Using pointers and address - c#

I have the following C# code:
(Updating the code/question)
The code and the project are marked as unsafe
internal uint BaseAddress;
internal uint AllocationBase;
internal uint AllocationProtect;
internal uint RegionSize;
internal uint State;
internal uint Protect;
internal uint Type;
public unsafe static bool CheckForSufficientStack(long bytes)
// originally was
// IntPtr currentAddr = new IntPtr((uint)&stackInfo - 4096);
GCHandle gh = GCHandle.Alloc(stackInfo, GCHandleType.Pinned);
IntPtr p = gh.AddrOfPinnedObject();
//now - this line passes compilation
IntPtr currentAddr = new IntPtr((uint)p - 4096);
// build error in the below line
VirtualQuery(currentAddr, ref stackInfo, sizeof(MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION));
return ((uint)currentAddr.ToInt64() - stackInfo.AllocationBase) >
and when I compile it I get the error:
Cannot take the address of, get the size of, or declare a pointer to a managed type
This is a code I copied and I was actually surprised to know there is '&' in c# but then build failed.
Any idea how to resolve this?
The error is now for the last line when we do a sizeof(MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION)

You must "pin" the object in memory first, to make sure that theGC won't move it while you use it:
GCHandle gh = GCHandle.Alloc(stackInfo, GCHandleType.Pinned);
IntPtr p = gh.AddrOfPinnedObject();
Get the size of the struct with:

In order to make it work you have to indicate you are using unsafe code in C# (since a miscalculation for example could end you up with an invalid address). This is enforced by the unsafe keyword.
IntPtr currentAddr = new IntPtr((uint)&stackInfo - 4096);
Also make sure your project settings have Unsafe code enabled.

The original code from here passed compilation when I wrote it inside a new class and not inside an existing class I already have...
I have no idea why it passed....


Unable to get pointer of structure C#

Scenario is like there is GUI and Dll, GUI is in C#(WPF) and it is using c++ Dll and dll needs structure pointer of structure created in GUI for processing commands.
In Dll structure having fixed size array so same created in GUI also.
C++ structure
struct _TempData
Int32 iOnFly_StepCalib;
Int32 iOnFly_BiDiCalib;
UNIT Unit;
byte uiPrintDirection;
Int16 siStep_Feed[20];
so In GUI(C#) structure is like...
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)]
public struct _TempData
public Int32 iOnFly_StepCalib;
public Int32 iOnFly_BiDiCalib;
public UNIT Unit;
public byte uiPrintDirection;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 20)]
public Int16[] siStep_Feed;
and my c# code for getting this structure pointer is here
public static extern UIntPtr sendMessageToHSM(Int32 MSG, IntPtr CmdStruct);
static void Main(string[] args)
_TempData tempData;
tempData.iOnFly_BiDiCalib = 1;
tempData.iOnFly_StepCalib = 2;
tempData.uiPrintDirection = 1;
tempData.Unit = UNIT.INCH;
void* tempdata1 = &tempData;
sendMessageToHSM((int)HSM_COMMANDS.HSM_GUI_PC_UPDATE_STEP_CALIB, (IntPtr)tempdata1 );
This error is showing...
Error CS0208 Cannot take the address of, get the size of, or declare a pointer to a managed type ('_TempData')
on commenting this line in structure
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 20)]
public Int16[] siStep_Feed;
then code is running fine.
I am new to C#.
Any help will be appreciated.
There are many errors in your code, also unsafe keyword is no use here
I believe what you might be looking for is
// get the size
int size = Marshal.SizeOf(tempData);
// Create some unmanaged memory
IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(size);
// marshal the structure to pointer
Marshal.StructureToPtr(tempData, ptr, false);
// call the funky api
// get the result if there is any
_TempData tempData2 = (_TempData)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, typeof(_TempData));
// clean up the memory
Also in C# we don't name types with an underscore

How do I marshall a pointer to a pointer of an array of structures?

My C declarations are as follows:
int myData(uint myHandle, tchar *dataName, long *Time, uint *maxData, DATASTRUCT **data);
typedef struct {
byte Rel;
__int64 Time;
char Validated;
unsigned char Data[1];
My C# declarations are as follows:
[DllImport("myData.dll", EntryPoint = "myData")]
public static extern int myData(uint myHandle, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPTStr)] string dataName, out long Time, out uint maxData, ref DATASTRUCT[] data);
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
public struct DATASTRUCT
public sbyte Rel;
public long Time;
public byte Validated;
public double Data;
I then call the managed function as follows:
string dataToShow = "description";
long Time;
uint maxData; // How many structs will be returned, i.e., how much data is available?
uint myHandle = 1;
DATASTRUCT[] dataInformation = new DATASTRUCT[3]; // Doesn't it matter what I specify as the array size?
myData(myHandle, dataToShow, out Time, out maxData, ref dataInformation);
Upon execution the above function will return successfully with only one structure even though there are 3 to return. Why is this so?
Additional information; I have tried passing the pointer to a pointer of an array of structs the following ways:
ref DATASTRUCT[] data; // It works, but it only returns one struct
[Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)] DATASTRUCT[] data; // returns the number of defined structs with garbage
As I understand it I might need to do some manual marshalling using IntPtr, I do not know how to implement this however, so any advice would be appreciated.
Okay, it seems as though your native library does the allocation, so really all you need to do is provide a pointer through which you can access the allocated data.
Change your API definition to (note, I changed the maxData param to uint, long is 64 bits in .NET and 32 bits in native.
[DllImportAttribute("myData.dll", EntryPoint = "myData")]
public static extern int myData(uint myHandle, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPTStr)] string dataName, out uint Time, out uint maxData, out IntPtr pData);
Off the top of my head I can't quite remember if you need the out keyword for the final parameter, but I think so.
Then, call myData:
uint nAllocs = 0, time = 0;
IntPtr pAllocs = IntPtr.Zero;
myData(1, "description", out time, out nAllocs, out pAllocs);
Now, pAllocs should point to unmanaged memory, to marshal these into managed memory isn't too difficult:
[StructLayoutAttribute(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
public struct DATASTRUCT
public byte Rel;
public long Time;
public byte Validated;
public IntPtr Data; //pointer to unmanaged string.
int szStruct = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(DATASTRUCT));
DATASTRUCT[] localStructs = new DATASTRUCT[nAllocs];
for(uint i = 0; i < nallocs; i++)
localStructs[i] = (DATASTRUCT)Marshal.PtrToStructure(new IntPtr(pAllocs.ToInt32() + (szStruct * i)), typeof(DATASTRUCT));
And now you should have an array of local structs.
A point to note
You may need to set your project to compile as x86, to standardize the size of an IntPtr to 4 bytes (DWORD) instead of AnyCPU's default 8.
A pointer to a pointer could be represented in your dllimport declaration as ref IntPtr data, so your declaration would become:
[DllImportAttribute("myData.dll", EntryPoint = "myData")]
public static extern int myData(uint myHandle, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPTStr)] string dataName, out long Time, out uint maxData, ref IntPtr data);
(As an aside, I think a long in C is just equivalent to an int in C#. Long in C# is an Int64, which would be a long long in C)
Marshalling your DATASTRUCT[] to an IntPtr can be done using the GCHandle class
DATASTRUCT [] dataInformation = new DATASTRUCT[3];
GCHandle gch = GCHandle.Alloc(dataInformation , GCHandleType.Pinned);
IntPtr ptr = gch.AddrOfPinnedObject();
myData(myHandle, dataToShow, out Time, out maxData, ref ptr);
//It's absolutely essential you do this next bit so the object can be garbage collected again,
//but it should only be done once the unmanaged code is definitely done with the reference.
Using the Marshal class and the StructureToPtr or Copy methods of it would also be an option but for the purposes of proving the concept at least the GCHandle should do the trick, it's just not ideal for scenarios where the unmanaged code does long running operations because you've pinned this object in place and the GC can't move it until you free it.

Fill struct from IntPtr received in lParam property of Window Message going across process boundaries in C#

I posted this question a few days ago, and I have some follow up doubts about marshaling an IntPtr to a struct.
The thing goes like this:
As stated in the question I am referencing, I make calls to asynchronous methods on a native Dll. These methods communicate their completion with Windows Messages. I receive the Windows Message correctly now and, within it, an lParam property (of type IntPrt).
According to the documentation I am following, this lParam points to the struct that has the results of the execution of the method. As a particular example, one of the structures I am trying to fill is defined as follows:
Original C signature:
typedef struct _wfs_result {
ULONG RequestID;
USHORT hService;
TIMESTAMP tsTimestamp; /*Win32 SYSTEMTIME structure according to documentation*/
LONG hResult;
union {
DWORD dwCommandCode;
DWORD dwEventID;
} u;
LPVOID lpBuffer;
My C# definition:
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential), Serializable]
public struct Timestamp
public ushort wYear;
public ushort wMonth;
public ushort wDayOfWeek;
public ushort wDay;
public ushort wHour;
public ushort wMinute;
public ushort wSecond;
public ushort wMilliseconds;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit), Serializable]
public struct WFSResult
[FieldOffset(0), MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)]
public uint RequestID;
[FieldOffset(4), MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U2)]
public ushort hService;
[FieldOffset(6), MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Struct, SizeConst = 16)]
public Timestamp tsTimestamp;
[FieldOffset(22), MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)]
public int hResult;
[FieldOffset(26), MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)]
public UInt32 dwCommandCode;
[FieldOffset(26), MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)]
public UInt32 dwEventID;
[FieldOffset(30), MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)]
public Int32 lpBuffer;
Now the fun part: the native Dll I am calling belongs to an independent process, FWMAIN32.EXE, which is running in the same machine (single instance). I believe the Window Message that I receive, which is application specific (above WM_USER), returns an LParam that is not really pointing to the struct I am expecting, and that the struct resides somewhere in the memory space of the FWMAIN32.EXE process.
Initially, I tried to just Marshal.PtrToStructure (with little hope actually) and the struct got filled with garbage data. I also tried with GetLParam with same outcome. Finally, I tried to go across process boundaries with the ReadProcessMemory API, as explained in these posts:
C# p/invoke, Reading data from an Owner Drawn List Box
I get the exception code 299 (ERROR_PARTIAL_COPY: Only part of a ReadProcessMemory or WriteProcessMemory request was completed.)
And additionally the byte[] I get from using ReadProcessMemory is: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
My code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace XFSInteropMidleware
public class CrossBoundaryManager
static extern IntPtr OpenProcess(UInt32 dwDesiredAccess, Int32 bInheritHandle, UInt32 dwProcessId);
static extern Int32 ReadProcessMemory(IntPtr hProcess, IntPtr lpBaseAddress, [In, Out] byte[] lpBuffer, UInt32 dwSize, out IntPtr lpNumberOfBytesRead);
static extern Int32 CloseHandle(IntPtr hObject);
static extern int GetLastError();
private const string nativeProcessName = "FWMAIN32";
private IntPtr hProcess = IntPtr.Zero;
const uint PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS = (uint)(0x000F0000L | 0x00100000L | 0xFFF);
static int dwSize = 34; //The size of the struct I want to fill
byte[] lpBuffer = new byte[dwSize];
public void OpenProcess()
Process[] ProcessesByName = Process.GetProcessesByName(nativeProcessName);
hProcess = CrossBoundaryManager.OpenProcess(CrossBoundaryManager.PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, 1, (uint)ProcessesByName[0].Id);
public byte[] ReadMemory(IntPtr lParam, ref int lastError)
IntPtr ptrBytesReaded;
Int32 result = CrossBoundaryManager.ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, lParam, lpBuffer, (uint)lpBuffer.Length, out ptrBytesReaded);
return lpBuffer;
int processLastError = GetLastError();
if (processLastError != 0)
lastError = processLastError;
if (hProcess != IntPtr.Zero)
public void CloseProcessHandle()
int iRetValue;
iRetValue = CrossBoundaryManager.CloseHandle(hProcess);
if (iRetValue == 0)
throw new Exception("CloseHandle failed");
And I use it like this:
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
switch (m.Msg)
GCHandle openCompleteResultGCH = GCHandle.Alloc(m.LParam); //So the GC does not eat the pointer before I can use it
CrossBoundaryManager manager = new CrossBoundaryManager();
int lastError = 0;
byte[] result = manager.ReadMemory(m.LParam, ref lastError);
if (lastError != 0)
txtState.Text = "Last error: " + lastError.ToString();
StringBuilder byteResult = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < result.Length; i++)
byteResult.Append(result[i].ToString() + " ");
sb.AppendLine("Memory Read Result: " + byteResult.ToString());
sb.AppendLine("Request ID: " + BitConverter.ToInt32(result, 0).ToString());
txtResult.Text += sb.ToString();
base.WndProc(ref m);
Is it correct to go across process boundaries in this case?
Is it correct to use lParam as the base address for ReadProcessMemory?
Is the CLR turning lParam to something I cannot use?
Why I am getting the 299 exception?
I correctly get the process ID of FWMAIN32.EXE, but how can I be sure the lParam is pointing inside its memory space?
Should I consider the use of "unsafe"? Could anyone recommend that approach?
Are there any other ways to custom marshal the struct?
Too many questions on a single post, I know, but I think they all point to resolving this issue. Thank you all for your help in advance, and sorry I had to make it so long.
I guess I have to take this one myself. So, as stated in the comments above, removing the
GCHandle openCompleteResultGCH = GCHandle.Alloc(m.LParam);
line did the trick. I understood that when a pointer in manage context is pointing to a struct in unmanaged context, the GC would collect it as the pointer really had nothing in its address. It is in fact the other way around. When, in managed context, we hold an object or struct that is being pointed from an unmanaged context, the GC could collect it because no pointer in the managed context is pointing to it, thus the need to pin it in order to keep the GC at distance.
So, in the end, there was no need go across process boundaries in this case. I removed the call to the Kernell32 methods, as the CLR handles the marshalling quiet well and Marshal.PtrToStructure was all I needed.
Credit goes to Jim and David who pointed me in the right direction.

Passing array of strings from c# to c++ - memory management

In my code I have c DLL that accepts array of strings:
void Helper::ProcessEvent(PEVENT_RECORD pEvent,wchar_t** OutPutFormattedData)
I'm invoking it with this code:
[DllImport("Helper.dll", EntryPoint = "ProcessEvent")]
internal static extern uint ProcessEvent(
[In, Out]
ref EVENT_RECORD pEvent,
[In, Out]
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, ArraySubType = UnmanagedType.LPStr)] ref string[] pResult);
In c++ code here is the main code I'm using to fill the array:
for(int i=0;i<list.Size;i++)
EventWrapperClass *EWC = new EventWrapperClass();
EWC = list.Events[i];
OutPutFormattedData[i] = new wchar_t [wcslen(HelperFormatMessage(L"%s: %s\n",EWC->GetProperyName(),EWC->GetProperyValue()))+1];
wcscpy(OutPutFormattedData[i] ,HelperFormatMessage(L"%s: %s\n",EWC->GetProperyName(),EWC->GetProperyValue()));
And the invoke code:
string[] strArr= new string[1];
NativeHelper.ProcessEvent(ref eventRecord, ref strArr);
I have two questions:
Why when I check the value of the passed array in c# after calling this function I see it's empty (data is exist in c++ code, I debugged it) ?
If I'm allocating memory in c++ dll, where I need to free it? in c++ or c#?
Many thanks!
signture of c++:
static __declspec(dllexport) void ProcessEvent(PEVENT_RECORD pEvent, wchar_t** OutPutFormattedData);
If you allocate a (managed or unmanaged) buffer (or array or chars) in C# and then fill in C++:
1. Deallocate in C#.
2. Buffer should be [in] and not have ref or out in C# signature.
If you allocate a buffer (or array of chars) in C++:
1. Pass buffer as [out] out IntPtr.
2. Add deallocate method to C++ signature.
3. Copy buffer into C# buffer or new string
4. Call C++ deallocater from C# with IntPtr.
You can use System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal to allocate/deallocate unmanged memory within C#. Do not use to deallocate memory allocated outside .NET!
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal can also be used to copy memory from external buffer (IntPtr) to .NET buffer or string.
Mark imported method as private and wrap with a public (or protected or internal) method that uses the .NET parameters (e.g. that uses System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy and calls external deallocate).
int ProcessEvent(PEVENT_RECORD eventData, wchar_t*& message)
// example code
message = new wchar_t[100];
if (message == 0)
return 1;
void DeallocateString(wchar_t* array)
delete[] arrayPtr;
wchar_t* ErrorCodeToMessage(int errorCode)
switch (errorCode)
case 0: return 0; // return NULL pointer
case 1: return L"No!!!";
default: return L"WTF!?";
[DllImport("Helper.dll", EntryPoint = "ProcessEvent")]
private static extern uint ProcessEventExternal(
[In, Out] ref EventData eventData,
[In, Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.SysInt))] ref IntPtr resultMessages);
[DllImport("Helper.dll", EntryPoint = "DeallocateString")]
private static extern voidDeallocateStringExternal(
[In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.SysInt)] IntPtr arrayPtr);
[DllImport("Helper.dll", EntryPoint = "ErrorCodeToMessage")]
private static extern
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.SysInt)] IntPtr
ErrorCodeToMessageExternal(int errorCode);
public string ProcessEvent(ref EventData eventData)
IntPtr resultPtr = IntPtr.Zero;
uint errorCode = ProcessEventExternal(eventData, ref resultPtr);
if (errorCode != null)
var errorPtr = ErrorCodeToMessageExternal(errorCode);
// returns constant string - no need to deallocate
var errorMessage = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(errorPtr);
throw new ApplicationException(errorMessage);
var result = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(resultPtr);
return result;
I don't know about question 1, but about question 2:
for(int i=0;i<list.Size;i++)
EventWrapperClass *EWC = new EventWrapperClass();
EWC = list.Events[i];
In the first line, within the loop, you create a new object. In the second line, you assign a different object to your pointer, which is the one stored in list.Events[i].
At this point, nothing points to your first object any longer, and you have a memory leak for every iteration of the loop!
Change the two lines to
EventWrapperClass *EWC = list.Events[i];
as there is no need to create a new object.
Then, if you don't need the event any longer, delete it within the loop and be sure to clear the list afterwards. You may only do this if you are 100% sure the event is not needed any longer. This can easily produce dangling pointers!

Marshal struct with array member in C#

I'm using C# with P/Invoke to access to a DLL method. The definition of the method is the following:
static extern int GetUsers(out IntPtr userList);
Original structs:
typedef struct user_list {
unsigned short NumUsers;
typedef struct user_list_item {
char name[260];
unsigned char address[256];
And the struct layout I've done is the following:
public class USER_LIST
public uint NumUsers;
public USER_LIST_ITEM [] List;
public class USER_LIST_ITEM
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 260)]
public string name;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 256)]
public string address;
But I get an error when I try to unmarshall it:
USER_LIST userList = new USER_LIST();
// Prepare pointer
IntPtr uList = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(userList));
Marshal.StructureToPtr(userList, uList, false);
result = GetUsers(out uList);
Marshal.PtrToStructure(uList, userList); <--
The runtime has encountered a fatal error. The address of the error was at 0x79f82af6, on thread 0x464. The error code is 0xc0000005. This error may be a bug in the CLR or in the unsafe or non-verifiable portions of user code. Common sources of this bug include user marshaling errors for COM-interop or PInvoke, which may corrupt the stack.
I get the NumUsers property right, but it seems the error occurs when unmarshalling the array. Any thoughts?
If you specify an array in a structure used as an out parameter, you need to tell the marshaler what length is the array going to be. With your code, the marshaler is probably allocating a zero-length array or just using null, which produces the crash. Unfortunately there seems to be no way to specify a variable-length out array as a member of a structure, because MarshalAs.SizeParamIndex only works for methods. You might get away with specifying a large, constant-size array using MarshalAs.SizeConst, but generally you'd have to parse the (presumably callee-allocated) return buffer like this:
var count = Marshal.ReadInt32 (uList) ;
var users = new List<USER_LIST_ITEM> () ;
var ptr = (long)uList + 4 ;
for (int i = 0 ; i < count ; ++i)
users.Add (Marshal.PtrToStructure (typeof (USER_LIST_ITEM),
new IntPtr (ptr))) ;
ptr += Marshal.SizeOf (typeof (USER_LIST_ITEM)) ;
You'll have to pay extra attention to alignment&padding and 32/64 bit issues.
That is because List has not been allocated yet.
You will need initialize all the fields.
Another problem I see is with the following:
IntPtr uList = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(userList));
result = GetUsers(out uList);
Are you sure that out should not be ref? Else there is no point (not sure if ref is correct either).
Update: Looking at your code again, you should be doing this (and avoid that memory leak poking your eye).
IntPtr uList;
var result = GetUsers(out uList);
var userlist = (USER_LIST) Marshal.PtrToStructure(ulist, typeof(USER_LIST));
Marshal.FreeHGlobal(ulist); // pray here or shoot the author of the C function
Update again:
Your p/invoke signature is likely wrong or you are interpreting it wrong.
I can guess it probably something like:
int GetUsers(USER_LIST* ulist);
And that what you have is not the same thing.
If this is case, the solution is easy.
Change USER_LIST to a class (but keep sequential layout) and use
// pinvoke sig
int GetUsers(USER_LIST ulist);
var ulist = new USER_LIST();
// initialize fields
var r = GetUsers(ulist);
-- or --
Call it by ref.
// pinvoke sig
int GetUsers(ref USER_LIST ulist);
var ulist = new USER_LIST();
// initialize fields
var r = GetUsers(ref ulist);
This way, you dont have to mess with manual marshalling, and I cant see anymore potential for memory leaks.
Final update:
Given the signature you posted, it looks like GetUsers returns a pointer to a list of USER_LIST with the return value being the count. Nice memory leak there.
Anyways, I would probably experiment with an unsafe approach here, and just walk thru the result , and make sure everything gets freed. (I still think you should shoot the author).
I think your original code isn't probably so wrong.
You've probably just used the wrong overload of Marshal.PtrToStructure.
Have you tried this?
static extern int GetUsers(out IntPtr userList);
static extern void UMFree(IntPtr userList);
static void Main()
IntPtr userList; // no need to allocate memory in managed code;
GetUsers(out userList); // memory is allocated by native function
USER_LIST u = (USER_LIST)Marshal.PtrToStructure(userList, typeof(USER_LIST));
Using unsafe code:
public unsafe struct USER_LIST
public uint numUsers;
public USER_LIST_ITEM* list;
public unsafe struct USER_LIST_ITEM
public fixed byte name[260];
public fixed byte address[256];
class Program
static unsafe extern int GetUsers(USER_LIST** userList);
static unsafe extern int UMFree(USER_LIST* userList);
private static unsafe void Main()
USER_LIST* list;

