I have a list mentioned below.
var fakedata = new Dictionary<Gateway, List<FeMeasurementValues>>()
new Gateway { SiteId = 1, FirmwareVersion = "1.1.1", ConnectivityStatus = GatewayConnectivityStatus.ReadyToConnect },
new List<FeMeasurementValues>() { new FeMeasurementValues { MeasurementName = "MsgLRRID", Values = new List<FeValue> { new FeValue { Value = "FFFF123", Horodate = DateTime.Now } } } }
new Gateway { SiteId = 2, FirmwareVersion = "1.1.2", ConnectivityStatus = GatewayConnectivityStatus.Connected },
new List<FeMeasurementValues>() { new FeMeasurementValues { MeasurementName = "MsgLRRID", Values = new List<FeValue> { new FeValue { Value = "GH67123", Horodate = DateTime.Now } } } }
new Gateway { SiteId = 3, FirmwareVersion = "1.1.3", ConnectivityStatus = GatewayConnectivityStatus.Disconnected },
new List<FeMeasurementValues>() { new FeMeasurementValues { MeasurementName = "MsgLRRID", Values = new List<FeValue> { new FeValue { Value = " ", Horodate = DateTime.Now } } } }
new Gateway { SiteId = 4, FirmwareVersion = "1.1.1", ConnectivityStatus = GatewayConnectivityStatus.Connected },
new List<FeMeasurementValues>() { new FeMeasurementValues { MeasurementName = "MsgLRRID", Values = new List<FeValue> { new FeValue { Value = "SA67123", Horodate = DateTime.Now } } } }
I have two methods
"GetPublicNetworkUsedCount()" which needs to return the count of Value which starts with "FFFF"
So, In this case output should be 1.
"GetPrivateNetworkUsedCount()" which needs to return the count of Value which does not starts with "FFFF" and which includes empty values.
So, In this case output should be 3.
Below is what i have tried:
private static string GetPublicNetworkUsedCount(List<FeValue> values)
var countofPublicNetwork = values.Where(x => x.Value.Any(f => x.Value.StartsWith("FFFF")));
return countofPublicNetwork.Count().ToString();
private static string GetPrivateNetworkUsedCount(List<FeValue> values)
var countofPrivateNetwork = values.Where(x => x.Value.Any(f => !x.Value.StartsWith("FFFF")));
return countofPrivateNetwork.Count().ToString();
I'm getting the wrong output as 0 for GetPublicNetworkUsedCount and 1 for GetPrivateNetworkUsedCount.
Please help me.
x.Value.Any() will return true as soon as the condintion inside is true. which leads to return 1 convertet to a number.
to get alll entries starting with FFFF remove the Any part like:
var countofPublicNetwork = values.Where(x =>x.Value.StartsWith("FFFF"));
you can get the count directly if you substitute .Where() with .Count() like Mark mentioned in his comment.
var countofPublicNetwork = values.Count(x =>x.Value.StartsWith("FFFF"));
You have a List<FeValue>, where each object has a string Value. You are treating the string as a collection and going one step to deep, the .Any( is not needed.
So the check should just be
values.Where(x => x.Value.StartsWith("FFFF")).Count();
Or just
values.Count(x => x.Value.StartsWith("FFFF"));
See comments:
// vv I'd recommend to return int
private static string GetPublicNetworkUsedCount(List<FeValue> values)
{ // vv Any doesn't make sense here: this is a string
var countofPublicNetwork = values.Where(x => x.Value.Any(f => x.Value.StartsWith("FFFF")));
return countofPublicNetwork.Count().ToString();
private static string GetPrivateNetworkUsedCount(List<FeValue> values)
var countofPrivateNetwork = values.Where(x => x.Value.Any(f => !x.Value.StartsWith("FFFF")));
return countofPrivateNetwork.Count().ToString();
So, I'd do something like this:
private static int GetPublicNetworkUsedCount(List<FeValue> values)
=> values.Count(x => x.Value.StartsWith("FFFF"));
private static int GetPrivateNetworkUsedCount(List<FeValue> values)
=> values.Count(x => !x.Value.StartsWith("FFFF"));
The returned int can then be stringyfied if need be.
Maybe I'd even do
public static class FeValueListExtensions
public static int GetPublicNetworkUsedCount(this List<FeValue> values)
=> values.Count(x => x.Value.StartsWith("FFFF"));
public static int GetPrivateNetworkUsedCount(this List<FeValue> values)
=> values.Count(x => !x.Value.StartsWith("FFFF"));
which can then be used as
// Assume we have a List<FeValue> defined as
List<FeValue> feValues = ...
var publicCount = feValues.GetPublicNetworkUsedCount();
I'm trying to understand why this test fails with:
Assert.AreEqual failed. Expected:<37>. Actual:<38>. Context:
Diagnostics of test state Expected diagnostic to end at column "38"
was actually at column "39"
Expected diagnostic:
// /0/Test0.cs(13,9,13,38): warning MaakInitializeNew VerifyCS.Diagnostic().WithSpan(13, 9, 13, 38),
Actual diagnostic:
// /0/Test0.cs(13,9): warning MaakInitializeNew: can be fully initialized VerifyCS.Diagnostic().WithSpan(13, 9, 13, 39),
The test:
public async Task NoPropertiesInitialized_Diagnostic()
await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync(#"
using System;
public class MyClass
public string Name { get; set; }
class Program
static void Main()
[|var myClass = new MyClass { }|];
", #"
using System;
public class MyClass
public string Name { get; set; }
class Program
static void Main()
var myClass = new MyClass { Name = ""Stan"" };
The analyzer code:
public override void Initialize(AnalysisContext context)
// See https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/blob/main/docs/analyzers/Analyzer%20Actions%20Semantics.md for more information
context.RegisterSyntaxNodeAction(AnalyzeNode, SyntaxKind.LocalDeclarationStatement);
private static void AnalyzeNode(SyntaxNodeAnalysisContext context)
var localDeclaration = (LocalDeclarationStatementSyntax)context.Node;
var typeDeclaration = localDeclaration.Declaration.Type;
var symbolInfo = context.SemanticModel.GetSymbolInfo(typeDeclaration);
var typeSymbol = symbolInfo.Symbol;
if(typeSymbol == null)
// Special case: Ensure that 'var' isn't actually an alias to another type. (e.g. using var = System.String).
var aliasInfo = context.SemanticModel.GetAliasInfo(typeDeclaration);
if (aliasInfo != null)
var namedSymbol = context.Compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName(typeSymbol.MetadataName);
if (namedSymbol?.TypeKind != TypeKind.Class)
var hasDefaultConstructor = (namedSymbol?.Constructors)?.SingleOrDefault(c => !c.Parameters.Any()) != null;
var properties = namedSymbol?.GetMembers()
.Where(m => m.Kind == SymbolKind.Property
&& m.DeclaredAccessibility == Accessibility.Public
&& !((IPropertySymbol)m).IsReadOnly
&& !((IPropertySymbol)m).IsStatic)
.Select(m => new
Name = m.Name,
Type = ((IPropertySymbol)m).Type
var hasValidProperties = properties?.Any() != false;
if (!hasValidProperties)
var initializerExpressions = (localDeclaration.Declaration.Variables.FirstOrDefault().Initializer.Value
as ObjectCreationExpressionSyntax)?.Initializer.Expressions.ToList();
var except = properties.Select(p => p.Name)
.Except(initializerExpressions.Select(e => (e as AssignmentExpressionSyntax)?.Left.ToString()))
if(except.Count == 0)
context.ReportDiagnostic(Diagnostic.Create(Rule, context.Node.GetLocation()));
Reporting the correct location fixed it:
context.ReportDiagnostic(Diagnostic.Create(Rule, localDeclaration.Declaration.GetLocation()));
Can anyone help me with this?
Required Output: "Todo job for admin"
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine(ReplaceMacro("{job.Name} job for admin", new Job { Id = 1, Name = "Todo", Description="Nothing" }));
static string ReplaceMacro(string value, Job job)
return value; //Output should be "Todo job for admin"
class Job
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
Two suggestions:
string ReplaceMacro(string value, Job job)
return Regex.Replace(value, #"{(?<exp>[^}]+)}", match => {
return (System.Web.UI.DataBinder.Eval(new { Job = job }, match.Groups["exp"].Value) ?? "").ToString();
Use the Dynamic Query class provided in the MSDN LINQSamples:
string ReplaceMacro(string value, Job job)
return Regex.Replace(value, #"{(?<exp>[^}]+)}", match => {
var p = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Job), "job");
var e = System.Linq.Dynamic.DynamicExpression.ParseLambda(new[] { p }, null, match.Groups["exp"].Value);
return (e.Compile().DynamicInvoke(job) ?? "").ToString();
In my opinion, the Linq.Expression is more powerful, so if you trust the input string, you can do more interesting things, i.e.:
value = "{job.Name.ToUpper()} job for admin"
return = "TODO job for admin"
You can't use string interpolation this way. But you can still use the pre-C#6 way to do it using string.Format:
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine(ReplaceMacro("{0} job for admin", new Job { Id = 1, Name = "Todo", Description = "Nothing" }));
static string ReplaceMacro(string value, Job job)
return string.Format(value, job.Name);
This generic solution Extend the answer provided by #Dan
It can be used for any typed object.
install System.Linq.Dynamic
Install-Package System.Linq.Dynamic -Version 1.0.7
string ReplaceMacro(string value, object #object)
return Regex.Replace(value, #"{(.+?)}",
match => {
var p = Expression.Parameter(#object.GetType(), #object.GetType().Name);
var e = System.Linq.Dynamic.DynamicExpression.ParseLambda(new[] { p }, null, match.Groups[1].Value);
return (e.Compile().DynamicInvoke(#object) ?? "").ToString();
See a working demo for a Customer type
You could use RazorEngine:
using RazorEngine;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine(ReplaceMacro("#Model.Name job for admin", new Job { Id = 1, Name = "Todo", Description="Nothing" }));
static string ReplaceMacro(string value, Job job)
return Engine.Razor.RunCompile(value, "key", typeof(Job), job);
It even supports Anonymous Types and method calls:
string template = "Hello #Model.Name. Today is #Model.Date.ToString(\"MM/dd/yyyy\")";
var model = new { Name = "Matt", Date = DateTime.Now };
string result = Engine.Razor.RunCompile(template, "key", null, model);
Little late to the party! Here is the one I wrote -
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
public static class AmitFormat
//Regex to match keywords of the format {variable}
private static readonly Regex TextTemplateRegEx = new Regex(#"{(?<prop>\w+)}", RegexOptions.Compiled);
/// <summary>
/// Replaces all the items in the template string with format "{variable}" using the value from the data
/// </summary>
/// <param name="templateString">string template</param>
/// <param name="model">The data to fill into the template</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string FormatTemplate(this string templateString, object model)
if (model == null)
return templateString;
PropertyInfo[] properties = model.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
if (!properties.Any())
return templateString;
return TextTemplateRegEx.Replace(
match =>
PropertyInfo property = properties.FirstOrDefault(propertyInfo =>
propertyInfo.Name.Equals(match.Groups["prop"].Value, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
if (property == null)
return string.Empty;
object value = property.GetValue(model, null);
return value == null ? string.Empty : value.ToString();
Example -
string format = "{foo} is a {bar} is a {baz} is a {qux} is a really big {fizzle}";
var data = new { foo = 123, bar = true, baz = "this is a test", qux = 123.45, fizzle = DateTime.UtcNow };
Compared with other implementations given by Phil Haack and here are the results for the above example -
AmitFormat took 0.03732 ms
Hanselformat took 0.09482 ms
OskarFormat took 0.1294 ms
JamesFormat took 0.07936 ms
HenriFormat took 0.05024 ms
HaackFormat took 0.05914 ms
Wrap the string in a function...
var f = x => $"Hi {x}";
//... Hi Mum!
You need named string format replacement. See Phil Haack's post from years ago: http://haacked.com/archive/2009/01/04/fun-with-named-formats-string-parsing-and-edge-cases.aspx/
Not exactly but with bit tweek, I have created generic interpolation which support fields / property only.
public static string Interpolate(this string template, params Expression<Func<object, string>>[] values)
string result = template;
values.ToList().ForEach(x =>
MemberExpression member = x.Body as MemberExpression;
string oldValue = $"{{{member.Member.Name}}}";
string newValue = x.Compile().Invoke(null).ToString();
result = result.Replace(oldValue, newValue);
return result;
Test case
string jobStr = "{Name} job for admin";
var d = new { Id = 1, Name = "Todo", Description = "Nothing" };
var result = jobStr.Interpolate(x => d.Name);
string sourceString = "I wanted abc as {abc} and {dateTime} and {now}";
var abc = "abcIsABC";
var dateTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString();
var now = DateTime.Now.ToString();
string result = sourceString.Interpolate(x => abc, x => dateTime, x => now);
Starting from the accepted answer I created a generic extension method:
public static string Replace<T>(this string template, T value)
return Regex.Replace(template, #"{(?<exp>[^}]+)}", match => {
var p = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), typeof(T).Name);
var e = System.Linq.Dynamic.Core.DynamicExpressionParser.ParseLambda(new[] { p }, null, match.Groups["exp"].Value);
return (e.Compile().DynamicInvoke(value) ?? "").ToString();
Answer from #ThePerplexedOne is better, but if you really need to avoid string interpolation, so
static string ReplaceMacro(string value, Job job)
return value?.Replace("{job.Name}", job.Name); //Output should be "Todo job for admin"
You should change your function to:
static string ReplaceMacro(Job obj, Func<dynamic, string> function)
return function(obj);
And call it:
new Job { Id = 1, Name = "Todo", Description = "Nothing" },
x => $"{x.Name} job for admin"));
If you really need this, you can do it using Roslyn, create string – class implementation like
var stringToInterpolate = "$#\"{{job.Name}} job for admin\"";
var sourceCode = $#"
using System;
class RuntimeInterpolation(Job job)
public static string Interpolate() =>
then make an assembly
var assembly = CompileSourceRoslyn(sourceCode);
var type = assembly.GetType("RuntimeInterpolation");
var instance = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
var result = (string) type.InvokeMember("Interpolate",
BindingFlags.Default | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, instance, new object[] {new Job { Id = 1, Name = "Todo", Description="Nothing" }});
you'll get this code by runtime and you'll get your result (also you'll need to attach link to your job class to that assembly)
using System;
class RuntimeInterpolation(Job job)
public static string Interpolate() =>
$#"{job.Name} job for admin";
You can read about how to implement CompileSourceRoslyn here Roslyn - compiling simple class: "The type or namespace name 'string' could not be found..."
Wondering no one has mentioned mustache-sharp. Downloadable via Nuget.
string templateFromSomewhere = "url: {{Url}}, Name:{{Name}}";
FormatCompiler compiler = new FormatCompiler();
Generator generator = compiler.Compile(templateFromSomewhere);
string result = generator.Render(new
Name = "Bob",
});//"url: https://google.com, Name:Bob"
More examples could be found here, at the unit testing file.
The implementation I'd come up with very similar to giganoide's allowing callers to substitute the name used in the template for the data to interpolate from. This can accommodate things like feeding it anonymous types. It will used the provided interpolateDataAs name if provided, otherwise if it isn't an anonymous type it will default to the type name, otherwise it expects "data". (or specifically the name of the property) It's written as an injectable dependency but should still work as an extension method.
public interface ITemplateInterpolator
/// <summary>
/// Attempt to interpolate the provided template string using
/// the data provided.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Templates may want to use a meaninful interpolation name
/// like "enquiry.FieldName" or "employee.FieldName" rather than
/// "data.FieldName". Use the interpolateDataAs to pass "enquiry"
/// for example to substitute the default "data" prefix.
/// </remarks>
string? Interpolate<TData>(string template, TData data, string? interpolateDataAs = null) where TData : class;
public class TemplateInterpolator : ITemplateInterpolator
/// <summary>
/// <see cref="ITemplateInterpolator.Interpolate(string, dynamic, string)"/>
/// </summary>
string? ITemplateInterpolator.Interpolate<TData>(string template, TData data, string? interpolateDataAs)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(template))
return template;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(interpolateDataAs))
interpolateDataAs = !typeof(TData).IsAnonymousType() ? typeof(TData).Name : nameof(data);
var parsed = Regex.Replace(template, #"{(?<exp>[^}]+)}", match =>
var param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TData), interpolateDataAs);
var e = System.Linq.Dynamic.Core.DynamicExpressionParser.ParseLambda(new[] { param }, null, match.Groups["exp"].Value);
return (e.Compile().DynamicInvoke(data) ?? string.Empty).ToString();
return parsed;
For detecting the anonymous type:
public static bool IsAnonymousType(this Type type)
if (type.IsGenericType)
var definition = type.GetGenericTypeDefinition();
if (definition.IsClass && definition.IsSealed && definition.Attributes.HasFlag(TypeAttributes.NotPublic))
var attributes = definition.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(CompilerGeneratedAttribute), false);
return (attributes != null && attributes.Length > 0);
return false;
Test Suite:
public class WhenInterpolatingATemplateString
public void ThenEmptyValueReturedWhenNoTemplateProvided(string? template)
ITemplateInterpolator testInterpolator = new TemplateInterpolator();
var testData = new TestData { Id = 14, Name = "Test" };
var result = testInterpolator.Interpolate(template!, testData);
Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(template));
public void ThenTheTypeNameIsUsedForTheDataReferenceForDefinedClasses()
ITemplateInterpolator testInterpolator = new TemplateInterpolator();
var testData = new TestData { Id = 14, Name = "Test" };
string template = "This is a record named \"{TestData.Name}\" with an Id of {testdata.Id}."; // case insensitive.
string expected = "This is a record named \"Test\" with an Id of 14.";
var result = testInterpolator.Interpolate(template, testData);
Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(expected));
public void ThenTheDefaultNameIsUsedForTheDataReferenceForAnonymous()
ITemplateInterpolator testInterpolator = new TemplateInterpolator();
var testData = new { Id = 14, Name = "Test" };
string template = "This is a record named \"{data.Name}\" with an Id of {data.Id}.";
string expected = "This is a record named \"Test\" with an Id of 14.";
var result = testInterpolator.Interpolate(template, testData);
Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(expected));
public void ThenTheProvidedDataReferenceNameOverridesTheTypeName()
ITemplateInterpolator testInterpolator = new TemplateInterpolator();
var testData = new TestData { Id = 14, Name = "Test" };
string template = "This is a record named \"{otherData.Name}\" with an Id of {otherData.Id}.";
string expected = "This is a record named \"Test\" with an Id of 14.";
var result = testInterpolator.Interpolate(template, testData, "otherData");
Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(expected));
public void ThenExceptionIsThrownWhenTemplateReferencesUnknownDataValues()
ITemplateInterpolator testInterpolator = new TemplateInterpolator();
var testData = new TestData { Id = 14, Name = "Test" };
string template = "This is a record named \"{testData.Name}\" with an Id of {testData.Id}. {testData.ExtraDetails}";
Assert.Throws<ParseException>(() => { var result = testInterpolator.Interpolate(template, testData, "testData"); });
public void ThenDataFormattingExpressionsAreApplied()
ITemplateInterpolator testInterpolator = new TemplateInterpolator();
var testData = new { Id = 14, Name = "Test", IsActive = true, EffectiveDate = DateTime.Today };
string template = "The active state is {data.IsActive?\"Yes\":\"No\"}, Effective {data.EffectiveDate.ToString(\"yyyy-MM-dd\")}";
string expected = "The active state is Yes, Effective " + DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
var result = testInterpolator.Interpolate(template, testData);
Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(expected));
private class TestData
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
I really don't understand the point of your ReplaceMacro method...
But here's how it should work:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var job = new Job { Id = 1, Name = "Todo", Description = "Nothing" };
Console.WriteLine($"{job.Name} job for admin");
But if you really want the dynamic feel to it, your ReplaceMacro method should just take one parameter, which is the job:
static string ReplaceMacro(Job job)
return $"{job.Name} job for admin.";
And use it like:
var job = new Job { Id = 1, Name = "Todo", Description = "Nothing" };
Or something to that effect.
I am running a self-hosted NancyFX web server inside of my application. Right now I have one module hosted:
public class MetricsModule : NancyModule
private IStorageEngine _storageEngine;
public MetricsModule(IStorageEngine storageEngine) : base("/metrics")
_storageEngine = storageEngine;
Get["/list"] = parameters =>
var metrics = _storageEngine.GetKnownMetrics();
return Response.AsJson(metrics.ToArray());
Get["/query"] = parameters =>
var rawStart = parameters.start;
var rawEnd = parameters.end;
var metrics = parameters.metrics;
return Response.AsJson(0);
My Bootstrapper class is:
public class OverlookBootStrapper : DefaultNancyBootstrapper
private readonly IStorageEngine _storageEngine;
public OverlookBootStrapper(IStorageEngine storageEngine)
_storageEngine = storageEngine;
protected override void ConfigureApplicationContainer(TinyIoCContainer container)
I am trying to test it with the following test:
public void Init()
_storageEngine = new Mock<IStorageEngine>();
var bootstrapper = new OverlookBootStrapper(_storageEngine.Object);
_browser = new Browser(bootstrapper);
public void Query_Builds_Correct_Query_From_Parameters()
var metric = new Metric("device", "category", "name", "suffix");
var startDate = DateTime.Now;
var endDate = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(10);
var path = "/metrics/query";
var response = _browser.Get(path, with =>
with.Query("start", startDate.ToString());
with.Query("end", endDate.ToString());
with.Query("metrics", metric.ToParsableString());
Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.OK, response.StatusCode, "Incorrect status code returned");
_storageEngine.Verify(x => x.ExecuteQuery(It.Is<Query>(y => y.StartDate == startDate)), Times.Once());
_storageEngine.Verify(x => x.ExecuteQuery(It.Is<Query>(y => y.EndDate == endDate)), Times.Once());
_storageEngine.Verify(x => x.ExecuteQuery(It.Is<Query>(y => y.Metrics.Contains(metric))), Times.Once());
When this test is debugged and a breakpoint is put on return Response.AsJson(0);, I inspected the parameters object and noticed that parameters.Count is zero, and all 3 values are null.
What am I doing incorrectly?
Edit: When I bring up this endpoint in the web browser, the same issue occurs. I get a result of 0 sent back to my browser, but when debugging I see that no query string parameters I specify have been recognized by NancyFX.
The parameters argument to your lambda contains the route parameters you captured in the in your Get["/query"]. In this case nothing. See #thecodejunkie's comment for an example where there is something.
To get to the query paramters use Request.Query. That's also a dynamic and will contain whatever query parameters was in the request. Like so:
Get["/query"] = parameters =>
var rawStart = Request.Query.start;
var rawEnd = Request.Query.end;
var metrics = Request.Query.metrics;
return Response.AsJson(0);
This should work with your tests too.
You can let NancyFx's model binding take care of the url query string.
public class RequestObject
public string Start { get; set; }
public string End { get; set; }
public string Metrics { get; set; }
Get["/query"] = x =>
var request = this.Bind<RequestObject>();