How to install System.Reactive extensions in a Visual Studio 2012 solution? - c#

Visual Studio 2012 has nuget version 2.8.60318.667, that is not compatible with Reactive.Extensions 3.1.1.
If copy manually System.Reactive.* packages into the packages directory of my solution, when I launch the package manager from the Visual Studio UI, and I browse for installed package: instead of habing the list of installed package the following error is displayed:
'System.Reactive.Core' already has a dependency defined for 'System.Reactive.Interfaces'.
If I install package with de package manager command:
install-package System.Reactive
the following error is displayed:
The 'System.Reactive 3.1.1' package requires NuGet client version '2.8.1' or above, but the current NuGet version is '2.8.60318.667'.

Here is the answer I got from the support here:
If you cannot use the System.Reactive. packages, as a temporary workaround you can manually install the old Rx-Main package from the Package Manager Console (I think this is the right arguments):
Install-Package Rx-Main -Version 2.2.5
Unfortunately we are unable to support older versions of NuGet, due to the packaging changes required to support .NET Standard.>>



Does anybody knows which Nuget package contains Microsoft.VisualStudio.LanguageServices.CSharp.dll?
This DLL should be part of the Roslyn project e.g.:
but it looks like it is not installed either in Microsoft.Net.Compilers 2.3.0 or in Microsoft.VisualStudio.LanguageServices.
Thanks in advance.
MSDN says it is located in the Microsoft.VisualStudio.Package.LanguageService.14.0 assembly.
This link should also be helpful:
.NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") support for Visual Studio.
Supported Platforms:
.NET Framework 4.6
To install Microsoft.VisualStudio.LanguageServices, run the following command in the Package Manager Console:
Microsoft.VisualStudio.LanguageServices -Version 2.2.0
I believe it is contained within a Nuget package called Microsoft.VisualStudio.LanguageServices.
Instructions on how to install the package, as quoted from
To install the latest release without Visual Studio, run one of the
following nuget command lines:
nuget install Microsoft.Net.Compilers # Install C# and VB compilers
nuget install Microsoft.CodeAnalysis # Install Language APIs and

NuGet Package Manager: 'AutoMapper' already has a dependency defined for 'Microsoft.CSharp'

I'm trying to add AutoMapper as a dependency to a project using NuGet on Visual Studio Premium 2012, but it fails.
It says:
Operation failed
'AutoMapper' already has a dependency defined for
I'm able to add other dependencies.
I'm using the last version of the package manager for VS 2012:
NuGet Package Manager 2.8.60318.667
Any ideas what should I check?
The problem is that your NuGet Package Manager is too old. You need NuGet 2.12 since this supports the newer .NETStandard frameworks that the AutoMapper 5.0.1 NuGet package is using.
The AutoMapper has a group dependency which specifies a target framework of .NETStandard. Since your version of NuGet Package Manager is too old it does not recognise this target framework and converts it to an Unknown target framework and you end up with duplicate frameworks since there .NETStandard is used a few times in that NuGet package. This causes the error:
'AutoMapper' already has a dependency defined for 'Microsoft.CSharp'
Unfortunately NuGet 2.12 is not available for Visual Studio 2012 but is available for Visual Studio 2013.
So either you need to update to Visual Studio 2013 or above, or you will have to use the older AutoMapper NuGet package which does not support .NETStandard.
Seems to be a problem with the current version of automapper:
AutoMapper 5.0.0 Tuesday, June 28, 2016
I tried with the previous version and it works:
PM> Install-Package AutoMapper -Verbose
Install-Package : 'AutoMapper' already has a dependency defined for 'Microsoft.CSharp'.
At line:1 char:16
+ Install-Package <<<< AutoMapper -Verbose
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Install-Package], InvalidOperationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NuGetCmdletUnhandledException,NuGet.PowerShell.Commands.InstallPackageCommand
PM> Install-Package AutoMapper -Version 4.2.1
Installing 'AutoMapper 4.2.1'.
Successfully installed 'AutoMapper 4.2.1'.
So, if you can't update NuGet Package Manager, the answer is:
PM> Install-Package AutoMapper -Version 4.2.1
I ended up needing to update NuGet.exe that was included in the solution to be able to build NuGet packages by running:
nuget.exe update -self
I had the same issue on VS2013. I had to update to VS2013 Update 5 and get the latest nuget distro for VS2013 at
Once that was done, I rebooted Visual Studio. After that I was able to use the Automapper 5.0.2 package
Go to Visual Studio > Tools > Extension and Updates
Find Updates in left accordion menu, Go to Visual Studio Gallery.
You will find a update for Nuget.
Update the nuget package and try installing or builing the project.
An other workaround if you're stuck with VS2012 and the old Nuget version:
Find the Cache folder of VS 2012's Nuget Package Manager (with Tools - Options - Nuget Package Manager)
Open AutoMapper.5.x.x.nupkg with your favorite Zip Tool
Modify the file AutoMapper.nuspec - I simply deleted all dependencies except .NETFramework4.5
Add the cache folder as a Nuget source (also in Tools - Options - Nuget Package Manager)
Install Automapper either with the console or the GUI but make sure to choose first the newly added cache folder as package source.
Of course, the next version of Automapper probably needs to be adapted, too, in order to install it.
This looks like a mismatch between the .NET version used by the Automapper package and your project. Can you confirm the .NET version that your project is using?
Automapper 6.0.2 - nuget 2.8.8 gives this error. Needed to update to 3.4.4 to get this working.
Removed both CSharp and AutoMapper. Installed CSharp ( first and then added Automapper ( This resolved the problem for me.
I observed this exact problem when opening a project with Visual Studio 2010.
After opening with VS2017, I was able to install AutoMapper without any error.

Unable to read package from path 'CassandraCSharpDriver.3.0.0.nupkg' Error - installing the CassandraCSharpDriver package

I am trying to install the CassandraCSharpDriver package in Visual Studio 2012 with .NET Framework 4.5.
I installed the dependency package lz4net, which worked without any issues.
When trying to install the CassandraCSharpDriver, I get the error:
Unable to read package from path 'CassandraCSharpDriver.3.0.0.nupkg'
I cleared the package cache, i updated the package and I only have lz4net package installed.

Install TagLib API with .NET 4.5

I wanted to install Taglib via NuGet in Visual Studio 2013. Is there any way?
I get the following error message:
Install failed. Rolling back...
Install-Package : Could not install package 'taglibcpp 1.9.1-beta8'. You are trying to install this package into a project that targets '.NETFramework,Version=v4.5', but the package does not contain any assembly references or content files that are compatible with that framework.

Install-Package : Unable to find package 'WebActivator'

I have Visual Studio 2012 Express for Web.
My Steps
-Create a New ASP .NET MVC 4 application
-choose basic template
-go to Package Manager Console
-try to install WebActivator
PM> Install-Package WebActivator
and i get the following error
How i can resolve this and install WebActivator package?
In my case, I could not install any package and got a similar error. The issue was solved as I unchecked the "Microsoft and .NET" under "Machine-wide package source":
I hope this can be help someone.
So easy
Need point version of webActivator!!!
PM> Install-Package WebActivator -Version 1.5.3
I got a similar problem with another package in Visual Studio 2013, I cleared the NuGet package cache with the option "Clear Package Cache" and it works now.
Change source according to visual studio version
NuGet feed v3 (VS 2015 / NuGet v3.x):
NuGet feed v2 (VS 2013 and earlier / NuGet 2.x):
I just ran into this myself. The reference to WebActivatorEx didn't work. You'll have to do it manually. The file is in the packages directory.

