CryptSharp SCrypt implementation in C# - c#

I'm working on a CryptSharp SCrypt implementation in VS2015. I need to encrypt/decrypt text files meant to be sent as email attachments. Initially I was using AES but considering that HMAC-SHA1 is outdated I opted to use SCrypt for password hashing. However, SCrypt does not expose public methods for the data encryption itself, so would it make sense to pass the SCrypt hashed password to AES, then use the latter for data encryption? Or perhaps there is a better approach?
In this scenario, I would imagine something like this, yet I would need to find a way to reliably randomize the IV...
private static Aes SetAes(string userName, string password)
var passBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(password);
var saltBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(userName);
var cost = 131072; // around 5 secs with block at 16(on Xeon 1241 v3)
var blockSize = 16; // 8 is default but might not suffice against modern GPUs(?)
var parallel = 1;
var maxThreads = (int?)null;
byte[] derivedKey = new byte[32]; // 256 bits
SCrypt.ComputeKey(passBytes, saltBytes, cost, blockSize, parallel, maxThreads, derivedKey);
Aes aes = new AesManaged();
aes.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7;
aes.Key = derivedKey;
byte[] IV = new byte[16];
Array.Copy(derivedKey, IV, 16); // how to reliably randomize the IV?
aes.IV = IV;
return aes;
Then for file encryption:
internal static void EncryptText(string text, string userName, string password, string file)
// omitting argument checks for readability
using (Aes aes = SetAes(userName, password))
using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None))
using (CryptoStream cryptoStream = new CryptoStream(fileStream, aes.CreateEncryptor(), CryptoStreamMode.Write))
BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter();
bf.Serialize(cryptoStream, text); // I'm using a class to wrap the text for serialization, not shown here for readability
Even though it seems to work, I'm not sure it makes sense, so thank you very much for any insight.
Following vcsjones recommendations, the SetAes function would rather look like this, if I understand correctly:
private static Aes SetAes(string userName, string password, byte[] IV = null)
var passBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(password);
var saltBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(userName);
var cost = 131072;
var blockSize = 16;
var parallel = 1;
var maxThreads = (int?)null;
byte[] derivedKey = new byte[32];
SCrypt.ComputeKey(passBytes, saltBytes, cost, blockSize, parallel, maxThreads, derivedKey);
Aes aes = new AesManaged();
aes.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7;
aes.Key = derivedKey;
if (IV == null) // when encrypting, generate IV
RandomNumberGenerator rn = RandomNumberGenerator.Create();
else aes.IV = IV; // when decrypting, read IV from file and pass it to aes through IV parameter for decryption
return aes;

However, SCrypt does not expose public methods for the data encryption itself, so would it make sense to pass the SCrypt hashed password to AES
SCrypt is a Key Derivation Function, so yes, that is an acceptable thing to do.
how to reliably randomize the IV?
Don't use the output of the KDF in the IV. The IV should be random for AES-CBC, so use RandomNumberGenerator.Create() to create a CSPRNG for the IV. Using the KDF output as part of the IV actually leaks the key since the IV is stored in plaintext.
An IV in AES-CBC should be random, and it should not be reused. Don't derive it from the password. You do need to store the IV somewhere. Since it looks like you're trying to encrypt files, you may just want to put the IV in at the beginning of the file. The IV is not a secret - it's OK if someone can read it. Then, when it comes time to decrypt the file, read the IV from the file, and then decrypt everything past the IV.
I would also recommend that you MAC the file, as well, as right now your application does not authenticate the encryption.


Correct AesCryptoServiceProvider usage

I'm trying to write some straight forward encryption routines. Here's what I've been able to come up with based on searching the Web.
public string Encrypt(string plainText)
byte[] encrypted;
// Create an AesCryptoServiceProvider object
// with the specified key and IV.
using (AesCryptoServiceProvider aesAlg = new AesCryptoServiceProvider())
// Create an encryptor to perform the stream transform.
ICryptoTransform encryptor = aesAlg.CreateEncryptor(aesAlg.Key, aesAlg.IV);
// Create the streams used for encryption.
using (MemoryStream msEncrypt = new MemoryStream())
msEncrypt.Write(aesAlg.Key, 0, aesAlg.Key.Length);
msEncrypt.Write(aesAlg.IV, 0, aesAlg.IV.Length);
using (CryptoStream csEncrypt = new CryptoStream(msEncrypt, encryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Write))
using (StreamWriter swEncrypt = new StreamWriter(csEncrypt))
//Write all data to the stream.
encrypted = msEncrypt.ToArray();
return Convert.ToBase64String(encrypted);
public string Decrypt(string cipherText)
string plaintext = null;
using (AesCryptoServiceProvider aesAlg = new AesCryptoServiceProvider())
// Create the streams used for decryption.
using (MemoryStream msDecrypt = new MemoryStream(Convert.FromBase64String(cipherText)))
int l = msDecrypt.ReadByte();
byte[] key = new byte[l];
msDecrypt.Read(key, 0, l);
l = msDecrypt.ReadByte();
byte[] IV = new byte[l];
msDecrypt.Read(IV, 0, l);
// Create a decryptor to perform the stream transform.
ICryptoTransform decryptor = aesAlg.CreateDecryptor(key, IV);
using (CryptoStream csDecrypt = new CryptoStream(msDecrypt, decryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Read))
using (StreamReader srDecrypt = new StreamReader(csDecrypt))
// Read the decrypted bytes from the decrypting stream
// and place them in a string.
plaintext = srDecrypt.ReadToEnd();
return plaintext;
Two questions:
First, most of the examples I found hard coded the Key and IV. So what I'm doing is writing it to the encrypted bytes. This will make my encrypted data larger. Is there a better way?
Also, I'm not using any password. Would one use a password to generate a custom Key? And, if so, how would I know how long that key needed to be?
First, most of the examples I found hard coded the Key and IV. So what I'm doing is writing it to the encrypted bytes. This will make my encrypted data larger. Is there a better way?
Obviously you should not write the key to the unprotected stream, as the key needs to be shared or established in advance and remain secret. This sharing of the secret key can be performed in many ways, ranging from key agreement to key derivation, ratcheting, etc. etc.
Also, I'm not using any password. Would one use a password to generate a custom Key? And, if so, how would I know how long that key needed to be?
That's a possibility. However, remind yourself that passwords are often not that strong, so if password based encryption (PBE) can be avoided, it may be a good idea to do so.
If you derive a key from a password, you should use a Password Based Key Derivation Function (also sometimes called a password hash). In C# there is an implementation of PBKDF2 (badly) called Rfc2898DeriveBytes. By now that's not very state of the art either, but it should suffice - if you set a high enough iteration count anyway.
When you derive a key from a human remembered password then 128 bits is plenty. There is almost no way that the key can be found easier than the password that was used to derive it.

Rijndael PHP vs C# - Invalid KeySize in C# but not in PHP

I try to encrypt a string (json) with Rijndael in C# and come up with a string, which I can offer to a PHP web service. This web service in turn decodes the string using the IV and masterkey (known to them). I have to write the C# code that can talk to the PHP service, I do not control/own the PHP service.
The PHP code for encrypting is as follows:
function encrypt($plaintext) {
$masterkey = 'masterKeyOfLength29Characters';
$td = mcrypt_module_open(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, '', MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, '');
$iv = mcrypt_create_iv(mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size($td), MCRYPT_RAND);
mcrypt_generic_init($td, $masterkey, $iv);
$crypttext = mcrypt_generic($td, $plaintext);
return base64_encode($iv.$crypttext);
$param = array("key" => "value");
$encryptedString = rawurlencode(encrypt(json_encode($param)))
The code above I'll have to convert to C#, so I can encrypt my JSON and offer it to the PHP web service.
There are two problems. The first was with the masterkey length, the second (might be related) is with the rawurlencode of the encrypted data (hard for me to test at this point).
var masterkey = "masterKeyOfLength29Characters";
var data = EncryptData(json, masterkey);
// Some code to URL Encode the data, I haven't gotten as far to test this
// since I can't encrypt with the key used in PHP, so I can't call the service
// to test the encoded string from my C# code.
data = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(data);
data = data.Replace("+", "%20");
public static string EncryptData(string json, string encryptionKey) {
Rijndael rj = Rijndael.Create();
rj.Mode = CipherMode.CBC;
rj.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7;
rj.BlockSize = 256;
rj.KeySize = 256;
rj.Key = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(encryptionKey); // ERROR here
var encryptedJSON = EncryptStringToBytes(json, rj.Key, rj.IV);
var r1 = Convert.ToBase64String(rj.IV);
var r2 = Convert.ToBase64String(encryptedJSON);
return r1 + r2;
The EncryptStringToBytes does some checks and uses this code (plucked from the many examples on the internet):
using (Rijndael rijAlg = Rijndael.Create()) {
// Basically I do the same here as above, and I could also generate
// the IV here, but then I'd had to return it too. I know I can clean this
// code up quite a bit, but I'd rather focus on getting it to work first ;)
rijAlg.Mode = CipherMode.CBC;
rijAlg.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7;
rijAlg.BlockSize = 256;
rijAlg.KeySize = 256;
rijAlg.Key = Key;
rijAlg.IV = IV;
ICryptoTransform encryptor = rijAlg.CreateEncryptor(rijAlg.Key, rijAlg.IV);
using (MemoryStream msEncrypt = new MemoryStream()) {
using (CryptoStream csEncrypt = new CryptoStream(msEncrypt, encryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Write)) {
using (StreamWriter swEncrypt = new StreamWriter(csEncrypt)) {
encrypted = msEncrypt.ToArray();
The error I'll get:
Specified key is not a valid size for this algorithm.
So, the problems in short:
1) How come the PHP code accepts the key of length 29 in the Rijndael 256 (CBC mode), and my C# doesn't? I've played around with the Mode, added the Padding later, set the KeySize (was 256 default already), and I just can't see what I'm doing wrong here.
2) When I use a key of length 32, this one is accepted and my code works. I can also decrypt it in C# (but can't test this in PHP). I would like to solve problem 1, and then continue on problem 2, but maybe someone can give me some understanding here. The encrypted string contains 1 '=' in the IV, and 2x '==' (at the end) in the encrypted json. I've read about padding and such, but I was wondering why no '=' signs are visible in the PHP examples I received. Again, maybe after fixing problem 1 this won't be an issue.
Many thanks for reading and I hope I'm not being too stupid here. After a day of trying yesterday I kind of get the feeling I've tried many different approaches and non seem to work.
Just thought I'd add a tiny bit to what #artjom-b has said.
Firstly, it does work :-)
But in addition you need to change your
rj.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7
to use
rj.Padding = PaddingMode.Zeros
Also, technically, your two functions aren't returning the same thing. The PHP returns base 64 of two concatenated bits of binary data whereas the C# returns a concatenation of separate b64 strings. The result will be different in the second half of the returned string.
EDIT: The rough and ready decryption routine:
public string DecryptRijndael(byte[] cipherText, string password, byte[] iv)
var key = new byte[32];
Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(password).CopyTo(key, 0);
var cipher = new RijndaelManaged();
cipher.Mode = CipherMode.CBC;
cipher.Padding = PaddingMode.None;
cipher.KeySize = 256;
cipher.BlockSize = 256;
cipher.Key = key;
cipher.IV = iv;
byte[] plain;
using (var decryptor = cipher.CreateDecryptor())
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
using (CryptoStream cs = new CryptoStream(ms, decryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Write))
cs.Write(cipherText, 0, cipherText.Length);
plain = ms.ToArray();
return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(plain);
NB: All the caveats and warnings from Artjom B still apply.
You're using an old version of PHP which happily accepts keys that have an invalid length. Rijndael supports key sizes of 16, 24 and 32 bytes and nothing inbetween. The mcrypt extension in PHP silently pads the key with 0x00 bytes up to the next valid key size which is 32 bytes. You will have to do the same thing in C#:
byte[] key = new byte[32];
byte[] password = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(encryptionKey);
Array.Copy(password, key, password.Length);
rj.Key = key;
Keep in mind that in order to provide some security a key must have high entropy. A password is not a key and therefore doesn't provide much entropy, because of the limited character set and possible use words. Always derive a key from the password with available derivation functions such as Argon2, scrypt, bcrypt or PBKDF2 with a high cost factor/iteration count and a random salt.
You should also add authentication to your ciphertexts. Otherwise, an attacker might change the ciphertext without you knowing it. This either done by using an authenticated mode like GCM/EAX or running HMAC over the ciphertext to produce the authentication tag.

Is this wrapper around AesManaged ok?

I need to encrypt/decrypt some strings. I've build my wrapper class according to the msdn documentation but with some changes.
Since I want to encrypt/decrypt data with a given string/passphrase, I don't use AesManaged for creating a key. (The user should be able to encrypt/decrypt with a key he enters, and therefore I cannot use the key from AesManaged and I cannot save the key).
I instead create the key by using Rfc2898DeriveBytes (PBKDF2) with a given salt. The given salt is used since I do not store the key and I think because of this, the salt must be always the same.
I then create an IV, encrypt the given string and concatenate the IV and the encrypted string. This will then eventually got saved in a file. This means the IV gets save together with the encrypted data.
Is it ok to store the IV together with the encrypted data?
Is there another way to create the key without using the same salt everytime(Based on a given passphrase)?
Is this encryption done using AES128 or AES256?
Will the IV be always 16 bytes, or can this change?
static void Main(string[] args)
const string stringToEncrypt = "String to be encrypted/decrypted. Encryption is done via AesManaged";
const string password = "m1Sup3rS3cre!Password";
string encrypted = EncryptString(stringToEncrypt, password);
string roundtrip = DecryptStringFromBytes_Aes(encrypted, password);
Console.WriteLine("Original: {0}", stringToEncrypt);
Console.WriteLine("Round Trip: {0}", roundtrip);
static string EncryptString(string plainText, string password)
string encryptedString;
using (AesManaged aesAlg = new AesManaged())
aesAlg.Key = PasswordAsByte(password);
ICryptoTransform encryptor = aesAlg.CreateEncryptor(aesAlg.Key, aesAlg.IV);
using (MemoryStream msEncrypt = new MemoryStream())
using (CryptoStream csEncrypt = new CryptoStream(msEncrypt, encryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Write))
using (StreamWriter swEncrypt = new StreamWriter(csEncrypt))
var encrypted = msEncrypt.ToArray();
encryptedString = Encoding.Default.GetString(aesAlg.IV);
encryptedString += Encoding.Default.GetString(encrypted);
return encryptedString;
static string DecryptStringFromBytes_Aes(string cipherText, string password)
using (AesManaged aesAlg = new AesManaged())
aesAlg.Key = PasswordAsByte(password);
aesAlg.IV = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(cipherText).Take(16).ToArray();
ICryptoTransform decryptor = aesAlg.CreateDecryptor(aesAlg.Key, aesAlg.IV);
var encryptedByteArray = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(cipherText).Skip(16).ToArray();
using (MemoryStream msDecrypt = new MemoryStream(encryptedByteArray))
using (CryptoStream csDecrypt = new CryptoStream(msDecrypt, decryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Read))
using (StreamReader srDecrypt = new StreamReader(csDecrypt))
return srDecrypt.ReadToEnd();
private static byte[] PasswordAsByte(string password)
byte[] salt = Encoding.Default.GetBytes("foobar42");
Rfc2898DeriveBytes passwordBytes = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(password, salt);
return passwordBytes.GetBytes(32);
No, this is not okay.
1) You're using Encoding.Default in various places. Don't do that - it means you're at the whim of the platform you're on. Always use an explicit encoding, ideally UTF-8 in most cases.
2) You're using Encoding.GetString / Encoding.GetBytes to convert arbitrary binary data to a string and back. That's almost bound to lose data. (It happened to succeed on my machine, but it really depends on the encoding - and it's fundamentally a bad idea.) Encoding is designed for data which is inherently text data, and you're just applying an encoding one way or the other. Your encrypted data is inherently binary data. Use Convert.ToBase64String and Convert.FromBase64String instead.
For your other questions:
Yes, it's okay to store the IV with the encrypted data, as far as I know.
You could use the same approach for the password: generate a different salt each time, and store that with the encrypted text. Not sure whether that's generally recommended or not, I'm afraid.
I believe you're controlling whether the key size is 128 or 256 bits, with your call to passwordBytes.GetBytes(32) - that's a 256-bit key, so it's AES256.
I believe the IV size for AES is always 16 bytes (128 bits)
Normally salt is used together with cryptographic hashing of say passwords to protect against dictionary attacks. To get the same kind of protection for symmetric encryption with AES you should use a random initialization vector. So when you encrypt create a random IV and prepend it to the message (in cleartext). When you decrypt get the IV from the encrypted message and use it to decrypt the message. Then the ciphertext of the same message encrypted with the same key will be different.
So, yes, it is OK to store the IV together with the encrypted data.
You do not need a different salt every time because the purpose of the random IV is similar in how salt makes dictionary attacks on hashes harder.
AES can use key sizes of 128, 192 or 256 bits so to use AES 256 you need a 256 bit key (32 bytes) which is what you use.
AES uses a 128 bit block which requires a 128 bit IV (or 16 bytes).
Is it ok to store the IV together with the encrypted data?
Yes, it is ok. Moreover, you're using AesManaged without explicit setting of Mode - it this case mode is CBC, and in CBC mode IV should preceed cyphertext.
Is there another way to create the key without using the same salt everytime(Based on a given passphrase)?
Rfc2898DeriveBytes is pretty standard way to derive key from text password. There is no need to reinvent way of deriving key from password, just use Rfc2898DeriveBytes as you're doing it now.
Is this encryption done using AES128 or AES256?
It is AES256 since you're using 32-byte password.
Will the IV be always 16byte, or can this change?
The size of the IV property must be the same as the BlockSize property divided by 8. So it is 16 for 128-bit blocks.

C# AES 256-Bit Decrypt given Encrypted Text and Secret

Somebody asked me how I would decrypt a given AES 256-bit encrypted string if I knew the secret key. I'm not very familiar with encryption, so I sat down to look into the problem.
I found this example on MSDN, and tried to modify it to do only the Decrypt:
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
internal class AesExample
public static void Main()
var encryptedString = "U2FsdGVkX1/cHT8XuHCfpw0AV4jpaO8JfLqUeCRJqjY=";
var secret = "SPARKY";
// I know this is not the correct way to get my input byte arrays...
// Just illustrating that I DO need byte arrays.
var encryptedBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(encryptedString);
var secretBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(secret);
using (var aes = new AesManaged())
aes.Key = secretBytes;
// Decrypt the bytes to a string.
var decryptedString = Decrypt(encryptedBytes, aes.Key, aes.IV);
//Display the original data and the decrypted data.
Console.WriteLine("Encrypted: {0}", encryptedString);
Console.WriteLine("Decrypted: {0}", decryptedString);
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", e.Message);
private static string Decrypt(byte[] cipherText, byte[] key, byte[] iv)
// Declare the string used to hold
// the decrypted text.
string plaintext;
// Create an AesManaged object
// with the specified key and IV.
using (var aes = new AesManaged())
aes.Key = key;
aes.IV = iv;
// Create a decrytor to perform the stream transform.
var decryptor = aes.CreateDecryptor(aes.Key, aes.IV);
// Create the streams used for decryption.
using (var msDecrypt = new MemoryStream(cipherText))
using (var csDecrypt = new CryptoStream(msDecrypt, decryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Read))
using (var srDecrypt = new StreamReader(csDecrypt))
// Read the decrypted bytes from the decrypting stream
// and place them in a string.
plaintext = srDecrypt.ReadToEnd();
return plaintext;
Of course as soon as I hit the following line, a CryptographicExcetion is thrown with the message "Specified key is not a valid size for this algorithm."
==> aes.Key = secretBytes
Someone suggested taking a SHA1 hash of the secret and trimming that to 20 byes. I tried that, and I started getting a new CryptographicException with the message "Length of the data to decrypt is invalid."
So, I have a few questions:
1) Is this even possible given only the encrypted text and secret key?
2) If so, are them some base assumptions one would need to make, like the CipherMode? I was reading that the ECB mode doesn't have a initialization vector. That's why I ask.
3) What would I need to do to put the inputs (encrypted text and secret key) into the correct Byte[] format for the decryption to work?
You probably need more information to make this work. To answer your specific questions:
Yes, except that you don't have the secret key. "SPARKY" is not a valid AES key, as DavidH mentions, though passwords are routinely used to derive secret keys through what are called key derivation functions. You could try running your password through Rfc2898DeriveBytes (a popular KDF in .NET) to derive different AES keys that might work, but it too takes parameters that you apparently don't have. You could also try various SHA hash digests of your password, though again 20 bytes is not a valid AES key - you need a 16, 24 or 32 byte key.
If you don't have an IV, then yes, you'll have to assume the encryption uses ECB. (But note that in general you should never use ECB mode.)
Your encrypted string appears to be encoded using base64. Converting it to a byte array is simple enough in .NET using Convert.FromBase64String(encryptedString);.
This sounds like a fun exercise, but you're probably just going to end up frustrated without a bit more information.
AES key lengths are 128, 192, and 256 bit depending on the cipher you want to use. You must ensure that your string is the appropriate length of bytes.

How to make this: J2ME encrypt C# decrypt And J2ME decrypt C# encrypt?

string keystr = "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef";
string plainText = "";
RijndaelManaged crypto = new RijndaelManaged();
crypto.KeySize = 128;
crypto.Mode = CipherMode.CBC;
crypto.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7;
crypto.Key = keystr.ToCharArray().Select(c=>(byte)c).ToArray();
// get the IV and key for writing to a file
byte[] iv = crypto.IV;
byte[] key = crypto.Key;
// turn the message into bytes
// use UTF8 encoding to ensure that Java can read in the file properly
byte[] plainBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(plainText.ToCharArray());
// Encrypt the Text Message using AES (Rijndael) (Symmetric algorithm)
ICryptoTransform sse = crypto.CreateEncryptor();
MemoryStream encryptedFs = new MemoryStream();
CryptoStream cs = new CryptoStream(encryptedFs, sse, CryptoStreamMode.Write);
cs.Write(plainBytes, 0, plainBytes.Length);
encryptedFs.Position = 0;
string result = string.Empty;
for (int i = 0; i < encryptedFs.Length; i++)
int read = encryptedFs.ReadByte();
result += read.ToString("x2");
catch (Exception e)
private String key = "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef";
private String plainText = "";
cipherText = performEncrypt(Hex.decode(key.getBytes()), plainText);
private byte[] performEncrypt(byte[] key, String plainText)
byte[] ptBytes = plainText.getBytes();
final RijndaelEngine rijndaelEngine = new RijndaelEngine();
cipher = new PaddedBufferedBlockCipher(new CBCBlockCipher(rijndaelEngine));
String name = cipher.getUnderlyingCipher().getAlgorithmName();
message("Using " + name);
byte[]iv = new byte[16];
final KeyParameter keyParameter = new KeyParameter(key);
cipher.init(true, keyParameter);
byte[] rv = new byte[cipher.getOutputSize(ptBytes.length)];
int oLen = cipher.processBytes(ptBytes, 0, ptBytes.length, rv, 0);
cipher.doFinal(rv, oLen);
catch (CryptoException ce)
message("Ooops, encrypt exception");
return rv;
C# produces: ff53bc51c0caf5de53ba850f7ba08b58345a89a51356d0e030ce1367606c5f08
java produces: 375c52fd202696dba679e57f612ee95e707ccb05aff368b62b2802d5fb685403
Can somebody help me to fix my code?
In the Java code, you do not use the IV.
I am not savvy enough in C# to help you directly, but I can give some information.
Rijndael, aka "the AES", encrypts blocks of 16 bytes. To encrypt a long message (e.g. your test message, when encoding, is 20 bytes long), Rijndael must be invoked several times, with some way to chain the invocations together (also, there is some "padding" to make sure that the input length is a multiple of 16). The CBC mode performs such chaining.
In CBC, each block of data is combined (bitwise XOR) with the previous encrypted block prior to being itself encrypted. Since the first block of data has no previous block, we add a new conventional "zero-th block" called the IV. The IV should be chosen as 16 random bytes. The decrypting party will need the IV. The IV needs not be secret (that's the difference between the IV and the key) so it is often transmitted along the message.
In your Java code, you do not specify the IV, you just create a variable called iv and do not use it. So the Rijndael implementation is on its own for that. Chances are that it generated a random IV. Similarly, you do not give an IV to the Rijndael implementation in the C# code. So it is quite plausible that there again a random IV was selected. But not the same than the one in the Java code, hence the distinct results.
(Note: you 20-byte input string is padded to 32 bytes. You give two "results" in hexadecimal, of length 32 bytes each. This is coherent but means that those results do not include the IV -- otherwise they would be 48-byte long.)
I think the algorithm is built in slighty different way and/or the salt key is interpered in different way.

