I have just tried to import one of my windows library into a Xamarin android app and get the following error:
Exception while loading assemblies: System.IO.FileNotFoundException:
Could not load assembly 'System.Web.Extensions, Version=,
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35'. Perhaps it doesn't
exist in the Mono for Android profile? File name:
'System.Web.Extensions.dll' at
reference, ReaderParameters parameters) at
assemblies, AssemblyDefinition assembly, Boolean topLevel) at
Xamarin.Android.Tasks.ResolveAssemblies.Execute() App7
Even if i try to manually add the reference into the app, it still don't works.
Is there any support by mono for this library(i find it very usefull) System.Web.Extensions.
Any workarounds would be much appreciated cause i wouldn't want either to rewrite a working dll or stop development in xamarin.
PS: I tried adding manually all the required dlls ending up in deploy errors without any description.
System.Web does not really have much meaning outside the context of a web server so from a Xamarin perspective I doubt it will be implemented.
You could try and add it:
System.Web.dll inn project references, click edit -> Net Assembly -> Browse, go to root - Library/Frameworks/Mono.Framework/Versions/4.2.2/lib/mono/4.5/System.Web
Alternatively you might need to look at this external lib that you're trying to import to see if you can remove any references and rebuild.
For example it might be using log4net which includes System.Web
Well it seems that i have located an answer and will post it in order to help others also.
First of all i tried all the dll references suggested by VS in order not to change any parts of my code. That failed after adding more than 20 references. I spent more than an hour on that.
Secondly i decided as suggested by #jaymarvels to check a library from nuget. I went with Json.net changing only one line of code as shown below:
Code before:
var serializer11 = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer();
T dc1 = serializer11.Deserialize<T>(json);
To code :
T dc1 = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(json);
Then the project started working without any problems. I have some considerations regarding the librarys speed but for my project, speed is not that essential, so i will happily use it for some time.
As the title says, I want to consume all of PDFSharp's source code into my own project. But let me explain why I came to this scenario, so if there is something else I can do, maybe there are other options.
Goal: Compile my project into a single .exe file to use. No installers.
Problem: It uses PDFSharp.dll which is causing me issues.
What I am trying to do, is use ILMerge to create the .exe. I've used this successfully in the past for other projects.
The issue I think is that ILMerge is requiring references to other assemblies that PDFSharp uses. The first being Microsoft.ApplicationInsights. So to by-pass this, I installed Microsoft.ApplicationInsights into my project via Nuget. Then removed the actual reference from the project, but referenced the library in my ILMerge command as below:
/lib:"C:\<path to assembly>\Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.2.16.0\lib\net46"
This actually worked. Except, now it asked for another library and I get this error:
Unresolved assembly reference not allowed: GdPicture.NET.11.
This looks like a paid library, perhaps downloading the trial may get me past this. I didn't try yet. I switched gears as I felt I may be trying to reference an endless amount of assemblies.
I then tried to get the PDFSharp source code and I found that version 1.32 here:
I added a reference to this project within my solution file, so now I have a solution with 2 projects. Great.
I then I tried to link source files into my project. How to do that is here:
This seems to work, but every file I add requires another file, which references another file etc. It seemed endless. So that led me to the idea of just consuming the entire source code into my project and I haven't seen a good way to do that yet. I can't add a reference to the project as it just references the compiled dll which again, iLMerge can't combine.
I've also tried updating the tag within the .csproj file of PDFSharp to "module" to create a .netmodule file. This creates the file in the obj directory but throws an error:
\PDFsharp\code\PdfSharp\obj\Release\PdfSharp.netmodule' is not an assembly
Any help is appreciated. thanks.
UPDATE: I reversed everything and added the PdfSharp reference - back to where I was and changed my project to module and built which created a .netmodule file. Then used the assembly linker to create a .exe from that file. That worked using this command from VS Dev prompt.
al MyModule.netmodule /target:exe /out:MyProgram.exe /main:MyNamespace.MyClass.Main
This created the .exe, but when run without any other supporting files produces a file not found error:
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'MyModule.netmodule' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
Which is interesting since the module should be inside the exe right?
I have this working now, so I just wanted to place my results here since it is already posted.
My initial problem was that I mistakenly thought the PDFSharp.dll was causing the issue, but it was actually another group of 3rd Party dlls I was referencing.
I tried for hours to get iLMerge to work with the only success being it would kick out a single .exe file but it would have runtime errors.
Errors that I encountered:
Error: Unresolved assembly reference not allowed: Custom.Assembly.
Solution: Reference the assembly if possible. If you have many, you can reference a folder with the /lib:"C:\folderpath" switch.
Error: Unresolved assembly reference not allowed: ADotNetFramework.dll.
Solution: You can reference the desired .Net Framework path where iLMerge will search for missing references. Example: /targetplatform:"v4,C:<Path To Framework>.NETFramework\v4.8"
Error: The assembly 'xyz.dll' was not merged in correctly. It is still listed as an external reference in the target assembly.
Solution: You can get past this error with the /closed switch. However, I don't think I should even have gotten this error because 'xyz.dll' was a referenced dll to be combined.
Also - use the /log switch, it is extremely helpful in seeing exactly what iLMerge is doing and figuring out your issue. Example: /log:mylog.txt
This allowed me to see that iLMerge was finding duplicate namespaces, in the 3rd Party assemblies and automatically renaming them. Here is an example from my log:
Merging assembly 'My.Assembly.Name' into target assembly.
Duplicate type name: modifying name of the type '<>f__AnonymousType02' (from assembly 'My.Assembly.Name') to 'My.Assembly.Name.<>f__AnonymousType02'
Duplicate type name: modifying name of the type '<>f__AnonymousType12' (from assembly 'My.Assembly.Name') to 'My.Assembly.Name.<>f__AnonymousType12'
Duplicate type name: modifying name of the type '' (from assembly 'My.Assembly.Name') to 'My.Assembly.Name.
Finally - the solution that I found was not to use iLMerge. I found this Answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/40786196/2596309
which used Costura.Fody
I installed the nuget package with:
Install-Package Costura.Fody -Version 4.1.0
Cleaned and built my solution and it created a single .exe file that I tested and it worked. Literally, I put 3 days of work into this and the solution took 3 minutes...
I have a very weird situation I hope someone can help with!
I have a normal ASP.NET MVC website. I've set up "Deployment Options" to push to a domain on every Develop commit. However, this has started giving the dependency error:
Could not load file or assembly 'System.Net.Http' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)
Now, I thought this was some caching since solution worked locally. So I have been publishing the app inside Visual Studio a couple of times (with option of deleting all remote files), and then the solution works.
However, after doing this, and I go back to a normal commit with Deployment Options, I go back to the same error:
From your description it seems like it has deployed successfully in past.
Have you upgraded project recently? If yes, look at this thread Strange issue with System.Net.Http not found
Also, check if you are referencing DLL from NuGet and not GAC.
First thing that comes to mind is that you added a new DLL in your solution that depends on another version of System.Net.Http assembly. If you know that you added a new DLL, check for its assembly dependency.
Another solution might be to manually specify the version of the assembly in code. And select SpecificVersion. (but I'm guessing it's the first thing that causes the issue).
I have came across similar issue once. There should be a mismatch of the versions between System.Net.Http package.
Try verifying the version of System.Net.Http for the entire solution and refer the same version in all the projects.
This happens if a package is referenced in a project and different version of the same package is referenced in another project. Here, this error occurs when there is a reference between these two projects.
I am currently working on my colleague's project that he wrote a few years ago. The project uses "log4net" assembly although I do not really need it or use it. Anyways, when I'm trying to build project, i get this error:
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error Unknown build error, 'Cannot resolve dependency to assembly 'log4net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=9fea11e3513f1a42' because it has not been preloaded. When using the ReflectionOnly APIs, dependent assemblies must be pre-loaded or loaded on demand through the ReflectionOnlyAssemblyResolve event.' VersionChecker C:\windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Microsoft.WinFx.targets 268
I've tried to remove the assembly, and also tried to redirect assembly versions without luck. I don't find any trace to log4net anywhere in my project and don't have a clue how to remove it completely and manage to build my project..
Thanks in advance for your help!
Go to 'Manage Nuget Packages for Solution' from Tools menu of VS and check if you could uninstall it from there.
There are multiple ways of building projects. The most common way is to use Visual Studio only. If this is your case, then simply go through each project in your solution explorer and expand references. You should see all the references to your project. Simply highlight Log4Net and press the delete key. You'll need to go through all the code that references Log4Net and remove it.
The other scenario is that you're using an external build script, like msbuild to do additional compilation. If this is the case you'll need to wade through your build scripts. The details vary among implementation, but a starting point is to simply highlight the project in question in the solution explorer and press alt+enter to bring up the properties. Check the build events tab for additional build script info.
I know the error message is common and there are plenty of questions on SO about this error, but no solutions have helped me so far, so I decided to ask the question. Difference to most of similar questions is me using App_Code directory.
Error message:
CS0012: The type 'Project.Rights.OperationsProvider' is defined in an
assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly
'Project.Rights, version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
Source File:
Following suggestions here and here, I have deleted all instances of Project.Rights.dll inside C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET/*.*
According to this, I checked if .cs files in question have build action set to "Compile". They do.
I have also double checked that the .cs file containing the "Project.Rights.OperationsProvider" type is deployed to App_Code directory.
For some reason, application is not looking for the type in the App_Code directory. Since I've deleted all instances of Project.Rights.dll (that I know of), I don't know which assembly the error message is mentioning.
When you get this error it isn't always obvious what is going on, but as the error says - you are missing a reference. Take the following line of code as an example:
MyObjectType a = new MyObjectType("parameter");
It looks simple enough and you probably have referenced "MyObjectType" correctly. But lets say one of the overloads for the "MyObjectType" constructor takes a type that you don't have referenced. For example there is an overload defined as:
public MyObjectType(TypeFromOtherAssembly parameter) {
// ... normal constructor code ...
That is at least one case where you will get this error. So, look for this type of pattern where you have referenced the type but not all the types of the properties or method parameters that are possible for functions being called on that type.
Hopefully this at least gets you going in the right direction!
Check target framework in the projects.
In my case "You must add a reference to assembly" actually meant, that caller and reference projects didn't have the same target framework. The caller project had .Net 4.5 , but referenced library had target 4.6.1.
I am sure, that MS compiler can be smarter and log more meaningful error message. I've added a suggestion to https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/14756
In my case this was because doing a NuGet package update had only updated references to a dll dependency in some but not all projects in my solution - resulting in conflicting versions. Using a grep-style tool to search text within *.csproj files in my solution it was then easy to see the projects that still needed to be updated.
When you get this error, it means that code you are using makes a reference to a type that is in an assembly, but the assembly is not part of your project so it can't use it.
Deleting Project.Rights.dll is the opposite of what you want. You need to make sure your project can reference the assembly. So it must either be placed in the Global Assembly Cache or your web application's ~/Bin directory.
Edit-If you don't want to use the assembly, then deleting it is not the proper solution either. Instead, you must remove all references to it in your code. Since the assembly isn't directly needed by code you've written, but instead by something else you're referencing, you'll have to replace that referenced assembly with something that doesn't have Project.Rights.dll as a dependency.
In my case, I was referencing a library that was being built to the wrong Platform/Configuration (I had just created the referenced library).
Furthermore, I was unable to fix the problem in Visual Studio Configuration Manager -- unable to switch and create new Platforms and Configurations for this library. I fixed it by correcting the entries in the ProjectConfigurationPlatforms section of the .sln file for that project. All its permutations were set to Debug|Any CPU (I'm not sure how I did that). I overwrote the entries for the broken project with the ones for a working project and changed the GUID for each entry.
Entries for functioning project
{9E93345C-7A51-4E9A-ACB0-DAAB8F1A1267}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
{9E93345C-7A51-4E9A-ACB0-DAAB8F1A1267}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
Entries for corrupted project
{94562215-903C-47F3-BF64-8B90EF43FD27}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{94562215-903C-47F3-BF64-8B90EF43FD27}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
Corrupted entries now fixed
{94562215-903C-47F3-BF64-8B90EF43FD27}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
{94562215-903C-47F3-BF64-8B90EF43FD27}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
I hope this helps someone.
It just happened to me that different projects were referencing different copies of the same dll.
I made sure all referenced the same file on disk, and the error disappeared as I expected.
Unloading and reloading the class library in Visual Studio solved this for me.
For me, this was caused by the project both directly and indirectly (through another dependency) referencing two different builds of Bouncy Castle that had different assembly names. One of the Bouncy Castle builds was the NuGet package, the other one was a debug build of the source downloaded from GitHub. Both were nominally version 1.8.1, but the project settings of the GitHub code set the assembly name to BouncyCastle whereas the NuGet package had the assembly name BouncyCastle.Crypto. Changing the project settings, thus aligning the assembly names, fixed the problem.
It didn't work for me when I've tried to add the reference from the .NET Assemblies tab.
It worked, though, when I've added the reference with BROWSE to C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319
I had this issue on a newly created solution that used existing projects. For some reason, one project could not "see" one other project, even though it had the same reference as every other project, and the referenced project was also building. I suspect that it was failing to detect something having to do with multiple target frameworks, because it was building in one framework but not the other.
Cleaning and rebuilding didn't work, and restarting VS didn't work.
What ended up working was opening a "Developer Command Prompt for VS 2019" and then issuing a msbuild MySolution.sln command. This completed successfully, and afterwards VS started building successfully also.
one of main reason can be the property of DLL
you must before do any thing to check the specific version property if it true make it false
maybe the source code joined with other (old)version when you build it , but this Library upgraded with new update the version now different in the Assembly Cash and your application forbidden to get new DLL ,and after disable specific version property your applacaten will be free to get the new version of DLL references
Maybe a library (DLL file) you are using requires another library. In my case, I referenced a library that contained a database entity model - but I forgot to reference the entity framework library.
This can also mean you use a library, which exposes (public) types that are defined in a library. Even when you do not use these specifically in your library (the one that doesn't build).
What this probably prevents is you writing code that uses a class (which in its signature has the types from a library not referenced) that you cannot use.
For me the reason why the error appeared was that the WebForm where the error was reported has been moved from another folder, but the name of its codefile class remained unchanged and didn't correspond to the actual path.
Initial state:
Original file path: /Folder1/Subfolder1/MyWebForm.aspx.cs
Original codefile class name: Folder1_Subfolder1_MyWebForm
After the file was moved:
File path: /Folder1/MyWebForm.aspx.cs
Codefile class name (unchanged, with the error shown): Folder1_Subfolder1_MyWebForm
The solution:
Rename your codefile class Folder1_Subfolder1_MyWebForm
to one corresponding with the new path: Folder1_MyWebForm
All at once - problem solved, no errors reporting..
The type 'Domain.tblUser' is defined in an assembly that is not
referenced. You must add a reference to assembly 'Domain,
Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
Add reference of my domain library layer to my web app libary layer
Note: Make sure your references are correct according to you DI container
In my case this was because I used
Implicit Operator
between BLL and DAL classes.when I want to use BLL Layer In Application Layer I got this error.
I changed
implicit operator
explicit operator
it be OK.
In my case the version of the dll referenced was actually newer than the one that I had before.
I just needed to roll back to the previous release and that fixed it.
I have a similar problem, and I remove the RuntimeFrameworkVersion, and the problem was fixed.
Try to remove 1.1.1 or
My problem was that the Output Type for one of my projects was set to Console Application. To fix this, I right-clicked the project, chose Properties, clicked the Application tab, and change Output Type (from Console Application) to Class Library. After I re-compiled, this error went away.
Clean your solution and rebuild worked for me (in Visual Studio, these are options you get when you right click in your solution explorer), the error is gone in my project.
I'm getting the following error:
error CS1704: An assembly with the same simple name
'Interop.xxx.dll, Version=, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=null has already been imported. Try removing one of the
references or sign them to enable side-by-side.
Everything I've seen says that I am referencing two assemblies with the same name and I need to remove one of them. However, I've checked and I'm only referencing it once.
This also only happens when I'm using msbuild to build from the command line on my dev box. If I build through Visual Studio or do a clean build on our CI server I don't see this error.
I've tried completely removing all of my source and building from scratch to more closely resemble the build machine but no luck.
So it looks like I can't read today!
The project had a reference to the Interop and a COM reference that generated the "same" interop. So there were two and I just didn't search very well. I still don't understand why it worked in other places but this did fix it.
In the Error List window, the project that was triggering this error was listed in the Project column. I got around the error by doing the following:
I unloaded the listed project (right-click => Unload Project)
Opened the XML for edit (right-click the unloaded project => Edit {ProjectName.csproj}).
Searched for the offending .dll, and noticed it was listed multiple times in the XML
Removed the entire Reference tag related to the offending dll, and did so for every copy of the reference except the first one listed
The reason it was listed multiple times was because several referenced libraries used that dll. This shouldn't be a problem, in and of itself, so I'm not sure what caused this error to suddenly pop up for me. I'll update this answer if I figure that out.
In my case the duplicate entry was caused by a NuGet package reference and a direct file reference to the same assembly in the packages folder. I am not sure how the project got into this state, but unloading the project and searching the XML file for the offending assembly name resolved the issue for me.
Note that in my case this started happening after updating a NuGet package to a newer version with no other changes to the project, so this maybe caused by a bug in NuGet.
If this is a web project, are there any strong-named references to the other version there? Those won't show up as a project dependency, but will cause a run-time error like you describe. Hope that helps
I had this problem but in my case, I had an old copy placed in the current folder for the EXE loading my component, that was loaded together with the current one, that was loaded by hand from my projects folder. Deleting that old copy solved my problem.
I used Debug > Windows > Modules window to see which modules were loaded at that time and that solved my problem.
For others facing the same as me: if building via command line using property AssemblyName, it will overwrite all assemblies generated by all solution projects - in other words, you will end up with (N -1) assemblies named the same where N is the no. of projects - the startup one (which generally will generate an exe).
This happens because all build command line properties are global and overwrite any project-specific setting. See this and this.
From the msdn link mentioned above:
Global properties are properties that are set by using the
/property switch on the command line, or properties that are set by
the integrated development environment (IDE) before a project is
built. These global properties are applied to all projects that are
built by using this Engine.
In my specific case, where Jenkins is the CI tool, I ended up adding a windows batch command at the end to rename the .exe only to what I originally intended when passing the AssemblyName parameter.
For those developing UWP projects that have project references that include specifically the Microsoft.Windows.SDK.Contracts nuget package (or other dependencies that reference it), this is a common error when the version of the SDK contracts is targeting a different version of the runtime to how your project is configured.
For instance, when targeting Windows 10, version 1903:
Any dependencies or reference projects should target or at least support the same runtime version.
it is common thought process to update all NuGet packages when a new stable version is available, but this is not always a helpful practise on its own. Just because a new stable version of a package is available does not mean that you should or that you can easily use that version.
Even though this package for SDK contracts has a stable update, it is not compatible with my main project configuration, Nuget does not know this so it allows the update.
This package is specifically designed to provide windows dlls for project types that DO NOT have windows platform targeting support, it copies the same dlls that are included by the UWP targeting config. By installing later versions of the package the references from the satellite project will be included in the output along with those provided due to platform targeting, ultimately causing OPs error.
There are similar SDK and targeting packs for Windows IoT Device Runtimes, this information should help you identify and resolve those issues if you get stuck on this issue as my team often does :)
In my case, the issue was on wrong characters in the ProjectReference section of my csproj file.
I have a project that references another library I maintain, which I publish as a NuGet package.
Whenever I make changes to my library, I usually reference the local dll in my project to test and make sure everything looks good before I publish the library as a NuGet package.
When testing, I just comment out the PackageReference line and uncomment the ProjectReference one so it references my local dll, like so:
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\my-class-library\MyClassLibrary.csproj" />
<!--<PackageReference="MyClassLibrary" Version="2.0.1"/>-->
Root cause
I had the slashes inverted, so I was using / rather than \ in the path, like so:
<ProjectReference Include="../../my-class-library/MyClassLibrary.csproj" />
Once corrected, the issue went away.
Try this instead: remove Interop.xx.dll from the reference section in Solution Explorer and Rebuild the project
In our case this error was shown when we had a duplicate reference inside the .csproj file (although I have no idea how this happened).
The difference to an already posted answer is that, in our case, one was a project reference and another one was direct binary reference to a dll.
Once we removed one of those, project correctly compiled.