I am trying to write to achieve the logic of the following query:
select ......
from (select ..... from ... complex and long query #1) R1
(select ..... from ... complex and long query #2) R2
NOT ( #DateStart > R2.IstEnde OR #DateEnd <= R2.IstStart)
(select count(*)
from R2 // <---- BUG IS HERE
Where R2.IsOutsideTaskTimeFrame = 1 AND R2.IsManuallyFixed = 1
) > 0
order BY R2.PersonName, R1.YearOfWeek, R1.Week
Which obvious do not work because I am trying to "Reuse" the R2 in the "count()" where condition.
I am writing this based on the ".NET Linq" logic where we can "reuse" the previous query.
Can I even write this logic of "reusing" the previous query and not repeating it again?
Maybe you are looking for CTE - Common Table Expression:
(SELECT ...)
,R2 AS
(SELECT ...)
... use R1 and R2 like any other table here (it's called "derived table")
If you need the result within independant queries, you might fill a declared table variable or a temp table.
You can use CTE to define a base query which can be used multiple times in the same scope of the code:
WITH Sales_CTE (returnParam1, returnParam2, ...)
-- Define the CTE query.
select ..... from ... complex and long query #2
Or you can create a user defined function which gets params and returns the result, then call it multiple times:
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.ufnGetInventoryStock(param1 int, ...)
select ..... from ... complex and long query #2
I have the following query that works fine (ms-sql db), but cannot figure out how to run it using a Linq query. Also I could run it directly in Linq but have no idea in how to convert it to a Linq expression. Im trying to get all the subordinates for a employee all the way down the management tree. The table (in brief) is set up like this:
Emp_ID => Guid,
Reports_To => Guid, (The Emp_ID of their manager)
Name_Last, Name_First, etc.....
with Hierachy(Emp_ID, Reports_To, Name, Level)
select Emp_ID, Reports_To, Name_Last, 0 as Level
from Employees c
where c.Emp_ID = '5287E80D-8169-4D24-BABD-7639B1D68D59' ***This should also be a parameter, hard coded here**
union all
select c.Emp_ID, c.Reports_To, c.Name_Last, ch.Level + 1
from Employees c
inner join Hierachy ch
on c.Reports_To = ch.Emp_ID
select Emp_ID, Reports_To, Name
from Hierachy
where Level > 0
I am using a stored procedure with Dapper to retrieve data from a table. The stored procedure works fine when executed in SQL Server and returns the required information.
But when I use Dapper to run the stored procedure and retrieve a Date, the Date is returned as 01/01/0001.
Here is my stored procedure which works perfectly in SQL Server:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spRankings_GetByEventAndGender]
#Event varchar(50),
#Gender varchar(10)
DECLARE #event_factor INT = CASE
WHEN #Event IN ('Javelin', 'Discus', 'Shot Put', 'Hammer', 'Long Jump', 'High Jump', 'Triple Jump', 'Pole Vault')
THEN -1 /* reverse ranking = highest value is best */
ELSE 1 /* normal ranking = lowest value is best */
WHEN a.mark = ABS(b.mark)
END AS [Rank],
WHEN #event_factor = -1
THEN LTRIM(STR(a.mark, 10, 2))
ELSE FORMAT(DATEADD(SECOND, FLOOR(a.mark), 0),case when a.mark<60 then '' else 'm:' end+'ss')
+substring(ltrim((str(cast(a.mark as decimal(12,5))%1,10,2))),2,10)
end as Mark
,a.wind as Wind
,d.eventname as [Event]
,c.firstname+' '+c.lastname as Athlete
--,Convert(varchar(10),c.BirthDate,103) as [Birth Date]
,c.BirthDate as [BirthDate]
,e.teamname as [Team]
,a.venue as Venue
--, Convert(varchar(10),a.PerformanceDate,103) as [Performance Date]
,a.PerformanceDate as [Performance Date]
from dbo.Performances as a
inner join (select a.PersonId
,min(a.mark*#event_factor) as mark
,rank() over(partition by a.eventid order by min(a.mark*#event_factor)) as [rank]
,avg(a.mark) as avg_mark
from dbo.Performances as a
inner join dbo.Persons as b
on b.PersonId=a.PersonId
inner join dbo.[Events] as c
on c.eventid=a.eventid
inner join dbo.Meets as d
on d.MeetId = a.MeetId
where b.gender=#Gender
and c.eventname=#Event
group by a.PersonId
) as b
on b.eventid=a.eventid
and b.PersonId=a.PersonId
inner join dbo.Persons as c
on c.PersonId=a.PersonId
inner join dbo.events as d
on d.eventid=a.eventid
inner join dbo.teams as e
on e.teamid=a.teamid
inner join dbo.Meets as m
on m.MeetId = a.MeetId
order by a.eventid
The results in SQL Server:
The method that uses Dapper to get the results:
public List<RankingsModel> GetRankingsByEventAndGender(string eventName, string gender) {
using (IDbConnection connection = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(Helper.GetConString("GARanks"))) {
var output = connection.Query<RankingsModel>($"dbo.spRankings_GetByEventAndGender #Event, #Gender", new { Event=eventName, Gender=gender}).ToList();
return output;
The results in my application:
You are getting the default value in the application. Please find below links which can help:
Date is 01/01/0001 and not the date that is in the database?
DateTime shows the date as 01/01/0001
You can probably break the problem down into pieces. First make sure that Dapper is returning the right result set. You could
and inspect the result to see if it has the right DateTime value in it, in debug mode. If it does, then the problem isn't dapper retrieving the results from the database, it's that it can't map it to your POCO/class.
If the result dataset doesn't have the right value of Performance Date, then the problem is with the sql generation that Dapper is doing, and you could look into renaming the column to be without spaces, or pursue that avenue.
Good luck!
You probably have a property named 'PerformanceDate' in RankingsModel class which does not get mapped with 'Performance Date' returned from DB call.
Kindly update the SQL to return 'PerformanceDate' or make same name for both.
The other option is using Column Mapping
I am doing a join on two SQL functions using Entity Framework as my ORM. When the query gets executed I get this error message:
The query attempted to call 'Outer Apply' over a nested query,
but 'OuterApply' did not have the appropriate keys
This is my query:
var ingredientAllergenData = (from ings in db.fnListIngredientsFromItem(productId, (short)itemType, productId)
join ingAllergens in db.fnListAllergensFromItems(productId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), (short)itemType, currentLang)
on ings.id equals ingAllergens.ingredientId into ingAllergensData
from allergens in ingAllergensData.DefaultIfEmpty()
where ings.table == "tblIng" || ings.table == ""
select new {ings, allergens}).ToList();
I wrote the same query in LINQPad and I got back results, so I'm not sure what the issue is:
var ingredientAllergenData = (from ings in fnListIngredientsFromItem(1232, 0, 1232)
join ingAllergens in fnListAllergensFromItems("1232", 0, 1)
on ings.Id equals ingAllergens.IngredientId into ingAllergensData
from allergens in ingAllergensData.DefaultIfEmpty()
where ings.Table == "tblIng" || ings.Table == ""
select new {ings, allergens}).ToList();
The response from linqpad:
This is the generated SQL query in LINQPad:
-- Region Parameters
DECLARE #p0 Int = 1232
DECLARE #p1 Int = 0
DECLARE #p2 Int = 1232
DECLARE #p3 VarChar(1000) = '1232'
DECLARE #p4 SmallInt = 0
DECLARE #p5 Int = 1
DECLARE #p6 VarChar(1000) = 'tblIng'
DECLARE #p7 VarChar(1000) = ''
-- EndRegion
SELECT [t0].[prodId] AS [ProdId], [t0].[id] AS [Id], [t0].[parent] AS [Parent], [t0].[name] AS [Name], [t0].[ing_gtin] AS [Ing_gtin], [t0].[ing_artsup] AS [Ing_artsup], [t0].[table] AS [Table], [t0].[quantity] AS [Quantity], [t2].[test], [t2].[prodId] AS [ProdId2], [t2].[ingredientId] AS [IngredientId], [t2].[allergenId] AS [AllergenId], [t2].[allergenName] AS [AllergenName], [t2].[level_of_containment] AS [Level_of_containment]
FROM [dbo].[fnListIngredientsFromItem](#p0, #p1, #p2) AS [t0]
SELECT 1 AS [test], [t1].[prodId], [t1].[ingredientId], [t1].[allergenId], [t1].[allergenName], [t1].[level_of_containment]
FROM [dbo].[fnListAllergensFromItems](#p3, #p4, #p5) AS [t1]
) AS [t2] ON [t0].[id] = ([t2].[ingredientId])
WHERE ([t0].[table] = #p6) OR ([t0].[table] = #p7)
I also tried hardcoding the same numbers into C# and got the same error again.
The problem is that Entity Framework needs to know what the primary key columns of the TVF results are to do a left join, and the default generated EDMX file does not contain that information. You can add the key value information by mapping the TVF results to an entity (instead of the default of mapping to a complex type).
The reason the same query works in LINQPad is that the default Data Context driver for connecting to a database in LINQPad uses LINQ to SQL (not Entity Framework). But I was able to get the query to run in Entity Framework (eventually).
I set up a local SQL Server database similar table-valued functions:
CREATE FUNCTION fnListIngredientsFromItem(#prodId int, #itemType1 smallint, #parent int)
select prodId = 1232, id = 1827, parent = 1232, name = 'Ossenhaaspunten', ing_gtin = 3003210089821, ing_artsup=141020, [table] = 'tblIng', quantity = '2 K'
CREATE FUNCTION fnListAllergensFromItems(#prodIdString varchar(1000), #itemType2 smallint, #lang int)
select prodId = '1232', ingredientId = 1827, allergenId = 11, allergenName = 'fish', level_of_containment = 2
union all
select prodId = '1232', ingredientId = 1827, allergenId = 16, allergenName = 'tree nuts', level_of_containment = 2
union all
select prodId = '1232', ingredientId = 1827, allergenId = 12, allergenName = 'crustacean and shellfish', level_of_containment = 2
And I created a test project using Entity Framework 6.1.2 and generated an EDMX file from the database using the Entity Data Model Designer in Visual Studio 2013. With this setup, I was able to get the same error when trying to run that query:
Message=The query attempted to call 'OuterApply' over a nested query, but 'OuterApply' did not have the appropriate keys.
at System.Data.Entity.Core.Query.PlanCompiler.NestPullup.ApplyOpJoinOp(Op op, Node n)
at System.Data.Entity.Core.Query.PlanCompiler.NestPullup.VisitApplyOp(ApplyBaseOp op, Node n)
at System.Data.Entity.Core.Query.InternalTrees.BasicOpVisitorOfT`1.Visit(OuterApplyOp op, Node n)
Running an alternate expression for a left join resulted in a slightly different error:
var ingredientAllergenData = (db.fnListIngredientsFromItem(1323, (short)0, 1)
.GroupJoin(db.fnListAllergensFromItems("1232", 0, 1),
ing => ing.id,
allergen => allergen.ingredientId,
(ing, allergen) => new { ing, allergen }
Here is a truncated stacktrace from the new exception:
Message=The nested query does not have the appropriate keys.
at System.Data.Entity.Core.Query.PlanCompiler.NestPullup.ConvertToSingleStreamNest(Node nestNode, Dictionary`2 varRefReplacementMap, VarList flattenedOutputVarList, SimpleColumnMap[]& parentKeyColumnMaps)
at System.Data.Entity.Core.Query.PlanCompiler.NestPullup.Visit(PhysicalProjectOp op, Node n)
at System.Data.Entity.Core.Query.InternalTrees.PhysicalProjectOp.Accept[TResultType](BasicOpVisitorOfT`1 v, Node n)
Entity Framework is open source, so we can actually look at the source code where this exception is thrown. The comments in this snippet explains what the problem is (https://entityframework.codeplex.com/SourceControl/latest#src/EntityFramework/Core/Query/PlanCompiler/NestPullup.cs):
// Make sure that the driving node has keys defined. Otherwise we're in
// trouble; we must be able to infer keys from the driving node.
var drivingNode = nestNode.Child0;
var drivingNodeKeys = Command.PullupKeys(drivingNode);
if (drivingNodeKeys.NoKeys)
// ALMINEEV: In this case we used to wrap drivingNode into a projection that would also project Edm.NewGuid() thus giving us a synthetic key.
// This solution did not work however due to a bug in SQL Server that allowed pulling non-deterministic functions above joins and applies, thus
// producing incorrect results. SQL Server bug was filed in "sqlbuvsts01\Sql Server" database as #725272.
// The only known path how we can get a keyless drivingNode is if
// - drivingNode is over a TVF call
// - TVF is declared as Collection(Row) is SSDL (the only form of TVF definitions at the moment)
// - TVF is not mapped to entities
// Note that if TVF is mapped to entities via function import mapping, and the user query is actually the call of the
// function import, we infer keys for the TVF from the c-space entity keys and their mappings.
throw new NotSupportedException(Strings.ADP_KeysRequiredForNesting);
That explains the path that leads to that error, so anything we can do to get off that path should fix the problem. Assuming we have to do that left join on the results of a table-valued function, one option (maybe the only option?) is to map the results of the TVF to an entity that has a primary key. Then Entity Framework will know the key values of the TVF results based on the mapping to that entity, and we should avoid these errors related to missing keys.
By default when generating an EDMX file from the database, a TVF is mapped to a complex type. There are instructions for how to change it at https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/vstudio/ee534438%28v=vs.100%29.aspx.
In my test project, I added an empty table with a schema that matched the output of the TVFs to get the model designer to generate Entities, then I went to the model browser and updated the function imports to return a collection of these entities (instead of the auto-generated complex types). After making these changes, that same LINQ query ran without errors.
var ingredientAllergenData = (from ings in db.fnListIngredientsFromItem(productId, (short)itemType, productId)
join ingAllergens in db.fnListAllergensFromItems(productId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), (short)itemType, currentLang)
on ings.id equals ingAllergens.ingredientId into ingAllergensData
from allergens in ingAllergensData.DefaultIfEmpty()
where ings.table == "tblIng" || ings.table == ""
select new {ings, allergens}).ToList();
Here is the trace SQL that the query gave me:
1 AS [C1],
[Extent1].[prodId] AS [prodId],
[Extent1].[id] AS [id],
[Extent1].[parent] AS [parent],
[Extent1].[name] AS [name],
[Extent1].[ing_gtin] AS [ing_gtin],
[Extent1].[ing_artsup] AS [ing_artsup],
[Extent1].[table] AS [table],
[Extent1].[quantity] AS [quantity],
[Extent2].[prodId] AS [prodId1],
[Extent2].[ingredientId] AS [ingredientId],
[Extent2].[allergenId] AS [allergenId],
[Extent2].[allergenName] AS [allergenName],
[Extent2].[level_of_containment] AS [level_of_containment]
FROM [dbo].[fnListIngredientsFromItem](#prodId, #itemType1, #parent) AS [Extent1]
LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[fnListAllergensFromItems](#prodIdString, #itemType2, #lang) AS [Extent2] ON ([Extent1].[id] = [Extent2].[ingredientId]) OR (([Extent1].[id] IS NULL) AND ([Extent2].[ingredientId] IS NULL))
WHERE [Extent1].[table] IN ('tblIng','')
Entity Framework 4 is generating a SQL statement from a fairly innocuous linq query that includes the standard parameter variables, however the numeric parameter suffix is incrementing continually for each successive run of the query. The calling code is not being run in any asynchronous or transactional manner.
This only seems to happening in our production environment and I cannot replicate it in the development environment, wherein each run of the code that calls this query generates parameters #p__linq__0 and #p__linq__1
Sample linq:
var myJob =
(from job in this.context.Jobs
where job.Contract.ContractNo == contractNo && job.JobNo == jobNo
select job).FirstOrDefault();
Sample sql queries being generated:
SELECT ... WHERE ([Extent2].[ContractNo] = #p__linq__1799) AND ([Extent1].[JobNo] = #p__linq__1800) ) AS [Limit1]
SELECT ... WHERE ([Extent2].[ContractNo] = #p__linq__8262) AND ([Extent1].[JobNo] = #p__linq__8263) ) AS [Limit1]
SELECT ... WHERE ([Extent2].[ContractNo] = #p__linq__3590) AND ([Extent1].[JobNo] = #p__linq__3591) ) AS [Limit1]
SELECT ... WHERE ([Extent2].[ContractNo] = #p__linq__788) AND ([Extent1].[JobNo] = #p__linq__789) ) AS [Limit1]
SELECT ... WHERE ([Extent2].[ContractNo] = #p__linq__2250) AND ([Extent1].[JobNo] = #p__linq__2251) ) AS [Limit1]
I can't work out why these numbers are increasing, and the problem with the parameter names changing like this is that it's causing SQL Server to generate a new execution plan for each query.
I use asp.net 4 c# and ef4.
I have this code, it should compile a query and return a single scalar value (I use anonymous type).
My code does not have apparently errors, but because is the first time I write a compiled query I would like to know if is well written or could be improved for a performance boost.
var query = CompiledQuery.Compile((CmsConnectionStringEntityDataModel ctx)
=> from o in ctx.CmsOptions
where o.OptionId == 7
select new
Value = o.Value
uxHtmlHead.Text = query(context).FirstOrDefault().Value;// I print the result in a Label
SQL Profile Output:
[Extent1].[OptionId] AS [OptionId],
[Extent1].[Value] AS [Value]
FROM [dbo].[CmsOptions] AS [Extent1]
WHERE 7 = [Extent1].[OptionId]
Many Thanks
Result after Wouter advice (please guys have a double check again):
static readonly Func<CmsConnectionStringEntityDataModel, int, string> compiledQueryHtmlHead =
CompiledQuery.Compile<CmsConnectionStringEntityDataModel, int, string>(
(ctx, id) => ctx.CmsOptions.FirstOrDefault(o => o.OptionId == id).Value);
using (var context = new CmsConnectionStringEntityDataModel())
int id = 7;
uxHtmlHead.Text = compiledQueryHtmlHead.Invoke(context, id);
Resulting SQL (I do not understand why with a LEFT JOIN)
exec sp_executesql N'SELECT
[Project1].[Value] AS [Value]
FROM ( SELECT 1 AS X ) AS [SingleRowTable1]
[Extent1].[Value] AS [Value]
FROM [dbo].[CmsOptions] AS [Extent1]
WHERE [Extent1].[OptionId] = #p__linq__0 ) AS [Project1] ON 1 = 1',N'#p__linq__0 int',#p__linq__0=7
There are 2 things you can improve on.
First, precompiling a query is definitely a good idea but if you have a look at your code you will see that it precompiles the query each and every time instead of only once.
You need to move the precompiled query to a static variable that is initialized only once.
Another thing you need to be careful of is that when precompiling a query you shouldn't modify the query anymore before executing it.
You are building a precompiled query that will select all rows and then you say 'firstordefault' which changes the precompiled query to a SELECT TOP (1) and you lose the benefit of precompiling. You need to move the FirstOrDefault part inside your precompiled query and return only one result.
Have a look at this documentation. If you look at the examples you can see how they use a static field to hold the compiled query and how they specify the return value.