Async Task in WPF - c#

I tried to run a task for a WPF UI Code Behind . but it doesn't work and noting happend when I use Task.Factory but it works when I use the code without Task.Factory
public MainWindow()
private void GetNews()
Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
FeedReader reader = new FeedReader();
var news = reader.RetrieveFeed("");
foreach (var item in news)
textBlock.Text = item.Title;
How can I use async/await or anything that prevent block main thread?

Nothing happens because an exception is thrown as you are trying to modify UI element outside of UI thread. You should either use textBlock.Dispatcher.Invoke method or make FeedReader asynchronous and use async/await in your method, which is preferable.
So the prefered solution would be (provided RetrieveFeed is async method):
private async void GetNews()
FeedReader reader = new FeedReader();
var news = await reader.RetrieveFeed("");
foreach (var item in news)
textBlock.Text = item.Title;
Alternatively you could wrap feed retrieval in a task, which will work with your current implementation:
private async void GetNews()
FeedReader reader = new FeedReader();
var news = await Task.Run(() => reader.RetrieveFeed(""));
foreach (var item in news)
textBlock.Text = item.Title;
This approach will work because await will capture SynchronizationContext of UI thread and will set value to the textbox in UI thread.
And the caveat here is that exceptions thrown in async void method are never observed and are lost. So you should wrap the code inside GetNews method in try/catch block and at least log the exception so you are aware of it.

You can use the async version to retrieve the feed
SyndicationFeed feed = await client.RetrieveFeedAsync(uri).AsTask(ct);
Check the example from msdn.
It calls the Windows Runtime method, RetrieveFeedAsync, and applies a .NET Framework extension method, AsTask, to the returned IAsyncOperation instance. AsTask represents the instance as a Task, so that you can await it.


Why does OpenReadAsync inside a foreach loop hangs the UI thread?

I'm developing an app for UWP.
I need to load a folder that contains around 700 small pictures. This is the method I use to load the pictures into memory:
private async Task<ObservableCollection<ImageSource>> LoadPicturesAsync()
var pictureList = new ObservableCollection<ImageSource> { };
pictureFiles.ForEach(async file =>
var img = new BitmapImage();
var stream = await file.OpenReadAsync();
await img.SetSourceAsync(stream);
return pictureList;
When this method gets called by the constructor of my view model, the view seems to be blocked (unresponsive) for about 6 seconds.
This is strange because all IO operations are done asynchronously, and the only thing running in UI thread is creating of BitmapImage objects in a foreach loop. This is so fast it shouldn't block the UI thread.
My question is: Why did the UI thread block for 6 seconds knowing that I run all IO operations asynchronously? And how to fix this so UI thread is not blocked?
This is how I call that method:
private async Task Init()
PictureList = await LoadPicturesAsync();
public MainVewModel(){
Why is this happening?
Because you are trying to run so many threads concurrently since you are using the ForEach method of the list and passing an async action into it. Replace the ForEach with a for-each and you'll be fine.
private async Task<ObservableCollection<ImageSource>> LoadPicturesAsync() {
foreach (var file in pictureFiles) {
var stream = await file.OpenReadAsync();
var image = new BitmapImage();
await image.SetSourceAsync(stream);
pictureList.Add(image );
private async Task Init() {
PictureList = await LoadPicturesAsync();
After all, I see you call the Init method in your view-model:
public MainVewModel(){
Since Init returns a Task, you need be aware that the PictureList property/field may not be set when construction finishes, so if you attempt to access it immediately after instantiate, you may face a NullReferenceException.
MainViewModel viewModel = new MainViewModel();
var pics = viewModel.PictureList;
var count = pics.Count; // High chance of NullReferenceException
In order to avoid that, you may consider defining an static CreateAsync method for you view-model. More information can be found here.

C# return before await - without starting a new Task

This is for an iOS app written in Xamarin. All my application code runs in the main thread (i.e. the UI thread).
The UI code does something as follows:
public async void ButtonClicked()
var data = await UpdateData();
The UpdateData function does something as follows:
public Task<Data> UpdateData()
var data = await FetchFromServer();
return data;
TriggerCacheUpdate ends up calling the following function defined below
public Task RefreshCache()
var data = await FetchMoreDataFromServer();
My question is how should TriggerCacheUpdate be written? The requirements are:
Can't be async, I don't want UpdateData and consequently
ButtonClicked to wait for RefreshCache to complete before
UpdateInternalDataStructures needs to execute on the main (UI) thread, i.e. the thread that all the other code shown above executes on.
Here are a few alternatives I came up with:
public void TriggerCacheUpdate()
The above works but generates a compiler warning. Moreover exception handling from RefreshCache doesn't work.
public void TriggerCacheUpdate()
Task.Run(async() =>
await RefreshCache();
The above violates requirement 2 as UpdateInternalDataStructures is not executed on the same thread as everything else.
A possible alternative that I believe works is:
private event EventHandler Done;
public void TriggerCacheUpdate()
this.task = RefreshCache();
Done += async(sender, e) => await this.task;
Task RefreshCache() {
var data = await FetchMoreDataFromServer();
if (Done != null) {
Done(this, EventArgs.Empty);
Does the above work? I haven't ran into any problems thus far with my limited testing. Is there a better way to write TriggerCacheUpdate?
It's hard to say without being able to test it but it looks like your trigger cache update method is fine, it's your RefreshCache that needs to change. Inside of RefreshCache you are not waiting in the UI thread for the result of "data" to return so set the ConfigureAwait to false.
public async Task RefreshCache()
var data = await FetchMoreDataFromServer().ConfigureAwait(false);
Your event handler is async. That means, that even if you await for a Task to complete, that your UI remains responsive. So even if you would await for the TriggerCacheUpdate to return, your UI would remain responsive.
However, if you are really certain that you are not interested in the result of TriggerCachUpdate, then you could start a Task without waiting for it:
public Task<Data> UpdateData()
var data = await FetchFromServer();
Task.Run( () => TriggerCacheUpdate());
return data;
Note: careful: you don't know when TriggerCachUpdate is finished, not even if it ended successfully or threw an exception. Also: check what happens if you start a new TriggerCacheUpdate task while the previous one is not finished yet.
For those who want to use Task.Factory.StartNew, see the discussion about it in MSDN:
Task.Run vs Task.Factory.StartNew

Async/Await - not understanding why one way is Blocking and another is not

Still trying to wrap my head around async/await. I have the following method for drag/drop loading:
private async void p_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
string[] files = (string[])e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop);
List<string> CurvesToLoad = new List<string>();
List<string> TestsToLoad = new List<string>();
foreach (string file in files)
if (file.ToUpper().EndsWith(".CCC"))
else if (file.ToUpper().EndsWith(".TTT"))
foreach (string CurvePath in CurvesToLoad)
Curve c = new Curve(CurvePath);
await Task.Run(() =>
foreach (string TestPath in TestsToLoad)
Test t = new Test(TestPath);
await Task.Run(() =>
It is non-blocking as I expected - I am able to navigate between tabs of the TabControl as multiple items are loaded and I can see each tab pop up as it complete loading.
I then tried to convert to this:
private Task<Curve> LoadAndCalculateCurve(string path)
Curve c = new Curve(path);
return Task.FromResult(c);
And then replace the marked snippet from the first code block with:
foreach (string CurvePath in CurvesToLoad)
Curve c = await LoadAndCalculateCurve(CurvePath);
And it becomes blocking - I can't navigate through tabs as it's loading, and then all of the loaded items appear at once when they are completed. Just trying to learn and understand the differences at play here - many thanks in advance.
Updated LoadAndCalculateCurve():
private async Task<Curve> LoadAndCalculateCurve(string path)
Curve c = new Curve(path);
await Task.Run(() => {
return c;
Async methods do not execute in a different thread, await does not start a thread. async merely enables the await keyword and await waits for something that already runs.
All of that code is running on the UI thread.
So basically this is what is happening to my knowledge.
In your first code you write
foreach (string CurvePath in CurvesToLoad)
Curve c = new Curve(CurvePath);
await Task.Run(() =>
this does the async flow as expected because you are using the Task.Run which adds the work to the ThreadPool queue.
In your second try you don't do this and you are using the same task. Try to use the same logic of (Task.Run) in the second try and I think it will work
The implementation of your LoadAndCalculateCurve method is to synchronously create a Curve, synchronously load it and perform the calculation, and then return the result wrapped in a Task. Nothing about this is asynchronously. When you await it it will invoke the method, do all of the synchronous work to get the (already completed) task, and then add a continuation to that (already completed) task that will fire immediately.
When you instead use Task.Run you're scheduling those long running operations to take place in another thread and immediately returning a (not yet completed) Task that you can use to run code when it does eventually finish its work.

Do I create a deadlock for Task.WhenAll()

I seem to be experiencing a deadlock with the following code, but I do not understand why.
From a certain point in code I call this method.
public async Task<SearchResult> Search(SearchData searchData)
var tasks = new List<Task<FolderResult>>();
using (var serviceClient = new Service.ServiceClient())
foreach (var result in MethodThatCallsWebservice(serviceClient, config, searchData))
return await GetResult(tasks);
Where GetResult is as following:
private static async Task<SearchResult> GetResult(IEnumerable<Task<FolderResult>> tasks)
var result = new SearchResult();
await Task.WhenAll(tasks).ConfigureAwait(false);
foreach (var taskResult in tasks.Select(p => p.MyResult))
foreach (var folder in taskResult.Result)
// Do stuff to fill result
return result;
The line var result = new SearchResult(); never completes, though the GUI is responsive because of the following code:
public async void DisplaySearchResult(Task<SearchResult> searchResult)
var result = await searchResult;
This method is called via an event handler that called the Search method.
_view.Search += (sender, args) => _view.DisplaySearchResult(_model.Search(args.Value));
The first line of DisplaySearchResult gets called, which follows the path down to the GetResult method with the Task.WhenAll(...) part.
Why isn't the Task.WhenAll(...) ever completed? Did I not understand the use of await correctly?
If I run the tasks synchronously, I do get the result but then the GUI freezes:
foreach (var task in tasks)
I read various solutions, but most were in combination with Task.WaitAll() and therefore did not help much. I also tried to use the help from this blogpost as you can see in DisplaySearchResult but I failed to get it to work.
Update 1:
The method MethodThatCallsWebservice:
private IEnumerable<Task<FolderResult>> MethodThatCallsWebservice(ServiceClient serviceClient, SearchData searchData)
// Doing stuff here to determine keys
foreach(var key in keys)
yield return new Task<FolderResult>(() => new FolderResult(key, serviceClient.GetStuff(input))); // NOTE: This is not the async variant
Since you have an asynchronous version of GetStuff (GetStuffAsync) it's much better to use it instead of offloading the synchronous GetStuff to a ThreadPool thread with Task.Run. This wastes threads and limits scalability.
async methods return a "hot" task so you don't need to call Start:
IEnumerable<Task<FolderResult>> MethodThatCallsWebservice(ServiceClient serviceClient, SearchData searchData)
return keys.Select(async key =>
new FolderResult(key, await serviceClient.GetStuffAsync(input)));
You need to start your tasks before you return them. Or even better use Task.Run.
yield return new Task<FolderResult>(() =>
new FolderResult(key, serviceClient.GetStuff(input)))
// NOTE: This is not the async variant
Is better written as:
yield return Task.Run<FolderResult>(() =>
new FolderResult(key, serviceClient.GetStuff(input)));

RunAsync - How do I await the completion of work on the UI thread?

When awaiting Dispatcher.RunAsync the continuation occurs when the work is scheduled, not when the work has completed. How can I await the work completing?
My original question assumed the premature continuation was caused by the design of the API, so here's the real question.
When awaiting Dispatcher.RunAsync using an asynchronous delegate, using await within the delegate's code, the continuation occurs when the await is encountered, not when the work has completed. How can I await the work completing?
Edit 2
One reason you may need to dispatch work that's already on the UI thread is to workaround subtle timing and layout issues. It's quite common for values of sizes and positions of elements in the visual tree to be in flux and scheduling work for a later iteration of the UI can help.
I found the following suggestion on a Microsoft github repository: How to await a UI task sent from a background thread.
Define this extension method for the CoreDispatcher:
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Windows.UI.Core;
public static class DispatcherTaskExtensions
public static async Task<T> RunTaskAsync<T>(this CoreDispatcher dispatcher,
Func<Task<T>> func, CoreDispatcherPriority priority = CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal)
var taskCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource<T>();
await dispatcher.RunAsync(priority, async () =>
taskCompletionSource.SetResult(await func());
catch (Exception ex)
return await taskCompletionSource.Task;
// There is no TaskCompletionSource<void> so we use a bool that we throw away.
public static async Task RunTaskAsync(this CoreDispatcher dispatcher,
Func<Task> func, CoreDispatcherPriority priority = CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal) =>
await RunTaskAsync(dispatcher, async () => { await func(); return false; }, priority);
Once you do that, all you need to do is use the new RunTaskAsync method to have your background task await on the UI work.
Usage example
Let's pretend that this is the method that needs to run in the UI thread. Pay attention to the debug statements, which will help follow the flow:
public static async Task<string> ShowMessageAsync()
// Set up a MessageDialog
var popup = new Windows.UI.Popups.MessageDialog("Question", "Please pick a button to continue");
popup.Commands.Add(new Windows.UI.Popups.UICommand("Button 1"));
popup.Commands.Add(new Windows.UI.Popups.UICommand("Button 2"));
popup.CancelCommandIndex = 0;
// About to show the dialog
Debug.WriteLine("Waiting for user choice...");
var command = await popup.ShowAsync();
// Dialog has been dismissed by the user
Debug.WriteLine("User has made a choice. Returning result.");
return command.Label;
To await that from your background thread, this is how you would use RunTaskAsync:
// Background thread calls this method
public async void Object_Callback()
Debug.WriteLine("Object_Callback() has been called.");
// Do the UI work, and await for it to complete before continuing execution
var buttonLabel = await Dispatcher.RunTaskAsync(ShowMessageAsync);
Debug.WriteLine($"Object_Callback() is running again. User clicked {buttonLabel}.");
The output then looks like this:
Object_Callback() has been called.
Waiting for user choice...
User has made a choice. Returning result.
Object_Callback() is running again. User clicked Button 1.
Your question is assuming that you want to schedule (and wait for) work on a UI thread from a background thread.
You'll usually find your code is much cleaner and easier to understand (and it will definitely be more portable) if you have the UI be the "master" and the background threads be the "slaves".
So, instead of having a background thread await some operation for the UI thread to do (using the awkward and unportable Dispatcher.RunAsync), you'll have the UI thread await some operation for the background thread to do (using the portable, made-for-async Task.Run).
You can wrap the call to RunAsync in your own asynchronous method that can be awaited and control the completion of the task and thus the continuation of awaiting callers yourself.
Since async-await is centred on the Task type, you must orchestrate the work using this type. However, usually a Task schedules itself to run on a threadpool thread and so it cannot be used to schedule UI work.
However, the TaskCompletionSource type was invented to act as a kind of puppeteer to an unscheduled Task. In other words, a TaskCompletionSource can create a dummy Task that is not scheduled to do anything, but via methods on the TaskCompletionSource can appear to be running and completing like a normal job.
See this example.
public Task PlayDemoAsync()
var completionSource = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
this.Dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, async () =>
foreach (var ppc in this.Plots.Select(p => this.TransformPlot(p, this.RenderSize)))
// For each subsequent stroke plot, we need to start a new figure.
if (this.Sketch.DrawingPoints.Any())
foreach (var point in ppc)
await Task.Delay(100);
catch (Exception e)
return (Task)completionSource.Task;
Note: the main work being done on the UI thread is just some lines being drawn on screen every 100ms.
A TaskCompletionSource is created as the puppet master. Look near the end and you'll see that it has a Task property that is returned to the caller. Returning Task satisfies the compilers needs and makes the method awaitable and asynchronous.
However, the Task is just a puppet, a proxy for the actual work going on in the UI thread.
See how in that main UI delegate I use the TaskCompletionSource.SetResult method to force a result into the Task (since returned to the caller) and communicate that work has finished.
If there's an error, I use SetException to 'pull another string' and make it appear that an exception has bubbled-up in the puppet Task.
The async-await subsystem knows no different and so it works as you'd expect.
As prompted by svick, if the method was designed to be callable only from the UI thread, then this would suffice:
/// <summary>
/// Begins a demonstration drawing of the asterism.
/// </summary>
public async Task PlayDemoAsync()
if (this.Sketch != null)
foreach (var ppc in this.Plots.Select(p => this.TransformPlot(p, this.RenderSize)))
// For each subsequent stroke plot, we need to start a new figure.
if (this.Sketch.DrawingPoints.Any())
foreach (var point in ppc)
await Task.Delay(100);
A nice way to work the clean way #StephenCleary suggests even if you have to start from a worker thread for some reason, is to use a simple helper object. With the object below you can write code like this:
await DispatchToUIThread.Awaiter;
// Now you're running on the UI thread, so this code is safe:
this.textBox.Text = text;
In your App.OnLaunched you have to initialize the object:
The theory behind the code below you can find at await anything;
public class DispatchToUIThread : INotifyCompletion
private readonly CoreDispatcher dispatcher;
public static DispatchToUIThread Awaiter { get; private set; }
private DispatchToUIThread(CoreDispatcher dispatcher)
this.dispatcher = dispatcher;
public static void Initialize(CoreDispatcher dispatcher)
if (dispatcher == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("dispatcher");
Awaiter = new DispatchToUIThread(dispatcher);
public DispatchToUIThread GetAwaiter()
return this;
public bool IsCompleted
get { return this.dispatcher.HasThreadAccess; }
public async void OnCompleted(Action continuation)
if (continuation == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("continuation");
await this.dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () => continuation());
public void GetResult() { }

