db directory. Connection string was changed to incorporate new file location (AttachDbFile).
But AttachDbFile has some issues also (by some reason one table in db is inaccesible and error is access denied).
So I decided to move to Sqlite. LocalDb has many issues to work with. I read good note to resolve problem: in command line stop/remove/start name of instance. But it nuissance.
Wish you good luck to work with these db files.


How to embed SQLite database files into WPF application

I tried searching the net for this probably simple answer, but without success. I have my WPF app almost ready - using connection strings to connect to my 3 databases (EnteralDB, ParenteralDB, PatientDB) that have several tables.
Problem is that it works while debugging because I hard wired the connection string to specific location (my desktop)
using (SQLiteConnection con = new SQLiteConnection(#"Data Source= C:\Users\Peter\Desktop\EnteralDB"))
But how I can I make the connection string "universal" - meaning that it will work when I create setup for the app and it will install on a new computer? How to embed the database files into the project so they are PART of the project itself and then somehow point with the connection strings to them?
Thank you very much for help!
EDIT Actually, the comment by Clemens is correct. I changed the connection string to just the filename (EnteralDB.db), set copy if newer with content for the database properties and it is working

Entity Framework SaveChanges is not working

I have a C# winforms application, and a SQL Server .mdf database file.
I tried to use Entity Framework. It works great when retrieving data from the database, but on calling .SaveChanges() nothing happens. No error, no exception, and no changes saved.
This issue just drives me crazy. I found a bunch of questions with nearly the same issue, but neither of the answers apply to my case.
My code looks like that:
using (World_ParkingEntities context = new World_ParkingEntities())
client _client = context.CreateObject<client>();
_client.name = name;
_client.mobile_number = phoneNo;
_client.email = email;
My connection string:
<add name="World_ParkingEntities" connectionString="metadata=res://*/Model1.csdl|res://*/Model1.ssdl|res://*/Model1.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlClient;provider connection string="Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\World_Parking.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True"" providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" /></connectionStrings>
The whole User Instance and AttachDbFileName= approach is flawed - at best! When running your app in Visual Studio, it will be copying around the .mdf file (from your App_Data directory to the output directory - typically .\bin\debug - where you app runs) and most likely, your INSERT works just fine - but you're just looking at the wrong .mdf file in the end!
If you want to stick with this approach, then try putting a breakpoint after the context.SaveChanges(); call - and then inspect the .mdf file with SQL Server Mgmt Studio Express - I'm almost certain your data is there.
The real solution in my opinion would be to
install SQL Server Express (and you've already done that anyway)
install SQL Server Management Studio Express
create your database in SSMS Express, give it a logical name (e.g. World_Parking)
connect to it using its logical database name (given when you create it on the server) - and don't mess around with physical database files and user instances. In that case, your connection string would be something like:
Data Source=.\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=World_Parking;Integrated Security=True
and everything else is exactly the same as before...

Firebird 1.5 / Asp net VS 2010 (legacy database .CDB extension)

I have an old system which generated me a database in .CDB extension (i run on Firebird- and i can access this database in IBExpert to query and stuff. But i need to write an application in .NET (VS 2010 4.0 framaework) so i can read this database and access some of the data to insert into a table inside SQLServer.
I tried many things, changed the server version and other things but i now all i get is ''Cannot find fbembed.dll'' exception error while trying to open the connection. My FB server doesnt have this file since he uses the 'fbclient.dll' already.
Any thoughts on how to connect my application to this .CDB database?
(this firebird version is the same that the legacy system is running, so i used the 1.7RC firebird .net provider within this server)
The connection string used is:
<add name="FirebirdConnectionString" connectionString="User=SYSDBA;Password=masterkey;
Dialect=3;Charset=NONE;Role=;Connectio‌​n lifetime=15; Pooling=false;
MinPoolSize=0; MaxPoolSize=50; Packet Size=8192; ServerType=1;"
Unless you really want to use Firebird embedded (which you don't as you also specify localhost), you should not specify ServerType=1, but either leave it out entirely or set ServerType=0.
As to your other problem you mention in the comments, I suggest you check if this solves it and otherwise create a new question with more information.

I want to run C# program without changing SQL Server instance or without changing SQL Server installed PC name

I have C# application which uses SQL Server R2 as its database. That database is on a separate PC by the name of SERVER. SQL Server's instance name also server.
My windows application uses DataSet to communicate with the database. Now my SQL installed PC name is change to another name, ex SERVERHP. Now all my coding works want to change my connection string. Are there any other easy way to do it ?
I am to tried to edit hosts file, but it does not work for me.
This is my coding style (http://goo.gl/FQrkp). I am using DataSet with DataAdapter with IDE designers.
I have 100 ~ 150 forms. Now I cannot compile all codings. I want to easy method to connect that SQL Server database.
I want to have a way to hide the change of the hostname of the computer
You have a couple of options:
Globally replace all server names with IP address in connection strings in the app
Globally replace all server names with the new server name in the app
Add a CNAME record to the DNS table on the server (assuming of course you're in the same network, which you are if you're using computer names)
Add an entry to the LMHOSTS file (you can add as many names as you'd like that point to the same IP)
As I understand, it is SqlConnection used to connect to database, or something like that. Why don't you use SqlConnectionStringBuilder? Then you can dinamically construct connection string you need. Also, to get list of servers, you can use SqlDataSourceEnumerator, from namespace System.Data.Sql.
It sounds like you want to have a way to hide the change of the hostname of the computer (Server/Desktop/Virtualized instance of Windows, whatever) that is running your SQL Server.
This isn't my area of expertise, but I can't think of a way to do it that only involves your application code and just the computer.
If you control the local DNS you can create a CNAME entry with the old name that "points" at the new one. Depending on how your connection strings are stored, you might have to edit them or you might not. But you won't have to worry about the location of your SQL Server changing again because you can always edit your CNAME to point at the new location.
Note for the future - not your current problem: If you continue to use MS SQL Server in particular you'll want to be careful about moving it to a computer where it isn't the default instance because then you need to put the instance name in the connection string as well, which might force you to edit all of your application web.configs and app.configs again.
Are you using Visual Studio 2012 with your development efforts? I ran into a conflict with the mini SQL db VS installs (Using Premium version) and had to modify the ConnectionStrings section of my Machine.config file to point to my SQL database. For whatever reason, VS will write references to the mini db in the Machine.Config file (for whatever version of .Net you are leveraging) throwing potetial conflicts.
The file can be found in %systemroot%\Microsoft.Net\Framework64\dot net version\Config
If you're using an x86 processor the Framework64 folder is just called 'Framework'.

Local database, I need some examples

I'm making an app that will be installed and run on multiple computers, my target is to make an empty local database file that is installed with the app and when user uses the app his database to be filled with the data from the app .
can you provide me with the following examples :
what do I need to do so my app can connect to its local database
how to execute a query with variables from the app for example how would you add to the database the following thing
String abc = "ABC";
String BBB = "Something longer than abc";
and etc
Edit ::
I am using a "local database" created from " add > new item > Local database" so how would i connect to that ? Sorry for the dumb question .. i have never used databases in .net
Depending on the needs you could also consider Sql CE. I'm sure that if you specified the database you're thinking of using, or your requirements if you're usure you would get proper and real examples of connection strings etc.
Edit: Here's code for SqlCe / Sql Compact
public void ConnectListAndSaveSQLCompactExample()
// Create a connection to the file datafile.sdf in the program folder
string dbfile = new System.IO.FileInfo(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location).DirectoryName + "\\datafile.sdf";
SqlCeConnection connection = new SqlCeConnection("datasource=" + dbfile);
// Read all rows from the table test_table into a dataset (note, the adapter automatically opens the connection)
SqlCeDataAdapter adapter = new SqlCeDataAdapter("select * from test_table", connection);
DataSet data = new DataSet();
// Add a row to the test_table (assume that table consists of a text column)
data.Tables[0].Rows.Add(new object[] { "New row added by code" });
// Save data back to the databasefile
// Close
Remember to add a reference to System.Data.SqlServerCe
I'm not seeing anybody suggesting SQL Compact; it's similar to SQLite in that it doesn't require installation and tailors to the low-end database. It grew out of SQL Mobile and as such has a small footprint and limited feature-set, but if you're familiar with Microsoft's SQL offerings it should have some familiarity.
SQL Express is another option, but be aware that it requires a standalone installation and is a bit beefier than you might need for an applciation's local cache. That said it's also quite a bit more powerful than SQL Compact or SQLite.
Seems like you're:
-Making a C# app that will be installed and run on multiple
-That needs a local database (I'm assuming an RDBMS)
-You need to generate a blank database at installation
-You then need to be able to connect to the database and populate it when
the app runs.
In general, it seems that you need to read up on using a small database engine for applications. I'd start by checking out SQLite, especially if you need multi-OS capability (eg., your C# program will run on Microsoft's .NET Framework and Novell's Mono). There are C# wrappers for accessing the SQLite database.
I believe this question is about the "Local Database" item template in Visual Studio:
What are you considering as a database? From what little you've provided in your question, I'd suggest SQLite.
You can get sample code from their site Sqlite.NET
Not sure I fully understand what you're asking but Sqlite is a good option for lightweight, locally deployed database persistence. Have a look here:
and here for an ADO.NET provider..
For 1)
The easiest way to provide this functionality is through SQL Server Express User Instances. SQL Server Express is free, so your user does not have to pay additional license for SQL Server, and the User Instance is file-based, which suits your requirement.
For 2)
This is a big topic. You may want to go through some of the tutorials from Microsoft to get the feeling of how to connect to DB, etc.

