How to get id from Add using UnitOfWork pattern? - c#

I am using the UnitOfWork pattern to abstract database access in my Asp.Net application. Basically I follow the UnitOfWork pattern approach described here:
However, I'm struggling to understand, how I will get the Id of a newly added item. Like if I want to add a new customer to my Customer repository, how will I get the customer id? The problem is that Add and Commit are decoupled, and the Id is not known until after Commit.
Is there a way to get the id of an added item, using the UnitOfWork pattern?

My approach is as follows. Simply continue working with the added entity as an object. So instead of returning it's ID, return the added object itself. Then, at some point (typically in the controller) you will call UoW.Commit(); and as a result, the Id property of the added entity will contain the updated value.
At this point, you can start using the Id property and for example store it in a cookie as you said.

Note that I dont want my EF model classes to propagate to my domain layer
I have done a workaround. I think it works pretty well
When you want a repository, for example of DbCars, and you insert a new DomainCar you want to get that Id that was only generated when SaveChanges() is applied.
public DomainCar //domain class used in my business layers
public int Id{get;set;}
public string Name{get;set;}
public DbCar //Car class to be used in the persistence layer
public int Id{get;set;}
public string Name{get;set;}
public DateTime CreatedDate{get;set;}
public string CreatedBy{get;set;}
First you create a generic IEntity interface and a class implementing it:
public interface IEntity<T>
T Id { get; }
public class Entity<T> : IEntity<T>
dynamic Item { get; }
string PropertyName { get; }
public Entity(dynamic element,string propertyName)
Item = element;
PropertyName = propertyName;
public T Id
return (T)Item.GetType().GetProperty(PropertyName).GetValue(Item, null);
Then in your add method of the repository you return a IEntity of the type of your Id:
public IEntity<int> AddCar(DomainCar car)
var carDb=Mapper.Map<DbCar>(car);//automapper from DomainCar to Car (EF model class)
var insertedItem=context.CARS.Add(carDb);
return new Entity<int>(insertedItem,nameof(carDb.Id));
Then , somewhere you are calling the add method and the consequent Save() in the UnitofWork:
using (var unit = UnitOfWorkFactory.Create())
IEntity<int> item =unit.CarsRepository.AddCar(new DomainCar ("Ferrari"));
unit.Save(); //this will call internally to context.SaveChanges()
int newId= item.Id; //you can extract the recently generated Id

The problem here is that the id is generated by the database, so we need to call SaveChanges so that the database generates the id and EntityFramework will fix the entity up with the generated id.
So what if we could avoid the database roundtrip?
One way to do this is to use a uuid instead of an integer as an id. This way you could simply generate a new uuid in the constructor of your domain model and you could (pretty) safely assume that it would be unique across the entire database.
Of course choosing between a uuid and an integer for the id is an entire discussion of its own: Advantages and disadvantages of GUID / UUID database keys But at least this is one point in favor of a uuid.

Unit of work should be a transaction for the entire request.
Simply just return the person id from the newly created object.
Depending on what technology you are using for your data access this will differ, but if you are using Entity Framework, you can do the following:
var person = DbContext.Set<Person>().Create();
// Do your property assignment here
return person.Id;
By creating the Person instance this way, you get a tracked instance that allows for lazy loading, and using the Id property, as it will be updated when SaveChanges is called (by ending your unit of work).

Instead of IDENTITY, I use SEQUENCE at database level. When a new entity is being created, first, I get the next value of the sequence and use it as Id.
CREATE SEQUENCE dbo.TestSequence
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Test](
[Id] [int] NOT NULL DEFAULT (NEXT VALUE FOR dbo.TestSequence),
[Name] [nvarchar](200) NOT NULL,
public enum SequenceName
public interface IUnitOfWork : IDisposable
DbSet<TEntity> Set<TEntity>() where TEntity : class;
void Commit(SqlContextInfo contextInfo);
int NextSequenceValue(SequenceName sequenceName);
public class UnitOfWork : MyDbContext, IUnitOfWork
public void Commit(SqlContextInfo contextInfo)
using (var scope = Database.BeginTransaction())
public int NextSequenceValue(SequenceName sequenceName)
var result = new SqlParameter("#result", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int)
Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output
Database.ExecuteSqlCommand($"SELECT #result = (NEXT VALUE FOR [{sequenceName.ToString()}]);", result);
return (int)result.Value;
internal class TestRepository
protected readonly IUnitOfWork UnitOfWork;
private readonly DbSet<Test> _tests;
public TestRepository(IUnitOfWork unitOfWork)
UnitOfWork = unitOfWork;
_tests = UnitOfWork.Set<Test>();
public int CreateTestEntity(NewTest test)
var newTest = new Test
Id = UnitOfWork.NextSequenceValue(SequenceName.TestSequence),
Name = test.Name
return newTest.Id;

I don't think there is a way to do that unless you break the pattern and pass in some extra information about the newly created entity.
Since the Id will only be allocated since commit is successful and if you don't have information about which entities were created/updated/deleted, its almost impossible to know.
I once did it using the code below (I don't recommend it though but I use it for this need specifically)
public string Insert(Person entity)
uow.Repository.Add(entity); //public Repository object in unit of work which might be wrong
Response responseObject = uow.Save();
string id = entity.Id; //gives the newly generated Id
return id;

My solution is returning Lazy<MyModel> by repository method:
public class MyRepository
// ----
public Lazy<MyModel> Insert(MyModel model)
MyEntity entity = _mapper.MapModel(model);
return Lazy<MyModel>(()=>_mapper.MapEntity(entity));
And in the domain:
Lazy<MyModel> mayModel = unitOfWork.MyRepository.Insert(model);
MyModel myModel = myModel.Value;

To expand on Martin Fletcher his answer:
EF Core generates (depending on the db provider) a temporary value for the generated id, once you add the entity to the DbContext, and start tracking it. So before the unit of work is actually committed via SaveChanges(). After SaveChanges() is called, the DbContext will actually fix up all placeholder ids with the actual generated id.
A nice example (which I quote from this answer):
var x = new MyEntity(); // x.Id = 0
dbContext.Add(x); // x.Id = -2147482624 <-- EF Core generated id
var y = new MyOtherEntity(); // y.Id = 0
dbContext.Add(y); // y.Id = -2147482623 <-- EF Core generated id
y.MyEntityId = x.Id; // y.MyEntityId = -2147482624
Debug.WriteLine(x.Id); // 1261 <- EF Core replaced temp id with "real" id
Debug.WriteLine(y.MyEntityId); // 1261 <- reference also adjusted by EF Core
More information:
Another option is to generate the keys on the client side (this is possible with for example UUID-based primary keys). But this has been discussed in other answers.


How do I make Entity Framework 6 (DB First) explicitly insert a Guid/UniqueIdentifier primary key?

I am using Entity Framework 6 DB First with SQL Server tables that each have a uniqueidentifier primary key. The tables have a default on the primary key column that sets it to newid(). I have accordingly updated my .edmx to set the StoreGeneratedPattern for these columns to Identity. So I can create new records, add them to my database context and the IDs are generated automatically. But now I need to save a new record with a specific ID. I've read this article which says you have to execute SET IDENTITY_INSERT dbo.[TableName] ON before saving when using an int identity PK column. Since mine are Guid and not actually an identity column, that's essentially already done. Yet even though in my C# I set the ID to the correct Guid, that value is not even passed as a parameter to the generated SQL insert and a new ID is generated by the SQL Server for the primary key.
I need to be able to both :
insert a new record and let the ID be automatically created for it,
insert a new record with a specified ID.
I have # 1. How can I insert a new record with a specific primary key?
Save code excerpt (Note accountMemberSpec.ID is the specific Guid value I want to be the AccountMember's primary key):
IDbContextScopeFactory dbContextFactory = new DbContextScopeFactory();
using (var dbContextScope = dbContextFactory.Create())
//Save the Account
dbAccountMember = CRMEntity<AccountMember>.GetOrCreate(accountMemberSpec.ID);
dbAccountMember.fk_AccountID = accountMemberSpec.AccountID;
dbAccountMember.fk_PersonID = accountMemberSpec.PersonID;
public class CRMEntity<T> where T : CrmEntityBase, IGuid
public static T GetOrCreate(Guid id)
T entity;
CRMEntityAccess<T> entities = new CRMEntityAccess<T>();
//Get or create the address
entity = (id == Guid.Empty) ? null : entities.GetSingle(id, null);
if (entity == null)
entity = Activator.CreateInstance<T>();
entity.ID = id;
entity = new CRMEntityAccess<T>().AddNew(entity);
return entity;
public class CRMEntityAccess<T> where T : class, ICrmEntity, IGuid
public virtual T AddNew(T newEntity)
return DBContext.Set<T>().Add(newEntity);
And here is the logged, generated SQL for this:
DECLARE #generated_keys table([pk_AccountMemberID] uniqueidentifier)
([fk_PersonID], [fk_AccountID], [fk_FacilityID])
OUTPUT inserted.[pk_AccountMemberID] INTO #generated_keys
VALUES(#0, #1, #2)
SELECT t.[pk_AccountMemberID], t.[CreatedDate], t.[LastModifiedDate]
FROM #generated_keys AS g JOIN [dbo].[AccountMembers] AS t ON g.[pk_AccountMemberID] = t.[pk_AccountMemberID]
-- #0: '731e680c-1fd6-42d7-9fb3-ff5d36ab80d0' (Type = Guid)
-- #1: 'f6626a39-5de0-48e2-a82a-3cc31c59d4b9' (Type = Guid)
-- #2: '127527c0-42a6-40ee-aebd-88355f7ffa05' (Type = Guid)
A solution could be to override DbContext SaveChanges. In this function find all added entries of the DbSets of which you want to specify the Id.
If the Id is not specified yet, specify one, if it is already specified: use the specified one.
Override all SaveChanges:
public override void SaveChanges()
return base.SaveChanges();
public override async Task<int> SaveChangesAsync()
return await base.SaveChangesAsync();
public override async Task<int> SaveChangesAsync(System.Threading CancellationToken token)
return await base.SaveChangesAsync(token);
GenerateIds should check if you already provided an Id for your added entries or not. If not, provide one.
I'm not sure if all DbSets should have the requested feature, or only some. To check whether the primary key is already filled, I need to know the identifier of the primary key.
I see in your class CRMEntity that you know that every T has an Id, this is because this Id is in CRMEntityBase, or in IGuid, let's assume it is in IGuid. If it is in CRMEntityBase change the following accordingly.
The following is in small steps; if desired you can create one big LINQ.
private void GenerateIds()
// fetch all added entries that have IGuid
IEnumerable<IGuid> addedIGuidEntries = this.ChangeTracker.Entries()
.Where(entry => entry.State == EntityState.Added)
// if IGuid.Id is default: generate a new Id, otherwise leave it
foreach (IGuid entry in addedIGuidEntries)
if (entry.Id == default(Guid)
// no value provided yet: provide it now
entry.Id = GenerateGuidId() // TODO: implement function
// else: Id already provided; use this Id.
That is all. Because all your IGuid objects now have a non-default ID (either pre-defined, or generated inside GenerateId) EF will use that Id.
Addition: HasDatabaseGeneratedOption
As xr280xr pointed out in one of the comments, I forgot that you have to tell entity framework that entity framework should not (always) generate an Id.
As an example I do the same with a simple database with Blogs and Posts. A one-to-many relation between Blogs and Posts. To show that the idea does not depend on GUID, the primary key is a long.
// If an entity class is derived from ISelfGeneratedId,
// entity framework should not generate Ids
interface ISelfGeneratedId
public long Id {get; set;}
class Blog : ISelfGeneratedId
public long Id {get; set;} // Primary key
// a Blog has zero or more Posts:
public virtual ICollection><Post> Posts {get; set;}
public string Author {get; set;}
class Post : ISelfGeneratedId
public long Id {get; set;} // Primary Key
// every Post belongs to one Blog:
public long BlogId {get; set;}
public virtual Blog Blog {get; set;}
public string Title {get; set;}
Now the interesting part: The fluent API that informs Entity Framework that the values for primary keys are already generated.
I prefer fluent API avobe the use of attributes, because the use of fluent API allows me to re-use the entity classes in different database models, simply by rewriting Dbcontext.OnModelCreating.
For example, in some databases I like my DateTime objects a DateTime2, and in some I need them to be simple DateTime. Sometimes I want self generated Ids, sometimes (like in unit tests) I don't need that.
class MyDbContext : Dbcontext
public DbSet<Blog> Blogs {get; set;}
public DbSet<Post> Posts {get; set;}
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
// Entity framework should not generate Id for Blogs:
.Property(blog => blog.Id)
// Entity framework should not generate Id for Posts:
.Property(blog => blog.Id)
... // other fluent API
SaveChanges is similar as I wrote above. GenerateIds is slightly different. In this example I have not the problem that sometimes the Id is already filled. Every added element that implements ISelfGeneratedId should generate an Id
private void GenerateIds()
// fetch all added entries that implement ISelfGeneratedId
var addedIdEntries = this.ChangeTracker.Entries()
.Where(entry => entry.State == EntityState.Added)
foreach (ISelfGeneratedId entry in addedIdEntries)
entry.Id = this.GenerateId() ;// TODO: implement function
// now you see why I need the interface:
// I need to know the primary key
For those who are looking for a neat Id generator: I often use the same generator as Twitter uses, one that can handle several servers, without the problem that everyone can guess from the primary key how many items are added.
It's in Nuget IdGen package
I see 2 challenges:
Making your Id field an identity with auto generated value will prevent you from specifying your own GUID.
Removing the auto generated option may create duplicate key exceptions if the user forgets to explicitly create a new id.
Simplest solution:
Remove auto generated value
Ensure Id is a PK and is required
Generate a new Guid for your Id in the default constructor of your models.
Example Model
public class Person
public Person()
this.Id = Guid.NewGuid();
public Guid Id { get; set; }
// "Auto id"
var person1 = new Person();
// Manual
var person2 = new Person
Id = new Guid("5d7aead1-e8de-4099-a035-4d17abb794b7")
This will satisfy both of your needs while keeping the db safe. The only down side of this is you have to do this for all models.
If you go with this approach, I'd rather see a factory method on the model which will give me the object with default values (Id populated) and eliminate the default constructor. IMHO, hiding default value setters in the default constructor is never a good thing. I'd rather have my factory method do that for me and know that the new object is populated with default values (with intention).
public class Person
public Guid Id { get; set; }
public static Person Create()
return new Person { Id = Guid.NewGuid() };
// New person with default values (new Id)
var person1 = Person.Create();
// Empty Guid Id
var person2 = new Person();
// Manually populated Id
var person3 = new Person { Id = Guid.NewGuid() };
I don't think there is a real answer for this one...
As said here How can I force entity framework to insert identity columns? you can enable the mode #2, but it'll break #1.
using (var dataContext = new DataModelContainer())
using (var transaction = dataContext.Database.BeginTransaction())
var user = new User()
ID = id,
Name = "John"
dataContext.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[User] ON");
dataContext.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[User] OFF");
you should change value of StoreGeneratedPattern property of identity column from Identity to None in model designer.
Note, changing of StoreGeneratedPattern to None will fail inserting of object without specified id
As you can see, you're no longer able to insert without setting by yourself an ID.
But, if you look on the bright side : Guid.NewGuid() will allow you to make a new GUID without the DB generation function.
The solution is: write your own insert query. I've put together a quick project to test this, so the example has nothing to do with your domain, but you'll ge the ideea.
using (var ctx = new Model())
var ent = new MyEntity
Id = Guid.Empty,
Name = "Test"
var result = ctx.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("INSERT INTO MyEntities (Id, Name) VALUES ( #p0, #p1 )", ent.Id, ent.Name);
catch (SqlException e)
Console.WriteLine("id already exists");
The ExecuteSqlCommand returns "rows affected" (in this case 1), or throws exception for duplicate key.

Generate and auto increment the Id in Entity Framework database first

I have a table CampaignLanguage. The primary key is Id. It should be auto increment.
So I have the code:
public partial class CampaignLanguage
public CampaignLanguage()
this.CampaignLanguageQuestions = new HashSet<CampaignLanguageQuestion>();
public int Id { get; set; }
Then in the controller, I want to save the generated object.
public ActionResult Save(int clientId, int campaignId)
var campaign = CampaignService.GetCampaignById(campaignId);
var campaignLanguage = campaign.CampaignLanguages.Where(x => x.CampaignId == campaignId).FirstOrDefault();
if (campaignLanguage != null)
campaignLanguage.WelcomeMessage = message;
campaignLanguage = new CampaignLanguage();
campaignLanguage.Id = 1;
return Redirect("/Campaign/Index/" + clientId);
However, I get the error.
{"Store update, insert, or delete statement affected an unexpected number of rows (0). Entities may have been modified or deleted since entities were loaded. Refresh ObjectStateManager entries."}
I don't want to change my CampaignService.Save method. So how to fix it?
public void Save(CampaignLanguage campaignLanguage)
public virtual void Add(T entity)
public virtual void Update(T entity)
dataContext.Entry(entity).State = EntityState.Modified;
You should be calling Add instead of Update as this is a new instance you want to insert into the data store. Your Save method should check if the primary (auto incremented key) has a value greater than 0 to see if it is new or not. Alternatively you can also see if it is already attached. There is also no need to call Update, setting the entity to state modified does nothing except ensure that all properties will be written back to the DB but the DbContext implements change tracking on entities so this will already happen (unless you are working in a detached state).
public void Save(CampaignLanguage campaignLanguage)
if(campaignLanguage.Id == 0)
On a side note: The type DbContext already implements a Unit of Work pattern and DbSet<T> is an implementation of a Repository pattern. There should not be any need to add another customer Unit of work and repository pattern around EF, you are just creating a whole abstraction layer for no reason that will problems with readability as well as issues later when you want to perform more complex operations like joining multiple tables together in a query.
Unfortunately, you need to change your CampaignService.Save. You are trying to update an inexistent campaignLanguage object.
The other problem is you are trying to force a key into an Identity column. You cannot do it with out first set insert_identy to the table.
Maybe, you need to ask for the correct method of CampaignService.

Get Id of Generic Entity of EF 6

I write a generic repository to CRUD in EF.In add method is written like this
public class GenericRepo<T> where T : class
public static void Add(CellPhoneProjectEntities dbContext, T entity)
works fine by i want to get first element of the Entity(Primary key ,Identity column )
public static long Add(CellPhoneProjectEntities dbContext, T entity,long id)
var pk = entity.ElementType.KeyMembers[0];
//Something like first elemnt by generic
return pk as Long;
can anyone help to get First element(Id) of entity after insertion?
EDIT: EF database first and my primary key is not named Id..
Rather it is TableNameId eg. Table ProjectMaster has primary key ProjectMasterId
When you assume that the element's ID is a long that's the first element of they key, you're making explicitly non-generic assumptions. Not all entities have a long key, or a key at all.
If you have this assumption, it's best to have it explicitly stated in the code. Create a base entity class with an ID, and ensure all entities inherit it. That way you know each entity has a compatible ID. If your table's column is named differently, you can use the [Column] attribute to map between them:
public abstract class EntityBase
public virtual long Id {get; set;}
public class MyEntity : EntityBase
public override long Id {get;set;}
public long Add(DbContext context, T entity) where T : EntityBase
var storedEntity = dbContext.Set<T>().Add(entity);
return storedEntity.Id; // Will always have the property.
After trying I find a temporary solution..but better answer is still not found ...
1 Mistake I made that not every entity (Table) contains id is rather TableId
so my temporary solution is return the entity and get the value of identity column after added to db.
//Create ///Get ID of the table
public static T Add(CellPhoneProjectEntities dbContext, T entity, long id)
return entity;
and to Get id
ServiceMaster master=some entity;;
long id=GenericRepo<ServiceMaster>Add(dbContext,master).ServiceMasterId;

Updating an Entity in EF with a 1:1 relationship

I have an application with 4 layers:
-Core (Models)
-Repository (EF DbContext actions)
-Service (Business logic)
-Web (MVC)
I'm trying to update an object with a 1:1 relationship with EF using the following method:
public async Task<bool> UpdateProductTicketing(ProductTicketing ticketing)
var product = await GetProductByIdAsync(ticketing.ProductId);
// Validation removed for simplicity
// 'ticketing' passed validation so let's
// just replace it with the existing record.
product.Ticketing = ticketing;
return await _repo.SaveAsync();
This works for an initial insert, but it doesn't work as I'd expect when I'm updating the record:
A first chance exception of type 'System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DbUpdateException' occurred...
The actual error message is:
Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_dbo.ProductTicketing'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.ProductTicketing'. The statement has been terminated.
Obviously the PK and FK "ProductId" doesn't change - so why does EF try to drop and insert my record instead of just updating it, and why does it fail?
But more importantly - how can I prevent this. I know I can manually map the object values and then update it - that works but it's tedious mapping two identical objects together and doesn't feel correct.
My repository for retrieving the Product object is in my Repository layer, while the method above is in my Service layer.
This is how I'm currently resolving this - and it looks as dirty as it feels:
public async Task<bool> UpdateProductTicketing(ProductTicketing ticketing)
var product = await GetProductByIdAsync(ticketing.ProductId);
// Validation removed for simplicity
if (product.Ticketing == null)
product.Ticketing = ticketing;
product.Ticketing.AllowEventBooking = ticketing.AllowEventBooking;
// Doing the same for all other properties etc
// etc
// etc
return await _repo.SaveAsync();
How can I achieve this without doing all this horrible mapping an object to an identical object?
Here are the two models referred to above:
public class Product
public int Id { get; set; }
public virtual ProductTicketing Ticketing { get; set; }
// Removed others for clarity
public byte[] RowVersion { get; set; }
public class ProductTicketing
[Key, ForeignKey("Product")]
public int ProductId { get; set; }
public bool AllowEventBooking { get; set; }
// Removed others for clarity
public virtual Product Product { get; set; }
It's also probably worth noting that the "ProductTicketing" object I'm passing into the UpdateProductTicketing method is a new object created from values in my controller - but the ID is the same so I assume it should work.
I think I see the problem now - when you do product.Ticketing = ticketing;, EF treats this as a new insert.
To avoid this, you can do one of these things:
Continue using the workaround (which is not a wokaround actually but just the way EF expects you to tell when to insert vs. when to update).
Now this depends on rest of your code and design, but instead of fetching the product, you can fetch the ticket and update its properties. Of course, this means that if the ticketing is not found, you need to insert it which then kinda looks like what you're already doing with UpdateProductTicketing.
Use the InsertOrUpdate pattern (I made some assumptions about your code but hopefully it gives you the idea - the main thing here is the InsertOrUpdate method):
public class ProductRepository : IRepository
private SomeContext context;
public void InsertOrUpdate(ProductTicketing ticketing)
context.Entry(ticketing).State = ticketing.ProductId == 0 ?
EntityState.Added :
// And a generic version
public void InsertOrUpdate<T>(T entity) where T : class
if (context.Entry(entity).State == EntityState.Detached)
You are getting that error because ef thinks that the ProductTicket is a new entity and is trying to insert the entity into the db. I don't know about the _repo.ProductRepository.Update(product) call but how about you attach the ProductTicket to the context and set the entity state to modified

Entity framework: writing a common method to check exist

My domain class:
public class Address
public virtual string AddressId { get; set; }
public virtual string Address { get; set; }
In my MVC controller I want to check the given Address exist, before I insert.
public ActionResult Create(Address address)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
if (db.Addresses.Any(a => a.AddressId == address.AddressId)) // how I do it now
ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Address Id already exists!");
return RedirectToAction("Index");
But there are lot of other domain classes in my project and I want to do the same check again and again.
My question is I want to write a generic method in my Db context class to perform this check. (looks like below or similar)
public bool Exists(object) {
// return true if exist
i.e. a method which I can call like this:
You could use generics and do something like the following:
public class YourDbContext : DbContext
public bool Exists<TEntity>(object id)
where TEntity : class
var dbSet = Set<TEntity>();
var entity = dbSet.Find(id);
return entity != null;
Which you'd then use like:
Using Find isn't the most efficient way to handle this, but it has the key benefit that you're not required to know what the actual primary key property on the class is, which would greatly complicate this method. For example, Address has AddressId, but Foo might have FooId.
Since ultimately this just uses Find under the hood, you just have to modify the method slightly to be able to take multiple parameters. Find handles composite keys by allowing one more parameters to be passed to it. But bear in mind, the the order matters and must align with the key order you specified when configuring your entity.
public bool Exists<TEntity>(params object[] keys)
where TEntity : class
var dbSet = Set<TEntity>();
var entity = dbSet.Find(keys);
return entity != null;

