OneDrive SDK Authentication Issue in Console App - c#

I am coding against OneDrive SDK within a console application. I am having some trouble trying to authenticate properly. I am curious to see if anyone has done this before or could point me in the right direction?
Code so far:
static void Main(string[] args)
var scopes = new[] {"onedrive.readonly", "wl.signin"};
var msaAuthProvider = new MsaAuthenticationProvider(ClientId, "", scopes);
Whenever I run my debugger I see the property of isAuthenticated is set to false.

Right now the MSA Authentication only supports Desktop and Windows Mobile Apps as it needs UI to require user sign in which broke in your case because you have a console app. So the problem is to build a IAuthenticationProvider which set the Authorization header in request message like:
public async Task AuthenticateRequestAsync(HttpRequestMessage request)
request.Headers.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("bearer", await GetAccessTokenFromSomeWhere());
The IAuthenticationProvider interface defined in Microsoft.Graph.Core and you can pass it into OneDriveClient constructor so OneDriveClient will make request to OneDrive API for you.
Based on the information you have a console app, I would suggest you look at the code flow for Microsoft OAuth to get an access token and pass it to your authentication proivder.
I am not sure how you can get a code from the OAuth flow, but it seems doable if you fetch it in somewhere and pass it to your console app, then you can make POST request the the code you have to redeem an access token. I have searched for a while and don't find a good example of console app to get OAuth for Microsoft account, sorry. If you find a good way for console app to authentication, feel free to send a PR for MSAAuthenticator.

I succesfully read files from an user without interaction using the OAuth 2.0 Resource Owner Password grant and raw HTTP requests.
There are samples for authentication in daemon applications with application credentials, but first we would need to know how the application was registered and if belongs to a directory in Azure or not because app permissions need to be granted by a directory admin.


How to read exchange email with unattended console app

I have been trying to implement a solution for this for days. It's my first experiment with Microsoft Graph. I had our network admin register the app and went through the quick start code in console-app-quickstart.
I looked at active-directory-dotnetcore-daemon-v2 and active-directory-dotnet-iwa-v2.
var App = PublicClientApplicationBuilder
The PublicClientApplication has the AcquireTokenByIntegratedWindowsAuth function. This sounds good because we can launch the console app as whatever user we want to use with a scheduled task. But it errors out with WS-Trust endpoint not found. Where's WS-Trust endpoint defined?
The sample also includes the line var accounts = await App.GetAccountsAsync() but that always returns zero accounts. Some responses to searches for this say that we have to use the global tenant admin. The company doesn't like that idea at all. How can that be safe? Do we create a new user as an admin tenant just for that?
The other option is this
var App = ConfidentialClientApplicationBuilder.Create("xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx")
.WithAuthority(new Uri(""))
The ConfidentialClientApplication doesn't have the integrated windows auth version. I can get connected and get MailFolders and Messages and process those, but it seems to work only when we use App.AcquireTokenForClient(scopes) and API permissions that allow the app to read everyone's email. Security doesn't like that much either.
I also looked at impersonation-and-ews-in-exchange. I read in some places that ExchangeWebService is deprecated and use MS Graph instead. Is the MS Graph API permissions in the EWS category mean that it's going to be around?
Can anyone out there show me the right combination of pieces needed to do this? (api permissions, client application type, scopes, authority, etc). It needs to be unattended (launched by scheduled task), needs to have permissions to read only one email box, and save the attachments.
(sorry so long)
Thanks, Mike
WS-Trust endpoint not found
The WS-Trust endpoint is your ADFS endpoint, if you have ADFS 2019 then MSAL does support that using WithAdfsAuthority see
There are some other restriction around using WIA that are listed at the top of . If the constraints don't affect you it should work okay.
With the Client Credentials flow which is what your using above you can restrict the scope of the mailboxes it can access see
I would stick with the Graph rather then EWS as the later is being phased out and requires more permissions as its a legacy API.
The tutorial you shared in the question is an core console app. Since you want to have a console app and use it to read exchange mails.
Therefore, what we can confirm is that: We need to use MS Graph API to read the exchange mails. Graph API required an Azure AD application with correct API permissions to generate Access token to call the API. API permissions have 2 types, Delegated for Web app because it required users to sign in to obtain the token, Application for daemon app like console application which don't require an user-sign-in.
Since you are using the core console application, you can only using Application API permission. Using Application permission means the console app has the permission to query messages of any email address in your tenant. You can't control the Graph API itself to query some specific users only. But you can write your own business logic to set authorization.
Then we can make the console application authorized to access the API, we can generate an Access token and use it in the HTTP request header to call the API, we can also use the Graph SDK. Using SDK will help to troubleshoot when met error.
using Microsoft.Graph;
using Azure.Identity;
var scopes = new[] { "" };
var tenantId = "tenant_id";
var clientId = "Azure_AD_app_id";
var clientSecret = "Azure_AD_client_secret";
var clientSecretCredential = new ClientSecretCredential(
tenantId, clientId, clientSecret);
var graphClient = new GraphServiceClient(clientSecretCredential, scopes);
var messages = await graphClient.Users["{email_address/user_account/user_id}"].Messages.Request().Select("sender,subject").GetAsync();

Azure Function with AD auth results in 401 Unauthorized when using Bearer tokens

I have a very simple Azure function in C# for which I've setup Azure AD Auth. I've just used the Express settings to create an App registration in the Function configuration.
public static class IsAuthenticated
public static async Task<IActionResult> Run(
[HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", "options", Route = null)]
HttpRequest req,
ILogger log)
return new OkObjectResult("You are " + req.HttpContext.User.Identity.Name);
When I access the function in my browser everything works as expected (if not logged in I have to login and get redirected to my API). But if I try to access my function anywhere a Bearer token is needed I get an 401 Unauthorized error. Even weirder I also can't execute the function in the Azure Portal.
But the token was aquired without a problem and added to the request:
I've tried a few different things to solve this problem. First I thought maybe it's a CORS problem (since I've also had a few of those) and just set CORS to accept *, but nothing changed.
Then I've added my API login endpoints to the redirect and tried setting the implicit grant to also accept Access tokens, it's still not working.
Is there anything I've overlooked? Shouldn't the App registration express config just work with azure functions?
Putting the URL to my function app in the redirects as suggested by #thomas-schreiter didn't change anything (I've tried the config in the screenshot and also just putting each of those values on it's own).
I've now also tried to aquire an Bearer token the manual way with Postman, but I still run into a 401 when calling my API.
UPDATE 2020-05-12: According to ambrose-leung's answer further below you can now add a custom issuer URL which should potentially enable you to use v2 tokens. I haven't tried this myself, but maybe this will provide useful for someone in the future. (If his answer helped you please give him an upvote and maybe leave a comment 😉)
This took forever to figure out, and there is very little information about this in the offical documentations.
But it turns out the problem was/is that Azure Functions don't support Bearer tokens generated by the oauth2/v2.0/ Azure API. Since the portal uses those (if your AD supports them) you are out of luck to be able to run the function in there.
This also explains why my postman requests didn't work, because I was also using the v2 api. After switching to v1 I could access my API (Postman doesn't allow you to add a resource_id when you use the integrated auth feature, so I had to switch to handling everything manually).
After that came the realisation that you can't use MSAL either if you are writing a JS client (Angular in my case). So one alternative is ADAL, where the Angular implementation looks kind of awkward. So I decided to use angular-oauth2-oidc which took another hour of tinkering to get it to play nicely with Azure AD.
But after all that I can finally access my API.
I really don't understand why you wouldn't allow users to access Azure Function Apps with Azure AD v2 tokens, but at least this should be so much better documented. But whatever, I can finally go to sleep.
EDIT: After I opend an issue for this, they added a note that v2 isn't supported by Azure Functions, hopefully making life easier for other people.
I managed to get it working through postman using following configuration.
Important lesson was setting in "Allowed token audiences" and "resource" name used in postman to acquire token should be same in this case. I used the same code provided here in question. in this case app registered in Azure AD is a client and resource as well. configuration and testing through postman as follows
Acquire token in postman
Calling azure function using Postman .. Authorization header with bearer token
You can now use v2.0 tokens!
Instead of choosing 'Express' when you configure AAD, you have to choose 'Advance' and add the /v2.0 part at the end of the URL.
This is the code that I use in my console app to present the user with a login prompt, then take the bearer token for use with the Azure Function.
string[] scopes = new string[] { "profile", "email", "openid" };
string ClientId = [clientId of Azure Function];
string Tenant = [tenantId];
string Instance = "";
var _clientApp = PublicClientApplicationBuilder.Create(ClientId)
var accounts = _clientApp.GetAccountsAsync().Result;
var authResult = _clientApp.AcquireTokenInteractive(scopes)
var bearerTokenForAzureFunction = authResult.IdToken;
When setting up your Active Directory authentication on your Function App, set management mode to advanced and fill in the Client ID and Issuer URL as required (and the client secret if necessary).
Importantly, under the Allowed Token Audiences, enter the Application ID URI. This can be found in your registered App Registration (in your AD) under the Expose an API option.
This is what I was missing to get authentication working on my Function App. Before I added that token audience, I would always get a 401 with a valid access token.
This Azure active directory - Allow token audiences helped me get my answer but it took me a while to realise what it was referring to. Remember, it's the Application ID URI that can be found within your App Registration.
I hope it helps!
If you are banging your head against the wall like myself and the original poster, it may be that you are allowing users to sign in from "Accounts in any organizational directory (Any Azure AD directory - Multitenant) and personal Microsoft accounts (e.g. Skype, Xbox)."
Note that as of May 2021, v2.0 works perfectly. If you use to get a token with Postman (as described above), you will get a valid token that you can use to auth your AZ Function with.
With that said, IF a user is signed in via a personal account or an account not within your AAD, the token call made by MSAL is requested with the default Microsoft tenant id, NOT your tenant id.
THIS is why I was unable to auth my function. If you are logged in with a user in your tenant's AAD, MSAL is amazing and easy to use and everything will work as described in the documentation.
In the AAD app itself, go to Settings -> Reply URLs and verify that the url of the Function App is in the list, which has the following format: If it isn't, then add it.
If you use slots, you have to add it for both slots.
The only thing i can think of right now is Allowed Audience.
Go to Your Active directory settings and click Advance. Under Allowed Token Audience
Add your exact function url. It might already be there with call back url but Simply replace it with only function base url without any call back as mentioned in the picture.
Make sure when you press ok , you also save your Authentication / Authorization setting to take effect and try again after 1min or so. I tested using PostMan and passing bearer token and it works !
I'm facing the exact same issue today. The issue turned out to be the resource id that I was passing when requesting the access token.
For example, initially I was requesting a token like this, using the function URL as the resource id:
AuthenticationResult authenticationResult = authenticationContext.AcquireTokenAsync("", "myClientAppIdGUID", new Uri(""), new PlatformParameters(PromptBehavior.SelectAccount)).Result;
While this returned an access token, I was receiving a 401 unauthorized when using the access token to call my function api.
I changed my code to pass my function apps App Id as the resource:
AuthenticationResult authenticationResult = authenticationContext.AcquireTokenAsync("myFunctionAppIdGUID", "myClientAppIdGUID", new Uri(""), new PlatformParameters(PromptBehavior.SelectAccount)).Result;
Everything works fine now.
For me this was solved when I added the scope: [clientId]/.default
per this article

Sign in Webtest Oauth2

Using a full VS Enterprise to do some load testing against our WebApplication, I am struggling to create a webtest that works.
Our tested site is an Azure WebApp/API with an AAD authentication frontend. It is the authenticating as a test user that is failing. While recording with VS or fiddler, I'm failing to playback the test again. I believe it is a credentials/token issue...
As our app is not a Native one, I cannot get a token for a specific users credentials. (I'm getting a known exception)
I have succeeded in getting a Bearer token via the creation of a plugin and its PreWebtest method utilizing the code below however this is at application rather than specific user level.
private string GetAdToken(string inClientId, string inAppKey, string
inAadInstance, string inTenant, string inToDoResourceId)
// inToDoResourceId =
var myCredential = new ClientCredential(inClientId, inAppKey);
string myAuthority = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
inAadInstance, inTenant);
var myAuthContext = new AuthenticationContext(myAuthority);
Task<AuthenticationResult> myResults =
myAuthContext.AcquireTokenAsync(inToDoResourceId, myCredential);
return myResults.Result.AccessToken;
How can I achieve automation (via the web test) against a specific AAD test user identity to allow further testing automation of our web application?
Thanks in advance,
Thanks for your answers. I found a solution to my problem:
there is a "Set Credentials" button in VS webtest tool where you can add your credentials. when i ran my test again, the test succeeded to sign in to my webapp.
#GuillaumeLaHaye, Yes I know that my AcquireTokenAsync() method was not user-specific but when Im using the one with UserCredential I was getting this exception: The request body must contain the following parameter: 'client_secret or client_assertion'.
because it is a WebbApp/API and not a Native App (configured in Azure Portal, cf. ADAL: The request body must contain the following parameter: client_secret)
#AdrianHHH, Get Ad token was called in a pugin in the preWebtest method (running before every test) with the clientId, clientSecret, tenantId, AadInstance of my web App (I found them on my azure portal)... From this Oauth 2.0 flow, I believe I wanted to get the Authorization code or the access token, but because i'm new in webtesting and Authorization flow, I don't really know which token i got, neither how to use it...
Oauth2.0 flow

Azure AD: user_interaction_required issue when authenticating a native application

I have Exchange Online from Office 365 with a mailbox and I need to access this mailbox with my console C# application that uses Managed EWS. The requirement is that the console application should use OAuth authentication to access the Exchange Online.
I have Azure AD set up, and created an application there, received clientid and redirect uri. I have given full permissions to the application - please have a look at the screenshot below:
I'm using Active Directory Authentication Library for .NET (latest version from NuGet) to issue a token, but having a problem to get it running...
My code is:
AuthenticationContext authenticationContext = new AuthenticationContext("", false);
AuthenticationResult authenticationResult = null;
var authenticationTask = authenticationContext.AcquireTokenAsync(
new Uri(redirectUri),
new PlatformParameters(PromptBehavior.Never)
authenticationResult = authenticationTask.Result;
exchangeService.Credentials = new OAuthCredentials(authenticationResult.AccessToken);
catch (AdalException)
// Exception occured on the authentication process.
I get AdalException with message: "user_interaction_required: One of two conditions was encountered: 1. The PromptBehavior.Never flag was passed, but the constraint could not be honored, because user interaction was required. 2. An error occurred during a silent web authentication that prevented the http authentication flow from completing in a short enough time frame"
Can somebody help me how to solve it?
I need the OAuth authentication to work without user interaction, as this will be a command line application...
Any suggestions highly appreciated.
Your application still needs to authenticate as some user, currently if you look at your code you don't authenticate because of PromptBehavior.Never and you don't specify any user-credentials and use the implicit auth flow eg
For a standard Console apps where you are going to authenticate (eg ask for credentials when the app is run) I would use out of band call urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob (you then don't need a redirection endpoint) and set your code to prompt eg
AuthenticationContext ac = new AuthenticationContext("");
var authenticationTask = ac.AcquireTokenAsync(
new Uri("urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob"),
new PlatformParameters(PromptBehavior.Always)
When you run the Console app windows and the ADAL library will handle the plumbing and show the correct authentication prompts and get the Token back and you get the benefits of reduce attack surface over prompting for the credentials yourself in your code (or as parameters etc)
As Venkat comments suggests if you don't need to use EWS (eg no existing code base investment etc) then using the REST endpoints maybe a better solution if your building a daemon type application as you can take advantage of this type of auth flow eg

Trouble getting test user information

I'm trying to use the Facebook SDK 5.2.1 to ultimately create a test user, however even what I believe is the simple example of getting the list of test accounts isn't working for me. I get the OAuthException "An access token is required to request this resource."
Here's my code (replace APP ID and APP SECRET with my own):
FacebookOAuthClient oauth = new FacebookOAuthClient { AppId = "APP ID", AppSecret = "APP SECRET" };
dynamic tokenRes = oauth.GetApplicationAccessToken();
fbClient = new FacebookClient(tokenRes.access_token);
dynamic response = fbClient.Get("APPID/accounts/test-users");
However, I get the exception on the fbClient.Get line.
Any idea as to what's wrong?
After hours of trying various things and reading various web pages/blogs, I found the reason it wasn't working. In my app settings, I had my app type set to a Native/Desktop App. Changing this to Web, allows the above scenario to work. I'm not yet quite sure of what other differences exist between web vs native facebook apps. My app is certainly only being used via a desktop application and I can't understand why I need to set this to Web just to allow me to create test users.
This code works in my app:
var app = new FacebookClient(FacebookApplication.Current.AppId,
dynamic result = app.Post(string.Format("{0}/accounts/test-users",
new { installed = true, permissions = "user_about_me" });
The reason why you are receiving the exception OAuthException is because you have not yet got the permission of the user.
To do a Graph API call on the current user, you need to get the user to accept the permissions that you require FIRST and then do the Graph API call.
You need to get the user to a browser some how in your application, as there is not an authentication flow which doesn't require a browser window.
Check out this URL to view the authentication flows:

