Fitting a gaussian function to set of points - c#

In order to find the FWHM I need to find a Gaussian f corresponding to a set of (x,f(x)) values. The available fitting methods (I'm restricted to C#) assume the solution to be a polynomium of n'th degree (or that's what I've been able to find so far). I'm wondering if there exists a specialized fitting method/scheme aimed at finding Gaussians. Or is there a generalized method out there that converges fast?
I can provide a good guess for the middle of the bell curve and its height but no more than that.

Solved this by observing that
ln(y) = ln(a) - ½(x-b)^2/c^2
which gives
c = sqrt(½(x-b)^2/ln(a-y))
So with a and b known it was a no-brainer :)


Using Math.Net Numerics, how to find a curve fitting for "Power"

I'm trying to reproduce same curve fitting (called "trending") in Excel but in C#: Exponential, Linear, Logarithmic, Polynomial and Power.
I found linear and polynomial as :
Tuple<double, double> line = Fit.Line(xdata, ydata);
double[] poly2 = Fit.Polynomial(xdata, ydata, 2);
I also found Exponential fit.
But I wonder how to do curve fitting for Power. Anybody has an idea?
I should be able to get both constants like shown into the Excel screen shot formula:
multiplier (before x)
Before anybody would be the fifth who vote to close this question...
I asked the question directly to the forum of mathdotnet (that I recently discovered). Christoph Ruegg, the main developper of the lib, answered me something excellent that I want to share in order to help other with the same problem:
Assuming with power you’re referring to a target function along the
lines of y : x -> a*x^b, then this is a simpler version of what I’ve
described in Linearizing non-linear models by transformation.
This seems to be used often enough so I’ve started to add a new
Fit.Power and Fit.Exponential locally for this case - not pushed yet
since it first needs more testing, but I expect it to be part of v4.1.
Alternatively, by now we also support non-linear optimization which
could also be used for use cases like this (FindMinimum module).
Link to my question: mathdonet - Curve fitting: Power

Optimizing output parameters

I'm trying to solve a problem statement using C# as programming language.
In the problem system for an input (double/decimal) say Hi, the output generated is a form of dataset containing number of parameters (Fi, Pi and Ti). I somehow have to filter out only those entries in the data set which would satisfy the following conditions.
Fi > Fmin, where Fmin is some constant
Pi > Pmin, where Pmin is some constant
Ti < Tmax, where Tmax is some constant
Is there an efficient algorithm I could use in such cases where I could zero in on an optimal set of values for Hi for which the output parameter values are well within the constraints. Also I thought using Genetic Algorithms in this case makes sense but somehow I'm not able to formulate and fit the problem specific to Genetic Algorithms.
Any pointers/ suggestions are truly appreciated.
you can use Linq query
var result = DataSet.Where(x=>x.Fi> Fmin && x.Pi>Pmin && Ti < Tmax);
Well, it's hard for me to guess. I don't know the properties of the function for Fi etc.
An log-Barrier Method could be something interesting here. Or the SQP Method. But it has to be differntiable.
Otherwise simulated annealing could be interesting.
But these are just some guesses. It really depends on the problem.
I doubt that a Genetic Algorithm makes sense, seeing as you have only one input variable (Hi) that determines the outputs (Fi, Pi, Ti). The power of a Genetic Algorithm is that it blends good solutions into new solutions. If your solution is only one number, blending two good solutions will probably mean that you're finding some Hi inbetween (such as the average -> 0.5Hi1 + 0.5Hi2 or some other linear combination aHi1 + (1-a)Hi2 with a between 0 and 1).
I would recommend looking into Multi-start Local Search heuristics, such as link. This is a pretty solid heuristic that allows you to explore the solution space for Hi.
In their simplest form, such heuristics calculate the performance for N random values of Hi, and then search for further improvements in the area of the best performing Hi values out of those N initial values.
This sort of stuff is also pretty straight-forward to code, assuming that you have a way to obtain the Fi, Ti, and Pi values from your Hi input, and that you have some way to figure out which of your solutions perform 'best' (for instance through a fitness function as mentioned in the comments).

Calculate inverse proportion from 3 points

I apologize if this has already been asked - I'm not certain of the right terms to use here, so if it has, hopefully it will help others like me find whatever this gets marked as a dupe of.
I'm looking to create a formula for a curve in code (C# or Javascript ideally) from 3 points - the formula should be of the form y = a/(t+b) + c where t is time - the horizontal axis - and y is the vertical axis. Obviously a, b, and c are just there for graph fit.
How would I go about this? Is there an existing library I should be using?
The source data has a lot more than 3 data points available, I'm just looking for the simplest way to fit a 1/x curve to the data - so if for example 4 points are required for accuracy that's easy to provide as input.
If you are looking to fit a function of the form
y(t) = a/(t + b) + c
to a set of data points you are faced with a nonlinear least-squares problem for which you can use Gauss-Newton or Levenberg-Marquardt methods. However, there is an old algorithm that goes by the name of Loeb's algorithm that can be used to generate good (but not best - it can be shown that it will not converge to the best approximation) approximations when your approximation is a ratio of polynomials. It works by linearising the least-squares problem and results in an iterative least-squares solution (although in practice you will get good results with a single iteration). I studied this algorithm for my doctorate and I would strongly recommend it for any practical problem in which you want to approximate data points using a polynomial ratio (of which your case is very simple example).
The downside is that this algorithm is very old and you may struggle to find decent documentation of it. If you can it is no more complicated to implement than a standard linear least-squares approximation. If you get no better answer here to your problem, consider googling for it. If you cant find and decent information, let me know and I will upload my thesis to my website (contains implementation details of the method) and you can download it.
As I say you may get a far simpler answer here but if not it will certainly be an option open to you.

All valid combinations of points, in the most (speed) effective way

I know there are quite some questions out there on generating combinations of elements, but I think this one has a certain twist to be worth a new question:
For a pet proejct of mine I've to pre-compute a lot of state to improve the runtime behavior of the application later. One of the steps I struggle with is this:
Given N tuples of two integers (lets call them points from here on, although they aren't in my use case. They roughly are X/Y related, though) I need to compute all valid combinations for a given rule.
The rule might be something like
"Every point included excludes every other point with the same X coordinate"
"Every point included excludes every other point with an odd X coordinate"
I hope and expect that this fact leads to an improvement in the selection process, but my math skills are just being resurrected as I type and I'm unable to come up with an elegant algorithm.
The set of points (N) starts small, but outgrows 64 soon (for the "use long as bitmask" solutions)
I'm doing this in C#, but solutions in any language should be fine if it explains the underlying idea
Update in response to Vlad's answer:
Maybe my idea to generalize the question was a bad one. My rules above were invented on the fly and just placeholders. One realistic rule would look like this:
"Every point included excludes every other point in the triagle above the chosen point"
By that rule and by choosing (2,1) I'd exclude
(2,2) - directly above
(1,3) (2,3) (3,3) - next line
and so on
So the rules are fixed, not general. They are unfortunately more complex than the X/Y samples I initially gave.
How about "the x coordinate of every point included is the exact sum of some subset of the y coordinates of the other included points". If you can come up with a fast algorithm for that simply-stated constraint problem then you will become very famous indeed.
My point being that the problem as stated is so vague as to admit NP-complete or NP-hard problems. Constraint optimization problems are incredibly hard; if you cannot put extremely tight bounds on the problem then it very rapidly becomes not analyzable by machines in polynomial time.
For some special rule types your task seems to be simple. For example, for your example rule #1 you need to choose a subset of all possible values of X, and than for each value from the subset assign an arbitrary Y.
For generic rules I doubt that it's possible to build an efficient algorithm without any AI.
My understanding of the problem is: Given a method bool property( Point x ) const, find all points the set for which property() is true. Is that reasonable?
The brute-force approach is to run all the points through property(), and store the ones which return true. The time complexity of this would be O( N ) where (a) N is the total number of points, and (b) the property() method is O( 1 ). I guess you are looking for improvements from O( N ). Is that right?
For certain kind of properties, it is possible to improve from O( N ) provided suitable data structure is used to store the points and suitable pre-computation (e.g. sorting) is done. However, this may not be true for any arbitrary property.

How to intersect two polygons?

This seems non-trivial (it gets asked quite a lot on various forums), but I absolutely need this as a building block for a more complex algorithm.
Input: 2 polygons (A and B) in 2D, given as a list of edges [(x0, y0, x1, y2), ...] each. The points are represented by pairs of doubles. I do not know if they are given clockwise, counter-clockwise or in any direction at all. I do know that they are not necessarily convex.
Output: 3 polygons representing A, B and the intersecting polygon AB. Either of which may be an empty (?) polygon, e.g. null.
Hint for optimization: These polygons represent room and floor boundaries. So the room boundary will normally fully intersect with the floor boundary, unless it belongs to another floor on the same plane (argh!).
I'm kind of hoping someone has already done this in c# and will let me use their strategy/code, as what I have found so far on this problem is rather daunting.
EDIT: So it seems I'm not entirely chicken for feiling faint at the prospect of doing this. I would like to restate the desired output here, as this is a special case and might make computation simpler:
Output: First polygon minus all the intersecting bits, intersection polygons (plural is ok). I'm not really interested in the second polygon, just its intersection with the first.
EDIT2: I am currently using the GPC (General Polygon Clipper) library that makes this really easy!
Arash Partow's FastGEO library contains implementations of many interesting algorithms in computational geometry. Polygon intersection is one of them. It's written in Pascal, but it's only implementing math so it's pretty readable. Note that you will certainly need to preprocess your edges a little, to get them into clockwise or counterclockwise order.
ETA: But really, the best way to do this is to not do this. Find another way to approach your problem that doesn't involve arbitrary polygon intersections.
If you are programming in .NET Framework, you may want to take a look at SqlGeometry class available in .NET assemblies shipped as Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types
The SqlGeometry class provides STIntersection method
SqlGeometry g1 = SqlGeometry.Parse("POLYGON ((...))");
SqlGeometry g2 = SqlGeometry.Parse("POLYGON ((...))");
SqlGeometry intersection = g1.STIntersection(g2);
What I think you should do
Do not attempt to do this yourself if you can possibly help it. Instead, use one of the many available polygon intersection algorithms that already exist.
I was strongly considering the following codebase on the strength of their demonstration code and the fact that they mentioned their handling of most/all of the weird cases. You would need to donate an amount (of you/your company's choice) if you use it commercially, but it's worth it to get a robust version of this kind of code.
What I actually did was to use a polygon-intersection algorithm that is part of the Java2D libraries. You can possibly find something similar in MS's own C# libraries to use.
There are other options out there as well; look for "polygon clipper" or "polygon clipping", since the same basic algorithms that handle polygon intersection also tend to be usable for the general clipping cases.
Once you actually have a polygon clipping library, you just need to subtract polygon B from polygon A to get your first piece of output, and intersect polygons A and B to get your second piece of output.
How to roll your own, for the hopelessly masochistic
When I was considering rolling my own, I found the Weiler-Atherton algorithm to have the most potential for general polygon-cutting. I used the following as a reference:
The details, as they say, are too dense to include here, but I have no doubt that you'll be able to find references on Weiler-Atherton for years to come. Essentially, you split all the points into those that are entering the final polygon or exiting the final polygon, then you form a graph out of all the points, and then walk the graph in the appropriate directions in order to extract all the polygon pieces you want. By changing the way you define and treat the "entering" and "exiting" polygons, you can achieve several possible polygon intersections (AND, OR, XOR, etc.).
It's actually fairly implementable, but like with any computational geometry code, the devil is in the degeneracies.
You may also want to have a look at the NetTopologySuite or even try importing it into Sql server 2008 & it's spatial tools.
Clipper is an open source freeware polygon clipping library (written in Delphi and C++) that does exactly what you're asking -
In my testing, Clipper is both significantly faster and far less prone to error than GPC (see more detailed comparisons here - Also, while there's source code for both Delphi and C++, the Clipper library also includes a compiled DLL to make it very easy to use the clipping functions in other (Windows) languages too.
A polygon is fully described by an ordered list of points (P1, P2, ..., Pn). The edges are (P1 - P2), (P2 - P3), ..., (Pn - P1). If you have two polygons A and B which overlaps, there will be a point An (from the list on points describing polygon A) which lies within the area surrounded by polygon B or vice versa (a point of B lies in A). If no such point is found, then the polygons does not overlap. If such a point is found (i.e. Ai) check the adjacent points of the polygon A(i-1) and A(i+1). Repeat until you find a point outside the area or all points are checked (then the first polygon lies completly within the second polygon). If you found a point outside then you can calculate the crossing point. Find the corresponding edge of polygon B and follow it with resersed roles = now check if the points of polygon B lie within polygon A. This way you can build a list of points which describe the overlapping polygon. If needed you should check if the polygons are identical, (P1, P2, P3) === (P2, P3, P1).
This is just an idea and there maybe better ways. If you find a working and tested solution I would recommend that you use it...
Try to use GIS tools for that, such as ArcObjects, TopologySuite, GEOS, OGR, etc. I'm not sure if all of these distributions are availuable to .net, but they all do the same.
This academic paper explains how to do this.
If you dare to take a look to other people's GPL C++ code, you can see how do they do it in Inkscape: (line 126)

