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Closed 6 years ago.
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How Do I convert this line of code to c# properly as the SelectedRows and DataBoundItem cannot be used like a method.
Dim RecordValue As Int32 = grdList.SelectedRows(0).DataBoundItem.Item(_ValueMember)
The DataBoundItem is typed as Object, you cannot apply an indexing to this property. Instead if you have binded a DataTable/DataView then you can cast the DataBoundItem to the appropriate object and then, if that class offers indexing you can use indexing
DataRowView rowView = grdList.SelectedRows[0].DataBoundItem as DataRowView;
int recordValue = Convert.ToInt32(rowView[_ValueMember]);
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Closed 2 years ago.
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Other than creating a function that puts elements one by one, is there a method that converts Point2f[] to Point[] datatype?
You can use Opencv convertTo method.
cv::Mat A = loadMat("mymat.xml"); // See function loadMat in the question!
A.convertTo(A, CV_64F);
Picked from here. Pick your appropriate data type.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am writing a program where you insert some numbers in a listbox and then a button click should get the values from the listbox and check whether they are positive or negative and display each other's count in a textbox.
I tried getting the value by: string x = listBox1.Items[index].Value; but it doesn't seem to work.
If you add the items to the list box as such:
Then you can retrieve the item from given index as follows:
string x = listBox1.Items[index];
The indexer is returning the value, which in that case is a string. Probably you might need to cast it to string, because the indexer actually returns object - see here: ListBox.ObjectCollection.Item Property :
string x = (string)listBox1.Items[index];
You can also try
string s = (string)listbox1.Items.GetItemAt(index);
You have to cast it to string because it's returning an object
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Closed 7 years ago.
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How do I get a count of all items in a Mongo collection, using the 2.x C# driver?
I'm trying to use CountAsync, which I need to pass in a filter. I don't want to filter - I want everything returned.
You can always pass the empty document in the method like this
db.collection.CountDocumentsAsync(new BsonDocument());
In C# you can use Count() on the cursor of your collection.
Try as below:
var mongo = new Mongo();
var db = mongo.GetDatabase("DatabaseName");
var collection = db.GetCollection<Product>();
var totalCount= collection.Count();
you can check in the following URL
this url
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I can not make this work. What should i do to make it work ? Thank you
public static List<int> lstAllMonsterIds = new List<int>();
using (DataTable dtTemp = DbConnection.db_Select_DataTable("select MyId,Name from myTable"))
lstAllMonsterIds = dtTemp.AsEnumerable().ToList(dtr => Convert.ToInt32(dtr.Field<Int16>("PokemonId").ToString()));
You need List<int> back, then select the field using int, and don't call ToString on it, and in the end call ToList
lstAllMonsterIds = dtTemp.AsEnumerable()
.Select(dtr => dtr.Field<int>("MyId"))
If your field is of type Int16, then it can be implicitly casted to int or Int32, you don't have to call ToString on it and then Convert it to Int32
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Closed 8 years ago.
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It is short-hand for:
List<Whatever> list = FunctionThatReturnsAList(cmd);
Whatever whatever = list[0];
The return type of FunctionThatReturnsAList is an object, like a List or an array that can be accessed via an indexer. The code is calling the function, which is then returning the List or array and then using the indexer to reference the first element in the collection.
An example would be:
var cmd = "123";
var returnedObj = FunctionThatReturnsAList(cmd)[0];
private List<string> FunctionThatReturnsAList(cmd)
return new List<string> {cmd};
The function returns a list, and you just access element 0 in the returned list.
Seems like cmd is an SQL command which returns may be array of some kind like DataTable[] and this function gets only first element(DataTable) from the array.
This statement can be used for all methods whose return type has a numeric indexer (e.g. lists or arrays).