Working with multiple resultset in .net core - c#

While retrieving the results using stored procedure how can I retrieve and store multiple result set in view model in .net core
For e.g. from stored procedure I am returning records for below two queries
Select * LMS_Survey
Select * from LMS_SurveyQuestion
Select * from LMS_SurveyQuestionOptionChoice
and below is view model for two tables
public class LMS_SurveyTraineeViewModel
public LMS_SurveyDetailsViewModel SurveyDetailsViewModel { get; set; }
public LMS_SurveyQuestionsViewModel SurveyQuestionsViewModel { get; set; }
public LMS_SurveyQuestionOptionChoiceViewModel SurveyQuestionOptionChoiceViewModel { get; set; }
This is how I am executing the stored procedure
public List<LMS_SurveyTraineeViewModel> GetTraineeSurvey(int surveyID)
List<LMS_SurveyTraineeViewModel> modelList = new List<LMS_SurveyTraineeViewModel>();
modelList = dbcontext.Set<LMS_SurveyTraineeViewModel>().FromSql("LMSSP_GetTraineeSurvey #surveyID = {0},#LanguageID = {1}", surveyID, AppTenant.SelectedLanguageID).ToList();
return modelList;
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
How can stored the multiple result set using stored procedure in view model ?

Currently, EF Core doesn't not support this. There is an open issue to address this.
Update 12th Sep 2018: This is still not a priority for EF Core even for release 3.0; so best use Dapper or plain ADO.NET when you have multiple results scenario
Update 25th Jun 2020: still on the backlog for EF Core even for release 5.0; so best use Dapper or plain ADO.NET when you have multiple results scenario
Update 7th Feb 2021: still on the backlog for EF Core
Update 8th Aug 2022: still on the backlog for EF Core, looks like its not a high priority use-case. Recommend to follow alternatives like using straight ADO.NET or Dapr or the below workaround for this
In the interim an alternative solution can be achieved via extension method(s)
public static async Task<IList<IList>> MultiResultSetsFromSql(this DbContext dbContext, ICollection<Type> resultSetMappingTypes, string sql, params object[] parameters)
var resultSets = new List<IList>();
var connection = dbContext.Database.GetDbConnection();
var parameterGenerator = dbContext.GetService<IParameterNameGeneratorFactory>()
var commandBuilder = dbContext.GetService<IRelationalCommandBuilderFactory>()
foreach (var parameter in parameters)
var generatedName = parameterGenerator.GenerateNext();
if (parameter is DbParameter dbParameter)
commandBuilder.AddRawParameter(generatedName, dbParameter);
commandBuilder.AddParameter(generatedName, generatedName);
using var command = connection.CreateCommand();
command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
command.CommandText = sql;
command.Connection = connection;
for (var i = 0; i < commandBuilder.Parameters.Count; i++)
var relationalParameter = commandBuilder.Parameters[i];
relationalParameter.AddDbParameter(command, parameters[i]);
var materializerSource = dbContext.GetService<IEntityMaterializerSource>();
if (connection.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
await connection.OpenAsync();
using var reader = await command.ExecuteReaderAsync();
foreach (var pair in resultSetMappingTypes.Select((x, i) => (Index: i, Type: x)))
var i = pair.Index;
var resultSetMappingType = pair.Type;
if (i > 0 && !(await reader.NextResultAsync()))
throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("No result set at index {0}, unable to map to {1}.", i, resultSetMappingType));
var type = resultSetMappingType;
var entityType = dbContext.GetService<IModel>()
if (entityType == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Unable to find a an entity type (or query type) matching '{0}'", type));
var relationalTypeMappingSource = dbContext.GetService<IRelationalTypeMappingSource>();
var columns = Enumerable.Range(0, reader.FieldCount)
.Select(x => new
Index = x,
Name = reader.GetName(x)
var relationalValueBufferFactoryFactory = dbContext.GetService<IRelationalValueBufferFactoryFactory>();
int discriminatorIdx = -1;
var discriminatorProperty = entityType.GetDiscriminatorProperty();
var entityTypes = entityType.GetDerivedTypesInclusive();
var instanceTypeMapping = entityTypes.Select(et => new
EntityType = et,
Properties = et.GetProperties()
.Select(x =>
var column = columns.FirstOrDefault(y => string.Equals(y.Name,
x.GetColumnName() ?? x.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) ?? throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Unable to find a column mapping property '{0}'.", x.Name));
if (x == discriminatorProperty)
discriminatorIdx = column.Index;
return new TypeMaterializationInfo(x.PropertyInfo.PropertyType, x, relationalTypeMappingSource, column.Index);
.Select(x => new
EntityType = x.EntityType,
Properties = x.Properties,
ValueBufferFactory = relationalValueBufferFactoryFactory.Create(x.Properties)
.ToDictionary(e => e.EntityType.GetDiscriminatorValue() ?? e.EntityType, e => e)
var resultSetValues = (IList)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(List<>).MakeGenericType(type));
while (await reader.ReadAsync())
var instanceInfo = discriminatorIdx < 0 ? instanceTypeMapping[entityType] : instanceTypeMapping[reader[discriminatorIdx]];
var valueBuffer = instanceInfo.ValueBufferFactory.Create(reader);
var materializationAction = materializerSource.GetMaterializer(instanceInfo.EntityType);
resultSetValues.Add(materializationAction(new MaterializationContext(valueBuffer, dbContext)));
return resultSets;
And the extension typed methods
public static async Task<(IReadOnlyCollection<T1> FirstResultSet, IReadOnlyCollection<T2> SecondResultSet)> MultiResultSetsFromSql<T1, T2>(this DbContext dbContext, string sql, params object[] parameters)
var resultSetMappingTypes = new[]
typeof(T1), typeof(T2)
var resultSets = await MultiResultSetsFromSql(dbContext, resultSetMappingTypes, sql, parameters);
return ((IReadOnlyCollection<T1>)resultSets[0], (IReadOnlyCollection<T2>)resultSets[1]);
public static async Task<(IReadOnlyCollection<T1> FirstResultSet, IReadOnlyCollection<T2> SecondResultSet, IReadOnlyCollection<T3> ThirdResultSet)> MultiResultSetsFromSql<T1, T2, T3>(this DbContext dbContext, string sql, params object[] parameters)
var resultSetMappingTypes = new[]
typeof(T1), typeof(T2), typeof(T3)
var resultSets = await MultiResultSetsFromSql(dbContext, resultSetMappingTypes, sql, parameters);
return ((IReadOnlyCollection<T1>)resultSets[0], (IReadOnlyCollection<T2>)resultSets[1], (IReadOnlyCollection<T3>)resultSets[2]);

Currently, EF Core doesn't not support this. see this example for retrieve multiple result sets.

It works with this tiny change on EF core 5 according to Ricky G answer
command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
and as sql parameter value for this extension method type your stored procedure name "dbo.testproc"
example of usage:
var t1 = await _context.MultiResultSetsFromSql(new [] {typeof(proctestprocResult) },"dbo.testproc", sqlParameters);
works for me


EF Core Query Performance Enhancement

I have EF core which I need to do heavy operation on it before return the result back for the end user but the issue is, the operation time it's taking too much time, So, How can I enhance the performance.
Note: I tried to add AsNoTracking().AsEnumerable(), but with no luck it needs around 30 seconds until it returns any data.
I have Service which is called by the controller,
the Service using two helpers functions one for preparing the stored procedure query and another one for doing the grouping based on parameter which received from the user:
here is the code:
The Service Core
public async Task<List<ResultDto>> MyService(DateTime? startDate, DateTime? endDate,string groupingType)
List<ResultDto> result = new List<ResultDto>();
SqlParameter[] param = StoredProcedureHelpers.GetAsSQLParameters2(startDate, endDate);
string sql = "EXEC MyStoredProcedure #StartDate,#EndDate";
var storedProcedureResult = _context.MyStoredProceduresResults.FromSqlRaw(sql, param).AsNoTracking().AsEnumerable();
var distinctedResult = storedProcedureResult.DistinctBy(x => x.Some_Id).OrderByDescending(x => x.Value).Take(10).AsEnumerable();
result = distinctedResult.GroupByChoosedGroupingType(groupingType).OrderBy(x => x.GroupingKey).ToList();
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception(ex.Message);
return result;
The Stored Procedure Helper function:
public static SqlParameter[]? GetAsSQLParameters2(DateTime? startDate, DateTime? endDate)
SqlParameter[] param = Array.Empty<SqlParameter>();
param = new SqlParameter[]
new SqlParameter {
ParameterName = "#StartDate",
SqlDbType =System.Data.SqlDbType.Date,
Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input,
Value = startDate
new SqlParameter {
ParameterName = "#EndDate",
SqlDbType =System.Data.SqlDbType.Date,
Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input,
Value = endDate
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception(ex.Message);
return param;
Grouping Helper Function:
public static IEnumerable<ResultDto> GroupByChoosedGroupingType(this IEnumerable<MyStoredProceduresResults> resultList, string groupingType)
List<ResultDto> result = new List<ResultDto>();
switch (groupingType)
case "Daily":
result = resultList.GroupBy(x => new { x.Date.Value.Date, x.PlaceName }).Select(x =>
return new ResultDto
Count = x.Count(),
Value = x.Sum(x => x.Value),
PlaceName = x.Key.PlaceName,
GroupingKey = x.Key.Date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")
case "Monthly":
result = resultList.GroupBy(x => new { Year = x.Date.Value.Year, MonthName = x.Date.Value.ToString("MMM"), x.PlaceName }).Select(x => new ResultDto
Count = x.Count(),
Value = x.Sum(x => x.Value),
PlaceName = x.Key.PlaceName,
GroupingKey = $"{x.Key.MonthName}-{x.Key.Year}"
return result;

Project on update/create (set values from another object en masse) in LINQ2DB?

When using LINQ2DB for my application I tried to use entity-DTO mapping using Expression<Func<Entity, DTO>> and vice versa like described here:
This works great for projecting using a select, but what do I do when I need to update/insert a new record? I've skimmed over Update and Set extension methods but couldn't find anything.
What I am trying to achieve is basically expression-based two-way mapping between an entity class and a DTO, kinda like AutoMapper's projection for EF but manually written per-DTO, in the form of two expressions for two-way conversion.
Sadly I am not an expert in expression trees and LINQ to SQL translation, so would appreciate if anyone suggests something that works like this:
Expression<Func<SomeDTO, SomeEntityTable>> projectExpr =
x => new SomeEntity
ID = x.ID,
Name = x.Name,
// ...
}; // this is just so that I can write two mapping expressions per DTO and don't ever repeat them, for stuff like CRUD
// ...
using var db = ConnectionFactory.Instance.GetMainDB();
await db.SomeEntityTable
.Where(e => e.ID == dto.ID)
.Set(dto, projectExpr) // dto is of SomeDTO type here; this will set ONLY the values that are written in the expression
.Set(e => e.LastEditedAt, DateTime.Now()) // able to append some more stuff after
// similar for insert operation, using the same expression
These extension methods should provide needed mapping:
using var db = ConnectionFactory.Instance.GetMainDB();
await db.SomeEntityTable
.Where(e => e.ID == dto.ID)
.Set(dto, projectExpr) // new extension method
.Set(e => e.LastEditedAt, DateTime.Now())
await db.SomeEntityTable
.Values(dto, projectExpr) // new extension method
.Value(e => e.LastEditedAt, DateTime.Now())
And implementation:
public static class InsertUpdateExtensions
private static MethodInfo _withIUpdatable = Methods.LinqToDB.Update.SetUpdatableExpression;
private static MethodInfo _withIValueInsertable = Methods.LinqToDB.Insert.VI.ValueExpression;
public static IUpdatable<TEntity> Set<TEntity, TDto>(
this IUpdatable<TEntity> updatable,
TDto obj,
Expression<Func<TDto, TEntity>> projection)
var body = projection.GetBody(Expression.Constant(obj));
var entityParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TEntity), "e");
var pairs = EnumeratePairs(body, entityParam);
foreach (var pair in pairs)
updatable = (IUpdatable<TEntity>)_withIUpdatable.MakeGenericMethod(typeof(TEntity), pair.Item1.Type)
new object?[]
Expression.Lambda(pair.Item1, entityParam),
return updatable;
public static IValueInsertable<TEntity> Values<TEntity, TDto>(
this IValueInsertable<TEntity> insertable,
TDto obj,
Expression<Func<TDto, TEntity>> projection)
var body = projection.GetBody(Expression.Constant(obj));
var entityParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TEntity), "e");
var pairs = EnumeratePairs(body, entityParam);
foreach (var pair in pairs)
insertable = (IValueInsertable<TEntity>)_withIValueInsertable.MakeGenericMethod(typeof(TEntity), pair.Item1.Type)
new object?[]
Expression.Lambda(pair.Item1, entityParam),
return insertable;
private static IEnumerable<Tuple<Expression, Expression>> EnumeratePairs(Expression projection, Expression entityPath)
switch (projection.NodeType)
case ExpressionType.MemberInit:
var mi = (MemberInitExpression)projection;
foreach (var b in mi.Bindings)
if (b.BindingType == MemberBindingType.Assignment)
var assignment = (MemberAssignment)b;
foreach (var p in EnumeratePairs(Expression.MakeMemberAccess(entityPath, assignment.Member),
yield return p;
case ExpressionType.New:
var ne = (NewExpression)projection;
if (ne.Members != null)
for (var index = 0; index < ne.Arguments.Count; index++)
var expr = ne.Arguments[index];
var member = ne.Members[index];
foreach (var p in EnumeratePairs(Expression.MakeMemberAccess(entityPath, member), expr))
yield return p;
case ExpressionType.MemberAccess:
yield return Tuple.Create(projection, entityPath);
throw new NotImplementedException();

Replace a SQL process that uses MERGE with LINQ in C# code

I need to transfer a process from SQL Server to my application code. The T-SQL process uses MERGE, as shown below, to conditionally update or insert.
-- Synchronize the InterestRates table with refreshed/new data from ImportRates_Stg table
ON (TARGET.Effective = SOURCE.EffectiveDate)
-- When records are matched on the Effective date, update the records if there is any change to the Rate
-- When no records are matched on the Effective date,
-- insert the incoming records from ImportRates_Stg table to InterestRates table
THEN INSERT (Effective, Rate) VALUES (SOURCE.EffectiveDate, Rate);
I need to reproduce this functionality in C#, and am thinking that LINQ would likely be the best way to do this, but so far all of my attempts have failed. Here is the code that I have so far. Importing the data to a list from an excel file is all working. It is when I get to the actual logic to replace the SQL MERGE which is not working...
public async Task<IActionResult> OnPostAsync()
// Perform an initial check to catch FileUpload class attribute violations.
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return Page();
string filePath = RatesBatchImportFilepath + Path.GetFileName(Request.Form.Files["RatesExtract"].FileName);
using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create))
await Request.Form.Files["RatesExtract"].CopyToAsync(fileStream);
var newRates = new List<InterestRate>();
using (var wb = new XLWorkbook(filePath, XLEventTracking.Disabled))
var ws = wb.Worksheet(1);
DataTable dataTable = ws.RangeUsed().AsTable().AsNativeDataTable();
if (dataTable.Rows.Count > 0)
foreach (DataRow dataRow in dataTable.Rows)
if (dataRow.ItemArray.All(x => string.IsNullOrEmpty(x?.ToString()))) continue;
newRates.Add(new InterestRate()
Effective = Convert.ToDateTime(dataRow["PeriodEndingDate"]),
Rate = Convert.ToDecimal(dataRow["AY01NetPerf"])
IQueryable<InterestRate> existingRates = from s in _context.InterestRates
orderby s.Effective descending
select s;
foreach (var oldRate in existingRates)
DateTime ourDate = oldRate.Effective;
var thisUpdateQuery =
from thisRate in newRates
where thisRate.Effective == ourDate
select thisRate;
foreach (var rate in thisUpdateQuery)
oldRate.Effective = rate.Effective;
newRates.Remove(rate); // this causes an error.
foreach (var rate in newRates)
return RedirectToPage("./Index");
Here is the Error: InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
here you are a merge function with all options like merge in sql:
public static async Task Merge<T>(this List<T> target, List<T> source, Func<T, T, bool> mergeOn, Func<T, T, Task> onMatched = null, Func<List<T>, Task> whenNotMatchedByTarget = null, Func<List<T>, Task> whenNotMatchedBySource = null)
var sourceTemp = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<T>>(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(source, new JsonSerializerSettings() { ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore }));
var notMatchedByTarget = new List<T>();
bool isMatched;
for (int i = 0; i < target?.Count; i++)
isMatched = false;
for (int j = 0; j < sourceTemp?.Count; j++)
if (mergeOn(target[i], sourceTemp[j]))
if (onMatched != null)
await onMatched(target[i], sourceTemp[j]);
isMatched = true;
if (!isMatched)
if (whenNotMatchedByTarget != null)
await whenNotMatchedByTarget(notMatchedByTarget);
if (whenNotMatchedBySource != null)
await whenNotMatchedBySource(sourceTemp);
then use it like:-
await targetList.Merge(source: sourceList,
mergeOn: (t, s) => t.Id == s.Id,
onMatched: Update,
whenNotMatchedByTarget: Delete,
whenNotMatchedBySource: Add);
Task Update(sourceType old, sourceType new){};
Task Delete(List<sourceType> listToBeDeleted){};
Task Add(List<sourceType> listToBeAdded){};
Here's an extension method that I think works --
public static List<T> Merge<T>(this List<T> list, Func<T, T, bool> mergeOnFunc, Action<T, T> ifMatchedByTargetAction)
List<T> mergedList = new List<T>();
list.ForEach(rec =>
if (!mergedList.Any(x => mergeOnFunc(rec, x)))
mergedList.Add(rec); // if the record hasn't been added yet, add it
else // if the record has already been added, merge the changes
ifMatchedByTargetAction(mergedList.Where(x => mergeOnFunc(rec, x)).First(), rec);
return mergedList;
Here's an example of how you'd use the extension method (assumes you've already batched all of your mergeables into a single list w. concat or something similar -- sorry, it's not an ideal use case, but it's the one I have).
classAttendanceList = classAttendanceList.Merge(
(a, b) => { return a.StudentName == b.StudentName; }, // this is your "ON"
(a, b) => { a.DaysAttended += b.DaysAttended; }); // this is your "WHEN MATCHED"

How do you reuse mapping functions on Nested entities in Entity Framework?

I have seen multiple questions that are similar to this one but I think my case is slightly different. I'm using EF6 to query the database and I'm using data projection for better queries.
Given that performance is very important on this project I have to make sure to just read the actual fields that I will use so I have very similar queries that are different for just a few fields as I have done this I have noticed repetition of the code so I'm been thinking on how to reuse code this is currently what I Have:
public static IEnumerable<FundWithReturns> GetSimpleFunds(this DbSet<Fund> funds, IEnumerable<int> fundsId)
IQueryable<Fund> query = GetFundsQuery(funds, fundsId);
var results = query
.Select(f => new FundWithReturns
Category = f.Category,
ExpenseRatio = f.ExpenseRatio,
FundId = f.FundId,
Name = f.Name,
LatestPrice = f.LatestPrice,
DailyReturns = f.FundDailyReturns
.Where(dr => dr.AdjustedValue != null)
.OrderByDescending(dr => dr.CloseDate)
.Select(dr => new DailyReturnPrice
CloseDate = dr.CloseDate,
Value = dr.AdjustedValue.Value,
Returns = f.Returns.Select(r => new ReturnValues
Daily = r.AdjDaily,
FiveYear = r.AdjFiveYear,
MTD = r.AdjMTD,
OneYear = r.AdjOneYear,
QTD = r.AdjQTD,
SixMonth = r.AdjSixMonth,
ThreeYear = r.AdjThreeYear,
YTD = r.AdjYTD
foreach (var result in results)
result.DailyReturns = result.DailyReturns.ConvertClosingPricesToDailyReturns();
return results;
public static IEnumerable<FundListVm> GetFundListVm(this DbSet<Fund> funds, string type)
return funds
.Where(f => f.StatusCode == MetisDataObjectStatusCodes.ACTIVE
&& f.Type == type)
.Select(f => new FundListVm
Category = f.Category,
Name = f.Name,
Symbol = f.Symbol,
Yield = f.Yield,
ExpenseRatio = f.ExpenseRatio,
LatestDate = f.LatestDate,
Returns = f.Returns.Select(r => new ReturnValues
Daily = r.AdjDaily,
FiveYear = r.AdjFiveYear,
MTD = r.AdjMTD,
OneYear = r.AdjOneYear,
QTD = r.AdjQTD,
SixMonth = r.AdjSixMonth,
ThreeYear = r.AdjThreeYear,
YTD = r.AdjYTD
I'm trying to reuse the part where I map the f.Returns so I tried created a Func<> like the following:
private static Func<Return, ReturnValues> MapToReturnValues = r => new ReturnValues
Daily = r.AdjDaily,
FiveYear = r.AdjFiveYear,
MTD = r.AdjMTD,
OneYear = r.AdjOneYear,
QTD = r.AdjQTD,
SixMonth = r.AdjSixMonth,
ThreeYear = r.AdjThreeYear,
YTD = r.AdjYTD
and then use like this:
public static IEnumerable<FundListVm> GetFundListVm(this DbSet<Fund> funds, string type)
return funds
.Where(f => f.StatusCode == MetisDataObjectStatusCodes.ACTIVE
&& f.Type == type)
.Select(f => new FundListVm
Category = f.Category,
Name = f.Name,
Symbol = f.Symbol,
Yield = f.Yield,
ExpenseRatio = f.ExpenseRatio,
LatestDate = f.LatestDate,
Returns = f.Returns.Select(MapToReturnValues).FirstOrDefault()
The compiler is ok with it but at runtime, it crashes and says: Internal .NET Framework Data Provider error 1025
I tried to convert the Func into Expression like I read on some questions and then using compile() but It didn't work using AsEnumerable is also not an option because It will query all the fields first which is what I want to avoid.
Am I trying something not possible?
Thank you for your time.
It definitely needs to be Expression<Func<...>>. But instead of using Compile() method (not supported), you can resolve the compile time error using the AsQueryable() method which is perfectly supported (in EF6, the trick doesn't work in current EF Core).
Given the modified definition
private static Expression<Func<Return, ReturnValues>> MapToReturnValues =
r => new ReturnValues { ... };
the sample usage would be
Returns = f.Returns.AsQueryable().Select(MapToReturnValues).FirstOrDefault()

Independent subqueries in SQL to Linq statement (hit DB only one time)

Having something similar to:
SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*) from Table1),(SELECT COUNT(*) from Table2 )
How do I write it in linq? Or is it simple not possible?
Can only hit the database one time:
var result = new {
Sum1 = db.Table1.Count(),
Sum2 = db.Table2.Count()
}); // is not valid.....
I do not want to use something similar to (using a "helping" table):
var result = (from t3 in db.Table3
select new {
Sum1 = db.Table1.Count(),
Sum2 = db.Table2.Count()
//In order to get only the first row
//but it will not return nothing if the table 3 has no entries......
Not using db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand
I cannot see a solution which solves all your limitations. This is one of the caveats with using an ORM-mapper, you are not in control of the generated SQL.
In this case, if it is utterly unacceptable for you to send more than one query to the database, the harsh truth is that you will have to write the query yourself.
I got curious and created an extension method that can do this! Of course it constructs its own SQL command, and it just works for Linq2SQL. Also massive disclaimer: It's fairly dirty code, if I have some time I'll fix it up in the weekend :)
public static TOut CountMany<TContext, TOut>(this TContext db, Expression<Func<TContext, TOut>> tableSelector)
where TContext: DataContext
var newExpression = (NewExpression) tableSelector.Body;
var tables =
.SelectMany(mce => mce.Arguments.OfType<MemberExpression>())
var command = new string[tables.Count];
for(var i = 0; i < tables.Count; i++)
var table = tables[i];
var tableType = ((PropertyInfo) table.Member).PropertyType.GetGenericArguments()[0];
var tableName = tableType.GetCustomAttribute<TableAttribute>().Name;
command[i] = string.Format("(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {0}) AS T{1}", tableName, i);
var dbCommand = db.Connection.CreateCommand();
dbCommand.CommandText = string.Format("SELECT {0}", String.Join(",", command));
IDataRecord result;
result = dbCommand.ExecuteReader().OfType<IDataRecord>().First();
var results = new object[tables.Count];
for (var i = 0; i < tables.Count; i++)
results[i] = result.GetInt32(i);
var ctor = typeof(TOut).GetConstructor(Enumerable.Repeat(typeof(int), tables.Count).ToArray());
return (TOut) ctor.Invoke(results);
the code is called like this:
var counts = dbContext.CountMany(db => new
table1Count = db.Table1.Count(),
table2Count = db.Table2.Count()

