Authenticate with OneDrive SDK in a c# console project - c#

I'm trying to create a program that will download all my OneNote files from OneDrive. But when I try to authenticate using msaAuthenticationProvider a white window appears and then nothing happens. I think the window is supposed to be the Microsoft login, but nothing appears in it.
Here's my code:
string[] scopes = new string[] {
var msaAuthenticationProvider = new MsaAuthenticationProvider(
await msaAuthenticationProvider.AuthenticateUserAsync();
var client = new OneDriveClient(URL, msaAuthenticationProvider);
It gets to the AuthenticateUserAsync method, then the window apperas, and after that nothing happens.
I'm also not sure what the returnURL is supposed to be because all examples where either for an app version or just said return URL without giving any examples.

sorry for the delay. Have you tried this method:
Edit : If the last known connection token is usable, this method can be used to authenticate the user without prompt it. So, this restore the last authentication cache if it can or prompt the user to give his login and password. This can replace the already used AuthenticateUserAsync method. I had the same issue and this method solved it.
Edit 2 : The OneDrive SDK documentation is very poor, I found this myself fiercely as I found that you can get the connection token (to save it for example) and inject it when you need like that in an async task :
if (_OneDriveCacheBlob == null)
bool needtosaveblob = true;
_OneDriveCacheBlob = null;
CredentialCache cc = new CredentialCache();
_OneDriveCacheBlob = GetUser(CurrentUserName).OneDriveAuthProviderBlob;
if (_OneDriveCacheBlob != null)
needtosaveblob = false;
MsaAuthenticationProvider msaAuthProvider = new MsaAuthenticationProvider(OneDriveClass.clientId, OneDriveClass.returnUrl, scopes, cc);
int timeout = 15;
_ = Task.Run(() => WaitForODConnection(msaAuthProvider));
while (!WaitForODConnectionExecuted)
if (timeout <= 0)
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
timeout -= 1;
WaitForODConnectionExecuted = false;
if (timeout <= 0)
// Request for reconnection to OneDrive because of invalid Blob
await Dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.High, () =>
//This method requests a new login by a simple msaAuthProvider.AuthenticateUserAsync() call from a new instance of MsaAuthenticationProvider and a new instance of CredentialCache.
_OneDriveClient = new OneDriveClient(OneDriveClass.basUrl, msaAuthProvider);
string accessToken = msaAuthProvider.CurrentAccountSession.AccessToken;
JObject json = await GetUserInfos(msaAuthProvider.CurrentAccountSession.AccessToken);
if (json != null)
// If you need
oneDriveUserName = json["name"].ToString();
oneDriveEmail = json["emails"]["account"].ToString();
//Unable to get OneDrive user informations;
if (needtosaveblob)
_OneDriveCacheBlob = cc.GetCacheBlob();
//You can save _OneDriveCacheBlob to reuse it later;
To get the user infos :
/// <summary>
/// Return User informations as a JObject. To get username and email, if return isn't null :
/// username = json["name"].ToString();
/// email = json["emails"]["account"].ToString();
/// </summary>
/// <param name="accessToken">accesstoken of Onedrive account</param>
/// <returns>JObject value</returns>
public static async Task<JObject> GetUserInfos(string accessToken)
JObject json = null;
Uri uri = new Uri($"{accessToken}");
System.Net.Http.HttpClient httpClient = new System.Net.Http.HttpClient();
System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage result = await httpClient.GetAsync(uri);
//user info returnd as JSON
string jsonUserInfo = await result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
if (jsonUserInfo != null)
json = JObject.Parse(jsonUserInfo);
//username = json["name"].ToString();
//email = json["emails"]["account"].ToString();
return json;
And because the OneDrive method never expires if the token is no longer usable :
bool WaitForODConnectionExecuted = false;
private async Task WaitForODConnection(MsaAuthenticationProvider msaAuthProvider)
await msaAuthProvider.RestoreMostRecentFromCacheOrAuthenticateUserAsync();
WaitForODConnectionExecuted = true;
It was not funny and I think my code is not clean so do not use it as it is without working a little on it.


List secrets in a KeyVault without logging in for every secret?

I've successfully managed to list all of the secrets in an Azure KeyVault - however I need to make a call to get a token each time I want to get the next secret.
How do I store the credentials so I only have to login once during the loop?
public async Task<List<string>> getsecretslist(string url)
var kv = new KeyVaultClient(new KeyVaultClient.AuthenticationCallback(GetToken));
List<string> secretlist = new List<string>();
var all = kv.GetSecretsAsync(url);
var myId = "";
foreach (Microsoft.Azure.KeyVault.Models.SecretItem someItem in all.Result)
myId = someItem.Id;
var mOtherThing = someItem.Identifier;
var yep = await kv.GetSecretAsync(mOtherThing.ToString());
return secretlist;
In your GetToken callback method you need to cache the access token as long as it is valid and not expired. Then your callback will return the cached access token instead of doing the authentication again. The following code snippet will use the ADAL default token cache (e.g. TokenCache.DefaultShared).
public static async Task<string> GetToken(string authority, string resource, string scope)
var assertionCert = new ClientAssertionCertificate(clientId, certificate);
var context = new AuthenticationContext(authority, TokenCache.DefaultShared);
var result = await context.AcquireTokenAsync(resource, assertionCert).ConfigureAwait(false);
return result.AccessToken;
The best way that i found is to save the token you obtained in your GetToken function, for example:
var authenticationContext = new AuthenticationContext(authority, TokenCache.DefaultShared);
var authenticationResult = await authenticationContext.AcquireTokenAsync(resource, KeyVaultUserClientId, new Uri(KeyVaultRedirectUri), new PlatformParameters(PromptBehavior.SelectAccount)).ConfigureAwait(false);
return authenticationResult.AccessToken;
Then i simply altered the getter for the client so it will check for the expiry, if its still valid (should have expiration of 60 minutes) it will return a simpler client which returns the lastAuthenticationResult
private static KeyVaultClient KeyVaultClient
if (lastAuthenticationResult != null && DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(5) < lastAuthenticationResult.ExpiresOn)
if (m_cachedKeyVaultClient != null)
return m_cachedKeyVaultClient;
return new KeyVaultClient(getCachedToken);
if (m_keyVaultClient == null)
m_keyVaultClient = new KeyVaultClient(GetAccessTokenAsync);
return m_keyVaultClient;
private static async Task<string> getCachedToken(string authority, string resource, string scope)
return lastAuthenticationResult.AccessToken;
You don't need to call GetSecretAsync inside your loop. The secrets are already included in your Result set from calling GetSecretsAsync. This is why you are being authenticated repeatedly.
Here is a simple change to your loop to do what you are looking for.
var all = kv.GetSecretsAsync(url).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
foreach (var secret in all.Value)

Token received from authentication context not working

I am setting up a multi tenant application and I am having issues creating a GraphServiceClient.
I have to following AuthorizationCodeReceived:
AuthorizationCodeReceived = async context =>
var tenantId =
var authenticationContext = new AuthenticationContext(""+ tenantId);
await authenticationContext.AcquireTokenByAuthorizationCodeAsync(
new Uri("http://localhost:21925"),
new ClientCredential(ClientId, ClientSecret),
This works perfectly to authenticate the user. I am using fiddler, and I see that a new bearer token was given by{tenantid}/oauth2/token
When creating a new Graph Service Client I use the following factory method:
public IGraphServiceClient CreateGraphServiceClient()
var client = new GraphServiceClient(
new DelegateAuthenticationProvider(
async requestMessage =>
string token;
var currentUserId = ClaimsPrincipal.Current.FindFirst("").Value;
var currentUserHomeTenantId = ClaimsPrincipal.Current.FindFirst("").Value;
var authenticationContext = new AuthenticationContext("" + currentUserHomeTenantId + "/");
var clientCredential = new ClientCredential(_configuration.ClientId, _configuration.ClientSecret);
var authenticationResult = await authenticationContext.AcquireTokenSilentAsync(
new UserIdentifier(currentUserId, UserIdentifierType.UniqueId));
token = authenticationResult.AccessToken;
catch (AdalSilentTokenAcquisitionException e)
var result = await authenticationContext.AcquireTokenAsync(GraphResourceId, clientCredential);
token = result.AccessToken;
requestMessage.Headers.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("bearer", token);
return client;
This method always throws an AdalSilentAcquisitionException and the AcquireTokenAsync retrieves a new token.
With this token, I am not able to request 'Me' on the graph.
I get the following exception: message=Resource 'some guid' does not exist or one of its queried reference-property objects are not present.
However, if I am debugging and I change the token before it is passed to the header, with the value of the one I got previously right after login in (received from{tenantid}/oauth2/token ) then the API call works.
Does anyone know what I am doing wrong? He can I get the acquiretokensilently working?
Update: I have updated the code samples. I have removed the custom cache, and now everything seems to work.
How can I make a custom cache based on the http sessions, making sure the AcquireTokenSilently works.
Preview of not working token cache:
public class WebTokenCache : TokenCache
private readonly HttpContext _httpContext;
private readonly string _cacheKey;
public WebTokenCache()
_httpContext = HttpContext.Current;
var claimsPrincipal = (ClaimsPrincipal) HttpContext.Current.User;
_cacheKey = BuildCacheKey(claimsPrincipal);
AfterAccess = AfterAccessNotification;
private string BuildCacheKey(ClaimsPrincipal claimsPrincipal)
var clientId = claimsPrincipal.FindFirst("aud").Value;
return $"{claimsPrincipal.FindFirst("").Value}_TokenCache";
private void LoadFromCache()
var token = _httpContext.Cache[_cacheKey];
if (token == null) return;
Deserialize((byte[]) token);
private void AfterAccessNotification(TokenCacheNotificationArgs args)
if (!HasStateChanged) return;
if (Count > 0)
_httpContext.Cache[_cacheKey] = Serialize();
HasStateChanged = false;
I am trying use the code above and it works well form me.
Please ensure that the GraphResourceId is resource is requested first time in your startUp class) since the method AcquireTokenSilentAsync will try to retrieve the token from cache based on the resrouce.

Remembering log in credentials/permissions UWP/C# (Microsoft Cloud API)

I'm creating an app that access the Microsoft Cloud API to get health data. It uses OAuth to log in when you hit the Sign In Button
private void signinButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
UriBuilder uri = new UriBuilder("");
var query = new StringBuilder();
query.AppendFormat("redirect_uri={0}", Uri.EscapeDataString(RedirectUri));
query.AppendFormat("&client_id={0}", Uri.EscapeDataString(ClientId));
query.AppendFormat("&scope={0}", Uri.EscapeDataString(Scopes));
uri.Query = query.ToString();
this.webView.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
This brings up a webView with the page to log in using Microsoft credentials. Once completed, it leads to this:
private async void WebView_NavigationCompleted(WebView sender, WebViewNavigationCompletedEventArgs args)
// When the web view navigates to our redirect URI, extract the authorization code from
// the URI and use it to fetch our access token. If no authorization code is present,
// we're completing a sign-out flow.
if (args.Uri.LocalPath.StartsWith("/oauth20_desktop.srf", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
WwwFormUrlDecoder decoder = new WwwFormUrlDecoder(args.Uri.Query);
var code = decoder.FirstOrDefault((entry) => entry.Name.Equals("code", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
var error = decoder.FirstOrDefault((entry) => entry.Name.Equals("error", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
var errorDesc = decoder.FirstOrDefault((entry) => entry.Name.Equals("error_description", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
// Check the code to see if this is sign-in or sign-out
if (code != null)
// Hide the browser again, no matter what happened...
sender.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
if (error != null)
this.responseText.Text = string.Format("{0}\r\n{1}", error.Value, errorDesc.Value);
var tokenError = await this.GetToken(code.Value, false);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tokenError))
this.responseText.Text = "Successful sign-in!";
this.signoutButton.IsEnabled = true;
this.signinButton.IsEnabled = false;
this.getProfileButton.IsEnabled = true;
this.getDevicesButton.IsEnabled = true;
this.getActivitiesButton.IsEnabled = true;
this.getDailySummaryButton.IsEnabled = true;
this.getHourlySummaryButton.IsEnabled = true;
this.responseText.Text = tokenError;
this.responseText.Text = "Successful sign-out!";
this.signoutButton.IsEnabled = false;
this.signinButton.IsEnabled = true;
this.getProfileButton.IsEnabled = false;
this.getDevicesButton.IsEnabled = false;
this.getActivitiesButton.IsEnabled = false;
this.getDailySummaryButton.IsEnabled = true;
this.getHourlySummaryButton.IsEnabled = false;
private async Task<string> GetToken(string code, bool isRefresh)
UriBuilder uri = new UriBuilder("");
var query = new StringBuilder();
query.AppendFormat("redirect_uri={0}", Uri.EscapeDataString(RedirectUri));
query.AppendFormat("&client_id={0}", Uri.EscapeDataString(ClientId));
query.AppendFormat("&client_secret={0}", Uri.EscapeDataString(ClientSecret));
if (isRefresh)
query.AppendFormat("&refresh_token={0}", Uri.EscapeDataString(code));
query.AppendFormat("&code={0}", Uri.EscapeDataString(code));
uri.Query = query.ToString();
var request = WebRequest.Create(uri.Uri);
using (var response = await request.GetResponseAsync())
using (var stream = response.GetResponseStream())
using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(stream))
var responseString = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
var jsonResponse = JObject.Parse(responseString);
this.creds.AccessToken = (string)jsonResponse["access_token"];
this.creds.ExpiresIn = (long)jsonResponse["expires_in"];
this.creds.RefreshToken = (string)jsonResponse["refresh_token"];
string error = (string)jsonResponse["error"];
return error;
catch (Exception ex)
return ex.Message;
I don't want users to have to accept the permissions every time the app is launched. Is there a way to save credentials locally so that it automatically authenticates on launch? Thanks!
You can use
This process good described by this answer Best Way to keep Settings for a WinRT App?
The code in link identity to UWP
Store the needed oauth parts in the credential locker API. Never store these kind of information in the normal settings API.
On start read the oauth information and use the refreshtoken to get a new access token.
More Information here.

ASP.Net MVC5, Google OAuth 2.0 and Youtube API

I need some help regarding mvc 5 using the google login provider and getting some youtube data. right now i think i get things a little mixed up. i'm not new to mvc but to version 5's owin middleware features. well, and not experienced in implementing oauth 2.0.
What i want:
Login to my MVC5 Application via Google.
Read some Youtube information from the logged in user.
What i have done so far:
Followed this Google OAuth 2.0 tutorial: Web applications (ASP.NET MVC).
Installed Google.Apis.Auth.MVC via NuGet.
Implemented AppFlowMetadata and AuthCallbackController as described.
Configured the redirect uri to "/AuthCallback/IndexAsync" as described.
Implemented a YoutubeController with the following action just to dump out some data:
public async Task<ActionResult> IndexAsync()
var result =
await new AuthorizationCodeMvcApp(this, new AppFlowMetadata())
if (result.Credential == null)
return new RedirectResult(result.RedirectUri);
var service = new YouTubeService(new BaseClientService.Initializer
HttpClientInitializer = result.Credential,
ApplicationName = "MyYoutubeApplication"
var playlists = service.Playlists.List("contentDetails, snippet");
playlists.Mine = true;
var list = await playlists.ExecuteAsync();
var json = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(list);
ViewBag.Message = json;
return View();
So what this does, when trying to access /Youtube/IndexAsync is redirecting me to google, asking for my credentials.
when entered, i'm asked if i'm ok with the permission asked by the application. after confirming, i get redirected to my page, showing my /Youtube/IndexAsync page with the requested data. so far so good, but that's not quite what i want.
what (i think) i have done here is that i completely bypassed the identity system. the user is not logged in to my application let alone registered.
i want the user to log in with google, register in my application and provide access to his youtube data. then, when on a specific page, retrieve data from the user's youtube account.
What i also have tried:
Following this ASP.Net MVC5 Tutorial
This tutorial does not mention the NuGet package "Google.Apis.Auth.MVC" and talks something about a magic "/signin-google" redirect uri".
This also works, but breaks the solution above, complaining about a wrong redirect uri.
When using this approach, it seems not right to me call AuthorizeAsync in YoutubeController again, since i should already be authorized.
So i'm looking for some light in the dark, telling me what i'm mixing all together :) I hope the question is not as confused as i am right now.
I managed to do this using GooglePlus, haven't tried Google. Here's what I did:
Install the nugets:
> Install-Package Owin.Security.Providers
> Install-Package Google.Apis.Youtube.v3
Add this to Startup.auth.cs:
var g = new GooglePlusAuthenticationOptions();
g.ClientId = Constants.GoogleClientId;
g.ClientSecret = Constants.GoogleClientSecret;
g.RequestOfflineAccess = true; // for refresh token
g.Provider = new GooglePlusAuthenticationProvider
OnAuthenticated = context =>
context.Identity.AddClaim(new Claim(Constants.GoogleAccessToken, context.AccessToken));
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(context.RefreshToken))
context.Identity.AddClaim(new Claim(Constants.GoogleRefreshToken, context.RefreshToken));
return Task.FromResult<object>(null);
g.SignInAsAuthenticationType = DefaultAuthenticationTypes.ExternalCookie;
The above code does two things:
Enable authentication via. Google+
Requests for the access token and the refresh token. The tokens are then added as a claim in the GooglePlus middleware.
Create a method that will store the claims containing the token to the database. I have this in the AccountController.cs file
private async Task StoreGooglePlusAuthToken(ApplicationUser user)
var claimsIdentity = await AuthenticationManager.GetExternalIdentityAsync(DefaultAuthenticationTypes.ExternalCookie);
if (claimsIdentity != null)
// Retrieve the existing claims for the user and add the google plus access token
var currentClaims = await UserManager.GetClaimsAsync(user.Id);
var ci = claimsIdentity.FindAll(Constants.GoogleAccessToken);
if (ci != null && ci.Count() != 0)
var accessToken = ci.First();
if (currentClaims.Count() <= 0)
await UserManager.AddClaimAsync(user.Id, accessToken);
ci = claimsIdentity.FindAll(Constants.GoogleRefreshToken);
if (ci != null && ci.Count() != 0)
var refreshToken = ci.First();
if (currentClaims.Count() <= 1)
await UserManager.AddClaimAsync(user.Id, refreshToken);
You'll need to call it in 2 places in the AccountController.cs: Once in ExternalLoginCallback:
case SignInStatus.Success:
var currentUser = await UserManager.FindAsync(loginInfo.Login);
if (currentUser != null)
await StoreGooglePlusAuthToken(currentUser);
return RedirectToLocal(returnUrl);
and once in ExternalLoginConfirmation:
var user = new ApplicationUser { UserName = model.Email, Email = model.Email };
var result = await UserManager.CreateAsync(user);
if (result.Succeeded)
result = await UserManager.AddLoginAsync(user.Id, info.Login);
if (result.Succeeded)
await StoreGooglePlusAuthToken(user);
await SignInManager.SignInAsync(user, isPersistent: false, rememberBrowser: false);
return RedirectToLocal(returnUrl);
Now that we've got the users access token and refresh token we can use this to authenticate the user.
I tried a simple search I saw in the examples and it worked:
private async Task<Models.YouTubeViewModel> Search(string searchTerm)
var user = (ClaimsPrincipal)Thread.CurrentPrincipal;
var at = user.Claims.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == Constants.GoogleAccessToken);
var rt = user.Claims.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == Constants.GoogleRefreshToken);
if (at == null || rt == null)
throw new HttpUnhandledException("Access / Refresh Token missing");
TokenResponse token = new TokenResponse
AccessToken = at.Value,
RefreshToken = rt.Value
var cred = new UserCredential(new GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow(
new GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow.Initializer()
ClientSecrets = new ClientSecrets()
ClientId = Constants.GoogleClientId,
ClientSecret = Constants.GoogleClientSecret
var youtubeService = new YouTubeService(new BaseClientService.Initializer()
ApplicationName = this.GetType().ToString(),
HttpClientInitializer = cred,
var searchListRequest = youtubeService.Search.List("snippet");
searchListRequest.Q = searchTerm;
searchListRequest.MaxResults = 50;
// Call the search.list method to retrieve results matching the specified query term.
var searchListResponse = await searchListRequest.ExecuteAsync();
Models.YouTubeViewModel vm = new Models.YouTubeViewModel(searchTerm);
foreach (var searchResult in searchListResponse.Items)
switch (searchResult.Id.Kind)
case "youtube#video":
vm.Videos.Add(new Models.Result(searchResult.Snippet.Title, searchResult.Id.VideoId));
case "youtube#channel":
vm.Channels.Add(new Models.Result(searchResult.Snippet.Title, searchResult.Id.ChannelId));
case "youtube#playlist":
vm.Playlists.Add(new Models.Result(searchResult.Snippet.Title, searchResult.Id.PlaylistId));
return vm;
Model Classes
public class Result
public string Title { get; set; }
public string Id { get; set; }
public Result() { }
public Result(string title, string id)
this.Title = title;
this.Id = id;
public class YouTubeViewModel
public string SearchTerm { get; set; }
public List<Result> Videos { get; set; }
public List<Result> Playlists { get; set; }
public List<Result> Channels { get; set; }
public YouTubeViewModel()
Videos = new List<Result>();
Playlists = new List<Result>();
Channels = new List<Result>();
public YouTubeViewModel(string searchTerm)
SearchTerm = searchTerm;

C# Google drive sdk. How to get a list of google drive folders?

I'm writing a program to allow a user to upload files to their Google Drive account. I have the upload part working and am using OAuth2. The issue I'm currently having is getting a list of folders from the users Drive account.
I found some code that is supposed to do this using the .setUserCredentials method, but it doesn't work:
DocumentsService service1 = new DocumentsService("project");
FolderQuery query1 = new FolderQuery();
// Make a request to the API and get all documents.
DocumentsFeed feed = service1.Query(query1);
// Iterate through all of the documents returned
foreach (DocumentEntry entry in feed.Entries)
var blech = entry.Title.Text;
Nothing is returned. Ideally, I want to use OAuth2 to do this. I've been trying with the following code, trying to set the authentication token, but I always get denied access:
String CLIENT_ID = "clientid";
String CLIENT_SECRET = "secretid";
var docprovider = new NativeApplicationClient(GoogleAuthenticationServer.Description, CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET);
var docstate = GetDocAuthentication(docprovider);
DocumentsService service1 = new DocumentsService("project");
FolderQuery query1 = new FolderQuery();
DocumentsFeed feed = service1.Query(query1); //get error here
// Iterate through all of the documents returned
foreach (DocumentEntry entry in feed.Entries)
// Print the title of this document to the screen
var blech = entry.Title.Text;
private static IAuthorizationState GetDocAuthentication(NativeApplicationClient client)
const string STORAGE = "storagestring";
const string KEY = "keystring";
string scope = "";
// Check if there is a cached refresh token available.
IAuthorizationState state = AuthorizationMgr.GetCachedRefreshToken(STORAGE, KEY);
if (state != null)
return state; // Yes - we are done.
catch (DotNetOpenAuth.Messaging.ProtocolException ex)
// Retrieve the authorization from the user.
state = AuthorizationMgr.RequestNativeAuthorization(client, scope);
AuthorizationMgr.SetCachedRefreshToken(STORAGE, KEY, state);
return state;
Specifically, I get "Execution of request failed: - The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized".
I've also tried:
var docauth = new OAuth2Authenticator<NativeApplicationClient>(docprovider, GetDocAuthentication);
DocumentsService service1 = new DocumentsService("project");
but "State" is always null, so I get a null object error. What am I doing wrong and how is this done?
You should use the Drive SDK, not the Documents List API, which allows you to list folders. You can use "root" as a folderId if you want to list the root directory.
I actually implemented the v3 version of the GDrive SDK for .NET and needed to search for folders as well.
I prefer requesting uniquely all folders instead of getting all files and then performing a LinQ query to keep just the folders.
This is my implementation:
private async Task<bool> FolderExistsAsync(string folderName)
var response = await GetAllFoldersAsync();
return response.Files
.Where(x => x.Name.ToLower() == folderName.ToLower())
private async Task<Google.Apis.Drive.v3.Data.FileList> GetAllFoldersAsync()
var request = _service.Files.List();
request.Q = "mimeType = 'application/'";
var response = await request.ExecuteAsync();
return response;
You could request the name on the Q this way as well:
request.Q = $"mimeType = 'application/' and name = '{folderName}'";
Which would lead and simplify things to (obviating null checking):
private async Task<bool> FolderExistsAsync(string folderName)
var response = await GetDesiredFolder(folderName);
return response.Files.Any();
private async Task<FileList> GetDesiredFolder(string folderName)
var request = _service.Files.List();
request.Q = $"mimeType = 'application/' and name = '{folderName}'";
var response = await request.ExecuteAsync();
return response;
private IEnumerable<DocumentEntry> GetFolders(string id) {
if (IsLogged) {
var query = new FolderQuery(id)
ShowFolders = true
var feed = GoogleDocumentsService.Query(query);
return feed.Entries.Cast<DocumentEntry>().Where(x => x.IsFolder).OrderBy(x => x.Title.Text);
return null;
var rootFolders = GetFolders("root");
if (rootFolders != null){
foreach(var folder in rootFolders){
var subFolders = GetFolders(folder.ResourceId);
where GoogleDocumentsService is a instance of DocumentsService and IsLogged is a success logged flag.
I got this way to get list of folders from google drive
FilesResource.ListRequest filelist= service.Files.List();
filelist.Execute().Items.ToList().Where(x => x.MimeType == "application/").ToList()

