TL;DR: Look at the picture below
So I'm trying to make a little picture, and I and people around me are kinda out of ideas.
I have a table (the sitting+eating one) in the middle (seen from above), and people sitting around it. Those people are round, as isthe table.
Every person has their own picturebox, I just use one picture, rotate it, and set it as image in the next box.
Thep roblem now is: The PictureBoxes of people on corners overlap the table with empty corner, in the image there is transparency there. It should show the table below it, but instead it shows the background of the Form :(
Edit: All backgrounds are set to transparent, the Form has the marble as background and white ("Window") as background colour.
I put one person in the back and one in the front, so it's easy to see:
Edit 2 (same as ocmment):
In the last two days I read this question about 10 times, and not one that described this exact problem has had an actual answer. When trying to push one of those, I was told I should post a new question.
Example: How to make picturebox transparent?
Transparency in winforms is kind of misleading, since it's not really transparency.
Winforms controls mimic transparency by painting the part of their parent control they would hide instead of their own background.
However, they will not paint the other controls that might be partially covered by them.
This is the reason your top most picture boxes hides your big picture box.
You can overcome this by creating a custom control that inherits from PictureBox and override its OnPaintBackground method (taken, with slight adjustments, from this code project article):
protected override void OnPaintBackground(PaintEventArgs e)
Graphics g = e.Graphics;
if (this.Parent != null)
var index = Parent.Controls.GetChildIndex(this);
for (var i = Parent.Controls.Count - 1; i > index; i--)
var c = Parent.Controls[i];
if (c.Bounds.IntersectsWith(Bounds) && c.Visible)
using (var bmp = new Bitmap(c.Width, c.Height, g))
c.DrawToBitmap(bmp, c.ClientRectangle);
g.TranslateTransform(c.Left - Left, c.Top - Top);
g.DrawImageUnscaled(bmp, Point.Empty);
g.TranslateTransform(Left - c.Left, Top - c.Top);
Microsoft have published a Knowledge base article to solve this problem a long time ago, however it's a bit out-dated and it's code sample is in VB.Net.
Another option is to paint the images yourself, without picture boxes to hold them, by using Graphics.DrawImage method.
The best place to do it is probably in the OnPaint method of the form.
I was doing a game project in Windows Forms and really loved how it turned out, except for one thing that was bugging me: the new picturebox's I am adding are "eating" away from the one behind it, showind the background of its parent and not showing the image behind him, as I thought it will. Apparently that's how transparency works in Windows Forms, it copies the colors behind him, basically.
This is how it looks, and I want the animals to be seen fully.
I also tried this from another post here, but it turned out like this.
There might be no solution to this, I have other things in this little game I made. There is another picturebox with other buttons and stuff, that represents the shop. And also you can see in both images that there is a pannel in the bottom section with some details. In that case, I would leave it as it is and maybe try another time to move it to WPF.
=================== EDIT ===================
The accepted answer helped me switch from a game with overlaying PictureBoxes to a game where I "paint" each frame of the game on the background. Check that answer's comment for more details about this :) This is how it turned out.
This is specifically for my code, where I have a static Resources class. Yours could look a lot cleaner, maybe you have this Render function where you have every other rectangle and image. I hope this helps everyone that visits this page :)
// ================ SOLUTION ================
public static void Render()
//draw the background again. This is efficient enough, maybe because the pixels that did not changed won't be redrawn
grp.DrawImage(Resources.gameBackground, 0, 0);
//draw the squirrel image on the position and length of the "squirrel" Rectangle
grp.DrawImage(Resources.currentSquirrelImage, Resources.squirrel.X, Resources.squirrel.Y, Resources.squirrel.Width, Resources.squirrel.Height);
//after that, draw each projectile (acorns, wallnuts) the same way
foreach (Projectile projectile in Resources.projectiles)
grp.DrawImage(projectile.image, projectile.rect.X, projectile.rect.Y, projectile.rect.Width, projectile.rect.Height);
//then draw each animal
foreach (Enemy animal in Resources.enemies)
grp.DrawImage(animal.image, animal.rect.X, animal.rect.Y, animal.rect.Width, animal.rect.Height);
//and finally, the image that shows where the squirrel is shooting
grp.DrawImage(Resources.selectionImge, Resources.selection.X, Resources.selection.Y, Resources.Selection.Width, Resources.Selection.Height);
//update the image of the game picturebox
form.TheGame.Image = bmp;
As you have noticed .net control transparency is not real transparency, it copies it's parent background, so if you have other sibiling controls the one with the higher Z index will occlude the others.
If you want to create a game avoid the usage of picture boxes, there are many options: use a game engine like Unity or roll your own.
Something easy to do is to create a Bitmap, render your game in it and then present it in your form, but beware, that can be slow.
EDIT: As you requested here is an example on how to use the Intersect function of the Rectangle struct to determine which parts of two rectangles overlap.
Rectangle R1 = new Rectangle (0,0,32,32);
Rectangle R2 = new Rectangle (16,16,32,32);
//To test if a rectangle intersects with another...
bool intersects = R1.IntersectsWith(R2); //If does not intersect then there's nothing to update
//To determine the area that two rectangles intersect
Rectangle intersection = Rectangle.Intersect(R1, R2); //In this example that would return a rectangle with (16,16,16,16).
I'm trying to make something similar to paint. I'm trying to figure out how make different brush styles. Like in Paint 3D you get a certain line fills when using the pen tool vs using the paint brush tool.
I have no idea where to even start. I've spent a good portion of the day looking through documentations, and watching YouTube videos. I'm more lost than when I started. The closest thing I came across was line caps, but that's definitely not what I'm looking for.
!!See the UPDATE below!!
Hans' link should point you in the right direction, namely toward TextureBrushes.
To help you further here a few points to observe:
TextureBrush is a brush, not a pen. So you can't follow a path, like the mouse movements to draw along that curve. Instead, you need to find an area to fill with the brush.
This also implies that you need to decide how and when to trigger the drawing; basic options are by time and/or by distance. Usually, the user can set parameters for these often called 'flow' and 'distance'..
Instead of filling a simple shape and drawing many of those, you can keep adding the shapes to a GraphicsPath and fill that path.
To create a TextureBrush you need a pattern file that has transparency. You can either make some or download them from the web where loads of them are around, many for free.
Most are in the Photoshop Brush format 'abr'; if they are not too recent (<=CS5) you can use abrMate to convert them to png files.
You can load a set of brushes to an ImageList, set up for large enough size (max 256x256) and 32bpp to allow alpha.
Most patterns are black with alpha, so if you want color you need to create a colored version of the current brush image (maybe using a ColorMatrix).
You may also want to change its transparency (best also with the ColorMatrix).
And you will want to change the size to the current brush size.
After doing a few tests I have to retract the original assumption that a TextureBrush is a suitable tool for drawing with textured tips.
It is OK for filling areas, but for drawing free-hand style it will not work properly. There are several reasons..:
one is that the TextureBrush will always tile the pattern in some way, flipped or not and this will always look like you are revealing one big underlying pattern instead of piling paint with several strokes.
Another is that finding the area to fill is rather problematic.
Also, tips may or may not be square but unless you fill with a rectangle there will be gaps.
See here for an example of what you don't want at work.
The solution is really simple and much of the above still applies:
What you do is pretty much regular drawing but in the end, you do a DrawImage with the prepared 'brush' pattern.
Regular drawing involves:
A List<List<Point>> curves that hold all the finished mouse paths
A List<Point> curentCurve for the current path
In the Paint event you draw all the curves and, if it has any points, also the current path.
For drawing with a pattern, it is necessary to also know when to draw which pattern version.
If we make sure not to leak them we can cache the brush patterns..:
Bitmap brushPattern = null;
List<Tuple<Bitmap,List<Point>>> curves = new List<Tuple<Bitmap,List<Point>>>();
Tuple<Bitmap, List<Point>> curCurve = null;
This is a simple/simplistic caching method. For better efficiency you could use a Dictionary<string, Bitmap> with a naming scheme that produces a string from the pattern index, size, color, alpha and maybe a rotation angle; this way each pattern would be stored only once.
Here is an example at work:
A few notes:
In the MouseDown we create a new current curve:
curCurve = new Tuple<Bitmap, List<Point>>(brushPattern, new List<Point>());
In the MouseUp I add the current curve to the curves list:
curves.Add(new Tuple<Bitmap, List<Point>>(curCurve.Item1, curCurve.Item2.ToList()));
Since we want to clear the current curve, we need to copy its points list; this is achieved by the ToList() call!
In the MouseMove we simply add a new point to it:
if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
The Paint goes over all curves including the current one:
for (int c = 0; c < curves.Count; c++)
e.Graphics.TranslateTransform(-curves[c].Item1.Width / 2, -curves[c].Item1.Height / 2);
foreach (var p in curves[c].Item2)
e.Graphics.DrawImage(curves[c].Item1, p);
if (curCurve != null && curCurve.Item2.Count > 0)
e.Graphics.TranslateTransform(-curCurve.Item1.Width / 2, -curCurve.Item1.Height / 2);
foreach (var p in curCurve.Item2)
e.Graphics.DrawImage(curCurve.Item1, p);
It makes sure the patterns are drawn centered.
The ListView is set to SmallIcons and its SmallImageList points to a smaller copy of the original ImageList.
It is important to make the Panel Doublebuffered! to avoid flicker!
Update: Instead of a Panel, which is a Container control and not really meant to draw onto you can use a Picturebox or a Label (with Autosize=false); both have the DoubleBuffered property turned on out of the box and support drawing better than Panels do.
Btw: The above quick and dirty example has only 200 (uncommented) lines. Adding brush rotation, preview, a stepping distance, a save button and implementing the brushes cache takes it to 300 lines.
TL;DR: Look at the picture below
So I'm trying to make a little picture, and I and people around me are kinda out of ideas.
I have a table (the sitting+eating one) in the middle (seen from above), and people sitting around it. Those people are round, as isthe table.
Every person has their own picturebox, I just use one picture, rotate it, and set it as image in the next box.
Thep roblem now is: The PictureBoxes of people on corners overlap the table with empty corner, in the image there is transparency there. It should show the table below it, but instead it shows the background of the Form :(
Edit: All backgrounds are set to transparent, the Form has the marble as background and white ("Window") as background colour.
I put one person in the back and one in the front, so it's easy to see:
Edit 2 (same as ocmment):
In the last two days I read this question about 10 times, and not one that described this exact problem has had an actual answer. When trying to push one of those, I was told I should post a new question.
Example: How to make picturebox transparent?
Transparency in winforms is kind of misleading, since it's not really transparency.
Winforms controls mimic transparency by painting the part of their parent control they would hide instead of their own background.
However, they will not paint the other controls that might be partially covered by them.
This is the reason your top most picture boxes hides your big picture box.
You can overcome this by creating a custom control that inherits from PictureBox and override its OnPaintBackground method (taken, with slight adjustments, from this code project article):
protected override void OnPaintBackground(PaintEventArgs e)
Graphics g = e.Graphics;
if (this.Parent != null)
var index = Parent.Controls.GetChildIndex(this);
for (var i = Parent.Controls.Count - 1; i > index; i--)
var c = Parent.Controls[i];
if (c.Bounds.IntersectsWith(Bounds) && c.Visible)
using (var bmp = new Bitmap(c.Width, c.Height, g))
c.DrawToBitmap(bmp, c.ClientRectangle);
g.TranslateTransform(c.Left - Left, c.Top - Top);
g.DrawImageUnscaled(bmp, Point.Empty);
g.TranslateTransform(Left - c.Left, Top - c.Top);
Microsoft have published a Knowledge base article to solve this problem a long time ago, however it's a bit out-dated and it's code sample is in VB.Net.
Another option is to paint the images yourself, without picture boxes to hold them, by using Graphics.DrawImage method.
The best place to do it is probably in the OnPaint method of the form.
I'm making a graphics editor for my class project and i want to make so that when, for example a user loads a picture in to the editor or or draw something in the PictureBox, all the alpha parts are shown the chessboard like background.
My idea is that when I create a PictureBox with transparent background set, I create another one behind it, set its BackColor to white and add grey images 50x50, alternately horizontally and vertically. Is that a good approach to the problem? If, not do You have any suggestions?
In Photoshop, for example, I create image 1600x1600. When I zoom to a certain level, it shrinks the boxes and adds more of them to fill the image. If You'we used Photoshop of similar program you know what I mean. Now, how would I go about achieving the same effect?
Creating a Photoshop-like program is a fun project.
There will be many challenges along your way and it is well worth thinking ahead a little..
Here is a short and incomplete list of things to keep in mind:
Draw- and paint actions
Undo, redo, edit
Multiple layers
Zooming and scrolling
Saving and printing
So getting a checkerboard background is only the start of a long journey..
Using a PictureBox as the base canvas is a very good choice, as its several layers will help. Here is a piece of code that will provide you with a flexible checkerboard background, that will keep its size even when you scale the real graphics:
void setBackGround(PictureBox pb, int size, Color col)
if (size == 0 && pb.BackgroundImage != null)
pb.BackgroundImage = null;
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(size * 2, size * 2);
using (SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(col))
using (Graphics G = Graphics.FromImage(bmp) )
G.FillRectangle(brush, 0,0,size, size);
G.FillRectangle(brush, size,size, size, size);
pb.BackgroundImage = bmp;
pb.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Tile;
Load an Image for testing and this is what you'll get, left normal, right zoomed in:
Yes, for saving this background should be removed; as you can see in the code, passing in a size = 0 will do that.
What next? Let me give you a few hints on how to approach the various tasks from above:
Scrolling: Picturebox can't scroll. Instead place it in a Panel with AutoScroll = true and make it as large as needed.
Zooming: Playing with its Size and the SizeMode will let you zoom in and out the Image without problems. The BackgroundImage will stay unscaled, just as it does in Photoshop. You will have to add some more code however to zoom in on the graphics you draw on top of the PB or on the layers. The key here is scaling the Graphics object using a Graphics.MultiplyTransform(Matrix).
Layers: Layers are imo the single most useful feature in PhotoShop (and other quality programs). They can be achieved by nesting transparent drawing canvases. Panels can be used, I prefer Labels. If each is sitting inside the one below it and the one at the bottom has the PB as its Parent, all their contents will be shown combined.
Don't use the Label directly but create a subclass to hold additional data and know-how!
Changing their order is not very hard, just keep the nested structure in mind and intact!
Hiding a layer is done by setting a flag and checking that flag in the painting actions
Other data can include a Name, Opacity, maybe an overlay color..
The layers should also be shown in a Layers Palette, best by creating a thumbnail and inserting a layer userobject in a FlowLayoutPanel
Draw Actions: These are always the key to any drawing in WinForms. When using the mouse to draw, each such activity creates an object of a DrawAction class you need to design, which holds all info needed to do the actual drawing, like:
Type (Rectangle, filledRectangle, Line, FreeHandLine (a series of Points), Text, etc.etc..)
The layer to draw on
maybe even a rotation
Along with the LayerCanvas class the DrawAction class will be the most important class in the project, so getting its design right is worth some work!
Only the topmost layer will receive the mouse events. So you need to keep track which layer is the active one and add the action to its actions list. Of course the active layer must also be indicated in the Layers Palette.
Since all drawing is stored in List(s), implementing a unlimited undo and redo is simple. To allow for effective drawing and undo, maybe a common action list and an individual list for each layer is the best design..
Undo and Redo are just matter of removing the last list element and pushing it onto a redo-stack.
Editing actions is also possible, including changing the parameters, moving them up or down the actions list or removing one from the middle of the list. It help to show an Actions Palette, like F9 in PhotoShop.
To flatten two or more layers together all you need is to combine their action lists.
To flatten all layers into the Image you only need to draw them not onto their canvas but into the Image. For the difference of drawing onto a control or into a Bitmap see here! Here we have the PictureBox.Image as the second level of a PB's structure above the Background.Image. (The 3rd is the Control surface, but with the multiple layers on top we don't really need it..)
Saving can be done by either by Image.Save() after flattening all Layers or after you have switched off the BackgroundImage by telling the PB to draw itself into a Bitmap ( control.DrawToBitmap() ) which you can then save.
Have fun!
So i'm trying to make a nice rounded switch that when clicked it will slide either left or right to basically turn something on or off (it could be used for other things). I have a rectangle version working somewhat ok (i have a few tweaks in mind that I want to make for it) but the problem I'm running into is by using rounded rectangles. I made a few classes to help my self in this. I have one called RoundRectanglePath. Using the Create method I give it a Rectangle (or x,y,w,h) and a radius for the corners and it returns a closed GraphicsPath that I can then use Graphics.[Fill|Draw]Path with. I then have a RoundRectangle class which is a just a control that acts very similar to a Label. I found that if I override the OnPaintBackground and not send the event to the base, but instead paint a rectangle the same color as it's Parent.BackColor than I get the illusion that the control is really round. (as a related side note I allow transparent)
For my RoundMovableSwitch class I use 2 RoundRectanglePaths to split the Control in half. The left is a green Color and the right is Pink (thinking about it now I could have just used a horizontal LinearGradient brush...ooops oh well) I then draw the string On and Off on opposing sides. To that control I add a RoundRectangle. When the user clicks on either the RoundRectangle or the MoveableSwitch the Control then moves the RoundRectangle left or right 1 pixel at a time. The movement works great. The problem I am having is this. The outside Edge of the RoundRectangle is the correct Transparent color. The inside edge is the wrong color. See RoundMovingSwitch 1 and 2 in picture below. Once I get the code working correctly I'll go back and reorganize the code a bit more.
The code is hosted on GitHub: Here
"The problem I am having is this. The outside Edge of the RoundRectangle is the correct Transparent color. The inside edge is the wrong color."
Not sure I understand the problem...
Are you trying to get rid of the blue corners that are outside the rounded edges?
If so, then try this in RoundRectangle:
public RoundRectangle()
this.ResizeRedraw = true;
this.VisibleChanged += new EventHandler(RoundRectangle_VisibleChanged);
private bool RegionSet = false;
void RoundRectangle_VisibleChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (this.Visible && !RegionSet)
RegionSet = true;
var r = new RectangleEx(this.ClientRectangle);
var path = RoundRectanglePath.Create(r.ToRectangle(), this.Radius, this.Corners);
this.Region = new Region(path);
*If the size of the control changes then you should reset the Region() property to the new size.
Edit: To make it reset the Region when the size changes:
protected override void OnSizeChanged(EventArgs e)
var r = new RectangleEx(this.ClientRectangle);
var path = RoundRectanglePath.Create(r.ToRectangle(), this.Radius, this.Corners);
this.Region = new Region(path);