Working on using the HttpClient to convert WebClient code from .Net Framework 4.6.1 to NetStandard 1.6, and having an odd issue. Here's my code blocks that are in question:
public double TestDownloadSpeed(Server server, int simultaniousDownloads = 2, int retryCount = 2)
var testData = GenerateDownloadUrls(server, retryCount);
return TestSpeed(testData, async (client, url) =>
var data = await client.GetByteArrayAsync(url);
return data.Length;
}, simultaniousDownloads);
public double TestUploadSpeed(Server server, int simultaniousUploads = 2, int retryCount = 2)
var testData = GenerateUploadData(retryCount);
return TestSpeed(testData, async (client, uploadData) =>
client.PostAsync(server.Url, new StringContent(uploadData.ToString())).RunSynchronously();
return uploadData[0].Length;
}, simultaniousUploads);
private static double TestSpeed<T>(IEnumerable<T> testData, Func<HttpClient, T, Task<int>> doWork, int concurencyCount = 2)
var timer = new Stopwatch();
var throttler = new SemaphoreSlim(concurencyCount);
var downloadTasks = testData.Select(async data =>
await throttler.WaitAsync().ConfigureAwait(true);
var client = new CoreSpeedWebClient();
var size = await doWork(client, data).ConfigureAwait(true);
return size;
Task.Run(() => downloadTasks);
double totalSize = downloadTasks.Sum(task => task.Result);
return (totalSize * 8 / 1024) / ((double)timer.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000);
So, when calling the TestDownloadSpeed function everything works as expected, but when I call the TestUploadSpeed method I get the error InvalidOperationException: RunSynchronously may not be called on a task not bound to a delegate, such as the task returned from an asynchronous method.* on this portion of TestSpeed.
double totalSize = downloadTasks.Sum(task => task.Result);
I am really wracking my brain trying to figure out what in TestUploadSpeed is blowing things up. Anyone have any hints to point me in the right direction?
If it helps, here's the .Net 4.6.1 code that works without issue, so maybe something in my translation is off? Plus the original code runs about 5 times faster so not sure what that's about...
public double TestDownloadSpeed(Server server, int simultaniousDownloads = 2, int retryCount = 2)
var testData = GenerateDownloadUrls(server, retryCount);
return TestSpeed(testData, async (client, url) =>
var data = await client.DownloadDataTaskAsync(url).ConfigureAwait(false);
return data.Length;
}, simultaniousDownloads);
public double TestUploadSpeed(Server server, int simultaniousUploads = 2, int retryCount = 2)
var testData = GenerateUploadData(retryCount);
return TestSpeed(testData, async (client, uploadData) =>
await client.UploadValuesTaskAsync(server.Url, uploadData).ConfigureAwait(false);
return uploadData[0].Length;
}, simultaniousUploads);
private static double TestSpeed<T>(IEnumerable<T> testData, Func<WebClient, T, Task<int>> doWork, int concurencyCount = 2)
var timer = new Stopwatch();
var throttler = new SemaphoreSlim(concurencyCount);
var downloadTasks = testData.Select(async data =>
await throttler.WaitAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
var client = new SpeedTestWebClient();
var size = await doWork(client, data).ConfigureAwait(false);
return size;
double totalSize = downloadTasks.Sum(task => task.Result);
return (totalSize * 8 / 1024) / ((double)timer.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000);
To fix your specific example, you want to call Wait() to synchronously wait for the Task to complete. Not RunSynchronously().
But you probably actually want to await the Task to allow asynchronous completion. Wait() isn't very good for performance in most cases and has some characteristics that can cause deadlock if used unwisely.
long explanation
RunSynchronously() has a subtly different usage than Wait(). It runs the Task synchronously, while Wait will wait synchronously but doesn't dictate anything about how it should run.
RunSynchronously() it isn't very useful in modern TPL usage. It is meant to be called only on a cold Task -- one that hasn't been started.
The reason this isn't very useful is that just about every library method returning a Task will be returning a hot Task -- one that has already started. This includes the ones from HttpClient. When you call it on a Task that has already been started, you get the exception you've just run into.
I'm using Polly to make parallel API calls. The server however can't process more than 25 calls per second and so I'm wondering if there is a way to add a 1s delay after each batch of 25 calls?
var policy = Policy
foreach (var mediaItem in uploadedMedia)
var mediaRequest = new HttpRequestMessage { *** }
async Task<string> func()
var response = await client.SendAsync(mediaRequest);
return await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
tasks.Add(policy.ExecuteAsync(() => func()));
await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
I added a count as per the suggestion below but doesn't seem to work
foreach (var mediaItem in uploadedMedia.Items)
var mediaRequest = new HttpRequestMessage
RequestUri = new Uri($"{mediaItem.filename.S}"),
Method = HttpMethod.Get,
Headers = {
{ "id-token", id_Token },
{ "access-token", access_Token }
async Task<string> func()
if (count == 24)
count = 0;
var response = await client.SendAsync(mediaRequest);
return await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
tasks.Add(policy.ExecuteAsync(() => func()));
await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
foreach (var t in tasks)
var postResponse = await t;
Just scanned quickly over the code and perhaps another similar solution would be to add a Thread.Sleep(calculatedDelay):
foreach (var mediaItem in uploadedMedia.Items)
var mediaRequest = new HttpRequestMessage
Where calculatedDelay is some value based on 1000/25.
However I feel you would need a better solution than putting in a delay of some specified value as you cannot be sure of overhead delays issues in transferring data. Also you dont indicate what happens when you reach the 25+ limit, how does the server respond.. do you get an error or is it handled more elegantly? Here is perhaps the area where you can find a more reliable solution?
There are many ways to do this, however it's fairly easy to write a simple thread safe reusable async rate limiter.
The advantages with the async approach, it doesn't block thread pool threads, it's fairly efficient, and would work well in existing async workflows and pipelines like TPL Dataflow, and Reactive Extensions.
// 3 calls every 3 seconds as an example
var rateLimiter = new RateLimiter(3, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3));
// create some work
var task1 = Task.Run(async () =>
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++)
await rateLimiter.WaitAsync();
Console.WriteLine($"{Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId} : {DateTime.Now}");
var task2 = Task.Run(async () =>
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++)
await rateLimiter.WaitAsync();
Console.WriteLine($"{Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId} : {DateTime.Now}");
await Task.WhenAll(task1, task2);
4 : 10/25/2020 05:16:15
5 : 10/25/2020 05:16:15
4 : 10/25/2020 05:16:15
5 : 10/25/2020 05:16:18
5 : 10/25/2020 05:16:18
5 : 10/25/2020 05:16:18
5 : 10/25/2020 05:16:21
5 : 10/25/2020 05:16:21
5 : 10/25/2020 05:16:21
4 : 10/25/2020 05:16:24
Full Demo Here
private RateLimiter _rateLimiter = new RateLimiter(25 , TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
async Task<string> func()
await _rateLimiter.WaitAsync();
var response = await client.SendAsync(mediaRequest);
return await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
public class RateLimiter
private readonly CancellationToken _cancellationToken;
private readonly TimeSpan _timeSpan;
private bool _isProcessing;
private readonly int _count;
private readonly Queue<DateTime> _completed = new Queue<DateTime>();
private readonly Queue<TaskCompletionSource<bool>> _waiting = new Queue<TaskCompletionSource<bool>>();
private readonly object _sync = new object();
public RateLimiter(int count, TimeSpan timeSpan, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
_count = count;
_timeSpan = timeSpan;
_cancellationToken = cancellationToken;
private void Cleanup()
// if the cancellation was request, we need to throw on all waiting items
while (_cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested && _waiting.Any())
if (_waiting.TryDequeue(out var item))
_isProcessing = false;
private async Task ProcessAsync()
while (true)
var time = DateTime.Now - _timeSpan;
lock (_sync)
// remove anything out of date from the queue
while (_completed.Any() && _completed.Peek() < time)
_completed.TryDequeue(out _);
// signal waiting tasks to process
while (_completed.Count < _count && _waiting.Any())
if (_waiting.TryDequeue(out var item))
if (!_waiting.Any() && !_completed.Any())
var delay = (_completed.Peek() - time) + TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(20);
if (delay.Ticks > 0)
await Task.Delay(delay, _cancellationToken);
catch (OperationCanceledException)
lock (_sync)
public ValueTask WaitAsync()
// ReSharper disable once InconsistentlySynchronizedField
lock (_sync)
if (_completed.Count < _count && !_waiting.Any())
return new ValueTask();
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
return new ValueTask(tcs.Task);
if (!_isProcessing)
_isProcessing = true;
_ = ProcessAsync();
Note 1 : It would be optimal to use this with a max degree of parallelism.
Note 2 : Although I tested this, I only wrote it for this answer as a novel solution.
The Polly library currently lacks a rate-limiting policy (requests/time). Fortunately this functionality is relatively easy to implement using a SemaphoreSlim. The trick to make the rate-limiting happen is to configure the capacity of the semaphore equal to the dividend (requests), and delay the Release of the semaphore for a time span equal to the divisor (time), after acquiring the semaphore. This way the rate limit will be applied consistently to any possible time window.
Update: I realized that the Polly library is extensible, and allows to implement custom policies with custom functionality. So I'm scraping my original suggestion in favor of the custom RateLimitAsyncPolicy class below:
public class RateLimitAsyncPolicy : AsyncPolicy
private readonly SemaphoreSlim _semaphore;
private readonly TimeSpan _timeUnit;
public RateLimitAsyncPolicy(int maxOperationsPerTimeUnit, TimeSpan timeUnit)
// Arguments validation omitted
_semaphore = new SemaphoreSlim(maxOperationsPerTimeUnit);
_timeUnit = timeUnit;
protected async override Task<TResult> ImplementationAsync<TResult>(
Func<Context, CancellationToken, Task<TResult>> action,
Context context,
CancellationToken cancellationToken,
bool continueOnCapturedContext)
await _semaphore.WaitAsync(cancellationToken)
return await action(context, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
private async void ScheduleSemaphoreRelease()
await Task.Delay(_timeUnit);
This policy ensures that no more than maxOperationsPerTimeUnit operations will be started during any time window of timeUnit size. The duration of the operations is not taken into account. In other words no restriction is imposed on how many operations can be running concurrently at any given moment. This restriction can be optionally imposed by the BulkheadAsync policy. Combining these two policies (the RateLimitAsyncPolicy and the BulkheadAsync) is possible, as shown in the example below:
var policy = Policy.WrapAsync
.RetryAsync(retryCount: 3),
new RateLimitAsyncPolicy(
maxOperationsPerTimeUnit: 25, timeUnit: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)),
Policy.BulkheadAsync( // Optional
maxParallelization: 25, maxQueuingActions: Int32.MaxValue)
The order is important only for the RetryAsync policy, that must be placed first for a reason explained in the documentation:
BulkheadPolicy: Usually innermost unless wraps a final TimeoutPolicy. Certainly inside any WaitAndRetry. The Bulkhead intentionally limits the parallelization. You want that parallelization devoted to running the delegate, not occupied by waits for a retry.
Similarly the RateLimitPolicy must follow the Retry, so that each retry to be considered an independent operation, and to count towards the rate limit.
You should use Microsoft's Reactive Framework (aka Rx) - NuGet System.Reactive and add using System.Reactive.Linq; - then you can do this:
HttpRequestMessage MakeMessage(MediaItem mi) => new HttpRequestMessage
RequestUri = new Uri($"{mi.filename}"),
Method = HttpMethod.Get,
Headers = {
{ "id-token", id_Token },
{ "access-token", access_Token }
var urls = await
.Zip(Observable.Timer(TimeSpan.Zero, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.0)), (mrs, _) => mrs)
.SelectMany(mrs => mrs.ToObservable().SelectMany(mr => Observable.FromAsync(() => client.SendAsync(MakeMessage(mr)))))
.SelectMany(x => Observable.FromAsync(() => x.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()))
I haven't been able to test it, but it should be fairly close.
I have this function which checks for proxy servers and currently it checks only a number of threads and waits for all to finish until the next set is starting. Is it possible to start a new thread as soon as one is finished from the maximum allowed?
for (int i = 0; i < listProxies.Count(); i+=nThreadsNum)
for (nCurrentThread = 0; nCurrentThread < nThreadsNum; nCurrentThread++)
if (nCurrentThread < nThreadsNum)
string strProxyIP = listProxies[i + nCurrentThread].sIPAddress;
int nPort = listProxies[i + nCurrentThread].nPort;
tasks.Add(Task.Factory.StartNew<ProxyAddress>(() => CheckProxyServer(strProxyIP, nPort, nCurrentThread)));
foreach (var tsk in tasks)
ProxyAddress result = tsk.Result;
UpdateProxyDBRecord(result.sIPAddress, result.bOnlineStatus);
This seems much more simple:
int numberProcessed = 0;
new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = nThreadsNum },
(p)=> {
var result = CheckProxyServer(p.sIPAddress, s.nPort, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
UpdateProxyDBRecord(result.sIPAddress, result.bOnlineStatus);
With slots:
var obj = new Object();
var slots = new List<int>();
new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = nThreadsNum },
(p)=> {
int threadId = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;
int slot = slots.IndexOf(threadId);
if (slot == -1)
slot = slots.IndexOf(threadId);
var result = CheckProxyServer(p.sIPAddress, s.nPort, slot);
UpdateProxyDBRecord(result.sIPAddress, result.bOnlineStatus);
I took a few shortcuts there to guarantee thread safety. You don't have to do the normal check-lock-check dance because there will never be two threads attempting to add the same threadid to the list, so the second check will always fail and isn't needed. Secondly, for the same reason, I don't believe you need to ever lock around the outer IndexOf either. That makes this a very highly efficient concurrent routine that rarely locks (it should only lock nThreadsNum times) no matter how many items are in the enumerable.
Another solution is to use a SemaphoreSlim or the Producer-Consumer Pattern using a BlockinCollection<T>. Both solution support cancellation.
private async Task CheckProxyServerAsync(IEnumerable<object> proxies)
var tasks = new List<Task>();
int currentThreadNumber = 0;
int maxNumberOfThreads = 8;
using (semaphore = new SemaphoreSlim(maxNumberOfThreads, maxNumberOfThreads))
foreach (var proxy in proxies)
// Asynchronously wait until thread is available if thread limit reached
await semaphore.WaitAsync();
string proxyIP = proxy.IPAddress;
int port = proxy.Port;
tasks.Add(Task.Run(() => CheckProxyServer(proxyIP, port, Interlocked.Increment(ref currentThreadNumber)))
(task) =>
ProxyAddress result = task.Result;
// Method call must be thread-safe!
UpdateProxyDbRecord(result.IPAddress, result.OnlineStatus);
Interlocked.Decrement(ref currentThreadNumber);
// Allow to start next thread if thread limit was reached
// Asynchronously wait until all tasks are completed
// to prevent premature disposal of semaphore
await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
Producer-Consumer Pattern
// Uses a fixed number of same threads
private async Task CheckProxyServerAsync(IEnumerable<ProxyInfo> proxies)
var pipe = new BlockingCollection<ProxyInfo>();
int maxNumberOfThreads = 8;
var tasks = new List<Task>();
// Create all threads (count == maxNumberOfThreads)
for (int currentThreadNumber = 0; currentThreadNumber < maxNumberOfThreads; currentThreadNumber++)
Task.Run(() => ConsumeProxyInfo(pipe, currentThreadNumber)));
await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
private void ConsumeProxyInfo(BlockingCollection<ProxyInfo> proxiesPipe, int currentThreadNumber)
while (!proxiesPipe.IsCompleted)
if (proxiesPipe.TryTake(out ProxyInfo proxy))
int port = proxy.Port;
string proxyIP = proxy.IPAddress;
ProxyAddress result = CheckProxyServer(proxyIP, port, currentThreadNumber);
// Method call must be thread-safe!
UpdateProxyDbRecord(result.IPAddress, result.OnlineStatus);
If I'm understanding your question properly, this is actually fairly simple to do with await Task.WhenAny. Basically, you keep a collection of all of the running tasks. Once you reach a certain number of tasks running, you wait for one or more of your tasks to finish, and then you remove the tasks that were completed from your collection and continue to add more tasks.
Here's an example of what I mean below:
var tasks = new List<Task>();
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
// I want my list of tasks to contain at most 5 tasks at once
if (tasks.Count == 5)
// Wait for at least one of the tasks to complete
await Task.WhenAny(tasks.ToArray());
// Remove all of the completed tasks from the list
tasks = tasks.Where(t => !t.IsCompleted).ToList();
// Add some task to the list
tasks.Add(Task.Factory.StartNew(async delegate ()
await Task.Delay(1000);
I suggest changing your approach slightly. Instead of starting and stopping threads, put your proxy server data in a concurrent queue, one item for each proxy server. Then create a fixed number of threads (or async tasks) to work on the queue. This is more likely to provide smooth performance (you aren't starting and stopping threads over and over, which has overhead) and is a lot easier to code, in my opinion.
A simple example:
class ProxyChecker
private ConcurrentQueue<ProxyInfo> _masterQueue = new ConcurrentQueue<ProxyInfo>();
public ProxyChecker(IEnumerable<ProxyInfo> listProxies)
foreach (var proxy in listProxies)
public async Task RunChecks(int maximumConcurrency)
var count = Math.Max(maximumConcurrency, _masterQueue.Count);
var tasks = Enumerable.Range(0, count).Select( i => WorkerTask() ).ToList();
await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
private async Task WorkerTask()
ProxyInfo proxyInfo;
while ( _masterList.TryDequeue(out proxyInfo))
DoTheTest(proxyInfo.IP, proxyInfo.Port)
How to cancel all tasks, if one of them return i.e. false (bool) result?
Is it possible to identify which task returned a result?
class Program
private static Random _rnd = new Random();
static void Main(string[] args)
var tasksCounter = _rnd.Next(4, 7);
var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
var tasks = new Task<bool>[tasksCounter];
for (int i = 0; i < tasks.Length; i++)
tasks[i] = CreateTask(cts);
private static Task<bool> CreateTask(CancellationTokenSource cts)
return Task.Factory.StartNew(TaskAction, cts.Token).Unwrap();
private static async Task<bool> TaskAction()
var delay = _rnd.Next(2, 5);
await Task.Delay(delay * 1000);
var taskResult = _rnd.Next(10) < 4;
return await Task.FromResult(taskResult);
I tried to use Task.WaitAll, Task.WaitAny etc, but none of these methods provide useful (in my case) functionality.
As #ckuri stated in the comments, it would be easier to leverage the already existing properties of Task instead of writing a custom result class. Adjusted my answer accordingly.
One solution would be to check for the result in the CreateTask() method and pass a CancellationToken into your TaskAction() method:
private static Task<bool> CreateTask(CancellationTokenSource cts)
return Task.Run(async () =>
var result = await TaskAction(cts.Token);
// If result is false, cancel all tasks
if (!result)
return result;
private static async Task<bool> TaskAction(CancellationToken token)
// Check for cancellation
var delay = Rnd.Next(2, 5);
// Pass the cancellation token to Task.Delay()
await Task.Delay(delay * 1000, token);
var taskResult = Rnd.Next(10) < 4;
// Check for cancellation
return taskResult;
Now you can do something like this in your Main method to receive all tasks which did not get cancelled:
// Wait for all tasks inside a try catch block because `WhenAll` throws a `AggregationException`
// containing a `TaskCanceledException`, if the token gets canceled
await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
catch { }
var tasksWithResult = tasks.Where(t => !t.IsCanceled).ToList();
I don't have an interpreter on hand, so excuse any mistakes. Your Task needs access to the token if you want to cancel all tasks from the task itself. See for an example. I.e. pass it as an argument to the task so one task can cancel the other tasks.
private static async Task<bool> TaskAction(CancellationTokenSource cts)
var delay = _rnd.Next(2, 5);
await Task.Delay(delay * 1000);
var taskResult = _rnd.Next(10) < 4;
if (!taskResult)
return await Task.FromResult(taskResult);
Just be sure to capture the AggregateException and check if one of the inner excepts is an TaskCanceledException.
I have this "simple" test code... (Don't bother the strange use of the Class methods...)
I am trying to grasp the Task<> intricacies... I think I have a little understanding of Task<>.Start()/Task<>.Result pattern (maybe as it resembles more the 'old' Thread.Start()?) but as soon as it seems to me to grasp something (and so I throw in the await keyword)... then all entangles again :-(
Why my code returns immediately after the first task completes? Why it doesn't wait on the Task.WhenAll()?
static BigInteger Factorial(BigInteger factor)
BigInteger factorial = 1;
for (BigInteger i = 1; i <= factor; i++)
factorial *= i;
return factorial;
private class ChancesToWin
private int _n, _r;
public ChancesToWin(int n, int r)
_n = n;
_r = r;
private Task<BigInteger> CalculateFactAsync(int value)
return Task.Factory.StartNew<BigInteger>(() => Factorial(value));
public async Task<BigInteger> getFactN()
BigInteger result = await CalculateFactAsync(_n);
return result;
public async Task<BigInteger> getFactN_R()
BigInteger result = await CalculateFactAsync(_n - _r);
return result;
public async Task<BigInteger> getFactR()
BigInteger result = await CalculateFactAsync(_r);
return result;
private async static void TaskBasedChancesToWin_UseClass()
int n = 69000;
int r = 600;
List<Task<BigInteger>> tasks = new List<Task<BigInteger>>();
ChancesToWin ctw = new ChancesToWin(n, r);
// The getFactR() returns first of the other two tasks... and the code exit!
BigInteger[] results = await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
// I don't get here !!!!
BigInteger chances = results[0] / results[1] * results[2];
static void Main(string[] args)
Async methods run synchronously until the first await when they return control to the calling method, usually returning a task representing the rest of the asynchronous operation. TaskBasedChancesToWin_UseClass doesn't return a task so the caller can't wait for it to complete. That's why you shouldn't use async void outside of event handlers.
Since Main doesn't wait for the operation your application ends before the operation had a chance to complete.
You would usually wait with await but since you Main can't be an async method you can block synchronously with Wait on the task returned from TaskBasedChancesToWin_UseClass:
async static Task TaskBasedChancesToWin_UseClass()
// ...
static void Main()
why does the method AwakeTest take 3 seconds instead of one
public static async void AwakeTest()
var Do1 = Sleep(1, 1);
var Do2 = Sleep(1, 2);
var Do3 = Sleep(1, 3);
await System.Threading.Tasks.Task.WhenAll(Do1, Do2, Do3);
Console.WriteLine(await Do1);
Console.WriteLine(await Do2);
Console.WriteLine(await Do3);
private static async System.Threading.Tasks.Task<int> Sleep(int Seconds, int ID)
if (Seconds < 0)
throw new Exception();
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(Seconds * 1000);
return ID;
Since Thread.Sleep sleeps the thread, and each Task doesn't require to run in a separate thread, it hangs the entire thread.
You should use Task.Delay instead:
await Task.Delay(Seconds * 1000);