what should i do with this task, Im so stuck with this.
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){
string FileExtension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName);
if (FileExtension == ".csv" || FileExtension == ".xls" || FileExtension == ".xlsx")
string filename = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/UploadExcels"), new Guid() + ".xlsx");
string excelConnectionString = string.Empty;
excelConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" +
filename + ";Extended Properties=\"Excel 12.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=2\"";
if (FileExtension == ".xls")
excelConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" +
filename + ";Extended Properties=\"Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=2\"";
else if (FileExtension == ".xlsx")
excelConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" +
filename + ";Extended Properties=\"Excel 12.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=2\"";
string[] Lines = File.ReadAllLines(filename);
string[] Fields;
Lines = Lines.Skip(1).ToArray();
Dictionary<string, Int32> emlist = new Dictionary<string, int>();
List<TaskExport> emList = new List<TaskExport>();
foreach (var line in Lines)
Fields = line.Split(new char[] { ';' });
new TaskExport
Plant = Fields[0],
Prod__Number = Fields[1],
Order_Number = Fields[2],
Vehicle_Number = Fields[3],
Delivery_Number = Fields[4],
Vehicle_Type = Fields[5],
Engine_Type = Fields[6],
Plant_Dispatch_Date = Fields[7],
Interior = Fields[8],
Paint = Fields[9],
Model = Fields[10],
Country_Name = Fields[11],
Engine_Number = Fields[12],
Sample_Digit = Fields[13],
Number_Of_Code = Fields[14],
Codes = Fields[15],
Number_Of_FZEG = Fields[215],
Country_Code = Fields[216]
using (ExportExcelEntities table = new ExportExcelEntities())
foreach (var db in emList)
var dt = table.TaskExports.Where(s => s.ID.Equals(db.ID)).FirstOrDefault();
if (dt != null)
dt.Plant = db.Plant;
dt.Prod__Number = db.Prod__Number;
dt.Order_Number = db.Prod__Number;
dt.Vehicle_Number = db.Vehicle_Number;
dt.Delivery_Number = db.Delivery_Number;
dt.Vehicle_Type = db.Vehicle_Type;
dt.Engine_Type = db.Engine_Type;
dt.Plant_Dispatch_Date = db.Plant_Dispatch_Date;
dt.Interior = db.Interior;
dt.Paint = db.Paint;
dt.Model = db.Model;
dt.Country_Name = db.Country_Name;
dt.Engine_Number = db.Engine_Number;
dt.Sample_Digit = db.Sample_Digit;
dt.Number_Of_Code = db.Number_Of_Code;
dt.Codes = db.Codes;
dt.Number_Of_FZEG = db.Number_Of_FZEG;
dt.Country_Code = db.Country_Code;
Label1.Text = "Data has been Exported";
catch (Exception ex)
Label1.Text = "cant save this data" + ex;
All i must to do is inserting loop to iterate this "codes = fields[15]"
List<TaskExport> emList = new List<TaskExport>();
foreach (var line in Lines)
Fields = line.Split(new char[] { ';' });
new TaskExport
Plant = Fields[0],
Prod__Number = Fields[1],
Order_Number = Fields[2],
Vehicle_Number = Fields[3],
Delivery_Number = Fields[4],
Vehicle_Type = Fields[5],
Engine_Type = Fields[6],
Plant_Dispatch_Date = Fields[7],
Interior = Fields[8],
Paint = Fields[9],
Model = Fields[10],
Country_Name = Fields[11],
Engine_Number = Fields[12],
Sample_Digit = Fields[13],
Number_Of_Code = Fields[14],
Codes = Fields[15],
Number_Of_FZEG = Fields[215],
Country_Code = Fields[216]
I have to loop that "codes" field until the fields[15] reach to fields[214]..
somebody please help me with this problem -_-???
First you need to get all attributes of class in order they are declared.
I hope this answer will help you to do so.
Then loop over your property list (assume it's in props variable) and set values.
List<TaskExport> emList = new List<TaskExport>();
foreach (var line in Lines)
Fields = line.Split(new char[] { ';' });
TaskExport taskExport = new TaskExport();
for(int i = 0; i < props.Length; i++)
prop[i].SetValue(taskExport, Convert.ChangeType(Fields[i], propertyInfo.PropertyType), null);
I would like to read from a text file in the Internet the certain assignment to a word.
In the output "content" I get the complete content of the text file.
But I only want v7.7.3 from the line: version = "v7.7.3".
How can I filter by version with the streamreader?
That is the LastVersion.txt file:
version = "v7.7.3"
messagenew = "Works with June 2018 Update!\n Plus new Smart Farm strategy\n New Siege Machines\n For more information, go to \n https://mybot.run \n Always free and open source."
messageold = "A new version of MyBot (v7.7.3) is available!\nPlease download the latest from:\nhttps://mybot.run"
Updated: That's my current code.
public string myBotNewVersionURL = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MyBotRun/MyBot/master/LastVersion.txt";
public string myBotDownloadURL = null;
public string userDownloadFolder = #"C:\Users\XXX\Download\";
public string newMyBotVersion = null;
public string currentMyBotVersion = null;
public string currentMyBotFileName = null;
public string currentMyBotPath = null;
public void Btn_checkUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
OpenFileDialog openCurrentMyBot = new OpenFileDialog();
openCurrentMyBot.Title = "Choose MyBot.run.exe";
openCurrentMyBot.Filter = "Application file|*.exe";
openCurrentMyBot.InitialDirectory = userDownloadFolder;
if (openCurrentMyBot.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
MyBot_set.SetValue("mybot_path", Path.GetDirectoryName(openCurrentMyBot.FileName));
MyBot_set.SetValue("mybot_exe", Path.GetFullPath(openCurrentMyBot.FileName));
string latestMyBotPath = Path.GetFullPath(openCurrentMyBot.FileName);
var latestMyBotVersionInfo = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(latestMyBotPath);
currentMyBotVersion = "v" + latestMyBotVersionInfo.FileVersion;
MyBot_set.SetValue("mybot_version", currentMyBotVersion);
WebClient myBotNewVersionClient = new WebClient();
Stream stream = myBotNewVersionClient.OpenRead(myBotNewVersionURL);
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream);
String content = reader.ReadToEnd();
var sb = new StringBuilder(content.Length);
foreach (char i in content)
if (i == '\n')
else if (i != '\r' && i != '\t')
content = sb.ToString();
var vals = content.Split(
new[] { Environment.NewLine },
.SkipWhile(line => !line.StartsWith("[general]"))
.Select(line => new
Key = line.Substring(0, line.IndexOf('=')),
Value = line.Substring(line.IndexOf('=') + 1).Replace("\"", "").Replace(" ", "")
newMyBotVersion = vals.FirstOrDefault().Value;
Read From local
var vals = File.ReadLines("..\\..\\test.ini")
.SkipWhile(line => !line.StartsWith("[general]"))
.Select(line => new
Key = line.Substring(0, line.IndexOf('=')),
Value = line.Substring(line.IndexOf('=') + 1)
Console.WriteLine("Key : " + vals.FirstOrDefault().Key +
" Value : " + vals.FirstOrDefault().Value);
for read from Git , File.ReadLines not work with URL.
string myBotNewVersionURL = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MyBotRun/MyBot/master/LastVersion.txt";
WebClient myBotNewVersionClient = new WebClient();
Stream stream = myBotNewVersionClient.OpenRead(myBotNewVersionURL);
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream);
String content = reader.ReadToEnd();
var sb = new StringBuilder(content.Length);
foreach (char i in content)
if (i == '\n')
else if (i != '\r' && i != '\t')
content = sb.ToString();
var vals = content.Split(
new[] { Environment.NewLine },
.SkipWhile(line => !line.StartsWith("[general]"))
.Select(line => new
Key = line.Substring(0, line.IndexOf('=')),
Value = line.Substring(line.IndexOf('=') + 1)
Console.WriteLine("Key : " + vals.FirstOrDefault().Key + " Value : " + vals.FirstOrDefault().Value);
I have a windows service,the codes in that body are in a elapsed timer method. I call some web services in a loop,that those web services run in a thread.
I checked the services on servers, they dont start.
And when I take out the codes from thread body,those worked.
This is my windows service code that calls webservices from servers.
private void CallServiceForTrancoding(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e)
DataSet.TranscodingVideosDataTable oTranscodingVideosDataTable = new DataSet.TranscodingVideosDataTable();
DataSetTableAdapters.TranscodingVideoTableAdapter oTranscodingVideoTableAdapter = new DataSetTableAdapters.TranscodingVideoTableAdapter();
DataSet.ServersDataTable oServersDataTable = new DataSet.ServersDataTable();
DataSetTableAdapters.ServersTableAdapter oServersTableAdapter = new DataSetTableAdapters.ServersTableAdapter();
for (int i = 0; i < oTranscodingVideosDataTable.Count; i++)
if (oTranscodingVideosDataTable[i].IsQualityNull() == false)
var Qualities = oTranscodingVideosDataTable[i].Quality.Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
string path = oTranscodingVideosDataTable[i].Path + oTranscodingVideosDataTable[i].ObjectUniqueName;
string[] Url = new string[Qualities.Length];
for (int j = 0; j < Qualities.Length; j++)
if (j == 0)
Url[j] = path;
Url[j] = path.Replace(path.Split('/').Last(), "") + path.Split('/').Last().Split('.')[0] + "-" + Qualities[j] + "." + path.Split('/').Last().Split('.')[1];
string parameters = "Token=" + "#HelloWorld" +
"&Url=" + new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(Url) +
"&FileUniqueName=" + oTranscodingVideosDataTable[i].ObjectUniqueName +
"&ip=" + oTranscodingVideosDataTable[i].IPValid +
"&GregoreanDate=" + oTranscodingVideosDataTable[i].Gorean_Date.ToString();
DataSet.VideoDataTable oVideoDataTable = new DataSet.VideoDataTable();
DataSetTableAdapters.VideoTableAdapter oVideoTableAdapter = new DataSetTableAdapters.VideoTableAdapter();
string WebServiceOfServer = oServersDataTable[i].WebService;
WebServiceOfServer = WebServiceOfServer.Replace(WebServiceOfServer.Split('/').Last(), "RS");
JavaScriptSerializer objSerializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
//Task a = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
Task ResponseResult = GetPostMethods.POST(WebServiceOfServer, parameters);
string JSONResult = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(ResponseResult);
var ResponseString = objSerializer.Deserialize<dynamic>(JSONResult);
var UserToken = ResponseString["Result"]["UserToken"];
var Successfully = ResponseString["Result"]["Successfully"];
Here is my web method :
public void RS(string Token, string Url, string FileUniqueName, string ip,string GregoreanDate)
new Thread(() =>
if (Token != "HelloWorld")
var VideoUrl = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize<string[]>(Url);
string[] FileName = new string[VideoUrl.Length];
string[] FilePath = new string[VideoUrl.Length];
t.VideoUniqueName = FileUniqueName.Split('.')[0];
t.mediaOutPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("/video/") + DateTime.Parse(GregoreanDate).Year + "\\" + DateTime.Parse(GregoreanDate).Month + "\\" + FileUniqueName.Split('.')[0] + "\\";
t.mediaOutFolderPath = "/video/" + DateTime.Parse(GregoreanDate).Year + "/" + DateTime.Parse(GregoreanDate).Month + "/";
if (!Directory.Exists(t.mediaOutPath))
Directory.CreateDirectory(t.mediaOutPath + "m3u8\\");
t.CreateFTPPathForVideoScheduler(t.VideoTypeFormKey, t.mediaOutPath);
string Paths = "";
for (int i = 0; i < VideoUrl.Length; i++)
FileName[i] = VideoUrl[i].Split('/').Last();
if (FileName[i] != FileUniqueName)
FilePath[i] = t.mediaOutPath + FileName[i];
FilePath[i] = t.ffmpegFolderPath + FileName[i];
using (WebClient client = new WebClientWithAwesomeTimeouts { Timeout = new TimeSpan(10, 0, 0, 0) })
client.DownloadFile(VideoUrl[i], FilePath[i]);
catch (Exception ex)
StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(t.LogPath, true);
sw.WriteLine(ex.Message + "----" + ex.StackTrace != null ? ex.StackTrace : "" + "----" + DateTime.Now);
DirectoryInfo FilesDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(t.ffmpegFolderPath);
FileInfo[] fInfo = FilesDirectory.GetFiles("*" + FileUniqueName.Split('.')[0] + "*.*");
fInfo[0].CopyTo(t.mediaOutPath + FileUniqueName, true);
t.SendFileWithFTPScheduler(t.VideoTypeFormKey, t.mediaOutPath + FileUniqueName);
FilesDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(t.mediaOutPath);
fInfo = FilesDirectory.GetFiles("*" + FileUniqueName.Split('.')[0] + "*.*");
foreach (FileInfo file in fInfo)
t.SendFileWithFTPScheduler(t.VideoTypeFormKey, file.FullName);
string UniqueFilePath = FilePath[0].Replace(FilePath[0].Split('/').Last(), FileUniqueName);
JavaScriptSerializer objSerializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
var VideoDimensions = objSerializer.Deserialize<Dictionary<string, string>>(t.getVideoHeightAndWidth(t.ffmpegFolderPath + UniqueFilePath));
string Width = VideoDimensions["Width"];
string Height = VideoDimensions["Height"];
Transcoding.VideoResolutions vr = new Transcoding.VideoResolutions();
var VideoResolutionsInfo = objSerializer.Deserialize<Dictionary<object, object>>(t.getVideoResolution(Height));
vr.OrginalResolution = VideoResolutionsInfo["OrginalResolution"].ToString();
vr.ResCount = Convert.ToInt32(VideoResolutionsInfo["ResCount"]);
vr.OrginalResIndex = Convert.ToInt32(VideoResolutionsInfo["OrginalResIndex"]);
vr.UpperResolutionHeight = VideoResolutionsInfo["UpperResolutionHeight"].ToString();
t.MakeM3U8FormatScheduler(FileUniqueName, vr.OrginalResolution, vr.ResCount, vr.OrginalResIndex, false, "", Height);
t.ProcessFilesScheduler(t.mediaOutPath + "m3u8\\", t.VideoTypeFormKey);
DataSet.VideoDataTable oVideoDataTable = new DataSet.VideoDataTable();
DataSetTableAdapters.VideoTableAdapter oVideoTableAdapter = new DataSetTableAdapters.VideoTableAdapter();
oVideoTableAdapter.UpdateVideoForAcceptation(1, true, "mp4,m3u8", "http://" + t.mediaOutFolderPath + t.VideoUniqueName + "/", FileUniqueName);
oVideoTableAdapter.UpdateStatus("resfinish", FileUniqueName);
foreach (string path in VideoUrl)
if (path.ToLower().Contains("mp4videos"))
t.FTPDelete(new Uri(path.Replace(new Uri(path).Host, ip).Replace("http", "ftp")));
System.IO.File.Delete(t.ffmpegFolderPath + UniqueFilePath);
System.IO.Directory.Delete(t.mediaOutPath, true);
catch (Exception ex)
Task ResponseResult = GetPostMethods.POST(WebServiceOfServer, parameters);
string JSONResult = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(ResponseResult);
You are serializing a task. You surely want to wait for the result, don't you?
I debugged my web service and I found that the issue is related to httpcontext.current in thread is null .
For that I defined HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("/video/") as a variable in a class and I recalled it from the webservice.
Initialize the worksheet:
public HttpResponseMessage ER_GenerateWBLWorksheet2()
ExcelPackage ExclPkg = new ExcelPackage();
ExcelWorksheet wsSheet1 = ExclPkg.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Sheet1");
wsSheet1.Cells["A1"].Value = "ProductName";
wsSheet1.Cells["B1"].Value = "Price";
wsSheet1.Cells["C1"].Value = "ProductImageUrl";
wsSheet1.Cells["D1"].Value = "ProductUrl";
wsSheet1.Cells["E1"].Value = "StoreId";
wsSheet1.Cells["G1"].Value = "CategoryId";
wsSheet1.Cells["I1"].Value = "ColorId";
wsSheet1.Cells["K1"].Value = "FabricId";
wsSheet1.Cells["M1"].Value = "Gender";
Create Category list:
var categorylist = wsSheet1.DataValidations.AddListValidation(wsSheet1.Cells["G2:G500"].Address);
var categories = _categoryServices.GetAllCategory();
var categoryEntities = (categories != null) ? categories.ToList() : new List<CategoryEntity>();
for (int i = 0; i < categoryEntities.Count; i++)
categorylist.ShowErrorMessage = true;
categorylist.ErrorTitle = "Error";
categorylist.Error = "Please select the Category from Dropdown";
wsSheet1.Cells["G2:G500"].Style.Locked = false;
Create color list:
var colorlist = wsSheet1.DataValidations.AddListValidation(wsSheet1.Cells["I2:I500"].Address);
var colors = _colorServices.GetAllColor();
var colorsEntities = (colors != null) ? colors.ToList() : new List<ColorEntity>();
for (int i = 0; i < colorsEntities.Count; i++)
colorlist.ShowErrorMessage = true;
colorlist.ErrorTitle = "Error";
colorlist.Error = "Please select the Color from Dropdown";
wsSheet1.Cells["I2:I500"].Style.Locked = false;
var filename = #"Inventory_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("M_dd_yyyy_H_M_s") + ".xlsx";
//string sPath = #"e:\" + filename;
var sPath = System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/exportedfiles/" + filename);
Stream stream = File.Create(sPath);
string strServerPath = Convert.ToString(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["excelserverpath"]);
var sPathURL = (strServerPath + "exportedfiles/" + filename);
List<fileinfo> filelst = new List<fileinfo>();
fileinfo file = new fileinfo();
file.filename = filename;
file.fileurl = sPathURL;
//file.fileurl = sPath;
return new ResponseWrapper<fileinfo>(filelst, HttpStatusCode.OK, null, 0);
Using the above code I have created excel with drop down list, but my requirement is to select multiple values from drop down list. Is it possible using epplus library?
I have a script that imports a csv file and reads each line to update the corresponding item in Sitecore. It works for many of the products but the problem is for some products where certain cells in the row have commas in them (such as the product description).
protected void SubmitButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (UpdateFile.PostedFile != null)
var file = UpdateFile.PostedFile;
// check if valid csv file
message.InnerText = "Updating...";
_database = Database.GetDatabase("master");
SitecoreContext context = new SitecoreContext(_database);
Item homeNode = context.GetHomeItem<Item>();
var productsItems =
child =>
child.TemplateID == new ID(TemplateFactory.FindTemplateId<IProductDetailPageItem>()));
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(file.InputStream))
var firstLine = true;
string currentLine;
var productIdIndex = 0;
var industryIdIndex = 0;
var categoryIdIndex = 0;
var pestIdIndex = 0;
var titleIndex = 0;
string title;
string productId;
string categoryIds;
string industryIds;
while ((currentLine = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
var data = currentLine.Split(',').ToList();
if (firstLine)
// find index of the important columns
productIdIndex = data.IndexOf("ProductId");
industryIdIndex = data.IndexOf("PrimaryIndustryId");
categoryIdIndex = data.IndexOf("PrimaryCategoryId");
titleIndex = data.IndexOf("Title");
firstLine = false;
title = data[titleIndex];
productId = data[productIdIndex];
categoryIds = data[categoryIdIndex];
industryIds = data[industryIdIndex];
var products = productsItems.Where(x => x.DisplayName == title);
foreach (var product in products)
product.Fields["Product Id"].Value = productId;
product.Fields["Product Industry Ids"].Value = industryIds;
product.Fields["Category Ids"].Value = categoryIds;
// when done
message.InnerText = "Complete";
catch (Exception ex)
message.InnerText = "Error reading file";
The problem is that when a description field has commas, like "Product is an effective, preventative biofungicide," it gets split as well and throws off the index, so categoryIds = data[8] gets the wrong value.
The spreadsheet is data that is provided by our client, so I would rather not require the client to edit the file unless necessary. Is there a way I can handle this in my code? Is there a different way I can read the file that won't split everything by comma?
I suggest use Ado.Net, If the field's data are inside quotes and it will parse it like a field and ignore any commas inside this..
Code Example:
static DataTable GetDataTableFromCsv(string path, bool isFirstRowHeader)
string header = isFirstRowHeader ? "Yes" : "No";
string pathOnly = Path.GetDirectoryName(path);
string fileName = Path.GetFileName(path);
string sql = #"SELECT * FROM [" + fileName + "]";
using(OleDbConnection connection = new OleDbConnection(
#"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + pathOnly +
";Extended Properties=\"Text;HDR=" + header + "\""))
using(OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand(sql, connection))
using(OleDbDataAdapter adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(command))
DataTable dataTable = new DataTable();
dataTable.Locale = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;
return dataTable;
This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Reading Excel files from C#
What is the fastest way to read large sets of data from excel from Csharp. Example code would be great . .
In our desktop environment, I have reached the best mix between performance, flexibility and stability by using Excel via COM.
Access to Excel is always via the same thread.
I use late-binding (in VB.Net) to make my app version independent.
The rest of the application is developed in C#, only this part and some other small parts are in VB, because they are easier in VB.Net.
Dim workBook As Object = GetObject(fileName)
Dim workSheet As Object = workBook.WorkSheets.Item(WorkSheetNr)
Dim range As Object = workSheet.Cells.Item(1, 1)
Dim range2 As Object = range.CurrentRegion
Dim rrow As Integer = range2.Row ' For XL97, first convert to integer. XL97 will generate an error '
Dim rcolumn As Integer = range2.Column
Dim top As Object = workSheet.Cells.Item(rrow, rcolumn)
Dim bottom As Object = top.Offset(range2.Rows.Count - 1, range2.Columns.Count - 1)
range = workSheet.Range(top, bottom)
Dim values As Object(,)
values = range.Value
Here you have a 2-dimensional array containing the values from Excel. The last statement gets the data from Excel to .Net.
Since the limits on the size of a Excel sheet, these cannot get very large, so memory should not be a problem.
We have done some tests on performance, on multiple systems. It is optimized to create as few as possible (out-of-process) COM calls.
This way was the one that has given us the best performance, specially since the data is directly in an array, and access to this data is faster as going through a dataset.
Slow in this solution is starting Excel. But if you need to process multiple files, right after each other, the cost of starting Excel is made only once.
Also I would not use this solution in a server environment.
public class ExcelHeaderValues
public static string CUSIP = "CUSIP";
public static string ORIG = "ORIG";
public static string PRICE = "PRICE";
public static int COLUMNCOUNT = 3;
public class ExcelParser
private ArrayList collOutput = null;
string sSheetName = String.Empty;
string[] strValidColumn;
int validRowCnt = 0;
string sColumnPositions = String.Empty;
OleDbCommand ExcelCommand;
OleDbDataAdapter ExcelAdapter;
OleDbConnection ExcelConnection = null;
DataSet dsSheet = null;
string path = string.Empty;
string identifier = string.Empty;
public ExcelParser()
collOutput = new ArrayList();
public void Extract()
bool headermatch = false;
string strCusip = string.Empty, strOrig = string.Empty, strPrice = string.Empty, strData = string.Empty;
string strCusipPos = string.Empty, strPricePos = string.Empty, strOrigPos = string.Empty;
string strColumnHeader = String.Empty;
int reqColcount = 0;
string[] strTemp;
bool bTemp = false;
bool validRow = false;
DataTable schemaTable = GetSchemaTable();
validRowCnt = 0;
foreach (DataRow dr in schemaTable.Rows)
if (dsSheet != null)
dsSheet = null;
strCusipPos = string.Empty;
strOrigPos = string.Empty;
strPricePos = string.Empty;
if (isValidSheet(dr))
sColumnPositions = string.Empty;
validRowCnt = 0;
foreach (DataRow dataRow in dsSheet.Tables[0].Rows)
sColumnPositions = string.Empty;
if (headermatch == false)
sColumnPositions = string.Empty;
foreach (DataColumn column in dsSheet.Tables[0].Columns)
strColumnHeader = dataRow[column.ColumnName].ToString().ToUpper().Trim();
strColumnHeader = strColumnHeader.ToUpper();
if (strColumnHeader == ExcelHeaderValues.ORIG.ToUpper() || strColumnHeader == ExcelHeaderValues.CUSIP.ToUpper() || strColumnHeader == ExcelHeaderValues.PRICE.ToUpper())
bTemp = true;
validRow = true;
reqColcount = ExcelHeaderValues.COLUMNCOUNT;
if (bTemp)
bTemp = false;
sColumnPositions += column.ColumnName + "^" + strColumnHeader + ";";
strValidColumn = sColumnPositions.Trim().Split(';');
if (validRow == true && reqColcount == strValidColumn.Length - 1)
headermatch = true;
if (headermatch == true)
if (dsSheet.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
if (strValidColumn.Length > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < strValidColumn.Length - 1; i++)
if (strValidColumn[i].ToUpper().Contains("CUSIP"))
strTemp = strValidColumn[i].ToString().Split('^');
strCusipPos = strTemp[0].ToString();
strTemp = null;
if (strValidColumn[i].ToUpper().Contains("PRICE"))
strTemp = strValidColumn[i].ToString().Split('^');
strPricePos = strTemp[0].ToString();
strTemp = null;
if (strValidColumn[i].ToUpper().Contains("ORIG"))
strTemp = strValidColumn[i].ToString().Split('^');
strOrigPos = strTemp[0].ToString();
strTemp = null;
for (int iData = validRowCnt; iData < dsSheet.Tables[0].Rows.Count; iData++)
if (strCusipPos.Trim() != "")
strCusip = dsSheet.Tables[0].Rows[iData][strCusipPos].ToString().Trim();
if (strOrigPos.Trim() != "")
strOrig = dsSheet.Tables[0].Rows[iData][strOrigPos].ToString().Trim();
if (strPricePos.Trim() != "")
strPrice = dsSheet.Tables[0].Rows[iData][strPricePos].ToString().Trim().ToUpper();
strData = "";
if (strCusip.Length == 9 && strCusip != "" && strPrice != "" && strOrig != "" && !strPrice.ToUpper().Contains("SOLD"))
strData = strCusip + "|" + Convert.ToDouble(strOrig) * 1000000 + "|" + strPrice + "|||||";
if (strData != null && strData != "")
strCusip = string.Empty;
strOrig = string.Empty;
strPrice = string.Empty;
strData = string.Empty;
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
headermatch = false;
sColumnPositions = string.Empty;
strColumnHeader = string.Empty;
private bool isValidSheet(DataRow dr)
bool isValidSheet = false;
sSheetName = dr[2].ToString().ToUpper();
if (!(sSheetName.Contains("$_")) && !(sSheetName.Contains("$'_")) && (!sSheetName.Contains("Print_Titles".ToUpper())) && (dr[3].ToString() == "TABLE" && ((!sSheetName.Contains("Print_Area".ToUpper())))) && !(sSheetName.ToUpper() == "DLOFFERLOOKUP"))
if (sSheetName.Trim().ToUpper() != "Disclaimer$".ToUpper() && sSheetName.Trim().ToUpper() != "Summary$".ToUpper() && sSheetName.Trim().ToUpper() != "FORMULAS$" )
string sQry = string.Empty;
sQry = "SELECT * FROM [" + sSheetName + "]";
ExcelCommand = new OleDbCommand(sQry, ExcelConnection);
dsSheet = new DataSet();
ExcelAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(ExcelCommand);
isValidSheet = false;
ExcelAdapter.Fill(dsSheet, sSheetName);
isValidSheet = true;
catch (Exception ex)
isValidSheet = false;
throw new Exception(ex.Message.ToString());
ExcelAdapter = null;
ExcelCommand = null;
return isValidSheet;
private DataTable GetSchemaTable()
DataTable dt = null;
string connectionString = String.Empty;
connectionString = GetConnectionString();
ExcelConnection = new OleDbConnection(connectionString);
dt = ExcelConnection.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables, new object[] { null, null, null, "TABLE" });
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
return dt;
private string GetConnectionString()
string connStr = String.Empty;
if (path.ToLower().Contains(".xlsx"))
connStr = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" + "Data Source='" + path + "';" + "Extended Properties='Excel 12.0;HDR=No;IMEX=1;'";
else if (path.ToLower().Contains(".xlsm"))
connStr = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" + "Data Source='" + path + "';" + "Extended Properties='Excel 12.0 Macro;HDR=No;IMEX=1;'";
else if (path.ToLower().Contains(".xls"))
connStr = "provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source='" + path + "';Extended Properties='Excel 8.0;HDR=No;IMEX=1;'";
{connStr = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" + "Data Source='" + path + "';" + "Extended Properties='HTML Import;IMEX=1;HDR=No;'";
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
return connStr;