Make Async function run completely in the background - c#

I have a timer that calls a method every 15 seconds and that method takes some time to finish.
I have converted it to async as much as possible for me but it still freezes the UI for almost 1 sec when it runs and since it runs every 15 seconds, it becomes annoying.
Any idea how to make this async method run completely off the grid?
This is the timer method:
public static DispatcherTimer UpdateList = new DispatcherTimer();
//GlobalVars.MainList = new List<string>(); //saved list from previous declaration
public MainFunction()
UpdateList.Tick += UpdateList_Tick; ;
UpdateList.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 15000);
private async void UpdateList_Tick(object sender, object e)
using (var client = new ImapClient())
using (var cancel = new CancellationTokenSource())
await client.ConnectAsync("", 993, true, cancel.Token);
await client.AuthenticateAsync("", "mail12345", cancel.Token);
var inbox = client.Inbox;
await inbox.OpenAsync(FolderAccess.ReadOnly, cancel.Token);
// let's try searching for some messages...
DateTime date = DateTime.Now;
DateTime mondayOfLastWeek = date.AddDays(-(int)date.DayOfWeek - 6);
var query = SearchQuery.DeliveredAfter(mondayOfLastWeek)
List<string> newList = new List<string>();
foreach (var uid in inbox.Search(query, cancel.Token))
var message = inbox.GetMessage(uid, cancel.Token);
string trimmedMSGEmtyLines = Regex.Replace(message.TextBody, #"^\s+$[\r\n]*", "", RegexOptions.Multiline);
newList.Add(message.Date.LocalDateTime + Environment.NewLine + trimmedMSGEmtyLines);
await client.DisconnectAsync(true, cancel.Token);
if (!GlobalVars.MainList.SequenceEqual(newList))
GlobalVars.MainList = newList;
MailKit, Portable.Text.Encoding, MimeKit

async / await is useful when executing long running operations, which are decoupled from the UI, while running on a UI thread. This is exactly what you are doing - but it seems you have no business being on the UI thread in the first place. Really, you could await the entire contents of your event handler as it's wholly decoupled from the UI. So it's not the right tool for the job.
BackgroundWorker was suggested, which would be a great option. I chose to provide a solution using System.Threading.Timer because there is not much code to change vs. your existing code. If you add any code which updates the UI, you will need to invoke it back to the dispatcher thread.
And all those async methods could probably run synchronously. I would remove async / await then choose synchronous methods, for example client.ConnectAsync() >> client.Connect()
public System.Threading.Timer UpdateTimer;
public MainFunction()
UpdateTimer = new System.Threading.Timer(UpdateList_Tick);
UpdateTimer.Change(0, 15000);
private async void UpdateList_Tick(object state)
using (var client = new ImapClient())
using (var cancel = new CancellationTokenSource())
await client.ConnectAsync("", 993, true, cancel.Token);
await client.AuthenticateAsync("", "mail12345", cancel.Token);
var inbox = client.Inbox;
await inbox.OpenAsync(FolderAccess.ReadOnly, cancel.Token);
// let's try searching for some messages...
DateTime date = DateTime.Now;
DateTime mondayOfLastWeek = date.AddDays(-(int)date.DayOfWeek - 6);
var query = SearchQuery.DeliveredAfter(mondayOfLastWeek)
List<string> newList = new List<string>();
foreach (var uid in inbox.Search(query, cancel.Token))
var message = inbox.GetMessage(uid, cancel.Token);
string trimmedMSGEmtyLines = Regex.Replace(message.TextBody, #"^\s+$[\r\n]*", "", RegexOptions.Multiline);
newList.Add(message.Date.LocalDateTime + Environment.NewLine + trimmedMSGEmtyLines);
await client.DisconnectAsync(true, cancel.Token);
if (!GlobalVars.MainList.SequenceEqual(newList))
GlobalVars.MainList = newList;


How to get the individual API call status success response in C#

How to get the individual API call status success response in C#.
I am creating a mobile application using Xamarin Forms,
In my application, I need to prefetch certain information when app launches to use the mobile application.
Right now, I am calling the details like this,
public async Task<Response> GetAllVasInformationAsync()
var userDetails = GetUserDetailsAsync();
var getWageInfo = GetUserWageInfoAsync();
var getSalaryInfo = GetSalaryInfoAsync();
await Task.WhenAll(userDetails,
var resultToReturn = new Response
IsuserDetailsSucceeded = userDetails.Result,
IsgetWageInfoSucceeded = getWageInfo.Result,
IsgetSalaryInfoSucceeded = getSalaryInfo.Result,
return resultToReturn;
In my app I need to update details based on the success response. Something like this (2/5) completed. And the text should be updated whenever we get a new response.
What is the best way to implement this feature? Is it possible to use along with Task.WhenAll. Because I am trying to wrap everything in one method call.
In my app I need to update details based on the success response.
The proper way to do this is IProgress<string>. The calling code should supply a Progress<string> that updates the UI accordingly.
public async Task<Response> GetAllVasInformationAsync(IProgress<string> progress)
var userDetails = UpdateWhenComplete(GetUserDetailsAsync(), "user details");
var getWageInfo = UpdateWhenComplete(GetUserWageInfoAsync(), "wage information");
var getSalaryInfo = UpdateWhenComplete(GetSalaryInfoAsync(), "salary information");
await Task.WhenAll(userDetails, getWageInfo, getSalaryInfo);
return new Response
IsuserDetailsSucceeded = await userDetails,
IsgetWageInfoSucceeded = await getWageInfo,
IsgetSalaryInfoSucceeded = await getSalaryInfo,
async Task<T> UpdateWhenComplete<T>(Task<T> task, string taskName)
try { return await task; }
finally { progress?.Report($"Completed {taskName}"); }
If you also need a count, you can either use IProgress<(int, string)> or change how the report progress string is built to include the count.
So here's what I would do in C# 8 and .NET Standard 2.1:
First, I create the method which will produce the async enumerable:
static async IAsyncEnumerable<bool> TasksToPerform() {
Task[] tasks = new Task[3] { userDetails, getWageInfo, getSalaryInfo };
for (i = 0; i < tasks.Length; i++) {
await tasks[i];
yield return true;
So now you need to await foreach on this task enumerable. Every time you get a return, you know that a task has been finished.
int numberOfFinishedTasks = 0;
await foreach (var b in TasksToPerform()) {
//Update UI here to reflect the finished task number
No need to over-complicate this. This code will show how many of your tasks had exceptions. Your await task.whenall just triggers them and waits for them to finish. So after that you can do whatever you want with the tasks :)
var task = Task.Delay(300);
var tasks = new List<Task> { task };
var faultedTasks = 0;
tasks.ForEach(t =>
t.ContinueWith(t2 =>
//do something with a field / property holding ViewModel state
//that your view is listening to
await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
//use this to respond with a finished count
tasks.ForEach(_ => { if (_.IsFaulted) faultedTasks++; });
Console.WriteLine($"{tasks.Count() - faultedTasks} / {tasks.Count()} completed.");
.WhenAll() will allow you to determine if /any/ of the tasks failed, they you just count the tasks that have failed.
public async Task<Response> GetAllVasInformationAsync()
var userDetails = GetUserDetailsAsync();
var getWageInfo = GetUserWageInfoAsync();
var getSalaryInfo = GetSalaryInfoAsync();
await Task.WhenAll(userDetails, getWaitInfo, getSalaryInfo)
.ContinueWith((task) =>
int failedCount = 0;
if(userDetails.IsFaulted) failedCount++;
if(getWaitInfo.IsFaulted) failedCount++;
if(getSalaryInfo.IsFaulted) failedCount++;
return $"{failedCount} tasks failed";
var resultToReturn = new Response
IsuserDetailsSucceeded = userDetails.Result,
IsgetWageInfoSucceeded = getWageInfo.Result,
IsgetSalaryInfoSucceeded = getSalaryInfo.Result,
return resultToReturn;

looking for the best way to see when my task is complete C#

So I'm pulling in a list of items and for each item I'm creating an instance of an object to run a task on that item. All the objects are the same, they updated based off of a received message every three seconds. This update does not all occur at once though, sometimes it takes 3.1 seconds, etc. This is data I need to serialize in XML once it all exists so I'm looking for a way to see when its all done.
I've explored tasks in .net 4.6 but that initiates a task and it reports complete and then to run again the task class would initiate it again but in my case that won't work because each instance stays alive and initiates itself when a new message comes in.
What is the best way to have it report it reached the last line of code and then look at a list of these instances and say when all of them show as complete then run task to serialize?
I've included code below of the instance that is running.
private void OnMessageReceived(object sender, MessageReceivedEventArgs e)
var eventArgs = new CallDataReceivedEventArgs();
List<Tuple<String, TimeSpan>> availInItems = new List<Tuple<string, TimeSpan>>();
List<Tuple<string, int, TimeSpan, string, string, string>> agentlist = new List<Tuple<string, int, TimeSpan, string, string, string>>();
if (e == null)
List<TimeSpan> listOfTimeSpans = new List<TimeSpan>();
if (e.CmsData != null)
#region Gathering Agent Information
// Create a list of all timespans for all _agents in a queue using the property AgentTimeInState
foreach (var item in e.CmsData.Agents)
//AgentData = new ScoreBoardAgentDataModel(AgentName, AgentExtension, AgentTimeInState, AgentAuxReason, AgentId, AgentAdcState);
_agentData.AgentName = item.AgName;
_agentData.AgentExtension = item.Extension;
_agentData.AgentAuxReason = item.AuxReasonDescription;
_agentData.AgentId = item.LoginId;
_agentData.AgentAcdState = item.WorkModeDirectionDescription;
_agentData.AgentTimeInState = DateTime.Now - item.DateTimeUpdated;
_agentData.TimeSubmitted = DateTime.Now;
agentlist.Add(Tuple.Create(_agentData.AgentName, _agentData.AgentExtension, _agentData.AgentTimeInState, _agentData.AgentId, _agentData.AgentAcdState, _agentData.AgentAuxReason));
if (_agentData.AgentAcdState == "AVAIL")
availInItems.Add(Tuple.Create(_agentData.AgentName, _agentData.AgentTimeInState));
availInItems.Sort((t1, t2) => t1.Item2.CompareTo(t2.Item2));
var availInAgents =
.Where(ag => ag.Item5 == "AVAIL")
availInAgents.Sort((t1, t2) =>
var max3 = availInAgents.Skip(availInAgents.Count - 3);
_agents.AgentsOnBreak = 0;
foreach (var agent in agentlist)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(agent.Item6) && agent.Item6.StartsWith("Break"))
_agents.AgentsOnLunch = 0;
foreach (var agent in agentlist)
//If the current agent's aux reason is Lunch
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(agent.Item6) && agent.Item6.StartsWith("Lunch"))
//add one to agentsonlunch
_agents.NextInLine = string.Empty;
foreach (var agent in max3.Reverse())
//assign agent to NextInLine and start a new line
_agents.NextInLine += agent.Item1 + Environment.NewLine;
//reverse NextInLine
_agents.TimeSubmitted = DateTime.Now;
#region Gathering Skill Information
_skillData.OldestCall = e.CmsData.Skill.OldestCall;
_skillData.AgentsStaffed = e.CmsData.Skill.AgentsStaffed;
_skillData.AgentsAuxed = e.CmsData.Skill.AgentsInAux;
_skillData.AgentsAvailable = e.CmsData.Skill.AgentsAvailable;
_skillData.AgentsOnCalls = e.CmsData.Skill.AgentsOnAcdCall;
_skillData.CallsWaitingInQueue = e.CmsData.Skill.InQueueInRing;
_skillData.Asa = e.CmsData.Skill.AnswerTimePerAcdCall;
_skillData.TimeSubmitted = DateTime.Now;
_skillData.EstimatedHoldTimeLow = e.CmsData.Skill.ExpectedWaitTimeLow;
_skillData.EstimatedHoldTimeMedium = e.CmsData.Skill.ExpectedWaitTimeMedium;
_skillData.EstimatedHoldTimeHigh = e.CmsData.Skill.ExpectedWaitTimeHigh;
catch (Exception ex)
_logger.Info(ex.Message, ex);
With tasks you can start many at the same time and wait for them all to finish like this:
var taskList = new List<Task>();
foreach (var thingToDo in work)
This way you can run everything in parallel and wont get after the last line until everything is done.
Edit following your comment
You can embed your work in a task with this:
public async Task DoWork()
var taskList = new List<Task>();
foreach (var thingToDo in work)
await Task.WhenAll(taskList.ToArray());

How to run all tasks in array and process the results continuously (async, await)?

I have following code:
List<Task<int>> taskArray = new List<Task<int>>();
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
The method looks like this:
public Task<int> getWebPageCharCount(string url)
var client = new HttpClient();
return Task.Run(async () =>
Task<string> task = client.GetStringAsync(url);
string taskResult = await task;
return taskResult.Length;
After this, there is a 100 threads running, what I want to achive is to process the result in main thread after each individual task is done, not to wait to all results, which would I do with the following code:
var results = await Task.WhenAll(taskArray);
foreach (var res in results)
myTextBox.Text += res.ToString() + "\n";
I was thinking about something like this:
foreach (var task in taskArray)
var result = await task;
myTextBox.Text += result.ToString() + "\n";
But after testing and reading about await in loops, I know it's running synchronized. Is there a way to process the results continuously in main thread?
There are several solutions to this, but the simplest is to use await Task.WhenAny(), which returns a completed Task, which you then process and remove from the list of tasks, then repeat the same until the list is empty.
Example as requested:
List<Task<int>> indexingArray = new List<Task<int>>(taskArray);
var results = new int[taskArray.Count];
while (taskArray.Any())
Task<int> completedTask = await Task.WhenAny(taskArray).ConfigureAwait(false);
results[indexingArray.IndexOf(completedTask)] = completedTask.Result;
myTextBox.Text = string.Join("\n", results);
(I added an indexing collection to get the correct index for the results. There are probably better ways to do that but as the question is about tasks I'll leave it as-is).
what I want to achive is to process the result in main thread after each individual task is done, not to wait to all results
The simplest solution is to introduce an async method that corresponds to that "process" concept. You already have an async way of "retrieval", you just need to introduce an async operation of "retrieve and process":
// (getWebPageCharCount is unchanged)
private Task GetAndDisplayWebPageCharCount(string url)
var res = await myCrawler.getWebPageCharCount(url);
myTextBox.Text += res.ToString() + "\n";
Used as such:
List<Task> taskArray = new List<Task>();
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
await Task.WhenAll(taskArray);
On a side note, there's abosolutely no need for Task.Run wrapping HttpClient.GetStringAsync. Also, the "100 threads running" remark is incorrect; there are 100 tasks in progress.

Calculate loading time of multiple websites using AsyncTask in Xamarin Android and C#.Net

I have a string array which contains addresses of websites:
string[] arr = new string[]
I have to send these URLs as argument to the asynctask method so that I will be able to calculate the loading time of each website. I don't have to show the website pages, so I am not using webview.
I can use stopwatch or httprequest to calculate the loading time and my ultimate goal is that all the websites need to start loading at the same time asynchronously, and output has to look like the following
Loading time
google - 00:00:04:092345 (hr:min:sec:millisec) yahoo - 00:00:06:028458
How can I send an array to asynctask and how I can generate loading time without using await?
Here is a brief solution of what you could do.
This is not complete nor perfect. It will will give you the loading time of one URL. Also there is a suggestion of how you could extend this to multiple URLs.
You will need a WebView, either in code or from UI.
Load the URL into the WebView using webview.LoadUrl("https://www/");.
Create a new class by extending it from WebViewClient as follows:
public class myWebViewClient : WebViewClient
public override void OnPageFinished(WebView view, string url)
base.OnPageFinished(view, url);
Console.WriteLine("OnPageFinished for url : " + url + " at : " + DateTime.Now);
In your OnCreate() method add the following line of code :
webview.SetWebViewClient(new myWebViewClient());
So from here what you have to do is, Create a Dictionary with URL as key and Loading time as value. Set all the loading time to 0 initially. Update the value corresponding to each URL in the OnPageFinished(). Create an async Task function which would return you the populated dictionary.
public async Task<Dictionary<string, double>> myAsyncFunction()
await Task.Delay(5); //to make it async
//Wait till all the OnPageFinished events have fired.
while (myDictionary.Any(x=>x.Value == 0) == true)
//there are still websites which have not fully loaded.
await Task.Delay(1); //wait a millisecond before checking again
return myDictionary;
You can call myAsyncFunction() in a seprate thread than your UI and implement the ContinueWith() or just let it run in a separate thread and write that output into somewhere that you can check when required.
eg : Task.Run(async () => await myAsyncFunction());
UPDATE : based on OP's comments
In the UI thread :
var myClassList = new List<myClass>
new myClass{URL = "https://www/", TimeTaken = null},
new myClass{URL = "", TimeTaken = null},
new myClass{URL = "", TimeTaken = null}
Console.WriteLine("Started at : " + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString());
var business = new BusinessLogic();
var loadtimetask = business.GetLoadTimeTakenAsync(myClassList);
await loadtimetask;
Console.WriteLine("Completed at : " + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString());
And implementation class :
public async Task<List<myClass>> GetLoadTimeTakenAsync(List<myClass> myClassList)
Parallel.ForEach(myClassList, myClassObj =>
using (var client = new HttpClient())
myClassObj.StartTime = DateTime.Now;
var stream = client.GetStreamAsync(myClassObj.URL)
.ContinueWith((s) =>
if (s.IsCompleted)
var myClassObjCompleted = myClassList.Where(x => x.URL == myClassObj.URL).First();
myClassObjCompleted.EndTime = DateTime.Now;
myClassObjCompleted.TimeTaken = myClassObj.EndTime - myClassObj.StartTime;
Task.Run(async () => await stream);
while (myClassList.Any(x => x.TimeTaken == null))
await Task.Delay(1);
return myClassList;
//Create TextView to display status of Wifi
TextView wifitext = FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.WifiTextView);
//Configuring Wifi connection
var connectivityManager = (ConnectivityManager)GetSystemService(ConnectivityService);
var activeConnection = connectivityManager.ActiveNetworkInfo;
if (activeConnection != null && activeConnection.IsConnected)
wifitext.Text = "WIFI AVAILABLE";
string[] urladdress = new string[] { "", ""};
for (int i = 0; i < urladdress.Length; i++)
string url = urladdress[i];
//Call async method
Task returnedTask = Task_MethodAsync(url);
wifitext.Text = "WIFI UNAVAILABLE";
public async Task Task_MethodAsync(string url)
LinearLayout ll = FindViewById<LinearLayout>(Resource.Id.linearLayout1);
WebClient client = new WebClient();
Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
Stream listurl = client.OpenRead(url);
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(listurl);
// listurl.Close();
var time = Convert.ToString(stopwatch.Elapsed);

Task.WaitSubset / Task.WaitN?

There're Task.WaitAll method which waits for all tasks and Task.WaitAny method which waits for one task. How to wait for any N tasks?
Use case: search result pages are downloaded, each result needs a separate task to download and process it. If I use WaitAll to wait for the results of the subtasks before getting next search result page, I will not use all available resources (one long task will delay the rest). Not waiting at all can cause thousands of tasks to be queued which isn't the best idea either.
So, how to wait for a subset of tasks to be completed? Or, alternatively, how to wait for the task scheduler queue to have only N tasks?
This looks like an excellent problem for TPL Dataflow, which will allow you to control parallelism and buffering to process at maximum speed.
Here's some (untested) code to show you what I mean:
static void Process()
var searchReader =
new TransformManyBlock<SearchResult, SearchResult>(async uri =>
// return a list of search results at uri.
return new[]
new SearchResult
IsResult = true,
Uri = ""
new SearchResult
// return the next search result page here.
IsResult = false,
Uri = ""
}, new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions
BoundedCapacity = 8, // restrict buffer size.
MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 4 // control parallelism.
// link "next" pages back to the searchReader.
searchReader.LinkTo(searchReader, x => !x.IsResult);
var resultActor = new ActionBlock<SearchResult>(async uri =>
// do something with the search result.
}, new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions
BoundedCapacity = 64,
MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 16
// link search results into resultActor.
searchReader.LinkTo(resultActor, x => x.IsResult);
// put in the first piece of input.
searchReader.Post(new SearchResult { Uri = "http://google/first" });
struct SearchResult
public bool IsResult { get; set; }
public string Uri { get; set; }
I think you should independently limit the number of parallel download tasks and the number of concurrent result processing tasks. I would do it using two SemaphoreSlim objects, like below. This version doesn't use the synchronous SemaphoreSlim.Wait (thanks #svick for making the point). It was only slightly tested, the exception handling can be improved; substitute your own DownloadNextPageAsync and ProcessResults:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Console_21666797
partial class Program
// the actual download method
// async Task<string> DownloadNextPageAsync(string url) { ... }
// the actual process methods
// void ProcessResults(string data) { ... }
// download and process all pages
async Task DownloadAndProcessAllAsync(
string startUrl, int maxDownloads, int maxProcesses)
// max parallel downloads
var downloadSemaphore = new SemaphoreSlim(maxDownloads);
// max parallel processing tasks
var processSemaphore = new SemaphoreSlim(maxProcesses);
var tasks = new HashSet<Task>();
var complete = false;
var protect = new Object(); // protect tasks
var page = 0;
// do the page
Func<string, Task> doPageAsync = async (url) =>
bool downloadSemaphoreAcquired = true;
// download the page
var data = await DownloadNextPageAsync(
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(data))
Volatile.Write(ref complete, true);
// enable the next download to happen
downloadSemaphoreAcquired = false;
// process this download
await processSemaphore.WaitAsync();
await Task.Run(() => ProcessResults(data));
catch (Exception)
Volatile.Write(ref complete, true);
if (downloadSemaphoreAcquired)
// do the page and save the task
Func<string, Task> queuePageAsync = async (url) =>
var task = doPageAsync(url);
lock (protect)
await task;
lock (protect)
// process pages in a loop until complete is true
while (!Volatile.Read(ref complete))
// acquire download semaphore synchrnously
await downloadSemaphore.WaitAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
// do the page
var task = queuePageAsync(startUrl + "?page=" + page);
// await completion of the pending tasks
Task[] pendingTasks;
lock (protect)
pendingTasks = tasks.ToArray();
await Task.WhenAll(pendingTasks);
static void Main(string[] args)
new Program().DownloadAndProcessAllAsync("", 10, 5).Wait();
Something like this should work. There might be some edge cases, but all in all it should ensure a minimum of completions.
public static async Task WhenN(IEnumerable<Task> tasks, int n, CancellationTokenSource cts = null)
var pending = new HashSet<Task>(tasks);
if (n > pending.Count)
n = pending.Count;
// or throw
var completed = 0;
while (completed != n)
var completedTask = await Task.WhenAny(pending);
if (cts != null)
static void Main(string[] args)
var tasks = new List<Task>();
var completed = 0;
var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
tasks.Add(Task.Run(async () =>
await Task.Delay(temp * 100, cts.Token);
Console.WriteLine("Completed task {0}", i);
}, cts.Token));
Extensions.WhenN(tasks, 30, cts).Wait();
Task[] runningTasks = MyTasksFactory.StartTasks();
int finished = Task.WaitAny(runningTasks);
Task.Factory.StareNew(()=> {Consume(runningTasks[Finished].Result);})

