So i am trying to store my main form and open a new one however i get this error, here is the code:
I have this at form level
public static frmAddBook frmkeepBooks = null;
public frmMain()
frmkeepBooks = this;
The error underlines "this" saying it "Cannot inplicitly convert type Books.frmMain to Books.frmAddBook"
Change the first line into:
public static frmMain frmkeepBooks = null;
The types should be equal (or in herited) and probably it is not.
Are you trying to just show the new form on top of the old as a dialog keeping the old form up? I don't quite understand why you are trying to set your instance of frmMain to equal a null instance of frmAddBook.
if you are trying to open new form as a dialog you would do something like this:
public static frmAddBook frmkeepBooks;
public frmMain()
frmKeepBooks = new frmAddBook();
/* if you want to display the 2nd form ontop of the first disallowing
user interaction on the first until the 2nd form closes */
// If you want to allow interaction on either form
/* maybe you don't want to display the first form
anymore after the 2nd form is displayed */
this.Visible = false;
I think this question needs some clarification on what you are trying to do exactly.
I am having multiple forms with Buy button provided. The forms i am having are LawnA.cs and Lawnb.cs, i want to use single Buy.cs form for both of these forms. I mean I want to know what form called the Buy.cs.
In Form LawnA.cs
buy.lotAtobuy = this;
In Form LawnB.cs
buy.lotBtobuy = this;
In Form Buy.cs
public LawnA lotAtobuy;
public LawnB lotBtobuy;
In class Buy.cs, I want to execute:
if LawnA.cs called Buy.cs while if LawnB.cs called Buy.cs I want to execute this code:
You need to to define separate object for each class instead for that define the variable as object, and check the type of object before assigning the text. Which means the declaration of that variable in Buy.cs will be:
public object lotToBuyInstance;
So that you can get the type of object and compare before use, that would be like thi:
if (lotToBuyInstance.GetType() == typeof(LawnA))
else if (lotToBuyInstance.GetType() == typeof(LawnB))
// and so on
Consider that you wanted to create another class(let it be some LawnC) then you need not to create an object of that type and make changes as per that, Just add another condition in your if else if ladder to make them work
Try this in the constructor for the receiving form:
using System.Diagnostics;
public FormThatWasCalled
string caller = new StackTrace().GetFrame(1).GetMethod().DeclaringType.Name;
I'm sure, this is a total newbie question, but I'm hanging for hours now...
My main form should have a method that opens a second form with a textbox. Just to have a kind of messagebox with scrollbar. I know there are lots of examples out there, but they are all too extensive for my needs. So here is my code so far:
private void ShowBox (string info)
if (info != "")
using (var form = new Message())
// work to do
public partial class Message : Form
public Message()
say.Text = "OK";
Message is my 2nd form. I receive CS1674 (type used in a using statement must be implicitly convertible to 'System.IDisposable') error on the using line.
I already took this as reference Opening and closing form2 from form1 C# but I don't see the difference to my code.
What am I doing wrong?
Message probably resolves as System.Windows.Forms.Message which is a structure.
Ctrl+Click on your usage of new Message() will jump to the declaration.
In namespace System.Windows.Forms there is already a struct named Message. Seems like the compiler confounds your class with that. You should rename your form to something like MessageForm.
Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 6 years ago.
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i'm making a little application and i don't know how to open new window of app with parameters of clicked button.
For example: If i click to hydrogen, i want to open form called prvek, which will display informations about it.
Sorry for my bad English. Here's screenshot of main window:
Main window
Opening a form in Windows Forms simply involves creating an instance of that form and calling .Show() on that instance. For example:
var someForm = new SomeForm();
If you want to pass values to that form, you can set them as constructor arguments. For example, in SomeForm:
public SomeForm(int someValue)
// do something with someValue
Then when you create it:
var someForm = new SomeForm(aValue);
Or if the values aren't necessarily required, but you happen to have them available at this time, maybe set them as properties. In SomeForm:
public int SomeValue { get; set; }
Then when you create it:
var someForm = new SomeForm();
someForm.SomeValue = aValue;
var someForm = new SomeForm { SomeValue = aValue };
Where you get your values, of course, is up to you. I'm not sure what you mean by "parameters of the clicked button". But in the click event there should be an object sender which is a reference to the UI element that triggered the event.
So, for example, if you want a property from the Button that was clicked, you can cast sender to Button and read its information. Something like this:
var buttonText = ((Button)sender).Text;
You should be able to give your second form, prvek, a property that you can set from your first. For example:
public string Element { get; private set; };
Then, in your button_onClick method you should be able to do the following:
ElementForm myForm = new ElementForm(); //Whatever the class name is of your second form
myForm.Element = ((Button)this).Name; //Get the name of the button
In your second form's constructor or initializer method, you'll want to set the title of the form:
public ElementForm()
this.Text = Element;
In my project on the WindowsForms, if I have a static instance inside the form, when I'm opening my form at the first time, it works. But if I'll close it and open again, the form will be empty. Why can it be?
public partial class Computer : Form
static Indicators indicators = new Code.Indicators();
P.S. I'm making it static, because I want to save it's value after the form will be closed.
Edit 1: Opening the form
private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Computer computer = new Computer();
Edit 2: Computer Form
namespace WF
public partial class Computer : Form
static Code.Indicators indicators = new Code.Indicators();
public Computer()
if (indicators.isComputerAlreadyRunning == false)
pictureBox1.Image = Properties.Resources.Computer1;
indicators.isComputerAlreadyRunning = true;
// My not successful try to save the value of the variable
public Code.Indicators ShowForm()
return new Code.Indicators(indicators.isComputerAlreadyRunning);
I don't think that static members work well with the Windows Form lifecycle.
I suggest you make Indicators a normal instance member of your form. To preserve state beyond the life of a form you can copy your state from the form and copy it back to the form when you open it.
// Keep this in the proper place
var indicators = new Code.Indicators();
// Copy back and forth for the life time of the form
using (var form = new Computer())
form.Close += (s, e) =>
According to the constructor in the Computer class, the indicators.isComputerAlreadyRunning is set to true the first time the form is created.
So when Computer is created the second time, the if condition will fail and the whole if block will be skipped. That means your InitializeComponent(); won't get run and hence nothing in the form will shows up.
Put the InitializeComponent(); outside the if clause to make it work.
I'm working on a term paper that performs operations with complex numbers. Application looks like this:
If you click on "Calculate", will calculate the operands and the result is displayed in a new dialog box. So I have two dialogs - a main window (up on pic) to display the read result (down on pic). Unfortunately I was not able to save result in the main dialog box, which is then written to a text file. There is important piece of code:
Thank you for ideas.
In your MainForm class declare a property as
public class MainForm:Form
public string CalculationResult { get; set; }
//Your code here
then on method of calculate change it to
CalculationResult = resultBool.ToString());
formResult dlg=new formResult(CalculationResult);
//your code
and change the following line
sw.WriteLine("Result: ");
sw.WriteLine("Result: " + CalculationResult);
in saveData method which is in MainForm class. Hope this will work for you. Happy coding
You have to use a reference on the target form to write on it.
You have to assure that you use the correct targetForm reference. You could either create a new targetForm or use an existing one. You could for example use the "parent" form of your dialog box and set the text of the main form textbox, from a dialog box event (using this as MSDN reference):
Dim targetForm As Form = Me.parentForm
targetForm.targetTextBox.Text = "text"
Hope I helped!
In formResult create a variable which keep a reference of Main form
private MyMainForm _mainForm;
Then create one more constructor which take reference of your Main form as parameter:
public formResult(MyMainForm mainform)
this._mainForm = mainform;
//Now you have access to public property ResultOut
this.textBoxResult.Text = this._mainForm.ResultOut;
After this you can use all public properties and method of your main form in second form(formResult)