Efficiency of "Eventhandling" - c#

Good evenig, using C# in MS Visual Community 2015 is there a better way to implement following problem? I'm quite sure there is, but I'm new to C# so hence the question.
private void button6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
byte[] a = new byte[9]; // this is just command for motor
a[0] = 1; // to start rotating
a[1] = 1; //
a[2] = 0; //
a[3] = 0; //
a[4] = 0; //
a[5] = 0; //
a[6] = 0; //
a[7] = 63; //
a[8] = 65; //
serialPort3.Write(a, 0, a.Length);
string b = serialPort2.ReadLine();
decimal caliber = decimal.Parse(Regex.Split(b, "SR,00,002,")[1]);
decimal b1 = 0;
string z = serialPort2.ReadLine();
b1 = decimal.Parse(Regex.Split(z, "SR,00,002,")[1]);
while (b1 <= caliber);
byte[] c = new byte[9]; // this is command to stop rotating
c[0] = 1; //
c[1] = 3; //
c[2] = 0; //
c[3] = 0; //
c[4] = 0; //
c[5] = 0; //
c[6] = 0; //
c[7] = 0; //
c[8] = 04; //
serialPort3.Write(c, 0, c.Length);
I have the motor commands as extra functions, this is just for testing. My goal is to rotate the motor until the SerialPort returns a change in value. The serialPort2 is a Sensor and has a default value of around -3500 (always up to change a bit, hence i set it as caliber). The motor moves the sensor. I want the motor to stop as soon as the value changes from the caliber(and the motorposition will be saved).
My code works as planned, and on my machine quite quick, but I'm not sure if its efficient this way as it must check the Serial Port 2 super often.
I would also create an extra function to read and return data from the serial port. In my understanding it would not change the way the code runs, except for looking shorter.
This part of my programm is only used for one starting calibration and it's not used so often, but in case similar things, like "do event A until specific event happens", should be needed later on, and out of interest for the way C# works I'd appreciate your opinion/help on this.

I see two problems with your code:
Regex.Split will compile the pattern each time you call it, meanwhile you always call it with the same pattern. You can save computation time by reusing a Regex-instance that holds the already compiled pattern
You could use a BitConverter to do the translation of command codes etc. to a binary format and assign constants to the command codes. This would make your code much more readable.
Furthermore, Stack Overflow is not meant as a code review platform, so please ask more specific questions.


Drawing data obtained from Serial Port progresively getting slower

I am working on voltmeter application, that draws voltage waveform. Hardware sends 1000 numbers (range 0 - 1023, always whole numbers) in string format per second through serial port.
public SerialPort serialPort = new SerialPort("COM3", 57600);
String is converted into int and then drawn with DrawLine into PictureBox.
// variable declarations, all is int, runs in its own thread
while (blToMeasure) // true after clicking on button
iPrevY = iY;
iY = Int16.Parse(serialPort.ReadLine());
graphicsGraph.DrawLine(penBlack, iX, iPrevY, iX + 1, iY);
// only this thread is accessing PictureBox
if (iX > picBoxGraph.Width)
iX = 0;
if (iY > picBoxGraph.Height)
Issue is that drawing lines itself is fast as it should be only for a couple of seconds, but gets gradually slower.
I tried Int.Parse, Int32.Parse and splitting thread function multiple ways using lock (graphicsGraph) (moving conditions with Clear into another thread) or using BlockingCollection<int> (moving DrawLine into another thread, away from Parse). Nothing seems to work and app still gets slower a couple of times after like a minute of running.
There isn't issue with hardware itself, checked with another software. Is this too fast for C#?
I got the best results using Port.ReadTimeout = 1 and Port.DiscardInBuffer(). Also using Form.DoubleBuffered = true, but it doesn't make a huge difference in this particular case.
// constructor
Port.ReadTimeout = 1;
Form.DoubleBuffered = true;
Here is the loop itself:
btn.Click() // click to start measuring
blToMeasure = true;
while (blToMeasure) // true after clicking on button
iPrevY = iY;
try {
iY = Int16.Parse(serialPort.ReadLine());
// exception logic
graphicsGraph.DrawLine(penBlack, iX, iPrevY, iX + 1, iY);
// only this thread is accessing PictureBox
if (iX > picBoxGraph.Width)
iX = 0;
if (iY > picBoxGraph.Height)
When the app starts to read from the port, there is always accumulated data, because my hardware is sending numbers all the time, so I get rid of the buffer. Than the drawing of lines is not executed in differing spikes and the speed is constant. Analyzing the issue with Watch, I found out, that it occasionaly takes much longer to read this data and because of 1000 reads per second, it slows down. So to prevent slowing down, I used Port.ReadTimeout, that skips the read, if it takes too long.
The difference is visible, drawing no longer slows down and it keeps the same pace for minutes from what I've tried. I consider this sufficient solution for my issue, thank you!

How does the DoWork method work in C# for Async Communication (ELI5)

I am using Visual Studio C# 2010 on Windows 10.
EDIT: My objective is to create an abort button which allows me to use the UI to cancel a loop.
I'm using an example I found online which is similar to this:
Here is the code:
public void backgroundWorker1_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
e.Result = "";
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(50); //do some intense task here.
if (backgroundWorker1.CancellationPending)
e.Cancel = true;
(There was a bit of code sharing the date/time but I removed it since it was superfluous to the basic example).
How I'm understanding this code is that, 100 times, the code pauses the main thread and works on "some intense task" for 50ms. Is this the case?
If so, I think I've ran into a problem. I have this code I want to run:
private void btn_runtest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Exterior Platform Loop
Output.AppendText("Starting Test \n");
for (int i = 0; i <= 3200; i += 178)
// Interior Platform Loop
for (int ii = 0; i <= 6400; ii += 178)
comport7_interior.Write("#1N178\r"); //change to have actual length?
Output.AppendText("Interior shift 5 degrees \n");
// ***********************************************************************************
// Read data from comport2_lightsensor, Parse byte, store Lux value, store angle (i,ii)
// ***********************************************************************************
Output.AppendText("Exterior shift 5 degrees \n");
//flip direction for internal
if (IsOdd(jjj))
Output.AppendText("Interior switching direction to counter clockwise \n");
Output.AppendText("Interior switching direction to clockwise \n");
jjj = jjj + 1;
// ***********************************************************************************
// Read data from compart2_lightsensor, Parse byte, store Lux value, store angle (i,ii)
// ***********************************************************************************
Output.AppendText("Loop Ended");
// manually reverse mount direction
// repeat the whole double for loop
This is pretty "fatty" code, so to summarize, it controls two stepper motors, rotates them to follow the desired path, pauses for 4 seconds, and will eventually log data. We could do the exact math but simply estimating we can realize this code will take 1-2 hours. With all of this pausing, it does not seem conducive to being split into 100 little chunks on worked on separately (if my understanding of the previously stated code is correct). Correct me I'm wrong but I don't think this code would fit in the above code.
Does this mean I'm looking at the wrong approach?
Thank you all in advance.

c# screen transfer over socket efficient improve ways

thats how i wrote your beautiful code(some simple changes for me for easier understanding)
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
prev = GetDesktopImage();//get a screenshot of the desktop;
cur = GetDesktopImage();//get a screenshot of the desktop;
var locked1 = cur.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, cur.Width, cur.Height),
ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
var locked2 = prev.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, prev.Width, prev.Height),
ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
ApplyXor(locked1, locked2);
compressionBuffer = new byte[1920* 1080 * 4];
// Compressed buffer -- where the data goes that we'll send.
int backbufSize = LZ4.LZ4Codec.MaximumOutputLength(this.compressionBuffer.Length) + 4;
backbuf = new CompressedCaptureScreen(backbufSize);
int length = Compress();
MessageBox.Show(backbuf.Data.Length.ToString());//prints the new buffer size
the compression buffer length is for example 8294400
and the backbuff.Data.length is 8326947
I didn't like the compression suggestions, so here's what I would do.
You don't want to compress a video stream (so MPEG, AVI, etc are out of the question -- these don't have to be real-time) and you don't want to compress individual pictures (since that's just stupid).
Basically what you want to do is detect if things change and send the differences. You're on the right track with that; most video compressors do that. You also want a fast compression/decompression algorithm; especially if you go to more FPS that will become more relevant.
Differences. First off, eliminate all branches in your code, and make sure memory access is sequential (e.g. iterate x in the inner loop). The latter will give you cache locality. As for the differences, I'd probably use a 64-bit XOR; it's easy, branchless and fast.
If you want performance, it's probably better to do this in C++: The current C# implementation doesn't vectorize your code, and that will help you a great deal here.
Do something like this (I'm assuming 32bit pixel format):
for (int y=0; y<height; ++y) // change to PFor if you like
ulong* row1 = (ulong*)(image1BasePtr + image1Stride * y);
ulong* row2 = (ulong*)(image2BasePtr + image2Stride * y);
for (int x=0; x<width; x += 2)
row2[x] ^= row1[x];
Fast compression and decompression usually means simpler compression algorithms. https://code.google.com/p/lz4/ is such an algorithm, and there's a proper .NET port available for that as well. You might want to read on how it works too; there is a streaming feature in LZ4 and if you can make it handle 2 images instead of 1 that will probably give you a nice compression boost.
All in all, if you're trying to compress white noise, it simply won't work and your frame rate will drop. One way to solve this is to reduce the colors if you have too much 'randomness' in a frame. A measure for randomness is entropy, and there are several ways to get a measure of the entropy of a picture ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entropy_(information_theory) ). I'd stick with a very simple one: check the size of the compressed picture -- if it's above a certain limit, reduce the number of bits; if below, increase the number of bits.
Note that increasing and decreasing bits is not done with shifting in this case; you don't need your bits to be removed, you simply need your compression to work better. It's probably just as good to use a simple 'AND' with a bitmask. For example, if you want to drop 2 bits, you can do it like this:
for (int y=0; y<height; ++y) // change to PFor if you like
ulong* row1 = (ulong*)(image1BasePtr + image1Stride * y);
ulong* row2 = (ulong*)(image2BasePtr + image2Stride * y);
ulong mask = 0xFFFCFCFCFFFCFCFC;
for (int x=0; x<width; x += 2)
row2[x] = (row2[x] ^ row1[x]) & mask;
PS: I'm not sure what I would do with the alpha component, I'll leave that up to your experimentation.
Good luck!
The long answer
I had some time to spare, so I just tested this approach. Here's some code to support it all.
This code normally run over 130 FPS with a nice constant memory pressure on my laptop, so the bottleneck shouldn't be here anymore. Note that you need LZ4 to get this working and that LZ4 is aimed at high speed, not high compression ratio's. A bit more on that later.
First we need something that we can use to hold all the data we're going to send. I'm not implementing the sockets stuff itself here (although that should be pretty simple using this as a start), I mainly focused on getting the data you need to send something over.
// The thing you send over a socket
public class CompressedCaptureScreen
public CompressedCaptureScreen(int size)
this.Data = new byte[size];
this.Size = 4;
public int Size;
public byte[] Data;
We also need a class that will hold all the magic:
public class CompressScreenCapture
Next, if I'm running high performance code, I make it a habit to preallocate all the buffers first. That'll save you time during the actual algorithmic stuff. 4 buffers of 1080p is about 33 MB, which is fine - so let's allocate that.
public CompressScreenCapture()
// Initialize with black screen; get bounds from screen.
this.screenBounds = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds;
// Initialize 2 buffers - 1 for the current and 1 for the previous image
prev = new Bitmap(screenBounds.Width, screenBounds.Height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
cur = new Bitmap(screenBounds.Width, screenBounds.Height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
// Clear the 'prev' buffer - this is the initial state
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(prev))
// Compression buffer -- we don't really need this but I'm lazy today.
compressionBuffer = new byte[screenBounds.Width * screenBounds.Height * 4];
// Compressed buffer -- where the data goes that we'll send.
int backbufSize = LZ4.LZ4Codec.MaximumOutputLength(this.compressionBuffer.Length) + 4;
backbuf = new CompressedCaptureScreen(backbufSize);
private Rectangle screenBounds;
private Bitmap prev;
private Bitmap cur;
private byte[] compressionBuffer;
private int backbufSize;
private CompressedCaptureScreen backbuf;
private int n = 0;
First thing to do is capture the screen. This is the easy part: simply fill the bitmap of the current screen:
private void Capture()
// Fill 'cur' with a screenshot
using (var gfxScreenshot = Graphics.FromImage(cur))
gfxScreenshot.CopyFromScreen(screenBounds.X, screenBounds.Y, 0, 0, screenBounds.Size, CopyPixelOperation.SourceCopy);
As I said, I don't want to compress 'raw' pixels. Instead, I'd much rather compress XOR masks of previous and the current image. Most of the times this will give you a whole lot of 0's, which is easy to compress:
private unsafe void ApplyXor(BitmapData previous, BitmapData current)
byte* prev0 = (byte*)previous.Scan0.ToPointer();
byte* cur0 = (byte*)current.Scan0.ToPointer();
int height = previous.Height;
int width = previous.Width;
int halfwidth = width / 2;
fixed (byte* target = this.compressionBuffer)
ulong* dst = (ulong*)target;
for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y)
ulong* prevRow = (ulong*)(prev0 + previous.Stride * y);
ulong* curRow = (ulong*)(cur0 + current.Stride * y);
for (int x = 0; x < halfwidth; ++x)
*(dst++) = curRow[x] ^ prevRow[x];
For the compression algorithm I simply pass the buffer to LZ4 and let it do its magic.
private int Compress()
// Grab the backbuf in an attempt to update it with new data
var backbuf = this.backbuf;
backbuf.Size = LZ4.LZ4Codec.Encode(
this.compressionBuffer, 0, this.compressionBuffer.Length,
backbuf.Data, 4, backbuf.Data.Length-4);
Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(backbuf.Size), 0, backbuf.Data, 0, 4);
return backbuf.Size;
One thing to note here is that I make it a habit to put everything in my buffer that I need to send over the TCP/IP socket. I don't want to move data around if I can easily avoid it, so I'm simply putting everything that I need on the other side there.
As for the sockets itself, you can use a-sync TCP sockets here (I would), but if you do, you will need to add an extra buffer.
The only thing that remains is to glue everything together and put some statistics on the screen:
public void Iterate()
Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
// Capture a screen:
TimeSpan timeToCapture = sw.Elapsed;
// Lock both images:
var locked1 = cur.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, cur.Width, cur.Height),
ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
var locked2 = prev.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, prev.Width, prev.Height),
ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
// Xor screen:
ApplyXor(locked2, locked1);
TimeSpan timeToXor = sw.Elapsed;
// Compress screen:
int length = Compress();
TimeSpan timeToCompress = sw.Elapsed;
if ((++n) % 50 == 0)
Console.Write("Iteration: {0:0.00}s, {1:0.00}s, {2:0.00}s " +
"{3} Kb => {4:0.0} FPS \r",
timeToCapture.TotalSeconds, timeToXor.TotalSeconds,
timeToCompress.TotalSeconds, length / 1024,
1.0 / sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds);
// Swap buffers:
var tmp = cur;
cur = prev;
prev = tmp;
Note that I reduce Console output to ensure that's not the bottleneck. :-)
Simple improvements
It's a bit wasteful to compress all those 0's, right? It's pretty easy to track the min and max y position that has data using a simple boolean.
ulong tmp = curRow[x] ^ prevRow[x];
*(dst++) = tmp;
hasdata |= tmp != 0;
You also probably don't want to call Compress if you don't have to.
After adding this feature you'll get something like this on your screen:
Iteration: 0.00s, 0.01s, 0.01s 1 Kb => 152.0 FPS
Using another compression algorithm might also help. I stuck to LZ4 because it's simple to use, it's blazing fast and compresses pretty well -- still, there are other options that might work better. See http://fastcompression.blogspot.nl/ for a comparison.
If you have a bad connection or if you're streaming video over a remote connection, all this won't work. Best to reduce the pixel values here. That's quite simple: apply a simple 64-bit mask during the xor to both the previous and current picture... You can also try using indexed colors - anyhow, there's a ton of different things you can try here; I just kept it simple because that's probably good enough.
You can also use Parallel.For for the xor loop; personally I didn't really care about that.
A bit more challenging
If you have 1 server that is serving multiple clients, things will get a bit more challenging, as they will refresh at different rates. We want the fastest refreshing client to determine the server speed - not slowest. :-)
To implement this, the relation between the prev and cur has to change. If we simply 'xor' away like here, we'll end up with a completely garbled picture at the slower clients.
To solve that, we don't want to swap prev anymore, as it should hold key frames (that you'll refresh when the compressed data becomes too big) and cur will hold incremental data from the 'xor' results. This means you can basically grab an arbitrary 'xor'red frame and send it over the line - as long as the prev bitmap is recent.
H264 or Equaivalent Codec Streaming
There are various compressed streaming available which does almost everything that you can do to optimize screen sharing over network. There are many open source and commercial libraries to stream.
Screen transfer in Blocks
H264 already does this, but if you want to do it yourself, you have to divide your screens into smaller blocks of 100x100 pixels, and compare these blocks with previous version and send these blocks over network.
Window Render Information
Microsoft RDP does lot better, it does not send screen as a raster image, instead it analyzes screen and creates screen blocks based on the windows on the screen. It then analyzes contents of screen and sends image only if needed, if it is a text box with some text in it, RDP sends information to render text box with a text with font information and other information. So instead of sending image, it sends information on what to render.
You can combine all techniques and make a mixed protocol to send screen blocks with image and other rendering information.
Instead of handling data as an array of bytes, you can handle it as an array of integers.
int* p = (int*)((byte*)scan0.ToPointer() + y * stride);
int* p2 = (int*)((byte*)scan02.ToPointer() + y * stride2);
for (int x = 0; x < nWidth; x++)
//always get the complete pixel when differences are found
if (*p2 != 0)
*p = *p2

Kinect V2 Color Stream Byte Order

I'm working on an application which will stream the color, depth, and IR video data from the Kinect V2 sensor. Right now I'm just putting together the color video part of the app. I've read through some tutorials and actually got some video data coming into my app - the problem seems to be that the byte order seems to be in the wrong order which gives me an oddly discolored image (see below).
So, let me explain how I got here. In my code, I first open the sensor and also instantiate a new multi source frame reader. After I've created the reader, I create an event handler called Reader_MultiSourceFrameArrived:
void Reader_MultiSourceFrameArrived(object sender, MultiSourceFrameArrivedEventArgs e)
if (proccessing || gotframe) return;
// Get a reference to the multi-frame
var reference = e.FrameReference.AcquireFrame();
// Open color frame
using (ColorFrame frame = reference.ColorFrameReference.AcquireFrame())
if (frame != null)
proccessing = true;
var description = frame.ColorFrameSource.FrameDescription;
bw2 = description.Width / 2;
bh2 = description.Height / 2;
bpp = (int)description.BytesPerPixel;
if (imgBuffer == null)
imgBuffer = new byte[description.BytesPerPixel * description.Width * description.Height];
gotframe = true;
proccessing = false;
Now, every time a frame is received (and not processing) it should copy the frame data into an array called imgBuffer. When my application is ready I then call this routine to convert the array into a Windows Bitmap that I can display on my screen.
if (gotframe)
if (theBitmap.Rx != bw2 || theBitmap.Ry != bh2) theBitmap.SetSize(bw2, bh2);
int kk = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < bh2; ++j)
for (int i = 0; i < bw2; ++i)
kk = (j * bw2 * 2 + i) * 2 * bpp;
theBitmap.pixels[i, bh2 - j - 1].B = imgBuffer[kk];
theBitmap.pixels[i, bh2 - j - 1].G = imgBuffer[kk + 1];
theBitmap.pixels[i, bh2 - j - 1].R = imgBuffer[kk + 2];
theBitmap.pixels[i, bh2 - j - 1].A = 255;
theBitmap.needupdate = true;
gotframe = false;
So, after this runs theBitmap now contains the image information needed to draw the image on the screen... however, as seen in the image above - it looks quite strange. The most obvious change is to simply change the order of the pixel B,G,R values when they get assigned to the bitmap in the double for loop (which I tried)... however, this simply results in other strange color images and none provide an accurate color image. Any thoughts where I might be going wrong?
Is this Bgra?
The normal "RGB" in Kinect v2 for C# is BGRA.
Using the Kinect SDK 2.0, you don't need all of those "for" cycles.
The function used to allocate the pixels in the bitmap is this one:
(uint)(colorFrameDescription.Width * colorFrameDescription.Height * 4),
1) Get the Frame From the kinect, using Reader_ColorFrameArrived (go see ColorSamples - WPF);
2) Create the colorFrameDescription from the ColorFrameSource using Bgra format;
3) Create the bitmap to display;
If you have any problems, please say. But if you follow the sample it's actually pretty clean there how to do it.
I was stuck on this problem forever. Problem is, that all almost all examples you find, are WPF examples. But for Windows Forms its a different story.
gets you the rawdata whitch is
By converting it to RGB you should be able to fix your color problem. The transformation from YUY2 to RGB is very expensive, you might want to use a Parallel foreach loop to maintain your framerate

Why does it seem like operations are not being performed in the order of the code?

Here's some background. I'm working on game similar to "Collapse." Blocks fill up at the bottom and when all twelve blocks have been filled they push up on to the playfield. I have a counter called (intNextSpawn) that not only tells when to "push up" the next row, as well as calculating vectors for the graphics. It resets to 0 when the blocks have been pushed up.
I've added some debug text on the screen to try and see what is happening, but I can't seem to hunt down the issue. It almost seems like it is still incrementing the counter while trying to randomize the the block that's supposed to appear (things acting out of order). I end up getting "blank" blocks and it causes some really screwy effects while testing. It gets worse when jack up the speed.
I'm willing to post any additional code that might help. Below are the two main blocks where this is could happening. Is there something I might be doing wrong or may there be a way I can prevent this from happening (if that's what it's doing)?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Edit... The first code block is in the "Update" method
// Calculate time between spawning bricks
float spawnTick = fltSpawnSpeed * fltSpawnSpeedModifier;
fltSpawn += elapsed;
if (fltSpawn > spawnTick)
// Fetch a new random block.
poNextLayer[intNextSpawn] = RandomSpawn();
// Increment counter
// Max index reached
if (intNextSpawn == 12)
// Push the line up. Returns true if lines go over the top.
if (PushLine())
gmStateNew = GameState.GameOver;
gmStateOld = GameState.Playing;
// Game still in play.
// Reset spawn row to empty bricks.
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
poNextLayer[i] = new PlayObject(ObjectType.Brick, PlayColor.Neutral, Vector2.Zero);
intNextSpawn = 0; // Reset spawn counter.
intLines--; // One less line to go...
fltSpawn -= spawnTick;
private bool PushLine()
// Go through the playfield top down.
for (int y = 14; y >= 0; y--)
// and left to right
for (int x = 0; x < 12; x++)
// Top row contains an active block (GameOver)
if ((y == 14) && (poPlayField[x, y].Active))
// Stop here
return true;
// Not bottom row
if (y > 0)
// Copy from block below
poPlayField[x, y] = poPlayField[x, y - 1];
// Move drawing position up 32px
poPlayField[x, y].MoveUp();
// Bottom row
// Copy from spawning row
poPlayField[x, y] = poNextLayer[x];
// Move drawing position up 32px (plus 4 more)
poPlayField[x, y].MoveUp(4);
// Make the block active (clickable)
poPlayField[x, y].Active = true;
// Game still in play.
return false;
So, the largest part of your problem is that you are decrementing some timers based on the size of a tick, and then running some comparisons. Wrather than do all that for timers (especially with the rounding and precision loss of float, etc...) instead just to time-basic comparisons.
Example, you do fltSpawn += elapsed and later fltSpawn -= spawnTick which will lead to floating point rounding / precission errors.
Try something more like this:
int64 spawnDelay = 1000000; // 10,000 ticks per ms, so this is 100ms
if (DateTime.Now() > nextSpawn)
// Fetch a new random block.
poNextLayer[intNextSpawn] = RandomSpawn();
// At some point set the next spawn time
nextSpawn += new TimeSpan(spawnDelay * spawnSpeedModifier);

