Split values from a string - c#

I have xml data in a string and i want it to split and i want to display the result in a Lable.
Here is my code:
string param = <HCToolParameters><BatchId>12</BatchId><HCUser>Admin</HCUser</HCToolParameters>;
var a = param.Split(new string[] { "<HCToolParameters>" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
var b = param.Split(new string[] { "<BatchId>12</BatchId>" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
var c = param.Split(new string[] { "<HCUser>Admin</HCUser>" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
var d = param.Split(new string[] { "</HCToolParameters>" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
String value =
Expected Result:

From what I see in the begging you have valid xml so, stop spliting it and use Xml Parser !
string param =#"<HCToolParameters><BatchId>12</BatchId><HCUser>Admin</HCUser></HCToolParameters>";
XDocument doc = XDocument.Parse(param);

Well you could do it easy by this:
value = value.Replace("><", ">" + Environment.NewLine + "<");
This would work out in your example and is easy,... if you need it as Array (I don't realy know why you would try it this way:
var array = value.Replace("><", ">#<").Split('#');

You can use XmlTextWriter.Formatting = Formatting.Indented; because what is see is, you wanted to format your XML string. This function might do the trick for you
public static String FormatMyXML(String SomeXML)
String Result = "";
MemoryStream mStream = new MemoryStream();
XmlTextWriter wrtr = new XmlTextWriter(mStream, Encoding.Unicode);
XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument();
wrtr.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
mStream.Position = 0;
StreamReader sReader = new StreamReader(mStream);
String FormattedXML = sReader.ReadToEnd();
Result = FormattedXML;
catch (XmlException)
return Result;


Convert Comma separated string to XML using C#

I want to convert the string to XML.
I have a string like below. It contains the Programming language names.
string lang = "java,php,c#,asp.net,spring,hibernate";
I want to convert this string to XML formal like below:
<lang Name="java"/>
<lang Name="php"/>
<lang Name="c#"/>
<lang Name="asp.net"/>
<lang Name="spring"/>
<lang Name="hibernate"/>
I want to store this XML data in a variable to store later in a database.
It can also be done using Linq-to-XML:
using System.Xml.Linq; // required namespace
XDocument xmlDoc = new XDocument();
XElement xElm = new XElement("Languages",
from l in lang.Split(',')
select new XElement("lang", new XAttribute("Name", l)
string lang = "java,php,c#,asp.net,spring,hibernate";
string[] langs = lang.Split(',');
XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument();
XmlElement root = document.CreateElement("Languages");
for (int i = 0; i < langs.Length; i++)
XmlElement langElement = document.CreateElement("lang");
XmlAttribute nameAttr = document.CreateAttribute("Name");
nameAttr.Value = langs[i];
document.WriteTo(new XmlTextWriter(Console.Out) {
Formatting = Formatting.Indented
A short version of what you have done, using Linq and the string manipulation functions
var vales = lang.Split(','); //Splits the CSV
var xmlBody = vales.Select(v => string.Format("<lang Name=\"{0}\"/>",v));
var xml = string.Join(string.Empty, xmlBody); //Potentially add a new line as a seperator
xml = string.Format("<Languages>{0}</Languages>", xml);
The other option is to convert your csv into a model that implements ISerialize and then use the xml serializer. That is more code and not necessarily bad. If you would like to see an example, feel free to ask and I will post an example.
This is working,
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string lang = "java,php,c#,asp.net,spring,hibernate";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (string s in lang.Split(','))
sb.AppendFormat("<lang Name=\"{0}\"/>", s);

Removing Invalid Characters from XML within XDocument

I am trying to write music Tags into an XML, but it fails on invalid chars, I have tried doing a replace but I can't seem to get the syntex right.
//string pattern = "[\\~#%&*{}/:<>?|\"-]";
//string replacement = "_";
//Regex regEx = new Regex(pattern);
//string sanitized = Regex.Replace(regEx.Replace(input, replacement), #"\s+", " ");
XDocument baddoc = new XDocument
(new XElement("Corrupt",
badfiles.Select(badfile =>
new XElement("File", badfile))));
// foreach(string musicfile in musicfiles)
//{ String Title = (TagLib.File.Create(musicfile).Tag.Title); }
XDocument doc = new XDocument
(new XElement("Songs",
new XElement("Song",
(new XElement("Title", (TagLib.File.Create(musicfile).Tag.Title))),
(new XElement("Path", (musicfile))),
(new XElement("Artist", (TagLib.File.Create(musicfile).Tag.Performers)))
I ended up breaking it all out like this:
XDocument doc = new XDocument();
XElement songsElement = new XElement("Songs");
foreach(var musicfile in musicfiles)
XElement songElement = new XElement("Song");
string songTitle;
try { songTitle = (TagLib.File.Create(musicfile).Tag.Title); }
catch { songTitle = "Missing"; }
uint songTNint;
try { songTNint = (TagLib.File.Create(musicfile).Tag.Track); }
catch { songTNint = 00; }
string songTN = songTNint.ToString();
string songPath = musicfile;
string songArtist;
try {songArtist = (TagLib.File.Create(musicfile).Tag.Performers[0]);}
catch {songArtist = "Missing";}
List<string> songGenres = new List<string>();
foreach (string Genre in (TagLib.File.Create(musicfile).Tag.Genres))
{ songGenres.Add(Genre);}
string songGenre;
if (songGenres.Count > 1) { songGenre = (songGenres[0] + "/" + songGenres[1]); }
else { try { songGenre = songGenres[0]; } catch { songGenre = "Missing"; } }
songArtist = Regex.Replace(songArtist, #"[^\u0020-\u007E]", string.Empty);
XElement titleElement = new XElement("Title",songTitle);
XElement tnElement = new XElement("TN", songTN);
XElement pathElement = new XElement("Path", musicfile);
XElement artistElement = new XElement("Artist",songArtist);
XElement genreElement = new XElement("Genre", songGenre);

remove html tags from string using htmlagilitypack

I wonder how could i remove the html tags using htmlagilitypack as below ?
var htmlDoc = new HtmlDocument();
//markups to be removed
var markups = new List<string> { "br","ol","ul","li" };
you can use this method
public static string RemoveHTMLTags(string content)
var cleaned = string.Empty;
string textOnly = string.Empty;
Regex tagRemove = new Regex(#"<[^>]*(>|$)");
Regex compressSpaces = new Regex(#"[\s\r\n]+");
textOnly = tagRemove.Replace(content, string.Empty);
textOnly = compressSpaces.Replace(textOnly, " ");
cleaned = textOnly;
//A tag is probably not closed. fallback to regex string clean.
return cleaned;
//markups to be removed
var markups = new List<string> { "br", "ol", "ul", "li" };
var xpath = String.Join(" | ", markups.Select(x => "//" + x));
var nodes = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(xpath);
if (nodes != null)
foreach (var node in nodes)

To return the multiple values from for loop

I have parsed the xml document and used a for loop to loop for getting different values in string, but when I try to return the value I get only the last value obtained, I want to return all the individual values so that I can store that values in any file format,
Below is my code,
XmlDocument xmlDOC = new XmlDocument();
xmlDOC.LoadXml(periodID_Value_Before_OffSet); // string storing my XML
var value = xmlDOC.GetElementsByTagName("value");
var xmlActions = new string[value.Count];
string values = "";
string Period1 = "";
string periodlevel_period1 = "";
var listOfStrings = new List<string>();
string modified_listofstrings = listOfStrings.ToString();
string arrayOfStrings = "";
for (int i = 0; i < value.Count; i++)
var xmlAttributeCollection = value[i].Attributes;
if (xmlAttributeCollection != null)
var action = xmlAttributeCollection["periodid"];
xmlActions[i] = action.Value;
values += action.Value + ",";
string vals = values.Split(',')[1];
string counts = values;
string[] periods = counts.Split(',');
Period1 = periods[i];
// periodlevel_period1 = Client.GetAttributeAsString(sessionId, Period1, "name", "");
modified_listofstrings = Client.GetAttributeAsString(sessionId, Period1, "name", "");
//listOfStrings = periodlevel_period1;
return modified_listofstrings;
This modified_listofstrings string only return last on value, I want to return the array of the values all obtained while looping.
----------Updated question----------
below is my Sample XMl
<string xmlns="http://tempuri.org/">
<ResultSetHierarchy totalResultsReturned="1" totalResults="1" firstIndex="0" maxCount="-1">
<object id="SC.1938773693.238">
<series id="SC.1938773693.108280985">
<value periodid="SC.1938773693.394400760" value="17" />
<value periodid="SC.1938773693.1282504058" value="15" />
<value periodid="SC.1938773693.1631528570" value="13" />
I want output as "SC.1938773693.394400760":"17" and so on for all periodid
Based on the provided information I have updated the answer.
List<string> items = new List<string>();
XmlDocument xmlDOC = new XmlDocument();
xmlDOC.Load(#"E:\Delete Me\ConsoleApplication1\ConsoleApplication1\bin\Debug\List.xml");
var elements = xmlDOC.GetElementsByTagName("value");
foreach (var item in elements)
XmlElement value = (XmlElement)item;
items.Add(string.Format("{0}:{1}", value.GetAttribute("periodid"), value.GetAttribute("value")));
It looks like you're trying to:
Load an XmlDocument
Get a list of all the attributes of name 'periodid'
Look each periodid up using a webservice call
Return a list of the lookup results
If that is correct, the following method should do what you need:
public List<string> GetListOfData()
XmlDocument xmlDOC = new XmlDocument();
xmlDOC.LoadXml("<Html><value periodid='Yabba'>YabbaValue</value><value periodid='Dabba'>DabbaValue</value><value periodid='Doo'>DooValue</value></Html>"); // string storing my XML
var value = xmlDOC.GetElementsByTagName("value");
var listOfStrings = new List<string>();
for (int i = 0; i < value.Count; i++)
var xmlAttributeCollection = value[i].Attributes;
if (xmlAttributeCollection != null)
var action = xmlAttributeCollection["periodid"];
string Period1 = action.Value;
listOfStrings.Add(QPR_webService_Client.GetAttributeAsString(sessionId, Period1, "name", "") + ":" + value[i].InnerText);
return listOfStrings;

Extract data from a big string

First of all, i'm using the function below to read data from a pdf file.
public string ReadPdfFile(string fileName)
StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder();
if (File.Exists(fileName))
PdfReader pdfReader = new PdfReader(fileName);
for (int page = 1; page <= pdfReader.NumberOfPages; page++)
ITextExtractionStrategy strategy = new SimpleTextExtractionStrategy();
string currentText = PdfTextExtractor.GetTextFromPage(pdfReader, page, strategy);
currentText = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ASCIIEncoding.Convert(Encoding.Default, Encoding.UTF8, Encoding.Default.GetBytes(currentText)));
return text.ToString();
As you can see , all data is saved in a string. The string looks like this:
label1: data1;
label2: data2;
label3: data3;
labeln: datan;
My question: How can i get the data from string based on labels ?
I've tried this , but i'm getting stuck:
if ( string.Contains("label1"))
extracted_data1 = string.Substring(string.IndexOf(':') , string.IndexOf(';') - string.IndexOf(':') - 1);
if ( string.Contains("label2"))
extracted_data2 = string.Substring(string.IndexOf("label2") + string.IndexOf(':') , string.IndexOf(';') - string.IndexOf(':') - 1);
Have a look at the String.Split() function, it tokenises a string based on an array of characters supplied.
string[] lines = text.Split(new[] {';'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
now loop through that array and split each one again
foreach(string line in lines) {
string[] pair = line.Split(new[] {':'});
string key = pair[0].Trim();
string val = pair[1].Trim();
Obviously check for empty lines, and use .Trim() where needed...
Or alternatively as a nice Linq statement...
var result = from line in text.Split(new[] {';'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
let tokens = line.Split(new[] {':'})
select tokens;
Dictionary<string, string> =
result.ToDictionary (key => key[0].Trim(), value => value[1].Trim());
It's pretty hard-coded, but you could use something like this (with a little bit of trimming to your needs):
string input = "label1: data1;" // Example of your input
string data = input.Split(':')[1].Replace(";","").Trim();
You can do this by using Dictionary<string,string>,
Dictionary<string, string> dicLabelData = new Dictionary<string, string>();
List<string> listStrSplit = new List<string>();
listStrSplit = strBig.Split(';').ToList<string>();//strBig is big string which you want to parse
foreach (string strSplit in listStrSplit)
if (strSplit.Split(':').ToList<string>().Count > 1)
List<string> listLable = new List<string>();
listLable = strSplit.Split(':').ToList<string>();
dicLabelData contains data of all label....
i think you can use regex to solve this problem. Just split the string on the break line and use a regex to get the right number.
You can use a regex to do it:
Regex rx = new Regex("label([0-9]+): ([^;]*);");
var matches = rx.Matches("label1: a string; label2: another string; label100: a third string;");
foreach (Match match in matches) {
var id = match.Groups[1].ToString();
var data = match.Groups[2].ToString();
var idAsNumber = int.Parse(id);
// Here you use an array or a dictionary to save id/data

